






Jean Abboud

B.Sc. (Hons.), 2012

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science



Carleton University

Ottawa, Ontario

©2015, Jean Abboud


The undersigned hereby recommend to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

acceptance of this thesis




Submitted by

Jean Abboud, B.Sc. (Hons.)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Biology


Chair, Department of Biology


Thesis Supervisor

Carleton University



Larvae of the goldenrod gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis, can survive winter

temperatures as cold as –55oC by using the freeze tolerance strategy of cold hardiness.

This study examines pyruvate kinase (PK) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase

(G3PDH) that were purified from gall fly larvae acclimated to 5oC (control) and −15oC

(freeze-exposed). The roles that these enzymes play in polyol cryoprotectant synthesis

and metabolic regulation were investigated. A primary focus was the potential for

reversible post-translational modifications (PTMs) to regulate enzyme activity. Several

PTMs were analyzed for PK and G3PDH from control and freeze-exposed gall fly larvae

using dot-blot analysis. Results showed that low and high phosphate forms of each

enzyme exist and these differ in kinetic properties, G3PDH also showed different levels

of ubiquitination. Changes in substrate affinities and different interactions with

endogenous sugars suggest that PK activity is maintained whereas G3PDH is inhibited

during freezing.



I would like to start by thanking my parents who always believed in me and

would sacrifice so much if it meant giving me a chance at a happy life.

A big part of my thanks has to go to my supervisor Dr. Ken Storey who had a

profound impact on my life. Thank you for first letting me join your lab and then for

looking past all my short-comings. You helped me learn a lot about science, the world,

and myself. Thank you for all those movie Tuesdays and for the lab barbeques at your

home. Also, thanks for letting me buy that fridge. Despite having the difficult job of

running a big lab, you always kept my best interests at heart.

Thank you Jan Storey for all the incredible support and assistance. Of course I

have to thank you for all the editing but you did a lot more than just that. Thank you for

spending time showing us how to do dissections and the many more tricks around the lab.

Thank you for constantly pointing me in the right direction and for always giving me

more knowledge than I ask for because you know it can be beneficial.

I would like to thank all the Storey lab members who were supportive along the

way. Neal Dawson and Ryan Bell, you were not only helpful during the more demanding

graduate studies but were even especially critical during the beginning stages when I

needed the most support. Having to balance several trainees at a time while pursuing a

Ph.D. and all the responsibilities that come with it, you did an excellent job that made it

possible for me to succeed in my career. I would also like to thank Zi-Jian Xiong and

Christie Childers for all your help and support.

I would also like to thank Drs. Owen Rowland and Marc Ekker for making the

time to offer me graduate level courses.


Table of Contents

Acceptance Sheet ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgements iv

Table of Contents v

List of Abbreviations vi

List of Tables viii

List of Illustrations ix

Chapter 1: General introduction 1

Chapter 2: Pyruvate kinase in the goldenrod gall fly 14

Chapter 3: Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the goldenrod gall fly 42

Chapter 4: General discussion 63

References 72


List of Abbreviations

6PGDH – 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase

Acetyl-CoA – Acetyl coenzyme A

AMP, ADP, ATP – adenosine mono,-di,‐or triphosphate

AMPK – AMP activated protein kinase

CHES – N-cyclohexyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid

DHAP – dihydroxyacetone phosphate

EDTA – ethylenediamine tetraacetatic acid

EGTA – ethyleneglycol bis tetraacetate acid

FBP – fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

G3P – glycerol-3-phosphate

G3PDH – glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase

G6PDH – glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase

GAP – glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

I50 – inhibitor concentration reducing enzyme velocity by 50%

kD – kiloDalton

Km – substrate concentration producing half maximal enzyme activity

LDH – lactate dehydrogenase

MES – 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid

NAD, NADH – oxidized and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

NADP, NADPH – oxidized and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

PAGE – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis


PDH – polyol dehydrogenase

PEP – phosphoenolpyruvate

PFK – phosphofructokinase

PK – pyruvate kinase

PMSF – phenylmethysulfonyl fluoride

PPP – pentose phosphate pathway

PTM – post-translational modification

Q10 – increase in velocity per 10oC increase in temperature

SDS – sodium dodecyl sulfate

SCP – supercooling point

TBS, TBST – Tris-buffered saline with or without Tween-20

Tris – tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane

Vmax – maximal enzyme velocity


List of Tables

Table Page

2.1 Purification of pyruvate kinase from freeze-tolerant gall fly larvae. 27

2.2 Kinetic parameters of purified PK from control and frozen gall fly.


2.3 Effect of sugars and an amino acid on the affinity constant for PEP of

PK from gall fly larvae.


3.1 Kinetic parameters of purified G3PDH from control and frozen gall

fly larvae.


3.2 Interaction of substrate affinity with the presence of cryoprotectants

(glycerol, sorbitol) for purified G3PDH from control and frozen gall

fly larvae.


3.3 The effect of sugars on the I50 urea of G3PDH from control and

frozen gall fly larvae.



List of Illustrations

Figure Page

1.1 Biosynthetic pathways for glycerol, sorbitol, and glucose



2.1 SDS-PAGE gel showing the purification of PK from control gall



2.2 The effect of pH on the Km PEP of PK from control and frozen gall



2.3 Activity of PK from control and frozen gall fly larvae in the presence

of the natural cryoprotectants accumulated by the insects: sorbitol (A)

and glycerol (B).


2.4 The effect of adding sugars on the I50 value for urea of PK purified

from control and frozen gall fly larvae.


2.5 Dot blot showing Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein staining of PK

(and corresponding Coomassie blue staining of the dots) and

quantification of the relative phosphorylation on PK purified from

control versus frozen gall fly larvae.


2.6 Dot blots with antibodies assessing different posttranslational

modifications and Coomassie protein staining of PK purified from

control and frozen gall fly larvae.


3.1 SDS-PAGE gel showing purification of G3PDH from gall fly larvae.


3.2 Relative activity of purified G3PDH from control and frozen gall fly

larvae in the presence of different concentrations of cryoprotectants

glycerol or sorbitol.


3.3 Dot blots with different PTM antibodies and Coomassie protein

staining of G3PDH from control and frozen gall fly larvae.



Chapter 1:

General Introduction


Freeze tolerance and diapause

Of the countless animal adaptations found in every corner of the world, one in

particular encompasses a bundle of physical challenges; survival of the harsh cold winters

of higher latitudes. As days shorten and the sun’s rays diminish vegetative growth comes

to a halt, water becomes scarce, and freezing temperatures threaten the integrity of every

cell. For organisms such as arthropods to survive these grueling months of blizzards and

−40oC temperatures, they not only need behavioural strategies but also cellular and

metabolic adaptations. Behavioural strategies include reducing activity and seeking

adequate shelter such as in trees, under forest floor leaf litter, or underground.

Physiological strategies often include entry into diapause, a period of arrested growth

characterized by strong metabolic rate depression. Protective physiological strategies are

also used: either avoiding freezing by extensive supercooling (freeze avoidance) or

accept the freezing of extracellular body fluids but prevent intracellular water from

freezing (freeze tolerance). Cellular adaptations to deal with subcellular temperatures

include proliferating defense mechanisms to either prevent (antifreeze proteins) or

manage ice growth (ice nucleating agents) in the body, greatly elevate the concentrations

of sugars and proteins to either promote either extreme supercooling (freeze avoidance)

or keep intracellular water from freezing (freeze tolerance). Finally, metabolic

adaptations are needed that include regulation of catabolic and anabolic pathways to

achieve various goals; for example, inhibition of glycolysis can be used to push

carbohydrates into the pathways that synthesize polyhydric alcohols as cryoprotectants.

Creatures that cannot rely on the protection and care from their parents during

their development need to find strategies to survive to adulthood. Many species,


including large numbers of insects, and many others, rely on the process of diapause to

help them survive through regular and predictable environmental barriers to sufficient

food and water (Tauber et al., 1986; Collier and Murphy, 1997). Diapause is a

physiological process that delays development until there is a specific stimulus that

triggers the return to normal growth (Dickson, 1949). This is especially important for

many insect species with an annual life-cycle because growth and development is halted

in the cold months of the year. For example, in a matter of a few weeks caterpillars may

eat 27,000 times their body weight and grow to 1,000 times their initial size (Wagner,

2009; Triplehorn and Johnson, 2005). However, if they cannot find enough food, they

may not be able to go through metamorphosis or be fertile as an adult. The onset of

winter interrupts the larval growth stage but also offers a reliable cue to initiate diapause.

An example is the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae, that interrupts the fifth instar of

its larval stage when environmental temperatures decrease and overwinters in

pomegranate fruit. It survives temperatures as low as −9oC and months without eating by

lowering its supercooling point (SCP; the temperature at which body water freezes

spontaneously) and accumulating glycogen and lipids, glycogen providing the fuel to

synthesize polyhydric alcohol cryoprotectants (Izadi and Heydari, 2014).

For large numbers of insects, winter survival relies on freeze tolerance and

adaptations that protect their cells against rupture and severe dehydration (Danks, 1978).

For this highly effective adaptation to work, the animal has to reduce the amount of

intracellular “unbound” water content and control the start and spread of ice formation

(Storey et al., 1981a; Storey and Storey, 1983b). The intracellular space remains unfrozen

because of an increase in cryoprotectants, the control of bound and unbound water, an


increase in solute concentrations and the initiation of extracellular ice formation via the

action of nucleating agents (Morrissey and Baust, 1976; Storey et al., 1981a;

Zachariassen, 1980). Forcing ice formation in extracellular compartments by using

nucleating agents protects against uncontrolled crystallization in places where ice could

cause physical damage and also sets up a system where water is drawn out of cells

osmotically resulting in higher intracellular concentrations of solutes that further reduce

the temperature at which intracellular freezing could occur. In the frozen state, individual

cells are isolated from their environment and yet metabolism must continue to maintain

viability despite the fact that fuel and oxygen supplies (normally delivered by

hemolymph and trachea) to cells is cut off. Hence, survival in the frozen state can require

altered regulation of the enzymes and pathways of energy metabolism without input from

extracellular signals. In particular, enzymes involved in synthesis of polyols as

cryoprotectants and in metabolic energy production require precise control. For example,

the Antarctic midge, Belgica antarctica, a year-round freeze-tolerant insect, accumulates

glucose, trehalose and erythritol to allow the larvae to survive freezing to as low as −20oC

and also endures whole body dehydration of up to 70% of total body water (Lee and

Baust, 1981; Baust and Lee, 1983; Hayward et al., 2007).

Species that depend on freeze tolerance during the cold seasons experience

reversible changes at the cellular level. Gall fly larvae are accumulating cryoprotectants

during the fall season in response to certain seasonal triggers such as desiccation, which

allows them to be ready for the event of freezing when the right temperature is reached

(Gantz and Lee, 2014). However, the production of polyol cryoprotectants may cease at

temperatures below −8oC once the animal freezes (Storey et al., 1981b). The modification


of metabolic fuel consumption also needs to change to prevent its depletion before the

end of winter. This is often observed as a shift from lipid metabolism to exclusive

carbohydrate consumption via glycolysis. Finally, glycolytic rate also has to be

minimized to preserve sufficient glycogen as a winter fuel for metabolism and control

lactate build-up. All these changes require timely enzymatic regulation, which may be

accomplished by regulatory mechanisms such as reversible post-translational

modification (PTM).

Reversible post-translational modification

A mechanism that can alter the activity of an enzyme or even shut it off

completely for an extended amount of time is post-translational modification, which is

the addition of a functional group to one or several amino acid residues of the primary

structure. A common PTM that regulates the activity of many enzymes is reversible

phosphorylation but there are numerous others, several of which (e.g. acetylation,

methylation, ubiquitination, γ-carboxylation and nitrosylation) can affect properties of

metabolic enzymes. PTMs alter the conformation of proteins or their charge state and

lead to various functional changes in an enzyme such as altering enzyme activity,

substrate affinity, sensitivity to activators or inhibitors, structural stability, protein-protein

binding interactions or subcellular location (Cohen, 2002). Insects facing cold winters

need to alter their metabolic patterns to ensure survival; necessary changes include

synthesis of carbohydrate cryoprotectants, suppression of the SCP, control of water and

cryoprotectant distribution, and implementing metabolic changes to enter diapause. These

changes may be required to last a few days or a number of months. Since glycogen


becomes a primary source of fuel and also a carbon source for cryoprotectant synthesis,

altered regulation of the enzymes responsible for lipid and glycogen breakdown is

needed. PTMs have been shown by our laboratory to regulate enzymes in such a way. For

example, studies with the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, showed that liver lactate

dehydrogenase (LDH) was altered during estivation by phosphorylation, demethylation

and ubiquitination with a resulting increase in LDH activity (Katzenback et al., 2014).

Roles for reversible protein phosphorylation in the regulation of enzyme and

protein function are very well known and have been extensively characterized for many

years. The discovery of ubiquitination highlighted its major function; i.e. labeling

proteins for degradation (Hershko, 1983; Ciechanover et al., 1984). However, new roles

for ubiquitination have been emerging where the end result is not proteolysis. A notable

more recent discovery is the role that ubiquitin plays in activating an enzyme involved in

inflammatory and stress induced pathways (Wang et al., 2001). The signal transducer

protein TRAF6 (from the TNF receptor associated factor protein family) combines with

the dimeric ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex TRIKA1 to polyubiquitinate a lysine

residue on the kinase TAK1. TAK1 is part of the protein kinase complex TRIKA2 and is

activated by the lysine polyubiquitination. The activated TAK1 phosphorylates and

activates IκB kinase and MAP kinase 6. Phosphorylated MAP kinase 6 stimulates the

kinase activity of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase and p38 kinase. These kinases initiate

signaling pathways that are involved in cell growth, differentiation, survival and

apoptosis (Pearson et al., 2001). Stimuli that can be responsible for initiating these

pathways include cytokines, ultraviolet irradiation, heat shock and osmotic shock (Ip and

Davis, 1998). Our laboratory has recently reported post-translational ubiquitination of the


metabolic enzyme LDH in dehydration-tolerant frogs, implicating its role in stress-

induced enzymatic regulation (Katzenback et al., 2014; Abboud and Storey, 2013).

The goldenrod gall fly larvae

A highly valued model system for insect freeze tolerance studies is the goldenrod

gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis. Reported for having survived winters as cold as −55oC, the

third instar larvae of the gall fly live in stem galls on goldenrod plants; the tall woody

stems of this plant means that the larvae often remain above the snow-pack throughout

the winter where they are exposed to ambient air temperatures (Lee et al., 1995;

Morrissey and Baust, 1976). With a SCP hovering around −8oC in its freeze-tolerant

state, the gall fly freezes when temperatures go below this value and over 60% of total

body water can be converted to extracellular ice (Lee and Lewis, 1985). This is in fact

one of its cold hardiness strategies, which is to initiate extracellular water crystallization

after it is intracellularily immune to freezing and has reduced its water content

sufficiently to protect against freezing internal injury. The gall fly larvae achieve

intracellular cryoprotection by accumulating glycerol as temperatures cool in the autumn;

the trigger temperature is around 15oC and maximum glycerol levels (about 360 µmol/g

wet wt.) are reached when ambient temperatures are around 5oC. Synthesis of a second

cryoprotectant, sorbitol, is triggered at about 5°C and reaches its maximum at about

−10oC (~120 µmol/g wet wt.; Storey et al., 1981b). Below this temperature the gall fly

freezes, its metabolic rate is enormously depressed, glycolysis takes over as the main

energy-producing pathway and the anaerobic product lactic acid accumulates (Storey et

al., 1981b). A third critical adaptation for freeze tolerance is an increase of the portion of


intracellular bound water (to soluble subcellular components) from 11% to 36% in larvae

acclimated to −30oC compared to 24oC (Storey and Storey, 1983b).

Depleting glycogen storage with decreasing temperature in the gall fly larvae has

been shown to be accounted for by the production of glycerol, sorbitol, glucose and

trehalose (Storey et al., 1981b). Production of polyol cryoprotectants such as these come

to a stop at temperatures below −10oC when the hemolymph is frozen. At temperatures

above −10oC, aerobic metabolism is fully active and able to maintain energy stores (ATP,

arginine phosphate). Below −10oC, oxidative metabolism is significantly reduced

reflecting mitochondrial inactivity, which causes energy stores to decrease (Storey et al.,

1981b). Limitation of oxygen supply in these conditions is the likely cause, which also

accounts for the initiation of lactate production. However, lactate was only observed to

increase slightly and remain at a constant level for the rest of the season (Storey and

Storey, 1985; 1986).

The activity of a number of enzymes has been shown to change prior to and

during freezing of the gall fly larvae. Enzymes that initiate and commit the break-down

of glycogen such as glycogen phosphorylase and hexokinase showed an activation at the

low temperatures where glycerol production began (Storey and Storey, 1981). Glycerol is

produced by allowing carbon flux to flow through the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP)

and/or down glycolysis with an inhibition at pyruvate kinase that promotes the diversion

of the triose phosphates (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP) and glycerol-3-phosphate

(G3P) into glycerol production (Storey, 2004; Storey and Storey, 1983a; 1991; 2012). At

lower temperatures where sorbitol begins to appear, the flow of carbon is blocked at the

phosphofructokinase (PFK) locus to direct hexose phosphates into sorbitol production.


Figure 1.1 outlines the biosynthetic pathways for glycerol, sorbitol, and glucose and their

relation to enzymes from the PPP and glycolysis. An important aspect of the enzymatic

regulation related to the production of both glycerol and sorbitol is the provision of

NADPH for reducing power. The PPP is key to the NADPH production needed for

polyol synthesis (Joanisse and Storey, 1994). During conversion of glycogen to glycerol

and sorbitol, the activity of the first enzyme in the PPP, glucose-6-phosphate

dehydrogenase (G6PDH), is increased (Storey et al., 1991). G6PDH is one of the two

NADPH producing enzymes in the PPP, whereas the second enzyme, 6-

phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH), is the rate-limiting step. 6PGDH is

regulated in the gall fly to meet the demands for NADPH where it is activated at

temperatures below 15oC but experiences conformational changes at 5oC that increase its

activation energy, thereby inhibiting it. This reflects the ability of the gall fly to produce

sorbitol at this temperature range and not at lower temperatures where it is near freezing

(Holden and Storey, 1994).

Enzymes that are not related to cryoprotectant production were also found to be

regulated to suppress unnecessary and metabolically expensive reactions during when

insects are in the frozen state and/or when carbohydrate resources must be directed in to

polyol synthesis. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is the link between glycolysis and the Krebs

cycle; it converts pyruvate into acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and commits

carbohydrates to either oxidation by mitochondria (via the Krebs cycle, electron transport

cycle and oxidative phosphorylation) or to biosynthesis pathways that need 2-carbon

building blocks (Lane, 2009). Recently, pyruvate dehydrogenase was found to be

inhibited by 50% in the gall fly larvae during freezing by means of reversible


phosphorylation, which supports the theory that mitochondrial aerobic metabolism is

very strongly suppressed during frozen diapause (Rider et al., 2011). Another critical

enzyme that is regulated in the survival mechanisms of the gall fly is the AMP-activated

protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK acts by switching target enzymes off through

phosphorylation and is particularly geared to shutting of biosynthesis when cellular

energy levels are low (i.e. AMP levels are high). Two well-known targets of AMPK are

acetyl-CoA carboxylase that catalyzes the first step in lipogenesis, and HMG-Co

reductase that controls carbon entry into steroid biosynthesis. Activity of AMPK was

enhanced in frozen gall fly larvae, which may serve the purpose of stimulating glucose

uptake, inhibiting glycogen synthesis, inhibiting protein synthesis, and shutting off

anabolic pathways. The general effect of AMPK activation is to reduce ATP

consumption in favor of maintaining ATP pools (Rider et al., 2011).

Pyruvate kinase and glycerol-3phosphate dehydrogenase

Pyruvate kinase (PK; EC: catalyzes the final step in glycolysis before

carbon flow is split between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Its reaction is:

Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) + ADP Pyruvate + ATP.

PK is one of the two ATP-producing steps of glycolysis and is therefore an

important enzyme of anaerobic metabolism. Since it has already been shown that the

aerobic pathway of pyruvate oxidation in frozen gall fly larvae is shut down, the

alternative utilization as an anaerobic fermentative substrate must be considered. This is

the conversion of pyruvate to lactate by LDH in a process that results in a build-up of this

product and restores the NAD that is needed to keep glycolysis running. As previously


mentioned, lactate concentrations have been observed to rise as the temperature of the

gall fly larvae decrease past its freezing point but they stay level for the remainder of the

winter (Storey and Storey, 1985; 1986). Therefore, the activity of PK may be closely

regulated to reflect the critical dependence of the gall fly on anaerobic energy production.

Chapter 2 of this thesis presents a study of the kinetics and regulation of PK in the gall fly

larvae in response to freezing.

Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH; also referred to as αGPDH; EC: links glycolysis to lipid metabolism by catalyzing the reversible reaction:

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) + NADH + H+ ↔ G3P + NAD+.

DHAP is an intermediary of glycolysis that is normally interconverted with GAP

to continue down the glycolytic chain to the production of pyruvate. Conversion of

DHAP by G3PDH to G3P can lead to the production of glycerol as a cryoprotectant (after

dephosphorylation) or G3P can be use in various biosynthesis reactions, particularly in

triglyceride and phospholipid synthesis (Storey, 2004). As a reversible reaction, G3PDH

can also be used to direct G3P into glycolysis from the catabolism of lipids (Larsson et

al., 1998). A second noteworthy function of G3PDH is its participation in the G3P shuttle

that acts to transfer NADH reducing equivalents from the cytosol into the electron

transport chain of the mitochondria where it is reoxidized to DHAP by G3P oxidase

(Shen et al., 2003; Sacktor, 1976). Insects rely on this shuttle more greatly than they do

on the malate-aspartate shuttle which performs the same function in vertebrate species.

G3PDH has been shown to play a role in hibernation and anoxic stress (de la Roche et al.,

2012; Alarcon et al., 2012). Diapausing gall fly larvae have to protect their fat reserves

for use in fueling the spring metamorphosis into the pupal and adult states and supplying


the energy needs of the non-feeding adult stage; indeed, analysis of gall fly larvae

showed constant lipid content throughout winter (Storey and Storey, 1992; Joanisse and

Storey, 1996). Therefore, the implications of G3PDH on the survival of the gall fly larvae

pertaining to lipid versus carbohydrate metabolism and NADH shuttling are of great

interest. Chapter 3 of this thesis presents a study of the kinetics and regulation of G3PDH

in the gall fly larvae in response to freezing.


I hypothesized that regulation of PK and G3PDH by post-translational

modifications is an important part of freeze tolerance and diapause in overwintering gall

fly larvae. Three specific hypotheses were challenged in this study:

1. The activity of PK is regulated in the goldenrod gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis, to

protect its cells against severe energy depletion in the absence of oxidative


2. The activity of G3PDH is suppressed in the goldenrod gall fly, Eurosta

solidaginis, because of the absence of lipogenesis and mitochondrial activity in

the frozen state, and the greater importance of maintaining glycolysis.

3. Reversible PTMs play a role in the regulation of PK and G3PDH in the goldenrod

gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis, for winter survival.


Figure 1.1. Biosynthetic pathways for glycerol, sorbitol, and glucose cryoprotectants.

Glycogen is the carbon source and enzymes of glycolysis and the pentose phosphate

cycle (PPP) are used. Glycerol in insects is primarily made from the glyceraldehyde-3-

phosphate (GAP) output of the PPP using NADPH reducing power that is also generated

by the PPP. Outputs of four and five carbon sugar phosphates from the PPP can also be

converted to their corresponding polyols after phosphate removal and then conversion of

sugar to polyol by the enzyme polyol dehydrogenase (PDH). Other enzymes in shaded

boxes are: GP, glycogen phosphorylase; G6Pase, glucose-6-phosphatase; G6PDH,

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; 6PGDH, 6-phosphgluconate dehydrogenase; PFK,

6-phosphofructo-6-kinase (modified from Storey, 2004).


Chapter 2:

Pyruvate kinase in the goldenrod gall fly



Winter survival of gall fly larvae in the frozen state depends on ATP production

by fermentative glycolysis and a net depletion of carbohydrate fuel reserves to supply

both energy needs and the production of huge amounts of polyol cryoprotectants (Storey

and Storey, 1985). However, larval investment in cryoprotectant synthesis from glycogen

is relatively inexpensive in metabolic terms because of the outcomes for glycerol and

sorbitol at the end of the cold season. It has been shown that sorbitol is converted back to

glycogen when environmental temperatures rise again in the spring whereas glycerol

levels remain constant until the end of the third instar and then are probably catabolized

as a fuel source for metamorphosis (Storey and Storey, 1983a; 1991). Freezing is thought

to trigger a shift towards glycolysis because a rise in glucose-6-phosphate and lactate are

observed in response to just a few hours at −16oC temperature (Storey and Storey, 1985).

However, the energy reserves of the larvae do decline steadily as early as 1-2 weeks (by

70% for arginine phosphate and 50% for ATP) and continue to diminish through 6 to 12

weeks of continuous freezing (by 95% for arginine phosphate and 75% for ATP; Storey

and Storey, 1985). Despite this depletion of energy during a long state of inactivity, 94%

of larvae were observed to survive up to 12 weeks at this temperature (Storey and Storey,


The activity of PK was shown to remain constant in gall fly larvae throughout

winter but dropped in the spring before the pupal stage (Joanisse and Storey, 1994),

probably related to a reduced need to depend on glycolytic metabolism once there was no

longer much chance of freezing. However, in the autumn/winter (prior to entry into the

frozen state), PK was observed to be cold-inhibited in response to temperature decreases


from 23-13oC as assessed by the accumulation of PEP and a decrease in pyruvate (Storey

and Storey, 1983a). This likely served the purpose of restricting carbon flow through

glycolysis to allow cryoprotectant synthesis. However, further temperature decline did

not alter PEP and pyruvate levels, indicating a potential for regulation further up the

glycolytic pathway (PFK locus) or an unknown PK regulation. LDH activity was

likewise maintained during the winter and increases by March (Joanisse and Storey,

1994). As a result, the importance of pyruvate production becomes relevant in order to

supply LDH with the substrate needed to regenerate NAD for glycolysis. This led to the

question of whether PK was modified or regulated in such a way to allow it to maintain

its activity during the winter in spite of the low temperature and fluctuating carbohydrate

intermediates. PK has been the subject of many studies because of its crucial role both in

sustaining glycolytic ATP production and in acting as the final regulatory step in the

glycolytic pathway. Indeed, once circulation is halted by freezing, the gall fly must rely

on anaerobic metabolism to preserve its basal metabolic needs for what could be many

weeks until thawing occurs (Storey and Storey, 1985).

The present study notably focused on the role of reversible PTMs as a regulatory

mechanism of PK activity and kinetics in response to freezing. PK and PFK from the

spadefoot toad, Scaphiopus couchii, have been shown by our laboratory to be reversibly

phosphorylated to regulate their roles in the transition between dormant and active state

during estivation (Cowan and Storey, 1999). Reversible phosphorylation has major

regulatory effects on a variety of enzymes of intermediary metabolism and there is

evidence of this PTM regulating several enzymes in gall fly larvae such as pyruvate

dehydrogenase as mentioned in the previous chapter. A role for PTMs in enzymatic


regulation in cold-hardy animals is only beginning to be investigated such as a recent

demonstration from our laboratory that LDH from skeletal muscle of the freeze tolerant

wood frog, Rana sylvatica, is deacetylated and possibly ubiquitinated in response to

freezing (Abboud and Storey, 2013). The present study analyzes purified PK from

goldenrod gall fly larvae, evaluating the effects of whole animal freezing exposures on

PK properties and assessing the potential involvement of different PTMs as a regulatory



Chemicals and Animals

Chemicals were purchased from Sigma Chemical Company (St. Louis, MO) or

Bioshop (Burlington, ON). Goldenrod galls containing freeze tolerant Eurosta solidaginis

larvae were collected in October from fields in the Ottawa region. First, insects were

acclimated for three weeks in an incubator set at 5°C. A portion of insects were then

sampled by being rapidly removed from the galls and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen. The

remainder were kept at −5°C for two and a half weeks and then moved to a −15oC freezer

for another two and a half weeks. Then, they were rapidly flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen

as the 5°C insects. Insects were stored at −80°C until use.

Preparation of tissue extracts and enzyme purification

Insects were quickly weighed and mixed 1:5 w:v in ice-cold buffer A (10 mM

potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 10% v/v glycerol, 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 1.5 mM

EDTA, 1.5 mM EGTA, 25 mM β-glycerophosphate) that contained protein kinase


(EDTA, EGTA) and protein phosphatase (β-glycerophosphate) inhibitors. After the quick

addition of a few crystals of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), the sample was

immediately homogenized on ice with a Diamed Pro 200 homogenizer. Homogenates

were centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 30 min at 4°C in an Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R and

the supernatant was stored on ice. A 3 mL aliquot of supernatant was then diluted 1:2 v:v

in buffer A and loaded onto a 5 x 1 cm column of hydroxyapatite (bead bed at 1 cm from

bottom) equilibrated in buffer A and washed to remove unbound protein. The wash

fractions (PK does not bind this column) containing abundant PK activity were pooled

and loaded onto a phosphocellulose column equilibrated in buffer B (same as buffer A

but with 10 mM MES buffer, pH 6.0), washed and eluted with 40 mL of buffer A

containing 10 mM Mg-ATP. The fractions with highest activity were pooled and applied

to a Cibacron blue column equilibrated in buffer C (same as buffer A but 10 mM Tris

buffer, pH 8.0), washed and eluted with a gradient of 0-2 M KCl in buffer C. Purified PK

was collected for enzyme assay and a portion kept for dot blot analysis.

SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

The purity of PK was verified by running samples on SDS-PAGE, followed by

staining with silver according to the following procedure. Samples of purified PK were

concentrated 5-fold in 2 mL Centricons (Millipore Bioscience) by centrifugation at 4000

rpm for 30 min in an Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R. Concentrated purified enzyme was

mixed 2:1 v:v with SDS loading buffer (100 mM Tris buffer, pH 6.8, 4% w:v SDS, 20%

v:v glycerol, 0.2% w:v bromophenol blue) with 10% v:v 2-mercaptoethanol added

immediately before use and boiled for 5 min, cooled on ice and frozen at −20°C. Aliquots


(30 µL) of thawed, well-mixed sample were added into the wells of 10% SDS-PAGE

gels. Gels were run at 180 V for 30 min in running buffer containing 25 mM Tris-base,

250 mM glycine and 0.1% w:v SDS. Genedirex 10.5–175 kD protein ladders were run in

selected lanes to assess the subunit molecular mass of PK.

Enzyme assays

PK activity was measured by coupling its reaction product (pyruvate) with the

consumption of NADH by LDH. The reaction was monitored at 340 nm using a

Multiskan Spectrum microplate reader. Optimal assay conditions for the forward reaction

were determined to be 50 mM Tris pH 7.2, 50 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 2 mM ADP, 1

mM PEP, 0.15 mM NADH, and 0.5 units purified LDH from Lactobacillus leichmanii

(Sigma) in a 200 µL total volume; assays were typically started by the addition of 1 µL of

purified PK enzyme. Routine assays were run at room temperature (22°C). I50 values for

PEP and ADP were determined at constant, suboptimal co-substrate concentrations. I50

values for all other compounds were determined at constant, subsaturating levels of

substrate. For analysis of the pH dependence of PK substrate affinity, assays were

conducted at 22°C under optimal substrate concentrations in different 50 mM buffers:

MES (pH 6.5), Tris (pH 7-9), or CHES (pH 9.5-10).

Soluble protein concentrations were determined using the Coomassie blue G-250

dye-binding method with the Bio-Rad Laboratories prepared reagent and bovine serum

albumin as the standard.


Dot blots

Dot blots were used to analyze and identify protein post-translational

modifications using the method of Abboud and Storey (2013). Purified PK was applied to

nitrocellulose membranes using a Bio-Dot® microfiltration apparatus that was pre-

washed twice with Tris-buffered saline (TBS: 20 mM Tris base, 140 mM NaCl, pH 7.6).

In brief, samples passed through the apparatus by gravity and were then washed twice

with TBST (TBS containing 0.05% v/v Tween-20). The membrane was sectioned with a

razor blade into multiple pieces for probing with different antibodies, followed by three 5

min washes with TBST, blocking with 1 mg/ml poly(vinyl alcohol) in TBST for 30 s, and

then washing again with TBST as above. Membranes were then incubated with one of six

primary antibodies overnight at 4°C: anti-phosphotyrosine (Invitrogen; cat. #136600),

anti-phosphothreonine (Invitrogen; cat. #718200), anti-phosphoserine (Invitrogen; cat.

#618100), anti-methyl lysine (Biosciences Inc.; cat. # SPC-158F), anti-acetyl (Santa Cruz

Biotechnology; cat. # sc 8663-R,), or anti-ubiquitin (Abcam; cat. # ab19247), each

diluted 1:1000 v:v in TBST. Unbound primary antibody was removed with three 5 min

washes with TBST and then the membranes were incubated with HRP-conjugated anti-

rabbit or anti-mouse secondary antibody (BioShop, diluted 1:4000 v:v in TBST) for 30

min at room temperature, followed by three 5 min washes with TBST. Membranes were

then developed using Western Lighting Chemiluminescence Plus reagents (NEN, Perkin

Elmer) following manufacturer’s protocols, washed three times for 5 min, and signal was

detected using enzymatic chemiluminescence. Detection used the ChemiGenius

Bioimaging System (Syngene, MD) and dot densities were quantified using GeneTools

software (v3.00.02). Subsequently, membranes were re-stained for 5 min with Coomassie


blue (25% w/v Coomassie Brilliant Blue R in 50% v/v methanol, 7.5% v/v acetic acid)

and destained for 10 min with destaining mix [50% v/v methanol, 10% v/v acetic acid in

distilled-deionized water (ddH2O)]. Phosphoprotein dot intensities were normalized

against their corresponding Coomassie blue stained dot to correct for any variations in

sample loading.

ProQ diamond phosphoprotein blot staining

In some instances, the dot blot procedure was followed by staining with Pro-Q®

Diamond phosphoprotein stain (Invitrogen, Eugene, OR). In this case, the following

modifications of the procedure were used. After loading protein onto the membrane, it

was placed face down in fixing solution (7% acetic acid, 10% methanol, 83% ddH2O)

and incubated for 10 min followed by washing four times in ddH2O for 5 min each. The

membrane was then immersed in 25 mL of Pro-Q® Diamond phosphoprotein blot stain

(1000x diluted in ProQ phosphoprotein dot buffer) for 15 min. The membrane was

destained with three 5 min washes in ProQ dot blot destaining solution (15 mL acetic

acid, 75 mL isopropanol, 300 mL ddH2O) followed by washing three times in ddH2O for

5 min each. Fluorescent bands on the membrane were visualized with the ChemiGenius

and dot intensities were quantified. Subsequently, membranes were restained with

Coomassie blue as described above.

Data and Statistical Analysis

A Microplate Analysis (MPA) Program was used to analyze enzyme rates and

kinetic parameters were derived using a nonlinear least squares regression computer


program, Kinetics 3.51 (Brooks 1992). Microsoft Excel 2010 and QI Macros software

was used for all univariate and error plot analysis. As appropriate, statistical analysis used

either the Student’s independent t-test or a one-way ANOVA linked with Tukey’s post-

hoc test (Ennos 2006). Values for ‘n’ denote the number of independent preparations of

enzyme tested, each preparation being derived from a pool of at least 10 E. solidaginis



Purification of Pyruvate Kinase

PK was purified from control (5°C acclimated) and frozen (−15°C acclimated)

gall fly larvae using a three-step method. Table 2.1 shows the purification steps and

Figure 2.1 shows a representative SDS-PAGE gel for PK purified from control larvae.

The first purification step was a hydroxyapatite column that was used as a negative

purification step since PK passed directly through the column but leaving nearly half of

the total protein behind. The second step was elution off a phosphocellulose affinity

column using a 10 mM Mg-ATP bump. The third step was a Cibacron blue column using

elution with a KCl gradient. The negative hydroxyapatite column gave a 1.57-fold

purification and a yield of 81.6% for control PK and a 1.49-fold purification and a yield

of 89.0% for frozen PK. The phosphocellulose column raised the fold purification to

4.81-fold with a net 47.3% yield for control and a 5.93-fold purification and a yield of

52.8% for frozen. The Cibacron blue column raised the overall final fold purification to

15.28-fold for control PK with a 101.8% yield and a 16.66-fold purification and a yield of

79.3% for PK from frozen larvae. SDS-PAGE analysis showed single bands of PK


protein for all purified preparations; Figure 2.1 shows an example for purified PK from

control gall fly larvae. The calculated subunit molecular mass of gall fly PK was 61.9 ±

1.0 kD (n=2 separate purifications), very close to the value for commercially prepared PK

from Lactobacillus leichmanii seen in lane 1 (65.4 kD). Another example is the

genetically closer mouse, Mus musculus, that has an almost identical subunit molecular

weight of 62 kD and a native tetrameric structure (Kim et al., 2008).

Activities and kinetic analysis of purified PK from control and frozen gall fly larvae

Table 2.2 shows kinetic parameters for PK purified from control and frozen gall

fly larvae. There was no significant difference in the Vmax of purified PK (8.05-7.55 U/g)

between the two insect states when assayed under optimal assay conditions at pH 7.2 and

22°C. However, the Michaelis constant (Km) for PEP did differ significantly between

control (0.126±0.005 mM) and frozen (0.150±0.003 mM) states (p<0.01, n=4) but the Km

value for ADP did not differ. Inhibition of PK by its substrates PEP and ADP was similar

between the enzyme from control and frozen insects with a stronger inhibition observed

for PEP. Values for I50 (concentration that reduces activity by 50%) were ~3.0 mM for

PEP and 10.0-10.4 mM for ADP (Table 2.2).

The effects of pH (6.5-10) on the Km PEP were also evaluated for purified PK

from control and frozen larvae (Figure 2.2). The Km was similar between control and

frozen at extreme ends of the pH range tested (6.5 and 10.0). However, the Km PEP for

frozen PK showed a left-ward shift at pH values between the extremes and were

significantly different than corresponding control values except at pH 8.5 (p<0.05, n=3).

The effect of pH on Km PEP followed a two peak pattern peaking at 7.2 and 9-9.5. The


effect of sorbitol and glycerol, the polyhydric alcohols that accumulate as cryoprotectants

in gall fly larvae, were tested on the activity of PK at 22oC. Figure 2.3 shows that neither

glycerol nor sorbitol had an effect on PK activity from control or frozen larvae at

concentrations above, at, and below physiological levels in frozen gall fly (~330 mM for

glycerol and ~105 mM for sorbitol).

The effect of other sugars and related molecules were examined on PK from gall

fly larvae. The Km of PEP was measured at pH 7.2 in the presence of L-alanine, glucose,

or two levels of G3P (Table 2.3). In the presence of 5 mM alanine, Km PEP decreased

significantly and remained in the same ratio between control and frozen PK (frozen being

greater). In the presence of 30 mM glucose, Km PEP of control went up and that of frozen

went down just enough to no longer be significantly different. In the presence of 2.5 mM

G3P, Km PEP for control and frozen was 50% of its value without G3P. Finally, in the

presence of 52.5 mM G3P, Km PEP remained unchanged for both control and frozen PK

(Table 2.3).

Structure Stability

Several compounds were found to inhibit PK: glucose, AMP, ATP, sulfate,

oxalate, alanine, G3P, cysteine, and H2O2 (Table 2.2). No compound mentioned in the

literature was found to activate PK. Table 2.2 shows the I50 values for the listed

compounds that were measureable and found relevant to the study. The I50 values for

AMP was approximately 44% greater for frozen (49.2 ± 1.4 mM) than control (34.7 ± 0.5

mM; p<0.005, n=3). G3P also had significantly different I50 values for control (61.5±2.1


mM) and frozen (73.1±1.3 mM; p<0.05, n=3). Oxalate had the highest inhibitory effect

on PK (lowest I50) but I50 values were not different between the two insect states.

The effect of high concentrations of urea on PK was assessed by analyzing the I50

value for urea in the absence versus presence of various sugar additives (Figure 2.4). In

the absence of any additive, the I50 value for urea was significantly higher (~75%) for PK

from frozen larvae compared to the control enzyme (p<0.01, n=4). Both glucose

increased the I50 urea for control and frozen PK but glycerol only increased the I50 urea of

control PK. Sorbitol did not change the I50 urea of control PK but significantly decreased

it for frozen PK (p<0,01, n=4). Glucose and glycerol added together raised the I50 urea of

control PK to the same level as with glucose or glycerol alone whereas that of frozen PK

was significantly decreased (p<0,01, n=4). When all three sugars were added together,

there was no additional effect.

Dot blotting for post-translational modifications

Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein stain was used to assess the relative

phosphorylation state of purified PK from control and frozen gall fly larvae. Pro-Q dot

intensities were standardized against the corresponding intensity of the same PK dot after

restaining with Coomassie blue. Standardized Pro-Q fluorescence dot intensities were

significantly different between control and frozen conditions indicating a change in the

relative protein phosphorylation between the two states (Figure 2.5). Other potential post-

translational modifications of gall fly PK were then assessed by dot blotting using

purified preparations of control and frozen PK and antibodies that detected different

PTMs on proteins. Frozen PK showed a significantly higher level of phosphorylation on


threonine residues (~65%) than control PK (p<0.005, n=8; Figure 2.6). However, a

comparison of control versus frozen PK showed no significant differences between the

two enzyme forms with respect to any other PTM: phosphoserine, phosphotyrosine,

methyl-lysine, acetylation or ubiquitination (Figure 2.6).


Table 2.1. Purification of pyruvate kinase from freeze-tolerant gall fly larvae.

Tissue Step Total













Control Crude 18705 9.85 N/A N/A 0.53

Hydroxyapatite 9711 8.04 81.6% 1.57 0.83

Phosphocellulose 1839 4.66 47.3% 4.81 2.53

Cibacron blue 1246 10.03 101.8% 15.28 8.05

Frozen Crude 24744 11.21 N/A N/A 0.45

Hydroxyapatite 14743 9.98 89.0% 1.49 0.68

Phosphocellulose 2202 5.92 52.8% 5.93 2.69

Cibacron blue 1177 8.89 79.3% 16.66 7.55


Table 2.2. Kinetic parameters of purified PK from control and frozen gall fly. All assays

were carried out at room temperature (22°C) and pH 7.2. Km values were determined at

optimal co-substrate concentration, either 1 mM PEP or 2 mM ADP. I50 values were

determined at sub-optimal concentrations of both substrates, 0.5 mM PEP or 1 mM ADP.

Data are means ± SEM, n = 3. a – Significantly different from the corresponding control

value using Student’s test. NS – not significant.

Kinetic parameter (mM) Control Frozen P-value

Km PEP, pH 7.2 0.126 ± 0.005 0.150 ± 0.003a <0.01, n=4

Km ADP, pH 7.2 0.309 ± 0.004 0.297 ± 0.003 NS, n=3

I50 PEP 3.01 ± 0.07 3.05 ± 0.02 NS, n=2

I50 ADP 10.0 ± 0.10 10.4 ± 0.28 NS, n=3

I50 AMP 34.7 ± 0.52 49.2 ± 1.38a <0.005, n=3

I50 ATP 3.52 ± 0.07 3.53 ± 0.09 NS, n=3

I50 alanine 59.5 ± 7.3 44.0 ± 0.9 NS, n=3

I50 glycerol-3-phosphate 61.5 ± 2.1 73.1 ± 1.3a <0.05, n=3

I50 glucose 81.3 ± 1.9 91.6 ± 1.7 NS, n=3

I50 H2O2 10.1 ± 1.39 10.7 ± 0.23 NS, n=3

I50 sodium sulfate 11.5 ± 0.19 11.0 ± 0.19 NS, n=3

I50 potassium oxalate monohydrate 0.317 ± 0.010 0.301 ± 0.008 NS, n=3

I50 cysteine 12.4 ± 0.89 13.1 ± 1.11 NS, n=3


Table 2.3. Effect of sugars and an amino acid on the affinity constant for PEP of PK

from gall fly larvae. All assays were carried out at room temperature (22°C) and pH 7.2

in the presence of additives as shown in the table. Data are means ± SEM, n = 3.

Statistical testing used ANOVA followed by a Tukey post-hoc test. a – significantly

different from the corresponding control value in the presence of the same additive using

one-way ANOVA, p<0.01; b –significantly different from the corresponding value

without an additive using one-way ANOVA, p<0.01.

Affinity Constant (mM) Control Frozen

Km PEP, pH 7.2 0.126 ± 0.005 0.150 ± 0.003a

Km PEP, 5 mM L-alanine 0.066 ± 0.013b 0.098 ± 0.009a,b

Km PEP, 30 mM glucose 0.136 ± 0.006 0.134 ± 0.010

Km PEP, 2.5 mM glycerol-3-phosphate 0.064 ± 0.005b 0.084 ± 0.009b

Km PEP, 52.5 mM glycerol-3-phosphate 0.134 ± 0.012 0.154 ± 0.014



Figure 2.1. SDS-PAGE gel showing the purification of PK from control gall flies. Lanes

are: (1) Genedirex 10.5-175 kD protein ladder, (2) PK from Lactobacillus leichmanii

(Sigma), and (3) purified PK from control gall flies. The gel was stained with silver.










1 2 3


Figure 2.2. The effect of pH on the Km PEP of PK from control and frozen gall flies.

Data are means ± SEM, n = 3. Statistical testing used ANOVA followed by a Tukey post-

hoc test. a – significantly different from the corresponding control value at the same pH,

p<0.01; b –significantly different from the corresponding value at the optimum pH of 7.2,



Figure 2.3. Activity of PK from control and frozen gall fly larvae in the presence of the

natural cryoprotectants accumulated by the insects: sorbitol (A) and glycerol (B). Activity

was determined at sub-optimal concentrations of both substrates, 0.5 mM PEP or 1 mM

ADP. Data are means ± SEM, n = 3.


Figure 2.4. The effect of adding sugars on the I50 value for urea of PK purified from

control and frozen gall fly larvae. The sugar concentrations used were: 30 mM glucose,

240 mM glycerol, and 81 mM sorbitol. Data are means ± SEM, n = 4. Statistical testing

used ANOVA followed by a Tukey post-hoc test. a – significantly different from the

corresponding control value in the presence of the same additive, p<0.01; b – significantly

different from the corresponding value without a sugar added, p<0.01.


Figure 2.5. Dot blot showing Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein staining of PK (and

corresponding Coomassie blue staining of the dots) and quantification of the relative

phosphorylation on PK purified from control versus frozen gall fly larvae. Data are mean

± SEM, n = 4. * – significantly different from the control by the Student’s t-test, p˂0.05.


Control Frozen

Phosphothreonine Dot Blot



Phosphoserine Dot Blot



Phosphotyrosine Dot Blot



Methyl Lysine Dot Blot



Acetyl Dot Blot



Ubiquitin Dot Blot



Figure 2.6. Dot blots with antibodies assessing different post-translational modifications

and Coomassie protein staining of PK purified from control and frozen gall fly larvae.

Data are mean ± SEM, n = 8 for phospho-threonine and n = 4 for the rest. * –

significantly different from the corresponding control by the Student’s t-test, p˂0.05.



While in the frozen state gall fly larvae must rely on anaerobic glycolysis for the

generation of ATP since freezing cuts off oxygen delivery to cells, thereby inhibiting

mitochondrial respiration and leading to the build-up of anaerobic end products (lactate,

alanine) in the frozen state (Storey et al., 1981b). The larvae may be frozen for days,

weeks or sometimes months at a time and a net depletion of energy reserves (arginine

phosphate and ATP) occurs but these must also be sustained at minimum levels by

glycolytic ATP production in order to maintain viability. PK is the last enzyme in

glycolysis, one of the two ATP-generating steps in the pathway, and can be a point of

control of the outward flow of carbon towards fates including lactate production,

oxidation by mitochondria, and biosynthesis of many sorts. This investigation shows that

PK from 5 and −15oC acclimated gall fly larvae demonstrated prominently different

kinetic properties, structural stability, and different phosphorylation states.

The affinity of PK for its substrate, PEP, changed significantly in the frozen state

as shown by a ~20% increase in Km PEP, which causes catalytic efficiency to decrease.

Although there was a similar total PK activity in both control and frozen states when

assayed under optimal conditions, the reduction in substrate affinity may suggest a

different result in vivo where PEP concentrations are low. In the desert snail, Otala

lactea, the Km PEP was found to increase as a result of an increase in relative protein

phosphorylation by endogenous kinases when the snails entered estivation and

experienced anoxia (Whitwam and Storey, 1990). Furthermore, the I50 values for Mg-

ATP and L-alanine were reduced for the phosphorylated form of O. lactea PK, which

indicates greater inhibition by these metabolites, all pointing towards a reduction in PK


activity in the stress-induced hypometabolic state. Therefore, while there was no change

observed in alanine or ATP inhibition with gall fly PK, the evidence thus far suggests that

a hypometabolic state may be the goal of PK regulation.

In addition to direct changes in substrate affinity, PK is regulated via effectors

such as activators and inhibitors. A commonly documented PK activator is fructose-1,6-

bisphosphate (FBP) but it was not found to activate gall fly PK. Among the numerous PK

inhibitors, alanine and Mg-ATP were found to change potency when the host experienced

stress (Plaxton and Storey 1984a; Whitwam and Storey, 1990; Michaelidis and Storey,

1990; Greenway and Storey, 2000). For example, in foot muscle of the whelk, Busycon

canaliculatum, the I50 values for Mg-ATP and alanine decreased under anoxic conditions

and responded differently to assay temperature and pH (Michaelidis and Storey, 1990). In

the gall fly, no changes in I50 values for ATP and alanine inhibition were observed.

Additionally, the I50 ATP (~3.5 mM) was found to be much lower than whelk Mg-ATP

inhibition. Similarly, the I50 AMP was roughly 500-fold higher than physiological AMP

levels, however, it did show a large change in frozen PK (Table 2.2). Along with a

similar trend in I50 G3P (Table 2.2) and the rest of the inhibition data, it is clear that the

gall fly does not rely on any form of inhibition to regulate PK during freezing.

Since alanine, G3P, and glucose all increase in frozen gall fly larvae, their effects

on the substrate affinity of PK were measured. The levels of alanine (5 mM) and G3P

(2.5 mM) that are physiological at subzero temperatures in the gall fly were found to

lower the Km PEP by ~50% in both control and frozen samples (Table 2.3). Physiological

levels of glucose had no effect and neither did high levels of G3P (52.5 mM). These

effects suggest a maintenance of PK activity under freezing conditions. However, the Km


PEP was still significantly higher for the enzyme from frozen insects (~0.1 mM) in the

presence of alanine as compared to the control value (~0.07 mM; Table 2.3).

Additionally, pH could play a big role in these kinetic changes because pH rises as

temperature is reduced and this may change the way that PK responds to effectors. In the

previously mentioned study on the whelk, the properties of PK were found to be less

altered when the assay pH was allowed to rise to 7.25 from 7.00 with a temperature

decrease from 20oC to 5oC (Michaelidis and Storey, 1990). In this study, the effect of pH

on PEP affinity was measured and compared between control and frozen PK. Both

enzyme forms showed a double peak pattern with the first peak being around neutral pH

and the second being between pH 9-9.5 (Figure 2.2). However, frozen PK showed a

distinct left-ward shift (towards the acid end) of the Km PEP compared to control. As a

result, there was a pronounced difference in the PK Km values for control vs frozen larvae

at pH 8, 9 and 9.5 (Figure 2.2). To interpret the results, we have to consider that the

intracellular pH rises in the gall fly at lower temperatures based on the findings of

numerous studies (Heisler et al., 1976; Malan et al., 1976; Reeves, 1972; Reeves and

Malan, 1976; Michaelidis and Storey, 1990, Storey et al., 1984). While it can be argued

that under anaerobic conditions pH becomes more acidic because of a build-up of lactic

acid, we have already established that in the gall fly lactate reaches a plateau as

temperature drops and does not reach high levels (Storey and Storey, 1985). Therefore, if

the intracellular pH in gall fly rises slightly in freezing conditions (~pH 7.5), PEP affinity

will equalize to control, but if it increases even higher (pH 8), frozen PK would have a

much higher PEP affinity than control (Figure 2.2). Furthermore, if the pH were to rise to

9 (highly unlikely), then the reverse effect would be observed and frozen PK would have


a much lower affinity for PEP (Figure 2.2). Since gall fly larvae experience temperatures

well below −15oC while maintaining lactate levels at or below 3.39 µmol/g wet wt., it is

more likely that their intracellular pH increases rather than decreases (Storey and Storey,

1985). Therefore, based on all the evidence, under basic conditions and in the presence of

alanine and G3P frozen PK activity is being maintained despite a hypometabolic state.

However, pyruvate levels do not change in gall fly larvae acclimated to a range of

temperatures from 15 to −30oC (Storey et al., 1981b). Therefore, there is much left to be

understood on the regulation of PK in the gall fly.

There are factors other than direct kinetic properties that can play a role in

enzyme regulation such as protein structure and stability. Polyol cryoprotectants are

involved in such a role because in addition to protecting against freezing and dehydration,

they also act to stabilize the native state of proteins to prevent denaturation due to low

temperature or freezing (Storey et al., 1991). For this reason, the effects on the activity of

PK of the two most abundant cryoprotectants in the gall fly were measured.

Concentrations of glycerol and sorbitol ranging from below to above their peak

concentrations in frozen gall fly larvae in vivo had no effect on the activity of either

control or frozen PK (Figure 2.3). However, to further investigate the potential

stabilization of PK by gall fly cryoprotectants, the denaturation of PK by urea was

assessed in the presence of glycerol, sorbitol and glucose. It was important to note that

without any additives, frozen PK showed a higher stability based on a significantly

greater I50 urea (Figure 2.4). Glucose alone significantly increased the I50 urea of both

control and frozen PK to a similar degree while sorbitol alone actually decreased the I50

urea of frozen PK (Figure 2.4). However, glycerol at high levels had no effect on the I50


urea of frozen PK while increasing the I50 urea of control PK to a value similar to that

seen in the presence of high glucose. Interestingly, combinations of the sugars (glucose

and glycerol, or all three) equally decreased the stability of frozen PK while also

increasing the I50 urea of control PK to a value similar to that of glucose alone (Figure

2.4). Based on this data and the fact that all three sugars are present in frozen gall fly

larvae, it is clear that the structural stability of frozen PK is compromised in the presence

of these cryoprotectants but not to the point of the inferior stability of control PK.

To explain the different kinetic and structural properties of gall fly PK, a common

regulatory mechanism was examined. Reversible PTMs have been shown to act as an on-

off switch or regulators of protein activity based on many studies (Storey and Storey,

2007). PTMs affecting E. solidaginis PK were examined using both Pro-Q Diamond

phosphoprotein staining and immunoblotting. Dot blots exposed to Pro-Q Diamond

phosphoprotein staining showed a ~30% greater relative protein phosphorylation for

frozen PK as compared with the control enzyme (Figure 2.5). Immunoblotting indicated

that this difference was the result of a significantly greater phosphothreonine content of

the frozen enzyme (Figure 2.6). Similar results from other species are consistent with a

stress-induced “high phosphate” form of PK that shows altered kinetic properties as

compared with the control form (Plaxton and Storey, 1984b; Whitwam and Storey, 1990)

although in some species environmental stress triggered the conversion of PK from a

high phosphate to a low phosphate form (Cowan and Storey, 1999; Greenway and Storey,

2000). In all these studies, however, stress-induced changes in the phosphorylation state

of PK had a similar effect of lowering activity to support a hypometabolic state. A similar

example exists in the gall fly; freezing induced the suppression of activities of ion motive


ATPases by reversible phosphorylation (McMullen and Storey 2008, 2010). Therefore, it

is evident that PK has at least two forms in the gall fly; the “low phosphate” warm season

form and the “high phosphate” cold season form. This is the most plausible explanation

to the different kinetic and structural properties that were observed between warm and

cold acclimated gall fly larvae.

The metabolic rate of diapausing gall fly larvae in midwinter was just 35%–40%

of the early-autumn value at the same temperature (Irwin and Lee 2002; Levin et al.

2003). Taking this into consideration along with the previously mentioned fact that lipid

oxidation and mitochondrial activity are halted in frozen gall fly, it is obvious that at least

a basal activity of glycolysis must be maintained to support cell energy needs. PK

regulation is an important component of this glycolytic control. We have seen that PK

from frozen insects has a lower substrate affinity in vitro but a number of factors

increased affinity including allosteric effects by alanine and G3P, as well as changes in

pH. Additionally, the high phosphate form of PK showed greater protein stability but a

different interaction with the cryoprotectants, namely, a reduction in stability (in the

presence of glycerol, sorbitol and glucose) that still is more stable than the low phosphate

form. Winter presents gall fly larvae with a number of environmental changes that affect

cell function and it appears that the structural changes brought about by phosphorylation

allow PK to maintain its activity at a lower basal metabolic rate that contributes to

sustaining glycolytic ATP production in the frozen state.


Chapter 3:

Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the

goldenrod gall fly



Gall fly larvae not only need to survive the winter but also need to have enough

lipid and protein to pupate into fertile adults. It has been shown that their total body lipid

and protein content does not decrease during the winter (Storey and Storey, 1986).

Additionally, lipid was not used as a substrate by mitochondria from cold-acclimated

larvae when mitochondrial respiration was assayed at 1oC (Ballantyne and Storey, 1985).

Another survival strategy employed by gall fly larvae is the accumulation of large

amounts of glycogen prior to entering diapause. Levels increased 9-fold in early autumn

and this glycogen, although largely used to support cryoprotectant synthesis during the

autumn, also provides an alternative fuel source for both winter energy production and

spring resumption of development (Storey and Storey, 1986). Indeed, glycogen and/or

glucose is a crucial fuel for when larvae are frozen since anaerobic glycolysis is the only

source of ATP production in the frozen, anoxic state. Therefore, all these strategies

contribute towards giving the gall fly the ability to survive through the winter and have

sufficient fuel reserves to pupate, metamorphose to the adult stage, and successfully


The enzymes involved in producing glycerol divert triose phosphates out from the

glycolytic pathway. Of the two possible glycerol-producing pathways, the current chapter

focuses on the one that uses DHAP as a substrate (the other pathway starts with GAP;

Joanisse and Storey, 1994). Instead of DHAP being converted to GAP in glycolysis, it is

converted to G3P by G3PDH and then to glycerol by glycerol-3-phosphatase. This was

confirmed as a major source of glycerol production because there is a rise in G3P

(indicating an inhibition of G3P dephosphorylation) after glycerol accumulation stops


(Storey and Storey, 1982). The production of G3P can also be used by the gall fly to

synthesize lipids and to build triglyceride reserves for fuel during the nonfeeding adult

stage (Storey and Storey, 1982). A previous study by our laboratory found no change in

G3PDH activity from gall fly larvae acclimated to temperatures of 15o versus −30oC

(Storey and Storey, 1981) and neither were there any changes in the levels of G3PDH

effectors (Storey et al., 1981b). High levels of sorbitol and glycerol increased the thermal

stability of G3PDH, which could also help its stability at low temperatures. Interestingly,

the stabilization effect that sorbitol and glycerol have on gall fly G3PDH was greater than

that on rabbit G3PDH, suggesting a regulatory mechanism (Storey and Storey, 1982). All

these taken into consideration, G3PDH is of great interest as a regulatory locus in

metabolism that influences the winter survival of gall fly larvae.

To the best of my knowledge, there have not been any reports of G3PDH being

reversibly post-translationally modified in response to a stimulus such as environmental

stress. There are reports, however, of changes in kinetic parameters such as in the liver

and skeletal muscle of hibernating black-tailed prairie dogs, Cynomys ludivicianus (de la

Roche et al., 2012). The substrate affinity (Km) for DHAP of prairie dog muscle G3PDH

decreased by almost 50% under 5oC assay conditions compared to 22oC. Similarly, the

Km NADH was three times lower at 5oC for prairie dog muscle G3PDH (de la Roche et

al., 2012). The present study analyzes purified G3PDH from goldenrod gall fly larvae,

evaluating the effects of whole animal freezing exposures on G3PDH properties and

assessing the potential involvement of different PTMs as a regulatory mechanism.



Chemicals and Animals

Chemical purchases, animal collection and procedures was as described in

Chapter 2.

Preparation of tissue extracts and enzyme purification

Samples of frozen insects (E. solidaginis) were homogenized and centrifuged as

described in Chapter 2 but in buffer C instead (10 mM Tris buffer, pH 8.0, 10% v/v

glycerol, 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 1.5 mM EDTA, 1.5 mM EGTA, 25 mM β-

glycerophosphate) with PMSF added immediately before homogenization. After

centrifugation, a 2 mL aliquot of supernatant was diluted 1:2 v:v in buffer C and loaded

onto a 5 x 1 cm column of Cibacron blue column (bead bed at 1 cm from bottom)

equilibrated in buffer C, washed to remove unbound protein and eluted with 30 mL of

buffer C containing 1 M KCl. Interference due to low molecular weight metabolites and

ions was found to inhibit binding of G3PDH to the subsequent column. To remove these,

5 cm columns of Sephadex G‐25 were prepared in syringe barrels, equilibrated in buffer

C and centrifuged at 1,500 rpm in a bench‐top centrifuge for 3 min to remove excess

liquid. The eluent from the previous step with highest enzyme activity was then applied

to the columns (a maximum 500 µL aliquot per column) and centrifuged again. The

eluent from all columns was pooled and applied to a second Cibacron blue column

equilibrated in buffer C, washed and eluted with a gradient of 2:2 mM NADH:G3P in

buffer C. To remove these substrates, the previous Sephadex G-25 procedure was


repeated. Purity of G3PDH was verified as described in Chapter 2. Purified G3PDH was

collected for enzyme assay and a portion was kept for dot blot analysis.

Enzyme assays

G3PDH activity was measured by monitoring the production of NADH. The

reaction was monitored at 340 nm using a Multiskan Spectrum microplate reader.

Optimal assay conditions for the reverse reaction were determined to be 50 mM Tris pH

8.6, 2 mM NAD+, and 10 mM G3P in a 200 µL total volume; assays were typically

started by the addition of 20 µL of purified enzyme. Routine assays were run at room

temperature (22°C). I50 for urea was determined at constant, subsaturating levels of

substrate, 5 mM G3P or 1.5 mM NAD+.

Dot blots

Dot blots were carried out as described in Chapter 2.

Data and Statistical Analysis

These procedures were carried out as described in Chapter 2.

Mass Spectrometry

To confirm the identity of the enzyme being used in this study, a sample of

purified enzyme was sent to the Québec Genomics Center of the CHU de Québec

Research Center (Québec, QC) for proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry. The

purified enzyme preparation was run on SDS-PAGE as described in Chapter 2 and


stained with Coomassie blue. The G3PDH band was identified based on molecular

weight, and then it was cut out and destained. The gel sample was placed in 100 µL of

ddH2O and shipped in a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube at room temperature. Data was viewed in

Scaffold 4 Proteomics Software.


Purification of G3PDH

G3PDH was purified from control (5°C acclimated) and frozen (−15°C

acclimated) gall fly larvae using a two-step method. The first purification step was a

Cibacron blue column eluted with a 1 M KCl bump. An intermediate step was then

required for removal of low molecular weight metabolites and ions by a Sephadex G-25

spun column before applying the enzyme to the next column. The second step was

elution off a Cibacron blue column using a 2:2 mM NADH:G3P gradient. SDS-PAGE

analysis showed single bands of G3PDH protein for all purified preparations; Figure 3.1

shows examples for purified G3PDH from frozen gall fly larvae. The calculated subunit

molecular mass was 36.1 ± 1.0 kD (n = 3 separate purifications), close to the value for

commercially prepared G3PDH from rabbit muscle seen in lane 5.

Activities and kinetic analysis of purified G3PDH from control and frozen gall fly larvae

Table 3.1 shows kinetic parameters for G3PDH purified from control and frozen

gall fly larvae. There was no significant difference in the Vmax of purified G3PDH (208-

156 mU/g) between the two insect states when assayed under optimal assay conditions at

pH 8.6 and 22°C. However, the Michaelis constant (Km) for G3P differed significantly


between control (0.99±0.03 mM) and frozen (1.36±0.03 mM) states (p<0.01, n=4) but the

Km value for NAD+ did not differ. Inhibition of G3PDH by urea was the same for the

enzyme from control and frozen larvae. Values for I50 were 3.51±0.08 M for control and

3.41±0.03 M for frozen (Table 3.1).

The effect of sorbitol and glycerol, the sugars that accumulate as cryoprotectants

in frozen gall fly larvae, were tested on the activity of G3PDH at 22oC. Figure 3.2 shows

that both sugars had no significant effect on G3PDH from control larvae at any

concentration. Similarly, the sugars had no effect on G3PDH activity from frozen larvae

except for glycerol at a concentration of 0.9 M where activity was reduced significantly

by ~30%. (Figure 3.2). The affinity constants for the G3PDH substrates of the reverse

reaction, G3P and NAD+, were measured and compared in the presence of the two

principal cryoprotectants. The Km G3P was found to be significantly lower in control

than frozen (~37%; Table 3.2). In the presence of 893 mM glycerol, the Km G3P

decreased significantly (~50-60%) for the enzyme from both control and frozen larvae,

and they remained different from each other (Table 3.2). In the presence of 106 mM

sorbitol, the Km G3P decreased strongly for the control enzyme to a value similar to that

in the presence of glycerol. However, the Km G3P for the frozen enzyme did not decrease

in the presence of sorbitol and instead actually increased slightly. The Km NAD+ was not

significantly different between the enzyme from control and frozen states or in the

presence/absence of glycerol or sorbitol (Table 3.2).


Structural Stability

The effect of high concentrations of urea on the activity of G3PDH was assessed

as a measure of the structural stability of the enzyme, urea being a known perturbant that

causes enzyme unfolding (Table 3.3). There was no significant difference in the I50 value

for urea between frozen and control enzymes. Glycerol (315 mM), glucose (30 mM) or

both together had no significant effect on the I50 urea for G3PDH from control larvae

(Table 3.3). By contrast, glycerol significantly increased the I50 urea (by ~20%) for

frozen G3PDH as did the addition of both sugars together. Since glucose alone did not

affect the I50 urea of frozen G3PDH, the effect of both sugars together is undoubtedly due

to glycerol (Table 3.3).

Dot blotting for post-translational modifications

Selected potential post-translational modifications to gall fly G3PDH were

assessed by dot blotting using purified preparations of enzyme from control and frozen

larvae and antibodies that detected different PTMs on proteins. Dot intensities were

standardized against the corresponding intensity of the same G3PDH dot after restaining

with Coomassie blue. Standardized dot intensities showed significant differences between

control and frozen conditions indicating changes in relative protein phosphorylation

between the two states (Figure 3.3). Specifically, total serine phosphorylation was 61%

lower, total threonine phosphorylation was 80% lower, and total tyrosine phosphorylation

was 71% lower for G3PDH purified from frozen larvae as compared to the enzyme from

control animals (Figure 3.3). Additionally, total protein ubiquitination was 56% lower for


frozen G3PDH compared to control (Figure 3.3). However, there was no significant

difference in relative protein acetylation between the two enzyme forms.


Table 3.1. Kinetic parameters of purified G3PDH from control and frozen gall fly larvae.

All assays were carried out at room temperature (22°C) and pH 8.6. Km values were

determined at optimal co-substrate concentration, either 10 mM G3P or 2 mM NAD. I50

values were determined at sub-optimal concentrations of both substrates, 5 mM G3P or

1.5 mM NAD. Data are means ± SEM, n = 3. a – Significantly different from the

corresponding control value using the Student’s test. NS – not significant.

Constants Control Frozen P-value

Vmax (mU/g) 208±20 156±4 NS, n=4

Km G3P (mM) 0.99±0.03 1.36±0.03a <0.01, n=4

Km NAD+ (mM) 0.39±0.01 0.36±0.03 NS, n=4

I50 urea (M) 3.51±0.08 3.41±0.03 NS, n=3


Table 3.2. Interaction of substrate affinity with the presence of cryoprotectants (glycerol,

sorbitol) for purified G3PDH from control and frozen gall fly larvae. Assays were carried

out at room temperature (22°C) and pH 8.6. Km values were determined at optimal co-

substrate concentration. Data are means ± SEM, n = 4. a – Significantly different from the

corresponding control value using Student’s test; b – Significantly different from the same

parameter measured in the absence of added sugar. NS – not significant.

Constants Control Frozen P-value

Km G3P 0.99±0.03 1.36±0.04a <0.001

Km G3P, 893 mM glycerol 0.34±0.01b 0.70±0.05a,b <0.005

Km G3P, 106 mM sorbitol 0.24±0.06b 1.55±0.21a <0.005

Km NAD+ 0.39±0.01 0.36±0.02 NS

Km NAD+, 893 mM glycerol 0.31±0.08 0.32±0.05 NS

Km NAD+, 106 mM sorbitol 0.30±0.07 0.33±0.04 NS


Table 3.3. The effect of sugars on the I50 urea of G3PDH from control and frozen gall fly

larvae. Assays were carried out at room temperature (22°C) and pH 8.6 with sub-optimal

substrate concentrations, 5 mM G3P and 1.5 mM NAD. Data are means ± SEM, n = 4.

Statistical testing used ANOVA followed by a Tukey post-hoc test. a – significantly

different from the corresponding control value in the presence of the same sugar, p<0.01;

b – significantly different from the corresponding value without a sugar, p<0.01.

I50 urea Control Frozen

No sugar 3.51±0.10 3.41±0.04

Glycerol, 315 mM 3.94±0.07 4.11±0.03b

Glucose, 30 mM 3.85±0.21 3.47±0.03

Glycerol and Glucose 3.83±0.11 4.33±0.16a,b


Figure 3.1. SDS-PAGE gel showing purification of G3PDH from gall fly larvae. Lanes

are: (1-3) purified G3PDH from frozen larvae (G3PDH identity was confirmed by

proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry), (4) commercial G3PDH from rabbit muscle

(Sigma), (5) Genedirex 10.5-175 kD protein ladder. The gel was stained with Coomassie












Figure 3.2. Relative activity of purified G3PDH from control and frozen gall fly larvae in

the presence of different concentrations of cryoprotectants glycerol or sorbitol. Data are

means ± SEM, n = 3. Statistical testing used ANOVA followed by a Tukey post-hoc test.

a – significantly different from the corresponding control value in the presence of the

same sugar, p<0.01; b – significantly different from the corresponding value without

added sugar, p<0.01.


Control Frozen

Phosphoserine Dot Blot



Phosphothreonine Dot Blot



Phosphotyrosine Dot Blot



Ubiquitin Dot Blot



Acetyl Dot Blot



Figure 3.3. Dot blots with different PTM antibodies and Coomassie protein staining of

G3PDH from control and frozen gall fly larvae. Data are mean ± SEM, n = 4. * –

significantly different by the Student’s t-test, p˂0.05.



Instead of using any available fuel source during the winter, the gall fly elects to

preserve its lipid and, to some extent, glycogen for post-season development. Because

building up lipid storage requires a lot of food consumption, this is done during

summer/autumn in preparation for the winter season and very little lipogenesis can take

place in the frozen state because the energy and substrate requirements for lipid synthesis

cannot be met without mitochondrial function. The same can be said for glycogen with

the exception that a large proportion of it is converted into the cryoprotectants glycerol

and sorbitol during the winter months (but reconverted in the spring). The timing of

glycerol and sorbitol synthesis is very critical, which is why certain enzymes are

regulated at specific temperatures. G3PDH is a locus of re-direction between three

products; carbohydrates, triglycerides, and electron carriers. The gall fly produces high

levels of glycerol over a few weeks as environmental temperatures start to decrease in the

autumn and then switches to making NADPH-requiring sorbitol production at lower

temperatures (below 5°) until this is halted by the hemolymph freezing solid. The role of

G3PDH in both these processes is critical and is the subject of interest in this study. This

investigation shows that G3PDH from 5o and −15oC acclimated gall fly larvae has

notably different kinetic properties, structural stability, and different phosphorylation and

ubiquitination states.

In a previous study by our laboratory, gall fly G3PDH showed a difference in

substrate affinity in the forward direction (DHAP G3P) when assayed at lower

temperatures (Storey and Storey, 1982). The addition of glycerol and sorbitol had no

effect on the Km DHAP and NADH but did lower the activity of G3PDH. Also, no


differences in these kinetic parameters were found between animals acclimated to 24o

versus 0oC. While that study focused more on the forward G3P (& glycerol) producing

reaction under optimum glycerol synthesis temperatures, the current study looks at the

reverse DHAP producing reaction in a comparison between the frozen and nonfrozen

state. Indeed, a change in kinetic properties was observed in the −15oC acclimated larvae

with a ~36% higher Km G3P than in the control larvae (Table 3.1). A reduction in

catalytic efficiency in the reverse direction suggests a decrease in the capacity for

triglyceride breakdown for shuttling of triose phosphates into glycolysis. Furthermore, it

is a reduction in glycerol elimination as a result of the consumption of the substrate G3P.

This is consistent with the gall fly’s survival strategy of maintaining lipid and glycerol

levels throughout the winter season. A similar strategy was observed in the wood frog,

Rana sylvatica, that dephosphorylates its glycogen synthase kinase-3 in the frozen state

to activate it, thereby allow it to deactivate glycogen synthase to halt glycogenesis. The

wood frog builds-up glucose as a cryoprotectant and this mechanism allows it to maintain

ultra-high glucose levels throughout its episodes of freezing without allowing them to be

reconverted to glycogen (Dieni et al., 2012). The freeze-avoiding gall moth, Epiblema

scudderiana, maintains an even higher concentration of glycerol than the gall fly (~2 M)

and showed a two-fold increase in the Km glyceraldehyde of −15oC-acclimated larvae as

compared to 5oC larvae for the alternative glycerol producing enzyme NADPH-linked

polyol dehydrogenase (Holden and Storey, 2011) indicating that this strategy of

regulating specific enzymes to help prevent reconversion of cryoprotectants into

glycogen is a conserved and important response for cold-hardy animals over the winter



When looking at the reverse direction of G3PDH (G3P DHAP), an increase in

G3P concentration might be expected to push the reaction. However, activity of glycerol

kinase, the enzyme that converts glycerol to G3P, could not be stimulated in third instar

gall fly larvae at any temperature (Storey and Storey, 1981). While accumulated glycerol

is catabolized completely in gall fly larvae that are transitioning to pupae, it is thought

that it may be through a novel route that uses polyol dehydrogenase and glyceraldehyde

kinase (Morrissey and Baust, 1976; Joanisse and Storey, 1994). Indeed, glycerol levels

were not observed to decrease in response to a temperature increase or any other

stimulation in gall fly before the winter ended (Storey and Storey, 1981). Another

alternative is that glycerol is catabolized in the spring only after induction of glycerol


With levels of glycerol reported as high as 430 µmol/g wet weight (Storey and

Storey, 1983a) in the gall fly larvae, glycerol effects on the activity of G3PDH were of

interest. Levels as high as 435 mM of glycerol had no significant effect on G3PDH

activity in vitro but at 900 mM the activity of G3PDH from frozen larvae decreased by

~30% while that of the control enzyme was statistically unchanged (Figure 3.2). It cannot

be confirmed whether a direct interaction of glycerol and G3PDH is a regulatory

mechanism that is reducing enzyme activity during the winter but it is clear that the

G3PDH is designed to be suppressed in the frozen state. Sorbitol did not have any effect

on the activity of G3PDH in either state (Figure 3.2).

The activity of G3PDH at optimal substrate concentrations may not reflect the

true performance of the enzyme in vivo, which is why interactions between polyols and

substrate affinity were investigated. The affinity for the cofactor NAD+ did not change in


the presence of high concentrations of glycerol (893 mM) or sorbitol (106 mM) but the

Km G3P did show a differential response to polyols (Table 3.2). This level of glycerol

decreased the Km G3P for G3PDH from frozen larvae but much less than it did for the

control enzyme (Table 3.2). However, in the presence of sorbitol, G3PDH from control

larvae showed a four-fold increase in G3P affinity (i.e. Km decreased) but sorbitol had no

effect on the Km G3P of frozen G3PDH. Hence, regulation of G3PDH in gall fly larvae

appears to rely heavily on modulating the affinity of the enzyme for G3P substrate to

suppress G3PDH activity during freezing. This appears to be accomplished in part by

creating an interaction between the enzyme and glycerol/sorbitol where the strong

suppression of Km G3P of control G3PDH seen in the presence of either polyols is largely

negated for the frozen enzyme (Table 3.2). In the presence of sorbitol, for example, this

effectively resulted in a 6.5-fold increase in affinity (i.e. decrease in Km) of the enzyme

for G3P in the control state as compared to the comparable value for the frozen enzyme.

The effect of glycerol may not be so prominent at more physiological concentrations and

coupled with sorbitol, glycerol may not have a significant activation effect on G3PDH in

frozen gall fly.

G3PDH structural stability seemed to be high based on an I50 urea of 3.5 M for

the control enzyme and a similar value for the enzyme from frozen larvae (Table 3.3).

Interactions between I50 urea and the cryoprotectants glycerol and glucose revealed an

effect by glycerol but not by glucose. Glycerol increased the I50 urea of frozen G3PDH by

over 20% while it had no significant effect on the control enzyme, which could likely be

as a result of competition by glycerol (Table 3.3). This may not offer enough supporting

evidence of physiologically relevant stress-state stabilisation of the enzyme because of


the minimal effect but it does reflect the differential kinetic and structural properties of

the control and frozen forms of G3PDH.

The previous study by our laboratory on gall fly G3PDH found minor kinetic

differences between warm and 0oC-acclimated larvae but did not test for the presence of

regulatory PTMs. The present study found that G3PDH from frozen gall fly larvae

showed substantially less phosphorylation on all three phosphorylation sites tested as

well as a significantly lower level of ubiquitination (Figure 3.3). Such a difference in

phosphorylation states as a response to environmental stress is consistent with previous

studies conducted on several enzymes and animal models (Storey and Storey, 2007;

Plaxton and Storey 1984b; Whitwam and Storey 1990; Cowan and Storey, 1999;

Greenway and Storey, 2000) including earlier studies of freeze-responsive changes in

phosphorylation of ion motive ATPase enzymes in E. solidaginis (McMullen and Storey

2008a, 2010). Changes in phosphorylation state may be a principal regulatory mechanism

that explains the change in kinetic properties and responses to glycerol, sorbitol and urea

by G3PDH from control versus frozen larvae. However, ubiquitination is an additional

PTM that could also be involved in this process. Ubiquitination was originally thought of

as a one-way modification that set up proteins for degradation but more recently it’s been

found to also play a role in the reversible regulation of proteins in response to stress

(Wang et al., 2001; Abboud and Storey, 2013; Katzenback et al., 2014). The increasing

frequency of ubiquitin-related PTM regulatory discoveries is further confirming that this

mechanism may be involved in the control of numerous pathways involving a complex

interplay between many regulatory mechanisms.


In conclusion, the activity of G3PDH is lowered and Km G3P is elevated in frozen

gall fly larvae, as compared with controls, and the two enzyme forms are also

differentially sensitive to glycerol and sorbitol. The molecular basis of this difference

appears to be changes in enzyme PTMs, the enzyme from frozen larvae being a low-

phosphate and low-ubiquitin form. Substrate affinity for G3P was lower for G3PDH from

frozen larvae especially in the presence of sorbitol whereas control G3PDH had more of

an activation response to sorbitol and glycerol. Maximal activity of frozen G3PDH was

inhibited by high levels of glycerol and unaffected by sorbitol. Finally, while G3PDH

showed a high structural stability, as assessed by urea effects, it was further increased

slightly for frozen G3PDH in the presence of glycerol. While the structural changes do

not have a functional significance in the gall fly’s stress-responsive strategies, the

reversible PTMs and the kinetic changes indicate an inhibition of G3PDH in the frozen

state. This could likely be explained by a reduced need to channel G3P products from

triglyceride breakdown or other sources into glycolysis in frozen larvae.


Chapter 4:

General Discussion


Since insects must pass through many phases of development involving elaborate

anatomical transformations, many physiological processes have to be impeccably timed

with respect to changing seasons in order to have a successful life history. One of

nature’s tools that gives them leeway is diapause, which can suspend their development

when food availability becomes low and allows them to resume where they left off upon

the return of spring’s buds and blossoms. In the cold Canadian winters, insects begin

diapause only when they can commit for the whole winter. This means that they need to

have the mechanisms needed to cope with the subzero temperatures and the generally low

humidity of the winter months They also need mechanisms to assure sufficient metabolic

fuels to last the whole winter and enough lipid and glycogen stores to support the

transition to the next stage of development in the spring. For certain insects, this means

switching off enzymatic pathways that breakdown and burn lipids, activating

cryoprotectant producing pathways at the right temperature and, finally, reorganizing all

their metabolic pathways to utilize exclusively the fuels that are dedicated for


Two major strategies of cold hardiness are freeze tolerance and freeze avoidance,

which both allow an organism to tolerate extremely low temperatures with one major

difference. Freeze tolerance allows for ice formation in extracellular fluid spaces whereas

freeze avoidance suppresses all freezing and emphasizes deep supercooling of body

fluids. These mechanisms require high levels of low molecular weight cryoprotectants to

be synthesized and the source is most often carbohydrates. Therefore, in both cases the

intracellular SCP is depressed below the coldest temperatures typically experienced by

the animal. In freeze tolerant species where extracellular freezing cuts off intercellular


communication, metabolic pathways have to be adjusted to tolerate the changing levels of

metabolites, the reduced ability to generate energy by means of oxidative catabolism, and

the halting of fuel delivery to cells via the hemolymph. This requires quick and

responsive changes to various key enzymatic reactions. In many other systems such

controls are often effectively accomplished by reversible post-translational modifications

(Storey and Storey, 2007; Plaxton and Storey 1984b; Whitwam and Storey 1990; Cowan

and Storey, 1999; Greenway and Storey, 2000; McMullen and Storey 2008a, 2010). For

this reason, the present study investigated the roles of PTMs in regulating an important

glycolytic control point and the management of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in

association with polyol synthesis in a freeze-tolerance insect. The goldenrod gall fly

larvae is a fitting model to examine the biochemical regulation that is associated with

these survival mechanisms because of the large body of previous research available about

many aspects of its winter metabolism and pathways of polyol synthesis.

Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis examined enzymes that moderate carbohydrate

metabolism and link lipid and polyol synthesis to glycolysis. Pyruvate kinase is the last

enzyme in glycolysis where the fate of carbon is ultimately determined. In a glucose and

oxygen rich environment, glycolysis would be highly active and directing its end product,

pyruvate, towards the Krebs cycle for ATP production or towards various biosynthetic

reactions (conversion to acetyl-CoA for fatty acid synthesis). In the absence of sufficient

oxygen, the alternative for pyruvate is the anaerobic conversion to lactate. Glycerol-3-

phosphate dehydrogenase is an enzyme that links lipid and carbohydrate metabolism by

diverting the glycolytic intermediate, DHAP, either out of or back into glycolysis. While

both of these enzymes are subject to reversible PTMs in the gall fly, the effect of PTMs


on their kinetic properties varies based on the specific role that they play in the cell.

Glycerol is produced in gall fly larvae from both the PPP via NADPH-linked polyol

dehydrogenase (Storey, 2004) and also further down glycolysis (via G3PDH). If glycerol

was being produced by glycolysis alone under anoxic conditions, LDH would quickly be

inactivated due to lack of NADH, which would mean that PK activity would be

unnecessary and probably harmful. Furthermore, alanine levels would rise as a result of

pyruvate transamination and there would be no net ATP production. Therefore, since four

times more glycerol is produced than alanine in anoxia exposed gall fly larvae, the PPP

must be a viable source of glycerol production and a highly active G3PDH would, in fact,

pull much of the carbon out of glycolysis (Storey, 2004). However, since we know that

lactate levels continue to rise during freeze exposure (Storey and Storey, 1985), there

must be certain enzymes that are activated or inactivated to allow glycolysis to continue

during glycerol production (prior to freezing) and after glycerol accumulation has ceased

(post freezing). This change has to be reversible and quickly triggered to allow gall fly

larvae to control the flow of carbon in response to temperature change, freeze/thaw, and

energy needs. PTMs are expected to be the mechanism used to instill these reactions and

are likely inhibiting G3PDH and activating PK in freeze exposed gall flies to allow for

the balance of carbon flow through the PPP and glycolysis during anoxic conditions of


Pyruvate Kinase

There were apparently two forms of pyruvate kinase that could be found based on

the state of the animal according to this study. The PK form in frozen larvae appeared to


be active and catered to maintain functionality in the specific cellular environment found

in winter gall fly larvae. Kinetic comparisons revealed that frozen PK had a lower

substrate affinity for pyruvate under optimal assay conditions. However, in the presence

of physiological levels of some metabolites found in high concentrations in the frozen

state such as alanine and G3P substrate affinity was increased. Depending on the

intracellular pH changes that take place in frozen gall fly larvae, substrate affinity may be

differentially improved for frozen PK. Greater protein stability was observed in the

frozen state; however, it was reduced in the presence of glucose and glycerol instead of

increasing as seen for the control form of the enzyme. These changes were attributed to a

greater relative protein phosphothreonine content found in frozen PK, which appears to

be the main regulatory mechanism. Based on the knowledge that pyruvate is primarily

used in frozen gall fly as a substrate for anaerobic fermentation, PK activity must be

maintained to support long term energy demands over days, weeks or months in the

frozen state. This activity accounts for the metabolic rate still observed in frozen gall fly

and for the sustained slightly higher lactate concentrations that were noted in previous

studies (Storey and Storey, 1985; 1986).

Glycerol-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase

During the cold-acclimation stage, gall fly larvae use G3PDH and glycerol-3-

phosphatase as a main glycerol synthesizing pathway. It is at this branch that G3PDH

directs carbon away from glycolysis, producing G3P which under aerobic conditions can

be used to provide the glyceride “backbone” for triglyceride synthesis or can be

dephosphorylated to release free glycerol as a cryoprotectant at cold temperatures.


However, in the reverse direction G3PDH can use products of triglyceride and

phospholipids breakdown as well as the re-conversion of cryoprotectant glycerol to G3P

(via the glycerol kinase reaction) and re-introduce G3P into glycolysis. When gall fly

larvae pass the cryoprotectant production phase, they enter an inactive frozen state where

all cryoprotectant synthesis ceases and there is no lipolysis for energy production. In the

present study, G3PDH from frozen larvae was in fact dephosphorylated and de-

ubiquitinated, which correlates with a lesser active form. Substrate affinity showed an

overall decreasing trend for frozen G3PDH as well as lowered activity in the presence of

high glycerol concentrations. G3PDH structural stability was slightly improved during

freezing, and this may help to preserve the enzyme for spring when the larvae may

activate lipogenic pathways during the pupation transition or for a renewed role in the

G3PDH-G3P oxidase shuttle which is the mechanism used by insects to transfer reducing

equivalents from the cytoplasm into the mitochondria (Sacktor, 1976). However, the

reverse reaction of G3PDH was probably not as necessary for the gall fly because there is

nearly no production of G3P from fatty acid break-down and glycerol phosphorylation

during freezing.


This thesis demonstrated that the gall fly regulates two enzymes that were not

previously reported as regulatory targets as part of the adaptation to freezing survival

during the winter diapause of the third instar. Furthermore, these two enzymes are

regulated by reversible PTMs, on one enzyme (PK) adding PTMs and on the other

(G3PDH) removing these covalently bonded chemical groups. A role for PK was shown


to be necessary and the enzyme operational during anaerobic glycolysis in frozen gall

flies whereas the role of G3PDH, on the contrary, was less needed during this state. To

illustrate, the PEP substrate affinity of frozen PK increased significantly in the presence

of alanine and G3P, which appears to help maintain activity in a state where the animal

relies exclusively on glycolysis for energy production.

Future Directions

Now that the importance of these enzymes has been established in the survival of

the gall fly, the door is open to build on these metabolic focal points in future studies. We

have seen that PK shows consistent activity during freezing but not many experiments

were done at lower temperatures. The first step would be to measure the activation

energy and Q10 (increase in velocity per 10oC increase) using an Arrhenius plot and

repeat the same for both enzyme forms. This could establish a baseline of the activity

change due directly to the structural alteration from PTMs. Subsequently, all the kinetic

parameters measured could be repeated in an assay temperature closer to 0oC to see if the

temperature change is a factor in the regulation of PK. For example, it was found that a

mere 13oC decrease of the assay temperature resulted in a reduction of substrate Km by

nearly one-half for LDH in the wood frog (Abboud and Storey, 2013).

Broadening the perspective on PK, a subsequent branch should be explored

because several oxidative pathways are shut down in frozen gall fly larvae. However, the

anaerobic branch that pyruvate can follow – conversion to lactate – remains available and

is catalyzed by LDH. A study dedicated entirely to examining the differences in LDH

from warm-acclimated and subzero-acclimated gall fly could complete the picture of the


role that PK plays in the hypometabolic state. Additionally, there is a strong possibility

that LDH is also regulated by reversible PTMs because this has been demonstrated

recently in several animal systems (Xiong and Storey, 2012; Abboud and Storey, 2013;

Katzenback et al., 2014; Shahriari et al., 2013; Dawson et al., 2013). Since glycolysis is a

short pathway that ends in lactic acid and generates much less ATP than the oxidative

phosphorylation pathway, it is curious as to how gall flies experience a very slow and

moderate rise in levels of lactic acid (from 1 to 3.39 µmol/g wet wt.) only after prolonged

exposure to freezing (Storey and Storey, 1985). Studies on LDH in the gall fly could tell

whether it is inhibited after a certain level of energy reserves have been depleted or if a

different source of ATP production is relied upon in the frozen larvae such as the

succinate thiokinase reaction (Kiss et al., 2014).

The importance of polyol cryoprotectants in winter hardiness of gall fly larvae is

undisputed; however, this thesis learned more about glycerol management than it did

about sorbitol. Since sorbitol is just as critical as glycerol and maybe even more in the

presence of subzero temperatures, it would be valuable to further explore the principles of

the sorbitol-producing pathway. Sorbitol production was demonstrated to take the route

of glucose-6-phosphate glucose sorbitol using the enzymes glucose-6-phosphatase

and NADPH-linked polyol dehydrogenase (Joanisse and Storey, 1994). Additionally,

unlike glycerol, sorbitol levels can be readily reversible depending on winter

temperatures and are triggered at much colder temperatures (~0oC) than for glycerol

(Storey and Storey, 1986). Therefore, while both of these enzymes should be studied,

NADPH-linked polyol dehydrogenase may be a slightly better candidate as a next step

because it has already been shown to be reversibly phosphorylated and regulated in the


goldenrod gall moth (Epiblema scudderiana), a species that uses the freeze avoidance

supercooling strategy of subzero survival (Holden and Storey, 2011). As mentioned

before, the gall moth makes an excellent animal model to study in concert with the gall

fly because galls of both species can frequently be found on the same stem of a goldenrod

plant and yet they use two very different approaches to winter cold hardiness. Since there

has been a study conducted on PDH and since this enzyme is involved in glycerol

production in the gall moth, it would be interesting to compare its function and regulation

in the gall fly.



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