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Page 1: Receive and deliver

Receive and deliverThe future is all about successful interactions

Page 2: Receive and deliver

It is not about thinking outside the box, it is about understanding that there is no box.

Karl-Oskar Brännström, partnerFlexeurope AB

If I had asked them what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

Henry Ford, founderFord Motor Company

Page 3: Receive and deliver

… to bother you. This brochure is an interaction between us and you. And we really want this interaction to be as perfect as possible. Therefore, if you do not think the world is changing, stop reading. Because we do not want to waste your time.

Still with us? Good, because we know our customers, and our future cus-tomers. We know that you are someone who strongly feels that it must be possible to do things in a better way. We know that you are someone who understands that the success of companies like Google and Apple is neither a question of successful internal IT-projects and market analyzes, nor a question of dumb luck. It is about them understanding who their

customers are, and what constitutes a success for those customers. It is about a new way of aligning business activities to produce real successful customer outcomes. And it is about not bothering the customer, if it is not absolutely necessary. It is not about thinking outside the box, it is about understanding there is no box.

It is about creating organizations that do not focus on customer expecta-tions, but on customer needs. Organisations that motivate and empower their resources to ensure that all customer interactions are positive.

It is about the customer experience.

We are truly sorry...

Know your customersWho are you doing business with? Who is on the other end of the line, on the other side of the table? Knowing your customer is the first step to understanding who needs to be pleased, and, equally important, who not to please.

Perfect interactionsHonestly, people prefer to not be bothered. And cus-tomers are people. Even your employees are people. And interactions are bothering people. So in order to be successful, you must remove as many interactions as possible, and perfect the ones that are left.

Apply an outside-in perspective What business are you in? Well, what motivates your customers to interact with you? Really, what is their fi-nal goal? Understanding that is a key to success, and it also tells you where the process starts, and where it must end.

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We help organizations apply an outside-in perspective to identify success-ful customer outcomes. We help them optimize their business processes in order to produce those outcomes, with a minimum number of interactions. We turn this ideal, visionary process into a reality by automating it with our software.

With automation we mean automating the delivery and receipt of results, not the actual production of them. This is left to your knowledge workers and we believe that is why they were employed in the first place. To do the things machines can not do yet. Like analyzing. Like making complex deci-sions. Or like providing services, sometimes by just being human.

So far, we have told you what we think. Now let us tell you what we do.

We have done this for years, and we do it well. We do it so well that more than 250.000 knowledge workers use our concept to deliver successful customer outcomes. Every day.

We work with both private companies and the public sector and if you think that your organization would benefit from doing things better and doing bet-ter things, give us a call. We assure you that it will be a positive experience.

Please contact us on +46 660 29 95 20 or visit
