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Carrie Doubts MA,CPC,ELI-MP

Professional Certified Coach

Rebuilding Your Life After Loss Program

January 6, 2015 - September 30, 2015

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T are few experiences in life with the ability to shake your faith in yourself, the world, and .everything you thought you knew to be true like losing a spouse or life partner. Whether you lost your partner to death or divorce, suddenly you become a “me” instead of a “we” and with

that realization comes a bevy of difficult emotions like sadness, loneliness, anger, intolerable grief, and an anxious uncertainty about what the future now holds. And while this is potentially the most painful time of your life, you can create something beautiful and meaningful out of this experience. I’m here to help you do that.

I founded Life’s Next Chapter Coaching on the belief that there is no “right” way to grieve a loss this big. As a coach and educator, I provide a supportive environment where you can express yourself freely and be where YOU are in the grieving process. In this safe space, you are given the compassion and support you need to move through this difficult time on your terms and transition from heartbreak to whole-heartedly participating in life based on your new vision for yourself.

Research shows that the average amount of time it takes for a person to “recover” from a significant loss is 5-8 years. That’s just letting grief “run its course” or taking the “time heals all wounds” approach. It is generally accepted by professionals assisting people in their time of loss that there are certain tasks a grieving person will accomplish as they reintegrate themselves into their lives without their partners. Completing these tasks is the work of mourning.

“What’s the difference between grief and mourning?” you may ask. Grief is the container that holds your thoughts, feelings, and experiences of loss. Mourning is when you take that grief you feel on the inside and express it outside yourself. Grief is what happens, mourning is how you respond to what happens. I believe that it is necessary to authentically and consciously mourn your loss in order to reconcile with it, and ultimately be ready to fully engage in rebuilding your life after loss.

Through a transformational nine-month period, I take people through my Rebuilding Your Life After Loss Program, a proven-effective nine-step process for reconnecting with your heart, reclaiming your power, and re-aligning with your soul to create your life’s next chapter.

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Do you find yourself saying things like…. • I feel like I’m going crazy.• Nobody seems to understand or be able to support me.• I feel anxious and insecure about the future.• I don’t have the energy to move forward.• I feel guilty for things I have done or things I didn’t do.

Do you believe…• I’ll never find love or happiness again.• God is punishing me.• I need to keep my feelings to myself.• I should be moving on, but I just don’t know how.

Are you feeling…Sad, angry, overwhelmed, anxious, hopeless, lonely, regretful, numb, afraid, abandoned, wounded, broken…and stuck.

As difficult as all this is to go through, these are the normal experiences of grief. My main message to you is that it’s understandable that you are experiencing these challenges. AND, it’s not who you are.

And, there are some things that you can learn to let go of in order to know yourself at the deeper levels of authenticity and divine purpose. This will be a time to:

• Let go of the idea that you have to grieve by yourself.• Let go of the idea that you have to be strong for others.• Let go of your judgments of yourself, your partner, and God.• Let go of the energies of self-victimization and blame.

You’ll have the opportunity to embody and experience the following during and after completing the program:

• Greater acceptance of your feelings and freedom of expression• A clear vision of what you want, why it is important to you, and direction for achieving it• Measurable progress towards reaching your goals and manifesting your vision• Release of the energy blocks that keep you stuck in the past• Established self-care practices that give you the capacity to care for others from the overflow• Inner peace through embracing the soul lessons of your loss and a greater knowing of your purpose• Completion of unfinished business in your relationship and coming into a greater sense of

unconditional loving for yourself and your partner• Embracing your strengths and the courage to take on new roles in your life• Acknowledgment and appreciation for who you are• Embracing the consciousness of service and giving back in gratitude• Self-transformation and a transformed life

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In this transformational nine-month tele-series, you will learn how to let go of the pain of grief, adapt to your losses, connect with your new life’s purpose, and co-create your life’s next chapter. At the completion of this program you will come away with greater levels of peace and acceptance and a clear vision of what you want, why it is important to you, and direction and support for achieving it.

There are themes for each month and, as we move go through the program, you are supported in a fluid process of going forward, dipping back into the previous month’s exercises and experiences when needed, learning about yourself, championing yourself, transforming yourself in the process of healing your grief and completing the tasks of mourning.

MONTH 1: CONSCIOUS GRIEVING Expressing and Releasing the Pain We begin the nine-month program by creating a safe space for you to be where you are in the grieving process. Whether you lost your spouse/partner a week ago or a year ago, you are supported in talking about your loss, expressing your feelings, and releasing emotional energy. You’ll find out that it’s simply OK to be where you are now. I educate you about the process of how transition works and the painful aspects of grieving. I also introduce exercises and skills that you practice throughout the month that assist you in expressing your thoughts and feelings and releasing emotional energy (sadness, anger, regret, guilt – whatever is up for you). The result you see at the end of this month is a greater acceptance of your feelings and freedom of expression.

MONTH 2: DESIGNING THE VISION Assessment & Goal-Setting When you were a “we” your goals for the future were tied up in that partnership. Part of becoming a “me” again is having the opportunity to start a new chapter in your life and explore your own vision for your future. This is your time to design your new life and create a plan to turn your dreams into reality. I begin this month’s work with assessing where you are in your grieving process (completing the tasks of mourning). We also explore your levels of satisfaction in 10 key areas of your life. You will be assisted in clarifying your values, setting powerful intentions, exploring your goals and vision for the next year and beyond. The results you see at the end of this month are a clear vision of what you want, why it is important to you, and a design for the direction you will be taking for creating your future.

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MONTH 3: CREATING THE FUTURE Moving Forward Through Action In the third month, we put your new plans in motion. We take the visions and goals of last month and turn them into realistic, manageable action steps designed to start gently moving you forward. You’ll learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible, receive encouragement to stretch out of your comfort zone, and amaze yourself by discovering new strengths and capabilities. You will be supported in moving forward as well as assisted in looking at the obstacles you encounter along the way as you learn about the principles of full engagement, making self-honoring choices, examining and up-leveling your coping strategies, and asking for and receiving support. The result you see at the end of this month is measurable progress and forward movement towards your goals.

MONTH 4: RELEASING AND HEALING THE PAST Working With Limiting Thoughts, Patterns, and ForgivenessWhether you feel guilty for moving on or are still harboring resentments from a spouse’s betrayal, there are times during the grieving process when you might feel stuck in rehashing the past. This is because grief can often trigger unresolved material from your past that is not directly related to THIS grief that you are experiencing. Month four is a critical point in your healing process where you bring your awareness to the thoughts and patterns of behavior that limit your success – as they are surfaced by the action you have been taking in month three. I will introduce to you core energy exercises where you will examine your thoughts, feelings, and actions and learn to replace limiting patterns with more empowering habits. Through the process of forgiveness, you learn to release yourself from the judgments of yourself and others that lock you into these thoughts and patterns. The powerful result of what you will be learning and applying to your life is liberating yourself from the energy blocks that keep you tied to the suffering of the past. As you heal and release these blocks, your engagement and results start to really gain tremendous momentum.

Month 5: CREATING CAPACITY Radical Self-Care and Self-Nurturing During month five, we examine the question, “What would it mean to really take care of myself?” As women, we often believe that nurturing ourselves is an act of supreme selfishness. It’s common for women in the midst of a traumatic experience to stop eating or sleeping and to exist in a daily grind of stress. In this month, we identify habits and patterns you may be using that may could be traded in for better, more adaptive coping strategies. You will embark on a self-nurturing practice that will take your self-care up a notch (or ten), so you can have more energy for moving forward. The result you will notice at the end of month five is that you are taking care of yourself first so you will have the capacity to care for others from the overflow.

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Month 6: DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL LESSONS Exploring Purpose and MeaningPainful experiences often clear the way for deep and meaningful shifts in our consciousness. “Why did this have to happen to me?” is a question that so often comes up when we experience a devastating loss. In this month, we turn our attention towards finding the blessing hidden in the pain, exploring it in depth in order to get in touch with it and claim it. The examination of spiritual beliefs and encouragement to consider and commit to a spiritual practice of your choosing is part of this month’s emphasis. Through the exercises I introduce during this month, you will have the opportunity to discover your deeper purpose in life, articulate and express your legacy, and embark upon a journey of opening to the Loving within yourself and sharing it with others as a way of life. The results you will notice at the end of this month are enhanced levels of inner peace through embracing the soul lessons of your loss and gaining a greater knowing of your purpose in life.

Month 7: REFRAMING THE RELATIONSHIP Integrating the Continuing Relationship With Your PartnerDuring month seven, we start looking closely at the last of the task of mourning. We will examine the nature of relationships by asking questions such as, “What is a relationship?” The concept that relationships with other people really exist as they are held inside of us is explored. There are two different approaches in this step depending upon the nature of your loss – whether it is through death or divorce.

For the bereaved, you will work on establishing a continuing relationship with your deceased spouse or partner. The topic of legacies, rituals, and symbolic representations of the loved one are explored, with the goal in mind of creating comfort, meaning, and a way of feeling connected that feels right for you.

For those grieving the loss of a spouse or partner through separation or divorce, the continuing relationship is explored through the intentions and agreements that are forged for the future. This becomes critically important when you have children together. We also talk about how to complete a relationship inside you, even if your ex-partner is no longer a part of your life. The results of this month’s work is setting to rest the unfinished business of your relationship, and having the experience of that which can endure beyond the completion of it – the Loving.

Month 8: EMBRACING YOUR STRENGTHSSelf-Acknowledgment and Self-AppreciationLosing our life partner creates situations where we discover strengths we didn’t know we possessed. For example, if your partner always took care of the finances, you may learn by stepping into that role that you actually have a brilliant knack for creating abundance that you never explored before. This month is all about discovering and celebrating your strengths (new ones as well as those that were beneath the surface of your awareness), embracing them, and integrating them into your life’s next chapter. The results you will see is the knowing that, through all your work in the past eight months and acknowledging your strengths and new skill sets, you have transformed yourself and transformed your life so that you are now living your life’s next chapter.

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Month 9: SERVICE Anchoring the Learning by Giving BackOnce you begin to feel grounded in your new life, there will come a time when you desire to give back to your community, your family, your world in open-hearted service. During this month, we will learn about the service consciousness and how giving back in service helps to anchor what you have learned and received through connecting with others who are in need. Examining avenues of service and choosing one that has heart and meaning for you is part of the focus for this final month of the program. This can be as simple as cultivating a service-oriented approach to parenting, caring for elder parents, your work environment, and so on. Also, as someone who has come through the experience of Conscious Grieving to the other side, you have the opportunity to be a guide and mentor to those who come behind you on the path. The results you will see in this month is the tying together of all the threads of the past nine months and weaving a beautiful tapestry of gratitude for the blessings of your new life.

Join an intimate group of like-minded women who are also experiencing the loss of a spouse or life partner. From this community you will receive invaluable support and experience the synergy of moving through the Rebuilding Your Life After Loss Program together. In this sacred space you will heal through participating in the exercises and experiences provided throughout the nine months of the program, growing stronger and more hopeful each and every day. The bottom line is that you don’t have to do this alone.

The Rebuilding Your Life After Loss Program includes:• Monthly tele-seminars: This informational session is where you learn tools and tips, as well as

completing exercises where you have the experience of putting the information into action. Monthly assignments are given as part of the process of supporting you in integrating the month’s material and creating the results you are going for.

• Monthly individual coaching session: one-on-one support for you to explore with me some of the deeper issues that may be coming forward in a private session.

• Energy Leadership Index Assessment and debrief session: you will take the online ELI Assessment and participate in a comprehensive debrief session at the beginning of the program.

• Monthly call-in hours: hosted by me, these two-hour calls are an opportunity for you to drop in to have your questions answered, participate in a brief coaching session, or just receive support when you are wanting inspiration and encouragement.

• E-coaching: I will answer your questions and provide support by e-mail anytime you need it.

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• Client-only Facebook page: an online community where you can communicate with women in the group who know what you are going through and are dedicated to this program and their healing and transformation. You’ll receive support from the “tribe” as well as being inspired by the stories and successes of the group.

• Client-only resource lists: I have created an intensive resource list of books, videos, inspirational material, and other learning resources gathered from my 20 years of experience in the fields of Psychology, Spirituality, Education, Grief Counseling, and Transition and Grief Coaching.

• Invitations and discounts to workshops and retreats: From time to time I schedule in-person workshops and healing retreats, or offer information about others’ work that is in alignment with this program. Since you are part of my “tribe” I make it my business to offer significant savings to you for these powerful experiences.

• Follow-on support: Once you have completed the nine-month Rebuilding Your Life After Loss Program, you will be invited to participate in the follow-on program so you can remain part of the community and continue to receive support.

This nine-month program will begin with the First Tele-seminar on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 4:00 pm, est and completes on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

I also invite you to sign up for a free tele-seminar given on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 5:00 pm est where you will have the opportunity to learn about the myths of grief (and how they do not support you in adapting to your loss), the tasks of mourning (as developed by leading experts in the field of Grief Counseling and Coaching), and how pain can be a powerful motivator and catalyst for positive change. I will share some client success stories and an exercise to assist you in getting unstuck in some area of your life. To register for this call, go to

Mark your calendars for 2015:

Tele-seminars* Call-in hoursTuesdays Tuesdays4:00-5:00pm est 8:00-10:00pm est

January 6 January 20

February 3 February 17

March 3 March 17

April 7 April 21

May 5 May 19

June 2 June 16

July 7 July 21

August 4 August 18

September 1 September 15

*Tele-seminar recordings are made available after class

Tuition: $199/monthEarly Bird pricing*: $175/month*available through midnight, December 19, 2014

This program is limited to 12 participants.

If you are tired of feeling stuck, alone, struggling to keep your head above water... Maybe you’ve tried traditional therapy or grief support groups and find that they haven’t helped you complete your journey into your life’s next chapter. Do you want a deeper connection with your authentic self and with people who see your potential instead of trying to “fix” you? If so, you owe it to yourself to check this out. I look forward to connecting with you.

To register for a complimentary Rebuilding Your Life After Loss Discovery call, got to e-mail Carrie at: [email protected]

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I empower people who have lost a spouse or life partner due to divorce or death and are struggling to discover how to be a “me” after being a “we” for so long. As the founder of Life’s Next Chapter Coaching, my passion is helping men and women complete the grieving process, create new dreams for themselves after this monumental life change, and powerfully rebuild their lives.

My journey to do this work began when my husband of thirteen years and I suddenly divorced. Like many of you, I found it difficult to “just move on” and “get over it.” I was in excruciating pain and I knew it wasn’t going to go away overnight. However, I also knew that I needed to learn from this experience so I could avoid repeating my mistakes in the future. I felt compelled to create something meaningful and beautiful out of this pain, so I immersed myself in self-development and personal growth.

I went back to school and earned a Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing from the University of Santa Monica. I am a faculty member in the Spiritual Psychology Program at the University (for 10+ years) and earned my professional coaching certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). I am also a Certified Grief Counselor by the American Academy of Grief Counseling. I founded Life’s Next Chapter Coaching as a company dedicated to empowering, guiding, and supporting men and women who are grieving the loss of a spouse or partner due to divorce or death.

Today, I’m the proud mother of a twenty-something daughter and live in Fairfield, Ohio with my second husband and two beloved Dobermans. I believe in the value of service and spend much of my free time volunteering for the Hospice of Cincinnati. I have also served as a child advocate for the organization Guardian ad Litem. When I’m not coaching, volunteering, or enjoying time with my family, I love playing the French horn and Celtic harp at various community events.

Carrie DoubtsMA, CPC, ELI-MP
