
Regional thinking

The “sense of place” that humans possess may apply to a larger area of Earth than a specific location.

Why are places the same or different?

Unique is because of Culture; similar is do to diffusion; similar due to independent invention; different because of syncretism

Thinkin’ about regionThinkin’ about regionCultural Regions, Formal Regions, Functional Regions

and Perceptual RegionsCultural Regions, Formal Regions, Functional Regions

and Perceptual Regions


Definition: a way of life developed by people.

Origin of word “culture” from Latin: “to care for”

In English two different meanings

- “to care about”- to adore or worship something (cult)

- “to take care of”- to nurse or look after something (cultivate)

elements of culture

Cultural trait – a single element of normal practice in a culture. (wearing a turban in Muslim societies)

When a group of traits is combined, a cultural complex develops.

A small area where there is a complex is a region; a larger area is a realm

Difference between Realm and region is scale!!!

Traits to system

TRAITS can be classified into 4 parts of culture to create a system...

-Beliefs (religious, other)

-Institutions (govt, economic, education)



Culture is learned and therefore it is BILT. (Get it! Hey! Hey!)

Other Culture terms

Cultural Hearth: Heart of culture; birthplace; starting point - things diffuse from there

Cultural Trait - Cultural Complex - Cultural Region - Cultural Realm

Built Environment


Material culture

Material culture refers to the physical objects, resources, and spaces that people use to define their culture.

These include homes, neighborhoods, cities, schools, churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, offices, factories and plants, tools, means of production, goods and products, stores, and so forth.

Physical aspects of a culture help to define its members' behaviors and perceptions.


For example, technology is a vital aspect of material culture in today's United States.

American students must learn to use computers to survive in college and business, in contrast to young adults in the Yanomamo society in the Amazon who must learn to build weapons and hunt.


Non-material culture refers to the nonphysical ideas that people have about their culture

Beliefs, values, rules, norms, morals, language, organizations.

For instance, the non-material cultural concept of religion consists of a set of ideas and beliefs about God, worship, morals, and ethics.

These beliefs, then, determine how the culture responds to its religious topics, issues, and events.

Types of regions

Formal or homogeneous region: an area within which everyone (majority) shares in one or more common distinctive TRAITS.

Common language

Common economic activity


Formal regions

Is Montana a formal region?

everyone is a citizen within boundaries

taxes collected; license plates given

boundaries very clear

Is the wheat belt?

sure, but what problems are there in defining and delimiting a region like this?

Where is the wheat belt?

What about the Corn Belt?

Functional Region or a nodal region...

an area organized around a node or focal point.

Chicagoland area: region is tied to central point by transportation, communication, economic or other FUNCTIONS!

Formal and Functional regions

Other functional regions...

What would the Confederate States be?

What would the Atlanta Constitution’s circulation be?

What about the “South” or “Midwest or Southwest?

Vernacular or Perceptual region

a place that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity.

material and nonmaterial cultural traits

Perceptual/Vernacular regions

a place that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity. WILBER ZELINSKY!!!!!
