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274 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 19:3, Summer 2007

Reciprocal Effects ofAntidepressant Treatmenton Activity andConnectivity of the MoodRegulating Circuit: AnfMRI StudyAmit Anand, M.D.Yu Li, M.D.Yang Wang, M.D.Kathryn Gardner, B.A.Mark J. Lowe, Ph.D.

Received April 28, 2006; revised June 19, 2006; accepted July 4, 2006.Drs. Anand and Li and Ms. Gardner are affiliated with the Departmentof Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis,Indiana. Drs. Anand and Wang are affiliated with the Department ofRadiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, In-diana. Dr. Lowe is affiliated with the Division of Radiology, the Cleve-land Clinic Foundation, Indianapolis, Indiana. Address correspon-dence to Dr. Anand, Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic, University HospitalSuite #3124, 550 North University Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46202;[email protected] (e-mail).

Copyright � 2007 American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

It has been hypothesized that one of the effects ofantidepressants is to increase functional connec-tivity between the cortical mood-regulating andthe limbic mood-generating regions. One conse-quence of this antidepressant effect is thought tobe decreased limbic activation in response to nega-tive emotional stimuli. Twelve unmedicated uni-polar depressed patients and 11 closely matchedhealthy comparison subjects completed two mag-netic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning sessionsat baseline and after 6 weeks. Depressed patientsreceived treatment with sertraline between the twosessions. During each MRI session, subjects com-pleted a resting state functional connectivity scanand a conventional block-design negative vs. neu-tral pictures regional brain activation scan. After6 weeks of sertraline treatment resting state, func-tional connectivity between the ACC and limbicregions increased while limbic activation in re-sponse to negative versus neutral pictures de-creased. The results of this study are consistentwith the hypothesis that antidepressant treatmenthas reciprocal effects on corticolimbic functionalconnectivity and limbic activation in response toemotional stimuli.

(The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and ClinicalNeurosciences 2007; 19:274–282)

Recent neuroscience research has provided great in-sights into the mechanisms of antidepressants.

Most antidepressants seem to work by inhibiting uptakeof the monoamines—serotonin (5-HT), norepinephrine,and/or dopamine—thereby increasing their synapticavailability. However, the neurophysiological correlatesof these neurochemical effects on the brain’s mood reg-ulating circuit1 are not well understood.2

Functional MRI (fMRI) and positron emission tomog-raphy (PET) studies have reported decreased functionof the cortical mood regulating regions, such as the ven-tral anterior cingulate cortex (vACC)3–5 and increasedlimbic (in particular amygdala) metabolism and activa-tion in depression.4,6–9 In light of the reciprocal relation-ship between cortical and limbic function in depression,

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it has been proposed that corticolimbic connectivity ab-normalities may be present in depression, and recentreports of corticolimbic functional connectivity in de-pression lend support to this hypothesis.2,10

Brain imaging studies have shown that antidepres-sant treatment may reverse the pattern of activation andconnectivity abnormalities seen in depression. Antide-pressants have been shown to decrease limbic activationin response to negative stimuli and to increase corticol-imbic connectivity.2,8,11–13 These findings have led to thehypothesis that antidepressants may restore the integ-rity of the corticolimbic mood regulating circuit,14 andthereby restore the synchronous functioning betweenthe cortical-mood-regulating and limbic-mood-gener-ating regions.2,11 To validate this hypothesis, the effectsof antidepressants on corticolimbic connectivity and re-gional activation need to be measured concurrently.

Functional connectivity, defined as the temporal cor-relation between spatially remote brain events,15 is fre-quently investigated by correlating task-related regionalactivation, and several studies have reported importantfindings using this method.16–20 However, if two regionsare highly activated by a task, they will inevitably beseen to be coactive and hence viewed as functionallyconnected.21 Therefore, to investigate the differential ef-fects of antidepressant treatment on connectivity and re-gional activation, a connectivity-specific, task-indepen-dent measure may be more useful.

Steady state (resting state) measurement of coherencein electroencephalogram (EEG) data and PET regionalmetabolism data has been used as such a connectivity-specific, task-independent measure.2,22,23 Functionalconnectivity between brain areas can also be investi-gated using a more recently used connectivity-specificfMRI measure—correlation of steady (resting) state low-frequency (�0.08 Hz) blood oxygen level-dependent(BOLD) weighted fluctuations (LFBFs) in echoplanarimaging data. It has been recognized that these LFBFs(�0.08 Hz) are not caused by instrumentation or phys-iological effects (e.g., cardiac and respiratory cycles)originating outside of the brain.24 It has also been shownthat these resting state signal changes reflect alterationsin blood flow and oxygenation that may be coupled toneuronal activity, and that LFBFs correlate betweenbrain areas of plausible functional connectivity.25–35 Pub-lished studies of connectivity abnormalities using theLFBF correlation method have been reported in neuro-psychiatric conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, Alz-heimer’s disease, and substance abuse.36–39

We previously reported the results of an fMRI exper-iment in which we measured corticolimbic connectivityusing the resting state LFBF correlations method andregional limbic activation, in response to negative ver-sus neutral stimuli in unmedicated depressed patientsand healthy subjects.10 We also previously reported theeffect of antidepressant (sertraline) treatment on corti-colimbic connectivity as measured with LFBF correla-tions.11 The results of these studies indicated that restingstate functional connectivity between the pregenual an-terior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the limbic regions—amygdala, pallidostriatum, and medial thalamus—de-creases in depression and that antidepressant treatmentreverses this abnormality.10,11 It was also reported thatat baseline, limbic activation was greater in depressedpatients compared with healthy subjects.10 However, theeffect of antidepressants on both regional activation andconnectivity has not been previously reported. In thisstudy, we report the results of the fMRI experiment per-taining to the effect of antidepressant treatment on re-gional limbic activation in response to negative versusneutral pictures, and the relationship between thechange in resting state connectivity and regional limbicactivation. We hypothesized that antidepressant treat-ment would lead to increased connectivity between thepregenual ACC and the limbic regions, such as theamygdala, which will be associated with decreased lim-bic activation in response to a negative emotional task.


We recruited medication-free unipolar depressed out-patients from the outpatient clinic at University Hospi-tal, Indiana University School of Medicine, and by ad-vertisements from the community. Healthy subjectswere recruited via advertisements and selected to matchthe age and gender distribution of the patient group. Allsubjects took part after signing an informed consentform approved by the Investigational Review Board(IRB) at Indiana University School of Medicine. Both pa-tients and healthy subjects were paid $50 for screeningand $50 for each MRI scan.

Inclusion criteria for depressed subjects were: beingbetween the ages of 18 and 60 years and ability to givevoluntary informed consent; ability to satisfy Diagnosticand Statistical Manual–IV (DSM-IV) criteria for majordepressive episode; a 25-item Hamilton Depression Rat-ing Scale (HAM-D) score�18; the criteria to undergo an

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MRI scan based on an MRI screening questionnaire; andability to be managed as outpatients.

Exclusion criteria for depressed patients were: meet-ing DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia, schizoaffectivedisorder, bipolar disorder, or an anxiety disorder as aprimary diagnosis; use of psychotropics in the past 2weeks; using fluoxetine in the past 4 weeks; beingacutely suicidal or homicidal or requiring inpatienttreatment; meeting DSM-IV criteria for substance de-pendence within the past year, except for caffeine or nic-otine; positive urinary toxicology screening at baseline;using alcohol in the past week; serious medical or neu-rological illness; current pregnancy or breast feeding;metallic implants or other contraindications to MRI.

Inclusion criteria for healthy subjects were: ages 18 to60 years and ability to give voluntary informed consent;no history of psychiatric illness or substance abuse ordependence; no significant family history of psychiatricor neurological illness; not currently taking any pre-scription or centrally acting medications; no use of al-cohol in the past week; and no serious medical or neu-rological illness.

Exclusion criteria for healthy subjects were: under 18years of age; pregnant or breast-feeding; metallic im-plants or other contraindications to MRI.

Antidepressant TreatmentPatients were started on a regimen of sertraline treat-ment, 50 mg q.d. orally, on the day they completed thebaseline scan. This dosage was increased to 100 mg after1 week. After the first two weekly visits, sertraline wasincreased by 50 mg every 2 weeks to a maximum of 200mg, depending on the patient’s response and tolerance.

Behavioral RatingsSubjects were rated on a 25-item HAM-D40 at the timeof the baseline scan and at 2 weekly intervals until theyfinished 6 weeks of the study.

Visual Pictures for Activation ScanWe selected pictures from the International AffectivePicture System (IAPS),41 which is a large set of stan-dardized, emotionally evocative, internationally acces-sible color photographs. The IAPS pictures are rated ontwo primary dimensions—affective valence andarousal. Each picture is rated on a 9-point scale such that9 represents a high rating on each dimension (high plea-sure, high arousal) and 1 represents a low rating (lowpleasure, low arousal). For the purpose of this study, we

included ratings applicable to both genders, negativepictures of valence 2 to 3, arousal scores �6, neutral pic-tures of valence 4.5 to 5.5, and arousal scores �3. Dif-ferent picture sets were given for baseline and aftertreatment fMRI activation scans.

fMRI ScanScans were performed in either the morning or earlyafternoon. Image data were acquired using a GeneralElectric (Waukesha, Wisc.) 1.5 T MRI scanner. Subjectswere placed in a birdcage head coil and individuallyfitted to a bite bar partially composed of a dental im-pression compound attached to the coil to reduce headmotion. For the activation scan, visual stimuli for alltasks were computer generated and presented usingMRI compatible binocular fiberoptic goggles (AvotecInc., Jensen Beach, Fla.). Before the scan, we instructedsubjects to just look at the pictures and let the feelingselicited by the pictures flow and not try to suppress thefeelings elicited by the pictures. Subjects passivelyviewed the pictures and were not asked to rate the pic-tures or perform any other cognitive task, as cognitiveactivity has been shown to inhibit activation of the lim-bic system, particularly amygdala activation.42,43 For theresting state connectivity scan, we asked the subjects tokeep their eyes closed, stay awake, and not think of any-thing in particular. Subjects were interviewed at the endof the scan to make sure that they had followed the in-structions.

The fMRI sequence was as follows:

1. 3D spoiled gradient recalled echo (SPGR) wholebrain axial T1

2. Anatomic scan: T1-weighted axial images: TR/TE500/12 msec; 16 slices; thickness/gap 7.0/2.0 mm;matrix 256�128; FOV 24�24 cm; 1 NEX.

3. fMRI activation scan: gradient echo EPI functionalscans: TR/TE 2000/50 ms; same slices, locations,thickness, and gap as scan 2; matrix 64�64; FOV24�24 cm; flip 90�; bandwidth �/� 62.5 kHz; 166repetitions; scan time: 5 minutes and 32 seconds.

4. fMRI connectivity scan: gradient echo 2D EPIscans: TR/TE 400/50 ms; thickness�7 mm, withthe gap adjusted to acquire desired slices; matrix64�64; FOV 24�24 cm; flip 30�; bandwidth(SD�62.5) kHz; 512 repetitions; scan time: 5 min-utes and 7 seconds. The short TR limits the numberof slices that can be acquired, so four noncontig-uous axial slices covered the areas of interest at thelevel of ACC, medial thalamus/pallidostriatumand amygdala identified by trained radiology staff

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FIGURE 1. Region of Interest Placement for Sampling of Low Frequency BOLD Fluctuations for Corticolimbic Connectivity Analysis

(Y.W.). Slices for before and after treatment scanswere chosen as close to each other as possible.

Visual StimulusThe following sequence was created using E-prime soft-ware for paradigm design for presentation of pictorialstimuli:

• Activation scan: Negative versus neutral pictures: al-ternate blocks of four neutral and four negative pic-tures. Three blocks of neutral and two blocks of neg-ative pictures were presented. Each block waspresented for 1 minute and each picture was shownfor 15 seconds

• Connectivity scan: Resting state, awake with eyesclosed with no task performance

Image analysisThe raw image data were Hamming-filtered to improvesignal-to-noise ratio with minimal reduction in spatialresolution.44

Selection of Regions of InterestRegions of interest (ROIs) were placed by trained radi-ology staff (Y.W.) corresponding to the a priori-definedareas of the mood regulating circuit (Figure 1). For cor-tical regions, we chose the pregenual ACC as the ROI,as a number of neurological studies have indicated thatit is involved in regulation of emotions.45–48 The anteriorcingulate cortex ROI was delineated in the region of pre-genual ACC 46 (subregion of Brodmann area 24). Activ-ity in this area has been shown to accompany reward-based emotional/motivational processing46 and thisarea is thought to be important in emotional regula-

tion.45 Pallidostriatum ROI was defined as reported byBurruss et al.49 and partially covered putamen and lat-eral palladium. Medial thalamus ROI was centered inthe dorsal-posterior part of the thalamus. Using the“draw dataset” function in AFNI, regions of interestwere defined as fixed-size circles with a radius of 6 mmfor the ACC, medial thalamus and pallidostriatum and4 mm for the amygdala. The center coordinates for eachROI are presented in Table 1.

Relationship of Regions of Interest for Activation andConnectivityTo ascertain the relationship between these two mea-sures, we extracted activation data from ROIs with thecoordinates derived from the connectivity analysis. Asthe connectivity scan for each patient consisted of fournoncontiguous slices, the ROI mask of average coordi-nates used for the ROIs was applied to the activationscan for each of the subjects to extract the activationdata.

1. Activation fMRI data analysis: We performed fMRIdata analysis as previously described using StatisticalParametric Mapping 1999 (SPM 99) image analysis soft-ware (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology).10

Briefly, each time series was realigned, motion and slicetiming corrected, spatially normalized to MNI space,and smoothed (8 mm full width half maximum[FWHM]). Percent signal change, with an 8-second de-lay correction, was calculated for each ROI. For negativeversus neutral pictures, the percent signal change foreach block of pictures was calculated as ([average signalof all voxels within the region on exposure to negativepictures – average signal of all voxels within the region

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TABLE 1. Talairach Coordinates for Connectivity Analysis and Corresponding Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) Coordinates forActivation Analysis

Talairach MNI

ROI name x y z x y z Size (r�mm)

1 Pre-genual ACC 0 40 13 0 39 10 62 Left medial thalamus �11 �17 5 �11 �16 5 63 Right medial thalamus 11 �17 5 11 �16 5 64 Left pallido-striatum �17.5 0 0 �17 0 0 65 Right pallido-striatum 17.5 0 0 17 0 0 66 Left amygdala �23 �4.5 �13 �23 �5 �12 47 Right amygdala 23 �4.5 �13 23 �5 �12 4

ACC: Anterior cingulate cortex

on exposure to neutral pictures]/average signal of allvoxels within the region on exposure to neutral pictures)� 100.

2. LFBF correlation analysis: We performed LFBF cor-rection analysis as previously described.10 Briefly, aver-aged data from all of the voxels within each ROI (asdefined above) was detrended for global signal driftsusing methods previously described50 and then passedthrough a finite-impulse response (FIR) filter to removeall frequencies above 0.08 Hz. This removes the oxygen-ation fluctuations from physiological processes, such asdirect sampling of respiratory and cardiac-related oxy-genation fluctuations.26,27 Next, we calculated the cor-relation coefficient between the averaged LFBF time se-ries of each ROI as a reference region with the averagedtime-series of each of the other ROIs across all timepoints (512 in all).27 The correlation coefficient was thentransformed to a t statistic10,27 to enable a comparisonbetween groups. We calculated the t-score of the corre-lation of LFBF between two ROIs for each of the timeseries acquired during resting for the depressed patientsand healthy groups. LFBF correlations between pregen-ual ACC and the limbic regions—amygdala, pallidos-triatum and medial thalamus—were used a measure ofconnectivity between these regions before and aftertreatment.

Statistical AnalysisFor treatment effects on activation (percent signalchange) and connectivity (LFBF correlation t-score), weperformed a group (depressed patients versus healthysubjects) by time (baseline versus second scan at 6weeks) repeated measures analysis of variance-(ANOVA).

Spearman’s correlations were calculated between thechange after treatment in connectivity of the anteriorcingulate cortex ROI with each of the limbic ROIs and

the change in activation of each of the limbic ROIs tolook at the relationship between changes in limbic acti-vation and changes in corticolimbic connectivity.


Fourteen depressed patients and 11 healthy subjectscompleted baseline and repeat fMRI scans. Data fromone patient were excluded due to technical difficultiesin the connectivity portion of the second scan. One pa-tient’s data were excluded as, unlike other subjects, shehad a strong history of recent multiple substance abuse.However, because of the use of different substances, shedid not meet criteria for dependence on any one of them.Data for 12 patients and 11 healthy subjects, and subjectcharacteristics are presented in Table 2. Patients had agood response to treatment with 10 out of 12 patientshaving more than a 50% decrease in HAM-D scores aftertreatment.

Baseline differences and treatment effect on restingstate corticolimbic connectivity have been reported pre-viously.10,11 Briefly, depressed patients showed in-creased limbic activation and decreased resting statecorticolimbic connectivity compared with healthy sub-jects.10 After treatment, depressed patients had an in-crease in resting state functional connectivity comparedwith healthy subjects.11

Treatment Effect on Regional Brain Activation inResponse to Emotionally Valenced PicturesDepressed patients after treatment compared to de-pressed patients before treatment had significant de-creases in activation of the limbic regions of the mood-regulating circuit that were a priori designated as ROIs.Percent signal change for the negative versus neutralpicture blocks decreased after treatment in the a priori-

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FIGURE 2. Depressed Patients Before and After Treatment


Left Right Left Right Left Right




Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Amygdala Striatum Thalamus

t Sc



× 1



Time Before and After Treatment







Relationship between changes in corticolimbic activation and connectivity before and after six weeks sertraline treatment in depressed patients

TABLE 2. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients and Healthy Subjects*

Depressed Patients (N�12) Healthy Subjects (N�11)

Age 30 (SD�9) 29 (SD�8)Gender 9 female, 3 male 8 female, 3 maleEthnicity 11 Caucasian, 1 African American 10 Caucasian, 1 African AmericanHAM-D score Baseline: 32 (SD�8) 0

Week 6: 6 (SD�6) 0Depressive episodes 2 (SD�2) NACurrent duration of depressive episode 3 (SD�2 months) NADuration of illness 7 (SD�7 years) NADrug-free period 6 patients were treatment naı̈ve NA

Rest of the patients: 7 (SD�7 months)

HAM-D�Hamilton Depression Rating Scale*Unless other indicated, data are expressed as mean (SD)

defined regions of interest. Healthy subjects exhibited aonly a small decrease in activation in the repeat scan(Figures 2 and 3).

A group by time-repeated measures ANOVA inter-action for percent signal change after treatment was sig-nificant for the following a priori-defined regions ofinterest: left amygdala (df�1, 21; F�5.98, p�0.03) (Fig-ure 3) and left pallidostriatum (df�1, 21; F�5.14,p�0.04), while there was a trend for significance forright pallidostriatum (p�0.07), left medial thalamus(p�0.08) and right medial thalamus (p�0.06).

The relationship between changes in activation andconnectivity between the ACC and each of the three lim-bic regions—amygdala, pallidostriatum, and medialthalamus—is depicted in Figures 1 and 2. The overalltrend was for antidepressant treatment to decrease lim-

bic activation and increase corticolimbic connectivity.The relationships between changes in activation andconnectivity measures after treatment are depicted inFigures 2 and 3.

Next, we examined the correlation between thechange in connectivity with pregenual ACC and acti-vation for each of the three limbic areas on each side. Asignificant negative correlation was found only for theleft ventral striatum (r�0.61, p�0.003) (Figure 4).


The results of this study indicate a reciprocal relation-ship between antidepressant-induced changes in restingstate corticolimbic functional connectivity and limbic ac-

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FIGURE 3. Healthy Comparison Subjects at Baseline and Repeat Scan


Left Right Left Right Left Right




Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Baseline Post-Treatment

Amygdala Striatum Thalamus

t Sc



× 1



Time Before and After Treatment







Relationship between changes in activation and connectivity at baseline and repeat scan in healthy comparison subjects

FIGURE 4. Simple Regression Plot Between Change in ACC-LeftPallidostriatal Connectivity and Left PallidostriatalActivation











ge in




–300 –200 –100–250 –150 –50 0 50 100 150Change in Connectivity

Left Striatum

After 6 weeks of treatment with sertraline in depressed patients (p� 0.003), increased connectivity was associated with greaterdecrease in left striatum activation in response to negative vs.neutral pictures.

tivation in response to negative versus neutral stimuli.The increase in phase coherence between LFBF in theACC and the limbic regions—medial thalamus, palli-dostriatum, and amygdala—may be associated with in-creased regulation of the cortical mood-regulating re-gions over the mood-regulating limbic regions. Insupport of this hypothesis, limbic regions after treat-ment showed a decrease in activation and an increasein connectivityn with the ACC. For the left pallidostria-tum this reciprocal relationship was the strongest andachieved statistical significance.

The correlation of LFBF between two areas is a mea-sure of functional connectivity (i.e., that two are in syn-chrony).15 However, this could also occur because of theinfluence of a third factor that may simultaneously affectboth areas. In the future, to measure the actual effect ofone area over another (i.e., a measure of effective con-nectivity), LFBF correlation data could inform the anal-ysis using structural equation modeling (SEM)51 meth-ods or newer techniques such as Dynamic CausalModeling (DCM)52 and investigation of structural con-nectivity using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).53

The duration of a medication-free period for psychi-atric studies always contains a compromise betweenwhat is ideal and what is clinically feasible. We chose a2-week period minimum for patients to be off medica-tion as the usual half-life of most antidepressants is 12to 24 hours, and therefore most antidepressants (exceptfluoxetine for which we required a 4-week medication-

free period) should be washed off within a week. An-other week would make sure that all the residual effectsof the medication are accounted for. However, long-termeffects of antidepressants may still linger. Future studiescould be conducted to address this issue with a larger

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number of subjects using subjects’ previous medicationstatus as a covariate in the analysis.

For both activation and connectivity there was a de-crease in the repeat testing in healthy subjects, whichwas probably a test-retest effect. These results underliethe importance of studying healthy subjects at the sametime points as the patients before and after treatmentand the treatment effect analyzed as the difference be-tween the time points using a two-way repeated mea-sures ANOVA (diagnosis � time). Other studies havealso used this strategy to examine treatment effects us-ing fMRI.12,13 Another reason for the decrease appearedto be the small number of subjects studied in which in-dividual subject results can have an inordinate effect onthe mean. In the future, this type of study will be con-ducted with a larger number of subjects and with animproved methodology of image acquisition (e.g., bettersignal acquisition from basal regions of the brain, suchas the amygdala) to decrease the variance in the data.

This study was limited by the small number of sub-jects studied for the number of variables analyzed. Thereciprocal relationship between connectivity and re-gional limbic activation changes was seen with all threea priori-defined limbic ROIs, but the negative correla-tion reached statistical significance only for the left stria-tum. This could be a function of the small number ofsubjects that were studied, and future studies shouldinclude larger numbers of subjects to further confirmthese findings.

This study was not able to differentiate between theacute effects of the antidepressants and the more long-term antidepressant effects as data were acquired onlyafter 6 weeks of treatment. Another limitation of thestudy was the open label design, making it difficult todifferentiate between the active versus placebo effects ofantidepressant treatment. Ten out of 12 patients re-sponded to treatment; therefore, a comparison betweenresponders and nonresponders was not feasible. Finally,the ventral areas of the brain, such as the amygdala, arecharacterized by a lower signal-to-noise ratio than fromcortical areas because of susceptibility artifacts. To con-trol for these limitations, the findings of this study willneed to be further validated with better design, for ex-ample, with a randomized, placebo controlled arm; bet-ter stimulus presentation with random order and col-lection of behavioral ratings; and better imageacquisition methodology, such as techniques to obtain abetter signal from the ventral areas of the brain.

This study was supported by Indiana University 21st Cen-tury Fund and INGEN fund. The first author has receivedtravel funds and honorarium from Pfizer Inc., U.S. Pharma-ceuticals Group for consultation and presentations. The re-sults of this study were previously presented in part at theMeeting of Society of Biological Psychiatry and AmericanPsychiatric Association Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 2003,and at the Human Brain Mapping Meeting, New York, NY,2003.


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