Page 1: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology


Page 2: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world

I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology world. Before this, I did not know what is exactly happen in the

microbial world but this topics taught me that there are a lot of microbe in the world and the scope of the microbiology are the archae, bacteria, fungi, virus, algae and protozoa.

Besides that, there are one minute paper that conducted by Dr wan and this activity makes us to refresh our knowledge about the characteristics of the prokaryotes and the types of

prokaryotes that exist in this world.

Page 3: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on The major division of lifeThere are several things that I got from this topic

which are : I learn that there are several theory used in the

major division of microbes which are germ theory, biogenesis, spontaneous theory.

I also learn that Antoine de Leeuwenhoek is the father of microbiology

I learn several terms such as vaccination by Robert Koch

I learn about the Koch’s postulates.

Page 4: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on taxanomy

I figured out the purpose for microbe classification .

I learned how to give name for the microbe.

I learned the rules when giving name to the microbe.

I discovered the hierarchy of taxanomy. I figured out the meaning of microbe


Page 5: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Microscopy I learned the goals of microscopy. I learned the two types of microscopy which are light

microscope and electron microscope. I knows that in light microscope there are bright field

microscope, fluorescent microscope, dark field microscope, and phase contrast microscope whereas in electron microscope there are SEM and TEM.

I learned the features of microscope. I discovered the preparation of specimens for light

microscopy. I learned the three types of staining.

Page 6: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Introduction to prokaryote.

I learned what is prokaryotes. I discovered that only bacteria and

archae belongs in prokaryote. I learned the structures and function of

prokaryotes. I discovered the differences between

archae and bacteria.

Page 7: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Cell wall and membrane structures of prokaryotes. I learned about glycocalyx, flagella, axial filaments,

fimbriae and pili and their functions. I discovered the types of motility of prokaryotes

whether it swarm or tumbles. I learned the composition and characteristics of

prokaryotes. I learned the function of prokaryotes cell wall. I learned the gram positive cell wall , its

characteristics, structures, and function. I learned the gram negative bacteria, its

characteristics, structures and function. I learned about atypical cell wall.

Page 8: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Intracellular structures of prokaryotes.

I learned about plasma membrane, cytoplasm, plasmid, ribosomes, inclusions, and endospores.

I learned their structures, the process involves in the structures and function of the structures.

I figured out the differences between endospore and vegetative cells.

Page 9: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on eukaryotic microbial structures and function. I learned the structures of eukaryotic cell which are

flagella and cilia, cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosome and organelles.

I identified the types of organelles which are nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, chloroplast, and mitochondria.

I learned and understand their structures, any chemistry involved in the structures,and function of the structures.

I learned about the process of mitosis and meosis and compared them.

Page 10: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on protozoa

I figured out the differences of protozoa and prokaryotes, algae, yeast and fungi, and slime molds.

I learned the characteristics of protozoa. I learned the classification of protozoa. I learned the diversity and nutrition of

protozoa. I discovered the major group in


Page 11: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on fungi I figured out the general characteristics of fungi. I identified the distribution of fungi. I learned the types of fungi which are

chytridiomycota, zygomycota, ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and their specific characteristics, structures and function.

I learned the life cycle of fungi. I learned the reproduction in fungi. I also learned the roles of fungi in the


Page 12: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on algae

I learned the general characteristics of algae.

I learned the classification of algae. I learned the motility of algae, habitat,

cell wall and its distribution. I learned the reproduction of algae. I learned the algae ecology. I learned the taxanomy of algae, their

structures, pigments and function.

Page 13: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Virus

I learned the characteristics of virus. I learned the virus taxanomy. I learned how to differentiate a virus

from the bacterium. I learned on how to describe the

chemical and physical structures of a virus.

I learned on how to distinguish the differences between , viroid and prions.

Page 14: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on sterilization and disinfectant.

I learned about the several terminology in this topics such as sterilization, disinfectant, antisepsis, degerming, sanitization, and bacteriostasis.

I learned the sterilization technique, I learned the physical control method of

microbes such as filtration, heat(moist and dry), and radiation.

I learned the chemical agents in controlling the microorganism.

Page 15: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on microbial genetics

I learned genotype and phenotype definition.

I learned the characteristics of DNA. I learned the types of RNA. I learned the process of DNA replication. learned the process of transcription and


Page 16: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflection on Regulation of gene expression. I learned the housekeeping gene. I learned the modes of gene expression

and the gene regulation. I learned the regulation of enzyme activity

and enzyme synthesis. I learned the enzyme expression and

enzyme induction. I learned the operon model, mechanism of

repression and mechanism of induction.

Page 17: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Genetic transfer and recombination.

I learned the genetics transfer in prokaryotes and genetics recombination.

I learned the transformation process. I learned the mechanism of genetics

transformation in bacteria. I learned the process in transduction,

conjugation and transposans.

Page 18: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Mutation

I learned what is mutation. I learned on how to classify mutation by

type. I learned the types of mutagens which

are base analogues, chemical mutagen, radiation, and intercalating agents

I learned on how to identify the mutants. I learned on how to identify chemical

carcinogens by Ames test.

Page 19: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on The epidemiology and public health microbiology

I learned the definition of epidemiology. I learned the several terminology in this

topic which are sporadic disease, endemic disease, hyperendemic disease, outbreak, epidemic, and pandemic.

I learned nosocomial infections and its risk.

I learned on how to distinguish between vaccines and immunization.

Page 20: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Antimicrobial chemotherapy I learned the definition of antimicrobial

chemotherapy. I learned the general characteristics of

antimicrobial drugs. I learned the Disk diffusion test, Broth

dilution test and the E test. I learned the types of antimicrobial agents. I learned the modes of action of antimicrobial


Page 21: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Microbial Growth

I learned the difference between growth and tolerance.

I learned about the chemical and physical requirement to growth.

I learned the definition of aseptic technique. I learned to distinguish the types of culture media. I learned to explained how the microbes can be

preserved. I learned the definition of microbial growth. I learned the direct methods of measuring cell


Page 22: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

Reflective on Microbial metabolism I learned the metabolism definition. I learned the catabolic and anabolic reactions. I learned the general characteristics and function

of enzymes. I learned the classification of enzymes, their

reaction and examples. I learned the factors that influencing the activity

of enzymes. I learned the energy production based on the

concept of oxidation and reduction and the mechanism of ATP generation.

Page 23: Reflective on Introduction to Microbial world I have learns many thing in this topics and this earliest topic taught me to know more about the microbiology

On microbial nutrition