Page 1: REBO Coffee: "Centered On Taipei"





16 NOVEMBER 2012

What pray tell is this liquid bliss I speak of? That would be REBO co�ee my friends. REBO Deluxe Blend to be more speci�c. If this description (which reads like a

fantastic novella) tastes as amazing as it reads on paper, well I think we ’re all in for a treat. OK. Now hold that thought while I momentarily digress.

Perhaps many of you, like myself have never heard or been aware of the Tea, Co�ee & Wine Exp o that is coming to Taiwan. Or perhaps I ’m sadly and embarrassingly the only one. Whatever the case, I don ’t intend to miss it this year - it sounds like a co�ee (or tea/wine as it may be) lover ’s heaven. The expo is a unique opportunity to visit booths and exhibitors that are showcasing a wide variety of products and equipment that we may never have found otherwise. Last year there were four hun dred exhibits and 1,050 booths. Holy Moly. Can you imagine the sheer amount of co�ee beans and the potential for sampling? While seemingly di�cult to fathom, let me try and narrow your �eld of vision and give you a tip: visit the R EBO co�ee booth. (I have indeed con�rmed that they will have samples).

Was that a stellar segway or what?Yes. Yes it was. So let ’s talk about REBO co�ee for

a few moments. I had the privilege to be in contact with Jean Marc Ewald, and Gilbert Gonzales, both of whom share a palpable passion for REBO co�ee. After an increase in the sale of REBO co�ee over the course of the past six-to-seven years, the company is ready to extend its product to external markets that have an appreciation for high-quality products. With co�ee drinking on the rise in Taiwan, (c oming in at an estimated one hundred cups per person, per year), and numbers expected to increase over the next �ve years by approximately 15%, the RE BO co�ee brand is

.emit taerg a ta tekram eeffoc nawiaT eht otni gnikaerbThe Deluxe Blend and the Gourmet Espresso Blend are two of the higher-end roasts o�ered by R EBO and both blends are proudly toted as being “ zero defect cups for the connoi sseur.” A bold statement held up to the standard of a seemingly bold brand. Jean Marc Ewald makes no apologies when indicating that REBO does not over-roast like most Haitian co�ee roasters, as there is no need to hide defects. They are looking for strength, body and zero defects in each cup. Who can ’t admire that kind of work ethic? Kind of makes you want to put down your cup and try something a little di�erent, doesn’t it? Ideally, REBO co�ee would be o�ered in

REBO Co�ee“Strong yet never overbearing, fragrant in a typical “natural coffee” range with earthy, musky, chocolaty and spicy tones. What it lacks in finesse will be compensated by body; it is a natural “bonifieur” for any intentional espresso blend adding bite without acidity. It is the quintessential Haitian natural coffee.”


Aly Cooper is an expat wife of one year who enjoys adventures with her �ve-year-old son, reading, eating, blogging, having A LOT of co�ee with friends, volunteering and spending free weekends exploring what the island has to o�er with the family. http://ca�einatedblisstaiwan.blogspot.twGot a suggestion for our resident ca�eine addict? Send them in via [email protected] .

Page 2: REBO Coffee: "Centered On Taipei" NOVEMBER 2012

high-end co�ee shops, as the company is readily willing to work with shop representatives in order to implement specialized solutions based upon what will work with that particular shop and client.

During the course of the expo, the goals are to reach out to high-end food connoisseurs, specialty green co�ee importers and investors looking to potentially open new chains of co�ee shops and/or restaurants in order to push REBO co�ee further into the Taiwan market. What about the quality you ask? Just as the description of the Deluxe Blend transported us all to a happy place, you need only close your eyes and picture a steaming hot cup of their Gourmet Espresso Blend. Wait for it …this blend “ ...has all the �nesse, complexity and acidity expected from a specialty co�ee. What it lacks in b ody comes back as complexity and natural sweetness. Aroma is still spicy, a bit �oral. The acidity is re�ned, the aftertaste long and smooth. If true strength is in control then you have one here that proves it. ”

COME ON. Any co�ee description that gives you goose bumps when you read it is a keeper. I can ’t make this stu� up. Tell your friends, and I ’ll be sure to meet you all over at the Ex po.

REBO co�ee:

TEA, COFFEE & WINE EXPONovember 23rd - November 26th Taiwan World Trade Center (TWTC) Exhibition Hall 1
