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New thinking in postgraduate scholarship and teaching at DJCAD: a pilot project

Fraser Bruce, Cat Macaulay, Mike Press, Kate Saunderson, Hazel White


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the introductionBoth the MSc Design Ethnography (DE) and the Masters of Design for Services (MDfS) have established themselves as distinctive and successful design masters programmes; recruiting international students successfully, building reputations for innovation and excellence both internally and externally. They have acted as “test beds” for new ways of delivering TPG in design at DJCAD (in particular through the Hothouse and our 4 week module blocks), garnering several teaching awards and considerable industry support in the process. !The two programmes have for several years been closely allied due to the goodwill of the staff involved. We wish to further capitalise on our collective abilities and mutual respect. We believe we have the potential to further extend not just our TPG activities but our allied diverse array of research, consultancy, training and other forms of impact on the global design industries. !Our belief is that in so doing we will establish a model with the potential to be more widely applicable in CASE for the promotion of new, innovative and more agile working at the TPG level. We believe TPG ought to provide the hub for cognate groupings which also embrace research, training and consultancy offerings to an increasingly challenging education marketplace in a similar vein to other groupings in UoD (for example CAHID). !This document presents a proposal for a two year pilot project to establish and prototype just such a cognate grouping. We are calling ourselves


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the challenge aheadAcademia globally is reeling from the huge variety of challenges and threats which inevitably accompanied the recent global economic crisis. In the UK and the USA in particular these challenges have precipitated a major re-think of how to position universities as providers of teaching, scholarship and research services to society. !In particular design schools are responding to a changing student demographic for TPG, with a rapid growth in the demand for more flexible programmes which can be integrated with work commitments and a recognition of the value of these programmes as network building opportunities in the same as MBAs are valued. For example, Carnegie Mellon University School of Design in the USA has recently launched its Transition Design grouping; a new suite of modular masters and doctoral degrees that offer multiple pathways to designers and non-designers alike, including a one year Master of Professional Services in Design. It is interesting to note that these one year professional masters in the USA are likely to create a significant challenge to the UK masters particular selling point to US students - its duration. In a similar vein, the MSc Innovation management at the University of the Arts in London has re-branded itself around the concept of “Catalysts for Change” creating a vehicle for further extending its allied activities in the research and consultancy spaces. !

The opportunity is for us to consolidate our capacities and more fully exploit the international profile we have with some of the leading companies and organisations in this field.



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the opportunity emergingThe opportunity is for us to fully exploit the international profile we have with some of the leading industry players in this field. Our success in establishing these programmes has led to some extremely positive feedback from industry… !“We have enjoyed the creative involvement of staff and students from the Masters in Design Services and Ethnography at the University of Dundee... They have made a real impact on our organisation.” Maria McGill, Chief Executive Officer, Children's Hospice Association Scotland. !“I have hired a researcher from the (DE) course into the SAP Labs (Palo Alto) Research team in the past, and keep following the course closely should more advanced entry level positions need to be filled. The Hot House initiative stands out as showcasing the excellence in talent, training, and output of the Dundee Design Ethnography Masters.” Dr Daniela Busse, Principal Design Strategist, Samsung Research America (formerly SAP U.S.A.) !“Working with Hazel and her (MDfS) team, has enabled us to give our member the confidence and skills necessary to be creative. We believe that public services will benefit directly from our members having these skills.” Angela Scott, Head of CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants) Regions  !“The Dundee MSc in Design Ethnography is held up globally as an example of excellence and has led to the emergence of several similar courses around the world. The secret of the success of the Dundee course I believe is the unique mix of individual and team projecting that is done around real world social and business problems in collaboration with companies large and small.” Dr David Prendergast, Anthropologist & Principal Investigator, Intel Labs Europe !“Over the last decade, the University of Dundee has consistently taken a pioneering approach to multi-disciplinary learning and research across a range of contemporary design disciplines. The increased integration of Ethnography and Service Design mirrors leading industry practice.” Colin Burns, Head of Future Media, BBC !“It (DE) is an innovative program.  I don’t know any others like it.  I wish we had something similar here in Switzerland, but I think you are a decade ahead of the design schools here.  In addition to the obvious educational benefits it brings your students, it raises awareness of the program in Europe and makes graduates more attractive on the job market." Dr. Thomas Robinson, Human Centered Design, Swisscom


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new thinking at DJCADOur innovative teaching methods have been recognised both by the university (with several teaching awards at College and University level) and by our graduates. The MDfS and the DE programmes have delivered unique educational offerings targeted at niche but rapidly growing industry territories: !• The DE Hothouse: a novel approach to the “dissertation project” wherein students in effect turn

themselves into a consultancy, working with leading companies on a rich portfolio of projects. • Intensive block teaching: provides focused educational experience, makes it easier for part-time

students to study, and provides potential to deliver outside of Dundee. • Industry focused project work: enhances employability, subject relevance, partnership working and

consultancy opportunities. !“Dr. Catriona Macaulay’s leadership and vision in creating the MSc Design Ethnography at the University of Dundee inspired a new generation of design researchers adept at moving from observations to business-ready contexts. Early in the course, Catriona paved the way for a more empathetic, entrepreneurial, and dedicated form of knowledge creation and transfer.” Han Pham, DE2011 (now working as an ethnographer Intel) !“I am just more than grateful that I have a masters in something that matters, something that I am passionate about and that makes a meaningful difference to those lost in services and systems that were not of their own doing.”  Selina Law, MDfS2013 !“Perhaps more than anything else, the Summer Hothouse Project gave me confidence in my ability and judgment coming out of the DE Program, which I leveraged in job interviews to receive offers from multiple industry-leading companies and continue to draw upon as I refine and defend my points of view on research methods and best practices.” Brian Griebel (now working as a market research manager at Capital One Bank U.S.A.) !“I recently accepted a post as a service designer for TANG Innovation for China. Tang is a Consulting company which focuses on bringing innovative experiences to Chinese users. I'm helping customers and clients to discover and organise the complicated users needs using different research methods: desk research, customer journey mapping and blueprints etc. - all methods I learned on the course..” Yuemeng Zhou, MDfS3013


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our alumni are global

Both programmes recruit from a diverse range of countries, with equal or slightly higher numbers of international students to home/EU and large numbers of home (EU).


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from here to there

here / now • 2 masters programmes recruiting well

internationally • largely delivered conventionally - i.e.

FT attendance in Dundee • range of unconnected training and

consultancy services • range of unaligned research activity • reputation built around individuals

there / 2 - 5 years • TPG programmes delivering through a

range of modes (traditional, blended, distance teaching, distance delivery)

• increased international recruitment • strategic management of teaching,

research and consultancy activities • one-stop shop design research and

innovation consultancy • diversified and increased income

streams • reputation built around group not



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from here to thereThe challenge we face is that currently we are a loosely bound group of individuals delivering in essence independently 9 * 20 credit (each programme has 3 unique modules and 3 shared with the other programme) and 2 * 60 credit modules, two masters programmes and a broad variety of research, consultancy, training and scholarship activities. Our ties are “weak” in that individuals are assigned/drive modules, programmes, research activity, etc. and there is little to no formal coordination of these activities. We wish to move this loosely structured, “weak ties” model to a formally structured, “strong ties” model embracing both our common intellectual ground and our shared commitment to finding innovative and efficient ways to work more sustainably together.

By moving programme, module, research, training and consultancy from an individual-led to a group-led level we believe we can build the capacity necessary to develop the quality and range of our collective offerings across TPG, UG, research, training and consultancy levels. In so doing we also minimise the current risk to DJCAD of too closely aligning significant areas of activity with a single individual. Currently if anything happens to that individual the offering is compromised, or if the individual leaves the intellectual capital leaves with them. Our proposal rests on the development of a new grouping which will take collective ownership of all group activities.


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the next two years

rethink remodel innovateactivity

•what we teach •how we teach •who we teach •who we partner


• how we work:- efficiencies- sustainability- flexibility

•new: - income streams - partnership

models •strengthen local &

global presence


• programme reviews

• service design• research into

potential partner and student needs

• autonomy re. workload planning

• clear decision making processes

• develop new CPD offerings

• align research & consultancy

• brand identity & marketing

• partners group



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the proposal deliverablesjan 2014 - sep 2014 sep 2014 - sep 2015 sep 2015 - dec 2015

develop TPG programmes programmes reviewed and redesigned

revised programmes delivered for the first time

explore potential for additional TPGs

develop new TPG modes further research market / competitors

develop distance teaching and delivery materials

launch of “part-time distance delivery” modes

develop new UG offerings development and agreement of new UG offers first delivery of new UG offers explore possibility of new joint

honours UG programme

develop research activity development of a research strategy for the group

delivery on strategy delivery on strategy

develop consultancy and training

2 DE training courses developed

1-2 service design courses developed consultancy launch

administrative adjustments

develop of group branding and marketing

development of group operating procedures and

business model

develop a 3-year plan and distribute a 2 year pilot

project review

outreach formation of the industry steering group

development of an annual industry-focussed


first annual Industry Conference


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next steps1. Staffing:

• Fraser Bruce to be moved to the Re.Design Group from January 2014 • Mike Press to be moved to Re.Design Group from Summer 2014

2. Initial Role Re-Definition: • Hazel White to resume MDfS programme director from January 2014 • Cat Macaulay to take on Programme Review for MDE and MDfS (programme

review to be aligned with our rethink work-package) • Appoint coordinator of Re.Design Training and Consultancy development • Appoint coordinator of Re.Design Research Strategy • Appoint coordinator of Re.Design Marketing and PR • Appoint coordinator of Re.Design TPG Portfolio

!3. Resourcing:

• dedicated marketing and outreach budget to be agreed • funding for development of distance delivery and CPD training courses required • review of studio accommodation and resourcing


Page 12: Redesign proposal final rethink, remodel, innovateAs a University we are currently envisioning a Transformation in the way we all work and in the ways in which we impact society. The group wishes to play an active part in that vision of Transformation - providing DJCAD and CASE with a test bed for new thinking and innovation in teaching, research and scholarship. We wish to more strongly tie these activities together in ways which are agile and flexible enough to respond to an ever shifting global HE context. This proposal asks DJCAD, CASE and the University to support us in a two year programme of rapid innovation, that is evaluated and from which wider lessons for our Transformation Project can be learned and applied.


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the team

Fraser Bruce Catriona Macaulay

Mike Press Kate Saunderson

Hazel White

