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(India's Public Service Broadcaster)

Prasar Bharati Secretariat



Accounts Wing



Floor, PTI Building, Parliament Street

New Delhi -110 001

No. PB- 7 7) 1)/2014-Admn

Dated :07.07.2015



The Sr. Accounts Officer,

Pay Accounts Office,

All India Radio,

Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata Mumbai

The Sr.Accounts Officer,

M/o I B, (AIR DD)

Lucknow/Chennai /Ko lkata /Naqpur

FD-Mumbai/IRLA Delhi


Delhi Guwahati

Sub: Fixation of pay as on 01.01.2006 in the revised pay structure in

respect of Head Clerk/ Assistants/Steno Grade II working in All

India Radio and Doordarshan pursuant to



Pay Commission s

r ecom mendat ions - Cl ar if icat ion r egar di ng.


Please find enclosed herewith a copy of the letter No. Misc.-1/330/2012-PPC

dated 18.06.2015 issued by Dy. Director(P), Prasar Bharati Sectt. alongwith a

e arificatory letter of Department of Expenditure dated 19.2.2015, conveyed by

Ministry of I B vide their letter No. A-26015/3/2014-BA(P) dated 09.03.2015 for.

further necessary action at your end please.

Ene : As above

Yours faithfully,

  P. Manoharan)

Dy . Di rec to r A dm n



Tel: 011-23739535

Copy to :-

1. DG:AIR, DG:DD, Dc,..(~)~ IR., .D~(Ne.C.A):I>~

~DG (T) at PB Sectt. with the request to kindly place it on the official web-

site of Prasar Bharati

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Prasar Bharati

(India's Public Service Broadcaster)

Prasar Bharati Secretariat



Floor, PTI Building,

Sansad Marg, New Delhi.






Subject: Fixation of pay as on 01.01.2006 in the revis.ed pay structure in respect

of Head Clerk/Assistants/Steno Grade II working in All India Radio and

Doordarshan pursuant to 6-thPay Commission's recommendations -

Clarification regarding.

Reference is invited to this Office Communication of even number dated

07.04.2015 and letter No. A-26022 i02i2012-S -111733 dated



from OG:AIR forwarding a p-roposal on pay fixation of Head Clerk/AssistanUSteno

G (.a( Je  

along with their earlier letters on the subject.

2. The matter has been re-examined in consultation with IFD of Prasar

Bharati Secretariat in the light of darification of Department of Expenditure

conveyed by Ministry of 1  8 vide their letter No. A-260 15/3/2014-BA



0-9.03.2015. After examination, it has been-accordingly decided that the posts

of Head Clerks / Assistants/Steno Grode-II falling in the pre-revised pay scale of

R~. 4500-7000/, Rs. 5000-8000/- stand upgraded to the pre-revtsed pay scale

of Rs. 6S00-1.0500/- and as such their pay fixation is to be done under Note 2A

·of Rule 7 and part 8 of the First Schedule of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 as per

illtJstration 4A given in the explanatory memorandum to the said Rules. For

arriving at the pay in the revised pay band, the actual pay drawn in the pre-

revisedvscale <Rs.4500-70o.0(5000~8000) as on 01.01.2006.shall be multipiied

by a factor of 1.86 (and rounding the resultant figure to the nearest multiple of

t-en)and -giVen the benefit of bunching if admissible, subjectto a minimum of the

corresponding stage of RS.6'500/-.


This issues with the. concurrence of Member (Finance).

.. V~~n)~

(Vijayalakshrni KrlSt1nan)

Oy. Director (Pers,)

Tele: 2342 1858

Director General, All India Radio,

Akashwani Shawan, New Delhi.

Copy to:-

1. AOG (B A), Prasar Bharati Secretariat - for issuing suitable

instructions to Pay


Accounts Offices in the matter

2. ADG (IFD), Prasar Bharati Secretariat - for information


~DDG(T), PB Sectt. for uploading on PB Website

5. Guard File.

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S : - -  _ .

FN'~ , A .--).-~_~~~~l }~~~1~::.·:-~ ~

.• .. .•.- -- - - - - - ,,->' - -

3 i R C = r ~/Governi11ent of India

e r r f<t~/Department of Expenditure

fctm A5IIi>i£l/Ministry of Finance

~-III-(1 ) ~m:m/E-III-(A)Branch


Reference Notes on page no 8-14/n- ante.

(F. No.


The proposal of M lo Information   Broadcasting seeking clarifications

regarding manner of fixation of pay of Steno Gr-II and Head Clerks in AIR and

Doordarshan after implementation of 6


Cf'C has been examined in this


2. The provision of the Rule 7, read with Note 2A and 2B below this are quite

clear. The same may be invoked based on the facts of this case and the provision

of the ecs (RP) Rules, 2008. But it may be ensured that fixation of pay in the

applicable pay band will be done by multiplying the existing basic pay (pay

drawn in the pre-revised pay scale) as on 1.1.2006 by a factor of 1.86 and

rounding the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 and thereafter the

applicable grade pay will be payable.


DS (E.lII-A) has seen.



(Ashok Kumar)

Under Secretary

: hrector (BAP),   i  Information &Broadcasting, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

/ ~F, D lo Expenditure, U.O. No. 105611E III A/2015 dated February


,20] 5

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, ••••  - I

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1 /  ;  

i ,

l '·


~ )  J )

By Special Messenger/Fax

F. No. A-2601S/3/2014-BA(P)

Government of India

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

BA (P) Section, 'A' Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi


Dated: 9


March 2015

Brig. S. Visvanathan (Retd.)

Additional Director General (A S).

Prasar Bharati Secretariat, 2


Floor, PTI Building,

Parliament Street. New Delhi _. 110 00 I,

Subject:- Fixation of pay in respect of Stenographers Gr.II and I-lead Clerks of DG:AIR.


I am directed to refer to Prasar Bharatis letter no. Mi§c.1I330/20 12-PPCCPt.)

dated 20,10.2014 regarding manner of fixation of pay of Stenographer GLII and Head

Clerks in AIR and Doordarshan.

2. The matter has been examined afresh in consultation with Department of

Expend iture. Advice of DoE has been obtained vid e their note dated 19 .02.201 5 . A

copy of the same is forwarded for further necessary action in the matter.

Encls: As above.




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(Ranvir Singh)

Under Secretary (BAP-I)

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01 1 · 2338 1 245


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L - a , . A A X ._ _   ~ : _   Y  

pC P

r. A ..~~)

Dc;. Al \(,

DG   J )
