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Page 1: Recording production log

When recording the project we chose a simple location, which was necessary because we needed a bedroom. We recorded it against a wardrobe as the footage was of me putting a suit on which was one of the props used as well as the Armani code bottle and the only other extra used was Rebecca Calvert who played the part of the girl who kisses the man who puts the aftershave on.

The first shot was me putting my shirt on against the wardrobe:

All the shots were mainly mid- to close up shots focusing mainly on the chest area. I was mainly in front of the camera so I had to set the camera up and then jump in front and let Rebecca record the footage. All of the later shots were shot in the same sort of the manner apart from the last one which involved Rebecca which was a little harder because there was no behind the camera.

Page 2: Recording production log

I then took a photo of the bottle for the one of the final stills of the advert trying to get the lighting right and making sure the bottle was centred and nothing else was in shot.