Page 1: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 2: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT



Tel/Fax: (0039)06/6636404 Web: Email: [email protected] ONLUS COST. 28/07/2005 REP.41738 NOTAIO LAURORA Cod. Fisc. 0862043100 Sede: Via Andrea Ferrara, 12 – 00165 ROMA B. INTESA-IT75Z03069050981000000000375


המחשבה שלנו من أفكارنا

"La Fede, il rispetto reciproco e lo studio delle scienze, delle arti, della musica, della storia, delle tradizioni di ogni nazione e religione, infuse con amore nelle nuove generazioni, ai figli dei nostri figli, incolpevoli dei vecchi mali, favoriscono il colloquio, l'amicizia, la fratellanza e il perdono, attenuano i rancori, cancellano l'odio, rendono stabili i rapporti tra gli uomini, forte, intensa e preziosa la vita umana" "Faith, mutual respect and the study of sciences, arts, music, history and tradition of all nations and religions, conveyed with love to the new generations, to our children's, who are unguilty of ancient evils, help conversation, friendship, brotherliness and forgiveness, extenuate grudges, sponge out hatred, make steady relationships among people, strong, intense and precious the human life"

La foi, le respect réciproque, et l’étude de la science, des arts, de la musique,

de l’histoire, des traditions de toutes les nations et les religions, fusionnées avec l’amour des nouvelles générations, favorisent le dialogue, l’amitié, la fraternité e le pardon; elles atténuent les rancoueurs, effacent l’haine, donnent la stabilité aux rapports entre les hommes et rendent la vie forte, vive et précieuse.

االتمان مع االحترام المتبال، ودراسه العلوم والفنون والموسيقي والتارئخ وتقليد االمم وعقاندها، يعلم معنى فى االجيال بين االجيال بين االبناء واالحفاد، اللدين ليس لهم اي دنب في االحقاد، فضال عن دعم

امل الغضب ويمسح من القاوب الحقد، االتصاالت والصداقه واالخوة والعفو االنساني، ويقال آدلك عو .آم هي غااي ليلة الحياة االنسانية... ويدعو الي حسن العالقات االنسانية بين الشعوب

של כל עם ודת מסורת, היסטוריה, מוסיקה, אמונויות, לימוד מדע, כבוד הדדי, אמונה"להנחלת , הדורות הבאים מדור לדור לבני בנינו הנקיים מרבב נטל חטאי העברוהפצתם בקרב

יצירת קשרי אמת אמיצים בין בני , ביטול השנאה, כפרה, אחוות אחים, חברות, שיח –דו .ומתן משמעות וערך לחיים היקרים מפז, האדם

Page 3: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT



ONLUS Con sede in Via Andrea Ferrara, 12-00165 Roma, Italia Tel. e Fax 06-6636404 Located in Via A. Ferrara, 12-00165 Rome, Italy website: [email protected]

ONLUS costituita in Roma il 28/07/2005 REP 41738 Notaio LAURORA ONLUS founded in Rome on the 28th of July 2005 cod fisc 08620431000

Banca Intesa Iban IT75Z0306905098200000000375 E-mail: [email protected]


Membro della Sezione Italiana di RELIGIONI PER LA PACE

World Conference of Religions for Peace – W.C.R.P. - New York Roma, Via Pio VIII, n. 38 D-2

Member of Italian Section of World Conference of Religions for Peace – W.C.R.P.

777 United Nations Plaza – New York, NY 10017 - USA

Page 4: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT



Tel./Fax-(0039)06/6636404 – E-mail:[email protected] ONLUS COST.28/7/2005 REP.41738 Notaio Laurora –Cod.Fisc. 08620431000 Sede: Via Andrea Ferrara, 12 -00165 ROMA –B.INTESA - IT75Z0306905098100000000375

About us... Our no t-for-profit Asso ciation d eals p rincipally with cultural and humanitarian activ ities. Its aim s are essen tially not-for-profit ones, it is alien to political or relig ious orientations, follows principles of human, cultural, civil and social solidarity. It was set up on the 28th of July 2005, after three years of preparatory working, by public act drawn up by the notary Giacomo Laurora, register n. 41738 of the 3rd of August 2005, at the Registration Office of Rome. The i dea was born after a n important religious world e vent promoted by Pope Wojtyla that took place on the 24th of J anuary 2002.

Articles The articles report the following social aims: Art. 5) The Association “Re-Pax – Religion Pax – International Association ONLUS” has not lucrative aims, is not politically or religiously oriented, and pursues the aim of human, cultural, civil and social solidarity. In particular, the Association aims to: - carry out activities of humanitarian assistance contributing to the raising of life and culture conditions in populations or small needy communities in a state of social deterioration; - carry out all the needed social and cultural activities tending to the raising of cultural and social level of populations or small communities in Italy and abroad; - carry out those activities promoting meetings and dialogue among religions, for study and reciprocal knowledge without discriminations and prejudices. Within the above mentioned aims the Association will be allowed to: - Create study and research centres also at university level; - Create reception centres and study campuses at every level; - Edit publications (excluding daily newspapers) by every audiovisual and digital means; - Organize congresses, meetings, study and religion journeys, grant scholarships and traineeships; - Create one or more broadcasting stations and channels, internet sites, data banks, libraries, museums; - Realize worship and prayer places, and relaxation and entertainment spaces. - Realize and run free canteens e multimedia locals. The Association will be not allowed to carry out activities not indicated by the statute, and only activities peculiar to the ONLUS organizations, except what is directly correlated with it, as sanctioned by letter c) art. 11 from del leg. Decree 4/12/1997 n. 460. The names of the components of the different organs are as follow: The President: Prof. Doc. Nicolino Tamilia Vice President: Prof. Arie Ben Nun Doc. Corrado Tocci Board: Prof. Sante Camilli Prof.Gian Marino Refice Ing. Franco Arzano Executive Committee: ing. Gianni Cara Auditor: prof.Gaetano Passarelli Secretary: Dott.ssa Silvia Notari Doc. Vincenzo Piersanti

TAMILIA NICOLINO: nato a Roma il 13/07/1936; Professore materie tecniche -economiche - Dottore Commercialista - Revisore Contabile – Giudice Tributario – Collaboratore periodico “ Sannio Oggi” Commissario Governativo Ministero delle Attività Produttive - Past President Rotary Roma Nord Ovest - Docente di Economia della Rete Universitaria PUSA – ASSISI

Page 5: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT


nato il 27/7/46 a Torri in Sabina – Ingegnere – Giornalista - fondatore della rivista “Società Terziari dell’Istituto ”Ricerca settore Terziaria – Segretario Nazionale della Associazione “Cristiana Artigiani Italiani e Presidente dell’Ente Polo Universitario Regioni Mediterraneo” – PURM.

ARZANO FRANCO Nato il 16/4/1936 a Pavia - Ingegnere - Presidente FATME S.P.A.- Presidente ERICSON Trasmissioni S.P.A. Consulente SIELTE – Esperto industriale del Comitato Consultivo della Commissione Europea - Coordinatore del TABD Transatlantic Business Dialogue - Membro Commissione Economia digitale Confindustria – Membro Comitato e - Business Ministero Attività Produttive.


nato il 20/4/1948 Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana – Professore Universitario

Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana - Facoltà di scienze infermieristiche Policlinico Gemelli di Roma; Dirigente Neurochirurgia Azienda Ospedaliera S. Giovanni Addolorata Roma; Consigliere Pastorale nel Sinodo di Cavaliere del Sovrano Ordine

di Malta

GAETANO PASSARELLI nativo di Castrovillari il 3 /1/ 52 - Docente di Storia Bizantina presso l’Università Roma, 3, di Spiritualità orientale presso l’Istituto Superiore di Studi Medioevali e Francescani del Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum e di Teologia Orientale presso il Pontifi- cio Istituto Orientale. Responsabile rivista “Studi sull’Oriente Cristiano e consultore sto- rico presso la Congregazione per le Cause dei Santi. Per la Jaca Book dirige la collana “Donne d’Oriente e d’Occidente”

NOTARI SILVIA Nata a Roma il 24/03/1965- Dott.ssa in Lingue lettarature e straniere – Giornalista

pubblicista -RadioTV e periodici - addetta all'Ufficio Stampa presso la Presidenza del Con- siglio dei Ministri- Dipartimento per le riforme istituzionali.


Nato il 10/01/1940 a Sassoferrato (Ancona – Docente dell'Università Cattolica S. Cuore di Roma, Specialista in Chirurgia Vascolare – già professore Associato di Fisiopatologia Chirurgica dell'Università di Palermo, Primario di Chirurgia Vascolare dell'Istituto Dermo- patico Immacolata di Roma, Presidente della Società Italiana di Flebologia Clinica e spe- rimentale. GIANNI CARA

Consigliere delegato dell'Istituto Superiore di Cultura Giordano Bruno per l'Umanesimo la Tecnologia. Preside della facoltà Scienze del Mare di Mazara del Vallo. Presidente del Comitato Tecnico scientifico Accademia Italo Tunisina ARIE BEN NUN

Ex Ufficiale Esercito Israeliano, scrittore, conferenziere, cabalista di fama internazio- nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni.

Page 6: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT


The idea to create a “World-wide Center of Studies and Permanent Meeting of Religions for Peace” started on January the 23th 2002, when I went to Assisi, where the Pope had gathered a worldwide meeting of the Representatives of the main Religions, to pray together for Peace. The meeting was due on January the 24th, a large shed was built in front of the Cathedral in the middle of a wonderful historic square. In this shed, the leaders of the 12 Religions met, discussed and prayed together for Peace.

The event had a great impact all over the world, through radio, television and press. From this ceremony, reach of deep spirituality, a strong will to win violence through a common attitude and engagement came out, as stated in the following points:

1. We commit ourselves to testify our firm conviction that violence and terrorism are against a true religious spirit. We condemn any violence and war ma de in the n ame of God or in t he name of an y religion and we commit ourselves to do whatever is possible to eradicate the causes of terrorism.

2. We commit ourselves to educate people to m utual respect and estee m, in order to cre ate th e condition for a solid and peaceful coexistence among different ethnic groups, cultures and religions.

3. We commit ourselves to promote the culture of dialogue, in order to develop mutual understanding and trust among individuals and peoples, as these are the conditions for a real peace.

4. We commit ourselves to defend the ri ghts of each human being to lead a dec ent life, acco rding to his own cultural identity, and freely start his own family.

5. We commit ourselves to establish a sincere and patient dialogue, avoiding all aspects which may cause division, and recog nising the importance of diversity as an opportunity for a greater mutual understanding.

6. We commit ourselves to forgive each others the mistakes and prejudices of past and prese nt time, and to support one an other in a common effort to overcome egoism and abuse, hate and violence, and to learn from the past that peace without justice is not true peace.

7. We commit ourselves to be on the side of those who suffer poverty and abandonment, and become the voice of those who have no voice, and to work concretely to overco me these situations, aware that no one can be happy alone.

8. We commit ourselves to take on the cry of those who don ’t want to accept violence and evil. We strongly want to collaborate to give humankind a real hope for justice and peace.

9. We commit ourselves to encourage any initiative promoting friendship among people, conscious that without a deep understanding among people, technological progress will lead towards ever growing risks of destruction and death.

10. We commit ourselves to ask the leaders of all nations to use any possible means, at national and international level, in order to built a world of solidarity and peace based on justice .

The expression of a common wish to promote Peace in every possible way, made me realize that a shed is not enough but it is necessary to find a suitable venue, accepted by everybody , that is a sacred venue with a symbology of mutual respect. At this first stage it is essential a place of education, that is a school, a university of high cultural, religious and human level, in order to teach to maintain and transmit the great experience of ou r history. Hence, to create a strong bulwark, a great centre to gather, guide and prom ote the decisio n to solve disagreements not by general statemen ts but t hrough a concrete and pacific d ialogue. Seating ro und a table, something like ONU: a “World-wide Council of the Religions for Peace” (RE.CO.PAX). In synthesis this is our project, unique in its kind, certainly difficult, but not impossible to realise. Its aim is only one: PEACE

Page 7: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT

This “Peace” wanted by the Pope and by all Religions, whose Representatives gathered in union of prayer. These images seen and broadcasted all over the world will never shade. Everyone is invited to take part in this action, whose value is very high, both on the economical and moral side. Peace among Nations is pursued by the ONU, while peace among Religions must be strongly pursued through a special organisation of general consent: the “Council of the Religions for Peace - RE.CO.PAX” , which should join a unique “World-wide Centre of Studies and Permanent Meeting of the Religions for Peace”. Thanks to USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and China, it was possible to creat e th e ON U, afterwards joined by other Nations. In the same way , t he th ree most important m onotheist Religions, Christianity, Islamism and Hebraism, could give a start to the initiative and creat e a r eal “forum” in order to establish common rules and decide the topics to be discussed. Certainly all the other religions would like to participate in finding the solutions to face and solve the controversies, which cause hate, death and destruction. Obvi ously this m ust include a pla ce for the pray er certify ing m utual res pect and a place of culture to hand on to young people the great traditions and experiences of the past. The project shows three important headquarters: 1. The “Temple of Peace” , with “ Fountain of Peace” in the m iddle, surrounded by small temples –

Holy place where to pray in reciprocal respect 2. The University of “Religious and Humanitarian Studies” to educate to Peace and teach young

people the respect towards their own ethnic groups, cultures and religions. 3. The “ Palace of Peace”, headquarters of the “Council of Religions for Peace” RE.CO.PAX,

bulwark where to discuss and peacefully solve all the problems. The project was projected on a reduced scale on a volum etrical model of cm. 180 x 320, to show its pleasant and m ajestic aspect. Its photos, together with its descr iption have been sent to the Vatican and to other important Institutions, asking for their opinion.

Several personalities from the Holy See showed their interest expressing their wishes. The importance, mainly cultural, concerning the neces sity of a permanent education of youth and

the value of the history of the religions was stressed by the President of the Association Mater Vitae Veritatis.

The same opinion was expressed by the Cultural Islamic Centre of Rome, the Muslim Association acknowledged b y the Italian Governme nt, who, once studied the project, wrote me expressing solidarity and moral encouragement.

I received another important opinion, in June 2003, by the Chief Rabbi dr. Riccardo Di Segni who spoke in a positive way of the initiative, and did some remarks about the sy mbology and named Rabbi Cesare Moscati as his representative to the works.

Many other consents have been expressed by VIP. Encouraged by their wor ds, I gathered a firs t meeting o n 11 Decem ber 2003, followed by ot her

meetings with people of different reli gions, to e nd up to the decision to constitute t ogether and officially, as soon as possible, a World-wide Association ONLUS named RE.PAX – Religion Pax – which will give a concrete shape to the project, according to the humanitarian aims foreseen by the Constitution of the Association.

In the memory of our last dear Pope Giovanni Paolo II, “Man of Peace”, and of deep faith, who

marked and changed the History of Mankind, the Association will proceed in its ai ms with greater intensity.

The World-wide Centre of Studies and of Permanent Meeting of Religions for Peace will become a

unique reference for all the followers of different religions, where they will express, through their representatives, their culture and their faith with their own traditions in their own world and in the interreligious relations, in order to solve them through the participation and the dialogue, with the greatest mutual respect.

Page 8: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 9: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT

פרויקט ראשון במעלה

השלום לקידום דתי בין שיח -ודו למחקר בינלאומי מרכז


Internationales Studienzentrum der standingen Begegnung Der Religionen fur den Frieden

بيرالمشروع الك

المرآز الدولي للدراسات واللقاءات الدائمة

أجل السالملألديان من

大企画 恒久世界宗教者平和会議センター


Il Centro Mondiale di Studi e di Incontro Permanente delle Religioni per la Pace


World Study and Permanent Meeting Centre of Religions for Peace





Page 10: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT

Description of the Project The Permanent World Meeting place Center of study and of Religions for peace

The project idea for the "Permanent World Meeting place Center of study and of Religions for peace", viewed in the plans was inspired by the need to design an architectural complex that would convey a strong sym bolic impact, of a size appropriate to its function, keeping in mind a harmonious blend within a landscape of flatlands and distant hills,

The Center is made up of:

- The "Temple of Peace" with the "Fountain of Peace” at its centre, surrounded by little temples

- The University for "Religious and Humanitarian Studies"

- The "Palace of Peace", headquarters of the Council of Religions for Peace RE.CO.PAX.

These structures m ake up the functional parts of a single architectural com plex, and ideally represent the phases of approach in facing the problem s inherent in the relationship am en religions, the fundamental premise for any real dialog for peace.

The Tem ple of Peace, with the Fountain of Peace at the centre, is the system 's epicentre, insofar as it is the sym bolic place of "cultural contact of creeds", a m eeting place for all the world's religions that are represented here. It can hold large groups of worschipers, invited in mutual respect and in a choral prayer for peace and human brotherhood.

Inside the fountain are m any em erging triangular platform s, with the sym bols of various Religions, bathed in the water that springs from the fountain.

Water, a purifying, vivifying, calm ing elem ent, the bask carrying symbol of an "

indispensable, natural good for all mankind ", represent life, continuity and hope for the future. The circular shape of the fountain represents the world we live in, with m utual, lasting respect.

A stream of water runs on an east-west axis across the spaces of the University, and runs Into

the Palace of Peace, directly uniting the Fountain of Peace with the large Headquarters of the Council of Religions.

From the stream asymmetrical forms in the shape of an open hand support an elevated, covered, walkway that connects the vast area of the Fountain with the Headquarters of the Council.

The stream and the walkway above It are meant to symbolise mankind's path, which begins with a choral, instinctive m oment (the area of the Fountain of Peace), through research (the university), study (the library), and the possibility for exchange of com munication (the Palace of Peace), and finds completion in the large RE.CO.PAX. Council Hall.

The large Hall, the Headquarters of the C ouncil of Religions for Peace (RE.CO.PAX.) is

circular in shape, detached from the other buildings, separate from the space surrounding the water basin, and penetraded only by the elevated walkway, symbolising detachment from earthly, material things. It is meant to be a place of serene, constructiv e dialog, to settle m isunderstandings and differences grasp common ideas as much as possible on a theol ogical level, to promote and solicit Peace in the common denom inator of devotion to one' s own re ligion, to seek out and reinforce a sense of brotherhood.

Page 11: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT

The buildings housing the University for Relig ious and Hum anitarian Studies rise around a large lawn with access from large porticoed spaces.

The area, though large, inspired by the concept of a “c1oister” the characteristic shape of every place for reflection and calm encounter, in a delimited and protected space.

The University buildings on either side of th e lawn converge in an ideal way toward the fountain of Peace. They connect with the study halls , which fan out in parallel fashion towards the outside Two bridge structures connect die two University wing to the large library and the offices of the Chancellor in the west part of the Palace of Peace which creates a backdrop to the east of the entire complex.

The Palace of Peace is m ade up of two narrow elem ents curved in opposite directions and

converging in the centre, an area for stocage space and common services. This large building is placed cross-wise on a north-south axis. The narrow wing pointing toward the university houses a large library of paper and m ulti-

media documents, the Changellor's offices and the secretaries'offices. In the narrow wing polling toward the Council Hall are the reception areas for the various

religions, arid the technical and service structures of the Conference Centre. A road below ground level crosses between th e two narrow wings, allowing vehicle access both

to the university buildings and the Conference Centre, through the central storage and com mon services wing, with a mutually perpendicular walkway above the stream.

The basic geometric figures of the com position of the perm anent World Centre of Religions

are the triangle and the circle. The arrangement of the whole is in fact tr iangular; and provides m id counterpoint on a land-

based scale to the triangular shapes that make up the plates of the Fountain of Peace. These plates, which symbolise each religion the ba sin and the “little tem ples” are enclosed in a

circular crown, like the headquarters of the Religion Center for Peace. The little temples crowning the basin will each cont ain decorations and symbols of all religious

faiths. They are open to everyone to display their ow n traditions and m ake known, in the greatest

respect for mankind and his creeds their own ideologies and religions and humanitarian awareness. More may be added, for any faith that wishes to partecipate, to the great complex that is a fixed,

permanent point of worldwide brotherly recognition. Conceived by: Prof. Nicolino Tamiila Architects: Dr. Virginie Bijaoui (Temple of Peace and Foutain of Peace) Architects: Prof. Paolo Del Chiaro (University for Study) Dr. Carlo Tralongo (Palace of Peace and Council of Religions for peace) Designer: Piero Santini (Plastic models)

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Page 15: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 16: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 17: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
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INCONTRI PER LA PACE nella città del Dialogo

Papa Giovanni Paolo II con il Rabbino Capo Emerito Toaf e l'Imam Hussein Gomaa durante il "Concerto della Conciliazione" tenutosi il 17 gennaio 2004 nell'aula "Paolo VI del Vaticano" Prof. Nicolino Tamilia Presidente RE.PAX

Dott. Abdellah Redouanne Segretario Generale Centro Islamico Culturale d'Italia Dott.ssa Cristina De Luca Sottosegretario Ministero Solidarietà Sociale

Dr. Abdel Fattah Hasan Prof. Of Italian Literature Al-alsun – Ain Shams University Member of Parliament (Egypt) Prof. Nicolino Tamilia Presidente RE.PAX S.E. Alaa Edin El Ghobashy Imam Grande Moschea di Roma alla inaugurazione della nuova Moschea in Roma Leaders al Comune di Roma per conoscersi e convivere

Page 20: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 21: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 22: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 23: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 24: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 25: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 26: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT

From RE.PAX - Religion Pax - to W.C.R.P. Religions for Peace CONNECTIONS After concretizing the idea of a World Study and Meeting Center of Religions and suggesting it to the h ighest I talian politica l and religi ous author ities, f ollowing a m eeting with the representatives of the FOCOLARINI Asso ciation, our RE.PAX A ssociation has been presented to the person in charge of the Italian Branch of WCRP - Religion for Peace. It now takes part in, and actively contributes towards all the humanitarian initiatives in favour of m ulti.religious d ialogue. I t par ticipated al so at VIII W orld Conf erence of Religions in Kyoto in August 2006. WORLD CONFERENCE OF RELIGIONS FOR PEACE An international inter-religious movement that brings together people from different religious faiths with the aim of praying and working for peace and respect of human rights drawing from the spiritual treasure of the different religious traditions. What are the aims envisaged by the Conference? Beside the different international organizations, and among many other movements, the Conference works to promote a pacific and fair coexistence founded on reciprocal respect and a better repartition of earth resources inside our mankind, through the undertaking of peace education and dialogue, to spread ideals of brotherhood and reconciliation, and of the promotion of disarmament and collaboration between peoples. Its peculiar feature is to pursue these aims making use of the spiritual means proper to religions. What does “multi-religious” mean? A movement can be defined “multi-religious” when people from the greatest world-wide religions (Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Ju daism, Gian ism, Hin duism, Isl am, Si khism, Z oroastrianism and l ocal t raditions) t ake part i n i t on a n equal fo oting, and in co mplete respect of t he ten ets of ea ch and every of them, to s hare th e sp iritual wisdo m o f the different religious faiths in order to bring up love and reciprocal trust between men in persuit of peace and justice. Our starting c onviction is that whenever an authentic communi on with t he divi nity is reached, the re is also a sinc ere communion between men, and that in all re ligious traditions there are teachings of love and be nevolence spurring to brotherhood and solidarity. What is the history of this movement? Many summits have been held in the past between believers of different religions with the aim of uniting their efforts to contribute to realizing a more pacific and human world. Some of them took place in the years following the last world conflict, with the participation of Indians, Japanese and Americans. Following a meeting held in New Delhi in 1968, the first world conference was convened in Kyoto, Japan, in 1970. The second was held in Lovanio, Belgium, in 1974, the third in Princeton, USA, in 1979, the fourth in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1984, the fifth in Melbourne, Australia, in 1989, the sixth in Riva del Garda, Italy, in 1 994, the seventh in Amman, Jordan, in 1999. The eighth assembly will take place in Kyoto, Japan, in August 2006. How is this conference organized? The Conference has a world-wide organization, with an international secretariat presently located in New York (WCRP / International, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A., website:, at a continental lev el, with reg ional con ferences fo r Africa, Asia, Nort h Am erica and Europe (Secretary for E urope: WCRP/Europe), a nd at a nat ional level, wi th secretary offices in Australia, Au stria, Bangladesh, B elgium, Bo snia, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Japan, Jo rdan, Ind ia, Indonesia, Isr ael, I taly, Holland, Pak istan, Un ited Kingdom and Ireland, Russia, Senegal, United States, South Africa, Thailand and adhering groups in several other countries, such as Ch ina. Th e Co nference is in dependent fro m ev ery po litical an d eco nomic p ower, an d is recogn ized as a Non Governmental Organization by th e Un ited Nations, in which it h as p layed a p recious ro le especially d uring th e two special sessions on disarmament and in which it has a consultative role at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and at the UNESCO. Why joining this movement? Peace is possi ble, but the contribution of e veryone is nec essary for the realization of it, and a consta nt and universal pressure by the public opinion. As for this, really useful are the different pro-peace movements promoted throughout the world. The C onference of Religions for Peace has a s pecial place am ong them , bringing its contribution to peace drawing f rom religious m otivations, m aking t he m ost of t he t remendous spi ritual res ources p resent i n al l rel igions. What are the activities envisaged by the Italian Branch? The Italian Branch (T he Italian Bra nch is located in Via PIO VIII 38-D-2, 00165 R ome, tel. 0 6-636884 ( e-mail: [email protected] Italy General Secretary doo. Luigi De Salvia), promotes the participation of its own members in all th e initiatives carried out periodically by the Conference at a wo rld-wide level and at a Eu ropean level. It also calls on its own m embers t o take pa rt in the multi-religious and pro-peace activities al ready existing in Italy and promoted by similar movements.

Page 27: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT
Page 28: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT

VIIIth World Assembley of Religions for Peace 20 /30 August 2006, Kyoto, Japan

Prof .Nicolino Tamilia

(Presidente RE.PAX ONLUS) Dott. William F. Vendley (Segretario Generale WCRP) Sign. Pietrogiacomi Mirella

(delegata Religioni per la Pace – Italy)

Page 29: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT

Yona Metzger (trattp da Wikipediaa)

Yona Metzger (born 1953) is the current Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, appointed in 2003. His counterpart is Rabbi Shlomo Amar, the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel. He is the first sabra Chief Rabbi. Background Rabbi Metzger was born in Haifa. He served in the IDF as a chaplain, fought in several wars in the 7th Arm ored Tank Brigade, and was discharged with the rank of captain. He is the youngest Chief Rabbi in Israel's history. Rabbi Metzger received his ordination from the Yeshivat Ke rem BeYavne hesder yeshiva before working as a religiousteacher. He served as rabbi of the Tiferet Zvi Sy nagogue in Tel Aviv and was later appointed regional rabbi of northern Tel Aviv. [1] Metzger has written ten books, two of which were awarded prizes by the President of Israel. He is also the former head of a publishing house. While Metzger is from a National Religious family and educational background, he has been closely identified with Haredi Judaism, and often seeks the advice of Degel HaTora h's spiritual leader Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliashiv. Some observors have claim ed that this m akes Metzger an exce llent candidate to represent both com munities, with one reporter calling him " undoubtedly the m ost moderate and most Zionist candidate."[2] His supporters have often compared him to his immediate predecessor, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, who was seen as having a foot in every camp, which helped him in dealing with different kinds of Jews, particularly secular ones. However, others have suggested that the perception of Metzger not having a "real base" has in fact hurt his credibility. Som e Religious Zionists consider Metzger to have "sold out" to the haredim [3], and while the haredim are happy to have som eone loyal to their camp in the post, they do not really consider Metzger to be a member of their community [4]. The fact that he was largely undistinguished in either group prior to the election has not helped his prestige. A 2003 Jerusalem Post article included an interview with several students at the Religious Zionist Bar-Ilan University where one man commented, "We don't consider Metzger to be one of our own". [5]

New United Nations One idea that Metzger has repeatedly proposed has been the establishm ent of a religious United Nations in Jerusalem. He first advocated this in late 2004 after m ediating a highly -publicized dispute between Jerusalem haredim and the Arm enian Christian community. [13] He raised the idea again in February 2006, at an ecum enical meeting between several high-profile rabbis and Muslim clerics with the 14th Dalai Lam a in Israel, and again in March 2006, while attending the International Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace in Seville, Spain. Under Metzger's plan, the new body would contain represen tatives of the world' s religions as opposed to nations. Metzger has also suggested that the Dalai Lam a could lead the assem bly. At their 2006 meeting, Metzger was quoted as say ing, "Instead of planning for nuclear war and buy ing tanks and fighter jets, it will invest in peace... Religious leaders will get the opportunity to meet one another and discover that they have more in common than they may have realized..." The Dalai Lama was reportedly very excited at the idea and pledged to help Metzger realize his plan. [14], [15] Other supporters include Fr ederico Major, the co-president of the Alliance for Civilisations, a Spanish lobby group for international conflict resolution. [16]

In breve: Yona Metzger, Rabbino Capo d'Israele, promotore della trasformazione dell'Associazione Religions for Peace in United Nation of Religion, con sede in Gerusalemme. Ha suggerito di nominare come primo Presidente il Dalai Lama. All'Assemblea di Kyoto ha chiesto nuovamente di trasformare Religions for Peace in United Nation of Religions.

Page 30: RE.PAX fascicoli repax/Inglese 6 luglio... · nale e docente a Roma dove tiene seminari sulla GHIMATRIA. Insegnante di lingue, storia ebraica, Cabalà, Religioni. HISTORY OF THE PROJECT

In this photo there are the Israel Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger with the President for Re.Pax Religion for Peace Mr. Nicolino Tamilia and the vice-president Mr. Arie Ben Nun with their consorts. They were at the Word meeting for the dialogue between religions. This meeting was organized by the diocese of Naple and by the Sant’Egidio community in Naple from 21st to 23rd October 2007. This meeting had a big success and the press spoken a lot about it. Also Pope Benedetto XVI was there. All problems handled by religions Leaders made to think to a real Peace, acclaimed by all poor people. We hope to repeat this meeting more frequently and we hope to create a Superior Organization to help the dialog between religions in the word, as said by the Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger. We share this opinion.

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Nicolino Tamilia

* RELIGIONS FOR PEACE * }}}}}}}}}}}}}}

VIII World Conference of Religions for Peace Organized by World Conference Religions for Peace

- WCRP - in Kyoto, 20/30 August 2006

THOUGHTS AND CONCRETE PROPOSALS During the most important Kyoto Conference in which 100 states participated with more than 2500 leaders and

delegates from al l rel igions, we have approached, in the different meetings, the serious problems of violence against women and children, of fierce fratricide wars, of frustrations and continuous violations of human rights, seeking and suggesting possible solutions with the help of faith and everyone’s strong commitment to help th e weaker ones not to succumb.

Now, t hree i mportant c onsiderations have com e o ut from t he c onference, am ong t he very numerous interventions of the participants.

The fi rst one , at the ope ning of the wo rks, whe re, during the opening s peech, Prince EL-HASSAN BIN TALAL OF JORDAN called on the religious leaders, among the most prominent points of his speech, to meet more frequently so to properly face the constant serious problems which occur in the world.

The second one is the presentation to the “ Peace Building Comm ission”, t o the “Conflict Prevention Commission” and to the “Multi-religious conflict trans formation Commission”, as we ll as to each participant, of a booklet published by the REPAX Association in Ro me, which featured a great Project for the building of a WORLD STUDY AND PERMANENT MEETING CENTRE OF RELIGIONS FOR PEACE, re questing the reade r’s opinion about this innovative and unique proposal.

The orig inality of th e id ea, which has been discussed with t he lead ers, ob taining many ap provals, develops along very de finite directives: a place of prayer, a world-wide place of relig ious studies and humanities where all leaders of religions can teach their own matters and their history to the youth from all faiths and religions who decide to adhere i n t he most co mplete and reciprocal res pect, a nd finally a permanent m eeting po int for reli gions gathering around a round table to solve conflicts and misunderstandings, which are always the source of wails and sorrows.

The t hird thoug ht co mes ou t of t he closur e of t he works, f rom th e very h earty exho rtation t o the General Secretary William Vend ley an d to the World Conferen ce, u ttered by the Ch ief Rabb i of Israel YONA METZGER, who, after having confirmed the great will of peace of the Hebrew people, quoting literally from the concept expressed by REPAX i n its proper issue and on its website, as from the Rabbi’s previous conferences, affirmed that it is ti me to cr eate t he premises f or a permanent body co mparable to th e UN of Nations: creating the UN of Religions. The first step has been taken. The current world situation will d raw the atten tion of the people in charge of Peace, concerning, first of a ll, all the religious a uthorities, t hat have been m ore tha n once urged t o i ntervene m ore powerfully in their own soci al sphe re re garding t he educ ation of the youth to peace, the protection of women and children in poor and oppressed communities and also to ensure common security, tolerance and mutual respect. This work cannot be interrupted now that this has been highlighted in the final report of the General Secretary, Dr. William Vendley. It is essen tial to continue in our own sphere the commitment that all religious leaders have taken upon themselves. Each with his own abilities and ideas always towards the good that we all want to achieve: Peace. When we returned to Rome, we went on with our work with much enthusiasm. With the apply for a sponsorship to the Prime Minister of the Italian Government On. Romano Prodi, we contacted some public authorities including the Head of the Province of Fiuggi and other authorities willing to help the Project, even financially, obtaining much support. Even t hough we ar e p leased t o co mmunicate th at our Association, alth ough d elighted with th e obtained consents, a fter som e co nsultations wi th s ome Isl amic, J ewish a nd B uddhist l eaders, i s organizing t wo i mportant commissions: t he fi rst, f or t he st udies o f i nternational l aw rel ations and a l asting cooperation a mong t he rel igious leaders, to fulfil the proposal of creating a higher organization: a world Commission of religions that we compare to a UN of religions; the second, for th e organization and coordination of th e tasks involved in the realization of a World Centre for higher education and prayer according to the different Religious Faiths. The names of the authorities involved in this work of Commissions, the location of this world centre of studies and of permanent meeting point for relig ions, and th e work done, will b e co mmunicated and made av ailable, at t he World C onference of Religi ons for Peace as well as at th e WCRP It alian Branc h, as a real c ontribution from our organization to PEACE.

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His Beatitude Anastasios, Orthodox, ALBANIA, Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania His Holiness Aram I, Orthodox, LENANON, 45th Catholicos of Cilicia, Armenian Orthodox Church Ms. Ela Gandhi, Hindu, SOUTH AFRICA, Trustee, Mahatma Gandhi Trust Sheikh Majid Al-Hafeed. Muslim, IRAQ, Representative, Ulmma Kurdish Union Mr. Muhammad Yusuf Hallar, Muslim, ARGENTINA, General Secretary, Islamic Organization for Latin America and the Caribbean Ms. Fatemaeh Hashemi -Rafsanjani, Muslim, IRAN, Secretary General, Women’s Solidarity Association of Iran Rt. Rev. Julio Cesar Holguin, Anglican, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, President, Latin American Council of Churches H.E. Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, Orthodox, SYRIA, Metropolitan, Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch Rev. Gertrude Kapuma, Protestant, MALAWI, Vice President, All African Conference of Churches

Bishop Dr. Rolf Koppe, Protestant, GERMANY, Director, Evangelical Church in Germany

Dr. Chiara Lubich, Catholic, ITALY, Founder and President,

Focolare Movement Dr. T. S. Nandhra, Sikh, KENYA, Chairman Emeritus, Sikh Supreme Council of Kenya

Rt. Rev. Njongonkulu Ndungane, Anglican, SOUTH AFRICA, Archbishop, Archdiocese of Cape Town Dr. Abdullah Omar Nasseef, Muslim, SAUDI ARABIA, Vice President, Majlis Al-Sheera Council Ms. Sofia Painiqueo, Indigenous, CHILE, Education and Culture Director, Mapuche Artisans Association Folilche Aflaiai H.E. Vinko Cardinal Puljic, Roman Catholic, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, Archbishop, Archdiocese of Sarajevo Mme. Jacqueline Rougé, Roman Catholic, FRANCE, Honorary President, World Conference of Religions for Peace Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Muslim, EGYPT, President, Library of Alexandria

Chief Rabbi René Samuel Sirat, Jewish, FRANCE, Standing Committee Member, Conference of European Rabbis

Dr. Din Syamsuddin, Muslim, INDONESIA, President, Muhammadiyah H.E. Peter Cardinal Turkson, Roman Catholic, GHANA, Archbishop, Archdiocese of Cape Coast Bishop K. H. Ting, Protestant, CHINA, President, China Christian Council Most Rev. Eshin Watanabe, Buddhist, JAPAN, Supreme Patriarch, Tendai-shu Rabbi Eric Yoffie, Jewish, UNITED STATES, President, Union for Reform Judaism

Religions for Peace – International ♦ 777 United Nations Plaza ♦ New York, NY 10017 ♦ USA ♦

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MODERATOR (PRO TEM) V. Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, Orthodox, USA Director of Ecumenical Affairs, Orthodox Church in America


TREASURER Mr. Simon Xavier Guerrand-Hermès, Protestant, MOROCCO

Chairman, Guerrand Hermès Foundation for Peace


Dr. Agnes R. Abuom, Anglican, KENYA, Executive Committee, World Council of Churches

Ms. Farida Ali, Muslim, PAKISTAN, President Emeritus, Islamic Heritage Society

Dr. Vinu Aram, Hindu, INDIA, Director, Shanti Ashram

H.E. Prof. Dr. Ali Bardakoglu, Muslim, TURKEY, President, Ministry of Religious Affairs

Sister M. Victoria Gz. De Castejon, Roman Catholic, SPAIN, Secretary General, International Union of Superiors General, VATICAN

H.E. Dr. Mustafa Ceric, Muslim, BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA, Reisu-l-uleme, Islamic Community in Bosnia and Hercegovina

Ayatollah Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad, Muslim, IRAN, Professor, The Academy of Sciences

H.E. Godfried Cardinal Danneels, Roman Catholic, BELGIUM, Archbishop, Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussel

Dr. Nirmala Deshpande, Hindu, INDIA, President, Harijana Sevak Sangh

H.E. Metropolitan Emmanuel, Orthodox, BELGIUM, Director, Patriarchate Liaison Office of the European Union

Rimpoche Pabala Gelielangjie, Buddhist, CHINA, President, China Committee on Religions for Peace

Dr. Manohar Singh Grewal, Sikh, UNITED STATES, Chairman, World Sikh Council, American Region

His Highness Houngue Towakon Guedehoungue II, Indigenous, BENIN, High Spiritual Leader, African Traditional Religion

Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, Protestant, CANADA, General Secretary, Canadian Council of Churches

Dr. Hamza Yusuf Hanson, Muslim, UNITED STATES, Founder, Zaytuna Institute

Mrs. Judith M. Hertz, Jewish, USA, Co-Chairperson, Commission on Interreligious Affairs, Union of Reform Judaism

Ms. Karen M. Hurley, Roman Catholic, UNITED STATES, President General, World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations

His Holiness Karekin II, Orthodox, ARMENIA, Catholicos and Supreme Patriarch of All Armenians, Armenian Apostolic Church

H.E. William Cardinal Keeler, Roman Catholic, USA, Archbishop, Archdiocese of Baltimore

H.E. Metropolitan Kirill, Russian Orthodox, RUSSIA, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Moscow Patriarchate Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia, Protestant, KENYA, General Secretary, World Council of Churches, Ven. Dr. Grace Chung Lee, Buddhist, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, President, Won Buddhist International H.E. Oscar Cardinal Rodriquez Maradiaga, Roman Catholic, HONDURAS, Archbishop, Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa Mrs. Homai N. Modi, Zoroastrian, INDIA, Honorary Secretary, K.R. Cama Institute Ms. Stellamaris Mulaeh, Roman Catholic, KENYA, Chairperson, International Youth Committee, Religions for Peace Al Mukarram Kyai Haji Ahmad Hasyim Muzadi, Muslim, INDONESIA, General Chairman, Nahdlatul Ulama

Rev. Nichiko Niwano, Buddhist, JAPAN, President, Rissho Kosei-kai

* Governing Board

Religions for Peace – International ♦ 777 United Nations Plaza ♦ New York, NY 10017 ♦ USA ♦

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Most Rev. Bernard Ntahoturi, Anglican, BURUNDI, Archbishop of the Province of Burundi Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi, Protestant, GHANA, General Secretary, World Alliance of Reformed Churches Rev. Samuel Olson, Protestant, VENEZUELA, Executive Council Member, World Evangelical Alliance Mrs. Aruna Oswal, Jain, INDIA, Vice President, World Jain Confederation His Grace John O. Onaiyekan, Roman Catholic, NIGERIA, Archbishop, Archdiocese of Abuja Mr. Muljibhai Pindolia, Hindu, KENYA, President, Hindu Council of Africa His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, Roman Catholic, PALESTINE, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Dr. Mohammed al-Sammak, Muslim, LEBANON, Secretary General, The Islamic Permanent Committee

H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ahmed al-Sharif, Muslim, LIBYA, Secretary General, World Islamic Call Society

Priestess Beatriz Schulthess, Indigenous, COSTA RICA, Coordinator, Indigenous People’s Spiritual Council

Mme. Mariama Sow, Muslim, GUINEA, President, Muslim Women of Guinea Dr. Mansour Sy, Muslim, SENEGAL, President, Federation of Islamic Associations of Senegal Sheikh Tayisir al-Tamimi, Muslim, PALESTINE, Chief Justice for the Supreme Judiciary, Palestinian Authority

His Holiness Sri Swamiji Sugunendra Theertha, Hindu, INDIA, Abbot, Sri Putige Matha Dr. Seyed Hassan Bahr Al-Uloom, Muslim, IRAQ, Representative, Al-Hawza

Most Rev. Samdech Tep Vong, Buddhist, CAMBODIA, Great Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia Rev. Barbel Warttenberg-Potter, Protestant, GERMANY, Bishop, Northelbian Evangelical Church Rt. Rev. Anders Wejryd, Protestant, SWEDEN, Archbishop of Uppsala, Church of Sweden Rev. Masami Yatabe, Shinto, JAPAN, General Secretary, Association of Shinto Shrines Master Lee Zhiwang, Taoist, SINGAPORE, President Taoist Center


Dr. Mir Nawaz Khan Marwat, Muslim, PAKISTAN, Moderator, Asian Conference on Religion and Peace (ACRP) H. E. Sheikh Shaban Mubaje, Muslim, UGANDA, Grand Mufti Uganda Muslim Supreme Council and Co-Moderator, African Council of Religious Leaders (ACRL)

Mr. Jehangir Sarosh, Zoroastrian, UK, President, World Conference of Religions for Peace– Europe

Bishop Gunnar J. Stålsett, Protestant, NORWAY Bishop Emeritus of Oslo, Church of Norway and Co-Moderator, European Council of Religious Leaders (ECRL) H.E. Julio Cardinal Terrazas, Roman Catholic, BOLIVIA Archbishop, Archdiocese of Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Co-Moderator, Latin America and Caribbean Council of Religious Leaders (LACCRL)

* Governing Board

Religions for Peace – International ♦ 777 United Nations Plaza ♦ New York, NY 10017 ♦ USA ♦

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Sheikh Nasser Almutawa, SAUDI ARABIA, Chairman and CEO, Samama Group of Companies HRH Prince Rashid bin Talal, JORDAN, Chairman of the Board of Trusties, Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organisation Mr. Pratap Bhogilal, INDIA, Chairman, Batliboi Ltd. The Honorable John Brademas, UNITED STATES, President Emeritus, New York University Mrs. Christina Lee Brown, UNITED STATES, Co-Founder and Former President, Cathedral Heritage Foundation and Owner, Louisville Stoneware Mr. Owsley Brown II, UNITED STATES, Chairman and CEO, Brown-Forman Corporation Mrs. Denise Taft Davidoff, UNITED STATES, Former Moderator, Unitarian Universalist Association Mr. A. Huda Farouki, JERUSALEM Chairman and CEO, Financial Instrument and Investment Corporation Mrs. Samia Farouki, JORDAN Founder and CEO, HIIFinance Mr. Roger Fiola, UNITED STATES, Managing Partner, Atherton-Newport Investments

Mr. Simon Xavier Guerrand-Hermès, MOROCCO, Chairman, Guerrand Hermès Foundation for Peace Mr. Ashish K. Khatana, UNITED STATES, Managing Partner, Atherton-Newport Investments Mr. John Kiser III, UNITED STATES, Chairman, William and Mary Greve Foundation Mr. Farooq Kathwari, KASHMIR, INDIA, Chairman and CEO, Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc. H.E. Ambassador Mokhtar Lamani, MOROCCO, Special Permanent Representative for Iraq, The Arab League Mr. Abdul Ilah Marafie, KUWAIT, Marafie Foundation-Kuwait The Honorable Thomas F. McLarty III, UNITED STATES, President, Kissinger McLarty Associates Mrs. Donna Cochran McLarty, UNITED STATES, Vice Chair and Founding Member, Vital Voices Global Partnership Rev. Keishi Miyamoto, JAPAN, Representative, Arigatou Foundation Rev. Norio Sakai, JAPAN, Chairman Emeritus, Rissho Kosei-kai Mr. Martin Schoyen, NORWAY, Founder, The Schoyen Collection



Ms. Mehrezia Labidi-Maiza, Muslim, FRANCE, Secretary, Association for Women Progress and Representative, IWCC Rev. Yoshiko Izumida, Buddhist, JAPAN, Dean, Hoju Women's College and Representative, IWCC An additional member to be determined.

Religions for Peace – International 777 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 USA
