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Accordionza jQuery PluginCreated: May 2010By: Geert De Deckere ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check out the most up-to-date installation instructions and documentation at the following address: INSTALLATION STEP 1 Load the script ============For starters, you need to include all the required javascript files in the of your HTML document.Note that in the snippet above, I am loading a Google hosted jQuery copy. You can host it yourself too. Also, I am loading the jQuery Easing Plugin for additional easing effects. This file is optional. Finally, I load the Accordionza Plugin. Remember to change the src path to match the location of the file on your server.============ INSTALLATION STEP 2 Create your accordion ============The Accordionza Plugin is very flexible. As you can see from the demos, it allows you to design your accordion the way you want. Doing so, obviously requires some HTML and CSS skills; however, the three demos are fully included and ready to easily be copied and pasted.The HTML for each demo accordion can be found here: * The HTML for #accordion1 * The HTML for #accordion2 * The HTML for #accordion3The base of each accordion is a simple HTML list (), with each list item () being a slide. From there on you are free to design the accordion however you want. Just keep in mind some predefined CSS classes exist for certain parts of the slides. Via the options you can rename every class if you need to.The CSS for each demo accordion can be found here: * The CSS for #accordion1 * The CSS for #accordion2 * The CSS for #accordion3If you are using different accordions on the same page, you may want to combine the CSS into a single file. In any case, be sure to link to your stylesheet in the of your HTML document.============ INSTALLATION STEP 3 Showtime! ============The JavaScript for each demo accordion can be found here: * The JavaScript for #accordion1 * The JavaScript for #accordion2 * The JavaScript for #accordion3Finally, all that is left to do, is to connect your accordion with the Accordionza Plugin. Append the following piece of javascript to the of your HTML file. Alternatively, you could move it to an external file.$(document).ready(function() { $('#your-accordion-id').accordionza({ // Define any options here autoPlay: true, slideDelay: 4000 // ... });});Feel free to look at the source of the online demo for a complete and live example: fun!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for purchasing Accordionza!