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Ready to Reduce Your Symptoms? And your Waist? 

Find Out  How to Heal Yourself and Balance Your Weight Naturally

Great news! No matter your symptoms or health concerns, there are foods and supplements that can help. This Handbook gives you at-a-glance information about what “healthy” food actually is, plus the Handbook includes useful shop-ping tips you can start using right away. to stock your kitchen with the top ten things that no health-centered pantry should be without.Learn

Find out to navigate the “Farm-acy” aisle to choose the foods that can lead to noticeable improvements in your day-to-day health.

Discover...“super supplements” that offer the most protection for your health. These should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet!

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Know to make dining out healthy and enjoyable — no need to feel guilty after a restaurant meal.

PLUS much more! 

By Sheryl Shenefelt,

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Welcome and thank you for downloading this Handbook!

I’m Sheryl. From my professional experience as a nutrition-

ist and my personal experience as a wife and mother

who wants to raise a healthy family, I recognize the

importance of carefully selecting what kind of foods

we eat. I’m sure you do, too – you might just need

help finding and preparing those foods to achieve a

healthier lifestyle. You’re not alone! Many people are

confused about food – what is “healthy” food, where

should we buy it, and what should we make for dinner?

That’s where I can help. I want you to feel better and be

happier no matter what your health issue or condition is.

(Your waistline will probably shrink, too.)

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s no wonder that many people have turned to processed conveni-

ence foods. Sure, they’re quick … but they’re also devoid of nutrients, and these prepackaged

foods take a heavy toll on our everyday health. After all, the primary goal of food manufacturers

is profit, not nutrition quality. It’s time to take back control of our plates.

“Eating healthy” means knowing where our food comes from and buying foods in their most natu-

ral state (and from local farmers) whenever possible. Restrictive diets, skipping meals, and exces-

sive exercise are not the answer. What is? Making smart choices every day to create balance in

your body and lifestyle. This Handbook will help you to do just that. And remember that we’re all

unique individuals with unique needs -- what works best for you may not be what works for your

mother, sister, brother, co-worker or friend on Facebook! Each of us has a different body chemis-

try and different lifestyle factors, all of which play a role in our everyday, long-term health.

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My early food knowledge was shaped by what I saw in magazines and on TV. In other words, like

most people, what I “knew” about food was a reflection of the latest (and most publicized) fad.

While in college, I was just like the other girls – I was always trying to watch my weight by eating

low-fat foods and buying things in packages that had “Good for your health!” written all over them.

Contrary to those claims, however, my health began to deteriorate, and I wound up with low blood

sugar and extreme fatigue. With the desire to take control of my health and well-being, I enrolled

in massage therapy school to learn more about how the body functions. I soon realized that good

food was crucial to good health and that the information put out by the media just didn’t make


Armed with my new knowledge, I decided to focus more on natural, organic, and whole foods.

As I started to feel better and regain energy, it became clear to me that having and maintaining

optimal health involved a shift in lifestyle priorities. I also realized that I didn’t want to be a mas-

sage therapist – instead, I wanted to be a nutritionist so that I could research, clarify and connect

people to sound nutritional information. I wanted to break through the fads, myths and media

information that were misleading people and causing weight gain, health issues, fatigue and end-

less frustration. I wanted to help people become healthier by just saying “No!” to processed, pack-

aged, chemical-laden, microwaved, irradiated, pesticide- and herbicide-laced products.

That desire to help people understand food has led me to become a nutritional consultant and

health coach. My passion for studying and researching food and nutrition has also led me to be-

come an author and educator. You can find my health blog at, where

you’ll also find links to four nutrition books I’ve co-authored with Dr. David Brownstein, Medical

Director of The Center for Holistic Medicine:  The Guide to Healthy Eating, The Guide to a Glu-

ten-Free Diet, The Guide to a Dairy-Free Diet, and The Soy Deception. My husband and two

children continue to inspire my interest in health and nutrition – in fact, my husband and I started

a non-profit organization called iMatter for Kids to inspire kids to create healthy, balanced lives.

You can find out more at

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The Healthy

Handbook Simple Strategies to Reduce Your Symptoms and Your Waistline!

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Table of Contents









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Health is something people take for granted -- often, we don’t start to consider ways to improve

our health until we don’t feel well or until we have a health “condition” or “disease.” Many factors

can impact health (and weight). While it’s true that we simply can’t control some factors, we CAN

control many of the day-to-day negative “ingredients” of our lives: poor diets, inactivity, and lack

of sleep, to name a few. This guide will help you improve your lifestyle choices and will explain

how your everyday meals and snacks can have either a negative or positive impact on your health.

You’ll also learn how to reduce your levels of inflammation. Less inflammation = reduced symp-

toms, symptoms that are your body’s way of telling you that your body is not working optimally or

getting the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Let’s talk a little bit more about inflammation since it’s such an important subject. Basically, inflam-

mation is the immune system’s healthy response to heal the body following an injury, irritation

or infection. However, the standard American diet (SAD) -- which is mostly made up of simple

carbohydrates, poor fats and processed, devitalized foods – results in high blood glucose levels,

which results in the body being flooded with insulin (to bring down those dangerous high levels

of glucose) and stress hormones (because your body is reacting to being in an unhealthy state).

These in turn trigger the inflammation process, which creates stress and pain on your organs and

joints. What happens then? Atherosclerosis, cancer, obesity, diabetes, congestive heart failure,

digestive system issues, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis … in other words, most of the

chronic diseases that are rampant in the U.S. today.

So, what can we do?

Well, before we even start talking about healthy eating, we have to address digestion. Proper

digestion is one of the keys to being healthy. You aren’t what you eat, exactly -- you’re what you

digest and absorb. Improving your digestion can be a big factor in improving your symptoms and

your waistline.

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#1 Chew thoroughly and eat slowly and peacefully

Digestion begins with chewing. Your saliva mixes with the food, and the

amylase enzymes in your mouth begin to break down and digest carbo-

hydrates. Eating more slowly allows food to be properly digested. Eat-

ing more slowly also gives the brain an opportunity to register fulfillment

(“satiety” or feeling satisfied) so that you don’t overeat and wind up feel-

ing uncomfortably stuffed. Don’t eat while you are preoccupied, stressed,

rushing around, driving, or watching TV. All of those things can hinder di-

gestion and lead to uncomfortable consequences. Breathe between bites

and enjoy your food!

Be Healthy! Tip: Schedule meals on your calendar or in your day planner like you

would any other appointment, then sit down at a table and enjoy

your meal.


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#2 Eat until you are three-quarters full

Not stuffing yourself leaves room in your stomach for your body to churn

your food, allowing for better digestion. Slow down when you eat so that

your brain can monitor your food intake and let you know when you have

had enough. Overeating often comes from eating too fast. Plus, eating

leisurely is a lot more enjoyable than gobbling down your food!

Be Healthy! Tip: Use a smaller dinner plate and only take one serving. Wait 30

minutes and see if you really need that second helping of pota-



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#3 Keep blood sugar stable by not skipping meals

Skipping meals seems like a good way to lose weight, but the truth is

that skipping meals will push you on the road to obesity. That’s because

skipping meals disrupts your blood sugar levels and makes you prone

to binges and sweet cravings. Eating actually raises your metabolic rate!

Low blood sugar sets off your body’s alarms and throws you into “com-

pensation mode,” which overtaxes and exhausts the glands that are sup-

posed to maintain your metabolic rate at a high level. Skipping meals

also elevates your insulin levels. Insulin is the hormone that triggers fat

storage (read: you’ll gain weight). Restricting calories makes your body

think you are starving, and your metabolism will slow down … which is

the opposite of what you want to happen if you’re trying to lose weight.

Be Healthy! Tip: To stabilize your blood sugar levels, develop the habit of eating

three balanced meals per day. That means don’t skip breakfast!

Be sure to include plenty of unrefined, natural fats with each of

your meals to give you long-term, sustained energy.


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#4 Include enzymes in your diet

Enzymes form the foundation of our digestive system functions. No

matter what we consume -- proteins, fats or carbohydrates -- our

bodies require enzymes to convert these basic ingrdients into the nutri-

ents we need. Without adequate enzymes, we suffer from indigestion,

bloating, weight gain, inflammation, gas, constipation, belching, cramping

and other digestive and immune issues.

All fruits and vegetables come equipped with the enzymes we need to di-

gest them. Sprouted nuts, seeds and grains also offer a generous helping

of those essential enzymes, as do naturally fermented foods like vinegar

and cultured dairy foods. Cooked foods, however, don’t contain as many

enzymes. (Although they do offer other benefits.)

Be Healthy! Tip: Enhance digestion by eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables,

sprouted nuts, seeds and naturally fermented foods. Additional

benefits can come from taking digestive enzymes. Another idea?

Stir 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into 4 ounces of water and

drink your DIY enzyme boost with your meals.


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#5 Maintain healthy gut flora

Good and bad forms of bacteria proliferate in your gut. It’s important to

have more good than bad to maintain optimal health! Too little healthy flora

has been linked with chronic disease. Lacto-fermented or cultured foods

are essential since these foods are high in probiotics (the good stuff) along

with being enzyme- and mineral-rich. These foods help strengthen immu-

nity, improve digestive function, eliminate toxins and restore/maintain a

healthy inner digestive tract. Cultured foods help replenish the flora and

are especially important if you are taking or have ever taken antibiotics.

Be Healthy! Tip: Enhance gut flora with probiotic supplements or by eating

probiotic-rich foods like traditionally prepared sauerkraut, kefir.

One of my favorites is Amasai, which is grass-fed, organic, cul-

tured dairy. You can also enjoy drinking lacto-fermented bever-

ages such as kombucha.


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Top 5 Things to Stop Doing

Processed foods and canned foods

Healthy food does not come in a box, bag, can or

package. Processed foods (note that imitation

foods such as meat and dairy substitutes are

heavily processed) contain excessive amounts

of inflammatory-inducing ingredients like bad

fats, sugars, additives, preservatives, toxins,

chemicals and colorings. Processed foods are

also often high in refined carbohydrates, which

turn into sugar in the body and can increase in-



Healthy foods are found around the perimeter

of most grocery stores. Anything in the inte-

rior aisles needs to be carefully scrutinized for

ingredients. The fewer ingredients a food con-

tains, the better that food is for your health and

your waistline. If you cannot pronounce its in-

gredients, don’t buy that food!

Processed vegetable oils and hydrogen-ated oils

“Bad fats” are processed, refined fats. These in-

clude vegetable oils such as canola, corn, soy

and cottonseed. (Which are typically what’s in

oil labeled as simply “vegetable” oil.) These in-

dustrially refined oils are high in inflammatory

omega-6 fats, which often lead to inflammatory

conditions like arthritis, colitis, bursitis and any-

thing else that ends in –itis (which is Greek for




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Bad fats are also found in fried foods that are

cooked in these oils. Hydrogenated and partial-

ly hydrogenated oils are also heavily refined, so

you should avoid any food that lists hydrogen-

ated oils in the ingredient label. This includes

margarine! Hydrogenated oils are a source of

trans fats, which also create inflammation by

damaging the cells in our body. Bad fats are

found in many packaged foods, sauces, bottled

salad dressings and spreads.

Increasing your intake of “good fats” (i.e., unre-

fined and natural fats) and anti-inflammatory

omega-3 fats helps reduce inflammation. Good

fats such as coconut oil, butter, ghee and extra-

virgin olive oil contain fat-soluble vitamins, plus

these good fats assist with mineral absorption

and help us digest sugars slower, thus keeping

our blood sugar levels more stable. Good fats

give us energy and keep us full until our next

meal. Then we don’t reach for those carb-heavy

chips or cookies that make us prone to weight


White sugar and artifi-cial sweeteners (Nutra Sweet, Splenda, aspartame)

Sugar has many different names: white sugar,

brown sugar, dextrose, sucrose, high fructose

corn syrup, candy, etc. Even white flour, white

rice and white pasta turn into sugar quickly in

the body. Sodas, sports drinks and alcohol are

also very high in sugar.

What’s the problem with all this sugar? A steady

supply of sugar forces the pancreas to func-

tion in overdrive mode, causing it to release too

much insulin. An excessive release of insulin

leads to inflammatory issues and weight gan.


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Sugar puts our immune system on high alert

and suppresses the immune system, which

leads to a host of health issues. Sugar also de-

pletes our stores of valuable nutrients, particu-

larly B vitamins.

Artificial sweeteners are just as bad, albeit in

different ways. One of the biggest drawbacks

of artificial sweeteners is that they’re hundreds

of times sweeter than table sugar, which keeps

your taste buds wanting more and more sweet

stuff. It’s time to break the vicious circle! The

less sugar you eat, the less inflammation you

will experience and the stronger your immune

system will be when it comes to protecting

you from infectious and degenerative diseas-

es. Make your own sweet treats with natural

sweeteners like raw honey, grade B maple syr-

up or coconut palm sugar. And eat them along

with some healthy fats to keep your blood sug-

ar level stable!

Commercial meats and eggs

Meat and eggs from commercially raised ani-

mals are high in inflammatory omega-6 fats.

Most people already get more than enough

omega-6s in the diet! Too much omega-6s and

too few anti-inflammatory omega-3s has been

linked to a host of diseases, including brain dis-

orders, inflammatory conditions, cancers and

metabolic diseases like Type 2 diabetes and

obesity. Grass-fed beef and free-range eggs, on

the other hand, are full of healthy nutrients, in-

cluding the those health-boosting anti-inflam-

matory omega-3 fats. Pastured animal products

also offer conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which

has anti-cancer and anti-infective properties.


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Low-fat and non-fat foods

Assuming you are eating healthy fats, fat does

not make you fat. Here’s what does make you

fat: carbohydrates, sugars, processed foods and

heavily refined, heavily processed fats. Low-fat

and non-fat foods tend to be higher in sugar,

plus various chemicals and gums are typically

added to reduced-fat foods to make the food

taste good. Fat, after all, is what gives food fla-

vor. Fat also provides a luxurious silky mouth-

feel. When manufacturers take that away, they

replace it with artificial additives.

We’ve all heard that eating fat makes us fat.

There is no basis to that argument. Dietary

fat provides satiety so that we feel full and are

not hungry. Eliminating fat from the diet often

leaves a constant state of hunger … and that

constant, gnawing hunger often leads to bing-

ing on carbohydrates. That’s what can lead to

obesity. Low-fat diets are not just associated

with obesity, but also heart disease, fatigue,

mental and behavioral disorders, learning dis-

abilities, depression and even suicide. Don’t

feel guilty about eating good fat -- fat is a vital

and necessary ingredient in our diet. In fact,

we need fat to live! Fat is important for many

functions in the body, including helping us ab-

sorb minerals and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat

also plays a crucial role in hormone production,

maintaining healthy skin, optimizing brain func-

tion and promoting healthy organs and cells.

If all of that weren’t enough, fat is the major

source of energy for the body, too!


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Top 5 Things to Start Doing

Eat breakfast every day

When you start your day (and

your blood sugar) with a balanced breakfast,

you’ll have more energy and focus and you’ll

feel better throughout the day. Caffeine-laden

coffee with a carb-heavy bagel or muffin is not

a balanced breakfast. Nor is cereal, which is of-

ten 30% or 40% sugar by weight. In fact, most

typical American breakfast foods will not

support you and your energy needs – these

foods can actually make you feel tired and

drained before you even get to lunch.

And remember that processed car-

bohydrates quickly turn into sugar

in the body and can lead to weight

gain. A balance of fats, unrefined

carbs and protein makes a good break-

fast. Whole foods like free-range eggs,

smoothies made with coconut milk, or

Amasai, steel-cut oatmeal, plain whole-

milk yogurt, nuts, omelets or even soups

or leftovers all make a good healthy start

to your day!

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables

Every day we need the vitamins, minerals, phy-

tonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes and more

that are found in fruits and veggies. Antioxi-

dants in particular help slow aging and fight

cancer. Fresh and organic seasonal produce is

the best kind of produce. And don’t forget that

it’s important to eat a rainbow of colors – that

way, you’ll get a good variety. Be sure to enjoy

some dark green leafy vegetables every day!


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Drink more water

Water is essential to life. Our bodies are mostly

water! Drinking water is essential if you want to

feel your best. If you don’t drink enough wa-

ter, you’ll experience routine fatigue, dry skin,

headaches and constipation. Plus, water helps

flush the body of toxins … and excess toxins

can lead to weight gain, fatigue and inflamma-

tion. You want to drink half your body weight in

ounces per day of water, preferably water that’s

free of chlorine, flouride, heavy metals, VOCs,

pollutants, etc. Installing a water filter in your

home is a healthy investment!

DO!Exercise and breathe

Movement and exercise are

cornerstones of optimal health. Exercising is a

great way to improve the tone of your digestive

system as well as stimulate drainage and waste

release out of the lymphatic system. Exercising

also increases those “feel-good” hormones

and can help us have more energy

and inspiration to prepare and enjoy

healthier meals. Types of exercise that

focus on breathing -- such as yoga --

have been shown to help with digestion

as well as boost the immune system. Our

bodies use oxygen to create energy,

so plenty of oxygen is essential for

optimum health. Even something

as simple as a short 15-20 minute

walk each day can put you on the

path to better health.


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Reduce stress and get good sleep

Stress and lack of good sleep has been shown

to affect our mental, emotional and physical

well-being. Being stressed and/or tired can

hinder our digestive processes and increase in-

flammation in the body. Not to worry -- medita-

tion and other relaxation methods are effective

calming techniques, and relaxing before eating

can aid in digestion. Getting healthy isn’t just

about what you eat, it’s also about when and

how you eat!

People who eat under stress are more likely to

not pay attention to what they are eating. That

means they’ll choose less-healthy options and

be more likely to overeat. Yes, we all experi-

ence stress in our fast-paced world, but it’s cru-

cial to manage stress and engage in relaxing


Sleep is the body’s opportunity to rest, restore

and repair. Keeping regular sleep schedules is

essential for being able to fall asleep and stay

asleep more easily. Getting enough sleep and

reducing stress in your life can have a positive

impact on both your weight and health goals.


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Strategies for EATING OUT

The benefits of enjoying a meal with friends

and family in a relaxing restaurant atmos-

phere are many … as long as you make

healthy choices when ordering as well as

figuring out where to go. Choosing an ac-

tual restaurant rather than a fast-food joint

gives you a lot more healthy options. Check

around in your local area for restaurants

that make their food from scratch!

When you’re at a restaurant, make healthier choices:    

● Pass on the bread basket – instead, order a fresh salad when you first sit down.

● Bring your own sea salt for seasoning.

● Bring your own stevia to sweeten your beverages.

● Ask for extra vegetables instead of potatoes or pasta.

● Ask for grilled foods instead of fried.

● Pass on fried and breaded dishes.

● Ask for brown or wild rice instead of white rice.

● Ask for all sauces and dressings on the side.

● Use vinegar, olive oil and lemon juice as salad dressing instead of heavy dressings.

● Ask for nuts on your salad instead of croutons.

● Get sandwiches made with Romaine lettuce instead of a bun.

● Pass on most desserts (although fruit topped with cream is a nice option).

● Skip buffets and all-you-can-eat specials (for obvious reasons!).



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I hear these questions a lot: “What supplements do you recommend?” and “What should I take

for this condition?” When it comes to supplements, my philosophy is to use them as their name

implies: as a “supplement” to good food, not a replacement for it. The key to optimal health is to

have a healthy daily diet. That means you should get the nutrients you need to feel good through

eating good food.

As Hippocrates said:

“Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be your food.”

In this time-honored spirit, instead of suggesting supplements like vitamin C or Omega-3s, I’ll sug-

gest focusing on the top superfoods I emphasize whenever I am guiding clients toward using food

as medicine and reducing problematic symptoms through natural methods. It’s simple: if you

want to be healthy, you need to change your diet.

Drugs and medication are not the answer to your health problems , plus they can have unwanted

side effects. Most of the time, using drugs to reduce symptoms will never get to the root cause of

medical issues or help restore optimal health. BUT real, whole foods can have powerful effects on

your health! When your body has the proper vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs, then

your own healing response will help you overcome your current condition. And even better, what

helps alleviate one condition usually also helps alleviate other conditions.

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The body has the potential to fully repair itself, when given the right nutrients.

These C-Superfoods are essential if you want to achieve optimal health….and reduce your waist,






Celtic Sea salt


Cider Vineger






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Coconut oil is a healthy fat—even mainstream health

sources are becoming more aware that coconut oil is

an important part of a healthy diet. In the kitchen,

coconut oil is great for cooking and baking, and from a

health perspective, coconut oil boosts thyroid function

and supports hormonal health and a healthy weight.

Coconut oil is also noted for its lauric acid content

and its immune-enhancing properties. What’s so spe-

cial about lauric acid? Various scientific studies have

shown that lauric acid contains anti-bacterial and

anti-viral properties. A form of lauric acid is found in

human milk—it helps protect infants from becoming

infected by viruses and bacteria.

Coconut oil is different than most fats in that it is

made up of mostly medium-chain fatty acids (MC-

FAs). MCFAs are stable, which is to say they’re not

prone to oxidation. That means coconut oil is a great

oil to cook with because it can withstand heat. (It also

does not require refrigeration.) MCFAs are digested

and utilized differently than other fats in the body:

they are used immediately as an energy source and

are great for weight loss.

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Chia seeds are amazingly nutrient-dense—along with

being one of the best plant sources of protein and the

anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats, chia seeds are a

good source of calcium, manganese and phosphorus.

Chia seeds help boost energy, aid digestion and sta-

bilize blood sugar. The seeds were once used by Az-

tec warriors as a “running food” to give them energy;

many athletes still use them today to provide better

endurance. Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants

that help protect the body from damage caused by

free radicals, aging and cancer. Chia seeds are eas-

ily digestible—they don’t need to be ground up—and

since they’re mild in flavor, they can be added to pret-

ty much anything. I often toss them into smoothies,

sprinkle them over my oatmeal or stir them into yo-

gurt. Thanks to the combination of protein, fiber and

the gelling action chia seeds have when mixed with

liquid, they help you stay full longer and experience

fewer cravings.



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The ratio of minerals that exists in the ocean is the ratio

that the body needs. That means that salt brands such

as Celtic Sea Salt® are a reliable source for some of the

minerals and trace elements necessary for good health.

Many people believe salt is harmful to consume, how-

ever, the truth is that we need salt to live! Salt has been

vilified by the media and many physicians for caus-

ing hypertension and other chronic health disorders.

However, according to Dr. Brownstein, author of Salt

Your Way to Health, “those criticizing salt have no

knowledge of the difference between unrefined and re-

fined salt. It is important to include healthy unrefined

salt in your diet and to avoid refined table salt.” One

of my favorite unrefined sea salts is Celtic Sea Salt®,

which has over 80 minerals.

CelticSea salt


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While there are many foods that aid digestion, one

thing you can do right away to boost your daily di-

gestion is add a splash of apple cider vinegar to your

meals or beverages. Make sure to buy raw apple cider

vinegar—you’ll see sediment gathered on the bottom

of the bottle. That’s actually the vinegar “mother” or

the fermentation by-products. The mother means

you’ve found the right vinegar! Simply stir ½ tea-

spoon to 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into ½ cup

of warm water and drink 1-3 times per day. This will

aid your digestion as well as help with many other ail-

ments such as candida. Apple cider vinegar has been

(justifiably!) long touted as a health tonic that boosts

many conditions: achieving weight loss, mitigating

colds/flu symptoms, aiding digestion, helping immune

function and alleviating skin conditions.



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According to Hippocrates , all diseases begin in the

gut. That means that if you want to have a well-

functioning gut—which is in turn responsible for good

health—you need to have a well-functioning immune

system. A key way to support gut health is to consume

probiotics. These helpful living cultures are found

abundantly in fermented foods, also known as “cul-

tured” foods. Fermented foods are created through fer-

mentation techniques called lactic acid fermentation

methods. These traditional methods create enhanced

micronutrients and beneficial bacteria. Examples of

cultured foods are items like yogurt, cultured butter

and sauerkraut; fermented beverages include kombu-

cha and kefir.

Cultured sauerkraut has up to 20 times more vitamin

C than raw cabbage, plus the nutrients contained in

sauerkraut are more bioavailable (i.e., our bodies can

more readily access those nutrients). Another benefit

of cultured foods is that they are high in antioxidants

and may play a role in mitigating the risk of certain

cancers as well as reducing overall inflammation in

the body. One of my favorite cultured foods is called

Amasai from Beyond Organic. This cultured dairy

drink contains over 30 strains of probiotic cultures as

opposed to the seven to ten cultures commonly found

in kefir and the one or two found in yogurt.



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It probably won’t be a surprise to hear that chicken

broth is an amazing and nourishing staple. As many

grandmothers have said, “Chicken soup can cure a

cold!” Yes, it can, although it’s crucial to use home-

made chicken broth. That’s the kind cooked with the

bones and chicken feet. That way, you’ll benefit from a

literal soup of minerals as well as therapeutic gelatin.

Gelatin alleviates inflammation and heals the gut lin-

ing. To get more gelatin in your broth, though, you

need to add those chicken feet! You can order chicken

feet online at US Wellness Meats, or find a farmer

near you who offers chicken feet at www.localharvest.

org. Chicken broth made with bones is also high in

easily absorbable calcium as well as magnesium, phos-

phorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. Broth can

be used in soups or for cooking rice or simmering veg-

etables. Sprinkle in a little Celtic Sea Salt, and broth

is a great drink with meals! Broth helps pull digestive

juices to the gut, thereby facilitating digestion. May-

be it’s no coincidence that so many diners across the

world begin their meals with a bowl of soup or broth!



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#1 Onions This amazing culinary staple is helpful for many conditions. It helps

reduce inflammation and fight infections, plus the protective com-

pounds in onions protect nerves as well as the cardiovascular

system. Onions also enhance immune function, fight the growth

of many types of tumors and promote healthy hormone func-

tions (just to name a few of their many benefits). What are these

health-promoting compounds called? Onions are particularly high in

phytochemicals called flavonoids—in fact, onions are the richest dietary

source of a particular flavonoid called quercitin. This potent antioxidant found on and near the

skin of onions has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-viral properties and is one of

the main reasons onions are so healing for the body.

#2 GarlicGarlic is often included in dishes to provide a big boost of flavor, but

it’s also famous for its many therapeutic benefits—for thousands

of years, garlic has been used for treatment and prevention of

disease. Hippocrates promoted the use of garlic to treat respira-

tory problems, parasites, poor digestion and fatigue. Garlic has

high levels of allicin, a sulfur compound that helps detoxify the

body. (Allicin is responsible for the pungent flavor of garlic.) Garlic

contains many bioactive, immune-stimulating compounds, but it’s prob-

ably best known for its antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties that help us fight off viruses,

bacteria, fungi and parasites. Garlic also promotes good digestion, cardiovascular health, good

respiratory functions and healthy skin.

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#3 Raw HoneyKnown as nature’s sweetener, raw honey also has amazing healing

properties that were known even in ancient times. Raw honey is

chock-full of nutrients: amidst the sweetness, you’ll find B1, B2,

B3, B5, B6, C, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, so-

dium chlorine, sulphur and phosphate. Just remember, though,

that beneficial honey is minimally processed. That means the

honey has not been filtered, strained or heated above 115 degrees

Fahrenheit. That way, the honey retains its beneficial enzymes, nutrients

and antioxidants. The anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal nature of raw honey has led to it

having been historically used both internally and externally for a variety of concerns. It’s a sta-

ple in many folk medicine recipes, and raw honey has been proven to be beneficial for dressing

wounds because it prevents infection and promotes healing.

Please note: Infants under the age of one should not be fed raw honey because of the risk of botulism.

#4 Tumeric This bright orange spice has an active ingredient known as curcumin.

Along with being beneficial for our health, curcumin is what gives

turmeric its signature color. Turmeric also contains minerals like

calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc and magne-

sium. It’s widely grown throughout India and is a staple in Indian,

Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian cooking. These cultures also

recognize turmeric’s anti-inflammatory, infection-fighting, cancer-

fighting properties. Many people use it to help relieve joint inflamma-

tion, swelling and arthritic stiffness. And the best part? Turmeric is an inexpensive and delicious


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#5 Milk ThistleThis plant—which is commonly found in the U.S.—has red and pur-

ple flowers and brown-spotted fruit. The flavonoid silymarin is

thought to be a primary active ingredient in milk thistle. The thistle

is often used holistically as a tonic to improve the liver’s function

by boosting the regeneration of liver tissue. The liver is our main

detoxification organ, and if it’s overstressed (from pollution, toxins,

chemicals, poor diet, medications, etc.), the liver may become unable

to to repair itself. If that happens, our health deteriorates and/or disease will

develop. Milk thistle has been shown to be an effective guard against early liver damage because it

preserves liver function and protects the liver against the formation of cirrhosis. Milk thistle is also

used to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, to ease the discomfort of cancer patients un-

dergoing chemotherapy, to speed recovery from hepatitis and to heal damage from alcohol abuse.

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This guide was meant to be used as a starting point on your journey that you can use as a refer-

ence to keep you on track with your health. Do not get overwhelmed - you do not have to make

all of these changes overnight. Simply, choose a section or step and focus on that until you feel

comfortable to move on to the next step. Here is a quick summary of some of the top tips so you

can refer back as needed for reminders!

Don’t forget to follow the Top 5 healthy digestion tips because you are not just what you eat, but

also what you digest and absorb!

1. Chew thoroughly and eat slowly and peacefully

2. Eat until you are three-quarters full

3. Keep blood sugar stable by not skipping meals

4. Include enzymes in your diet

5. Maintain healthy gut flora

Top 5 Things to Stop Doing

1. AVOID - Processed foods and canned foods

2. AVOID – Processed vegetable oils and hydro-

genated oils

3. AVOID – White sugar and artificial sweeteners

(NutraSweet, Splenda, aspartame)

4. AVOID – Commercial meats and eggs

5. AVOID – Low-fat and non-fat foods

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Top 5 Things to Start Doing

1. DO – Eat breakfast every day

2. DO – Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables

3. DO – Drink more water

4. DO – Exercise and breathe

5. DO – Reduce stress and get good sleep

Top 5 Farm-acy Foods

1. Onions

2. Garlic

3. Raw Honey

4. Tumeric

5. Milk Thistle

The 6 C-Superfoods

1. Coconut oil

2. Chia seeds

3. Celitc Sea salt

4. Cider Vineger

5. Cultured foods

6. Chicken Broth

The key to being healthier and reducing your symptoms (and your waistline) is you and your

choices! For more support, products, e-books, my health blog as well as my other health and well-

ness resources and books please visit me online at Also, please join in

the conversation on Facebook at

Be well!


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I suffered from a rash on both hands for nine months. Every doctor I visited for

help, just diagnosed me with eczema and prescribed a steriod-cream. How-

ever, I desired more answers and a natural cure. While searching for help,

Sheryl suggested a change in my diet and food choices. Along with creating a

temporary new diet plan, she suggested specific supplements that would aid

by body in its healing process. After a short three months on Sheryl’s plan, the

eczema cleared up completely! I can not thank her enough for her help!

— Laura S.

Sheryl has been invaluable in guiding me to relief and recovery from IBS flare

ups and reducing inflammation in my digestive system. Sheryl has helped by

identifying exact foods to eat and not to eat for me, creating personal and spe-

cific daily diet guidelines, providing recipes that are actually delicious and fit

my specific restrictions, and identifying resources/websites with foods, prod-

ucts and information to meet my individual needs. Sheryl continues to be a

seasoned source to solve my nutritional challenges. She is a go-to resource

to troubleshoot and resolve dietary challenges to insure that you stay on a

healthy track.

— Cindy K.

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I am so thankful to Sheryl and her non-invasive approach to a healthy way of

life. I have more energy than I have in years and am now able to keep up with

my kids hectic schedules. I would recommend Sheryl and her program highly

to anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life.

— Karen G.

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N O T E T O R E A D E R :

The information presented in this book is based strictly on opinions of the author and was written for

informational and educational purposes only. No guarantees or promises are being made regarding

the results of any health, nutritional or dietary information being presented. It is not intended to be

used as medical advice or to diagnose or treat any disease or ailment. Contact your doctor or health

care provider prior to altering or making any changes in your diet or lifestyle.

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Any copying, duplication, emailing or other method of sharing this e-book requires

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Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved.

Sheryl Shenefelt, CN