Page 1: Recruiters: The Unsung Heroes

Recruiters: The Unsung Heroes

If you are a contractor, whether it be for ICT or HR, you have almost definitely come across a recruiter at some point in your life. But how useful are they and what’s the point of going through one?

At Plutus Payroll we work with many recruiters and have found that they are not just an integral part of our business, but the industry as a whole. Many companies prefer to go through recruitment agencies when hiring new personnel. There are 2 main reasons for this.

Firstly, it is often cheaper for a company to outsource their recruitment process, especially if they have a high turnover or are expanding. Secondly, and probably more importantly, a lot of recruitment agencies spend time with their candidates making sure that their resumes are up to scratch and that they will fit into the culture of the company well.

It is always in the interest of a recruiter to make sure the candidate that they put forward to the client company is a good suit so as not to waste anyone’s time and money. Since it is their job, recruiters are well versed in what their client company wants and expects.

This invaluable knowledge is passed onto the candidate so that they have the best possible chance at securing the job they’re applying for.

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But despite all the time and effort that recruiters put in, too often we hear at Plutus Payroll that they are forgotten by either the candidates they put forward or the clients that they work for.

At the same time, the competitive nature of the industry means that many recruiters don’t get an opportunity to have a friendly chat with each other and commend each other on their work.

This is where Recruitment International steps in. Self-described as a service to give comprehensive insight and collaboration in the recruitment industry, Recruitment International will be hosting the World’s biggest recruitment industry awards programme to give recognition and validation to the unsung heroes in the recruitment world.

Plutus Payroll is sponsoring the most prestigious and the only award not open to public entries: The Hall of Fame award. Since Plutus Payroll works so much with recruiters, we want to show them that we appreciate what they are doing and to encourage them to keep going!

The Recruitment International Australasia Industry Awards will be taking place at the fabulous Ivy Ballroom on the 28th of April, 2016.

To find out more about the event follow this link: