Page 1: RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM HIGH ACADEMIC ......γεμάτος γνώσεις. || Once you set out for Ithaka / hope your road to be long, / full of adventures, full of knowledge (Καβάφης







SEU UNIVERSITÀRIA DE LA NUCIA(University of Alicante / Universitat d’Alacant / Universidad de Alicante)

July, 8th and 10th -12th , 2019 / Juliol, 8 i 10-12, 2019Julio, 8 y 10-12, 2019

Page 2: RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM HIGH ACADEMIC ......γεμάτος γνώσεις. || Once you set out for Ithaka / hope your road to be long, / full of adventures, full of knowledge (Καβάφης

09:00 H

Ciencias sociales y jurídicas(Equipo de Investigación: Educación)”, Universidad de Córdoba [UCO]

La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea [UPV/EHU]


10:00 HProf. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “The Keys for International HAAIDG-INet/X-IntGARAID/RInt-GARAID to Earn a PhD and Delight (?) the Experience. Odysseus Arrived to Ithaca: Σὰ βγεῖς στὸν πηγαιμὸ γιὰ τὴν Ἰθάκη, / νὰ εὔχεσαι νά ῾ναι μακρὺς ὁ δρόμος, / γεμάτος περιπέτειες, γεμάτος γνώσεις. || Once you set out for Ithaka / hope your road to be long, / full of adventures, full of knowledge (Καβάφης / Cavafy, Ιθάκη / Ithaka)”

11:00 HTowards a Pedagogical Scope of the Landscape and Historical Patrimony. Guided views through La Nucia, 1/ Cap a una visió pedagògica del pai-satge i el patrimoni històric. Rutes guiades per la Nucia, 1. Meeting point: Seu Universitària de la Nucia.

July 8th · 08 de Juliol · 08 de Julio

12:00 H Prof. Belén Lozano Sañudo (UA): “Multicultural Scenarios in European PhD Matters”

13:00 H Prof. Dr. Rosabel Roig-Vila (UA): “Tecnology and Society: Comunication, Information and Learning”

14:00 H Lunch / Dinar / Comida

International HAAIDG-INet/X-IntGARAID/RINT-GARAID Symposium for PhD Candidates belonging to PhD Programs:

3rd International Symposium High Academic Achievement International Doctoral Groups International Network [HAAIDG-INet] July, 8th and 10th -12th, 2019

III Simposi Internacional de la Xarxa Internacional dels Grups d’Alt Rendiment Acadèmic Internacional de Doctorat [X-IntGARAID] 8 i 10-12 de juliol de 2019

III Simposio Internacional de la Red Internacional de Grupos de Alto Rendimiento Académico Internacional de Doctorado [RInt-GARAID] 8 y 10-12 de juliol de 2019

Seu Universitària de la Nucia (Universitat d’Alacant)

Coordination:Vicent Martines (Universitat d’Alacant [UA], IEC, RABLB), Urtza Garay Ruiz (UPV/EHU), José Luís Gascó (UA), Verónica Marín (Universidad de Córdoba [UCO]), María Paz Prendes (Universidad de Murcia [UM]), Rosabel Roig-Vila (UA), Antonio Cortijo (Center for Catalan Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA; RABLB), Hans-Ingo Radatz (Internationales Institut fur Iberische Studien, Otto-Friedrich-Unversität Bamberg, Germany)

Organizing Committee:Jordi Antolí (UA) [Secretary], Vicent-J. Escartí (Universitat de València [UV], IIFV, RABLB), Xènia Escolano (UA), Josep Vicent Garcia Sebastià (UA), Belén Lozano Sañudo (UA), Enric Mallorquí-Ruscalleda (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA ), Joan de Déu Martines Llinares (UA), Caterina Martínez (UA), Víctor M. Pina (UA), Eloísa Reche Urbano (UCO), Rafael Roca (UV, IIFV, RABLB), Elena Sánchez (UA), Esther Vega Gea (UCO)

International Scientific Committee:Xabier Basogain Olabe (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)Jean-Marie Barberà (Université de Aix-en-Provence, France)Anna Maria Compagna (Università degli Studi Federico II di Napoli, Italy; RABLB)Ricardo Da Costa (Universidade Federal Espíritu Santo, Brazil; RABLB)Antoni Ferrando (Universitat de València, IEC, RABLB)Giuseppe Grilli (Università di Roma Tre; RAE; RABLB)Dominic Keown (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)Santiago Mengual (Universitat de València)Veronica Orazi (Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy)Nuria Puigdevall (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples, Italy)Fabrizio Sirignano (Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples, Italy)Julie Spencer-Rodgers (California Polytrechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, USA)

Tecnología Educativa Universidad de las Illes Balears, Universidad de Lleida, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad Rovira i Virgili [candidatos adscritos a la UM]

SPECIFIC SESSIONSProf. Dr. Vicente Sabater (University of Alicante):“Research in Family Business and Entrepreneurship”

Prof. Dr. Susana de Juana (University of Alicante):“New Trends in Research Lines in Digital Economy”

Empresa, Economía y SociedadUniversitat d’Alacant / Universidad de Alicante [UA]

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPProf. Dr. Susana de Juana & Prof. Dr. Vicente Sabater (UA): “Workshop in Knowing yourself and identifying your research interests”

15:30 H

17:00 H

17:30 H

18:00 H

18:15 H

19:00 H

GENERAL ACTIVITIES (Mandatories for all PhD Candidates without specific sessions or workshops scheduled) Prof. Dr. Rosabel Roig-Vila (UA): “Information and Comunication Technologies to Define New Teaching and Learning Environments”

GENERAL ACTIVITIES (Mandatories for all PhD Candidates without specific sessions or workshops scheduled) Prof. Dr. Rosabel Roig-Vila (UA): “MOOC and NOOC as eLearning scenarios at Digital Society”

International HAAIDG/GARAID Symposium GENERAL ACTIVITIES (Mandatories for all PhD Candidates without specific sessions or workshops scheduled):

GENERAL ACTIVITIES (Mandatories for all PhD Candidates without specific sessions or workshops scheduled) Prof. Dr. Rosabel Roig-Vila (UA): “International Workshop on Personal Learning Environment [PLE]”

Page 3: RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM HIGH ACADEMIC ......γεμάτος γνώσεις. || Once you set out for Ithaka / hope your road to be long, / full of adventures, full of knowledge (Καβάφης

July 10th · 10 de Juliol · 10 de Julio

09:00 H

Empresa, Economía y Sociedad, Universitat d’Alacant / Universidad de Alicante [UA]

“Tecnología Educativa”Universidad de las Illes Balears, Universidad de Lleida, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad Rovira i Virgili.

La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea [UPV/EHU]

09:30 HGENERAL ACTIVITIES (Mandatories for all PhD Candidates without specific sessions or workshops scheduled) Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “PhD Dissertation: Great Expectations”

GENERAL ACTIVITIES: Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “Social Sciences and Humanities in PhD Formation to Afford Better Knowledge Chances and Personal Skills”

12:00 H

GENERAL ACTIVITIES: Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “From Mediterranean to the West Canon of High Culture. The Intercultural and Historical Transmission in PhD Researche to Manage Social Changes Nowadays”

13:00 H

14:00 H

16:00 H20:00 H

International HAAIDG-INet/X-IntGARAID/RINT-GARAID Symposium for PhD Candidates belonging to PhD Programs:

04. Profa. Dra. Noelia Jiménez Fanjul: Errores y dificultades en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas en alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje / Errors and difficulties in the teaching and learning of mathematics in students with learning difficulties.

05. Profa. Dra. Esther Vega Gea: Uso de las TIC en la Educación Inclusiva. Diferencias por género / Use of ICT in Inclusive Education. Differences by gender.

06. Prof. Dr. Ignacio González López: Aplicaciones del Análisis Multivariante en investigación educativa / Applications of multivariate analysis in educational research.

07. Prof. Dr. Juan Calmaestra Villén: Intervención educativa contra el Bullying y el Cyberbullying / Educational intervention against Bullying and Cyberbullying.

08. Prof. Dr. Ramón Martínez Medina: El paisaje como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza de la Geografía en Educación Primaria / The landscape as a teaching resource for the teaching of Geography in Primary Education.

09. Prof. Dr. Sebastián Rubio García: Didáctica de las Ciencias en los nuevos contextos mediáticos / Didactics of Science in new media contexts.

10. Profa. Dra. Ana B. López Cámara: La competencia del docente inclusiva / The competence of the inclusive teacher.

Empresa, Economía y Sociedad, Universitat d’Alacant / Universidad de Alicante [UA]

Ciencias sociales y jurídicas (Equipo de Investigación: Educación), Universidad de Córdoba [UCO]

“Tecnología Educativa”Universidad de las Illes Balears, Universidad de Lleida, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad Rovira i Virgili.


INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPAbout PhD Research (1st): Profs. Drs. from Universidad de Córdoba, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Jaén, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca [Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación] (México). Conductor: Prof. Dr. Verónica Marín (UCO)

Lunch / Dinar / Comida

SPECIFIC SESSIONS: PhD Candidates belonging to PhD Program “Ciencias sociales y jurídicas (equipo de Investigación: Educación)”, UCO

SPECIFIC PRESENTATIONS conducted by Prof. Dr. Verónica Marín (UCO):

01. Profa. Dra. Verónica Marín Díaz: “La educación inclusiva desde la perspectiva digital / Inclusive education from a digital perspective”

02. Profa. Dra. Eloísa Reche Urbano: “La formación en competencias, motor de la calidad educativa / Skills training, engines for educational quality”

03. Profa. Dra. Begoña E. Sampedro Requena: Inclusión y tecnología: las bases del prisma educativo / Inclusion and technology: the bases of the educational prism.

SPECIFIC SESSIONS: PhD Candidates belonging to PhD Program “Programa de Doctorado en La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares”, UPV/EHU.

SPECIFIC PRESENTATIONS conducted by Prof. Dr. Verónica Marín (UCO):

16:00 H. Opening. General aspects about the Doctorate Program (Profs. Drs. Garay, López & Romero). Introduced by Prof. Dr. Dr. Martines.

17:00 H. Profa. Dra. Ainara Romero Andonegi (UPV/EHU): “Inclusion and New Technology for Students with dyslexia / Inclusión y Nuevas Tecnologías para estudiantes con dislexia / Dislexia duten ikasleen inklusioa eta teknologia berrien erabilpena”

Ciencias sociales y jurídicas (Equipo de Investigación: Educación), Universidad de Córdoba [UCO]

SPECIFIC SESSIONS: PhD Candidates belonging to PhD Program “Ciencias sociales y jurídicas (equipo de Investigación: Educación)”, UCO

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPAbout PhD Research (1st): Profs. Drs. from Universidad de Córdoba, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Jaén, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca [Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación] (México). Conductor: Prof. Dr. Verónica Marín (UCO)

9:30 - 11:00 HINTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPAbout PhD Research: Parallel Session to improve skills about how to develop a PhD, conducted by Prof. Dr. Ana B. López Cámara (UCO).

11:00 H

18:00 H. Profa. Dra. Arantzazu López de la Serna (UPV/EHU): “Tecnología y empoderamiento de la mujer / Tecnologoly and empowerment of woman / Emakumeen ahalduntzea eta teknologia”

19:00 H. Profa. Dra. Urtza Garay Ruiz (UPV/EHU): “The Maker movement at the curret university / El movimiento Maker en la Universidad actual / Maker mugimendua gaur egungo Unibertsitatean”

La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea [UPV/EHU]

16:00 H20:00H

17:00 H20:00 H

GENERAL ACTIVITIES: Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “Mentorship within PhD Programs Frames (1)”

Page 4: RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM HIGH ACADEMIC ......γεμάτος γνώσεις. || Once you set out for Ithaka / hope your road to be long, / full of adventures, full of knowledge (Καβάφης

July 11th · 11 de Juliol · 11 de Julio

Empresa, Economía y SociedadUniversitat d’Alacant / Universidad de Alicante [UA]

Ciencias sociales y jurídicas(Equipo de Investigación: Educación)”, Universidad de Córdoba [UCO]

Tecnología Educativa Universidad de las Illes Balears, Universidad de Lleida, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad Rovira i Virgili [candidatos adscritos a la UM]

La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea [UPV/EHU]

International HAAIDG-INet/X-IntGARAID/RINT-GARAID Symposium for PhD Candidates belonging to PhD Programs:

09:30 H14:00 H

SPECIFIC SESSIONSPhD Candidates belonging to PhD Program “Ciencias sociales y jurídicas (equipo de Investigación: Educación)”, UCO

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPabout PhD Research (2nd): Profs. Drs. from Universidad de Córdoba, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Jaén, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca [Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación] (México). Conductor: Prof. Dr. Verónica Marín (UCO)

10:30 H14:00 H

10:00 H14:00 H

14:00 H Lunch / Dinar / Comida

16:00 H18:00 H

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPabout PhD Research: PhD Candidates belonging to PhD Program “Tecnología Educativa”, Universidad de las Illes Balears, Universidad de Lleida, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad Rovira i Virgili [candidates at UM], conducted by Prof. Dr. M. Paz Prendes

[IMPROVEMENT] INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPabout PhD Research: Profs. Drs. PhD Program “Programa de Doctorado en La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares”, UPV/EHU, conducted by Prof. Dr. Garay.

GENERAL ACTIVITIES: Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “Mentorship within PhD Programs Frames (3)”

Empresa, Economía y SociedadUniversitat d’Alacant / Universidad de Alicante [UA]

Ciencias sociales y jurídicas(Equipo de Investigación: Educación)”, Universidad de Córdoba [UCO]

Tecnología Educativa Universidad de las Illes Balears, Universidad de Lleida, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad Rovira i Virgili [candidatos adscritos a la UM]

La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea [UPV/EHU]

13. Profa. Dra. Soledad Domen Martos: Capacidades profesionales y prácticas de liderazgo en los directivos escolares / Capabilities and practices the school leadership

14. Prof. Dr. José Mª Fernández Batanero: Investigación en TIC y diversidad funcional. Panorama nacional e internacional / Research in ICT and functional diversity. National and international panorama

15. Profa. Dra. Rosalía Romero Tena: La infancia inclusiva mediada por TIC / Inclusive childhood mediated by ICT.

16. Profa. Dra. Carmen Siles: Hacia una escuela más inclusiva / Towards a more inclusive school.

17. Profa. Dra. Mª Dolores Díaz Nogueras: Organizaciones inclusivas: estudio de género a través del movimiento STEAM / Inclusive organizations: gender study through the STEAM movement

18. Profa. Dra. Carmen Corujo: Los grupos de apoyo mutuo como estrategias de inclusión educativa / Mutual support groups as educational inclusion strategies.

19. Profa. Dra. Carmen León Mantero: Matemáticas primarias. O cómo desarrollar la imaginación desde el número / Primary Mathematics or how to develop the imagination from the number

20. Profa. Dra.Guadalupe Maldonado (Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca, México): “Educación continua a distancia: una propuesta innovadora / Continuing Education at Distance: an Innovative Proposal “.

21. Profa. Dra. Guadalupe Maldonado (Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca, México): “El uso de recursos digitales para la conformación del Ambiente de Aprendizaje en Instituciones de Educación Superior / The Use of Digital Resources for the Formation of the Learning Environment in Higher Education Institutions”

16:00 H18:00 H

GENERAL ACTIVITIES: Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “Mentorship within PhD Programs Frames (3)”

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPabout PhD Research: PhD Candidates belonging to PhD Program “Tecnología Educativa”, Universidad de las Illes Balears, Universidad de Lleida, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad Rovira i Virgili [candidates at UM], conducted by Prof. Dr. M. Paz Prendes

GENERAL ACTIVITIES: Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “Mentorship within PhD Programs Frames (2)”

SPECIFIC SESSIONSPhD Candidates belonging to PhD Program “Ciencias sociales y jurídicas (equipo de Investigación: Educación)”, UCO

SPECIFIC PRESENTATIONSconducted by Prof. Dr. Verónica Marín (UCO):

11. Prof. Dr. Juan Jesús Gutiérrez Castillo: Las tecnologías emergentes en el contexto de la educación superior / Emerging technologies in the context of higher education).

12. Profa. Dra. Bárbara Fernández Robles: Aprendizaje móvil inclusivo / Mobile learning inclusive.

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPabout PhD Research: Profs. Drs. PhD Program “Programa de Doctorado en La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares”, UPV/EHU, conducted by Prof. Dr. Garay.

SPECIFIC SESSIONSPhD Candidates belonging to PhD Program “Tecnología Educativa”, Universidad de las Illes Balears, Universidad de Lleida, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad Rovira i Virgili [candidates at UM]

11:00 H. Mª del Mar SÁNCHEZ VERA (UM): “Teacher andLearning in Online Environaments”

12:00 H. Isabel GUTIÉRREZ PORLÁN (UM): “Digital Identity and Safe Uses of Social Networks”

13:00 H. Mª Paz PRENDES ESPINOSA (UM): “Citizenship for the New Century: Digital Competence.”

[IMPROVEMENT] INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPabout PhD Research: Profs. Drs. PhD Program “Programa de Doctorado en La Globalización a Examen: Retos y Respuestas Interdisciplinares”, UPV/EHU, conducted by Prof. Dr. Garay.

18:00 H20:00 H

GENERAL ACTIVITIES: Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “Mentorship within PhD Programs Frames (4)”

Page 5: RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM HIGH ACADEMIC ......γεμάτος γνώσεις. || Once you set out for Ithaka / hope your road to be long, / full of adventures, full of knowledge (Καβάφης

July 12th · 12 de Juliol · 12 de Julio

International HAAIDG/GARAID Symposium GENERAL ACTIVITIES (Mandatories for all PhD Candidates without specific sessions or workshops scheduled):

09:00 H Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB): “Why become a PhD? A scope of a Global desire”

10:00 H Prof. Dr. Vicent-Josep Escartí & Prof. Dr. Rafael Roca (Universitat de València-Estudi General, IIFV, RABLB): “Workshop on Scientific Publication: the Case of Scripta online journal (University of Valencia Press)”

11:00 H Prof. Dr. Antonio Cortijo (University of California at Santa Barbara, USA): “Transcontinetal Perspectives about Why and How Earn a PhD”

12:00 H



“Intercultural and Historical Transmission in Medieval Mediterranean Europe / Transferències Interculturals i Històriques en l’Europa Medieval Mediterrània / Transferencias Interculturales e Históricas en la Europa Medieval Mediterránea /”, Universitat d’Alacant / Universidad de Alicante [UA] (

CANDIDATA: BELÉN LOZANO SAÑUDOOPTA A LA MENCIÓN DE DOCTORADO INTERNACIONALTÍTULO: “La traducción de la LIJ: retos creativos, condicionantes socioculturales e influencia en la LIJ nacional y el idiolecto autorial”. DIRECTOR/A: Dr. D. Vicent Martines Peres. CENTRO: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.DEPÓSITO: INICIO: 28/06/2019 FIN: 11/07/2019FECHA DE LECTURA: 12-07-2019 (Pendiente de confirmar por el secretario/a del Tribunal).LUGAR: Aula Magna de la Seu Universitària de la Nucia (UA)HORA: 12 hs.


Catedrático de Universidad (emérito). Universidad de Valencia. Dpto. Filología Catalana.

• SECRETARIO/A: DRA. Dª. ELENA SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ. Titular de Universidad. Universidad de Alicante. Dpto. Filología Catalana.

• VOCAL: DR. D. ANTONIO CORTIJO OCAÑA. Full Professor. University of California at Santa Barbara (EEUU). Dpto. Spanish and Portuguese.

• SUPLENTE PRESIDENTE/A: DR. D. RAFAEL ROCA RICHART. Titular de Universidad. Universidad de Valencia. Dpto. Filología Catalana.

• SUPLENTE SECRETARIO/A: DRA. Dª. MARIBEL GUARDIOLA SAVALL. Titular de Universidad. Universidad de Alicante. Dpto. Filología Catalana.

• SUPLENTE VOCAL: DR. D. GUISEPPE GRILLI. Professore ordinario (emérito). Università Di Roma Tre. Dpto. lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere.


Towards a Pedagogical Scope of the Landscape and Historical Pat-rimony. Guided views through La Nucia, 2: Ciutat Esportiva Camilo Cano- one of the best in Europe (according the EU)

Cap a una visió pedagògica del paisatge i el patrimoni històric. Rutes guiades per la Nucia, 2: Ciutat Esportiva Camilo Cano, una de les millors d’Europa (segons la UE).

Meeting point: Seu Universitària de la Nucia.

14:00 H Lunch / Dinar / Comida

17:00 H Prof. Dr. Rosabel Roig-Vila (UA): “Researches in Educative Technology: Nowadays and Future (?)”

18:00 H Prof. Dr. Belén Lozano Sañudo (UA): “Multilingual Scenarios in PhD Research”

19:00 H Prof. Dr. Rosabel Roig-Vila (UA): “International Workshop on Blogs to Improve the PhD Knowledge Experience”

20:00 H Prof. Dr. Dr. Vicent Martines (UA, IEC, RABLB) & Prof. Dr. Rosabel Roig-Vila (UA): “Publish and not Perish to Earn a PhD. Workshop about Transference and Publication of PhD Results”.

La Nucía is a lovely town near the sea and the mountains in the heart of the region of La Marina Baixa. It is located between Benidorm and Altea at a height of 226 metres - a crossroads leading to the different slopes of the Valley of Guadalest. Its name derives from the Arabic word “Noziha”, which means “delicious”, and it was originally an Arab country house. Most towns in this region have the same origin. In the lands of the municipal area of La Nucía, different wars between Christians and Berbers took place.

La Nucía is usually a quiet town but on Sunday mornings it is full of life and activity. On that day, you can visit the Flea Market, a reference point since 1983 for people who love antiquities and bargains. After this visit, we recommend you to take a walk along the Old Town. You can visit “El Llavador” (The Public Washhouse), the parish church, the two chapels, the Mount Calvari, from where you can see the whole town… Or you can simply walk around the streets and watch the centenary houses, drink fresh water in La Font de la Favara, walk along the Captivador and discover the Environmental Education Centre (CEM). Another option would be to enjoy the gastronomy of the town and its typical products.

la nucía

Come and visit our town, you will be surprised

International HAAIDG/GARAID Symposium GENERAL ACTIVITIES (Mandatories for all PhD Candidates without specific sessions or workshops scheduled):

Page 6: RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM HIGH ACADEMIC ......γεμάτος γνώσεις. || Once you set out for Ithaka / hope your road to be long, / full of adventures, full of knowledge (Καβάφης

The City of Sports Camilo Cano is a modern sports complex, which has become a reference point at both national and international levels. Over the whole year, important sports events are organized in these facilities, attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world to the town of La Nucía. A lot of sportsmen and women have trained in the facilities of La Nucía City of Sports (more than 80 sports facilities spread over an area of 150,000 m2 ), where you can practise a great variety of sports -more than one hundred- : water, adventure, motor, team, strength, wrestling, ball, mountain, shooting and board sports.

The town has experienced significant growth over the last few years, especially in some particular fields, such as the field of Sports. Proof of this, is the prestigious tittle recently awarded to our town, the National Prize of Sport 2012, by the Superior Sports Council -a ceremony presided by the King and Queen of Spain-. This award recognizes the great job done by La Nucía Town Hall in the year 2012 in the promotion of sport: many important events have been organized and excellent sport facilities have been built.

La Nucía has joined a select number of Spanish cities who have received both the National Prize of Sport and the title of European Cities of Sport in the European Parliament in Brussels by the federation for the Associations of the European Capitals and Cities of Sport (ACES) among 27 countries in the European Union thanks to “its excellent facilities, management systems and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among its citizens”.

In 2.017, La Nucía is awarded for second time in the European Parliament in Brussels for its “commitment to sport”. ACES Europe awarded La Nucía the “Best European Sports City of all time” award, recognizing its improvements and innovations of recent years.

Visit us:

la nucía

Come and visit our town, you will be surprised


Page 7: RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM HIGH ACADEMIC ......γεμάτος γνώσεις. || Once you set out for Ithaka / hope your road to be long, / full of adventures, full of knowledge (Καβάφης
