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God is using some very generous people to support His work through Reaching Souls. Two donors have pledged $222,000 to the ministry of Reaching Souls if we can raise a matching amount by December 31, 2015.

Here are some specific ways you can invest, while doubling your impact if given by December 31.

NATIONAL MISSIONARIES - $100 sponsors two if given before December 31.It costs $100 per month in Africa or $25 per month in Cuba to fully support a National Missionary.

PORTABLE SPEAKERS - $318 purchases two if given before December 31.They only cost $318 and they amplify the voice of a National Missionary so he can more efficiently preach the Gospel.

LOCAL OPEN AIR MEETING - $500 sponsors two if given before December 31.For $500, National Missionaries can preach a multi-day open air crusade. Hundreds typically come to Christ and a church is usually planted.

GOSPEL FLIP CHARTS - $45 purchases two if given before December 31.These vinyl flip charts tell the story of Jesus in an easy to understand way. They last forever, and cost just $45 each.

BICYCLES - $125 purchases two if given before December 31.Every African National Missionary is given a bike so they can expand their work. It costs $125 to buy one bike. You can replace worn out bikes or purchase them for new National Missionaries.



“For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us. He shoulders responsibility and is called: Extraordinary Strategist, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” - Isaiah 6:8

Merry Christmas! As a partner of Reaching Souls, you have much to celebrate this Christmas season. A Savior has been given to us, and because of your investment in National Missionaries, millions are receiving that gift for the first time each and every year. In fact, already this year more than 6 million people have received Christ through God’s ministry of Reaching Souls International, and more than a million have been baptized!

That is something worth celebrating.

Continued on p. 4.

12625 S. PORTLANDOKLAHOMA CITY, OK73170405.917.7000

$222,000 Year End Matching Gift Opportunity

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Cuba | Leadership Development InstituteIn October, Reaching Souls held its third Leadership Development Institute of 2015 in Cuba. Approximately 260 pastors and evangelists were trained during the one week LDI and are now spread across Cuba teaching and preaching what they learned. Roberto Ruz, our National Director over Cuba, shared this testimony.

While I was running errands for the Leadership Development Institute in Santa Clara, I stopped and picked up five people who were in need of a ride. As I drove them to their destination, I began to share the love, goodness, and greatness of our God. I presented the plan of salvation, and all five joyfully received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. God always surprises me with His blessings when I follow His passion for winning souls. The Holy Spirit continues to create opportunities for me to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We currently have 200 National Missionaries serving in Cuba, and God is blessing their passion and work in a powerful way.

David is 38 years old and he’s been married to his wife Alice for 19 years. They have five children: four boys and one daughter. The Koria family lives and ministers in Western Kenya. He has been a Reaching Souls National Missionary since July 2014. Last year he led 2,907 people to Christ and baptized 174.

How a woman returning from Saudi Arabia found the true SaviorIt started out as a normal preaching day for David. He preaches outdoor evangelistic meetings at least 12 times per month, and often more. He grabbed his bike and portable speaker system, met up with his Timothys (disciples), and together they traveled down to the Kenyamware Market.

They set up in the middle of the dusty market place, trying to clear some space where the most people would be able to hear and see the message they were about to preach. After setting up the speaker system, David and his Timothys began singing praises and worship choruses to get the multitudes attention. It didn’t take long. Pretty soon, 600-700 people had surrounded the men.

David grabbed the microphone and began to preach the Gospel

while one of his Timothys held up a Gospel Flip Chart. The other Timothys spread out looking for opportunities to witness in the market one-on-one.

As David neared the end of his message, a woman came up to him and began to weep. David stopped his preaching to attend to her for while, asking her what was wrong.

“My name is Jane. I just came home from Saudi Arabia. The people there promised me a good job if I would only win six people to Islam. They gave me

money to pay for my travels

and the travels of the 6 other women to Saudi Arabia.”

David found out that Jane was just 23 years old. Slowly, he began to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with her. When he finished, Jane said, “I am ready to receive Jesus Christ.”

David led her to the Lord, and then

Our National Missionaries use market days as opportunities to preach to large crowds.

Continued on p. 3.

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Jane returns from Saudi Arabia...continued from page 2.

asked her to be brave. “Jane, will you testify before these people about what Jesus has done for you?”

Jane began to share what she had done, and how Jesus had changed her heart to the hundreds of people standing in the market. When she was finished sharing, 235 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

After the meeting was over and the Timothys had followed up with the new Believers, Jane took David to meet her family. She shared her testimony with them, and all 12 members of her family accepted Christ.

Today, Jane and her entire family are members of David’s church. They have a ministry to women who are being tempted to go to the Middle East with promises of money and a new life if they only accept Islam and convert others to do the same.

David tells us that this is a common practice in his city. Women are lured to the Middle East with promises of

money and a new life, but then they are mistreated and even killed.

Please continue to pray for David and Jane’s ministry to these vulnerable young women in Kenya.

In October, Reaching Souls held its third Leadership Development Institute of 2015 in Cuba. Approximately 260 pastors and evangelists were trained during the one week LDI and are now spread across Cuba teaching and preaching what they learned. Roberto Ruz, our National Director over Cuba, shared this testimony.

While I was running errands for the Leadership Development Institute in Santa Clara, I stopped and picked up five people who were in need of a ride. As I drove them to their destination, I began to share the love, goodness, and greatness of our God. I presented the plan of salvation, and all five joyfully received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. God always surprises me with His blessings when I follow His passion for winning souls. The Holy Spirit continues to create opportunities for me to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We currently have 200 National Missionaries serving in Cuba, and God is blessing their passion and work in a powerful way.

A Kenyan National Missionary shares the Gospel one-to-one using an Evangecube.

Roberto with the five individuals he led to the Lord while driving.

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From the desk of our President & CEO...continued from page 1.

This Christmas season, we have a very special opportunity. Two generous donors have pledged a matching gift of $222,000. That means that from now until the end of the year, your investment in Reaching Souls will be doubled until the goal of $222,000 is met.

When you support one National Missionary, you’re actually supporting two. When you give to purchase one bike, one flip chart, or one portable speaker system, you’re actually purchasing two!

This is the season for giving. We give gifts to our family and friends as a symbol of the gift that God sent to us over 2,000 years ago.

What better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ than by spreading His name to millions of lost and hurting people?

I encourage you, don’t wait. Use this opportunity to invest in Christ’s eternal kingdom. Double your impact by giving before December 31st.

While I love Christmas now, I cannot wait to celebrate it face to face with my Savior, you, and the millions that will be there because of your faithfulness to partner with Reaching Souls.

Dustin K. ManisPresident & CEO


The graph below represents the Grasshopper Challenge. The boxes in green are fully funded National Missionaries. They are supported by designated gifts from

partners like you. The boxes in yellow represent National Missionaries who are in the field, but who are being supported out of the ministry’s undesignated funds. The boxes in red represent National Missionaries to be added in 2016.

The goal of The Grasshopper Challenge is to add 1,000 National Missionaries over the course of three years. We are already two years into the process and have added 612, bringing our total number of National Missionaries to 1,612. If the Lord provides, we will add 388 more in 2016.

Through October, we have seen 6,343,027 salvation decisions. We will see close to 8,000,000 salvation decisions by the end of the year. When The Grasshopper Challenge is complete, we believe that more than 11,000,000 will come to Christ each year through Reaching Souls National Missionaries.

You can help us complete the process. Give a gift today, and it will be matched until December 31st or the $222,000 goal is met.

825 National Missionaries in the field being funded through designated gifts to National Missionaries.787 National Missionaries in the field who are being supported from the general budget of Reaching Souls. 388 National Missionaries we intend to add in 2016 if the Lord provides the finances.