

Rajesh Vijayakumar

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Download cnArcher from Google Play Store (v1.4) or Apple App Store (v1.2 beta)

iOS feature release is typically 6-9 months behind Android

Available for Android and iOS

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓


Now that you have installed cnArcher, you need a PMP SM, ePMP SM or cnPilot E series AP to try it out.

You probably don’t have a device available right now. So try clicking on “Demo Mode” to walk through the installation of a PMP 450 SM.

You can come back to “Demo Mode” anytime later by selecting it from the menu.

Try “Demo Mode”

Installing New SM

Install brand new SM

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Cambium recommends PowerLINK dongle.

cnArcher automatically detects the connected SM.

Works best when SM is using default configuration.

Typical Setup

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Download software images from “Settings > PMP Software Images” screen.

Click the highlighted icon to upgrade SM software.

You can configure a “Preferred Software Version”.

Upgrade SM Software

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

See configuration and signal strength for visible APs.

Touch an AP to connect to it.

Scan for APs

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Tilt the SM up/down and turn it left/right until you find the position with best signal strength.

Align the SM for Optimum RF Performance

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Run Link Test to validate throughput.

Run Link Test

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Configure SM name and network parameters.

GPS location is automatically configured in SM based on phone location.

Configure SM Parameters

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Add “Notes” about install for later review.

Finish Installation

Android iOS


ePMP ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Add up to 4 photos to the “Installation Report”

Add Photos

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Review “Installation Summary” of completed installs by selecting “Work Orders” from the menu.

Use the highlighted “Share” button to email the installation summary to the administrator.

Email Installation Summary

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

Work Orders

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

A “Work Order” allows you to pre-populate the SM parameters in the app, so installer does not have to type in anything during the install.

Select “Work Orders” from the menu to see list of existing work orders and create a new work order manually.

Create Work Orders Manually

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Administrator can create an email a work order to the installer

A “work order” is a JSON object saves as a text file with “.cnArcher” extension. When installer click on it, it will be opened in cnArcher app

Sample work orders can be created at

Import Work Order from Email

Android iOS


ePMP ✓

Quick Align

Realign Installed SM

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Used to realign an already installed SM.

“Install SM” lets you configure the SM as part of the installation, whereas “Quick Align” expects to SM to be correctly configured.

Quick Align

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

cnMaestro Sync

Benefits of connecting the app to cnMaestro

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Create a configuration template for PMP or ePMP SM and set the description to “cnArcher_Initial_Configuration”

cnArcher will download and cache this configuration template

Installer can now apply the “Initial Configuration” to the SM before starting the install

Apply Staging Config to SM

Android iOS


ePMP ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Tower locations are downloaded from cnMaestro and cached.

The three nearest viable APs are shown in the app.

See Location of Nearby Towers

Android iOS


ePMP ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Scan list in the app is automatically updated based on frequency and bandwidth of APs in the network

Automatic Scan List Selection

Android iOS


ePMP ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Installer can onboard the SM into cnMaestro as part of the installation flow

SM automatically shows up at the correct latitude and longitude in cnMaestro map

Onboard SM into cnMaestro

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

Onboard cnPilot AP

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Enter or Scan the MSN of the cnPilot E series AP to onboard it into your cnMaestro account.

The app will suggest the correct “Site” by matching the location of the site in cnMaestro to the current location of the phone.

Works with MSP accounts also.

Onboard cnPilot E series AP into cnMaestro

Android iOS

cnPilot ✓

Miscellaneous Features

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Touch the status area near the top of the screen to see more details about the SM

“Launch GUI”, “Reboot” and “Factory Reset” from “SM Details” screen

See SM Details

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Administrator can export the app configuration and send it to all installers via email as an attachment (“.cnArcher” extension)

Installer can click on the attachment. It will open in cnArcher and the configuration will be imported

Export and Import App Configuration

Android iOS


ePMP ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Use “Report a Bug” menu item to send bug reports to Cambium.

The report will include debug logs from the app.

Report A Bug

Android iOS

PMP ✓ ✓

ePMP ✓ ✓

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Coming Soon…

This Photo by Unknown Author i s licensed under CC BY

©2020 Cambium Networks, Ltd

Streamline the installation flow for speed

Support “Quick Align” for PTP450 and ePMP’s PTP mode

Automatically upload installation summaries to cnMaestro

Upcoming Features
