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Rebuild the South after the war; ease relations between former slaves and masters, help create equality in the South, re-unite America

Outlawed Poll Taxes that restrict Voter rights

15th- African right to vote19th- Women’s Suffrage

Martin Luther King, Jr.- Nonviolent protests, boycotts and civil disobedienceMalcolm X- Black PowerKennedy and Johnson- Civil Rights Act


Name two Civil rights movement leaders and

their contributions

What did the 24th Amendment do? What

other amendments does it relate to?

Explain the goal of Reconstruction in the

Post-Civil War era.

Page 2: Rebuild the South after the war; ease relations between former slaves and masters, help create equality in the South, re-unite America Outlawed Poll Taxes

Cold War: Vietnam

The 1960s were an era of extreme social and political change. While the Civil Rights Movement progressed on American soil, American soldiers

were fighting in Vietnam to contain Communism.

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Review: Containment Foreign Policy

The Cold War was a period of hostility between the USA and USSR over the political ideologies of Democracy or Communism. The US was committed to a policy of containment, to prevent the spread of communism beyond the iron curtain. At first we used the Truman and Marshall plans of sending supplies and financial aid. These containment funds eventually turned into out right war.

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Review: Cold War EventsThough the Cold War never featured fighting directly between the US and the Soviets, there were plenty of events that brought the possibility of war very close:-Berlin air lift-Cuban Bay of Pigs -Korean War-Cuban Missile Crisis-Berlin Wall-Afghanistan, Iran and the Middle East-Suez Canal control-Vietnam War*

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Review: Domino Theory The main goal of Containment was to stop the spread of communism. The US had already failed with China and North Korea. Soon a fear spread that if any other Southeast Asian nations ‘fell’ to communism then the rest would follow, like a line of dominos on end.

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Vietnam HistoryFollowing World War II, many colonies around the world were decolonized, or set free. Vietnam, however, remained in French control. To try to overthrow the imperial French, the Vietnamese began a Civil War. The leader Ho Chi Minh led Communist forces. In 1954 the French were defeated and Vietnam was freed.

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Geneva Accords Diplomatic talks occurred in Geneva, Switzerland following the French defeat. The Accords split Vietnam in two zones along the 11th parallel. The nation would hold elections in 1956 to reunite as one nation. In the mean time, SEATO offered aid and protection against communist threats within Vietnam.

North Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh, Communist

South Vietnam: Ngo Dinh Diem

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Eisenhower and VietnamEisenhower was dedicated to a policy of containment, but resisted sending ground troops into action. To help support the democratic South Vietnamese government, Eisenhower supported increasing financial aid. In 1955 Diem was recognized as the official leader of South Vietnam.

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Cancelled: 1956 election Fearing a Communist victory at the polls, the South Vietnamese leader Diem cancelled the 1956 elections. He also began to crack down on dissent and accumulate power. In response, the North Vietnamese Leader, Ho Chi Minh recognized the Vietcong as a rebel group fighting for independence and sent the rebels aid.

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Kennedy and VietnamWhile Kennedy is most known for his Cold War role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy also dealt with the rising concern in Vietnam. During his presidency Kennedy sent political and military advisors to Vietnam in 1963. by the end of the year there were 17,000 advisors and 489 had been killed during the same year.

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Overthrowing DiemAs Diem became more concerned with losing power to the Vietcong and Ho Chi Minh, he restored Vietnam to oppressive dictatorship. Diem lost US support, and the South Vietnamese army, with America’s approval, overthrew Diem’s government. With diem’s removal the plan was to draw out of Vietnam by the end of 1965, however, Kennedy’s assassination changed the plans.

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Johnson and VietnamLyndon B Johnson came to the presidency after JFK’s assassination. He was committed to a more active role in Vietnam. Though it is up to congress to declare war, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson all used their position as “Commander in Chief” to send troops and advisors to Vietnam.

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Gulf of TonkinIn august 1964 American ships stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin near Vietnam were attacked by the North Vietnamese. At first the attacks were portrayed as being unprovoked, but later research indicates the American ships could have passed into northern waters to protect a South Vietnamese attack.

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Gulf of Tonkin ResolutionPresident Johnson sought Congressional approval to launch airstrikes against the North Vietnamese in retaliation for the Gulf of Tonkin. Instead of just granting permission, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to give Johnson permission to use “all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the US.”

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Guerilla WarMost US politicians and military strategists though the war would quickly be over. After all, America’s military technologies were far superior to those of the Vietcong. However, the nationalistic Vietcong were determined to hold onto their homeland. Soon, they began a guerilla war. Guerillas don’t wear uniforms, there were no clear battle fronts, and soon the US was dropping more bombs each month on Vietnam, than we had in Germany during WWII.

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American reasons for warAs costs continued to rise, many Americans looked for reasons to be in the war. Ultimately the American government wanted to contain communism, stop aggressive nations and remain a world superpower. As the war dragged on the American people quickly became disillusioned.

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Tet Offensive 1968The Vietnam war was mostly a guerrilla war

Tet Offensive 1968The North Vietnamese called for a formal ceasefire to celebrate the holiday of Tet, around the new year.

On the first day of Tet, the North Vietnamese and Vietcong launched a series of coordinated, well planned attacks throughout South Vietnam

Violated Normal Rules of War

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Soviet InvolvementNot only did the Tet Offensive violate normal rules of war, but it was the first time that the Communist Vietnamese used Soviet made weapons and ammunitions. While the Soviet Union did not send troops, they had made their support for the Vietnamese clear.

This is how conflict occurred in the Cold War between the US and USSR. Each would financially and politically support one side in a conflicted nation, but

only one would send in troops. Therefore, the Cold War never had direct confrontation between the

Soviets and Americans

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Johnson is out; Nixon is inAmerican disapproval of the Vietnam war caused Johnson to not even run for election. Johnson knew he was beat. Soon the Political races in America heated up, looking for a president who would listen to the people and bring our soldiers home. The next President was Richard Nixon.

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Political RiotsThe search for presidential nominees for the 1968 election was vicious. The democratic favorite was assassinated, leading to the nomination of Hubert Humphrey. The Democratic convention’s announcement of having selected Humphrey led to massive riots, and divided the democratic party.

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Nixon and VietnamUpon entering office, Nixon had a significant challenge in Vietnam. Though Nixon had promised to get out of Vietnam, he at first tried a different approach to end the war. Nixon tried to defeat the Vietcong by attacking their supply routes through neighboring Laos and Cambodia. Soon, American planes were bombing areas in both.

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Nixon and VietnamizationLike Kennedy and Johnson before him, Nixon attempted Vietnamization. He wanted the Vietnamese forces to take over the ground fighting. America would still supply air support for a time, but ground operations were shifted to Vietnamese soldiers.

Vietnamization-Goal of having Vietnamese

troops replace American troops for ground


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KissingerNixon also sent his advisor, Henry Kissinger, to Paris to meet with North Vietnamese officials. The goal was to start peace talks. It took several years, but in 1973 the American government announced “Peace with Honor”. The Vietnam War was finally coming to a close.

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Post War BillionsAfter the American troops left South Vietnam’s protection in the hands of the Vietnamese soldiers, the government continued to give financial support to stave off Communism.

Costs:-58,000 American deaths-300,000 wounded-$150 Billion spent

Why would the American government give billions of dollars to the South

Vietnamese Government?

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American Reaction to VietnamThroughout the Vietnamese war there was general discontent amongst Americans over the war. Nearly every American fit into either the Hawk or Dove categories:

Dove: Peace- wants out of the Vietnamese War

Hawk: Hunter- Wants unconditional victory over Vietnam

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Student ProtestsThe youth of the 1960s were particularly vocal about the Vietnamese war and political decisions. Berkeley, a California College, became synonymous with protests. Across the country teach-ins occurred. This new form of protest had hundreds of participants who sat and listened to presenters talk about the topics at hand.

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Kent State ProtestsIn April 1970, President Nixon ordered an additional 150,000 troops for an invasion of Cambodia. Students across the nation protested, including on Kent State campus in Ohio. During the protest, the campus ROTC guard came to keep order, but eventually the conflict escalated to the guards shooting into the crowd, killing 4 students and wounding an additional nine.

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Napalm AttacksOne of the biggest complaints of the war is the napalm attacks on villages and cities. The Guerilla warfare resulted in attacks on large areas of land to try to flush out Vietcong members.

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Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Students around the nation took part in protests and organized rallies. The Students for a Democratic Society was the largest student group responsible for numerous protest marches, teach-ins and other events. The SDS was anti-establishment, anti- big business and anti Big Government. As the 1960s faded, the SDS broke into several splinter groups and lost power.

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Burning the DraftMany American men were drafted during the Vietnam war. Based on a lottery birthday system, the Draft was mandatory. Anyone avoiding the draft could be arrested. However, SDS and other groups often protested the draft by burning Draft Identification cards.

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Avoiding the DraftThe most famous Draft Dodger was Muhammad Ali, a world class, gold medal boxer. He reported for the draft but refused to say the oath of induction. He was arrested and found guilty of draft evasion. However, the Supreme Court later turned over Ali’s conviction. Another 10,000 or so escaped to Canada to avoid being drafted into the armed forces.

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College DefermentAnother popular way to avoid war was to go to college. College students were exempt from the war. This exemption hurt many lower economic level families and minorities who could not afford college, and had to report for service from the draft.

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Anti-Draft, Pro-SuffrageA common argument against the draft was that men under the age of 21 could be drafted, yet they had no say in the politicians that made the decisions in Congress in regards to War. Throughout the War protestors demanded the age to vote be lowered to 18. This finally occurred with the 26th amendment.

26th Amendment-US Citizens age 18 and older may vote regardless of race,

color, gender

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Hippies and Flower ChildrenMost people associate the 1960’s with Hippies, flower children, Free Love, illegal drugs and protesting. While this is accurate, the bigger picture is the youths of the 1960s were seeking a simpler life with more freedoms than the past.

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Returning VeteransThe unpopular war negatively impacted returning veterans. Often called Baby killers because of the mass bombings of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laos citizens, these veterans were not honored as in previous wars. Additionally, with over 300,000 wounded soldiers, many veterans struggled to return to American life.

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War Powers ActThe American public was angry that their presidents had dragged them into the Vietnam conflict. Congressmen also regretted their role passing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Congress soon passed the War Powers Act, passing it over the Presidential Veto from Nixon:1) President must notify and justify troop movements to Congress within

48 hours2) Troops must be home within 60 days unless both houses of Congress

approve prolonged intervention

The War Powers act completely reverses the

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

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ConclusionsThe Vietnam war revealed some startling conclusions about America, our society and our goals:

-Politics respond to public pressure-Modern War Technologies will not guarantee success in war-A supportive population is needed to achieve success in war-US was committed to global affairs, but we question our police force


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Vietnam War Reading

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