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Just for today, I will let go of anger


First Degree Workshop Manual

M. Sean Miles Dahlen

Reiki Master/TeacherIntroduction to Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word that is commonly translated as universal energy (Rei = universal, Ki = Energy). It is also used to describe the system that enables us to access this energy for healing and other purposes. Reiki energy is different from the energy used in other systems. It is not bio-energy or Prana that is used, but rather it is a non-polarized energy form with a definite consciousness and a presence.First Degree Reiki is primarily a hands-on healing system. It differs from other healing systems in several ways. Unlike many other systems, it is not your energy that you are using; you are simply a channel for the Reiki energy. Additionally, while most other healing systems are used for healing others, the Reiki can also be used for self-healing and personal growth.

The beauty of Reiki is both its power and simplicity. You dont need any special knowledge, skills, or ability. All you need is the intention to channel the healing energy and it flows through your hands. Intention is the key to Reiki!The Reiki Attunement

You dont learn Reiki in the traditional sense, but rather you are attuned to it by a Reiki master/teacher. The attunement process may be likened to tuning a radio to a particular station. In our natural state, most of us are not tuned to the relevant frequency to access Reiki energy. The Reiki attunement adjusts us so that we receive the energy clearly. Another analogy is that of a tube or channel through which energy flows; the Reiki attunement expands the tube allowing the energy to flow more freely. The idea of an attunement increasing the flow of energy is supported by many healers who have used other systems of energy healing prior to being attuned to Reiki. Many report that after the attunement they feel the energy flow much more strongly and distinctly. It is said that an attunement increases the vibratory rate of the energy field of the body. One effect of this is that it clears out mental/emotional blockages and other impurities from the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. In First Degree Reiki, this effect is thought to be at a physical level, which can result in a purification process as the body expels negative energy. This purification process can appear as minor illness of short duration. This can take various forms such as a slight fever, headache, aches, pains, nausea, etc. In the higher level attunements of Second and third Degree Reiki, the purification tends to be more in the form of mental/emotional purification, although all forms of purification can occur at any level. Many students do not experience purification, but if you do, remember that it is only temporary and will pass quickly. If it does occur, it will begin during the first few days following attunement. Any reaction that does follow is simply your bodys attempt to rid itself of unwanted junk. Remember that to purify means to make pure. Experiencing Reiki Energy

People experience Reiki in many ways. For some, it may be a profound radiance spreading through the body. For others, it may be a warm or cool sensation, a tingling, a wave of energy, a sense of deep all-pervading calm, or simply a feeling of deep relaxation.

Reiki works to deeply relax the body and relieve deep-seated stress, often producing pronounced reduction in the symptoms of illness, and in some cases, spontaneous healing. Reiki works on the physical, emotional, and mental levels of our being.Where did Reiki come from?

Reiki was rediscovered in the 19th century by a Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist healer. He found the key to the Reiki healing in an ancient Tibetan manuscript. He opened his first reiki clinic around 1903 and healed and taught many people until his death in 1926. One of those he taught was Dr. Hayashi, who opened a clinic in Tokyo. Dr. Hayashi is credited as the person who brought reiki to the West. He visited a former patient, a Mrs. Takata, who he trained in the Reiki system. Mrs. Takata subsequently trained around 20 teachers, and from these Reiki has spread around the world.

B. How to Use ReikiUsing Reiki to treat yourselfAs mentioned above, reiki can be used for your own healing and development. A traditional Reiki treatment uses a series of hand positions that are designed to apply Reiki energy to the whole body. Apart from healing specific illnesses or injuries, regular Reiki treatments promote personal growth and development. You become more relaxed, things dont seem to bother you as much. And you tend to look at the world in a different way.Usually a Reiki self-treatment lasts around one hour. However, remember that some Reiki is better than no Reiki. Even if you just place your hands on your body before you fall asleep and intend that Reiki flows, then you are giving yourself a Reiki treatment.

Guidelines for Self-Treatment

1. You need to practice Reiki in a place where you can feel relaxed; a place that is quiet, and you wont be disturbed. If you have some music that you find relaxing, then play it. Incense or aromatherapy oil can also help to induce a state of relaxation.

2. Remove jewelry from fingers, wrists, and ankles. Also, remove your belt. Jewelry and belts can often interfere with the flow of subtle energy.

3. Some of the hand positions can become uncomfortable after a while. Use cushions to support your arms. It is important that you feel perfectly comfortable.

4. Lie down, close your eyes, and be conscious of the contact between your body and the surface you are lying on. Starting with the contact between your heels and the surface, move your awareness up your body: your legs, back, shoulders, arms, and head.

5. Bring your awareness to your breathing. Each time you breathe out, completely exhale, allowing all the air out of your lungs. Do this for a few minutes before you commence the treatment. Also, if you find it useful, you may focus on the breathing during the treatment.

6. Move your hands slowly and consciously to the first hand position (hands on the face). Focus on the flow of energy from your hands.

7. Hand positions are usually held for around 3-5 minutes, but if you feel like moving on to the next position, then do so. When you move from one hand position to another, do so slowly and with complete awareness of the movement. This will help to maintain a sense of calm and relaxation throughout the treatment.

8. In some positions you will find your awareness of the feelings or sensations of Reiki energy stronger than in others. You may wish to maintain that hand position for a longer period.

9. When you have completed the treatment, spend a short time sensing and feeling the effects of the treatment. Remember that Reiki works on a physical, mental, and emotional level.

Other Hand PositionsApart from the traditional hand positions, there are several others you can experiment with. You might also try these positions as a short healing sequence spending 5-10 minutes on each position.

Frontal/Occipital Positions: Place you right hand on the back of your head, and the other on your forehead. This position is used for stress, anxiety, and headaches.

Head and Hara Position: Left hand is placed on the forehead, and right is placed on the lower abdomen. This has a calming and balancing effect.

Heart and Hara Position: Right hand is placed over the heart, and the left over the lower abdomen. Also has a calming effect useful for emotional disturbances.

Using Reiki to treat others

When you treat another person, it is important to remember that it is not you doing the healing. You are just a channel for the energy like a rubber hose or a piece of hollow bamboo. Just place your hands on the person and intend that the energy flows. If it is the persons first treatment, take time to explain what Reiki is, and allow time for any questions the person may have.

A treatment may last anywhere from one to one and a half hours, and can be as often as daily or weekly. As a general practice guideline, it is best to give 3-4 treatments on a daily basis. There may be no effect after the first two treatments. Remember that the Reiki energy builds. On the other hand, there may be spontaneous healing after the first treatment.

Sometimes you may treat a person for a particular illness or injury, and it appears not to work apart from the person feeling more calm and relaxed. Reiki always goes to where it is needed most, so you may treat an injured leg, and the Reiki works on a state of deep depression or another illness that is not yet obvious. In other cases, the person may, on a deep subconscious level, not want to be healed. If you are treating a person and you are not getting any results, get them to meditate on being healed, and how their life would changewhat would it feel like to be healed?Another reason reiki does not seem to work in the way we intend is because we are too attached to the outcome of the healing. In all cases it is important not to be too attached to the outcome. Simply give for the sake of giving and allow the process the time it needs.

Guidelines for treating others

1. The treatment space should be quiet, relaxing, and free from disturbances.

2. Soft relaxing music, incense or burning aromatherapy oils can enhance the experience of relaxation, but make sure the person likes the music and fragrance you have chosen. Ideally, have a choice of music and fragrances. Remember that some people can be very sensitive to these things, and you are trying to induce relaxation.

3. Ask the client to remove belts, rings, and any jewelry from the wrists or ankles as these may interfere with the flow of healing energy.

4. Make sure the client is comfortable. During a treatment, the persons body temperature may drop making them feel cold. You can place a blanket over them, but make sure it is made from a natural fiber such as wool as synthetics can often interfere with subtle energy.5. Ask the client to close their eyes and focus on the contact between their body and the surface they are lying on. Move up the body asking the person to focus on the contact between the heels and the surface, legs, back, etc.

6. Get the client to focus on their breathing, and ask them to completely exhale with each out breath, letting all the air out of the lungs before they inhale. These last two steps are simple, but bring the person into a state of relaxation very quickly.

7. Place the hands in the various hand positions. You can place the hands either on or slightly over the position. In some of the sensitive areas of the body, it is essential not to place the hands on the body.

8. Whenever you change hand positions, always leave one hand on the body. This is very comforting to the person and lets them know you are still there.

9. During the treatment, try to keep your mind clear and focused on healing, imagining the energy flowing through you. It is sometimes useful to imagine the energy as soft white or gold light.

10. At the completion of the treatment, let the person know the treatment is finished. Tell them to slowly open their eyes when they are ready.

11. Afterwards wash your hands to remove any negative energy.

Reiki Chair treatments

Simple Chair TreatmentSometimes you may not have access to a massage table, or do not feel comfortable working on a mat on the floor. In these cases, you can give a very effective treatment using a chair or stool.

The most simple and common Reiki treatment is to have the person sit on a chair, stand behind them, and place the hands on the shoulders. Ideally this treatment should last at least 10-15 minutes.

Seated Chakra Treatment

The following positions are held for around 5 minutes. It is important not to place the hands on the front of the body as this can be very intrusive for most people.1. Standing behind the person, place the hands on the shoulders.

2. Place the hands about an inch or two over the persons head like a halo.

3. Move to the left side of the person, and place the right hand at the back of the head, and the left hand on or slightly off the forehead.

4. Place the right hand at the back of the neck, and the left hand in front of the throat.

5. Place the right hand on the middle of the back, and the left hand in front of the heart.

6. Place the right hand on the back in line with the navel, and the left hand in front of the navel.

7. Place the right hand on the sacrum, and the left hand in front of the lower abdomen.

8. Place both hands on the feet.

Polarity PulsingPolarity pulsing combines Polarity Therapy and Holistic Pulsing with Reiki creating a very simple but powerful healing. Remember to always treat from the left side of the body and stop the pulsing very slowly. Never stop suddenly as this can be very uncomfortable and ruins the effect of the treatment. Once you have stopped, leave the hands in place for a few minutes as this is when the flow of energy occurs.1. Sacral Pulse: The person lies face down. You are on their left side. Place you right hand on the sacrum and the left hand over the point where the neck joins the back. Commence the pulsing movement with the right hand for at least 10 minutes, focusing on the Reiki flowing through the hands.

2. Abdominal Pulsing: The person lies on their back. You are on their left side. Place your right hand on the lower abdomen and the left hand on the forehead. Commence pulsing with the right hand. Continue the pulsing movement with the right hand for at least 10 minutes, focusing on the Reiki flowing through the hands.

Intuitive Approach to HealingOne of the effects of Reiki is that our intuitive ability starts to increase. Whenever we are doing healing we are constantly being given information on what is needed, however we are often not aware of our inner guidance, or we do not trust it. Most often it is just a vague feeling that we should do this or that during a healing session. Learning to listen to and trusting this guide is the basis of intuitive healing. The most basic decision is knowing when to stay in a position and when to move on. This is the easiest way to practice and tune into our inner voice. Just ask should I stay in this hand position, or should I move on? and see what feelings or sensations arise. The more you practice this, the more you become sensitive to your intuition, and the more you begin to trust it.Scanning: Hold your hands just above the persons body, and tune into the person. Sense your energetic connection with them. Then move your hands slowly over the body keeping them just above the body. You may feel sensations or tingling, warmth or coolness in certain areas, or you may be simply guided to stop here or go there. Stay in the spot until you feel you need to move on.

Take the time to develop your intuition in healing. It will give your Reiki healing a much more powerful and rewarding dimension.

Other Uses for Reiki

The uses for Reiki are only limited by our imagination. Wherever you want positive healing energy to be, just place your hands there. The general rule for Reiki is that it increases the positive and reduces the negative.

First Aid: Reiki is an ideal first aid treatment. Apart form speeding up the healing process, it relaxes and clams the person. First treat the injury with traditional first aid procedures, and then apply Reiki. Place the hands on or over the injury for as long as possible, but at least 10-15 minutes. In the case of burns, imagine the energy as a cool blue light.

Potted Plants: Place your hands around the pot for about 30 minutes.

Crystals: Crystals have the ability to absorb and hold Reiki energy, and the Reiki enhances their effect. Cleanse the crystal by washing it in salt water, then place it between your hands for 15-30 minutes.

Pets: Animals seem to respond to Reiki very well. For most animals, place one hand on the chest, and the other behind the neck.Food: Putting Reiki into your food enhances the goodness of our food. Just place your hands over your food for a few moments before you eat, imagining the Reiki energy going into the food. You can also include a prayer of thanks such as saying grace.

The energy of the person cooking the food is absorbed into the food: Angry cook angry food. When eating in restaurants, for example, using reiki can remove any bad energy from the person preparing the food. If you dont want to be obvious in a restaurant, then just place your hands under the table below the plate.

Reiki Principles based on Dr. Mikao Usuis teaching:

Just for today, I will let go of anger

Just for today, I will let go of worry

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings

Just for today, I will do my work honestly

Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing

Other Resources


Reiki Universal Life Energy, Bodo Baginiski and Shalila Sharamon, 1997, Jain Publishers

Reiki The Healing Touch: First and Second Degree Manual, William Rand, Jain Publishers

Essential Reiki, Diane Stein

Reiki Fire, Frank Arjava Petter

Internet Visit my teacher, David, in Rishikesh, [email protected] You can always reach me, Sean, here with any questions.

Or check out my site *This Manuals original outline D. Swann and U. Sharma, 2003*

Appendix: Hand Positions for Reiki HealingHand Positions for Self-Treatment

Position 1Place the hands over the face with the fingers at the top of the forehead and the hands touching.Position 2Place the hands on the top of the head with the fingers touching, but not overlapping. Palms are close to the top of the ears.

Position 2BThis is an alternate position for #2. Place the hands on the sides of the head over the ears.Position 3Place the hands on the back of the head with the base of the palms at the base of the skull.

Position 4Place the right hand over the throat and the left hand over the heart.Position 5Place both hands over the shoulders close to the neck.

Position 6Place the hands with the fingers touching over the upper stomach just below the lowest rib.Position 7Place the hands over the middle stomach with the fingers touching at the navel.

Position 8Place the hands on the lower stomach with the base of the hands near or on the hip bones and the finger tips over the pubic bone.Position 9Place the hands on the middle back with the fingers touching.

Position 10Place the hands on the lower back with the finger tips over the sacrum.

Position 11Hold the left foot with both hands in a way that is comfortable.

Position 12

Hold the right foot with both hands in a way that is comfortable.Position 13

Hold the right foot with the right hand and the left foot with the left hand in a way that is comfortable.

Position 13B

Hold the right foot with the left hand and the left foot with the right hand in a way that is comfortable.

Hand Positions for Treating Others:

Position 1

Hands are together with thumbs touching. Carefully curve the hands so that the palms do not touch the eyes or eyelashes. Slowly place the base of the hands on top of the forehead with the fingers gently resting on the cheeks. If your hands sweat, place a tissue over the eyes.Position 2

Place the hands on each side of the head cupped over the ears with the fingers pointing toward the feet.

Position 2B

This position can be used in addition to, or instead of position #2. Let your intuition guide you. Place the base of your hands together, and rest them on the crown of the head with the fingers extending toward the ears.Position 3

Gently cradle the head in your hands. The hands are touching and the fingers are at the base of the skull.

Position 4

Place the hands over the collar bone with the fingers pointing toward the feet and the thumbs under the neck.Position 4B

This is an alternate position. Add it if there is a problem in this area, or if your intuition guides you to use it. The hands are under the chin and over the throat. One hand is over the other. Use very light pressure.

Position 5

Place the left hand under the neck and the right hand over the heartHand Position for Abdominal Section

Place the fingers of one hand at the back of the other hand; either hand on top is ok.

Position 6

Place the hands on the upper stomach along the ribs.Position 7

Place the hands on the middle of the stomach across the navel area.

Position 8

Place the hands on the lower stomach across the hip bones.Position 9

Hold the right foot with both hands in a way that is comfortable for you.

Position 10

Hold the left foot with both hands in a way that is comfortable for you.Position 11

Hold both feet in a way that is comfortable for you. You may feel guided to place your palms on the bottom of the feet.

*If you have used 3 to 10 minutes for each position, the session will have lasted between 45 minutes and an hour and a half up to this point. Continue with the back if the client has back problems, or if your intuition indicates to treat the back. Remember: Reiki directs itself and will often flow to places beyond where your hands are positioned. The back often receives Reiki when treating other parts of the body, especially when treating the feet.

Position 12

Place the hands on the upper back.Position 13

Using the same hand alignment for the stomach as illustrated, place the hands on the upper back.

Position 14Place the hands on the middle back.Position 15Place the hands on the middle back.

Position 15B

This is an alternative position and can be used if you feel guided to use it. Place the right hand on the back of the heart and the left on the base of the spine. You may also be compelled to place the right hand on the crown of the head.

Hand Positions for Aura Treatments

A complete treatment can be given to yourself or others with the hands 1-4 from the body using the standard hand positions. Because the hands are in the aura, the reiki first treats the aura before entering the physical body. Illness exists first in the aura before manifesting in the physical body. Treating through the aura will help prevent physical illness before it develops.

The Reiki energies will act in a different, often more powerful, way when using this technique. They will easily travel through the aura to other parts of the energy field; often flowing through and surrounding several areas at once, filling them with warm, loving, nurturing energy before entering the physical body at the places it is needed.

Many people find this method to be more effective, while others prefer physical contact. You can use one or the other or mix the two. Simply allow your intuition to guide you in deciding where to use physical contact and where to treat through the aura.

In some areas, one must be a licensed medical doctor or have a massage license in order to touch the physical body. If that is the case and you dont have a license, then it is recommended that you do the complete treatment without touching.

Position 1

If holding your feet is difficult, beam Reiki to them.Position 2

This is similar to position #2. Try the other positions and notice the difference.

Position 3

Use this position to beam Reiki to your head, neck, and shoulders. You can direct the beam by changing the angle of your hands. In addition to healing your upper body, it will also sill the upper aura with vibrant, healing colorsvery powerful!Position 4

Healing the connection between Crown and Solar Plexus Chakras.