Page 1: Redeemer Lutheran Church Voice of Redeemer€¦ ·  · 2017-03-28Redeemer Lutheran Church ... would reach out by faith and claim the wonderful gift of salvation through Christ


Volume 47—Number 4 April 2017

Voice of Redeemer

Redeemer Lutheran Church

As we enter into the drama and mystery of Holy Week and

Easter, the following monologue caught my attention.


W ell, here I am, Lord. you said, "Take up your cross," and I'm here to do it. It's not easy,

You know, this self-denial thing. I mean to go through with it, through...yes, Sir. I'll bet

you wish more people were willing to be disciples like me. I've counted the cost and surrendered my life, and it's

not an easy road.

You mind if I look around over the crosses? I'd kind of like a new one. I'm not fussy, You understand, but a

disciple has to be relevant these days.

I was wondering -- are there any that are vinyl padded? I am thinking of attracting others -- see? And if I could

show them a comfortable one I'm sure I could win a lot more.

And I need something durable so I can treasure it always. Oh, is there one that's sort of flat so it would fit under

my coat? One shouldn't be too obvious.

Funny there doesn't seem to be much, choice here -- just that coarse rough wool one I mean, that would hurt.

Don't you have something more distinctive, Lord? I can tell you right now, none of my friends are going to be

impressed by this shoddy workmanship. They'll think I'm a nut or something. And my family will be just morti-

fied. What's that? It's either one of these or forget the whole thing? But, Lord, I want to be your disciple. I mean,

just being with you, that's all that counts; but life has to have a balance, too. But you don't understand -- nobody

lives that way today! Who's going to be attracted by this self-denial bit? I mean, I want to, but let's not overdo it.

Start getting radical like this, and they'll have me off to the funny farm, know what mean?

I mean, being a disciple is challenging and exciting and I want to do it; but I have some rights, You know. Now

let's see -- no blood, okay? I just can't stand the thought of that, Lord ... Lord? Jesus? Now, where do you suppose

He went?

(January, 1976 from Carlyle Saylor)

While this points to our frequent lack of discipleship, Holy Week and Easter celebrates what Christ has done for

us! Our Lord suffered and died to forgive our desire for a padded cross and easy discipleship. He rose to give us

new life and an unending hope. He took the hard road so that our load would be light and our burdens relieved.

You are invited to our special series of worship services this Holy Week and Easter to experience the wondrous

love of Jesus Christ for you.

Pastor Jon Christenson

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Palm Sunday 8:30 and 10:30

Maundy Thursday at Redeemer 7:00 pm

Good Friday 12:00pm at Redeemer 7:00 pm at Emmanuel

Easter Vigil (Saturday) at Redeemer 7:00 pm


6:15 Sunrise Service

10:30 Traditional

(Breakfast after Sunrise worship)

Just a reminder that you can return your

Lenten banks to church whenever they get

full, or no later than Palm Sunday


In his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen Covey describes Habit #2 as, “Begin With the End in Mind.” To do so means to start with a clear understanding of your destination so that the

steps you take are always in the right direction.

Begin with the end in mind — it’s an interesting concept, but it did not start with Stephen Covey or any other human author. It began with God. Before the foundations of the world were prepared, before crea-tion itself, God determined the means by which humanity would be redeemed. Through Christ’s death on Calvary, God would make available to people everywhere the gift of eternal life. And by Christ’s triumph over the grave on “Resurrection Sunday,” God guaranteed this life-changing power and eternal life to all who would reach out by faith and claim the wonderful gift of salvation through Christ.

That’s what we celebrate as we observe Holy Week and Easter. That’s what gives us fresh motivation and encouragement day by day. That’s what makes “Resurrection Sunday” a highlight of the entire church year. That’s what makes possible all that we do for Christ’s sake here at Redeemer Lutheran Church.

As we think about God’s love for us and all that He has provided for us through the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, our hearts are filled with love and gratitude. In response to his provision and his love, we continue to give generously to the Lord’s work here so that we might continue to spread the good news of the Gospel in our community. Continue to give as God directs in your heart and life. And as you do so, may you have a fresh realization of the importance of your part in this ministry from day to day.

Blessed Easter!

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Easter Around the World

Today Easter is celebrated in many countries in many ways.

In Eastern Europe people use wax and dye to create detailed designs on hard boiled eggs.

In the Netherlands and Germany Easter fires are lit at sunset on Easter Sunday.

In Bermuda kites are flown.

In Nordic countries, the Easter holiday is associated with murder mysteries. Major TV stations

run crime and detective marathons and publishing houses release novels just before Easter.

In Finland, Sweden and Denmark small children dress as witches and go door-to-door collecting

chocolate eggs.

In Switzerland (the land of cuckoo clocks) the cuckoo brings the eggs.

In Westphalia (a region of Germany) a fox brings the eggs.

In the United Kingdom egg knocking competitions are held. Competitors line up and knock eggs

together. If an egg is cracked the competitor is out.

In the United States of America, an Easter Party for children is hosted by the President. A high-

light of this event is the egg rolling contest.

In Australia people also give Chocolate Easter bilbies. The bilby is an endangered Australian

mammal that looks similar to a rabbit. Some of the proceeds of each sale go to the protection of

endangered species.

In Florence, Italy an enormous 300 year old cart that is decorated with flowers is dragged

through the streets. At the end of its journey, it is bombarded with fireworks and explosions to

ensure a good harvest for the year.

In France, children throw eggs in the air and catch them. If you drop your egg you’re out.

In Egypt, Easter Monday is a public holiday that marks an ancient spring festival. Egyptians

spend the day in parks and gardens.

In most countries that celebrate Easter, two customs are honored: people give decorated or choco-

late eggs as gifts and children hunt for hidden eggs.

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2525 BELLE TERRACE, P O BOX 13132-93389, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304

Pastor: Rev. Jon Christenson ………... 832-7881 ……………. Secretary: Phyllis Elrod

E-mail address: [email protected] Web site address:

AREA OF SERVICE April 2 April 9 April 16 April 23 April 30

Altar Guild Mary Ellen Saldana

Flowers Carlotta Quashnick Phyllis Elrod Easter Sunday Cantrell family


Assistant Minister Louise Hall

Communion Assistant

Lector Nate Olson Louise Hall Donella Silveira Judy Olson Peterson Jan Lemley

Head Usher John Lemley

Greeter Karen Musgrove

Coffee Hour Jan Lemley Jan Lemley Easter breakfast Phyllis Elrod Carlotta Quashnick

Please know that your prayers are so very much appreciated. Thanks and Blessings to all!


Jim & Christy














Tom Ladd’s family

March Prayer Requests


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The meeting began with a presentation by

representatives of Energy Independence

Group who presented the Council with a pro-

posal for solar installation for consideration.

Alex Hunter will be confirmed on March 19th.

Emmanuel Lutheran has a new pastor so

Donella is back with us. Pastor attended a re-

treat in Citrus Heights this week. Bruce has tak-

en over the Christian Ed. committee and is

searching for ideas to bring young children to

church to participate in Sunday School and

other activities. Debby presented a bid from

Clean Stride for Fellowship Hall deep carpet

cleaning ($619.20) for consideration. Laura

announced that John Werts has offered to

cover the cost above what has been raised to

purchase handbells, in memory of Bonnie


Upcoming events include an Easter egg hunt

on April 8th from 10:00 to noon with a hot dog/

chips lunch; Maundy Thursday services at 7:00

pm on April 13th; Good Friday services at noon

at Redeemer and at 7:00 pm at Emmanuel;

Easter breakfast between services; a memorial

service for Tom Ladd at the Church on April

22nd at 1:00 pm with a dessert reception fol-

lowing; and a yard sale on April 28th and 29th.

Linda Cohen, Secretary


Pictured at left are Phyllis Elrod and Debby Liebzeit with the mats

made (by Karen Musgrove) from plastic bags, that were given to Rick-

ey’s Retreat, (delivered by Phyllis and Debby). The note below was the

post on FB by Audrey Chavez who is the founder of Rickey’s Retreat,

relaying their appreciation for the mats. She and others continue the

work of this organization. Contributed by Debby.




Free directories were provided to us for all mem-

bers whose pictures appear in the directory. If

you have not received yours, please contact Lin-

da Cohen. We can order more copies and are try-

ing to determine the amount needed. If your pic-

ture is not in the directory and you would like a

copy, please also let Linda know. We are also

compiling a list of who has received theirs and

will be requesting that information at services on


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Martin Luther 1483—1546

Lutherans are pretty much familiar with the work of Martin Luther, and this year when we cele-

brate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, even more information is available to us. A

book from our library, entitled Luther, Biography of a Reformer by Frederick Nohl, gives us a

glimpse of the early days of Martin Luther as well as his life as an adult. For the next few issues of the newsletter, I

will give you a brief synopsis of the life of Martin Luther.

Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on Nov. 10, 1483. He was the second child of Margaret and Hans

Luther. The very next day, his father wrapped the baby Luther in warm blankets and carried him two blocks to St.

Peter’s church to be baptized. After the Priest baptized him in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Hans

carried him back home and handed him gently to Margaret saying: “Here, Margaret, take care of our Martin and

care for him. And pray that no evil will come to him. For who knows what plans God has for him?”

The Luther family was very religious and hard working, invoking strict discipline in raising their children. Martin

was severely punished by whipping if he was disobedient. At one time he stole a nut which brought on the wrath of

his mother. But despite his being punished, which must have produced some very unpleasant memories, his life at

home was happy, filled with singing and laughter. Even though his parents were strict they truly loved their chil-

dren and raised them to the best of their ability.

The normal age for beginning school was 6 –7 years, however, Martin started at the unusually young age of 4 1/2. .

Martin was an excellent student and quickly learned Latin. By 6th grade, he knew the Mass well and could speak

and write in Latin as easily as German. Schools were equally strict and spanking was the customary form of disci-

pline. If students did poorly a wooden donkey was hung around their necks. As the students got older and advanced

to higher grades they were not spanked, but rather charged with fines as punishment for bad behavior. Of course

the students didn’t have any money, so they had to ask their parents for money to pay the fine and then would be

spanked by the parents.

Hans Martin was born into a poor, peasant farm family. He was the youngest of three sons and seeing as how the

father’s estate went to the eldest child, Hans knew he would have to make a living on his own. He married Marga-

ret and moved to Eisleben where he was able to find work in a copper mine. When Martin was 6 months old, Hans

moved his family to Mansfield, Germany, and again found work in copper mines. He was a hard worker and even-

tually was able to rent and operate his own mines. Because of this success he was able to purchase a home and pro-

vide a good life for his family which by now had grown to 7 children, and he could afford the best education for


When Martin was 14 years old, he was sent to Magdeburg (60 miles away) to attend school. He and a friend

walked the distance and attended the “Cathedral School”. The town was large (12,000) and had so many churches

and chapels that it was often called “Little Rome”. The school was devoted to living simple and humble lives and

devote much time to reading the Bible. It was while Martin was here that he first saw a complete Bible. Bibles

were very expensive and found usually only in Priest’s homes, libraries or in the homes of wealthy people. They

were often chained to tables in libraries so that they could not get lost or be stolen.

After just one year at Magdeburg, Martin’s father transferred him to St. George’s school in Eisenach. He studied

here in preparation of attending the university. One of his instructors, John Trebonius helped to make his three

years at St. George one of the happiest times of his life. Martin was well liked and found favor with a professor of

the University of Erfurt who told his professor to “keep an eye on Luther and by all means prepare him for the uni-

versity at Erfurt.”

Next newsletter: Martin Luther’s Higher education.

Jan Lemley, editor

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RELAY FOR LIFE May 5-7th. Kern County Fairgrounds

There is still time to join our team , Redeemer’s

Mighty Fortress. If interested please call Gladys

Johnson, 619-6915 for more information.


Sunrise Service 6:15 am

Breakfast 8—10am

Easter Worship 10:30


ing will be held at Redeemer on Sat., May 13

@10:30 am. Please mark your calendar and

plan to attend. Ron Drews continues to define the goals and

training involved for the establishing of services to Kern Co.

April 6 @ 5:30 pm




April 8– 9am

Worship & Music— Monday, April 10

@ 6 pm Everyone is Welcome

WINE & DINE : is Thursday, April 27/17 at 6:15 pm, @ Iguanas Grill and Cantina, 6401 White Lane. Contact Linda

Cohen for reservations



LUNCH BUNCH: is Wednesday 4/5/17 @11am at Black

Bear Diner, 4102 California Avenue. Everyone is invited.

Please make reservations with Judy Olson-Peterson.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY is Wednesday 4/12/17 from 9am-

2pm in the Fellowship Hall. Help us knit, crochet, cut, sew, or tie

shawls & quilts for the sick & victims of natural disasters or just

come to visit. Lilian Powell is bringing snacks. Please bring your

own sack lunch.

Marce Salem 04

Mark Benson 09

Arlene Hamstreet 09

Sir Rev. Perttula 13

Rodney Johnson 16

JoAnn Johannessen 19

Linda Cohen 20

Ethan Petty 20

Nancy Ashby 23

Robert Hamstreet 23

Karen Manes 24

Suzie Bruce 26

Dixie Kellogg 28

Tom Ladd 29

David & Shirley Peterson 14

AFTERNOON CIRCLE 4/19/17 1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. We

are discussing For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free from Galatians

5:1-6:18 & Gather magazine. Judy Olson-Peterson will lead the dis-

cussion & provide refreshments.



3pm each day. Donations of clean cloth-

ing, and any other yard sale items in use-

able, workable condition are being ac-

cepted . Furniture in very good condition

will also be accepted. Mattresses and

box springs will NOT be accepted. This is

an important fund raiser for our Fellow-

ship activities throughout the year.

Thank you for your help and support! Call

Debby @ 661-699-9957 to arrange

times for your donation drop off. Debby

is also asking for volunteers to help from

April 24 to 27 to set up in the FELLOW-

SHIP HALL for the sale.


Saturday, April 8, 10 am to noon. Egg hunt, fun

with crafts, hot dog lunch. me join the fun!

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Yvette Mata, the mother of the family from Evergreen school who lost

everything to fire called to say “Thank You” for everything Redeemer gave

them. She said she can’t find words to express her appreciation for every-

thing we did for her family. All of the clothes fit and are being used, and with the gift cards she was

able to purchase other needs for herself and her family.

She is not sure when she will get back into a house she can call home and is unsure what insurance

will provide, but said if she needs help with household items she will call. So Redeemer members

once again you have shown your kind generosity and it is truly appreciated. Thank You! Jan Lemley

Meet your new Church Council. Installed Feb. 26; from L-R,

Bruce Wearda: Christian education, Ed Saltzman: Evangelism,

George Stilwill: Treasurer, Jan Lemley: President, Laura Hay-

wood: Worship & Music, Pastor Jon, Linda Cohen: Secretary,

Ken Svendsen: Property & Grounds, and Debby Liebzeit:


Photo by Sheri Hunter

We celebrated Ed Saltzman’s 91st birthday on March

5th. Pictured above with him are his son-in-law Jim

Rothfuss and daughter Beth; Ed; son Bill Saltzman

and his wife Lucy.

Photo by Christa Schroeder

Confirmation Day for Alexander Hunter, March 19.

Pictured above : Jan Lemley Assistant Minister; Jillian

Hunter Acolyte; Pastor Jon and Confirmand Alexander

Hunter. Photo by Sheri Hunter

Pastor Jon Laying on of Hands during Alex Hunter’s

Confirmation Service.

Photo by Sheri Hunter

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APRIL 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Praise Worship 8:30

Sunday School 9:30

Worship 10:30

Fellowship 11:30



Pacifica 3 pm

5 Lunch

bunch 11 am

Soup Supper 6

Lenten Vespers

7 pm


Pacifica 10:15

Council 5:30 pm




Work Day 9 am

Easter Egg Hunt



Praise Worship 8:30 a Sunday School 9:30 Worship 10:30 Fellowship 11:30


Worship &

Music 6 pm


Pacifica 3 pm

12 Prayer Shawl

& Quilting 9-2

Soup Supper 6

Lenten Vespers

7 pm




service 7 pm

14 Good Friday

12 noon @


7pm service

@ Emmanuel


Easter Vigil 7 pm

16 17 18

Pacifica 3 pm


Afternoon Bible

Study 1:30


Pacifica 10:15

21 22

Tom Ladd

Celebration of Life

1 pm


Praise Worship 8:30 a

Sunday School 9:30

Worship 10:30

Fellowship 11:30

24 25

Pacifica 3 pm


5:30 sack supper

6 Bible study


Wine & Dine 6:15


Yard Sale


Yard Sale


Praise Worship 8:30 a

Sunday School 9:30

Worship 10:30

Fellowship 11:30







16 Easter Sunday

Sunrise Service 6:15

Breakfast 8-10

Easter Worship 10:30
