Page 1: REA D W ITH PRIDE - Torrington High · Marketing Class Gives Back Students in Mrs. Ferrare's Marketing Class are sponsoring the


Issue 1 | Date: February 10, 2020



A note from Mrs. Boutin, who processes scholarship applications:

ALL STUDENTS should be checking the THS GUIDANCE SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION PAGE, found under "Guidance" on the THS website. National Scholarships are available for students beginning at the age of 14. CHET has scholarships available for freshmen and many are currently available to seniors, with more added throughout the year. CHECK FOR UPDATES WEEKLY!

The Community Foundation of Northwest CT, THS Scholarship Application, and the John Ponte Scholarship packets were distributed to seniors on 1/29/20. Get all needed documents together and APPLY EARLY!

2/13: 1/2 day

2/13: Red-Out! Wear Red to support Blood Cancer Research

2/14: Hat Day - Pay $1 to wear hat and support St. Jude's Children't Hospital

2/17 - 2-19: Winter Break

2/22 Semi-Formal at THS

2/24 - 2/28: Spirit Week at THS

2/28: AGC Scholarship App Due

2/29: College Board Scholarship App Due

3/1: St. Jude's Telethon @ THS

On Monday, January 27th, NASA researcher and Winchester resident Dr. Michael Kelley presented to THS freshmen about the success of the Mars Rover. Dr. Kelley has been in charge of all the of the Mars missions and was able to speak about the successes, setbacks, science and mechanics of Mars exploration.

As he explained to the students, his office all handles all released media from the Mars Rover. Every picture seen online and in print media comes directly from his office. THS is lucky to have had such a high profile NASA employee available to share with students more information about this potential STEM career. (Image = Mars Rover Selfie, courtesy of Dr. Kelley's office)


Alyssa Archambault, senior at THS, represented Torrington High School this year at the Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards. Her submission is titled ?Forbidden Fruit? (pictured), and she is submitted this piece as a social awareness piece for the possibility of winning an additional award.

Students and teachers in the art department were also active in January creating pieces for the CAP 2 Art Auction and Reception at Nutmeg Ballet Conversatory, benefiting the NW United Way and CAFTA. The following students submitted work: Zachary Lariccia, Coletrane Chapman, Madison McLaughlin, Alyssa Archambault, Ashley Valdez, Kayla Bradshaw, Emelin Marte, and Madison Prince.

The Unified Arts Club is hard at work these days, as well. Students of all skill levels are learning and working together to create projects, including a wall hanging that is going to look similar to miniature stained glass pieces.

Page 2: REA D W ITH PRIDE - Torrington High · Marketing Class Gives Back Students in Mrs. Ferrare's Marketing Class are sponsoring the


THS JROTC Cadets in the JRTOC are act ive in 2020! In January, cadets visited with residents at Keystone Retirement Community as part of their ongoing community service act ivit ies. Coming up on February 12, select cadets will be competing in Level 2 of the National JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl.

Market ing Class Gives BackStudents in Mrs. Ferrare's Market ing Class are sponsoring the 2/13 Red Out for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This day of charity has been organized by a senior at Sacred Heart High School who is a survivor of blood cancer and is being run at mult iple high schools state-wide.

Market ing students have been promoting the event and asking for donat ions. Each donor gets a paper blood drop to put their name on and a bracelet with the saying "Kat ie's Quest for a Cure." Students and staff are encouraged to wear red on 2/13 as part of the awareness campaign.

Job Shadow EventThe Future Business Leaders of Americ club (FBLA) is coordinat ing this year's Job Shadow Day, open to THS 11th and 12th graders. Job Shadowing will take place on April 7.

McSpirit t Makes Hall of FameTHS Assistant Principal Charles McSpirit t was accepted to the CT Soccer Hall of Fame. Congrats, Mr. McSpirit t !

Regist rat ion BeginsCounselors at THS will be meeting with students one-on-one to finalize course registrat ion for the 2020-2021 school year during the month of February.



The THS Music Department is as active as ever! Senior Mazda Delgado (pictured) performed at Carnegie Hall on February 2, having been chosen for the 2020 High School Honors Performance Series. Mazda was selected through an extremely competitive application process including students from 11 different countries.

Additionally, the THS Music students listed below auditioned and were selected for the 2020 Connecticut Music Educators Association Northern Region Music Festival. The students performed at the festival at New Britain High School on January 17 and 18.

CMEA Northern Region Jazz Ensemble Ashton Tyler - Trumpet;

CMEA Northern Region Concert Band MJ McGillicuddy - Tuba *Highest Tuba Score in the Region

Pedrocarlo Otarola - Bassoon

CMEA Northern Region OrchestraMazda Delgado - Trombone *Highest Trombone Score in the Region

Maggie Schnyer - ViolinAbigail Wilson - ViolinIsabella Ramirez - Viola

On February 5, Orchestra students traveled to Newington High School for the NHS Orchestra Festival.

Help support Music Education and our award winning musicians! Have dinner at Sliders Restaurant in Torrington on February 26 from 5 - 9 pm. THS Music will receive 10% of all food sales - no voucher required!

The LITERACY LAB is now open and available to all students for any academic purpose! Please go to Mrs. Morton?s room, B Building 2425, on Mondays and Fridays during all lunch waves of Period 5 or on Thursdays during all lunch waves of Period 4. Students coming from a study hall should check in with that teacher first so attendance can be taken.

A wide range of academic help is offered, including but not limited to: reinforcement in a specific language arts skill, another set of eyes to reread an essay, help catching up from an absence, assistance organizing materials, or strategies to manage time more effectively.

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The Career Academy Internship Independent Study is a collaboration within our community to create career pathways for today?s students, along with addressing a large skills and labor gap within the northwest corner of Connecticut. It was designed to launch our students into employment opportunities and in a variety of industries.

This exciting opportunity supports students in successfully participating in and completing an internship experience within an industry that they have chosen.

The THS Manufacturing Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training Program is a dual program through Northwestern Connecticut Community College where students learn a marketable and in demand skill while earning credit. THS is one of four high schools in Connecticut participating in the program.


From the Desk of....Mrs. Ledversis

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great start to 2020. At THS, we continue to emphasize academic success for all students and committing to getting connected to the various extra-curricular activities available. Our THS magazine, highlighting all the amazing happenings and programs, was recently mailed to all 7th and 8th grade families. We have copies in the main office, and they will also be available at the Spring conferences.

Please review report cards with your student and let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Did you know that we have an academic period available once a week for students to get extra help or to make up missed assignment or tests? Please encourage your student to take advantage of this opportunity. Our teachers are encouraging students to use this time, but your help and reinforcement of this important time, can make this time even more valuable.

I look forward to a great February with our staff, students, and all of you.Thank you - Robin Ledversis, Interim Principal

Internships Of fered to THS Students A n n u a l S t . J u d e ' s

T e l e t h o n M a r c h 1Last year, the Tim Driscoll St. Jude's Telethon reached it's 40th year - and raised over $67,000! On March 1st, the telethon will again be held at THS and students have been working hard to raise funds on behalf of their school.

Helped by faculty member Patricia Porch, students are selling lollipop grams in honor of Valentine's Day and sponsoring a hat day, all to raise money in advance of the telethon. The THS Student Council is also planning a spirit week and pep rally in the week leading up to the telethon, with additional fundraisers in the works.

Students in the St. Jude's Telethon Club are hard at work, advertising and raising funds on behalf of this year's St. Jude's Telethon. St. Jude's Children Hospital opened in 1962 as a treatment and research facility devoted to children's diseases. Patients are treated free of charge.

THS Cabaret Highl ights Student, Facul ty TalentTHS Student Theatre again hosted their Cabaret Night on Saturday, February 1. The event, which raises funds for the program, invites guests to enjoy the stylings of both students and faculty, while also being served dessert, coffee, tea, soda, and juice. According to Drama Teacher Mrs. Chamberlain, "The event was a huge success! We almost sold out and will need to add additional seating next year."

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