
Regents Earth Science

Unit I: Measurement and Change

What is Earth Science?

Four Parts of Earth Science:

1. Geology—

2. Meteorology—

3. Astronomy—

4. Oceanography—

How do we study these four parts?

• Observations:


From our observations, we can make…

1. Inferences:

You observe a person’sBreath—you infer…

2. Classification:

Why do we measure objects?

Basic Units of Measurement (no math!)

1. Length:

**we will use the Metric System

The longer lines on the metric ruler are called…

• centimeters

The shorter lines on the metric ruler are called…

• millimeters

There are……

• 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter

• 100 centimeters in 1 meter

• 1,000 millimeters in 1 meter

• 1,000 meters in 1 kilometer

• 10.5 cm

• 105 mm

Measure the turtle from the rear of its shell to the tip of its nose. Record its length in both centimeters and millimeters.

Measure the Lines in cm & mm

2. Mass:

3. Temperature:

Derived Units of Measurement (math is used)

1. Area:

2. Volume:

• Density:

Block Material Mass (g) Volume (cm3 ) Density (g / cm3 )

1 Steel      

2 Aluminum      

3Black Plastic


4 Wood      

5Clear Acrylic


6 Copper      

7 Bronze      

What two factors affect density?

1. Temperature



2. Pressure



Density Changes with a Phase Change

• Gas to liquid—

• Liquid to solid—

**with only one exception, solids are more dense than liquids of the same substance

Mr. Belanger’s Math

1. Determine what the problem is asking for

2. Look in the ESRT’s to find the formula

3. Find the Important information

4. Put the important information into the formula

5. Round (usually to the nearest tenth)

6. Units (we don’t want naked numbers)

Is there error in all measurements?

• YES!!!

• Percent Error (Deviation)

Difference from Accepted Value Percent Error = --------------------------------------------- x 100

Accepted Value

No Neg. Numbers

What is Change?

…change can be:



1. Cyclic Change:

What are the two types of changes?

• Non-Cyclic Change:


• Rate of Change:

Change in Field Value

Rate of Change = ______________________


Speed (mph)


Energy Flow and Change….

• Interface:

…and the most important theme all year

• Dynamic Equilibrium:

Scientific Notation


M x 10n

M = a number anywhere from 1 to 9.99999

n = the number of times the decimal has been moved

• If you move the decimal to the left, n is positive

• If you move the decimal to the right, n is negative

Scientific Notation……
