  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation



    PREZ LITTLE MOUSEYear 2 StudentsCEIP San Jos de Calasanz

    Fraga, Huesca, SPAIN

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    Once upon a time, there was a littleMouse called Ratoncito Prez.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    Ratoncito Prez likes sliding down day and night in the stairshandle that goes to the basement. But one day Plum, plam,plim! he fell down and said: My teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeth!One mouse with good reputation cant live without teeth! And

    he went to find one tooth.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    Perez Mouse saw Mrs. Hen and asked her: Can yougive me one of your teeth? And Mrs. Hen

    answered: Im sorry but I dont have teeth. I can

    give you this lollipop. And Mrs. Hen followed him.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    Perez Mouse continuedwalking and saw an olddonkey. Perez Mouseasked: Can you give one ofyour teeth? And the donkey

    said: Im sorry but olddonkeys havent got anyteeth. But I can give you thisbeautiful balloon. And the

    donkey followed the mouseand Mrs. Hen.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    They continued walking.Then, they saw a tree.Prez Mouse asked thetree: Can you give me

    one of your teeth? The

    tree answered: Im sorry.Trees have got flowers,branches and leaves, butwe havent got any teeth.

    I can give you this

    delicious nut. The treefollowed Perez Mouse,Mrs. Hen and the olddonkey.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    After that, Perez Mouse met a frog and asked her: Canyou give one of your teeth? The frog answered:Teeth? Me? What a silly thing! I havent got teeth but Ihave got a beautiful long tongue. I can give you a veryfunny yo-yo. And the frog went hopping with all theanimals.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    Next, Perez Mouse met a pig and asked: Can you

    give me one of your teeth? Mr. Pig answered:One of my precious teeth? No way! How would Ieat my delicious food? However, I can give you onecoin. And they continued walking.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    Later, Prez Mouse saw Mr. Owl and the mouseasked him: Can you give me one of your teeth?

    Mr. Owl answered: Dear Mr. Prez, I have to tellyou that birds havent got teeth because we havegot beaks. However, I can tell you where you canfind one tooth. Ask Mrs. Moon.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    The Mouse said: Mrs. Mooooooooooooooooon!

    Where can I find a tooth? Mrs. Moon said: Dontshout any more! I heard you from far away. Comewith me and we will go to Blas house. Today one

    of his teeth fell down.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    And Prez Mouse,

    followed by all theanimals, went to Blashouse. They wentupstairs slowly andquietly. He took Blas

    tooth and he left allthe presents that theanimals had givenhim: the lollipop, the

    balloon, the yo-yo, thecoin and the nut.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    Finally, Prez Mousewas very happy andto celebrate it hedid a great party

    and invited Mrs.Hen, the olddonkey, the tree,Mr. Pig, the frog,

    Mr. Owl and ofcourse, Mrs. Moon.

  • 8/3/2019 Ratoncito Perez Presentation


    From that day, PrezMouse can slide downthe stairs and do all thesilly things he wants

    because if he or hisfriends lose a tooth theycan go to the house of achild whose tooth had

    fallen down and inexchange leave him alittle present.
