





Jeppiaar Nagar, Old Mamallapuram Road, Chennai - 600 119.Ph : 044-2450 1644/2450 0813 Fax : 044-2450 2344

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These Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) provide informationto prospective research scholars about the Ph.D programmes in different branches

of Engineering, Technology and Science and Humanities at Sathyabama Institute ofScience & Technology, Deemed University, Chennai.

Course work tends to sharpen logical skills while research work emphasizes both

intuitive and logical skills. Indeed , it is the confirmation of intuition by logic that is areliable route to research and understanding.

Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Deemed University’s activities are

aimed at developing excellence in Science & Technology through competitiveacademic and research environment, linkages with the industry and leadingacademic and research institutions. It aims and seeks to become a World Class

University to contribute towards teaching, research, extension and industrycollaboration.

Consistent with the high standard of excellence aimed by the University, the facultycomprises of a team of carefully selected and highly qualified and dedicated persons,who have a proven record of meritorious accomplishments to their credit. In addition

to the 18 departments covering a wide spectrum of Engineering, Technology andScience and Humanities specializations, we also have a number of Centres ofResearch .

I take this opportunity to invite prospective candidates to join Sathyabama Instituteof Science & Technology, Deemed University and realize their dream of distinguishingthemselves in a research career.




Jeppiaar Nagar, Old Mamallapuram Road, Chennai - 600 119.! Admn. Of fice : 2450 16 44, 2450 08 13 * Fa x : 2450 23 44

E-mail : [email protected] Web si te




1. Dr. T.R.Natesan - ChairmanFormer Vice - Chancellor,Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University)

2. Dr.N. Manoharan - Member SecretaryDean (P.G. & Research),Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

3. Dr.S.Sathikh - MemberFormer Vice - Chancellor,University of Madras, Chennai.

4. Dr.A.Kalanidhi - MemberFormer Vice - Chancellor,Anna University, Chennai.

5. Dr.P.E. Sankaranarayanan - MemberDean,Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

6. Dr.B.G. Sangameshwar - MemberFormer Advisor,All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.

7. Dr. Ponnammal Natarajan - MemberFormer Dean (Academic Research)Anna University, Chennai.

8. Dr.B. Nagalingam - MemberProfessor, IC Engines Laboratory,Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai.

9. Dr. C.R. Muthukrishnan - MemberProfessor, Dept. of Computer Science,Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai.

10. Dr.P. Thambidurai - MemberProfessor & Head, Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry.

11. Dr.S. Kuppuswami - MemberProfessor & Head, Dept. of Computer SciencePondicherry University, Pondicherry.

12. Dr.S.RajaPandian - MemberPrincipal, Panimalar Engineering College,Bangalore Trunk Road, Varadharajapuram,Nazarethpet, Poonamallee - 602 103.

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“Ph.D Regulations” i

“Ph.D Regulations”

Sathyabama Deemed University

13. Prof. Jolly Abraham - MemberPrincipal, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering,Jeppiaar Nagar, Chennai.

14. Dr.V.Lakshminarayana - MemberPrincipal,Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai.

15. Dr.Hansa Lysander Manohar - MemberPrincipal, St. Mary’s School of Management Studies,Jeppiaar Nagar, Chennai.

16. Dr.D.Madhavan - MemberProfessor, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engg.Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

17. Dr.G.Lakshmi - MemberProfessor & Head, Dept. of Bio Technology,Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

18. Dr.Soundarajan Krishnan - MemberProfessor, Dept. of Chemical EngineeringSathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

19. Dr.N. Thangavel - MemberProfessor, Dept. of Business AdministrationSathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

20. Dr.B.Durgaprasad - MemberProfessor, Dept. of Mechanical EngineeringSathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

21. Dr.P.K.Singh - MemberAssistant Professor, Dept. of M.Sc (Electronics)Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

22. Dr.M.A.Durairangasamy - MemberProfessor, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engg.Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

23. Dr.A.Nageswara Rao - MemberProfessor & Head, Dept. of ChemistrySathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.

24. Dr.A.Sheik Mideen - MemberProfessor, Dept. of ChemistrySathyabama Deemed University, Chennai.



Sathyabama Deemed University

“Ph.D Regulations”


Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering" Computer Science & Engineering" Information Technology

Faculty of Electronics Engineering" Electronics & Communication Engineering" Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering" Electronics & Control Engineering

Faculty of Electrical Engineering" Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering" Mechanical Engineering" Mechanical & Production Engineering

Faculty of Bio-Technology" Bio-Technology" Bio-Informatics" Bio-Medical Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering & Architecture" Civil Engineering" Architecture

Faculty of Chemical Engineering" Chemical Engineering" Environmental Engineering

Faculty of Business Administration" Master of Business Administration

Faculty of Science & Humanities" English" Mathematics" Physics" Chemistry" Computer Applications" Interdisciplinary


1. Eligibility 1

2. Categories of Ph.D. Candidatesand Place of Research 1

3. Registration Procedure 3

4. Research Supervisors andNumber of Candidates 4

5. Duration of the Ph.D Programme 6

6. Doctoral Committee 7

7. Prescription of Course work andComprehension Examination 8

8. Monitoring the Progress of Candidates 10

9. Cancellation of Registration 10

10. Synopsis of Thesis 11

11. Submission of Thesis 11

12. Thesis Evaluation 12

13. Oral Examination 15

14. Award of Ph.D. Degree 15

15. Publication of Thesis 16

16. Power to Modify 16

ANNEXURE I :- Semester Progress Report

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“Ph.D Regulations” iv


1. Eligibilityi) A candidate possessing Master’s Degree*of this

University or any other qualification recognised asequivalent thereto in the fields of study notified fromtime to time by this University is eligible to register andwork for the Ph.D. Programme.

ii) Eligibility criteria such as the minimum percentage ofmarks/CGPA obtained by the candidate in the qualifyingexamination, shall be as prescribed by the Board ofResearch of the University from time to time.

2. Categories of Ph.D. Candidates and Place ofResearch

2.1 There shall be three categories of Ph.D. candidates aslisted under:

a) Full -time, b) Part-time (Internal),c) Part-time (External)

a) Full-time Candidates : All approved candidates whopursue full-time study and research in this Universityshall belong to this category.

b) Part-time Candidates (Internal) : All approvedcandidates who are employed in Sathyabama Instituteof Science & Technology (Deemed University) andactively involved in the relevant area of teaching,

* It was tentatively resolved by the Board of Research,to

keep in abeyance M.C.A from any Institution and M.S

conferred by Distance Education as eligibility degrees,

to register for Ph.D level research.

Sathyabama Deemed University

“Ph.D Regulations” 1

research or development as part of their regular workshall belong to this category.

c) Part-time Candidates (External) : Candidates workingin Industry involved in R&D activities, Colleges orResearch Organisations, approved by this University,and who are sponsored for pursuing Ph.D.Programmes in this University while continuing in theirjob, shall belong to this category. While they shallpursue research in their place of employment and/or inthis University, such candidates shall spend at leastone full semester in this University within the last foursemesters, within four years from the date ofregistration. There shall be one Research Supervisorrecognized by this University and a ResearchCoordinator in their organisation as per clause 4.1(ii)who is responsible to provide all necessary resourcesand help to complete the research work in a time boundmanner.

2.2 Research outside the University :

During the course of the Ph.D. Programme, for reasonsapproved by the Doctoral Committee, a candidate maybe permitted by the University to spend up to one yearin an Institution or on a project approved for the purpose,outside the University for carrying out research in areasrelated to the subject of investigation.

2.3 The duration of the programme:

The duration of the programme and the time limits forsubmission of thesis for the candidates of differentcategories shall be as stipulated in Section 5.

“Ph.D Regulations”

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3. Registration Procedurei) Candidates desirous of registering for the Ph.D. Degree

shall submit the application in the prescribed formthrough proper channel, wherever applicable. Theapplications received shall be first circulated to all theeligible Research Supervisors in the concernedDepartments as part of the modus operandi.

ii) All such filled applications, shall be then scrutinised bythe Research Co-ordination Committee. ThisCommittee is responsible for the screening of thecandidates and recommending for admission to thePh.D programme and shall also help in fixing aResearch Supervisor taking into account the mutualpreferences of the candidate and supervisor.

iii) The candidates may be required to make an oralpresentation on any topic of their choice, before ascreening committee which may comprise themembers of the Research Co-ordination Committee,the Research Supervisor or faculty members who havesome problems for research to offer and a minimumof three senior faculty members knowledgeable in thesubject area of research. Such presentation may belooked into as an academic exercise to evaluate his/her aptitude for higher research and may not be takenas the problem for research itself. This Committee mayorally examine them for their research aptitude basedon their presentation and recommend prospectivecandidates for admission to Ph.D programme.

iv) The identified Research Supervisor shall suggest apanel of six names with their specialization, in the

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“Ph.D Regulations” 3

“Ph.D Regulations”

Sathyabama Deemed University

application form, for the constitution of the DoctoralCommittee, vide section (6.2).

v) Candidates whose registration has been approved bythe Board of Research, shall be provisionally admittedto the Ph.D. Programme under intimation to theconcerned Research Supervisor, the candidate, andthe sponsoring institution, if any.

vi) For approved candidates the date of provisionalregistration shall be the date on which the Board ofResearch has recommended admission. Such datesshall be quarterly viz., 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and1st October, as the case may be, as per the Universitycalendar. However, fees payable is on the semesterbasis.

vii) Every approved candidate shall register by paying theinitial fees prescribed and then continue to pay theprescribed fees every semester, in order to keep thePh.D. Registration alive until the thesis is submitted. Ifa candidate fails to do so within the permissible datesof payment of fees, the registration will be withdrawnand the candidate’s name will be removed from therolls after referring to the Research Supervisor.

4. Research Supervisors and Number ofCandidates

4.1 An updated and approved panel of recognisedResearch Supervisors for the Ph.D. programme ofthe University shall be maintained by the University.

i) All Ph.D. registrants shall be required to work under aResearch Supervisor recognised by this University.


Sathyabama Deemed University

“Ph.D Regulations”

ii) In the case of Part-Time candidates (External) thereshall be a Co-guide/ Research Coordinator from theorganisation where he/she is employed.

iii) Joint-Supervisor for full-time and part-time candidates(Internal) may be recommended by the Board ofResearch wherever necessary.

iv) When the Research Supervisor of a candidate happensto be away from the University on other assignmentsfor more than six months, he/she may continue to guidethe candidate, but a second Research Supervisorbelonging to the University faculty shall be officiallynominated by the Board of Research in keeping withabilities and background, and research adequacies andwillingness of the interim Research Supervisor inconsultation with the original Research Supervisor.

4.2 Provision for changes

(i) Change of Research Supervisor :

The Board of Research may consider a researchscholar to change his/her Research Supervisor on validreasons.

(ii) Change in the category :A full time research scholar in the event of getting anyemployment may change the category ( 2.1) fromFull - time to Part – time.

4.3 Recognition:Recognition of Research Supervisor/Joint ResearchSupervisor for guiding research work will be accordedby the Board of Management on making an application


“Ph.D Regulations”

Sathyabama Deemed University

in the prescribed format and on the recommendationsof the Board of Research, provided the candidatepossesses:

a) (i) A Ph.D. Degree in the relevant or allied areas ofresearch in which he/she proposes to guide thecandidate.

(ii) A minimum of one technical paper published in therelevant or allied areas of research in a refereedJournal or two refereed papers in Conferenceproceedings and/or patents, within a period of threeyears preceding the date of application for recognition.

b) The Board of Research may recommend to the Boardof Management relaxation of the above requirementsin respect of any competent person to be recognisedas Research Supervisor even if he / she does nothave a Ph.D. Degree in his/her field of specialisation,which is of such a nature where it is rare to findsupervisors with prescribed qualifications .

4.4 Number of Candidates

A Supervisor shall not guide more than six doctoralcandidates at any time, unless the Board of Researchspecifically permits the same under extraordinarycircumstances.

5. Duration of the Ph.D. Programme5.1 The duration of the Ph.D. programme and the time limit

for submission of thesis are counted from the date ofprovisional registration vide clause 3(vi). The minimumand maximum duration of time for submission of thesisare given below:


Sathyabama Deemed University

“Ph.D Regulations”

No. CategoryDuration

Minimum Maximum

1. Full Time Three Years Five Years

2. Part Time Four Years Six Years(Internal)

3. Part Time Four Years Six Years(External)

5.2 Extension of maximum duration to submit the thesis:

i) In exceptional circumstances if the Doctoral Committeerecommends and the Vice-Chancellor deems it fit, amaximum grace period of one year beyond the normalmaximum period of five / six years may be granted, inspells of six months at a time, to enable the candidateto submit the thesis. During this grace period also, forevery semester registration shall be done and fees paid.

ii) If the candidate fails to submit the thesis within theextended period of one year, the registration will beautomatically cancelled and the name removed fromthe rolls.

6. Doctoral Committee6.1 The Doctoral Committee shall constitute as under:

Research Supervisor,Joint Supervisor if any .Two (or more) experts.


6.2 The Research Supervisor shall furnish in the applicationof every candidate, a panel of six experts well versedin the field of proposed research, from the faculty ofthe University and other organisations from which two(or more) will be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.

The Joint Research Supervisor, if any, shall also be amember of the Doctoral Committee.

6.3 The Research Supervisor from the University shall bethe Convenor of the Doctoral Committee. In the eventof the Supervisor of the University leaving the Universitytemporarily or permanently the second/Joint-ResearchSupervisor shall be the Convenor .

6.4 All communications shall be routed through theconcerned Head of the Department.

7. Prescription of Course work andComprehension Examination

7.1 Course work

i) The Doctoral Committee of the candidate shall meetwithin a period of one month from the date ofcommunication of the provisional registration andprescribe course work for the candidate.

ii) A minimum of four courses at P.G level being offeredunder any approved programme of SathyabamaInstitute of Science & Technology ( if necessary fromany other approved institution) shall be recommendedby the Doctoral Committee from courses approved bythe Board of Studies. If a course is newly prescribedfor Directed Study, then each such course shall be

“Ph.D Regulations”

Sathyabama Deemed University


designed to be covered in not less than 45 contacthours of instruction and shall be approved by theappropriate Board of Studies. Not more than onedirected study course may be prescribed.

iii) No change in the courses prescribed shall be madewithout the prior approval of the Doctoral Committee.

iv) Normally courses taken after the date of provisionalregistration only shall count towards this requirement.

v) The prescribed courses shall normally be completedwithin one year from the date of provisional registration.

7.2 Comprehension Examinations

i) On the successful completion of the prescribedcourse work, as evidenced by the Grade sheet givenby the Controller of Examinations, the DoctoralCommittee shall conduct for every candidate aqualifying / comprehension written and oral examinationto test the overall background knowledge of thecandidate in the broad area of specialisation. Basedon the results of this examination, the DoctoralCommittee shall report to the Dean (P.G. & Research)the fitness of the candidate to proceed further with hisPh.D. work within one month from the date of theexamination held.

ii) If, based on the results of the comprehensionexamination, a candidate is not approved by theDoctoral Committee, then a grace period of up to amaximum of six months shall be given, and at the endof which the candidate shall be re-examined. If found

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“Ph.D Regulations” 9

satisfactory, the candidate shall be permitted to proceedwith the doctoral work. Otherwise, the candidate’sprovisional registration shall be cancelled.

iii) Candidates with M.Phil. Degree, who register for thePh.D. Programme may be permitted to credit twoprescribed course work instead of four. The Board ofResearch in such cases, may fix the minimum durationof the Ph.D. programme as two / three years as thecase may be, based on the recommendations of theDoctoral Committee. However, the comprehensionexamination is mandatory and may be conductedaccordingly.

8. Monitoring the Progress of Candidatesi) Every six months, commencing from the date of

provisional initial registration, the candidate shall submitprogress reports in the prescribed format to theResearch Supervisor who shall forward it through theHead of the Department to the Dean (P.G. & Research)for information, action and documentation.

ii) The Research Supervisor shall arrange to make apresentation by the candidate of his/her work twice ayear before the faculty of the department and once in ayear to the Doctoral Committee which is open to facultymembers and Research Scholars.

9. Cancellation of RegistrationThe registration of a candidate whose progress is eithernot satisfactory or who has exceeded the maximumperiod(including grace period) stipulated for the Ph.D.

“Ph.D Regulations”

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programme(5.2(i & ii)) shall be cancelled by the Boardof Research.

10. Synopsis of Thesisi) On satisfactory completion of the research work,

carried out after successful completion of all prescribedcourses and the comprehension examination, thecandidate shall submit to the Doctoral Committeethrough the Research Supervisor, six copies of thesynopsis of the Ph.D. work carried out.

ii) If the Doctoral Committee approves the research workreported in the synopsis, it shall forward six copies ofthe approved synopsis to the University along with apanel of atleast six names of thesis examiners, threefrom India and three from abroad.

11. Submission of Thesisi) The thesis shall report, in an organised and scholarly

fashion, an account of the original research work ofthe candidate leading to the discovery of new facts ortechniques or correlation of facts already known(analytical, experimental, hardware oriented etc.) anddemonstrating a quality as to make a definitecontribution to the advancement of knowledge and thecandidate’s ability to undertake independent researchand present the findings in an appropriate manner withactual accomplishments of the work, plainly stated andhonestly appraised.

ii) Six copies of the thesis shall be prepared in accordancewith the format and specification prescribed. These

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“Ph.D Regulations” 11

shall be submitted within three months of the approvalof the Synopsis by the Doctoral Committee along withthree copies of the abstract of the thesis in about 400words. Under no circumstance, the thesis submissioncan be delayed except under extraordinarycircumstances, where an extension of two months maybe permissible with the recommendations of theDoctoral Committee.

iii) The thesis shall include a certificate from the concernedResearch Supervisor (and Joint Research Supervisor,Co guide, if any) to the effect that the thesis is a recordof the bonafide research work carried out by thecandidate under his/her/their supervision and guidanceand that the work reported in the thesis has not beensubmitted elsewhere for a degree or diploma.

iv) Along with the submission of the thesis, the candidateshall submit a copy of the thesis in CD ROM dulycertified by the Research Supervisor.

v) Fees shall be paid by the candidates annually/everysemester, till the submission of the thesis.

12. Thesis Evaluationi) The thesis shall be referred to two examiners (at least

one from abroad) nominated by the Vice-Chancellorfrom the panel of names recommended by the DoctoralCommittee. The Vice-Chancellor, if he deems itnecessary, may also nominate the examiners fromoutside the panel.

ii) The Dean (P.G. & Research) shall take such steps asdeemed necessary to enable the reports of the

“Ph.D Regulations”

Sathyabama Deemed University


Examiners to be received as quickly as possible. Theexaminers are expected to send, in the prescribed form,their reports within two months from the date of receiptof the thesis.

iii) The examiner shall include in his / her report an overallassessment, placing the thesis in one of the followingcategories :

a. Recommended for the award of the degree of Doctorof Philosophy : Highly commended/Commended.

b. Revision required

(i) Revised thesis be resubmitted

(ii)Revised thesis need not be resubmitted.

c. Not Commended

iv) The examiner shall enclose a report in about 300 words,indicating the standard attained in case (a), the natureof revision in case (b) and the reasons in case (c).

v) The Doctoral Committee, based on the reports of theexaminers, will either provisionally accept the thesis inwhich case the candidate is asked to defend his/herwork in a public viva-voce oral examination or rejectthe thesis. The following criteria shall be adopted forthis purpose :

a) If both the examiners recommend the award of thedegree, the thesis shall be provisionally accepted. Anyminor revision, modification etc. suggested by theexaminers shall be carried out before the viva-voceexamination is arranged.

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“Ph.D Regulations” 13

“Ph.D Regulations”

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b) If both the examiners do not recommend, the thesisshall be rejected and the registration of the candidatecancelled.

c) If one examiner recommends the award of the degreewhile the other does not, then the thesis shall bereferred to a third examiner to be nominated by theVice-Chancellor as in 12(i). If two of the three examinersrecommend the award, the thesis shall be provisionallyaccepted. If two of the three examiners do notrecommend, then the thesis shall be rejected and theregistration of the candidate cancelled.

d) If any examiner recommends revision of the thesis thecandidate shall be permitted only once to revise andresubmit the thesis within six months and the revisedthesis shall be referred to the same examiner only insituations such as (i) when the examiner recommendsnew experiments and major modification involving newmethodology and also (ii) the examiner insists theuniversity to send the thesis back to the same examinerafter revision for offering his final decision on the thesiswhich should only be either recommended for theaward or rejection. In case, the examiner does not insiston sending the thesis back to him, then the universitymay refer the revised thesis to the Doctoral Committeefor acceptance.

e) When the commendation is contrary to the commentsoffered by an examiner, after revision, the Vice-Chancellor, if he deems it necessary, shall refer thethesis and the comments to the Board of Researchfor necessary further action.


Sathyabama Deemed University

“Ph.D Regulations”

13. Oral Examinationi) The Doctoral Committee shall recommend to the

University a panel of three examiners from recognisedinstitutions within India to enable constitution of a Boardof viva-voce Examination.

ii) The Board of viva-voce Examination shall be constitutedby the Vice-Chancellor as under :

a) The Indian Examiner of the thesis or a specialist in thesubject if he / she is not available in India at that time.

b) A specialist from a recognised institution from the panelof Members submitted by the Doctoral Committee.

c) Research Supervisor of the candidate in the Universityas the Convenor

d) Joint Research Supervisor/Co-guide, if any.

Provided that the Vice-Chancellor, if he deems itnecessary may nominate the members from outsidethe panel also.

iii) The viva-voce examination shall be conducted as “OpenDefence Type” examination. The decision of the Boardof Examiners shall be final.

14. Award of Ph.D. DegreeIf the report of the Board of viva-voce Examination isSATISFACTORY, the candidate will be awarded thePh.D. Degree with the approval of the Board ofManagement.


15. Publication of ThesisPapers arising out of the thesis may be published bythe candidate. However, the thesis as a whole shallnot be published by the candidate without the expressapproval of the Board of Management of the University.

16. Power to ModifyNotwithstanding anything contained in the above saidregulations, the Board of Management reserves theright to modify any of the above said regulations fromtime to time.


“Ph.D Regulations”

Sathyabama Deemed University


Cost of Application : S.No




1. Name (in Block Letters) :

2. Sex : Male/Female

3. Addressa) Official (with Designation) :

b) Residential :

4. Date of Birth & Age :

5. Nationality :

6. Category : a. Full Timeb. Part-Time (Internal)c. Part-Time (External)

7. Are you employed? : Yes/No

if Yes, Specify the following

Name and address :of the Employer

Salary received per month:

8. Academic Background (Start with the latest DegreeObtained) (Enclose copies of Degree/Diploma dulyattested)

S.No.Degree/ Year of University Major PercentageDiploma Passing Discipline of marks





9. Professional Experience (Start from the presentemployment)

S.No. OrganisationPeriod

DesignationTotal salary Nature of

From To P.M job

10. Awards/Medals/prizes and :Honours conferred(if any)

11. Major Area of Ph.D. Research :

12. Tentative Topic on which theresearch is proposed to beconducted (Attach one-pagewrite up on this topic) :

13. Faculty & Department inwhich the candidateproposes to register :

14. Name, Designation andaddress of the ResearchCoordinator(Outside theUniversity)(For Part-timecandidates (External) only) :

Part-time Candidates (External) shall have a Supervisorrecognized by Sathyabama Deemed University and inaddition, shall have a Research Coordinator at theorganization in which they are working.


This is to certify that the particulars given above, aretrue, correct and complete to the best of my knowledgeand belief.


Date:Signature of the Candidate.



i) The candidate will be permitted to be available, atSathyabama Deemed University for fulfilling theresidential requirements, as per University Regulations.

ii) The required facilities at our organization will be providedto the candidate for doing research.

iii) The candidate will be permitted to be available atSathyabamma Deemed University, whenever requiredby the Supervisor to have discussions with him, to attendto the prescribed Course works, to conduct experimentsand to participate in Seminars.

Name of the ResearchCoordinator :

Designation :

Signature of the Signature of the HeadResearch Coordinator of the Organization

Place :Date :

Seal of the Organization :



a) Name (in Block Letters) :

b) Whether the supervisor hasbeen recognized bySathyabama DeemedUniversity to guide. If yes,University Reference No. :

c) No. of Ph.D. Scholars :Supervisingi) As a Supervisor :ii) As a Joint-Supervisor :

d) Panel of Names suggestedfor the Doctoral Committee :

(At least six names, excluding Supervisor, Joint-Supervisor, Research Coordinator must be given)

S.No. Name Area of Research Designation Interest and Address







CERTIFIED that the details furnished above have beenverified and found to be correct and I am willing to supervisethe candidate’s research work.

Place :Date: Signature of Supervisor


a) Name (in Block Letters) :

b) No. of Ph.D. ScholarsSupervising :i) As a Supervisor :ii) As a Joint-Supervisor :

c) Whether the Joint-Supervisorhas been recognized by theSathyabama DeemedUniversity to guide. If Yes,University Reference No. :

CERTIFIED that I am willing to Supervise the candidate’sresearch work.

Place :Date : Signature of Joint-Supervisor.


a) Consent of the Head of the Department : Yes / Noin which the candidate works(For Part-Time (Internal) candidates only)

Place :Date : Signature :

Name :

Department :

b) Consent of the Head of the Department : Yes/Nowhere the candidate proposes toregister for work

Place :Date : Signature :

Name :

Department :

c) Approval of the Dean (PG & Research) : Yes/No

Place :Date : Signature :

Name :

Department :

19. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE :BOARD OF RESEARCHAdmitted / Not Admitted for Provisional registration in thePh.D.Programme Full-Time / Part-Time (Internal) /Part-Time (External). Details of Reference number with date.




DEEMED UNIVERSITYJeppiaar Nagar, Old Mamallapuram Road, Chennai - 600 119.


Period ending 30th June/31st December Year : 20…..

(i) The progress reports shall be submitted by the candidate in triplicateto the Research Supervisor accompanied by a report by thecandidate about the work carried out during the period of this report(in about 300 words) duly signed by the candidate and countersignedby the Supervisor(s).

(ii) The Research Supervisor shall fill his part, sign it and get itcountersigned by the respective HOD/HODs (HODs applicable onlyin interdisciplinary fields of research wherever the work is done)

(iii) The first copy shall be retained by the Research Supervisor forplacing it before the Doctoral Committee and for subsequent officerecord, the second copy shall be sent to the Dean ( PG & Research)through the HOD and the third copy shall be sent to the parentinstitution wherever applicable.

1. Particulars about the candidatea) Name :

b) Designation (if applicable):

c) Institution where :employed (if applicable)

2. Registration Detailsa) Category of : Full time / Part time (Internal) /

Part time (External)

b) Date of provisional :Registration withUniversity references

c) Has the provisional : Yes / Noregistration beenconfirmed?

If Yes, give Reference :No. & Date

3. Particulars of the Supervisor(s)(i) Supervisor

a) Name :

b) Designation :

c) Institution(s) where :employed

(ii) Joint-Supervisor (If any)

a) Name :

b) Designation :

c) Insititution(s) where :employed

4. Name of the Department where :Ph.D. research is conducted

5. Area of Research(a) Area of work :

(b) Tentative title :

6. Details of progressa) Whether the candidate’s : Yes / No

report in duplicate is enclosed?

b) Whether published any papers, : Yes / No(if Yes, attach copy)

c) Whether attendedSeminars/Conferences : Yes / No(if Yes, furnish details)

d) Whether completed the : Yes / Noprescribed course work?If yes, how many? Furnishdetails of the course work.

e) Whether completed : Yes / Nocomprehension examination

7. Has the tuition fees been : Yes / Nopaid for the year?*

8. Had the registration fees : Yes / Nobeen paid for the period ofthe report?*(* Enclose xerox copies of thedemand draft)

Date Signature of candidate

Remarks of the Supervisor on the progress during the period of report.a) Attendance : Satisfactory / Not Satisfactoryb) Progress : Satisfactory / Not Satisfactoryc) Expected time of completion : ........

Date : Signature of SupervisorPlace :

Seal : Signature of the Dean ( PG & Research)



