Page 1: Real Estate Lead Generation Report

1 – a systematic approach to generating leads on Craigslist


4 Emails, 4 Weeks, 4 Commissions

(oh yeah during the worst time of the year in the worst real estate market in decades)


Josh A. Schoenly

Real Estate Agent & Lead Generation Specialist

How would you like to simply send an email and sell a piece of property? How about doing it over and over again? Well below you are going to see how I do just that and how you can too!

What I am about to give you in this free report are the exact emails I recently used to sell four properties at one of the worst times of year to sell real estate in one of the worst real estate markets EVER. Please don’t get hung up on the type of properties or specifics of the emails. Instead focus on the concepts and how you can use it in your business. It is coincidence that the properties being offered in these emails are all multi-family properties (although I do primarily work with investors), and we have used the same kinds of emails to sell many single family homes to traditional home buyers over the years.

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Now what you need to keep in mind is that to use these emails you MUST have a database to send the emails to. If you have known me for any length of time you know how important I believe a buyers list is to your business. In fact I would go as far to say that your buyers list IS your business (or at least the back bone).

Why do I feel so strongly about this? Well the proof is in the pudding. Using these four emails I was able to sell nearly $1M worth of real estate during the holiday season in one of the worst real estate markets in decades. For those of you in high priced markets thinking big deal $1M in real estate, in my market the average price of a home sale is less than 200K.

Below you will find the exact emails that were sent including the number of recipients, the date and time they were sent, the amount of people who opened and the response from the emails including sales details.

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Email #1


Subject: Ready to 'steal' this 4 unit in Susquehanna Twp?

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

Just got word of this 4 unit in Susquehanna Twp with 3 garages and a carport.

Asking price: $48,900


Most comparable recent sale is a 4 unit that sold in March for 200K and was only on market for 2 days!!

Call me ASAP as this place won't likely last the week at 571-0456.


Josh Cavalry Realty, LLC 717-610-1510 x204 Serving the state of PA

PS These deals don't come along all that frequently so if you have been looking for something like this I suggest you act quickly and give me a call at 571-0456.

Delivered: 2169

Opened: 312

Results: Showed the property 9 times in less than 48 hours of sending this email. Had multiple buyers make offers and had signed agreement from bank in less than 5 days from email being sent. Over asking price cash buyer close in 21 days or less (actually closed in 17 days)

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Email #2

Subject: Wilkes Barre 4 unit & Cheap

Hope you had an awesome holiday weekend. I had a blast and am bummed to get back to work, although not that bummed because I love what I do! Just picked up a great deal on a 4 unit that's pretty much turn key and a cash cow! Each unit is 2 BR's Total current income $1,825 (room to increase) 2XX-2XX E. Northampton St., Wilkes Barre, PA $59,700 OBO Needs to close before Xmas Call me ASAP at 717-571-0456 Best,

Josh PS. not too many opportunities like this with 2 BR's in each unit and turn key income so give me a call at 717-571-0456 NOW!

Delivered: 1825

Opened: 224

Responses: 18

Results: This email led to 3 showings on the property and 2 offers, both just under asking and the property being under contract in less than 2 weeks (cash closing in 14 days). I also now have a subset of BUYERS that I can directly market similar opportunities based upon similar criteria.

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Email #3

Subject: 4 Unit - Hershey (Derry Twp) - Cheap

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~, Happy Monday!! Boy do I have a great deal for you! Keep in mind you are getting notified prior to this being made publicly available so you are getting a jump on the general public.

This investment property features a 2 story 2 unit building with 2 BR's each and a 2 unit mobile home structure each with 2 BR's.

Units are fully occupied and section 8 approved, although only one of four units are on section 8. Rents are as follows: $515 $484 $200 (one of the mobile units and current owner reduces it because tenant is hardly ever there) $600 as you can see the rents are low, but they are long term tenants and current owner has left as is. The electric is split and the main 2 story building has shared heat that is owner paid. Taxes are $1663. Price: $124,900 Properties like this in Hershey (Derry Twp) typically go under contract in a week to 10 days so call me NOW at 571-0456 or email reply.


Josh Cavalry Realty, LLC 610-1510 x204 Serving the state of PA PS The last 4 unit in Derry Twp that was sold was nearly twice the price of this property and went under contract in 10 days, so call me ASAP at 571-0456.

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Delivered to about 1800

Opened: 221

Results: This email was sent at 5 AM on a Monday morning. That week I showed the property to 7 potential buyers. I had the property sold by the next Monday afternoon for nearly full price and for all cash.

Note: 6.3% of those who opened the email scheduled a showing. This might not sound like a lot, but think about this another way – one email delivered 7 showing appoints from my unconverted leads. The reason this email is gold is because it attracting BUYERS. This is because I included pricing details within the email. The person reading this email already has made the decision that the numbers look good. In other words, they’re already sold on price. They want to see the property to evaluate the condition. This is a very big lesson for you to “see.”

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Email #4

Subject: BREAKING NEWS - 16 Unit - CD Schools

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

We just picked up a 16 unit in Central Dauphin School District with a great unit mix (8 3BR's & 8 2BR's) with upside potential (possibly add 2 more units with adding 6 parking spots). I am holding off on listing this until at least tomorrow afternoon to give all of you on the list a chance for priority notification.

For full details email back or call ASAP at 571-0456.


Josh Schoenly Cavalry Realty, LLC 610-1510 x204 Serving the state of PA

PS Opportunities like this don't come around very often so email or call me back NOW at 571-0456.

Sent: 1862

Opened: 259

Responses: 37

Result – this email was sent on a Thursday afternoon, the first showing happened the next day (less than 24 hours from being sent), the first offer came the next Wednesday. The first offer was not accepted, but the second one after a lengthy negotiation was. Total time was less than 2 weeks to sell a relatively large commercial property.

Note – This email was sent to a small list of apartment house buyers that I have built using the Buyer Leads By Tonight System. The response rate was so high because the property offered was a perfect match for the prospect requesting the list. The other lesson for you to extract is how I used takeaway selling by indicating I would be listing the property “tomorrow.” The prospect is left thinking: “If I don’t act fast, I’ll lose this deal.” This is exactly what you want your prospects to think! This email

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didn’t include any pricing information. This is different than the first 3 emails. The purpose of the first 3 emails was to generate a showing appointment. The purpose of this email was to generate a lead. Sure, I turned some of the 32 who responded into showing appointments. More importantly I now have a list of 32 “hot” prospects for multi-unit properties. Any sales person, with a smidge of ability, should be able to turn 5 to 10 of these leads into clients simply by setting up a special “Personal apartment investment tour” or something similar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again I want to reiterate, please don’t get hung up the specifics of these emails. Instead figure out a way to use them in your own business. If you aren’t building a list of buyers but now realize more than ever that you need to I have created a complete turn-key system you can use to build a large database quickly. And the best part it’s using Craigslist, which is totally free to advertise on! To get more information and pick your copy of my system just visit It’s only $97 plus S&H and it comes with a ridiculous 365 day money back guarantee! Best, Josh

PS If you want to truly control your business and your ability to make money in any market you have got to build a large database of buyers so you make money “On Demand”. My system is great way to start doing this ASAP, grab your copy now: PPS Whether or not you buy my system, please please please please please (did I just type 5 pleases?) use these emails or at least the concepts in them to sell some property! That’s why I created this report, because I want all of you to be more successful and make more CASH! PPPS I would love to hear from you. Email your questions, comments etc. at [email protected] I will do my best to get back to each and every one of you. PPPPS Seriously if you have gotten to this ridiculous 4th PS it’s means you haven’t grabbed your copy of our Buyer Leads By Tonight system yet, go and get it NOW:

What others are saying about Buyer Leads By Tonight: (see next page)

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“and to let you know 15 leads so far since yesterday they are coming in hourly!!!

this is a goldmine…Thanks!!” –John Cashion

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