
107 S. 1st St. Marshalltown, IA 50158 Tel: (641) 752-6278

Faith Formation: (641) 753-4178 Fax: (641) 752-6277

107 S. 1st St. Marshalltown, IA 50158 Tel: (641) 752-6278

Faith Formation: (641) 753-4178 Fax: (641) 752-6277


SUNDAY • DOMINGO OFFICE HOURS • HORARIO DE LA OFICINA 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM SH 8:30 AM English SH Church MONDAY – THURSDAY • LUNES - JUEVES 10:00 AM English SH Church 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 11:30 AM Español SH Church FRIDAYS • VIERNES 5:00 PM Bilingual SM Church 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM


Gaudete! Rejoice! Today the Church instructs us to rejoice at the coming of our Savior. The third candle of Advent is lit—Christmas is near. The rose (not pink!) color evokes for us great joy. To receive the Lord into our hearts is a delight, to be his friend and servant is a great joy. But amidst the challenges of the world—illness, violence, social disruption, broken relationships—can we truly find joy? We have only to read the news to see the brokenness around us. And many difficulties are so close to us, in our hearts and in our families. Isn’t joy discordant with the reality of sin in our lives?

The Scriptures today do not hesitate. St. Paul tells us, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!” Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit—a true gift from God. And it is precisely into our broken world and hearts that God pours forth his joy. As Pope Francis reminds us, “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness.”

As we continue our Advent journey, let us rejoice that

the Lord is near. And let us ask Mary, especially today

under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, to pray for

us. Teach us, O Mary, the joy of Christ.


¡Gaudete! ¡Alegrate! Hoy la iglesia nos instruye a regocijarnos por la venida de nuestro Salvador. Se enciende la tercera vela de Adviento: se acerca la Navidad. El color rosa nos evoca una gran alegría. Recibir al Señor en nuestro corazón es un placer ser su amigo y siervo es un gran gozo. Pero en medio de los desafíos del mundo —enfermedad, violencia, relaciones rotas—, ¿podemos encontrar alegría? Sólo tenemos que leer las noticias para ver el quebrantamiento en el mundo. Y muchas dificultades están tan cerca de nosotros, en nuestro corazón y en nuestra familia. ¿No es difícil encontrar gozo con la realidad del pecado en nuestras vidas?

Las Escrituras de hoy no vacilan. San Pablo nos dice: Alégrense siempre

en el Señor; se lo repito: ¡alégrense!" El gozo es un fruto del Espíritu Santo, un verdadero regalo de Dios. Y es precisamente en nuestro mundo y corazones quebrantados donde Dios derrama su gozo. Como nos recuerda el Papa Francisco, “La alegría del evangelio llena el corazón y la vida de todos los que se encuentran con Jesús. Aquellos que aceptan su oferta de salvación son liberados del pecado, el dolor, el vacío interior y la soledad ".

Mientras continuamos nuestro viaje de Adviento, regocijémonos de que el Señor está cerca. Y pidamos a María, especialmente hoy bajo el título de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, que ore por nosotros. Enséñanos, oh María, el gozo de Cristo.

December 12, 2021 + 12 de diciembre , 2021


Opening Song │ Emmanuel (verses 1 & 2)

Text: Refrain, Steve Angrisano; verses based on 'O' Antiphons. Music and refrain text © 2004, Steve Angrisano. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Contributors: Steve Angrisano. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, #A-737355. All rights reserved.

Penitential Rite Have mercy on us, O Lord. For we have sinned against you. Show us, O Lord, your mercy. And grant us your salvation. May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

First Reading │ A reading from the book of the prophet Zephaniah (3:14-18a)

Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel! Be glad and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem! The LORD has removed the judgment against you he has turned away your enemies; the King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear. On that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem: Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged! The LORD, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior; he will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love, he will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals. The

word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm │ Psalm 25

℟. To you, Lord, I lift up my soul, O my God.

O Lord, show your ways to me. Teach me your paths and keep me in the ways of your truth, for you are the God that saves me. ℟.

The Lord is so good, so holy; sinners find the way, and in all that is right he guides the humble. The poor he leads in his pathways. ℟.

All day long I hope in your goodness. Remember your love, the love that you promised long ago, and the kindness that you gave from of old. ℟.

Entrada │ Buenos Días Paloma Blanca

1. Buenos días, Paloma Blanca, hoy te vengo a saludar, saludando tu belleza en tu trono celestial. Eres Madre del Creador, y a mi corazón encantas; gracias te doy con amor. Buenos días, Paloma Blanca.

2. Niña linda, niña santa, tu dulce nombre alabar; porque eres tan sacrosanta, hoy te vengo a saludar. Reluciente como el alba, pura, sencilla y sin mancha. ¡Qué gusto recibe mi alma! Buenos días, Paloma Blanca.

3. Qué linda está la mañana, el aroma de las flores despiden suaves olores antes de romper el alba. Mi pecho con voz ufana, gracias te da, Madre mía; en este dichoso día antes de romper el alba.

Letra y música: Tradicional. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, License #A-737355. All right reserved.

Acto Penitencial Señor, ten misericordia de nosotros. Porque hemos pecado contra ti. Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia. Y danos tu salvación. Dios todopoderoso tenga misericordia de nosotros, perdone nuestros pecados y nos lleve a la vida eterna. Amen.

Primera lectura │ Lectura del profeta Sofonías (3, 14-18a)

Canta, hija de Sión, da gritos de júbilo, Israel, gózate y regocíjate de todo corazón, Jerusalén. El Señor ha levantado su sentencia contra ti, ha expulsado a todos tus enemigos. El Señor será el rey de Israel en medio de ti y ya no temerás ningún mal. Aquel día dirán a Jerusalén: “No temas, Sión, que no desfallezcan tus manos. El Señor, tu Dios, tu poderoso salvador, está en medio de ti. Él se goza y se complace en ti; él te ama y se llenará de júbilo por tu causa, como en los días de fiesta”. Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos, Señor.

Salmo Responsorial Isaias 12, 2-6

℟. El Señor es mi Dios y salvador.

℟. Griten jubilosos, porque Dios de Israel ha sido grande con ustedes.

© 1976, OCP. All rights reserved.

Contributors: Tim Manion. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, License #A

-737355. All right reserved.


Second Reading | A reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Philippians (4:4-7)

Brothers and sisters: Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Gospel │ A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke (3:10-18)

The crowds asked John the Baptist, “What should we do?” He said to them in reply, “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” Even tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him, “Teacher, what should we do?” He answered them, “Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.” Soldiers also asked him, “And what is it that we should do?” He told them, “Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages.” Now the people were filled with expectation, and all were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Christ. John answered them all, saying, “I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” Exhorting them in many other ways, he preached good news to the people. The gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Segunda lectura │ Lectura de la primera carta de los Filipenses (4. 4-7)

Hermanos míos: Alégrense siempre en el Señor; se lo repito: ¡alégrense! Que la benevolencia de ustedes sea conocida por todos. El Señor está cerca. No se inquieten por nada; más bien presenten en toda ocasión sus peticiones a Dios en la oración y la súplica, llenos de gratitud. Y que la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa toda inteligencia, custodie sus corazones y sus pensamientos en Cristo Jesús. Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos, Señor.

Evangelio │ Del santo Evangelio según San Lucas (3, 10-18)

En aquel tiempo, la gente le preguntaba a Juan el Bautista: “¿Qué debemos hacer?” Él contestó: “Quien tenga dos túnicas, que dé una al que no tiene ninguna, y quien tenga comida, que haga lo mismo”. También acudían a él los publicanos para que los bautizara, y le preguntaban: “Maestro, ¿qué tenemos que hacer nosotros?” Él les decía: “No cobren más de lo establecido”. Unos soldados le preguntaron: “Y nosotros, ¿qué tenemos que hacer?” Él les dijo: “No

extorsionen a nadie, ni denuncien a nadie falsamente, sino conténtense con su salario”. Como el pueblo estaba en expectación y todos pensaban que quizá Juan era el Mesías, Juan los sacó de dudas, diciéndoles: “Es cierto que yo bautizo con agua, pero ya viene otro más poderoso que yo, a quien no merezco desatarle las correas de sus sandalias. Él

los bautizará con el Espíritu Santo y con fuego. Él tiene el bieldo en la mano para separar el trigo de la paja; guardará el trigo en su granero y quemará la paja en un fuego que no se extingue”. Con éstas y otras muchas exhortaciones anunciaba al pueblo la buena nueva. Palabra del Señor. Gloria a ti, Señor Jesús.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 4:30 PM + Norm Gorder

6:30 PM + Humberto Zamora

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 8:30 AM + Bill Faircloth

10:00 AM + Pat & Bill Oetker 11:30 AM + Jesus Gonzalez Garcia

5:00 PM All Parishioners

MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 7:30 AM + Joan Harding

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14 7:30 AM (SM) + Duane Gates

+ Tom Giarratano

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15 7:30 AM (SM) + Leonard Tietz

+ Ryan Lindner

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 7:30 AM + Mary Kratoska

8:45AM Victor Meraz (bday)

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17 7:30 AM + Tom Giarratano

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 4:30 PM + Norma Polley 6:30 PM All Parishioners

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 8:30 AM + Clarence & Juanita Yoch

10:00 AM + Gwen Graw 11:30 AM + Maria del Rosario Denise

5:00 PM Tom Ross

Our sympathies to the families of...

Nuestras condolencias a las familia sde...

Janice Lenning

Don Stull (Father of Barb Morton & Debbie Harrelson)



I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, (bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Offertory │ Waiting in Silence

© 2002, Carey Landry. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Contributors: Carey Landry. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, #A-737355. All rights reserved.

Offertory │ Beyond the Moon and Stars ©

© 1970, 2004, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Contributors: Dan Schutte Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, #A-737355. All rights reserved.


Creo en un solo Dios Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra, de todo lo visible y lo invisible. Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosotros, los hombres, y por nuestra salvación bajó del cielo, (inclinarse) y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato; padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y del Hijo, que con el Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo Bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén.

Salida │ Virgencita Ranchera

1. A ti, Virgencita, mi Guadalupana, yo quiero ofrecerte un canto valiente que México entero te diga sonriente. Yo quiero decirte lo que tú sabes: que México te ama, que nunca está triste porque de nombrarte el alma se inflama. Tu nombre es arrullo y el mundo lo sabe. Eres nuestro orgullo, mi México es tuyo; tú guardas la llave.

ESTRIBILLO ¡Que viva la Reina de los mexicanos! La que con sus manos sembró rosas bellas Y puso en el cielo millares de estrellas.

2. Yo sé que en el cielo tú escuchas mi canto, yo sé que con celo nos cubre tu manto; Virgencita chula, eres un Encanto. Por patria no diste este lindo suelo y lo bendijiste porque era tu anhelo; tener un santuario cerquita del cielo. O Virgen morena, mi Virgen ranchera, eres nuestra duena, México es tu tierra y tú su bandera.

© 1945, Promotora Hispano America de Musica, S.A. Printed with permission from Hal Leonard Corporation. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, License #A-737355. All rights reserved.


Closing │ Emmanuel (verses 3 & 4)

© 2004, Steve Angrisano. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Contributors: Steve Angrisano. Reprinted with

permission under ONE LICENSE, #A-737355. All rights reserved.


The story of Christ’s birth has been told and retold so many times it could have lost its luster generations ago. But it hasn’t—not even close. And perhaps nowhere on earth is the Nativity story told with more flourish and faith-based exuberance than in the annual celebration of Las Posadas, a tradition held throughout Mexico and Guatemala.

A holy history lesson: The roots of Las Posadas stretch deeply into Latin culture. It originated in Spain, but it’s been a yearly celebration throughout Mexico for over 400 years. The tradition commemorates Mary and Joseph’s difficult journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a warm place to stay the night. (Posadas is Spanish for “lodgings” or “accommodations.”) Beginning on December 16 and ending nine days later, on December 24, Las Posadas commemorates the nine months of Mary’s pregnancy. Each night, one family agrees to house the pilgrims. And so it begins: At dusk, a procession of the faithful takes to the streets with children often dressed as angels and shepherds. Religious figures, images and lighted candles are a part of the festivities. The group representing the Holy Family stands outside a series of houses, singing songs, asking for lodging. They are refused time and again until the group reaches the designated house. Finally, the travelers are permitted to enter. Prayer and song continue in the home, and festive foods are shared. The evening ends with a piñata in the shape of star. Just as Mary and Joseph faced the cold weather—and even colder innkeepers that night—participants brave the elements in bringing their love for the Christ Child to their streets. Las Posadas isn’t about being somber and still during Christmas: It’s about pilgrims and a pilgrimage, rousing song, prayer and deep faith—all of it in motion.

Article from :

Help decorate our church for the Christmas season by purchasing a poinsettia either anonymously or in honor of a loved one who has passed

away. Fill out this form and place in the collection (with your free-will donation) at Mass or bring to the parish office by Dec. 13.





Ayude a decorar nuestra iglesia para Navidad comprando una flor nochebuena, en honor a un ser querido que falleció. Complete este

formulario y colóquelo en la colección (con su donación voluntaria) en la Misa o a la oficina parroquial antes del 13 de diciembre.


MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 2:00 PM & 6:30 PM @ SFC GYM 5th & 6th Graders: Rejoice Radio Play

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14 2:00 PM & 6:30 PM @ SH Kinder & 1st graders: A Christmas concert

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 2:00 PM & 6:30 PM @ SH 2nd & 3rd Graders: A Christmas concert

MONDAY, DECEMBER 20 2:00 PM & 6:30 PM @ SFC GYM 4th graders: Sing with Us Christmas Play

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21 Only at 6:30 PM @ SH Preschoolers: Christmas is All About Jesus!



COUPLES OF FAITH : DATE NIGHT Saturday, December 11 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM St. Mary Hall The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is underway. Remember to take

time for your marriage during these busy days. Reach out to another couple and bring them with you! Remember to RSVP to Shelby for childcare 641-751-6284.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Monday, December 13 5:15 PM Madonna Room (Faith Formation Office)

All are invited to join our brothers and sisters in RCIA as we hear from Fr. Kyle about Mary in our Catholic tradition. No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome to attend.

HOUSE OF COMPASSION St. Francis of Assisi is signed up to serve an evening meal the first Thursday of every month at the House of Compassion. If you are interested in

helping cook or serve please sign up on the kiosk at St. Henry's.

The House of Compassion Supply Closet could use some volunteers. Please reach out to Chad Hammer to learn more at 641-752-5999.

IOWA VETERANS HOME The Catholic residents at the Iowa Veterans Home are part of the St. Francis of Assisi Parish Community. Our priests and parish volunteers provide sacramental services and spiritual support to more than 50 people at IVH by serving as Eucharistic Ministers, helping residents attend Mass and more. There is an immediate need for an additional person to serve as an Eucharistic Minister. This involves taking Holy Communion to residents in their rooms, and visiting and praying with them. If you are interested in this ministry and would like more information, please contact Deacon Tom Renze at 752-2133.

OPEN WIDE OUR HEARTS Tuesdays, January 4, 11, 18, 25 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Madonna Room In November 2018, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a new pastoral letter against racism, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love. All who seek to open wide their hearts through prayerful engagement with this letter are invited to pray, listen, study and reflect in this 4-week study. Please call the office if interested by Wednesday, December 15 to help us plan for materials. Donations to help cover the cost of the printing will be accepted. You are welcome to join even if you don’t pre-register.

“LAS POSADAS” : ADVENT EVENT FOR ALL Sunday, December 19 6:00 PM St. Mary Church & Basement

See the previous page to learn more about this rich cultural tradition. Our parish offers Las Posadas at St. Mary and we invite you to come experience “Las Posadas” for yourself or with your family and friends. Accompany us in the tradition of “Las Posadas” when Mary and St. Joseph looked for an inn in Bethlehem before the Lord's birth. There will be treats for all to enjoy!

QUESTIONS JESUS ASKED : SCRIPTURE STUDY Wednesdays beginning in January 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Madonna Room (Faith Formation Office) A new morning Scripture study will begin

in January called "Questions Jesus Asked." We will explore the Questions Jesus posed to His followers. Books will be ordered on Monday, December 13, so please call today 752-6278 and reserve your copy!


Please return all wrapped gifts with tag securely fastened, to St. Henry's narthex. If you forgot, please return the item to the St. Francis parish office tomorrow, Monday, December 13.

FOURTH SUNDAY COLLECTION Due to Christmas, our fourth Sunday collection will take place next Sunday, December 19 with all proceeds going to support retired religious. Thank you

for your generosity for those who have spent their life serving the Lord.

HOLIDAY SCRIP ORDERS All "special orders" for SCRIP need to be ordered by December 12 to ensure Christmas delivery. Special order SCRIP includes any business that are not regularly in stock. We will be selling SCRIP the weekend of December 18 & 19, but only from our current inventory. There will be no SCRIP sales the weekend of Christmas. Thank you for supporting SCRIP!

LIFE IS MESSY : A FREE BOOK FOR YOU! You are invited to take a free copy of Matthew Kelly’s new book, Life is Messy. Matthew shares his wisdom about putting our lives back together after being wounded or broken by something life has thrown at us. The

book is provided by the St. Francis men's small prayer groups. Thank you, gentlemen, for your generosity to the parish.


ANUNCIOS • ANNOUNCEMENTS LAS POSADAS: EVENTO DEL ADVIENTO PARA TODOS domingo el 19 de diciembre 6:00 PM Iglesia de Santa María y sótano Iglesia de Santa María y sótano Nuestra parroquia ofrece Las Posadas en Santa Maria y los invitamos a que vengan a experimentar “Las Posadas” por usted mismo o con su familia y amigos. Acompáñanos en la tradición de “Las Posadas” cuando María y San José buscan posada en Belén antes del nacimiento del Señor. ¡Habrá golosinas para que todos disfruten!

LA VIDA ES COMPLICADA: ¡UN LIBRO GRATIS PARA TI! Le invitamos a llevarse una copia gratuita del nuevo libro de Matthew Kelly, La Vida Es Complicada. Matthew comparte su sabiduría acerca de reconstruir

nuestras vidas después de haber sido heridos o destrozados por algo que la vida nos ha arrojado. El libro es proporcionado por los hombres de unos grupos de oración de San Francisco. Gracias, señores, por su generosidad con la parroquia. COLECTA ESPECIAL EL PRÓXIMO FIN PARA LA JUBILACIÓN DE RELIGIOSOS Debido a la Navidad, nuestra colecta del cuarto domingo se llevará a cabo el próximo domingo 19 de diciembre y todas las ganancias se destinarán a apoyar a los religiosos jubilados. Gracias por su generosidad para aquellos que han pasado su vida sirviendo al Señor.

ROSARIO ANTES DE LA MISA Cada domingo a las 11:00 AM se reza el santo rosario antes de la misa a las 11:30 AM. Las personas que lo dirigen son las siguientes: 12 diciembre : Raquel Ibarra 19 diciembre : Patricia Sánchez 26 diciembre : Ranulfo Sánchez

ARBOL GENEROSO Devuelva todos los obsequios envueltos con la etiqueta bien sujeta a la entrada de San Henry. Si lo olvidó, devuelva el artículo a la oficina de San Francisco mañana, lunes el 13 de diciembre.

RETIRO DE JÓVENES GRADOS 7-12 viernes, 14 de enero de 2022 (no hay escuela en Marshalltown ese día) Solo Dios es lo suficientemente grande para llenarte. La búsqueda de la felicidad motiva cada

decisión que tomamos. Entonces, ¿por qué nos sentimos infelices con tanta frecuencia? Este tema explora nuestra búsqueda de la verdadera felicidad, destacando lo único que es lo suficientemente grande como para satisfacer nuestros deseos más profundos: Dios mismo.


MAÑANITAS 12 de diciembre

5:00 AM - 8:00 AM Iglesia Sta. María

Celebrando esta fiesta especial con un tiempo de oración temprano en la mañana, música y la devoción mexicana a Nuestra Señora de

Guadalupe. ¡Quédate para disfrutar de un delicioso desayuno también!


12 de diciembre 11:30 AM

¡Quédate después de la misa para una comida guadalupana!