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Recent Publications (Excerpts) - S. Vincent Shin &

136. Sunset 2016... Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 12-31-2016. Sun sets for the year 2016...  A year marked with incredible global challenges, sufferings, shocks, disbeliefs, joys, and tears, now closes the historical chapter leading to new hope and prayer. We witnessed: Syrian crisis, Donald Trump elected as the 45th US President,

135. Peace on Earth... Holiday Wish. Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 12-24-2016. Peace on Earth… Best Holiday Wishes to all. Let us all pray for peace and forgiveness for our sins and stop violence on humanity. But the killing goes on as we have witnessed in Berlin Xmas Market, terrorists bent on killing rams truck into the holiday crowds.

134. Mele Kalikimaka. Published on December 20, 2016. Mele Kalikimaka. Me ka maluhia i na mea a pau.

133. USA Interest Rate Up. The Implication? Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 12-17-2016. Yes, FOMC raised its target range from 0.25% to 0.5% to 0.5% to 0.75%, and plans two or three more in 2017.  Increased interest rates will have varying degree of impact on your finances: credit cards, auto loans, mortgage rates, and savings.

132. Bull into 2017... Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 12-10-2016. Bull market may run into January and middle of February 2017 according to many savvy market analysts. DOW gained 3.8% this week alone, and particularly Transportation up 4.5% this week and 25% up this year. Is it post-election Trump effect as DOW gained 1,300 points since Donald Trump was elected? 

131. Time Bomb Ticking... Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 12-03-2016. Wealth disparities, economic uncertainty, societal dysfunctions, and political mayhem are all seemingly ticking and colluding for explosion everywhere.  Are we riding on a global ticking time bomb?  Unchecked capitalism has been blamed for many of today's global challenges such as climate change, rising income inequality and worker exploitation.

130. DOW 20,000... Global Economy Future? Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 11-26-2016. DOW hits all time high at 19,152.14 and S&P at 2213.35.  DOW 20,000 coming? 

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Election euphoria or Black Friday effect?  But economics and political uncertainties are troubling European and Chinese economies.  Some see Chinese economy facing certain watershed moments in 2017. 

129. Thank You Lord. Happy Thanksgiving to All. 11-22-2016

128. World in Transition. USA Effect. Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 11-19-2016. Europe and Asia, and the world are very apprehensive about what follows the Trump victory as evidenced by the respective markets gyrating in bewilderment.  The world of politics and global economies are at the cusp of stormy transition.

127. Presidency USA, 2017... Market Thoughts of the Week ending 11-12-2016. Shock. Unreal.  Surreal.  Donald Trump wins the Presidency against all expectations by media, parties, pollsters, and pundits. The most shocking, unprecedented, non-politician outsider wins through most vitriolic, vindictive, hateful, divisive contest ever as voters in swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin, all states voted for Trump on Election Day. 

126. Salute Veterans. Veterans Day 2016. Salute Veterans Day: 11-11-2016. Freedom is an ideal worth defending because there will always be terrorists and enemies who hope to undermine our liberty and security.  Honor our veterans, and show gratitude for their devotion to human dignity and freedom.

125. Never Stop. Stay in the Game. Market Thoughts of the Week ending 11-05-2016. Never quit.  Stay in the game until you win.  Chicago Cub's 108 year journey was not pretty or easy.  Cubs endured humiliation, heartaches, and fear...  Finally they won the Major League World Series baseball championship because they never stopped pursuing their goal.  

124. FBI Probing… Politic and Economy. Market Thoughts of the Week ending 10-29-2016. Stunning!  Eleven days before the general election FBI Director Comey announced Friday that the bureau is looking into new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. 

123. Cyber Attack. All Vulnerable. Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 10-22-2016. Waves of cyber-attacks paralyzed the Eastern United States, disrupting businesses, government agencies and even threatening the national election outcome.  Attacks blocked many major websites Friday, at times making it impossible for users on the East Coast to access Twitter, Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, Tumblr, Reddit and other sites.

122. Drones and e-Commerce. Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 10-15-2016. Can you imagine sitting by the beach as the sun sets and a drone delivers a fine cuisine prepared by a five star chef while you're sipping on the Cuban rum and puffing on a renowned cigar? It may soon become a reality as drone industry and federal regulators fine tune its application… 

121. Disaster Preparedness. Market Thought of the Week Ending 10-08-2016. The monster deadly storm Matthew, up to 150 MPH, rips through Florida, Georgia, Carolinas, and

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Eastern United States…  Many lives, properties, businesses will be lost and $billions will be blown away. 

120. Global Economic Threats. Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 10-01-2016. There is an eerie resemblance of Deutsche Bank crisis now to what we saw in 2008 and Lehman in 2011. The German bank’s $162 billion debt and only $16 billion equity does not make a sustainable business model.

119. American Middle Class Disappearing..., Student--Professor--Entrepreneur—Consultant. Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 9-24-2016. American middle class has been disappearing for decades as the economic divide gets wider.  American middle class is continuously squeezed out of the American Dream.  Wages are not catching up, and future opportunity does not look good with the increasing debt, and high cost of owning homes, buying cars, sending children to colleges... 

118. Career. Jobs for Life... , Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 9-17-2016 . What career gives you satisfaction, happiness, and meaning to life and financial freedom?  Yes, and financial freedom.  Opportunity, progress, satisfaction, and meaning often is determined by the occupation one undertakes throughout life’s journey. 

117. September Sell Off, Market Thoughts of the Week ending 9-10-2016. September is living up to its historical reputation as Dow sells off 395 points down 2.13% , Nasdaq 133 sinks 2.54%, and S&P 500 53.50 drops 2.54%; and as Fed rate hike fears loom on Friday.  And, gold dropped $7.10 to $1331.80 after Fed's hawkish comments. 

116. Debt and Old Age..., Market Thoughts of the Week ending 9-03-2016. Debt reduction is the #1 financial priority of the Americans...  While select older wealthy Americans are getting richer the rest of the USA, particularly the younger ones, are falling further behind.  And many older people are working longer beyond their retirement ages into 60s, 70s, 80s to pay the mounting bills… 

115. Wealth Gap USA. Market Thoughts of the Week ending 8-27-2016. Older wealthy Americans are getting richer and the rest of the USA, particularly the younger, is falling further behind.   And those under 35 years saw their median income drop 23% to merely $10,000 according to the Congressional Budget Office.  And the prospect for becoming wealthy for the young Americans do not look good but the major banks are making historic profit.

114. Culture of Growth and Opportunity. Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 8-20-2016 The potential for growth and opportunity is what job seekers and employers want.  Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg wants talented job candidates who can contribute to culture of growth and opportunity rather than experience.  Yes the growth and opportunity will make you satisfied and contribute to the wealth of the firm and your nation. 

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113. New Economy on the Horizon? Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 8-13-2016 Political rhetoric are ratcheting up between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the likes of vitriolic never seen and heard before.   What would the economy like when decision is finally made at the end of November 2016?  In either case differences are vast, and normal people and economists feel insecure and uncertain of the economic future of USA and the world… 

112. World is Crying in Pain. Market Thoughts of the Week ending 8-6-2016 Pain Everywhere…  Every continent on this earth is suffering from painful and unprecedented political dysfunctions, economic meltdown, rampant violence in society, environmental abuse…  Humanity is crying for a relief from excruciating pain.  Brexit is prompting Bank of England to cut rates as Australia is doing the same hoping to turn economy around. 

111. Family Affairs, USA Presidency? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 7-30-2016 Former President Bill Clinton declared his wife Hillary Clinton an impassioned "change-maker" as he served as character witness on the night she triumphantly became the first woman nominated for president...  And Hillary Clinton accepts the historical nomination for the President from DNC Convention as former President Bill Clinton and slews of Democrat ‘who’s who’ thrash Republican nominee Donald Trump. 

110. America in Crisis? Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 7-23-2016 America and the world in crisis?  Well, Donald Trump accepts his nomination for the President from the Republican National Convention and vows to fix the crisis in America.  Hillary’s response, I am certain, will be just as alarming next week.  Crisis?  You saw the blood spilled everywhere recently.

109. It's Mine!     Hague-No.  China-Yes. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 7-16-2016 EEZ no more for China, Hague ruled.  Will China obey the ruling?  No, China said.  Will there be fireworks on the South China Sea?  Let’s hope cooler heads prevail, but no one is holding breadth.  What will happen?

108. Prayer for Humanity. Market Thoughts of the Week ending 7-09-2016 Prayer for the Sanity and prayer for the Humanity.   Amen.    Five police officers were killed and many injured by a hateful and angry gunman...   The unfathomable, the worst police tragedy.   No words to describe the atrocity that occurred in Dallas and what’s happening against the police around the country…

107. World Upside Down. The Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 7-2-2016 Is our world upside down?  Everything people value, love and respect are indiscriminately destroyed, attacked and killed…  Many are screaming out in desperate search for answers….  Hate killings everywhere in this world like at San Bernardino office party, Orlando night club, Turkey Ataturk Airport, Bangladesh Dhaka restaurant...  They are killing and holding hostages for their extremist value, ideology, religion, politics, and nationalism… 

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106. Brexit  Tsunami.   Shock Reverberates. Market Thoughts of the Week ending 6-25-2016 The Brexit global economic earthquake is shaking the foundation of Europe and the world. The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union and thrashes the contagion of shock and reverberation to the world.   Past forty years of emphasis on the open border, global nature of connected economy is changing direction to protectionism and sovereign rights by the cynicism of anti-bureaucratic sentiment of the EU.  Brexit is acting out dramatically their passionate demand for change from the challenges of connected world. 

105. Peace.   Lay Down Your Guns... Market Thoughts of the Week Ending 6-18-2016 Put your guns down.  Let's find the ways to get along...  We are all here for a very short life time.  Yes, everyone of us is different.  Can we find the ways and open our hearts to celebrate the diversity rather than killing.  Let's get along.  For now let's pray for the dearly departed and let's pray for the troubled souls.

104. Stage Set.    Fight. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 6-11-2016 Political stage is set for a long and challenging fight between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump as they presumptively win their respective party’s nomination for the President.  Fight will not be pretty… 

103. Economy Uncertain...    Pain Continues. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 6-04-2016. Mild recession…  Small business recession…  And, US may have actually lost jobs in May…  These all translate into pain for hard working, looking for job people in America.  Not surprising that there is an alarming trend that home ownership is 48 years low in America… 

102. China, Russia, US... WW III ?   Market Thoughts of Week Ending 5-28-2016. China is poised to send out a nuclear-armed submarine to Pacific amid tension with the US over South China Sea territorial grab…  And Russian President Vladimir Putin warns Romania and Poland they could find themselves in the sights of Russian rockets because they are hosting elements of a U.S. missile shield that Moscow considers a threat to its security. 

101. 1.  Live a Long Life.   Life is a Long Run.   Don't Ever Give Up. Live a long life and enjoy the journey. Live a long life like Jeanne Calment, 122 years, 164 days, France (21 Feb 1875 – 4 Aug 1997).  Jeanne Calment was the oldest known, oldest person recorded.  Can you imagine the life stories from her: family and friends, childhood, growing, love, struggle, maturing, wisdom, and life lessons she got in her 122+ years journey.  What story!  What a long life. 

100. Global Disaster Looming?    US, China War? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 5-21-2016.    US, China conflict over the South China Sea may be lot close than people want to accept or believe as Chinese fighter jets intercept US reconnaissance aircraft in an open, free sea and air spaces.  And China is building manmade islands in the region to claim sovereign rights to fish, control the global trade.

99. Black Swan Economy?   Market Thoughts of Week Ending 5-14-2016.    Black Swan economy is the foreshadowing of a recession. We saw like indicators prior to recessions in 2001 and 2008. Although

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there is potential for economic indicators to flip, the current momentum and indicators suggest that the U.S. economy will get worse before it gets better.

98. Road Uncertain...  Your Choice? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 5-07-2016. Are you ready for President Hillary Clinton or President Donald Trump?  You will soon have to decide whether the outsider some call “evil” or the insider “liar”.  Political and economic future may depend who you select as the next President of the United States of America. 

97. Apple Falls.   Facebook Soars. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 4-30-2016. Apple (AAPL) falls to the ground on the earning misfire and Facebook (FB) glows brightly on shattering Wall Street earnings expectations.  Apple's stock fall took out $46 billion from its market cap, but it still remains the largest company in the world. 

96. Best Job, Worst Job 2016. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 4-23-2016. Wouldn’t it be so gratifying to have a job that pays well, enriching, meaningful? But wouldn’t you also like to know which job is most stressful, dangerous, undignified, and pays nearly nothing close to a living wage? Well I have the “best and worst” lists for 2016 for you to analyze if they are fit for you. Take a look.

95. USA, China, Japan… No Good News. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 4-016-2016. US industrial production fell more than expected in March as output declined broadly as most Americans think economy is getting worse.   The gap in life expectancy between rich and poor Americans has grown wider since the start of century, with the wealthiest men outliving the most destitute men by nearly 15 yeaars.               

94. I Gave My Soul... A Grand Exit Strategy! Kobe Bryant goes out Shots Blazing in a Magical Finish. He gave everything.  He gave his soul to a last game of his life...  Sixty points, fifty shots… 101-96 comeback victory against the Utah Jazz from 14 points deficit, Wednesday, April 13, 2016, in Los Angeles.   He didn't walk away, he flew away, on the wings of legend, through the clouds of Hollywood, with a final act unmatched in Los Angeles sports history.                                                    

93. Hiding the money...   Panama Papers. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 4-09-2016.     Bombshell Revelations! Outrage outside Europe's banks! Protesters take to the streets as banking watchdogs across the continent investigate connections to the Panama leaks.  The “Who’s Who” of the world, likes of 8 members of Chinese politbureau, Vladimir Putin… are implicated in unfolding of the global “hide the money” scandal, the Panama Papers. 

92. DOW 18,000 Again? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 4-02-2016. Dow 18,000 Again, 2Q 2016? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 4-02-2016. Dow 18,000 again?   Looks pretty good with the volatility down to 13, dovish Fed, accommodating ECB, OPEC consolidating/negotiating... 

91. Prayer for Peace.   Stop Killing Your Family. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 3-26-2016. Can you imagine a nuclear terror attack?  It may be lot closer than you want to believe…  

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Again Islamic State terror group has claimed responsibility for the two bombings in Brussels.   Thirty-one people were killed and at least 316 were wounded. 

90. Crushing the Dollar. Oil Rises. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 3-19-2016. FOMC Chairwoman Janet Yellen expects 2% inflation target reached 2-3 years, and decided to leave rates unchanged. A dovish Federal Reserve held the line on interest rates Wednesday and substantially scaled back its expectations for further moves ahead. And, sstocks were higher for the fifth week in a row, and the S&P 500 is now positive year-to-date.

89. Euro, Yuan Shuffle. Dollar Reaction? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 3-12-2016. Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank states “We’ll pay the banks to lend…” as he attempts to kickstart the Europe’s economy. And, Chinese fixes Yuan higher against US Dollar while Chinese inflation inching up (vegetable inflation soared to 29.9%). EU and China send very confusing and serious signals to the rest of the world…

88. China Downgraded. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 3-05-2016. US jobs report looked good but the wages have not kept up. And, the Fed’s rate hike may be on hold for a while this year. And, house flipping is bubbling up in the certain regions of USA and the extended pay automotive purchase application is increasing… Do you remember “sub-prime”…? Should you worry?

87. U.S.  Global Economic Engine Stalls... Market Thoughts of Week Ending 2-27-2016. The U.S. income tax withholdings and corporate profit declines are the flashing signs that economy is beginning to stall out, some say. Also the largest part of the U.S. economy, the service sector, shrank this month for the first time in two years. Recession signs are in play with mounting historical data and evidence (81% accuracy). Some say recession is inevitable.

86. Bulls or Bears? Hold on to Cash? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 2-20-2016. Contrarian, dumpster divers be aware as some believe it’s Rally time and as likes of MSFT is upgraded and people are beginning to nibble at the bottom… It's easy to understand why. The S&P is up 5.2% since bottoming intraday on Thursday. Financials have climbed 7.5%. Oil has risen 12.1% and other commodities have rallied.

85. Negative Interest Rate? Global Decline… Market Thoughts of Week Ending 2-13-2016. Negative interest rates in the U.S. may seem like a far-fetched idea, but the Federal Reserve is telling banks to prepare, just in case. For the first time ever, the governing agency and U.S. central bank is requiring banks to include, in a round of stress tests commencing this year, to prepare for the possibility of negatively yielding Treasury rates.

84. Year of the Monkey, Profit or Loss? Market Thoughts of Week Ending  2-06-2016. The Year of the Monkey cometh. Let’s hope that Chinese New Year of the Monkey brings a

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better world for all to live in Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, and Love for all… President Barack Obama will propose a $10 per barrel charge on oil to fund clean transportation projects.

83. Financial Freedom. Get It. Market Thoughts of Week Ending  1-30-2016. FOMC left rate unchanged based on weak economy, global drag, volatility, less confidence, pause on rate hike, but not concerned too much on oil price for now, and expects gradual increase. Wed., 1-27-2016. But there are earnings warning, job cuts, bankruptcies, recession worries everywhere in EU and elsewhere…

82. China, Oil Made Global Recession? Market Thoughts of Week Ending  1-23-2016. Again DOW dropped 566 intraday low on Wednesday after worst in history market start on China and oil worries… And the global economy is on the brink of a recession, with central bank stimulus less forthcoming and growth weakened by the global slowdown led by China. Some believe this is not going to get better anytime until 2020.

81. Global Sell-Off. Oil & Strong Dollar. Market Thoughts of Week Ending  1-16-2016. Amazing and mind boggling Friday sell-off 537 points intraday low, and DOW closing the week 390.97 down at 15,988.08! Worst market start of the year in History! Oil by Tuesday has dropped 19% for the year 2016 and dipped to $29.93, first time since 2003 and ended the second week of the New Year at $29.42. Some say it may be headed toward $20.00.

80. Start in History. Market Thoughts of Week Ending  1-09-2016. Dow closes down triple digits as stocks end one of worst first weeks ever and oil closes at $32.88. What a way start a New Year 2016… Saudi Arabia executed 47 ISIS terrorist including the prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

79. 2016.    Peace.   One Humanity. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 1-02-2016. One humanity.  One world.  Let 2016 be the beginning of becoming One Humanity, in this One World.  Amen.   Peace to all… China economy slowdown, bubble bursting became the biggest business story of year 2015 followed closely by the plunging commodity prices.  Dow (17,425.03, -178.84), S&P (2,043, -19.42) closed 2015 lower, the worst year since 2008.  The NASDAQ composite (5,007.41, unch), however, closed up more than 5.5% for the year buoyed by out-performance in biotech stocks and major tech names, except Apple (AAPL, 105.26, -2.06, worst since 2008). 

78. Grace to the World.   Happy Holidays. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 12-26-2015. May God's mercy free humanity from the evil and convert hardened heart for peace, love and harmony we so need now. This week, once again diverged with market volatility as oil jumped

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to $38.00, and frantic last minute holiday shoppers thrashed with much energy, anxiety, and pain…  So do you think the riches are immune from the holiday stress?  But rich people are not so optimistic about 2016 returns on their investment.  

77. Christmas Prayer for Remembering.   Time to let go. Fate has it.  My car stalled for unbeknownst reason to me right in front of the Humane Society animal reception area.  This is not the main door, it’s where lost dogs and animals are brought in and many are carried in for their last breadth… My car engine failed and coasted to a parking stall facing the animal receiving door.   Coincident?  

76. Fed Hiked.   Global Money? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 12-19-2015. FOMC hiked interest rate to 0.50 from seven year old near zero 0.25.  And major banks followed suit and increased their rates to 3.50%, but not the savings rate. Many European and Asian monetary policy makers are not happy with the US Fed decision.  And, stocks were down, but some may view this Fed’s move as a positive sign. 

75. Oil Price Plunges to Record Low.     Airlines Fly High... Market Thoughts of Week Ending 12-12-2015. Plunging oil price will undoubtedly bankrupt many oil related companies and the oil revenue dependent countries… It’s simple economic mathematics, the cost of pumping oil far exceeds the price sold, and OPEC and Non-OPEC nations are continue to pump oil to get a bit more revenue meanwhile setting themselves for eminent economic disaster…

74. FOMC - IMF - ECB.      Global  Economy? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 12-05-2015. After Friday13 November mass killing in Paris, America is now faced with the largest terrorist killing since 9-11-2001.  In San Bernardino, California terrorist attack killed 14 dead and wounded 21, and 2 gunmen killed (Farook, Malik) and possible other suspect still sought as investigation ensues for possible ISIS connection…  

73. Mobile Shopping.    Mobile Branch... Market Thoughts of Week Ending 11-28-2015. Thanksgiving dinner concludes into a Black Friday disappointments for many retailers. Well, Christmas and New Year are coming and however, this holiday season is shaping up to be the toy industry’s best year in over a decade…

72. Humanity in Peril.   Economic Apocalypse? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 11-21-2015. The Paris attack.  Retaliatory bombings ensue and puts the entire Europe on edge.  And Al Qaeda killing in Mali...  What cost of terrorism?  The 2014 cost of terrorism to the world reached $52.9 billion and the losses from violent crime and homicide in 2014 reached $1.7 trillion according to the World Economic Forum.  

71. Retail Bloodbath Looms, X-Mas?        Catch a Falling Knife? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 11-14-2015. Seasonal retail bloodbath looms as the Black Friday machine is already moving into high gear…   For some, market feels like a “Falling Knife” as it appears as the prime for correction.  Are you ready to jump in and catch a falling knife?  October foreclosure increased to 12% indicating fissures in economic fundamentals even though job numbers may be good… 

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70. Veterans Day Salute November 11, 2015. Salute to all who served. Salute.  I am very proud and honored for an opportunity graced upon me to serve this great country and the world. I salute all those who served in uniform with honor, duty and dedication.   Salute.   It was truly an honor, privilege, and great pride that God endowed me with the privilege.   I will always salute and remember veterans on November 11th of every year on Veterans Day, and forever…

69. Strong Jobs Report.     5% Unemployment Rate. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 11-07-2015. Russia announced travel ban to the entire region of Egypt as result of Russian airliner over Egypt exploded in air killing all 224 passengers. And, Obama and other European leaders are stating the likelihood that a bomb brought down the passenger jet.

68. Trick or Treat?      Economy, Politics, Wealth, Safety… Market Thoughts of Week Ending 10-31-2015. Trick or Treat.   Give me something good or else people will be confused and bad things will happen to Economy, Politics, Wealth of a person and nation…  Well, the US Fed leaves rates unchanged for now between 0.0% and 0.25%, ever since December 2008.  Perhaps December hike, or sometime in 2016? 

67. Rich and Poor.   Stacked Game? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 10-24-2015. Rich and Poor game stacked?  Economic divide around the world is widening for rich and poor while riches are getting richer…  And, the pensioners may not have enough to retire.   And, the Millennials may not afford to purchase a home.   In Europe the refugees have no place to go as most are closing the borders… 

66. Earning Season.    Profit - Loss ? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 10-17-2015. Earning season casualties are emerging…  Walmart lost nearly $20 billion in market cap value in one day on projected loss and yields to AMAZON as the top retailer.   JPMorgan earnings: $1.32 per share, vs expected EPS of $1.37,  Wal-Mart down 10%, Boeing down 4.5%, Netflix down 14%, and as Apple is having the worst year since 2008.   Strong dollar is also hurting with foreign exposed firms on earnings. 

65. America, Here !    Columbus Day 1492. Market Thoughts of Week ending 10-10-2015. This week, some people are saying I don’t know anything...   So much going on, so much volatility…   Stocks are up for the week, oil popped up to $49.56…     T. Boone Picket is contemplating $70/brl…   Is oil rally real, 9% up this week, as US Congress lift the oil export ban and oil producers are attempting to manage supply?  

64. Temporary Budget Deal.    Economic Uncertainty? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 10-03-2015. The US Congress avoids government shut down with temporary spending bill as President Obama stating that there is a path to budget compromise…  Political blaming ritual?  Annual ritual?  And, China and the rest of the emerging markets are steadily worsening with productivity decline, slow growth, and this less demand for resources in our resource/commodity dependent global economy.

63. Spirit.    Mass. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 9-26-2015: Two most powerful leaders reigning over third of world population merged in the USA this week: Pope Francis who presides over 1.2 billion Catholics and President Xi Jinping who governs 1.5 billion Chinese

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came to America to see the people, businessmen, lawmakers… Pope Francis is uplifting spirits of millions of adoring masses everywhere he goes. He is almost singlehandedly connecting the spirits of all people, it seems. Xi’s visiting Seattle (9-22-2015) with the major…

62. 0% Interest Rate – FOMC Market Thoughts of Week Ending 9-19-2015. Near “0” interest rate remains as the world watched Yellen’s move and her statement that the rate hike path is more important than timing.  Did Fed succumb to the global pressure not to hike although US economy seems robust? Has the U.S. Federal Reserve become the world's economic guardian?  And, grim day for Europe, as DAX falls 3% near bear territory... 

61. God Bless America.   Here, We Stand. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 9-12-2015. A moment of reflection!   Have we forgotten the lessons of 9-11-2001?   Anger, hate, and killing continue to come from outside, but America is now facing the likes of rampant police and uniformed public servants shooting within, seemingly out of control, killing our own…   We are becoming our worst enemy of time and culture.   Can we turn this world around?  

60. Jobs  -  Fair Pay ? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 9-05-2015. The U.S. Presidential Republican candidates are heating up their rhetoric on jobs, economy, trades, and immigration…, as once seemingly unbeatable Democrat front runner is losing steam quickly as her Party is scrambling for possible alternative. 

59. DOW 10,000+ Down & Up  Selloffs.    Rule 48 !! Market Thoughts of Week Ending 8-29-2015. Monday this week we witnessed DOW 3,000 points plunges within first hour of trade, but ended the day dropping to 1,046 points.  And first four days of the week DOW wildly swung 10,000+ points.  What a mind boggling week in this market place... 

58. Correction Territory !! Market Thoughts of Week Ending  8-22-2015. Oil closes the week at $40.45 as DOW plunging 530.94 pts. and NASDAQ also lost 3% into correction territory.   The major averages had their biggest trade volume day of the year and posted their worst week in four years.   DOW: 16,459.75 (-530.94, -3.12%), NASDAQ: 4,706.04 (-171.45, -3.52%), S&P:  1970.89 (-64.84, -3.19%).  

57. China  in  Ruins. Market Thoughts of Week Ending  8-15-2015. China is in a lot bigger trouble than you think as BOC devalues Yuan.  This is a clear sign of how Chinese government is concerned about declining economy.  And, bad news for China continues to blow up as Tianjin, China, the death toll from an inferno and huge explosions in the port city climbed to 85 on Saturday, including 21 firefighters, with hundreds of people injured and some still unaccounted for.   

56. Bear and the Oil Spill… Market Thoughts of Week Ending  8-08-2015. Oil settles @ $43.75 as DOW (17,373) declined into 7-day losing streak.  Now, the Janet Yellen’s Fed may be finding no reason not hiking in September after solid job numbers.  Of everything happening around the world, the interest rate hike may have the most serious impact on the market and the economy.  

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55. Global Economic Crisis Brewing?    2008 Again? Market Thoughts of Week Ending  8-01-2015. Volatile July witnessed China stocks market plunging, oil price shed 21%, gold price declined to two year low.  And, the U.S. disappointing economic growth led to lowest consumer sentiment since May.   In Europe, Russia is still in Ukraine, Middle East struggles will not gone away, and Greece is facing political and economic disaster right now as IMF broadcasts that Christine Lagarde, the head of IMF leaning toward not extending another bailout program stating that Greece has proven records of failures.  

54. Gold  and  Oil  Plunge. Market Thoughts of Week Ending  7-25-2015. Gold's woes continued Friday when its price slump hit a five-and-a-half year with analysts warning that the precious metal could plunge far faster than recently forecast and hit the $1,000 mark in just a few weeks.   Gold @ $1098.50, oil $47.97, and copper $2.39 closed Friday…DOW 17,568, S&P 2079, and NASDAQ 5088.

53. Austerity Again ? Market Thoughts of Week Ending  7-18-2015. The Greek Parliament approves austerity, and Germany, ECB all approving the short term bailout funding for Greece as riots break out in Athens.  Many believe that Greek deal only prolongs the inevitable.  Yes, for now ECB extends Greek lifeline, however, IMF warns on Greek's inability to pay the debt into next several decades. 

52. China – Greece - Interest Rates. Panic Crash ? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 7-11-2015. Creditors reportedly started to weigh in on the new Greek reform proposals Friday, although a final decision on any deal is not expected until the weekend. Greek Parliament is also set to vote on the proposals later on Friday as the debt-stricken country hopes to avert an exit from the euro zone. Just few days ago Greeks voted “No” by 61% on the bailout condition.

51. Freedom Reigns - Salute Independence Day. Market Thoughts of Week Ending  7-4-2015. Major averages finished in red for this shorten 4th of July week closed on Thursday, 7-2-2015 into a long weekend.  Greece overhang remains as PM Tsipras promises incredible deal if Greeks vote Strong “No.” in referendum, but more like “Yes” is coming…  U.S. Job numbers were in Goldilocks territory, but not bad enough for Fed’s action in September…

50. Supreme Court Double Banger !!, Jun 27, 2015, Market Thoughts of Week Ending 6-27-2015. Obamacare survives a major heart attack.  Supreme Court upholds ACA…  And, U.S. Supreme Court hands another banger, the Same Sex Marriage becomes legal in all 50 states.  While Greek tragedy continues with no good solution in sight for the people of Greece.  

49. Greek Tragedy - Re-enacted, Jun 20, 2015, Market Thoughts of Week Ending 6-20-2015. Greek talks have failed again, and all sides are seemingly preparing for the default… 

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While EU, Greece challenges ensue, Russia’s rhetoric against the West and US are getting hauntingly reminiscent of the “Cold War” days…  

48. Precious Metal Time ?? Jun 13, 2015, Market Thoughts of Week Ending 6-13-2015. American Pharoah wins the Triple Crown, first in 37 years.  So, did you have the right bet?  Another Russian down grade coming and Greece default looms ever so closer… 

47. Living Wages - Job Report ? Jun 6, 2015, Market Thoughts of Week Ending 6-06-2015. Good jobs report?  Is your wage paying all the bills and saving for your future?         Stocks see losses on interest rate and Greece concerns. 

46. Women Power !! May 30, 2015, Market Thoughts of Week Ending 5-30-2015. Let’s celebrate top earning female CEOs.  Salute!  These women are breaking the glass ceiling, yet long road ahead for most women…  Stocks finished the week lower.  

45. 10. Turn Your Dream into Success. May 29, 2015, Dreaming big is showing the path to your meaning and purpose of success in life.  So if you want the success in life, dream big, and define what your success would look alike.  Is it a big bank account, respectable title or rank, large earthly possession, a biggest house, a most beautiful/handsome life partner, greatest service to humankind, most admired and respected leader…?  

44. Cost of Freedom - Memorial Day Salute. Market Thoughts of Week Ending 5-23-2015. As we prepare for a long “Memorial Day” weekend, I pause a moment in silence to salute the men and women who paid the ultimate price for freedom.  Salute.  US Stocks finished the week higher as investors interpreted economic reports and the FOMC decision to remain patient.  

43. China--India Coalition? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 5-16-2015. India is inking a $10 billion business deals as Chinese economy disappoints again. And, Bank of China has cut for the 3rd time rates to stimulate sputtering economy... Most U.S. economic news came in slightly weaker than expected but stocks finished higher, which supported investor expectations for the Feds holds on to current interest rates.  

42. China & Russia Toasting Victory? Market Thoughts of Week Ending 5-9-2015. Red carpets rolled out for Xi JinPing in Moscow, as Vladimir Putin celebrates the 70th

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anniversary of the Russian Victory Day.  While US/West-Russia relations still lingers in the frosty chills… 

41. Disasters !! Market Thought of Week Ending 5-2-2015. Nepal is devastated by earthquake. Japan is downgraded by Fitch but the U.S. consumer sentiment rose in April, Jobless claims fall to a 15-year low and consumer spending picks up… Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao fight for least $120 and $80 million respectively… Baltimore riots result in six police officers charged..

40. Water. Ultimate Resource ! 4-25-2015. California is facing severe draught, sending out water usage curtailments…  NASDAQ breaks all time high @ 5092.   Euro zone officials meet in Latvia this week to discuss a rescue deal between Greece and its creditors amid growing talk that time is running out for Athens to avoid defaulting on its debt and being ejected from the 19-member euro zone.

39. Hold, Fold, Run, or Trade? 4-18-2015. European shares fall on China, Greece concerns, and possibly Bloomberg Terminal outage as US stocks plunges 350 points, but ending the Friday at 279 points down.  Should you be folding and run from the market, or have the courage to Trade the volatility?   Know when to hold’em, fold’em, walk away, run, or trade. Oil price steadily moved up to $57.00 range adding to interest rate concern… 

38. Dollar Weaponize?? 4-11-2015. Dow hits 18,000 again even though March employment data showed weakness.  Strong dollar continues to put pressure on 'Made in USA' manufacturers…  And, U.S. dollar still maintains strength as global economic outlook weakens, and as US Congress to use dollar to threaten N. Korea...

37. Nuclear Holocaust or Peace? 4-4-2015. DOW closes the 1sr Qtr. @ 17,776 down

200, indicating first down quarter since 2012. US added only 126K jobs in March, vs 245K expected;

jobless rate stays at 5.5%... First Quarter is now behind us as Iranian nuclear negotiation continues with

Iranian cheers and others cringing at the possibility of Iran emerging as a nuclear capable nation who

still states that “Kill Americans and wipe off Israel from the map…”

36. 9. Win. I will Win this Fight., Apr 3, 2015, I am a winner. I am going to win this fight whatever it takes. Believe it. Have this winning attitude in your heart, and you will win the fight. Without it, you will lose for sure. And, know clearly what are the reason, purpose, and outcome of the battle for winning.

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35. China Bank Rising !!, Mar 28, 2015, Market Thought of Week Ending 3-28-2015. World’s 2d largest economy is flexing muscle by creating the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Set Brazil aside for now and you may want to look into these Latin America such as Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Chile, and Costa Rica who sees GDP growth 2.5% - 5% in 2015.

34. Interest Rates !!!, Mar 21, 2015, Market Thought of Week Ending 3-21-2015. FOMC is no longer “Patient” as the Chairperson Janet Yellen sees possibility for rate hike after April, meaning June, September or possibly in 2016. With that announcement market bolted 227 points Thursday, and finished the week with 169+ points to 18,128, and to nearly past weeks all-time high.

33. Strong Dollar $$$ !!!, Mar 14, 2015, Market Thought of Week Ending 3-14-2015. This week market madness was all about FED rate hike speculation, oil prices, EU currency crisis, and strengthening of the U.S. Dollars. I believe. Apple announced Apple Watch, new MacBook as Tim Cook suggests a great positive changes for the company. And, he notes that ten years ago, AAPL was less than $6.00/sh. So do you see another 10 years of monumental growth from this largest capitalized company in the world?

32. Mad March Sell-Offs. 3-10-2015

31. Market Air Pocket. Market Thought of Week Ending 3-07-2015. U.S. Market seemed like it went through air pocket in flight. Record high Monday but scary descent thereafter, and nearly 300 drop on Friday due to Fed tightening worries. Apple will become part of DOW 30 as AT&T is shoved out.

30. Record, Record, Record !!! 3-2-2015, DOW at 18,288, S&P at 2117, NASDAQ, 5008. NASDAQ broke 5000 First time in 15-years. (Winners are: MNST, GMCR, TSCO, GILD, ORLY, ESRX, AAPL, ROST, CTSH). Mark Zuckerberg was in high school in 2000… Is this new Bubble?

29. Apple Money. Market Thought of Week Ending 2-28-2015. FOMC Chairperson Janet Yellen spoke to Congress Tuesday, and DOW surged nearly 200 points before settling… Oil supply closely matching the storage capability. It may be set for a sharp decline in oil price… Greece deal may be close but many believe Greece will never be able to pay off debts. Stocks modestly higher; Nasdaq nears record territory…

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28. Irrational Exuberance ? Feb 21, 2015. Market Thoughts of week ending 2-21-2015. Irrational Exuberance ? DOW 18,140 & S&P 2,110 Records Again ! Market always overreacts in short term. As Greece and EU agree to 4-month extension of Debt payment plan with $10 billion dollar loan to Greece, DOW hit all time high 18,140 and new record for S&P 500 to 2,110 and NASDAQ very close to all time high at 4,955. Irrational exuberance?

27. AGAIN. DOW 18,000. Feb 14, 2015. Market Thoughts of week ending 2-14-201 Again DOW 18,000, S&P 500 record High, Small and Mid Cap (Domestic Focused) are record high and NASDAQ hitting multi-year high. Is this the Presidential 3rd Year Phenomenon? And, oil stabilizing? Maybe, hopeful signs in Europe? More, the Friday the 13, traditionally high!

26. Volatile !! Feb 7, 2015. Market Thoughts Week ending 2-7-2015. First week in February was very volatile with the DOW 200 points swing up and down daily. This represents the sum of 1000 points swing from December 2014 to first week in February 2015. Europe still imploding, China declining, cyberattack of Anthem signals the costliest impact of data theft...

25. Friendship. Feb 6, 2015. Friendship. Enduring Friendship... “I believe there is a common feeling of human loneliness and longing for comforting friendship. Our life is long, and the World is big and vast, people feel lonely and fearful of being tiny and solitary in the enormity of life. We yearn for a friend as a partner in life’s journey to share our feelings and activities,” I believe.

24. Russia: Junk Rated, Ruble Crashes ! Jan 31, 2015, Market Thoughts of week ending 1-31-2015

23. Chinese Market Plunges. Jan 24, 2015. Market Thoughts of week ending 1-24-2015. This week has been Extremely volatile week with global events such as central banks around the world cutting interest rates, Saudi King passing, China economy slowing and cutting rate causing 8% market plunge Monday, EU facing numerous challenges such as Russians massing troops at the Ukraine borders, Greek election pending with economic woes, US market swinging wildly 200+ points up and downs. All these contributing to the uncertainty of the world we live in…

22. EU Crisis !! Jan 17, 2015. Market Thoughts of week ending 1-17-2015

21. Dogs Taught Me... Jan 16, 2015. Dogs Taught Me… Teaches You Foreign, Alien Languages. Dogs makes you speak in Gibberish. I am certain you have seen and heard loving

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dog owners speaking in unintelligible, seemingly meaningless, nonsensical conversation with dogs. Both may be oblivious to standbys but they communicate clearly to each other from heart to heart.

20. 8. Pot of Gold from Lemon. Jan 13, 2015. 8. Make Pot of Gold made from Lemon. When God gives you a Lemon, Turn it into an Empire. Bad things do happen in our lives, and disasters do occur in our place of business, community, and in our country. Managing these terrible events may very well determine your character, success and happiness in your personal and professional lives. Be a turnaround strategist.19. Dawning of 2015?? Jan 10, 2015. Market thoughts of week ending 1-10-2015, First full week in 2015. 1. Paris Terrorist Killing. Twelve dead, 11 wounded at Charlie Hebdo. People killed were holding pen and pencil, and police man surrendering with hands up in the air… Three terrorist gunmen killed by French police and looking for other suspects 1-9-2015...

18. Thank You 2014! 2015?? Jan 3, 2015. Market thoughts of week ending 1-03-2015. May You be Blessed with Smile, Good Health, and Prosperity in 2015 and Beyond... 2014 closing the Book @

1. DOW 17,823 (+8%), NSADAQ 4736 (+13%), S&P500 (+11%)2. OIL: $53.27 (46% annual lost)3. U.S. Dollar 9 year high

17. Precious Christmas Gift ! Dec 31, 2014, 박문수, Father Park Mun-Su, (Francis Bookmyer), SJ Precious Christmas Gift! A most precious Christmas gift came as a story told by someone I came across incidentally… An older, hardworking Korean-American lady who stopped by at a local grocery store to pick up a daily item for her store when she ran into this holy man 박문수. A most heartwarming, spiritual gift she received in a very brief encounter with this passerby. This is a short enlightening story of a Catholic Priest 박문수, Park Mun-Su, SJ told by a lady, and repeated by few others just before Christmas 2014 in Hawaii.

16. DOW 18,054, S&P 2088 Historic Records !! Dec 27, 2014, Market thoughts of week ending 12-27-2014. 1. Record Highs: DOW 18,053+, S&P 2088 !! Investors in U.S.-based funds poured $36.5 billion into stock funds in the latest weekly period, marking the biggest inflows on record as U.S. stocks surged to record highs on Friday. The massive cash commitments for the week ended Dec. 24, 2014 were the biggest since 1992.

15. DOW 720 points Surge - Yellen Speaks ! Dec 20, 2014, Market thoughts of week ending 12-20-2014. 1. Janet Yellen, Chair, FOMC speaks on Wednesday… DOW bounced up 300 points Wednesday, and 421 on Thursday… It is the highest two days gain surge since November 2008, and Friday maintained gains to 17,804, up 26.65. Chief Monetary Policy Maker states, No Changes in Policy, stay at 0.00 to 0.25% for next few quarters. Low oil price will hold down inflation and it is net positive for US economy. ..

14. OIL, $57.81, Breath Taking Decline!! Dec 13, 2014, OIL, $57.81, Breath Taking Decline!! Market thoughts of week ending 12-13-2014..., 1. DOW 17,280, down 315!!!

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Reasons may be oil price plunging by downed demand and overproduction, Bond prices falling, signs of weakness in China, Europe, US Dollar correction…

13. 7. Learn to Dance with the Snakes. Dec 12, 2014. You may find yourself among clearly deceptive, cruel, destructive, vicious, and even murderous people. Sometimes you can see them immediately. Often greatest danger comes from the people who have more subtle evil character: A Separatist Attitude, Never Accepting Responsibility, and Arrogant Self-righteousness, Destroy the Opposition at all cost attitude… in social setting as well as in work places. I am sorry for stating this reality.

12. DOW 18,000 Watch, A New Record High… Dec 6, 2014, DOW 18,000 Watch, A New Record High…, Market thoughts of week ending 12-06-2014. 1. DOW @ 18,000 Watch… Is this record high DOW result of good job report (over 300k new jobs), strength of US dollar, Republicans taking over House and Senate, Lower gas price with seasonal jubilance (take a look at V, MA)…? Some things to ponder about as DOW and S&P hits new records high again. Next week for 18,000? Take your shot…

11. DOW Record High @ 17,828! Black Friday Hysteria… Nov 29, 2014, DOW Record High @ 17,828! Black Friday Hysteria… Market thoughts of week ending 11-29-2014, 1. DOW @ 17,828, a record high!! NSADAQ 4791 @ 14 year high…, Black Friday (Week) Hysteria??!! Santa Clause Rally?

10. Market Thoughts of week ending 11-22-2014 Nov 22, 2014, These are my thoughts regarding some of the highlights of the market for the week ending 11/22/2014. Just me: 1. DOW at 17,810 and S&P 2063 at historic record high!!

9. 6. Bite Your Tongue, Save your Ass. Nov 19, 2014. What comes out of your mouth cannot be put back. Words spoken in heat of passion may come to haunt you for the rest of your life. People will never forget those painful words you spew out. Never! Though most understand the hateful words, disparaging remarks, vitriolic statements, insensitive comments, and damaging effects of spoken words, yet many people lack the discipline and respect for one another to bite the tongue and walk away. ..

8. Market thoughts of week ending 11-15-2014. Nov 15, 2014, These are my thoughts regarding some of the highlights of the market. Just me: Salute to the Veterans! Now, take a look at these major Defense industries: United Technologies (UTX): 76.6B market cap, Boeing (BA): 55.2B market cap, Lockheed Martin (LMT): 26.4B market cap, General Dynamics (GD): 26.2B market cap, Northrop Grumman (NOC): 18.5B market cap, Raytheon (RTN): 17.5B market cap…

7. Veterans Day Salute! Nov 11, 2014. Salute!! Thank you for your dedicated and Selfless Service to this Great Country and the World! Huah!! This is a jump by the U.S. Marines scattering the ashes of a Fallen Marine! Salute!

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6. Market thoughts,11-8-2014. Nov 8, 2014. Market thoughts of week ending 11-8-2014. Oil continues downward… some say $55/brl will cripple Shale industry… America is pushing for energy independence as less dependent on Saudi oil.

5. DOW Hovering @ Historical High 17,366! Nov 3, 2014, Market analysis of First Week of November 2014 according to Vincent Shin: DOW hovering on historical high @ 17,366. Some believe there is a tide of economic expansion on the way…

4. 5. Life does Not give you an Eraser. Oct 24, 2014, 5. Do the Best Job First Time. Life does NOT give you an Eraser. Do it right first time. Life does not give you an eraser to do over. Life is one time go around. Make the very best of it. And, always look for a way to do it better. Doing things right first time will expand your window of opportunity and will certainly give you the personal pride and satisfaction.

3. 4. "Tell Me About Yourself" strategy. Oct 10, 2014, “Tell me about Yourself” may be the greatest disaster looming or a wonderful opportunity for your career. The most dangerous question at the job interview is often deceivingly benign and appears simple. Or, is it? “Tell me about yourself” is usually the first question you have to answer. And they will ask you with a smile and seemingly warm and friendly way. Most candidates are foolhardily sucked into a trap. And, most are not prepared and not able to cease the opportunity and market oneself. Within a minute you have sealed your fate.

2. 3. Know what you Like and Dislike. Sep 30, 2014. 3. Know what you Like and Dislike. Do you really want to know what makes you really happy and smile? Then, first step in your life strategy is to clearly define and understand what makes you truly be happy and what makes you unhappy. Understanding the root causes of what makes you smile, satisfied and feel dignified will define your life pursuit whether you know it or not. This list is not about what you WANT. This list is about your deep seeded soul and heart telling you what is really important in your life.

1. 2. Instinct. Trust It. Sep 16, 2014. 2. Instinct. Trust it. All your traditional, logical senses might not clearly describe why there is gnawing feeling inside you… Respect it, understand it, and trust it. If you don’t, you will never be happy even if you achieve some momentary successes. Because your instinct is trying to tell you that your core belief, value, character, and safety of your body are in question regarding a decision you are facing…
