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johnny is a good gentlemanHe once had a very nice puppy called Lata. So he used to walk the puppy around his neighborhood so much that he used to get tired a lot easilyAs he got tired, tired he used to drink lots of water. This made his plasma and blood more and more diluted that he started having hyponatremia.The doctor was correcting the hyponatremia very rapidly. The attending saw this and hurriedly ran to the resident and told him that he had to stop what he was doing in order to save his job because otherwise he would be harming the patient. The resident immediatelystopped what he was doing and realized his mistake. When he realized his mistake he got very sad and dejected and started smoking a lot. Because of this he eventually developed peripheral arterial disease and he could not walk very much. He eventually stopped working and started to sit at home and watch tv.One day he was watching the price is right. It happened in that show that a person won a gift that he was not supposed to win. So that person actually returned the gift to charity.
