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REENBEI.T Vofurm~ H . • "\'umher IH

J00PERATOR ----------------------- --------- (;,.,I 1 .. ::. \Lir\l .... ,f. Fri<f.t\. f),.lt'rllllf'r 17. 101)

1200 Local Flu Victims

Men's Bee Cage Loop Opens with Three Keen Tiffs

Five Cents

Twelve hundred persons in Greenbelt have been stricken with influenza during the current epi­edmic it was Ftated by Dr. Wil­liam Eisner, local public health officer, this week. T f, (' ( ;n·•··~lwft

Baskell,;tff l_,.,t!ur• 0 lf'llf'd il s

Flu Spread Means No Town Santa Claus

---------------------------------------------FPHA Asked To Cut Rents For Servicemen's Families

Dr. Eisner pointed out this this constitutes about 15 percent of the town's 8,000 population and said that this is not a high ratio in comparison with nearby places.

The local situation was further hampered by the tE'mporary loss of the services of Dr. Isabel Blum, the other full time physician, who was obliged to devote her atten­tion to her two children and her maid when they fell victims of the epidemic.

n('\V M~ason rn tlw f f,.lllf'llfary

sf' hoof (.!ym fast Tfrur~ .f.ry nir.tf1t with tlrn·e .surprisinl Jy ~·md ~i.tnH~s. ably < onlroll(·J l1y Cf;ff Cockiff's offidalin~:t.

GCS Board Officers Re-Elected; Staff Is Crippled by Epidemic

Creenlwlt will not have a com­munity Santa Claus this year· it w;1s annou<·ed this week and the hkme was laid on the flu ep:dt,m­ic Acting on the advice of p•.!hlic health direetor·, Dr. \\'illiam Eis­Jtt·J·. Con.,ur:IJ>r·s Services offcials dP ·ided that Santa Claus would alfr·a"' tTU\'.ds nf youngs'!:>rs <•nd 1 h .ts add 1 o 1 he dange1· of spread­in;; the flu ;:::••n11s.

l-oung Folks' Dance Big Hit

The seventh in a series llf young people's dances was held in the school auditorium Saturday with 150 girls and boys present.

The auditorium was attractively decorated with white crepe tapers cleverly twisted from the center to the walls, representing a chap­pel. Huge red paper bells hung at intervals.

Hopes for an "equitable solu­tion" to the servicemen's rent re­duction plea by Greenbelt citizens was expressed this week by mem­bers of the Citizens Association protest committee who conferred with officials of the Federal Pub­lic Housing authority. Nathan H. Schein reported that the FPHA officials "recognized the import­ance of the problem and the jus­tice of the committee's claim". No promises were made by offi­cials but the committee members hopefully expect to receive some word from the federal officials the first of next week. It was expected that Dr. Blum

would resume her practice tomor­row. Dr. Eisner said he is making every effort to answer home calls as rapidly as possible, but urged residents to eliminate these calls except in emergencies.

The initial bout wa! a 26-25 thriller with the Athl ~tic Club staggering to win ovc r a fast closing Air Station Ql int. The following scores by peric ds in this game indicate a h.air-raising show: 5-6, 16-8, 24-12 a 1<1 finu:lly 26-25! Athletic club scoring v•as pretty evenly divided :,mon ~ 4 players while Harold !'.; ~J·;o;1 :1.11d Tom l'luto led the lose ·s W111l 9 points apiece.

l 'lf>ntv of ~lll'i"lmas trees will lw a\-<ti.labl". Thomas Rick(·.·, CCS g •. ,. •·r;tl m~tn;,g._·t·, announcPd.

( 'al'l \\'. llintz w;:u: re-('leeted ]•n·<d(•nt of Cuns1.:lllt:>l'S ~l'l'\'i!'es nl tll" initi;tl tnPI•l,nJ:: of the J:p·,v :JIIiiJ'rl <>f dil'l''·;,>l'S Wilieh \l,lS

Tl<llnf·d rp(···~itl\· r~)llO\\·ing tih· 1·u1-i11;-' 1 hat 1 IJ,• ;<~ i;..:1nal hoard .,:1.'1.'­t :~J 1 '.\ ;ts l!it·~~ll het·ausc <•f t '1e lru· ~ <,f a 'lU· 11 l::n at thP ~:.lltl!~d IrJt·n1 tH·z·~ lr i p Jl1f .,_.r in~.

The Serenaders, with their pop­ular young leader, Mahlon Esh­baugh, presented the music and appeared for the first time all in new tuxedos. Boys in their best suits and the girls in lovely new evening dress gave the impression the whole affair \Vas 'very for­mal".

The protest was first made two weeks ago by a group of fathers who expect induction into militax'Y service in the very near futur~. The matter was submitted to the Citizens association last week and the committee was appointed and promised the suport of the or­ganization.

At the insistance of Dr. Eisner many local functions were post­poned or cancelled this week. The Parent-Teacher Assn. Christmas party was postponed until next Tuesday evening. The h i g h school class ball, schedulNi for this evening, has been postponed as was the high school basketball game.

The I\iavy Departments t:'apl:lin Glenn \Vilbur came up w th a h•J<­hanrled newf·ornpr in 1 t e P'.'I'>.JJl of .Jack l~urt, v~·ho \\·as ,,,. Jn'JYJs high man for a night . :,,-i, h' S buckets and half a dozer fr.•t·bi •s for :22 poin1s. fl•• s,·,,r •d Lilt '' points l!·ss than F.B.I. as the :\:.t\·y total<'d •1.1. Lloyd Clay pCJt lO fur Navy whole· Co,vl<'y ~nc J<ir;dll'r caged 8 and 7 for ttw G-r1en.

The annual Girl scout and Brownie Christmas caroling paz·­t.y, scheduled for Sunday night, has been postponed indefinitely.

----- ------------·---- -

J->aper Drive Still Alive

The victoJ·y <'OillDl<tJH!os :. t·e strugglin;, to ""ll<:ct lllPiJ· li.'li<tl goal CJI' ....!~J()(J flt>UJJd;..; of \'<·n:-'1(·

llC"\VS[Hl]J<~J'.S ,'Jtld !lJ:l;~<l.Zi!lt•:-, \'. i' 1 ' 1.;-

1y, even fllot~~~JJ 111''1'(~ 1.-..: st ,·u,J.:~ compel it ion i'n>m had "'"'' 1l,••t· :l!ld itlllll• 1:/ i l';:jq l',.., ;~!·· j,.·J:;:

~.;1·11·\ ll i11 iiH' tHdharn iJ<:Il'l!, l1J\ .\·

t.vcl in back of rt he lnl•c.lit-al <'CLlll:l' off Ridge Road.

A two week collection whif'h was sent off last wet-k totaled :3275 pounds of newsp;qJei·s and magazines. Gil'l Scouts <Ll'C :ts­sisting the <'Ommandos in tlw present Jive WP<'k drive. All funds del'ived fru1n 1 he sale of papc·1· J or the five WCl'i's will be 1tu·ne<l ovet· t.o 1he gil'! scouts for tilt> ll<'W

building fund. A girl s"out ~tt·ad­quarlt>I'~ in Cl'<!Pnllt•lt is anlwlpa­tPd fm· th<' IH·m· fulu1·e IJy lead­ei·s and membPI·s of the ot·ganiza­tion.

Commandos and gil'! srouts are urged to save their \\'aslp pape1· and take it to the storage hat·n any day in the week. ·A Girl Scout leader will be present Sat­urdays to help the chi_ldren . \Nho bring their papers untied. It. is stressed that when IJapers are given to the children, they s_hould be securely tied. The children have a long pull to the barn and papers will slide if not tied se­curely.

At the end of the five week per­iod for the girl scouts the com­mandos will again take over for the party and dance fund.

Cancel B'rith Party On the advice of the public

health nurse, M1·s. Frances Stouf­fer, the B'nai B'rith women of G1·eenbdt have decided to cancel their children's party which was planned to celebntte the festival of "Chanuka". The local public health ,>!lice and the Dist l'i ct of Columbia otlice are in agTePment that gathe1·ing1 of children should be postponed.

Welfare Societies Get Calls For Aid

Billo IIollc"•:av lPd hi.• CIO\·.-., s t.o a 33-25 victor·v ove1· l-e.1 Sh .. ·l­don's Yanks. "i Jolly" .. r· n·,d :t

dozen points and B<'n <: ololf<•rk•n tallied 10 on the winn. ng ·'''''"· Charl<'y FPJTar· gut a "l..::tl.t·r·s dnzpn" for t I JC' ](Js,·rs.

}{efPl'P(" C'o-:-·kill ],;uJ 11 .; l1·llrt'!·.o

full in flH• 1hJ·t·r· fl!ri():!; ,1.__7:1: !•·-.; h\11 J\nJJl !IJjfl!....;'~..; !'t>:/j; ~~,I '

]1i11• ."-:fi!?Jf' /J;!).r'-IJ;::;

,\s 111 j·'" r .:t; .•. , 1, ·:~. , . ·'-.· •.• J:, :,r···ond r1J':I1:·s ;~:.::J·· .I

rr ••

t l . ' r · 1 1 J • ! : : . • ~ , I • ' : ~ 1

1/:en~ is a lull in l~n '··/,.•dt•l•• (I ·. ' •)' 1 L: I. ( '! 11' ~ ·'"·; 11 ~;Is 111) I i \I' t: . '. . ·. ' ' ' I

,.,_c:lll is .l;mu:tJ·y fi with P '-' F.P..I. nl('f't ing lll,]oway·s Clou···s ;•t 7:·1:>, :\'av;-: l>~>parlnwnt pLtyi:l., Bob l\lm·a<·k's Athle;i(' Cit 'J •.•::nl at H::Jo and Ton1 l'ltJtll's ,\ir ~1,.­t ion and SI"•ld"n's y,, '1 kt·•:; i; 1 ! J ,.. <'UI'fC'W tiit at ~): J:).

G.Af'. J...::rasnc ,,. S(·t,·fpt· :\L;i'<t('k ltaiJ'Ibt I >p;u·~u.1 J~:tut.·l· Bla:i'J·•l

Fll!>;'j' I;.\~.!!·: < ;, }'. ·r .. \i1 · .. ·:1



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II ~ J 'J

----------Totals: 11 ·l :.!GTolal.-·: IJ ;, .:)

l\"avy I3ut·t Grp~o G. Clay Rich'on L. Clay Wilbur Shet·'tz

SECO:\'D CA:'-1 E C. F. T. F.B.I. :;. F. T. ~ 6 22C:'rman 1 2 l 1 -~ :iCm\ l<>y ·I 'i S 1 J 2:\' on-is .J 1 1 :..? o 4!\:ir:rller l 7 1 2 HlDeadv :) 1 1 :J U OTe\\·e·ll 0 ) 0 0 0 UO'Con'l 1 1 3

Sl<iles 0 'l 0 ·~r;-o-:-t-a7'ls-:--:;1-;:6;-;1-:;-I'·t-::;.1Tot a Is:-- 9 621'

THIRD CA:'>IE Clovers Hol'way Cever Mach'ky Goldf'n Boggs

C. F. T.Yankees G. F. 1'. 4 4 12Ferrar :~ () r;sur·ber 2 1 5Enzor 5 0 l()Sc'f'ld 1 0 :.!~held•m

5 1 1 0

.1 11 () 2

2 0 0 OJ

6 Bowlin 1 0 :.!

Totals: 15 5 :1YI'otals: 1 ~J 5 :.!5 Referee fm· all thn·e games -

Mt·. Clifton Cockill.

Lt. Cory Prisoner In A Nazi Camp

(;ood 11P\\'S came last w ~"k to (',lk;~·· !'.trk !J·, 111 a .'\'.11i 1" i"'ll ('<llll p.

~-\ di...:p:1:,·1! fl'ilf!l f;~t'J!t ~\LI.l·l:o\\'­tlll. \\.:11' CO.i"t·,:--;;Hlltd•lit ~:t (•:lii"CJ,

l't·Llft·d ho\'. II~· L;J'} ~··~n"• 1'-...:t d "ith :1 \','ll!t!Hh r} .\iJ'--" 1' .. 1···11 \\"~;•J lLid

flt l'fl J't•} :t t d f•·ll!/l a ( 1 l'IJJ~IJ1 pti-11!1 ;t!ld I. ,l l··::rl•·d !l:tt Lt. \\"i,li:tJ!l 1: (~,,, ·:. u! ('t•ll• ~~ Pt~rk, \\·]~ilt· ;1 p i- 1:.• ;. 1't :.p ~. ·xd''

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Freezing Weather Does Not Bother Greenbelt Scouts ~..;,, ~i.,~i.-.. a1·<:> 1h•.' Greenbelt boy

SC'~>U's~ \\'ith tl·~·· temperature ~hakin;:: rl<mn tCJ l."i degn~ps Tues­rlnv tci;::h1 thf' SI'(IU!s hikPd down to· t ~;.. Sllllt h sidr> of Gr·eenhPlt la!·:f' fo>!' ! h1·ir 1 ~'L:t:lar· WPekly out­dl)i!l' rflt·•·tinl.! ;ll·~·ur;rf a r·an1ptirP. J-:,,., :rt f1•I' il~l "' l'aSi~>n;d t·ain;• rn•·,.lin;.: ni~ht 111 the LPgion ll"ll'" ;,r·,und tlt;• tii·epla•·P. Tro<•p :_:(I:_! tJ:t:--; flarl f'\·t·:·\· I !'t• Of it:-- \\ P••k­]y ;..:;tr t" t·iflgs :11 ·q,., lakp o1· at In­dian s;,l·ir:..,:s :--;i~l!"l) it \\·a:-; fii'):!ilTl­izf•d l:J...;t ~··plt·:nr!t·:·. Sl.'oUtnJ(L.-!t·z· .Joh:J \\'ald., I;;,~ l'1ade it 1 l~>~n· to f·\ •·r~· h j~· a;,;d_,·ir.,g for m.-nl­h··r . ..:l;ip in th·· 1Jo•·r~ thnt P1i . ...; i:-: n•' r <l•·:,t· 111!1 1<1. :tnd that all st·IJl.l'"' a!.~ t'\1 Pf''•·d to drt•.-.. :s

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A plea fot· warm, us:thle rloth­lng, mat resses nnd household fu~·­nishings is made by the Catholie Charities and ::-:;ncial Service League of Pt·ince GPorges County. BoUa agencies carp for net'd:v fam­Ilies in the county and will call for and transport anything you can give. I )J. j • ~ t']l t ~- 1• I I' i '.

I f ( • :: !"; · ,_ !:·· ,l_.:

"!1d )I r-. '·:. · ' ll !' I ~

The Social Sen·ice League is lo­cated at 5028 Hhode Island ave., t~lephone Hy. 0051. The Catholic Charities office, in the same build­ing, may be reached by calling Hy. 0096.

( "o:·y. 1 1;1 ;·. 11 t ~ 11 ;' tL Y•H:ll: I;··~l~ 1 I 'IIi: 1. r i t . r ':·. ( . I I • ~· ! I ' I . ~I • ...: ' ! j . l ' : 11 1 I I­ll g~· ct r t 11•· ! ·: j i ·. : ,. :, ·.· , • r ~.' .1! ~.·1., ·l (I.

d· i·-.·

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...._: , 1 --~~~l,,..:'l·i' \\" ':ri I ll''(t .\s-

Paate a \Var s ... inga Sh mp in your 11lhum-it will help pa•te the enemy.

~~ ... t. ,..;, u•:·:<l·':•·:· D,w;;!d H.

( , : • • ' ~! q. ~-: d! t ! r 'r) J ~ t i ~- 0 f \I. ': .... t t.'

J1a1.{ r \\ dl n:~.l.t· •: ~ .. , ,-:~rtP~.~ f··r l". . . . \ : ! I'\' !-, l': l }{ ~ 1.: II .. K ...

An endurance contest was pre­sented in which the Serenaders played one of their fastest num­be!·s. The winning couple who ke;•t pet·fect time with the merry tunes and showed no sign of fatigue \\''lS l\Iiss Joan Dietzel and Hu,\·anl Fitzhugh.

Santa Claus entered the audi­tot·ium for the first number of the flom· show, greeting all those present. Then he took the stand to announce the show. First was .Ta"k Hes<>. popular drummer \Vith the ~et·enade!·s, who played a drum solo entitled "Not So Quiet l'l•:ase". :\'e:--;t was l\Iiss Louise l(l'if h wh() sang "Chattanooga c·tll>o-C'hl><>'' Last on thP floor

The committee seeks to have the rents of servicemen's families, who reside in the federally owned homes here, set at 20 percent of the family income.

It was learned this week that servicemen's families living in the original Greenbelt homes will not be eligible to move to the lower cost "defense homes", but, how­ever, there are lower cost hous~s available in the "original !-tomes."

:...:ht t\\' \\.~L--; ~1 spc~t:ially arl'angcd ·.'.;tl·z l,~ ~Ji-.,s .Joan l>ietz~·l and ~ f, •',' . .-~J'tl r~::/]J'l:. )!, Sttrtta (~l:LUS :t: ".t>.t ,. t 1·~·· ~~i1·1 hd:1:y ,,f I·>n-r .• t• (;f ·-: ... ~~. f;ltht·C of Ji:tl!n:i

;-:,.I •;'.! ( it• , . ...:. :•:: (I \ 1. t l ( l

Schein said that he was accom­panied to the conference by Jos­eph Vella and Thomas Melloy and that they conferred with Oliver Silverman and 1\lr. Everett -of FPHA. He describecl the confe-:·-ence as "satisfactory".

----·-· -----------Britisher hnpressed

\ itS htt~_.: pinrh-hittir:~ fot·

i'.[i;o:; Eilef·c·t :lohnston, a RP<{ Ct·o;:.;s \vo:·kct· ft',)lTl 1:-:ngland, '.vho 1:ecen t I.Y . spok., at tlic nurs~::;· S<·hr>!nr·.-~hlp i·:·, .';'t'CIIn .~.:Jlnn::;,..,r~·d t>:.r lf1t~ \\.(nnt.•n'-.. ,.l11h \'.'d.:~ f·nu~:·t<tint'rl

111 a lun('flt•<•n litis \\·ec:i., l•<'ld ;tt 1llP lion1e of ~rrs. George (~Jnrk.

; ~ t ! : • · ~~ ; I ·..; <_I 1 ~ ( f i { : ( ' r l 1', t ·;· > 1 :, •' i: 1 ','. ~ :I' ( 1. \ . ...;)'. ''....:~ t J\ ('J'

I•J !;·11· !<.trl" ~~~ f~tkv liH~ f'lac1_• of t 1 ,. J,;;dli . ...:l. I I:trTy l)O\\:pl· . ...;. I3oth iHl\,.; \\'f•r·,. h··rn~~ \\·i:.h UJP tfu so r ;r.i.~-.:.~ \l.;t;-.; qui~P busy. 1·~v"'ryone ;.: ··--··nt :..::trtr~ II:tppy I3ir~hnay to < ;r·i.~::..::-s. ...\ dPot· prizP \Vas pr·c­·"·n!•·d to ll:trTy T~PIH'fif'ld.

Th.•J·•· .,.,.;11 lw no f~tl'thPI' young :•+·c •r·l··.-_...; f:;:nl't• . ..; for nt least t\';o i ~I' Iii; lJ ~.

··- -~-----·· ------Anto Quiz Planned

l':<trls f,.l. di.~tr:l•uting a fJIIPS-1 ii!!J~>:til·l· til all l~>c<!l citizc::s eon­' •·r·nin,:..: t! r:·Hnspnrtation n(\eds and I;H·ili• ;,,~ an.• h•cing folTlu!ated <t.~ thE' lin:t step in installing the <•t·ganizpd t1·anspo1·tation plan ap­pt·ovpd by the Citizens association at its last meeting.

"\Ve urge all residents to coop­eratp with us in furnishing this P.-;sential factual information on the tJ·ansportation situation," sta­tpd \Villiarn Howard Hunt who rle\·eloped the plan in collabora­tion with \Van·en Jones and Rog­el· Lathrop.

The plan provides for a trans­r·nrtation board and a transporta­l ior, manager who will handle all the wo1·k invol\·ed in arranging ('a!·-shat·ing groups.

- ·---------·------

Valet Shop Now Taking Shoe Repair Work Daily

The \·alet Shop is now taking shoPs for· n•pair evet-y day in the \\ed;. it was announc·ed this week hy GPor·gp V. FreanC'!', manager. .\ir. Frl'an(•!' said last week that it would not be long befoz·e the ;;fl,p would bt> in a position to tak._• sl1111' I'Ppair \\OI'l' regulal'ly. Thi~ iniTt>ase in sen·ice is due

tn tic" ;;u,.,.,,_,;;ful at tempts ~o em­r·I·•Y an additional shoe re;>air rn ;n1.

Atl•·n'!·•~1 was also called to th<> f·:!·• th~1t ~~.t' dr-v r·Jeanin;::- S(•rvicp h:.-< I· ad t>J Sf•>p. Sf'\'PJ'al limps be­('~ L~~-,. d[ 1 t;,. dit'i(·uHv of (Jbtainin~ !·:•r:..:•'l'''· ~.;,._ Fr·":t:,;•r poi:Jted out t~·-t' tnn Ill' ttJI'l'0 flar-~f"'I·s fn>n1 P~tj ~l f:l'~·~,J.\· i·1 c;r·P.-r-:hp!t \',:uuld fL r•1i ..;!1 ;t :--1,1'<~1\· Sl.ltf!ripnt for im-1:.•·.-!::ti.- r:~···d~. · 1Ian£!'er·s ar·e be­in~~ t un·':~t~l·d at 1 ('t~nt f'.:Lch.

Tnwn Cr-::r.cil Me<>tina ·p,,-. 1rl\\ n council will hold its

r••t:u!,t~· m"<:>ting in the council dJ<tmlH.·rs .:'>l<•nday evening.


.\Iiss .Tohnston, at her furmer visit to GreenhP!t, professed an in-1 Pl·est in (·ooperati\·es so 1\frs. Clark acted as het· guide in a tour of the community. The WE-ll­stocked shelves of the community store wet·e of much interest to l\Iiss Johnston who compared them with the less fortunate stores in her home town in Eng­land. The largE' display of dolls brought forth many envious com­ments fz·om .Miss Johnston who confessed that England has not been fortunate enough to have had any dolls for three years now. l\1:iss Johnston took with her a lasting impression of our way of life and impressed the wish that the cooperative movement might be furthered here and in her country after the war.

Scouts Plan Hike A problem and demonstration

training hike for patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders of boy scout troop 202 will be held Sun­day. The boys will leave Scout­master John \'Valdo's ho•Jse at 11 a. m., follO\•,ring a prepared course along \vhich various scouting problems will be awaiting them.

Globe Trotter Returr.s Thad Shannon, who has been in

South America since August for the R.F.C. on a rubber develop­ment cooperative, returned to G1·eenbelt Sunday. He was met by Mrs. Shannon and their daugh­ters, who have been visiting rela­tives in Shannon, Miss., since May.

Shannon spent time in Caracas, Venezuela and R'o De Janeiro anct flew the €000 miles home in three days.

-- -----------Town Rt:ilding Closed

The community building will be closed fr·om 5 p. m. Friday, De­cember :!-1, until l\Io;Jday, January .1. Sch(}f)) closes at 1 p. m. Thurs­day, DPcember 2.3 but the publie librm·y will remain open until 5 p. m. Fz·iday.

Choir To Meet Those interested in joining the

Catholic Church choir will meet nt the home of Mro;. Stanley F. Counts, 13-Y Hillside Roact, Mon­day evening, to plan for carol singing Christmas morning and for future services.

Greenbelt Cooperator Classified A:'; IXIJU•J::..;rJ!:XT XI·:\':. I .\I'I:I!

l'u:J:i . ..;hul cv•.·;·.:,.· F,·i .. :a'. J;:• · ;, ' Gl·r~('Il',·.·r•Jt ('r 1 • (''''I'J···r· 1'"] •i.: ·· r \ ,,,.; ... :,. f, ... ,

- - "'" ~.I • ',) J) , • ( • ;_ ~ -' tt _) ~ -· ; , - J •• - .-. J • · ~ . ' .._, \ w .J_'-'. I' ;. .i ~ 1_ •

"'(; ... ,,\ '.•:::1 !o .\I! ~.Ien" will be ·:· .'d''.:ed uf ·he S·:rr:·;on to be

j :·'"·:~~·l~·-·d .:::t the Co:nr!1unity C'"•t· ·11 ':)·•~c'·1·· ,.HJ''P'''"' ·11 11 o'-

FOR SALE -One pair pre-war "keels" bnO'i-;:rc'lbn:l "hoes, 7 1 "· $4. Apply recreac :c.n ollice or g) m.

6 I>·tt·k·.~·;J~\·, c;:-,:,·!11)· ;· .. . ·1 ~ _,~1.::

Ecii~or i11 Chief_ __________________ _

- - - - - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - \\- 1] ; a ::1 L. .'. r () ' Fc;,tun, Erlitt!l' ----·------------- --· News E•litor -------------------·--- __ H>::l·:n


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('·~~~ ~.'.:: .by .. ~:~~~ l:t..:~-. \{>'{ll~le(_r .. }Jierce

'i·L:.~ "l''11', '::ith Christmas com­i . .., ~~ q:1 Sat ui·da·\:. r. he Sundav after c::-;·i~·mas \. i!l. ''e observed with i ::r:. t·'-'2'.:!~u· Ch1·istr~1as calendar, !"'1~·:·:r. "lrl ·~P'l~tt 'l ... I,...l serrr.on by

Radio sets re~aired b:v· en;~ineer in vour own home. Tube short­age- no dt'm•;;)ack. Irvin Tvl. Lee, Greenbelt 28::::3.

Dol;.:olf, Ai,-r;, . ._. Sl:,-r:, Edna St.•ipi:nL', .\I:.,·.:·>~_i•· I· ,, .. , . ·;·,, ,J

Thelnu~ Fi~il:l\', lJrm:.ld lt. C••"P•·r·, .\T~,,·;]:.-., .1 l<.• ...... T· •.• ':1 f .. 'i·:· .... , .Junn V.'ilbu;-: Gkn 1\'il:,ur, Lli;:al,t:th S::. ( l:.i.-, 1-: ::t;l ~:; ·! ''· .). : •.•. r. Dean.

.· r c--;. l-~.1 •· 1 ~~ ·t· · :•.'i; of ~:·:-F (,r·, .-,·r.·nt I~··)::"~ ~ L r· .:... Li.~ -..\·ill he <1!.... l,f i l1·· r.i4. 1 . ..:t I~:·P-i1.·,:i(:ay c·hr .;,tnla~ ~·-'~t:-:,,:i~ :--!:( has (.·\·t:r Lu··L Iler S•Jld!~_·t· husband. to ·.·. h !'11 sht· 1 huu;.::ll t she had said :_:,,., :-hye "··he·:-. It•:> ,,·as sta.tioned ut Cam;) Lh>, \"ilt., r hon£>d her ~unrla\· night sa,·i!lg '1e will be !'''me ·for a !i\·e day furlough.

ti;··6m~~~;,;it,: Cl;t;rch, b~tt 'next Sunda,· v:ill ·be ohserved with Christrrws music and sermon.

The nur·set·y, where parents mav leave their children while the)· worsh1p in the main auditor­ium. is maintained each Sunday, beginning at 10::50 a. m., in the last room on the south side of the serond floor.

Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints

The Greenoelt branch confer­ence will be held Sunday with general sessions at 10 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. It is c·:pected that all members of the stake presidency will be present at the conference. It is therefore urged that all members make a special effort to attend these meetings; Special programs have been arranged for this occasion.

Volume A. No. )!') Frid<t:>. DecnnlH'r 10. ]'Jlj

Here We Go Again \Ve are off itf.!;tin 011 a H:Jd pro!P~I. ft i~ o lw ''"I" rl f !,,d f !"'

presf"nt r:ffort ,...,;If he < ondtH lc·d in a milnnPr ·dtit f, ·will JH' .til Jill·

prov<:m<~nl ovr·r tlw pn·vious itiiPmpt. f)h,fint' in pt·r~on<tlili•·~ <~rrrl <·mo!ionali!-'m IHJS no place in such an under!: .king'.

At the prc:senl lime there sPems lo fw cmly one point liJHJII ,,J.i, 1, tlu• pres<•flt prolf"~t <an he reasonably has(•d. Tl1c fact tl,.tt under

tl.e present n·nt sd,edule there are two prices will stand ~on1c ex­planation.

Chades :"<.IcLaughlin, who has jlt~t moved fz·om 4-C Parkway Lu<trl, will he i!lducted into the <u·my December :10. ~h·s. :'.Ic­Laughlin and baby daughter, Janet, will make their home at El(17 H Street, N. \V., \Vashington for the du1·ation.

The church school will meet at 9:30 a. m. All pupils and teachers are asked to bring gifts for the unfortunate, wrapped, as far as possible, in white paper. The pro­gram for the opening exercises will be in charge of Mrs. Nanna's class.

The men's Bible class will be taught by the Rev. Mr. Johnston. Other adult classes will be taught by their regular teachers.

The study group will meet at 8:30 p. m. at the home of L. Pres­ton Blatter, 17-C Parkway. This group is gaining in popularity as may be attested by the number of those who heard Cleon Skousen, stake mission president, last Sun­day evening. The public is invi­ted to attend these meetings.

Under tlw present system, which establishes a minimum rent for a given type of dv,·dling accompanied hy a 1ninimum i1~come re­

quirement, allowance was made for those rcsid•!nts who had moved

into (}rccnhclt u 1dcr the previous lo,vcr incc me stipulations and

who had not "suffcr('d" sufficient salary incrca: es to fall undPr tl1e

new rental .schcdul<'. If this provision had not been made these people would have had to move.

Right or wrong, the fact r<'mains that tl1cre are t·wo pric<'~ and

this is the only point which at present seems I l bE: a logical basis

for the attempt to lmve the rent of famili<'s of nducted per,;ons T<'­

duccd to 20 percent of the gross. family income

In no other town in the country. t'Xcept I I.e otlwr (~reenbei I lt·owns, could such action he taken hy tJ,c re~· dents of tlw town.

!)emocralic net ion in such a matter is a privi!c!,!e wllit I. tiH· r<'~i­dents should apprec!alc and at the same lime si10uld be tLoroutrfdy f'Onsidcred.

Wanted: Ad Chaser \ ~). \1 l I) 1 (,I; 1 I 'I I : ! j 't t (.. '. ' (I: I ) \' I I I''

Jill(( J1 -..In· ..... : 011 ;HJ\·f·rli: .... in!,.!. :\ ..... r1 Jn;tll{·r ot Lt \\t· il~t.\t 11"t l·d •

"" <Hkf'rlisill(.! ,,ofi, ilor on If,. "laff for till' L"t yc:,r, ·"-""·· ft,,,, · ,.,.,.,., ild>crlisinf.! H'\f'llll<' l1as droppt·d off ju~t tl1al lr," liollo~l iiiTIOunl sufri('ienl lo drop us from IJLw!.; ink lo ·eel. \\ '1· IH'! rf l\"1

or tl1ree rnon· ads.

\Ve don't rl,ink il filir to aJ, our '"l!ll:l•·•·r,. "'-ll() '"'' :,,.,,, 1·•

'' orLinu 1\vo lo fc·n J1ours a '' Cf·f~. to pnl i11 t1d< (;1 i•~r:ttl f iJ;'''· ,·> \\ ,.

(lt"f'! nr>\V lor Oil(' of yoH n·t,d(·rs \~f:o flit\•' JJf•cn ~i'l!;,,~ ~ );lr

''"Jl''' fn·<· fl.;., fo1;~ li;.lf• 1'1 lt·nd us a !t.,:d. l:'·l'' ,,,,'";'I !,.. !. lwr tll('rf' ,,;!1 I,,. r;o ~·<~Ltry for II"· t-.,o !,,,1;:~ d ,,,.,.!, till' j.,l, ·d o~•! ~·.ofi( ifil!~~ ~Loldtf H·q~!irt·. .~':o,u· of li~ !..~f·l~ 1: tid jll lllo:p ~- !~~~~ \,t'

do kne a lot ol J,111 ~;\-ill~ ( ;,...,.,Jwlt il i"',wr , .. ,.,.\ Wt·!l.--1) I!.(·. ... ,_ ··---- -- -·----·--------------------- ------------

One Year Ago I F1·orn 1 he C"O!JPI'<l ~ "'' of

Dc'c'(•mber lS, !:'; :::~ •

.Jimmy Sl'olt arHl ll!s ~C'·.-,,r.­piPCP ()J'('lJI'Sf r·a \\'<IS C'iJ<~:;;•;••rJ to J.'ltl'n~~h thP JliU!--:i(' f(IJ' {Jlf\ J .. ,;p·.·: ·ypc~r·s l:vco froli(' f)ol·.)l'(• . .; C"c:lll',

ll1f'lllbet· of :he 1irs1 1 J·r .. -..; 10 f''l~1:-1Jit_~l(\ f(Jllt' ~·t.·~tJ'S ~~~ (;J·:~··r;t~,·.t ll i gh, was 1 IH• Ji r:;t It" :\I "'i 1'1 i CJ

join 1he \\"av('S· 'L'!1' d('!';Jl':;,)t 111 ;,f public >iafpty 1" '"' i '"I t :,;,t sincp gas ra1 io:1in·~. t !Jf.·~·(,. l1ttS

IH't,n an :lppr('<'i:Jll•,' d4'' li;·~c in SPP(.'Cling :llT•,•s\...; ~.lt1' .l (.'::ttl., \' :L..; :-;;·ht•dulPd for a !·!··:-\ :f .·,v in i :H' tlll•iJl<•z· C"nq!lyin-' l':ilh \'..'J·E (IJ'dVt'S, 1JH, ('0l1)Jllll 11i1y I:1:l;l~J;.!('l' ;lflllOU!H'('d that 1hl' !'•Jillllllllli:;> Christmas three wi!l il'• !f),·:ttr'cl Jn t hP shopj<ir;g !'t:ll(C'l' iJctl \',ill rut II<.' lighH•d.

- ·- --· -----·------Ha>'tU:<·-Ya:-:,_;ub, Ah : auh d'"'"

lo\·v ch!l k(~n.

ti·-ror:n 1hi Cur,;~c·r;.lfiil' ,)[

Dec-Pml· ·:·1· 1:::>, 1:):;,;;' Cn.'C'nflilis, I )!lin, OUI'

si.~tt·1·, opeJ;•·cl ,Jt;n(' 1, 1.• ~;·r.·d i_;l·e ·:·:!;.•·:t in

·, .. ".

SJ·t·c::;. It.~ ('1\f ;1('!-~i.ti\·c· '.\ ,. ~ · 1'

wa .. · tllc.i!' lib: ar,· \':;,_.; "·'' 1 ·• .. 1 tloi·l;'i·-.;Jiin~ ~tn~l a;J ~~riult ~· 1.·~ :::',:1

prc'.'~J·;_,·n \'.·c·ll st.:L·i·.'d-· -·;· ... 1 ; •• :. •• t'

rJ~(ltJS ffJJ' a ~(': ie . .; c.d" r.i.::;i I J:t'

Prnhr~u it1~ a couf'.,t! in ;:.:t: '.: ,l Irainin.c: :tt tll• 11!::;1 .~ ·f!f.•!. '•·: · su~~~c·sll'd trJ t! ~~ ;·1 _~r;/Jy ,·]'_, > ·r, · ('itizt•!JS ~I:<'Ur·j:l iun .:.:,._., f.J,·

17 :1t f flP cfitf(.' f<Jl' :},•.iJ (.';" iJI'!Jl'Jjt •!:Ill( 1',

~I ~.·~J ; (I i ;. •"/! j'l l!ll tl!} thl' .·.,1. 1:,)

tr1 L: . ...:. :t··~-~·r,::.• ;~+_, an1l i!!

tl·r Ll.• l···.~:L··i i.1 Y~~in f~q· :t \·:u- ·1 !J;,.j-,

··p~~r·1 1 1!J 1111· ., hP :-=·1i.! t 1 rf:t·

It has been learned that Mr. and Mrs. James Lane and baby, formerly of 2-A Parl{way, are now living in Dallas, Texas, and expect to move into an F.P.H.A. project down there.

The regular meeting of the offi­cers and teachers of the church school will be held Sunday even­ing at 6:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, 8814 EdmQn­ston rd., Berwyn Heights. Those who desire transportation will please notify Mr. Reno Sunday morning.

The regular Relief Society meeting wi!I be held Tuesday, De­cember 21, at 8:15 at the home of Eva Conley, .20-K Ridge Road. The literary lesson, based on the Bible as literature, will be given by Ive Allred.

Be sure to let us know about your Christmas gue-sts, parties or other special affairs.

New Babies James Douglas Blatter, born

October 16 at Doctors Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Preston Blat­Lr, of 17-C Parkway.

:"<.Ir. and Mrs. Frank E. Fox of i-A Park\.,·ay report the birth of a son, Frank Dewey Fox, Novem­ber 10 at George \Vashington Uni­versity Hospital.

A daughter. :Miss :'-i;otncy Joy Dounn was born Xo\·ember 27 at EuE;ene Leland :"<.Iemorial Hospi­tal t" :\Ir. and :\Irs. Sidn:c>y Dounn of :.CII-D Parkway.

.T. ,:, ·: S. "\li•·Jrd•·r·, f<>I ll1(·1·ly (lf · ~.- \ < .. r·~ · _.;:. •· :; • 1·r l.. ~··'I ·~") J'i ~ ! !-: f'

;1 ~~· ' r ·~·11 ··:.: ..... ~\:-

T(·JTPnre ~~TuJTa,· '"''~" hn1·n to :'IT1·. <~nrl :"<.Iu: . .John P. ::'IIun·;:n·. 6-s Hil!~ide. D.::·ccmbcr: L! at ·G;u·­l!•::rl l!ospit;;J.

.\ ~;-,_ round. ni~c· "unrc !'on \\'US hrq·,, t 1 ::'111·. and :'IlL-: . .Jark Frucht­m:;n :-:u1HL1y, IJc"·l·mher 11.

The 1-lome Front Gv J~F\£ WILBUR

IJ·i'..; al1t'•j· l·'t!· ~.·.,,::· . ...: .• a n:i:c r f: -.. .'. '·'··.'~ a·:ri 11:), .. ,. a · r\· ;3.t ~t('(•r­ir .. _: :.•::·,~u::h ·: ... (,:,·i·,':;),:r..: Lu.\:·~;.::

] f ~·(l_-.:,...;i!l;4', 1>~• ,S:!'I'~!·I·~~t Z:1•:.:.; !· 1 yr>t::· Cf I ;>~:1i~t-.; ..;~~:1;;1J:•l~~ • \ ,


I : , , · ~t ( ~ t:. , ·1 r J.. : . • · ... -: 4 ,,. • ll c·< · :t t ( 'i' !l ;\;:d ~l () r r·· ). !!'.:-•", 'h0 ]r·: ..... : '.' .•.. l!·ir~ -~ , ,.:\· ·, 1 >' 1 rl~) ·.':rq~rd f I l • -. ', 1.

1 ; t: 1 ~ ) , t ' f '· '' ) . · ~ l 1 I ': l ;. . t , • , L •

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,"·~:~.··r _,.. tl) do ·.·.·~:~~ l;.-~·: ... <, irt·:-:~s. :j .v ;i.!'i<··;-; 4'f .,., ·:1J·i~:~ a:J­

; :r:1 1. i:1 ~~~~·.r-J (iU;:~jt~: '••"d Crl'T···:·t

;1; 4\ i1:H•. I !.it ttr:tl··•·,·~·'·<l!'Y .tt.·':~i... ;,!·,. \\, ~t,• .. tt 1 • It

~ ... '\(':·:: ".-< ... :·~11" ~r. r·,~ry (1



'::' t,( ;:Ji;l;JI')'--. '·:~ 1 ~lf•,J:' ~;f~l0 l ·:r r·,. ~ (1[1 •Ji,• lt ....... (o)i' n~·,)\· .~.) I·'> ~I :,Jf·•· 'l>d c: ... 1,~1:4• :,;..,,·~.·).I' J 1 • • '· t ~ r i fl · 1 I : • • .\ · , ·~ ·, ~ 1 , '. ]. :, 1 :.:

i-..:::d ld ,:-;~!ly 1 0:1 •_::'(J'r, ~·-l:;J ft•J_•!: .\ J, ,;,._f,(··, ·h · !, r· i ·''~~ .. •.' n:i;.;ht : · · , ·, ·!:, r· :·. · · ·: ;.: •·· ·:1 i ~·: · :-: ::-:t ·;_,...;: ,n i, · ·' do··· . ..: :1· T :..: ! it T I It· \\'t~ "t 1···r".

~;: r:•·\·j·t· h·· ; _~>:t n .. ) ;:1at·,:r }• if .:· du··itll·, .. ,l Lr;•.

> 1. j:) t i I :" • 1!, ,·, i _.-~ h t' ;·p.

The choir rehearsal for the Christmas music will be held in the social rom Wednesday night at 8:30.

Thursday evening at 8:30 an old time Christmas, with old time Christn1as music, Santa Claus and gifts, will be observed in the main auditorium. All who really love the old time Christmas are cordi­ally invited to be present.

Church School Program The community church school

Christmas program will be held December 23 at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. All members of the church school are invited, especially the girls and boys. Santa Claus \Vill be on hand with a gift for e\·e1·y member of the :-;un<!av School fn>m the cradle ,.,.!! tl,:·c,u~h high school groups.


f•· .\. Sttu1s js chairman , ,J;l,;nii i,.,,

Catholic Church Sunday :\Iasses-7:30 a. m. and

!l:.;o a. rn., Greenbelt Theatre. Confessions will be heard Satur­

<'!ay e\·ening 7:.30 to 9:30 at 17-E ~e H.n::HL

Christmas Confessions will he heard Thut·sfla.v. December 23 from 3::!0 to 5::>o p. m. and frmn 7::;o p. m. until all are heard.

X n con fc:--;sions v.-i li be heard in Gr·t·enhelt Fricta\·, December 24. Cr,r:fr-,;,;ions will be heard in Der­wy;, on DeC'em hPI' ::: L

:\Iiz·aculous :\Ieclal Xovena, 8 p. m. •·ach \'.'C<dnes,1ay e\'ening at B,., .... ,yn. ~·Iidni ~h t ?vi ass will be ('(•l'.'h!·atf~d <1s in fo1·mer Yea!·s in the' Ct·eeniJ(')t Tllc:.:tre. •

IJP• '' U:i(' 1 he kni: tefl goods shrink a h; t •

IIi:\'(' Y''ll 1hou~ht. ahout ta,..king l'l. ''7J.I'd <,f in~cl·e.sting button:-; 01~ "n r:1 e bl'i;:;ht ricl~-n\ck into C'ht·isrmns stoc·kin:(~'? ..-rhev nre nh-:ay . ...; \\'f.>lf'orne ttnd are inC:-~:pen­~:ivr-. y,,u f'an't go \\Tong on a h! 1 )li~·"-' or d1·0.~s !;_·q~, h of a good st ilflr~:u·d fa!Jl·ic: f~JI' the won1an \\:J~o s:_'\'.:s.

f To the Editor---· A number of grown-ups have

been dancing at the young people's dances which are usually held the second Saturday of each month. These "oldsters", shall we say, seem to be having a per­fectly marvelous time. Howe·.-~r. I do not thing it has been made clear to them that this is the one night "youth has its fling'' so far as the dance floor goes. We started out with attendance of 150 girls and boys. Now our attend­ance usually runs into the hund­reds. The while idea is to give the children from the fifth grade through intermediate groups something of their very own to lok fonvar to each month. So­now comes the time to tell all adults thai they ar<:> perfectly w~l­con1e to nttPnd tht>se popular af­fPTrs. if fh:..,~ ... \~.·!11 pf,..:-.s-~ tak~ thP fl~u·k S!~at:-:, \', !~1 ·n ~ .", c· l'H •:;1 PI CI­

ViderJ, for their eon1Iurt '":d .iuc;l. be content to look on. Plea:se ilo not make it necessary to ha"e one of the hostesses ask you to leave the floor. I know the music is grand and everybody is enjoying themselves, but please have a heart and let the young people ·ha,·e as much space as they de­sire. They know i!s their night. and feel crowded out when older people start mixing ..vith them. \Ve want even bodv to have a good time, but ·the girls and boys n1ust come iirst. So lets all be good spol'ts ahout it.

:\•Irs. Rolfe Sauls, Chai•·man. Young peoples dance

--·-·--~-- ----

Hebreto Congregation The regular' Friday evening

~er ... kcs of the Hcbrc·,·.· CongTega­tion will be held tonight at 8::30 p. m. in t 11 c social ro01n of the elementary !iChool.

Sunday Scl~oo1 c:lasse><; are h(']d at 11 a. m. in the clem'entary scho~l.

--~- -·- . -· ···---BUY WAR SAYINGS BONDS

t+++++ ... i·++·~-I·ot .. !o+++-H•+-i-oio+++++++++-M·++++++++++++·l-·H-++ ~ + t G. P. IV~RS~N COJAPANY i + i :j; Wholesale l=ruit:s and Vegetables ! T +

1: o..; :-:-· l:ut \'ou mu,_;t ha,·c· t•·ouL],. g-dting- \\:hat yuu wa:1t all the time.

]:JJ!dl:trl.\-, •·j)l_;t \\·~:~ r~ c~~~l I ! ~ ,·­Ji•f'!\l lll,\' ~t~~~·;~j d! .··.~··

~.··~ ·' ;·1 t" !· .•. ··,r·~·r,_...,;·~·t·•'(·rf 1·~~'.1,:1 _-.:!,jl • ..;; t•n t!.·· :;·1:·.1·~:,•t r~r,,\. \' ;,:,.~, .\t·~ar· f .•:r .. ,. t;:;J!! ·.•.·( -,,.··:1 f~t­,, ..... -~:; ... f:( •f;t~ ~<::~;4• t.r·ir·,. :·ur~=:-t'l ~lr.~! 1

1. '\ .~lf'l' :-.;~) r!.·.<-:-n•:d that T!'(•y

f!·,:l' <:dt! .:tz·,,l.Pld. Tf hu.'·ing-

:f 1211-1213 1\1aine Ave., S. W. i ~ Washington, D. C. + * f'·:ational I 125-&-7-S-~ i 1-!a,;(ll>'---Ya:-:,_;uh, Ah dllt'"· I~ut

you know rlat ol1• >':tj in' love will iind a way!

''!Jon't ;:(•.i ~r~tlt rn ~-i\1 ~~;i;·,' r:othin' \·1 ~.·.'' .. :tai~!~~.·,l tLt· ]:,jl~.p. ''\\-l' 1'' un \ 1:ith q·.:,·~,) t:flt!~h ~·r·:tn ' J,. trr~~ln .. f a . .-r.,-1!'11,; \\'" ·.,.] \·n la.;t W·.vk.''

·~=============================~-~-~-====== We Need Another Staff Member Someone to cha~e ads for us so we e:m keep our town new~paper operating clem· of lebt.

There is no pay for any of us, but WE~ have a lut of fun.

8 See the editor at the Coope1·ato1·

Parkway, basement, phone :n::n evening, or phone 61:36.

office Tuesday

1:: r· .:· i I'' ~u l't·· t. • rhan :/nr

u:-:k f,,~· a :-::~:p r:, •r n::1: ly taKt·n


~ + i + + SUPPLIERS TO YOUR FOOD STORE :f: + • "··!- ;..~·~··!o+-!-+.!.o·•·-'·-'··~' .;. ·'•+····~~!·-io·!·-!·++++~·!o++of-!.·:·•!'-o{·~~~+~~.f-.;..1-++++




A.NTHONY M. MADDEN 17-E Ridge Road

GReenbelt 4607


Plan New Year Eve Ball

High School Has Futile Evening

.. r •. ~] i·~ .-.~ : I;J~·f rl t t~·· L.-·,y.o;;' Sl"'o ~r-

Pl. ns for the Citizens ns:-;twia­tion';, hig ~CV.' Yr:ar's ball to bt~ lwld Fl'idav, De<·PJnbr•J· :n ;n·1· prat·tir·;l]ly ;·ompl,t<:d a-, .... "nii,ng to .James C. Smith who is i11 clwr~:l? of the rtiTangr'ml:nts. Th0 dan<·(~ will f••atun' VaD Camr/s C;l\·a­hers and will be h('}r! f1·r,m 10 p. m. to 1 ::~11 p. m. in t !H· auditorium of the (']Cmf~nlaJ·y ~'"!Jo"l.

The nursr!r·y sdttJO! 11101 hr?rs

Li!s1. F1·i<1a·.· ni."it' \\:11 l•r· a 1rJU;_::h (J:ll:1 [()!'~ 1ll'-' hl;..!)l ;..,·LtJrJ) r !l­gr•rs 1o li,:r.• d{J\•;n. ~!"};P LrJ~,_..; ,,! ~% t.t ~Jf)-17 r:.:::-..lir: .. ~ ln \·. 1.:11 ·.·.~;:..; fl) 'J('

!lit! f•·ntun.• jt,[! :;~.r! tL" ~-,].; 1: ,rj tr) hr_. f'(Jll1(·nt v.·it h ;•n lnf•·J-;-;r!,_: .-d fJJ~~H·'ir·l'~ fJJl'ar •ir·;t}}yt. 'rr,,_. \\.(JJ ,­

(·n·s gyrn ( );J.-.~ S(·X~(·t ,..,.(L·i .su .J ..

ir.~~ I(J• \-~~ .r.1t:·: ti I~J~nts l·Jt v .. ;;._-; r,·,-.·!·~(:-J-.',t·,-1 ~-.· b;c~ ,i(,tl

I .•::·. ·.: · .· ;, • t. :: ·,' T Lr> t :t'l (~,:··r;·;..:·· \',' <d; :...:~· :r 1; ..:il ( •:ni•·!'

~ ;··; t: '~ I l 1 .' 0 ( ; ; • t "./: 1_' I v; it h - ( ) l '.J;rt1·.

(; c .. :~> ., r;_ r·. T. IJ ·:·,"):1, 7 " 1: !;,::. :1 f) II ,,

S('IJ~1 ~I 1• (; f~•l(.•·;·~ .. "i ;~ l. I

. --~----------

Dr. Dora Brault Named Ill'. IJ,>t-:1 BnlUlt r.r~s he<?n ajl­

:-•· .": .. ·! :•"\.' :tnt h~"::llth o::ic"r in !';.~-..( ... ';··~~r;..:-~s Cuur.ty by tr.~ 1·: .. ! 1 ~· I ~~.:tt·-.~ J.>ub!ir Ilealth Sr:c­'. •· .. ·"''·-·~·:din::; Dr. :\'elson Podol-:-.: :.

l 1:·. l-'···1nlr.i~-·~~. ,,·ho no,.\. ho1ds f~.·· r.t~:k •)~ ::z·:.;t ]i(~Uf0nant in tl:e :tJu·!):i · li··:1!th Se1·vire. is ac­•:t ... :r. · i": 1 'I' LJ·:lUit \':ith her r.ew rlur;,., l"-·ndin;::: receipt of his new as .. ":~.:~l:'!lPnt. 1 fe h:is been assi:.;t­a:. r. l fro h;JS hr•en assistant coun­ty !.c•<lrh ot!icer fur the bst two :. ea:·:-:.

have agreed to handle the cuat-checki n_g:2· ;,.,· ----:------

Make a raid on your pocket­hook so that we can raid the Axis. Get your War Bonds now.

[HJS(•rl 10 bP fJt·r·]i:yJjr;;JJ'Y ~~;1r1p com jJ(~t i l.irJn fr,r· o!lr f·};J (.;!..:V (__;.ri z-zl iet t r:s. Fl u-r·idrlr:n a::.d t. ,r;

shortly notified about thr·ir ~rure,

r ) :i' :.: '•, I l ' 1 .~ ! l': IJ ' 1 ')

:--:.:·:·:~( ..•. ..: ~\::.... u fl tl

r~~~r: ,.r ., r 'i:.·. ·.~~ 1:1 tJ 11 " ,JtJ~.I.':-i I) I) !I !.j•)(r:·t 1) () (J!)

r~~l~~ I) II 1 1 'f 'jf'!1•'1' f) (1 I)

13~_0:1 ~~ fJ t: 1·-1'/. •• H fl H


DANCE 1he ladies harl ltJ r:all ''11 til.- ;:;i:· s' ]~ .• _.__, I',·llr11 ,.,

1• ( r "\l'G · ., 0 4

varsity l't?serv<'s for help to tal:e - ll J I - ,uu·e ::.

T(~r7:-fl-:c~::YT••;<.L~-: -3-:3-9


Regular Monthly Dance for December postponed until Sat­urday, January 1.

a mild 24 1.o !J licking. Gr'belt r;. F T. I;\\- If. C. F. T. {//~-b'gh ~ ~ i ~~~~~-~e ~ ~ i Ora Donoghue's 7 baskets macl~ Fox 2 ., f; I '"d:.:·· 0 ° 0 Bui·ke 1 o 2 Boaze 4 o 8

all hut 10 of the winning points \\'olfe o 1! "l'h:t!'rs 1 0 :.! Bartlov.· 1 0 2 for I he lassies, while Jean no)- Cal·neal I) f) II Ei<l' 2 1 5 ~ --~~ erts' 3 and 1 were seven-ninths ·>f B:-ewu· <1 1 1 Cap'ni 1 1 ::1 fota1s 7 3 17 Totals: 23 10 56

~-~- .... -----~-- ... ----~---1he losing. punch. St'kler 2 () 4 H•.·n~l·'Y 8 4 :.!0 Scm•' at half-G. \V. 30, G.lO

---~-~-~~-- ---- -~----- . - --~"-~-~-~--~--~--~~~-~-~-~--~~~~-~~--~-~-~--~-·~--~-~-~-~~~~~

. I I

I . I

The Penalty of Popularity You go to your dealer and ask for a case of National Bohemian or

National Premium Beer. And he says he is all sold out--had none

since Monday •.• Or you order a Iun:ch or dinner at a restaurant and

say:"--and a bottle of National" ... and the \Vaiter says:--"Haven't

had a bottle since day before ye:;terday-but I can give you so-and-·so"

... and then you say: "I can't see \-vhy I can't get National

Beer!"_ .. THAT'S THE PE.'T\fALTY OF ]JQP[TL~4 R/1'.Y.

Like the father \\'ho says 10 his son: "Johnny, thi.., hurts n1c

more than it hurts you--" :,o \-V.:! SZ;.y to you:"lt hurts US Inorc than

it hurts you when that bottle of NA1~IONAL doL·~n't step right up to please you."

Year in and year out we have bJe\vt:d with utmo~t care a beer to satisfy you and please you. Year after year we have been re" anlecl ~eeing tnore and more folks turn to NATIONAL. Right nov more peoph: are callin~ for KATIOXAL than ever before--and right now war :ime conuitio~ls make it impo~::-ible fur us to supply all the orders.

Actually, the amount of National Beer \\'e arc able to turn out is only a little below last year. Every day thousands upon thcn.~:-;anus uf cases of ?\ational Bohemian and National Premium go out into quick comnmption. The !:-honage

of NATIONAL results only in part from the rationin~ uf our supply of malt. Mainly it is due to such an increase in demand- -.IT'S TilE PEN.ALTY OF POPULARITY.

All we can say is it htJ rts us more than it hurts you when we can't supply the demand. Thnre's a real solution though--let's put an more steam and get this war won-~ then just step up and say "NcaHonal" -an•i we'll all drink a iluge National toast to VICTORY--


THE NATION.AL BRE\VIr-rG CO. of B.-\L'ri!\10RE, !\1D.


I r


Phone Elkridge464-W WILLIAM FURLONG Elkridge, Maryland I


McDonald's MOON DIAL Station WTOP 11:15 to 11:45 D. m.

Monday thru Saturday



7:00 to 7:15 p. m. Monday tlrroacb Friday

DtTcmher 17. 19-13 3

Ray Glasgow Leads ch k p· ' · -:> amroc 1tcl1Gr~

1 First Year Here Bv BILL .\I00.-~5;

Raymond Durrett Gl 'lc:;,;.-m·, hig bespectacled right ha!HIP:-. ·was "bell CO\V" of the Gt'e?nb<>~t nil: h­ing herd in 1\is fr-~s:JnW•l ~ham.­rock vear. The ''Ra·~··n··· t·a~::.;ed up 10 -victories agai11st but 1 le>ss­E""> to finish one full game ~Jetter than Texas Jim lckewl, his co­performer in a procession of double-headers last summer.

Ray was born at Fairmont, \Vest Virginia on August 6, 1911. He got his three R's "t C~r.tral

Grade School be­fore ste9;>ing up to East J.' co i r­mont High. Af­ter high schr:-ol graduation h e went away to Oak Ridge, North Carolina, attending mili­tary school there. He ma­triculated at N. Carolina U. at

RAY GLASGOW Chapel Hill but quit just before his sophomore term. .

Ray was a fine student as well as an outstanding athlete. In high school he played l;>~lwtb~ij and baseball for 3 years and was .captain in both sports in his sen­ior elM!. At Oak Ridge the big fellow earned his letters in both sports and was president of the graduating class. He merited his numerals in basketball and base­ball at the ~University of North Carolina before leaving school.

On August 4, 1933 Ray married Miss Nurney Miller of Aulander, North Carolina, his schoolday sweetheart. The Glasgows have three little girls, Mary, Rose Marie and Carol Lou.

The 32-year-old cross-fire spec­ialist has had an interesting basji!­ball career. He played for the Caromount Mills team in Rocky Mount, and Lewiston and Ashos­kie in the Costal Plains League before returning to his native \Vest Virginia. Nate Andrews, of the Boston Braves, was his college roomie. Burgess Whitehead of til•• :\:pw YC>r!~ G\;c>1ts, was 'sith !~a:.· at L(•wiston anrl Sam Narron. t hlrd .stz·ing (_"atch(':· of the !'.~'"a­t ional l ... eaiue ch'-1n1p Card!IH!!s, got his start at the Caromount :1IiJls.

Ray turned to Fairmont and pitched for the champing King­mont team in a county league, and for Granttown and Fairview. in 1941 Glasgow pitched for the Fairmont Onized nine in Ray Du­rnont's \Ve::;t Virginia Semi-Pro tounrnamen. His outfit lost out in the state finals but not before the "Razor" cut dov.:n t\vo oppo­nents in a 4 hit 4-2 tussle and a 1 hit 6-0 thriller,. the Onlzed only tournev victories.

The- \Vashington Navy Yard called Ray to work on .January 12, 1:)-!2 and he hooked on with a strong Naiman Photo nine, for whom he elbowed six wins in sev­en tries his first summer in \Vash­ington. Vernon Ise!i, good local bov;ler currently gone red-hot, worked with Glasgow at the Navy Yard and persuaded the big hurl­er to come out one Saturday that season to pitch a game for the Shnmz·ocks. The opposition failed to show up hut Ray got an eyeful of Greenbelt that made him want to move out here right awa'-'. The Glasgows moved in at 73-F- Hidge I{oal last December 1.

Hny took part in 23 gnmes with the Shamrocks last summer, p'tching 131 innings in 17 of them, giving up 42 runs on 109 ·hits and but 2!J walks, while striking out 6S hatters. As a batter Hay made 20 hits in 66 times at bat for a .;~rn avez·age to place sixth among the team's regulars in that respect.

The Shamrocks' pitching pros­pects for the next season will re­main bright with the big three, Glasgow, Breed and Boggs.

Every time you lick a war sav­ings stamp you help lick the Axis.

Machine I Gun

"\Vooden Toy Sturdily Built


Orders taken at Variety Store. Delivery before



I From 1-lalls of Gl-lS I By MARILYN MARYN

Due to the recent flu epidemic a great. number of students and teachers were absent from school this week. For this reason, Paul Barnhart and local health officials requested that all activities tem­porarily stop, but they will re­sume again as soon as the epide­mic is over. The senior ball, schedul,~d for this Friday night, was postponed until a later date and the boy's basketball game with Central high school, sched­uled for Tuesday afternoon, also was postponed. The school, how­ever, has been ordered by officials in Upper Marlboro to remain open.

Shat-Oats Prevail As Cor-Duls Get Lead

Bob Dove With his 150 !':arne and to AI Bowman with his <181 set.

Th·~ Christmas turkey roll-off will be held December 21.

W L Pin!all Cr,r. Delicatessen 28 11 20,132 E:,;:;lt·s 28 11 19,843 ,\:n•·riran Legion 2-! 1;i 20.3.31 E•.·rL,;:ins 2.3 1ti 19,581 C(Jmmandos 21 u: 19,838 C(J-r,p 20 1S 19.495 Snafu 20 19 19,491 YanJ.,:,_.,-.s 19 20 2fl,l63 Scurpions 19 20 18,483 I.Jeff·nders 19 20 18,147 :\Iinutp .Men 1;3 21 18,119 Trigg,·rmen 17 22 18,819 Tenderfeet H> 23 17,889 \"itamen 15 24 19,513 Paradise Lane 14 25 18,756 Police & Firemen 1 1 28 18,059

High team set-American Le­gion 1685, Vitamen 1683.

High team game-Vitamfn 608 American Legion 581, '

High individual set--R. Bow­man .398, Sansone 392.

High individual game--Olson 162. Iseli 160.

High flat game-A. Bowman 94, Dove 94. Iseli 94, Mulle!"., 94,

High spares-R. MacEwen 88. Bowman

High individual averages-Mac­Ewen 111-31, R. Bowman 111-13 A. Bowman 109-9. Sansone 109-3 Lastner 108-24, IseJi 108-3 Taylor

Bay War Bonda today - that you can face your &ghting -n• when they come home and -y. .. 1 did Illy ahare toward 'rictory. too.••

If you buy. our airmen fiy. Get another War Bond today.

HI •+• u 11 • 11u 1 1 • 1 1 1 • 1 1 a 11 1 a 111 a a a a 11 .., a ~ 107-35, Olson 107-33. •


Hi\.NDKERCHIEFS hem stitched - crocheted edges

25c to 7 5c hox

3 in each box

Two of our boys who are now in the navy are home on 14-day leave. Andy Freeman, seaman first class, joined the Navy De­cember 7, last year. Andy parti­cipated in many of the school and town activities including the band and he managed the dramatic club stage ~rew. Seaman Second class _Charlie Snyderman from Berwyn IS also home now. Charlie was stationed at Newport, R. I. but expects to be shipped out soon. Andy will be leaving very shortly

Schaffer 94. ·

High strikes-Andestad 25, Al­len 2-l, H.. Bowman 24.

Fh·e shut-outs were r·er_·rn·rJ(•.-j by the men pin- ;hooters as Corner Delicatessen r ~gained fir.,t ['lace by virtue of pi nfal1, as tlwv shut­out the 1\finL te 1\!en th·r,·e to nothing with ~ l Bowman rniming himself for the coming battle with brother Dick a.; he rolled 1.1S.:;.·n. The Scorpions, With Bob I.JrJ\·e hot, his 150 game being tops for the evening, sh:Jt-out the Trigg;er­men three to no lthing ~VJlile Snafu applied the wJ it.ewash brush to Vitam(o-n three to nothing. The Defenders, witJ Jim Flvnn in rare form, sh Jt ot•t Paradise Line three to Z•·ro and the Co-op gave Hugh Haw '<ins .1 royal send­off as he left to join the Navy by defeating Tend; •rfeet three ' to nothing. The Eagles had the P.dge on the Commandos two to one and the Po. ice and Firemen trimmed the Yar kees two tn one, and the Redskin; scalped Ameri­can Legion two to one. Individu­al honors for the evening went to - VARIETY STORE

itllllltltltlllllltllfll+.~······················ .. but Charlie will be around for a While.

The nature club under the lead­ership of Mrs. Hazel Gump is planning a breakfast hike in the near future. The group will leave on a Saturday mo•·ning- about 8 o'clock and go either to the lake or Indian Springs. No definite date has been set.

Women's Bowling teague Standing


1 .. Pilots 21 15 2. Olympics 20 16 3. Sea Bees 20 16 4. Raiders 20 10 5. De-Icers 20 16 6. Wildcats 20 16 7. Allies 19 14 l;!. G. P. Iverson 19 17 9. CO-O]i 1 R 1;:;

10. Cornmnnrlos 17 1 !l , ... nondlt•r·c..; -~: ..-: . ., 1~. Dn.>w1dv;; J, ...;! 1.1. Spotters 13 21 14. ToJ)!}~rs n 23

l-1~gh team set-Allies 1559; Pi­lots 14!32.

High team game--Allies 543; Pilots 522,

Hig-il Individual set-Lastner 375, Dove and l3radley 347.

High individual game-Lastner 142, Coulter 141.

High strikes--Timmons Wurl 13. 14,

High spares-Last.ner 69; Tim­mons S7.

High average--Lastner 104-32, Timmons 102-2, Dove 100-5, Bmd­ley 98-10, Mathers 97-7, Sansone 96-:n, Wurl 95-29, Schaffer 95-24.

High flat. game--Graziano 93. -------------


Games 'l=lu' Out:;

Wilf Play Lat:er For the first time in the history

of Greenbelt High School athletics there is postponement of regu­larly scheduled games on account of threat of sickness. Due to Widespread c~ses of fiu, both in Greenbelt and in Washington, the boys• basketball tilts with Central High have been shelved until a later date. The Blue and \Vhite was to ha\·e played the Grizzlies here last Tuesday afternoon with a return game 'at Central next Tuesday. The games will prob­ably be played very late in the court season.

The next horne gam0s for our kids will bp on .Januan· 1-1 with a reopening of the poj>ular boy and girl double-ht>a<ipr·s. Lads and lassiPs from 1\Ian·Iand Par·k Will fu•·nish the opposi iion on that Friday evPning, giJ·ls taking thp tloo•· at H:-15 in the prt'liminar·y set.

Our· fast stPpping GrizzliPt t es Will play tlw gir·ls at :'.Iar·yianrl Pm·k ne.-.;t Tu<•sday night bt>fore resting ovpr· thp Chri;;tm;;s holi­days. The ho~-s will ]'a~· C0orge Washington High a l't>ttJJ·n trip to their Al<'-..arHlria laiJ· on .Janu:1r·v 7 and both boys and gir·Js wiii play their .\!t. I:ainipr· r·i\·aJs on .January 11, a\\ay.

I '



0 Use care in your selections---Do not Waste what you buy


S;5c lb.

I - - -

:J\[ot ~a rtoned



Pop (:orn ~o Be Hpped

ll~r: /h.


41c lb.

11 Plan Christmas Dinner i: E i:.: ; ~


,, 0 co f!CO P FFEE n • ~ ~



eo .. op Apple Juice !Vot Rationed

WALNUTS 4lc lb.

Large Assortment



Co-op Tea 1-4 lb. Pkg.


Su11day Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Priced 50~ ~p C.anberry Sauce 18~

Don't Forget---Tangerines and Oranges Save Your Cash Register Receipts

"7::hey are money in the bank_,,

··--------Vegpta},f,.~ ;;hnuld i>P ~tir·rpd onlv

-when absol u tPI ~· llt'('t•;:sarv. Sti n:­ing rnixt•s air· into the ·food- and air is a vitamin-destroyer

