
Read at Home

Each Peach Pear Plum,

I spy Tom Thumb.

Tom Thumb in the cupboard, I spy Mother Hubbard.

Mother Hubbard down the cellar, I spy Cinderella.

Cinderella on the stairs, I spy the Three Bears.

Three Bears out hunting, I spy Baby Bunting.

Baby Bunting fast asleep, I spy Bo-Peep.

Bo-Peep up the hill, I spy Jack and Jill.

Jack and Jill in the ditch, I spy the Wicked Witch.

Wicked Witch over the wood, I spy Robin Hood.

Robin Hood in his den, I spy the Bears again.

Three Bears still hunting, they spy Baby Bunting.

Baby Bunting safe and dry, I spy Plum Pie.

Plum Pie in the sun, I spy………………


Activities to do at home:

Water play with Jack and Jill

• Fill a bowl up with warm water

• Get some different sized plastic jugs, bottles and cups

• Use the jugs to pour the water into the cups and bottles.

• Encourage the use of lots of language; full, empty, pour, splash, overflowing, which one

holds the least or most?

Links to the EYFS:

Mathematical Development – Shape, Space and Measure – Enjoys filling and emptying containers and orders two

items by capacity.

Make a wand, like the Wicked Witches

• Hunt in the garden, for a stick and some leaves, if you want to make a nature wand.

• Using the template, cut two star shapes out of paper.

• Decorate them and then let them dry.

• Glue or tape the two star shapes back to back with the stick in between.

• Develop your imagination, by making up lots of spells.

Links to the EYFS:

Expressive Arts and Design – Being Imaginative – Beginning to pretend in make-believe by


Physical Development – Moving and Handling – May be beginning to show preference for

dominant hand and uses one handed tools and equipment with

increasing control.



Target practice with Robin Hood

• Hang a hula hoop from a tree branch or find a large empty box or bucket.

• You will need some small balls or beanbags for throwing.

• Start the activity by standing close to the target to make it more achievable.

• Then to make it more challenging, move further back each time.

• You could also put a target on the ground and see if you can land on the target.

Links to the EYFS:

Physical Development – Moving and Handling – Shows increasing control over an object when throwing it.

Counting activities with the Three Bears

• Use pasta tubes on string or spaghetti, to count, like an abacus.

• Make number cards from 1 to 10 and then count the corresponding objects to the card.

• Sing number rhymes; 5 little ducks, 5 little men or 5 cheeky monkeys.

• Write numbers on Lego bricks and stack them together in sequence.

• Write numbers 1 to 5 on paper plates. Count out the correct number of objects to the

right plate.

Links to the EYFS:

Mathematical Development – Numbers – Recites some number names in sequence, recognises numerals 1 to 5 and

counts objects to 10.

Expressive Art and Design – Media and Materials – Joins in singing favourite songs.

Being kind to others with Bo-Peep

• Draw or paint a picture for a friend or relative.

• Make a bird feeder: You will need an empty yogurt pot, string, lard, bird seed, nuts and

chunks of apple. Carefully melt the lard and pour over the nuts and seed mixture, give it

a stir. Place the string upright in the yogurt pot and press the mixture around it. Put in

the fridge to set. Carefully ease out of the pot and hang from a tree branch.

• Decorate a pebble and write a kind message on it, when you are out walking, leave it

somewhere for someone else to find.

• Help someone to do a job; help make dinner, sweep the garden path, help

wash the car, pair up the socks or fold the washing.

Links to the EYFS

Understanding the world – The World – Shows care and concern for living things in the environment.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Shows an awareness of others’ feelings.

Make Apple Pie for Everyone Kids will love to help make and eat this comforting, classic fruity pudding with homemade shortcrust pastry


225g Plain Flour 140g Butter or Margarine

3 Large Cooking Apples 2 Tbsp Honey

Pinch of Cinnamon and Mixed Spice 1 Beaten Egg


1. Heat oven to 200C/Gas mark 6. To make the pastry, sift the flour into a large mixing bowl and add the butter/marg. Using your

fingers, mix together until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

2. Add about 3 Tbsp cold water – 1 tbsp at a time – to bind the mixture into a ball. Then wrap it I cling film and leave in the fridge

to chill while you prepare the apples or for at least 30 mins.

3. Peel and core the apples, then cut into even-sized chunks so they all cook at the same time. Put the apples into a pie dish, drizzle

over the honey and add the cinnamon, mixed spice and about 2 tbsp of water.

4. Roll out the pastry on a floured work surface until it is large enough to cover the pie dish. Carefully lift the pastry, draped over

the rolling pin and lay it over the top of the apple mixture. Carefully trim off the excess pastry and press the pastry edges onto

the dish to create a seal.

5. Make a small cut in the pastry so that the air can escape during cooking and brush the pastry with the beaten egg to glaze.

6. Bake the pie in the oven for 20-30 mins until the pastry is golden and the apple filling is bubbling and hot. Allow to cool slightly

before serving.
