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  • Index

    AAbraham 1absorbing materials 77Academy of Science of Ukraine 198Accelerated Initiative 77Advances in Electronics and Electron

    Physics 4Aether Wire & Location Inc. 197Agi38air-seawater boundary 187anisotropic medium 1anti-stealth radar 66anti-submarine radar 187, 191attenuation in seawater 186, 188

    Bbar magnet, rotating 21Barrett 4, 5Bateman 184Baum 77beam forming 132Becker 1, 6, 11, 12Bessel functions 93, 94, 97,106,113,114,117,

    119, 161Big Bang 153black body radiation 153Bohr's atomic model 11boundary conditions 3, 80, 88, 89Brinson 77

    CCarian 38carrier-free technology 77causality law 2, 3, 53, 153Chapman 77charge carriers, mass 6Chengli 38Christy 10circular/planar wavefront 62circular polarization 49circular polarization modulation 84classical radar 66, 76, 187colored noise 53conservation,

    charge 18energy 2, 18mass 18momentum 18

    constitutive equations 1, 5


    Cook 77Corum 192cross-correlation 167, 169, 170current,

    carriers, finite mass 6monopole or dipole 11proton/electron 12

    cyclotron principle 195cylinder,

    coordinates 87wave 46, 50, 87

    Ddetection probability 178dipole,

    creation and annihilation 18current 11current, vacuum 18induced or inherent 10magnetic 4

    Dirac delta function 15, 66direction of time 3distance information 187distance measurement 187distorted radar signals 175distorted synchronized signals 166dumb-bell model 33

    Eeffective field strength 11efficient radiators 192electric

    dipole 4dipole conductivity 13dipole currents 10insulators 10monopoles 4polarization 4

    electromagneticmissiles 38, 132signal 2

    electron/proton current 12elevation angle 63, 69empty space 152end of signal 162error probability 175Euclid's axioms 154Euler's constant 119exponential ramp function 49

  • 212 INDEX

    Ffalse alarm probability 177far zone reflection 61ferromagnetic bar magnet 21finite mass, current carriers 6finiteness law 154Fleming 216focused

    array 132wave 42

    focusingdelay 132fixed/variable 40

    Fourier transform pair 98Fourier-Bessel transform pair 98Fourier-Bessel-Neumann transform


    Ggeneral polarization 49, 81, 85geometric advantage 187Geophysical Survey Systems Inc. 77Gerlach 77Geyi 38ground-probing radar 77group theory 5

    HHansen 77Hawkes 4Heisenberg's uncertainty principle 18Hertzian electric dipole 192Hillion 3, 4historic note 77Horvat 187Huygens 47

    IIEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility 4incomplete symmetry 2induced

    dipoles 10polarization 10

    infinite distance/time 53, 154inherent dipole 10inhomogeneous medium 1initial condition 3initial-boundary condition 3insulators, electric 10interfere constructively 53interstellar space 152ionized gas 11

    JJohnson 167

    KKragaloff 77Kuester 163Kutchera 197

    Llarge-current radiator 195, 196large relative bandwidth 77large-relative-bandwidth technology 194

    line array 133linear polarization modulation 83long wave radiators 193lossy media 152Lukin 196, 201


    charges 19current density 5dipole conductivity 5dipole current 18dipole, inherent 10dipole moment 26dipoles 4, 5force function 92monopoles 4Ohm's law 5

    Masalov 196, 198, 201mass

    of charge carriers 6variable 7

    McCorkle 77Merill 192Milford 10Min 77miss probability 177missiles, electromagnetic 38modification of Maxwell's equations 2modified Bessel functions 93, 94, 106, 112, 119,

    161Mokole 77monopole current 11Morey 77Miiller 2multipole currents 4

    NNatio 77near zone reflection 61Neumann functions 113, 119Nielsen 98nonsinusoidal 77Nyquist 167

    oobserved propagation velocity 173ohmic efficiency 200Ohm's law 1, 6

    finite mass 6rotating dipoles 28

    Olver 164orientation polarization 17, 18orthogonal functions 169pPan 38Peano's axioms 154perfect insulator 10perpendicular polarization. 46planar waves 152plane of excitation 47Pochanin 196, 198, 201point-like scatterer 44

  • 213

    polarizationangle 48,81circular 49, 82currents 10general 49, 81, 85induced, orientation 17left circular 82linear 48, 80, 85modulation 83, 84parallel 48, 77, 79perpendicular 46right circular 49, 82

    power transmission 2propagation velocity 172pulse shape 134, 138pure mathematics 3pure monopole current 11

    Qquadratically integrable 3


    cross section 76range cell 76

    radiation diagram 192range of small distortions 137ray optics 38rectangular pulse 66, 155reflected relative energy 74-76reflection

    angle 51boundary conditions 52losses 187step wave 59

    reflector 44Reitz 10relativistic dipole currents

    electric 28magnetic 33

    relativistic mass 7resonating radiators 192rotating

    bar magnet 22dipoles, Ohm's law 28

    Ssample signals 167Sanguine 193Schulz 4Seafarer 193search radar 74seawater as medium 153, 180semiconductor technology 77Shen 38shipboard radar 188Shvartsburg 77signal,

    boundary 54definition 2distortions 162in seawater 180reflection 53


    solutions 2, 92transmission 2

    sinusoidal step function 56slowly varying waves 192small-relative-bandwidth technology 194Snell's law 47, 53-56, 59, 61, 66, 75, 76spherical radiator 133Stark effect 17steady state 2, 191

    solutions 153waves 47

    stealthairplanes 66technology 76, 77

    Steiner 77Stokes' friction constant 6submarine 152, 166, 187, 189, 192symmetry

    Maxwell's equations 2group theory U(I), SU(2) 5

    synchronous 53TTakahashi 77target signature 175thermal noise 66,167,169,171,172

    decomposed 169signals 66

    Tice 77time-variable medium 1tracking radar 76transform pair

    Fourier 98Fourier-Bessel 98Fourier-Bessel-Neumann 114

    transient solution 2transition s -+ 0 153transmitted variable 91trapezoidal pulse 68triangular pulse 68Uultrawideband 77unfocused wave 44Vvacuum polarization 18Van Trees 177variable

    focusing 40mass 7

    variables in pure mathematics 3WWatson 98, 114wavefront circular/planar 62Weber 177Weigan 38Whit tacker 98Willis, Jr. 77Wu 38yYingzheng 38ZZeiping 38

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