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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 93, pp. 11848-11852, October 1996Medical Sciences

Reactive oxygen species are downstream mediatorsofp53-dependent apoptosis

(adenovirus/antioxidants/atherosclerosis/restenosis/smooth muscle cell)

THOMAS M. JOHNSON*, Zu-Xi Yut, VICTOR J. FERRANSt, ROBERT A. LOWENSTEIN*, AND TOREN FINKEL*t*Cardiology Branch and tPathology Section, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892

Communicated by Bruce N. Ames, University of California, Berkeley, CA, July 26, 1996 (received for review April 4, 1996)

ABSTRACT Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have beenimplicated as potential modulators of apoptosis. Conversely,experiments under hypoxic conditions have suggested thatapoptosis could occur in the absence of ROS. We sought todetermine whether a central modulator of apoptosis, p53,regulates the levels of intracellular ROS and whether a rise inROS levels is required for the induction of p53-dependentapoptosis. We transiently overexpressed wild-type p53, usingadenoviral gene transfer, and identified cell types that weresensitive or resistant to p53-mediated apoptosis. Cells sensi-tive to p53-mediated apoptosis produced ROS concomitantlywith p53 overexpression, whereas cells resistant to p53 failedto produce ROS. In sensitive cells, both ROS production andapoptosis were inhibited by antioxidant treatment. Theseresults suggest that p53 acts to regulate the intracellular redoxstate and induces apoptosis by a pathway that is dependent onROS production.

Deficiency of p53-mediated apoptosis is thought to play animportant role in the transformed phenotype (1, 2). In additionto its role in neoplastic cells, apoptosis may also regulateproliferative disorders in normal cells. The role of apoptosis inthe proliferative vascular disorders of restenosis and athero-sclerosis is an area of increased interest. The smooth musclecell (SMC) accumulation characteristic of these vascular dis-eases is thought to be the result of the net balance ofproliferation and apoptosis (for review, see 3-5). Consistentwith such a mechanism, significant levels of SMC apoptosishave been documented in both animal and human atheroscle-rotic and restenotic lesions (6-8). In addition, a recent studylinking human cytomegalovirus infection and restenosis sug-gested that inhibition of p53 by viral proteins might blockapoptosis in arterial SMC and thereby increase SMC accumu-lation and restenosis (9). Therefore, it has been postulated thatderegulation of p53-mediated apoptosis in SMC may contrib-ute to vascular diseases (3-5), suggesting that an understandingof the mechanism of apoptosis in SMC could lead to thedevelopment of new therapeutic approaches.The downstream mediators of p53-dependent apoptosis are

poorly characterized, but some evidence suggests a role forreactive oxygen species (ROS) (10, 11). Bcl-2, which blocksp53-mediated apoptosis, was initially thought to function as anintracellular antioxidant enzyme (12), but recently that hy-pothesis has been challenged (13, 14). To begin to resolve therole of ROS in different apoptotic pathways, we examinedapoptosis mediated solely by p53. We used a recombinantadenoviral construct containing the human p53 cDNA underthe control of the cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter(Adp53) (15, 16). This construct was employed to determinewhether increased levels of p53 induces apoptosis in normalhuman (HSMC) or rat (RSMC) vascular SMC and, if so,

whether ROS constitute a critical component of the down-stream signaling pathway.

MATERIALS AND METHODSAdenoviral Infections and Detection of Protein Expression.

Primary HSMC were obtained from Clonetics (San Diego).Primary RSMC were isolated from thoracic aorta as described(17). The adenovirus Adp53 contains the p53 human cDNAinserted into an Ad5 vector that is El deleted (15). Twodifferent control adenoviruses were used; d1312 is an Ad5vector that is El deleted, and Ad3gal is an Ad5 vector that isEl deleted and contains the Escherichia coli LacZ gene underthe control of the cytomegalovirus promoter. Both viruseshave been previously described (18, 19) and had indistinguish-able effects on cells. Adenoviral stocks were prepared andtitered on 293 cells (19). For immunoblotting, 30 ,ug of proteinlysates was loaded in each lane, and filters were probed withantibodies to p21 (C-19; Santa Cruz Biotechnologies), p53(clone DO-1; Santa Cruz Biotechnologies), and a-tubulin(clone DMlA; Oncogene Science). Antibody binding wasvisualized by enhanced chemiluminescence (Tropix, Bedford,MA).Assays for Cell Death. Growth curves were obtained from

cells trypsinized the day after infection and subsequentlyplated onto 24-well plates. Initial plating density was varied(HSMC, 8000 cells per well; RSMC, 1000 cells per well) toallow for the faster growth and higher confluent density ofRSMC. On the indicated day, cells were trypsinized andcounted. For DNA ladder analysis, 10 ,ug of genomic DNA wasseparated by electrophoresis through a 2% agarose gel con-taining ethidium bromide at 1 mg/ml. The terminal de-oxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated UTP end labeling(TUNEL) assay was performed on HSMC using an ApopTagkit (Oncor) according to the manufacturer's recommenda-tions.

Detection ofROS. Cells were-rinsed once and then incubatedfor 5 min with 3 ml of Hank's buffered saline containing 5mg/ml 2'-7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA; Molec-ular Probes). ROS-induced fluorescence of intracellular DCFwas visualized with a Leica Laser (Heidelberg) confocalscanning microscope. Fluorescence was measured on an arbi-trary gray scale from 0-256 units as described (20). Levels ofDCF fluorescence represent the mean ± SD of approximately60 cells from two duplicate plates and assessed from sixseparate fields.

Abbreviations: ROS, reactive oxygen species; SMC, smooth musclecell(s); HSMC, human SMC; RSMC, rat SMC; TUNEL, terminaldeoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated UTP end labeling; DCF-DA,2'-7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate; PDTC, pyrrolidine dithiocarba-mate; NAC, N-acetyl-L-cysteine; pfu, plaque-forming units.ITo whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Cardiology Branch,National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and BloodInstitute 10/7B15, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892. e-mail:[email protected].


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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 11849

Antioxidant Treatments. HSMC were pretreated with theindicated doses of antioxidants for 4 days and replenishedevery 24 h. On day 5, to determine the extent of antioxidanttreatment on cell growth, cells subjected to each treatmentwere counted. The values obtained were used to infect treatedand untreated cells with identical viral doses of 200 plaque-forming units (pfu) per cell of either Adp53 or d1312. ROSlevels and protein expression were determined 24 h afterinfection. Three to four days after infection, cells were scoredfor survival by the method of trypan blue exclusion, and datawere expressed as a ratio of remaining viable Adp53 cells tod1312 infected cells. As previously shown, pyrrolidine dithio-carbamate (PDTC) (Sigma) treatment slowed the growth ofSMC (21). Therefore, control cells receiving no PDTC wereplated at a lower density on day 1 to achieve a density on dayS similar to that of PDTC-treated cells (approximately 50,000cells per well). Treatment with N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC;United States Biochemical) and human erythrocyte catalase(Calbiochem) had minimal effects on cell growth; higher dosesshowed an approximately 10% reduction in cell number after5 days of treatment.

RESULTSDifferential Sensitivity ofHSMC and RSMC to p53-Induced

Cell Death. Infection of both HSMC and RSMC with Adp53resulted in increased levels of p53 expression, as demonstratedby immunoblotting (Fig. la). To test for function of human p53in both species, we performed immunoblotting for p21/waf-1/cip-1 following Adp53 infection, as p21 has been shown tobe transcriptionally up-regulated by p53 (22). Increased levelsof human p53 resulted in increased endogenous p21, demon-strating that p53 produced by the Adp53 vector was transcrip-tionally active in SMC from both species (Fig. la). Despitesimilar levels of p53 and similar increases in p21, there was astriking difference in the biological effect of Adp53 infectionin the two cell types. The viability ofHSMC markedly declined,with a 95% decrease in cell number at 8 days after infection(Fig. lb). This suggested that p53 may induce apoptosis innormal HSMC. RSMC, however, were resistant to p53 over-expression, showing a slight inhibition of growth comparedwith that of control infected cells (Fig. lc).

Induction of Apoptosis in Normal Cells by p53 Overexpres-sion. To establish that Adp53 induced apoptosis in HSMC andthat RSMC were resistant, we assayed for DNA ladder for-mation. DNA from Adp53-infected HSMC showed the ap-proximately 200-bp multimers generated by the endonucleo-lytic digestion that occurs in apoptotic cells (Fig. 2a). Ladderformation was not evident in HSMC infected with a controladenovirus or in RSMC infected with Adp53.To further confirm the ability of Adp53 to induce apoptosis

in HSMC, cells were infected for 2 days with Adp53 or acontrol virus and stained by the TUNEL assay for DNAfragmentation. Positive, pyknotic nuclei were evident in theAdp53-infected cells, whereas no staining was detected in cellsinfected with control virus (Fig. 2 b and c). Additionally, cellswere infected with varying amounts of pfu of virus per cell toestablish whether p53 expression induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. There was a clear increase in the percent-age ofTUNEL-positive cells after infection with increasing pfuof Adp53 (Fig. 2d). We also demonstrated an increase inTUNEL-positive cells with increased time after infection (Fig.2d).These results demonstrated that p53 overexpressed in non-

transformed HSMC and RSMC was transcriptionally activeand that such overexpression in HSMC, but not RSMC, causedapoptosis. Therefore, these results provided us with a model tostudy the mechanism of p53-mediated apoptosis.

Generation of ROS During p53-Mediated Apoptosis. Therehas been increasing evidence that ROS act as second messen-


hours:p53 -

p21 -

cT -b 350 11

cnO 30

+ a 25m 200

u) 20-E O:* = 15


HSMC0 12 2448

RSMC0 12 24 48





0 2 4 6 8

days post-infectionc





150U)*0 120Cen 900* 60







0 2 4 6 8

days post-infection

FIG. 1. Differential sensitivity of HSMC and RSMC to p53-induced cell death. (a) Immunoblot for levels of p53, p2l, anda-tubulin (aT) (to confirm equal protein loading) in HSMC andRSMC infected with 200 pfu per cell of adenovirus expressing humanp53 (AdpS3) for the indicated timepoints (0-48 h). (b) Growth curveof HSMC infected with Adp53 (-) or a control virus d1312 (0) at 200pfu per cell. Values are mean ± SD from triplicate cultures. (c) Growthcurve of RSMC infected with Adp53 (-) or a control virus d1312 (0).Values are mean ± SD from triplicate cultures.

gers to mediate apoptosis and proliferation in response to avariety of stimuli (20, 23). Therefore, we tested whetherp53-mediated apoptosis was associated with generation ofROS using the fluorophore DCF-DA. DCF-DA diffuses intocells, where it is deacetylated to DCF, which fluoresces uponreaction with a variety of ROS (24). HSMC and RSMC wereinfected with Adp53 or a control virus 24 h before theDCF-DA assay. Adp53-infected HSMC showed strong DCFfluorescence (Fig. 3A). Conversely, the p53-resistant RSMCshowed no DCF fluorescence, indicating a lack of productionof ROS (Fig. 3C). No DCF fluorescence was exhibited byeither cell type when infected with the control virus (Fig. 3 Band D).A time course was performed to assess the correlation

between ROS production and p53 expression. In AdpS3-infected HSMC, DCF fluorescence was evident at 4 h andincreased through 12 and 24 h after infection (Fig. 4b). This

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_1 +

_ _.1

(Fig. 4c). Immunoblot for p21 levels confirmed the incremen-tal increases in p53 transcriptional activity achieved by increas-ing viral pfu per cell (Fig. 4c Inset).

Inhibition ofp53-Mediated Apoptosis by Antioxidant Treat-ment. To determine whether p53-induced ROS were requiredfor apoptosis, HSMC infected with Adp53 were treated withtwo chemically distinct antioxidant compounds, PDTC andNAC (25). In addition, cells were also treated with the enzymecatalase, which rapidly degrades hydrogen peroxide to waterand molecular oxygen, and has been shown to be actively takenup by vascular SMC (20). Each of the three antioxidanttreatments resulted in increased survival of Adp53-infectedHSMC in a concentration-dependent manner (Fig. 5a). PDTCexhibited the most potent effect with near complete inhibitionof p53-mediated apoptosis at 200 tM (Fig. 5a). The inhibitionof apoptosis by three chemically distinct antioxidants indicatedthat ROS, produced concomitantly with rising levels of p53,were required for the induction of apoptosis.

Because of the potent anti-apoptotic effect in Adp53-infected HSMC, we further investigated the effects of PDTCin this system. In parallel with the effect on cell survival, PDTCtreatment resulted in decreased DCF fluorescence in Adp53-infected cells, indicating a reduction in ROS production in thepresence of PDTC (Fig. Sb). A similar decrease in DCFfluorescence was obtained with NAC and catalase (data notshown). Antioxidant treatment had no effect on expression ofp53 (Fig. Sb Inset), or on up-regulation of p21 (data not

*- - shown).

DISCUSSIONAlthough a number of studies have shown that ROS arerequired for apoptosis (1-3), others have shown that apoptosiscould still be induced under hypoxic conditions, in which ROSgeneration is inhibited (4, 5). Whether apoptosis induced ineach of these latter studies was p53-dependent was not deter-mined. In this investigation, we determined whether overex-

50 100 200 S0 100 200

3d post-infection 6d post-infection

FIG. 2. Apoptosis in normal HSMC overexpressing p53. (a)Ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel containing genomic DNAisolated from HSMC and RSMC infected 3 days before harvest withAdp53 (+) or control virus (-) at 200 pfu per cell and demonstratinginternucleosomal DNA fragments produced in HSMC infected withAdp53. (b and c) TUNEL assay of HSMC 2 days after infection with200 pfu per cell of either a control virus d1312 (b) or Adp53 (c). (d)Quantitation of TUNEL assay performed on HSMC infected withAdp53 (solid bar) or a control virus Adf3gal (open bar) at indicated pfuper cell. Each bar represents the percentage of adherent TUNEL-positive cells (mean ± SD) counted (n = 100) in three randomhigh-power fields.

increase paralleled the increase in p53 protein levels, asdemonstrated by immunoblotting (Fig. 4a). No DCF fluores-cence was observed either inHSMC infected with control virusor in RSMC infected with Adp53 (Fig. 4 a and b). To confirmthat ROS production correlated with p53 levels, we measuredROS production in response to differing steady-state levels ofp53. Levels of ROS, as measured by intensity of DCF fluo-rescence, paralleled the incremental increases in p53 levelsobtained after infection with 0, 10, and 200 pfu of virus per cell

FIG. 3. Differential production of ROS in HSMC and RSMC inresponse to overexpression of p53. Cells were assayed for ROSproduction using the ROS-sensitive fluorophore DCF-DA. Assayswere performed 24 h after infection with 200 pfu per cell of Adp53 ora control virus, d1312. (A) HSMC infected with Adp53. (B) HSMCinfected with d1312. (C) RSMC infected with Adp53. (D) RSMCinfected with d1312. Shown are representative fields from one of threeindependent experiments with similar results.


Ad p53


517-396 -

220 -150 -

d+ 30


z 25

,, 20

** 150

100 l


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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 11851

HSMC RSMC- 0 4 1224 - 0 4 12 24









4h 12h 24h


1209060300 .ili

0 50 100 200uM POTC




0 125 250 500uM NAC





0 100 500

Catalase U/ ml



C 100

E o





*0 0Is


PFU/cell: t 4) Ts'p53 w. 4W

p21 - -*sIE










0 10 200


FIG. 4. ROS production correlates with p53 expression. (a) Im-munoblot for p53 levels in HSMC and RSMC at indicated times afterinfection with Adp53: uninfected cells (0) and cells 24 h after infectionwith the control virus, d1312 (-). (b) ROS production in HSMC andRSMC at indicated times after infection: Adp53 (solid bars) or controlvirus d1312 (open bars). (c) ROS production correlates with varyinglevels of p53 expression. HSMC were infected with the indicated pfuper cell, and 12 h later, they were assayed for DCF fluorescenceintensity. (Inset) Immunoblot for the indicated proteins in HSMC afterinfection 12 h earlier with Adp53.

pression of p53 was sufficient to induce apoptosis in normalvascular SMC. We then used this system to determine whethera central modulator of apoptosis, p53, regulates the levels ofintracellular ROS and whether a rise in ROS levels is requiredfor the induction of p53-dependent apoptosis. The resultsshowed that ROS were generated concomitantly with increas-ing levels of p53 and the onset of apoptosis. Furthermore, thefunctional role ofROS production was supported by the abilityof three unrelated antioxidants to rescue cells from p53-dependent apoptosis.Of the antioxidants tested, PDTC appeared the most effec-

tive, followed by NAC and then catalase (Fig. 5a). Theincreased efficacy of PDTC over other antioxidants may relateto its previously demonstrated additional effects on superoxidedismutase activity, copper metabolism, or gene transcription(26-28). Nonetheless, the ability of three chemically differentantioxidants to protect cells supports a role for ROS in







tPDTC] _ N ,/Adp53: - + + + +



0 50 100 200


FIG. 5. Inhibition of p53-mediated apoptosis and ROS productionby antioxidant treatment. (a) Inhibition of apoptosis by the antioxi-dants PDTC, NAC, and catalase in Adp53-infected HSMC. Values are

mean ± SD from triplicate cultures. (b) PDTC treatment decreasesROS levels in Adp53-infected HSMC. (Inset) Immunoblot showingp53 levels in PDTC-treated cells.

p53-dependent apoptosis. In addition, the protective effect ofthe enzymatic peroxide scavenger catalase, suggests that hy-drogen peroxide is directly involved. However, one interpre-tation of the increased efficacy of PDTC and NAC overcatalase is that the generation of other ROS not metabolizedby catalase, such as hydroxyl radicals, may also participate inthe induction of apoptosis.Our results provide the first link between two known

mediators of apoptosis, p53 and ROS, and indicate the orderin the pathway by which these mediators exert their effects-ROS downstream to p53. Consistent with this model, ROSproduction in response to p53 occurred as early as 4 h afterinfection, when increased p53 levels were first detected byimmunoblotting. At that timepoint, cells showed no overtevidence of apoptotic death, indicating that p53-generatedROS may constitute a signal for apoptosis rather than being a

consequence of the cellular changes associated with apoptosis.Our results also suggest that overexpression ofwild-type p53

is sufficient to induce apoptosis in normal cells. The prolifer-ation of vascular SMC is thought to contribute to both



p53 -

ocT -
















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atherosclerosis and restenosis following balloon angioplasty.Recently, several laboratories have demonstrated that adeno-viral-mediated gene transfer, using either a cytotoxic (19, 29,30) or cytostatic (31, 32) gene product, can significantly reduceSMC accumulation following vascular injury. However, con-cern has been raised that such approaches, especially cytotoxicapproaches, may provoke an inflammatory response. Theability to induce apoptosis in vascular SMC by adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of p53 may, therefore, provide anadditional therapeutic approach in which SMC accumulationis reduced but inflammation is limited.

In addition to its role in vascular disease, the loss of p53function is clearly a barrier to successful chemotherapeutictreatment of many tumor cells, and restoring p53 function tosuch resistant cells is of great potential therapeutic interest (1,2). Although we have concentrated on the effects of Adp53 innormal SMC, we have observed similar increases in ROS levelsafter Adp53 infection of transformed cells harboring mutantp53, and after transient transfection of cells with a p53expression plasmid. This consistent effect of p53 on ROSgeneration in both normal and transformed cells suggests thatone function of p53 may be to regulate the intracellular redoxstate. Further elucidation of the specific mechanism by whichp53 generates ROS to induce apoptosis might offer newapproaches for the development of therapeutic agents capableof selectively inducing apoptosis in normal or neoplastic cells.

We thank Sylvia Bachetti and Thomas Shenk for their generous giftsof adenoviral constructs Adp53 and d1312, respectively, and StephenEpstein for valuable discussions.

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