
Raspberry Pi TrainingTruman College 10-21-14

Goals of our Training Today• Unbox and boot up the Raspberry Pi (RPi)

• Learn how to access the desktop graphical user interface (GUI)

• Find the IP address for the RPi.

• Access the RPi from another PC using PuTTY or the Mac’s Command Line

• Use the terminal to load and run some simple programs.

• Minecraft & Minecraft Hide and Seek

• Learn to make the RPi a local web server.

• See information being uploaded to it.

• Learn to make increased use of the STEM Academy – Element14.

• Additional Resources

I want…and designing a need or a project.• Open source hardware and software gives you a wide range of

possibilities for potential projects.

• As a teacher, what kind of projects makes sense?

• Will several students work on one device, or will I need several?

• How does this relate to my educational goals?

• Is this work that doesn’t need to get done? (work for the sake of work)

• Relation to the NGSS – Engineering Practices

I want a desktop internet radio• I like radio.

• I like radio outside of Chicago.

• I don’t like needing a computer to do it.

• URLs

• Streaming windows

• No easy control over volume

• I want a desktop device that will scan through pre-set internet radio stations.

Turning on your Pi• Go through set up

• Username – pi (default)

• Password – raspberry (default)

• Access the desktop – startx

Find the IP Address of your RPi• In the Command line type

• sudo ifconfig

• Make note of the IP address (

• Knowing the IP address makes it possible for you to be able to control your computer from any other computer on the same network through a secure shell (SSH) or Putty.

Minecraft• Double click on the Minecraft Icon

• Open Terminal

• Type

• sudo apt-get install git-core (installs git core)

• cd~ (returns you to your home directory)

• git clone (downloads the program)

• ls (list the contents of your new folder)

• cd minecraft-hs (open folders)

• python (starts the program)

Making a Local Web Server | Apache• In the terminal type:

• sudo apt-get install apache2

• Open a web browser

• Go to http://localhost or http://YO.UR.IP.ADDRE.SS

• You should see a page saying, “It Works!”

• In the terminal type

• cd /var/www (changes your directory to the var/www folder)

• ls (lists the items in your director)

• sudo nano index.html (opens the index.html file with the nano program)

Glow Stick Results - Photoresistor

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 70000







Glowstick Decay

Green Orange White

Some Projects You Will Need to Try

No additional Circuits Required• Making a Local Web Server –

Use the RPi to host a website locally in your classroom.

• Universal Translator – Using the RPi and a USB headset to make a program that translates between two languages.

• Pi Minecraft – Load Minecraft and manipulate the game’s code to customize the game.

Additional Sensor/Circuits Required• Temperature Sensors – Use

the RPi to collect temperature information.

• Photography – Use a camera board to take time lapsed photos.

• Adafruit

• Make Magazine


• STEM Academy
