Page 1: RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS The Mercer County Board of ... · Emily Crace Matthew Raskin ... McGinnis, Aimee Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY McGInnis, Tammy Teacher From 9GA to

RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS The Mercer County Board of Education

Met at Mercer Co. Sr. H.S.

5:30 P.M. Board Meeting


May 15, 2014

14.297 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL - all present Ron Betsher – Dist 1– Board Chair Billy Montgomery - Dist 3 Larry Yeager – Dist 2 - Vice-Chair Jim Stinnett - Dist 4

Pattie Burke – Dist 5 14.298 APPROVAL OF AGENDA On a motion by Larry Yeager, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve the agenda as published, including 1 Addendum. VOTE: 5 of 5 14.299 RECOGNITIONS: The following were recognized by the Board of Education for their achievements.

1. TITAN PROUD – No Exceptions - A student from each school (Mercer Elementary, Harlow Early Learning Center, Mercer Co.

Intermediate School, King Middle, 9th Grade Academy and Mercer County Senior High School) will be recognized each month at the

board of education meetings for their efforts in the classroom, leadership skills and attitude. The student award recipient must meet the following guidelines: GUIDELINES

Perfect attendance during the month student(s) are being observed. Completed all homework assignments and tests. Passing grade. No discipline issues. Student demonstrates good leadership skills. Student exhibits a winning attitude and spirit toward learning and peers.

a) HARLOW EARLY LEARNING CTR –Ayden Stephens, Kindergarten b) MERCER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -.Makayla Burns, 3rd Gr. c) MERCER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL –.Emma Baker, 6th gr d) KING MIDDLE SCHOOL –.Ashley Spears, 8th gr e) 9th GRADE ACADEMY – Amber Holt f) MERCER COUNTY SENIOR HIGH – Aaron Clark, 12th gr.

2. Austin Hazelwood - National Winner

Austin received 1st place in the Future Educators Association (FEA) national impromptu speaking contest, receiving a medal, certificate, and one hundred dollar cash prize.

3. 2014 FBLA State Competition 1st Place Winners – Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) These students will go on to compete in the National Competition

Computer Gaming Simulation & Programming – 1st Place Winners Jordan Durham Trent Edgington Tyler Lawson

4. Governor’s Scholars – the following students have been selected to participate in the 2014 Governor’s Scholars program.

Lauren Beams Taylor Gray Gillian Casey Wesley Murray Emily Crace Matthew Raskin Allie Crowell James Stinnett, III

14.300 Reports – Informational Items

a. Superintendent Report – Scanned and attached to the minutes

b. Principals’ Reports - Scanned and attached to the minutes

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In Mr. Davis’ report he stated that moving is on schedule. Ninth Gr. Academy, KMS, Day Treatment and Mercer Central will move the first 2 weeks of June. MCIS and 3rd grade will move the first two weeks of July.

c. Finance Officer’s Report

Ruth Ann Cocanougher, Treasurer, gave the financial report for April, 2014. Ending cash balance was $6,402,058 compared to April of last year at $5,843,351. General Fund receipts were up $190,000 over last year and expenses were up $678,000 from last year. Projections for the ending fund balance for General Fund for 2013-14 remains at $3,000,000. Ms. Cocanougher stated that she was in the middle of the process of moving some of the school activity funds to the district level to comply with the Redbook. Next month the board will review any end of year items and the audit begins.

d. Attendance Report – Mr. Davis gave a report as Ms. Sims was on a home visit.

Mr. Davis informed the board that we are currently at 95.97% attendance. He thanked all of the Dept of Pupil Personnel office staff, the nurses, the Principals and Attendance Clerks for all their hard work in keeping the kids in school.

14.301 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No one signed up to speak to the Board at this meeting. 14.302 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS:

a. Approval of Minutes of 4/17/14, 4/28/14 Board Meetings. b. Approval of Orders of the Treasurer c. Annual Approval of Emergency Sub Teachers d. Approval of Shortened School Day – one MCIS Student – remainder 2014-15. e. Annual Approval to Seek Fuel Vendors f. Annual Approval of:

KEDC Invoice for $3683.25 & CKEC Coop Invoice for $6323.00

g. Annual Renewal of SimplexGrinnell Line Safety Agreement: 6/1/14 to 5/31/16 is $6365.00.

On a motion by Pattie Burke, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve the Consent Agenda. ROLL CALL VOTE:

Billy Montgomery yes Pattie Burke yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.303 PERSONNEL NOTIFICATION REPORT – INFORMATIONAL ITEM KRS 160.390; KRS 160.38; KRS 160.370 The Superintendent is responsible for all personnel actions including hiring, assignments, transfer, dismissal, suspension,

reinstatement, promotion, and for reporting these actions to the board of education (KRS 160.390 (1)). All appointments, promotions and transfers of

principals, supervisors, teachers, and other school employees shall be made only by the Superintendent of schools, who shall notify the Board of the action

taken (KRS 160.380(2a)).

All persons employed in this item have been hired for the 2013-14 school year (unless otherwise stated), pending

completion of all necessary paperwork. Moves and Changes are for 2014-15 school year.

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MISCELLANEOUS Kendra Rowland Request FMLA 9GA From: 4/24/14 To: 6/30/14

Springe Bugg Request FMLA KMS From: 4/21/14 To: 7/14/14

Amanda Adkins Request FMLA MCSH From: 4/21/14 To: 6/30/14

Kim Goodpaster Request FMLA MCIS From: 3/24/14 To: 5/1/14

Elaine Rogers Request FMLA KMS From: 4/17/14 To: 6/30/14

RESIGNATIONS: Thomas Cummins Custodian MCES 4/30/14

Shannon Dean Teacher 4/1/14

Teresa Preston Bus Monitor Bus Garage 4/8/14

Aimee Perry Bus Driver Bus Garage 5/6/14

Lisa Sparrow Track Coach MCSH 5/6/14

RETIREMENTS: Barry Arnold Teacher Day Treatment 6/12/14

Deborah Shirley Teacher MCES 5/31/14

Denise Edwards Teacher MCES 6/1/14

William Smith Teacher 9GA 6/5/14

Brenda Thornton Cook/Baker District 6/30/14

HIRED SUB: Elijah Mays Classified Sub District 4/14/14

Michael Driskell Classified Sub District 4/22/14

Mary Balles Certified Sub District 4/23/14

HIRED AS COACH: Zeke Edwards Asst. Baseball Coach MCHS 4/23/14


Non-Renewals to follow:

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Personnel Moves and Changes for 2014-15

Name Position Change Effective Date


Bentley, Kristal Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Berger, Monnie Librarian to Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Bredar, Bart Teacher From 9GA to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Brown, Greg Librarian From MCES to .5 MCES & .5 Harlow 2014-15 SY

Bryant, Tierney Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Bugg, Lynn Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Crossman, Franklin Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Dunn, Mark Teacher From KMS to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Engler, Shelli G/T Teacher From .5 to Full Time 2014-15 SY

Fleischer, Betsy Teacher

From G/t to .5 Art MCES and .5 Art Harlow 2014-15 SY

Floro, Lesley Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Goodlett, Lee Wood Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

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Guerra, Jaziel Stud. Support Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Hammons, Julie Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Horn, Vivian Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Hudson, Sara Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Jenkins, Ashley Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Logue, Stacy Teacher From MCIS to MCSH 2014-15 SY

McGinnis, Aimee Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

McGInnis, Tammy Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Mollett, Brian Teacher From .5 to Full Time 2014-15 SY

Murphy, Melanie Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Nolin, Vicky Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

O'Neal, Vicky ESL Teacher From .7 to .5 2014-15 SY

Pittman, Blair Teacher From MCES to KMS 2014-15 SY

Pridey, Karen Librarian From HES/MCIS to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Privett, Jennifer Teacher From MCES to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Reynolds, Eva Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Rowland, Kendra Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Ruff, Christina Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Russell, Tricia Teacher From HES/MCIS to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Sanders, Deirdra Teacher From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Sexton, Dawn Teacher/Preschool Dir.

From .5 Daycare Dir and .5 Preschool Teacher to Full Time Preschool Teacher 2014-15 SY

Smith, Joseph Teacher 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Spivey, Hayley Teacher From 9GA to MSCH 2014-15 SY

Sullivan, Davis Teacher From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Tessandori, Andrew Teacher

From MCES to .5 MCES & .5 Harlow 2014-15 SY

Whitaker, Hillary Teacher From .7 at 9GA to .7 MCSH & .15 KMS 2014-15 SY


Anderson, Donna Nurse From KMS/MCIS to Full Time KMS 2014-15 SY

Baker, Linda Food Service From MCIS to KMS 2014-15 SY

Baker, Rhonda Food Serv Manager From MCIS to KMS 2014-15 SY

Banks, Regina Food Service From MCIS to KMS 2014-15 SY

Baxter, Angela Attend Clerk From MCES/9GA to MCIS 2014-15 SY

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Bean, Nate Custodian From MCSH to .5 KMS and .5 MCSH 2014-15 SY

Blake, Priscilla Food Service From 9ga to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Bordeaux, Christina I.A. From KMS to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Bray FRYSC Director Full Time MCIS 2014-15 SY

Britton, Janice Food Service From KMS to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Brown, Cindy FRYSC Director Harlow and MCES 2014-15 SY

Buterbugh, Sherry Food Service From 9GA to KMS 2014-15 SY

Claunch, Maria Migrant From .5 to full time 2014-15 SY

Coffman, Pansy Food Service From MCIS to KMS 2014-15 SY

Green, Linda Food Service From 9GA to KMS 2014-15 SY

Hazelwood, Allison FRYSC Director Full Time KMS 2014-15 SY

Johnson, Judy Food Service From KMS to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Kimble, Kevin Custodian From 9GA to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Logan, Stephanie IA From MCES to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Lyons, Linda Food Service From MCIS to KMS 2014-15 SY

Markel, Janice IA From KMS to MCSH 2014-15 SY

McKinney, Andrea Food Service From Harlow to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Moore, Myranda Food Service

From Food Serv Mgr at 9GA to Cook/Baker at MCIS 2014-15 SY

Nowlin, Kathy Food Service KMS to MCIX 2014-15 SY

Pike, Melody FRYSC Director From 10-12 to 9-12 gr. 2014-15 SY

Reister, Stacy Nurse From MCES/MCIS to MCES 2014-15 SY

Robins, Whitney Teacher

Harlow Teacher to Preschool Instructional Asst 2014-15 SY

Roution, Teri Food Service From KSM to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Shackelford, Sharon Food Srv Manager From KMS to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Sims, Jennifer IA Harlow to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Smith, Colette Bookkeeper From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Taylor, Margaret Food Service From KMS to MCIS 2014-15 SY

Warren, Dana Nurse From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

Wilson, Wilma Food Service From MCIS to KMS 2014-15 SY

Woodward, Bonnie IA MCES to MCES TITLE I 2014-15 SY

Yates, Jeannie IA From MCSH to HES 2014-15 SY

Young, Emmanuel Head Custodian From 9GA to MCSH 2014-15 SY

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14.304 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER #3 On a motion by Pattie Burke, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve Construction Change Order #3 in the amount of $678.00, which will add 11 days to the Substantial Completion Date. The new date will be August 4th, per Kelly Ives, RossTarrant. Billy Montgomery yes Pattie Burke yes Ron Betsher yes Larry Yeager yes Jim Stinnett yes

14.305 ENGINEERING GRANTS On a motion by Larry Yeager, second by Jim Stinnett, the board voted to grant permission for Amanda Brandenburg, Project Lead the Way Program, to receive three previously awarded grants: Verizon(2), and Bemis, and two more grants that are pending: Ky Dept. of Ed: Engineering Pipeline and Energy Technology. Billy Montgomery yes Pattie Burke yes Ron Betsher yes Larry Yeager yes Jim Stinnett yes

Mr. Davis stated that Ms. Brandenburg has absolutely done a great job this year; and the PLTW (Project Lead the Way) program is soaring.

14.306 APPROVAL FOR FOOD SERVICE TO PURCHASE MOSAIC SOFTWARE On a motion by Billy Montgomery, second by Pattie Burke, the board voted to approve Food Service to purchase the Mosaic Software for the cloud at a cost of $14,000.


FOOD PROGRAM Ms. Rogers presented the “Child and Adult Care Food Program” as well as the “Community Eligibility Provision” program (CEP). The board ultimately opted to approve the CEP program for 2014-15. In the CEP program, Harlow, Mercer Central and Mercer Day Treatment students will eat free. Ms. Rogers stated it is very possible that we would have other schools which would quality next year. This program is renewable for 4 years and we can opt out after one year. On a motion by Larry Yeager, second by Pattie Burke, the board voted to approve Mercer Co. Schools’ participation in the Community Eligibility Provision Program for Food Services in 2014-15.

VOTE: 5 of 5


On a motion by Pattie Burke, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve the 2014-15 Certified Evaluation Plan. VOTE: 5 of 5 14.309 APPROVAL OF JOB DESCRIPTION FOR “INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT”

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On a motion by Pattie Burke, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve the New Job Description of “Instructional Support”, as presented, for MCIS for 2014-15. This position requires Principal certification due to working with PGES, but will not be an evaluator. There will be no days or stipends attached to this position. They will be paid off the Certified salary schedule and work the same number of days as teachers. VOTE: 5 of 5 14.310 SCHOOL FEE On a motion by Jim Stinnett, second by Pattie Burke the board voted to approve the school fees for 2014-15 school year as presented. Roll Call Vote:

Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.311 2014-15 TENTATIVE BUDGET On a motion by Ron Betsher, second by Larry Yeager, the board voted to approve the Tentative Budget for 2014-15 as presented. Roll Call Vote: Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.312 INSURANCE RENEWALS FOR 2014-15 On a motion by Ron Betsher, second by Jim Stinnett, the board voted to approve insurance coverage for 2014-15 provided by Liberty Mutual Insurance for Property, Liability, Automobile, and Umbrella in the amount of $211,269 and Kentucky Employers Mutual Insurance for Worker’s Compensation in the amount of $105,876.14, and student accident insurance provided by Bob Roberts Insurance in the amount of $73,128. . Roll Call Vote:

Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.313 SBDM SECTION 6 CARRY FORWARD REQUESTS On a motion by Larry Yeager, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve the SBDM Section 6 Carry Forward request from 2013-14 funds to 2014-15 funds for MCES for $9,000 to be used for math workbooks and MCIS for $28,000, to be used for playground equipment ($10,000), technology class set ($15,000), and moving expenses $(3,000). Roll Call Vote:

Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.314 MERCER COUNTY SCHOOLS 2014-15 CALENDAR AMENDMENT On a motion by Larry Yeager, second by Pattie Burke, the board voted to amend the 2014-15 calendar to make Mar 20th a professional development day, and Mar 27th to be a planning day. Roll Call Vote: Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes


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On a motion by Jim Stinnett, second by Ron Betsher, the board voted to implement the Safety Tips and Bullying Hotline, beginning in the 2014-15 school year. Mercer County Board of Education is aware that we will enter into an agreement with the Kentucky Center for Safe Schools, who will provide the service and host the databank. Roll Call Vote:

Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.316 MERCER CO. SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014-15 SCHOOL SCHEDULE On a motion by Larry Yeager, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve the school schedule instructional day for the 2014-15 school year as follows:


To Class Instructional Bell End

Evan Harlow Early Learning Center 7:45 7:50 2:55

Mercer County Intermediate 7:55 8:00 3:12

Mercer County Elementary School 7:55 8:00 3:12

King Middle School 7:55 8:00 3:12

Mercer Central 7:55 8:00 3:05

Mercer Day Treatment 7:55 8:00 3:05

Mercer County Senior High 7:45 8:00 3:05 Roll Call Vote:

Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.317 REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE On a motion by Pattie Burke, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve an Unpaid Leave of Absence for Sydney Cox for the remainder of the 2014-15 School Year.

Roll Call Vote: Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.318 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DAYS FOR FOOD SERVICE SECRETARY- 2013-14 SY. On a motion by Ron Betsher, second by Larry Yeager, the board voted to approve adding 20 days to the Food Service Secretary position for the 2014-15 SY, due to her working many of the breaks in the absence of a Food Service Director at the beginning of this school year. Roll Call Vote: Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

Addendum 1 – Approval of Minutes for May 8, 2014, May 12, 2014 and May 13, 2014. On a motion by Jim Stinnett, second by Pattie Burke, the board voted to approve the minutes for the following special board meetings: May 8th, May 12th and May 13, 2014. VOTE: 5 of 5

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Addendum 2 – Renewal of Application Procedures for Day Treatment Services On a motion by Pattie Burke, second by Billy Montgomery, the board voted to approve the renewal of the application procedures for day Treatment Services for Mercer County Schools. VOTE: 5 of 5 Addendum 3 – Create a New Position in Finance – Payroll Clerk I, Job Class 7191 On a motion by Ron Betsher, second by Larry Yeager, the board voted to create a new job position in the Finance Department for Payroll Clerk I, Job Class 7191, effective July 1, 2014. Roll Call Vote: Pattie Burke yes Billy Montgomery yes Jim Stinnett yes Larry Yeager yes Ron Betsher yes

14.319 ADJOURMENT AT _____7:35______ PM With no further business to discuss and on a motion by Jim Stinnett, second by Larry Yeager, the board voted to adjourn. VOTE: 5 of 5 Signed______________________________ Signed___________________________ Board Chairperson Board Secretary