Page 1: Rainbow Connection: Serving LGBT Students in Higher Education

The Rainbow Connection

Serving LGBT Students in Higher Education

Matthew P. CiszekApril 22, 2013

Penn State Shenango Faculty Lecture Series

Source: Baranclesdublingalway on Flickr

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Source: brainflakes on Flickr

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The Alphabet Soup




LGBTQQIASource: revbean on Flickr

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The “Standard” Terms



Source: ericwagner on Flickr

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Emerging Terminology


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Source: wallyg on Flickr

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Push for Diversity

Diversity has become a goal of higher ed in past 40 years

Diverse points of view enrich the educational experience

Furthering social justice and socioeconomic equality

Centrality in mission statements, strategic plans, and educational priorities

Source: OregonDOT on Flickr

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State of Diversity in IHEs

Support for “historically underrepresented” groups

These groups include racial minorities, ethnic minorities, and women

Only beginning to consider the how to support and represent other groups

Source: nathangibbs on Flickr

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Shifting Perceptions

Multiculturalism on Campus (2011):Diversity and multicultural climate is the

responsibility of whole institution“One’s cultural identity is more than ethnicity

or race” “Gender, age, religion, geographic identity,

and sexual orientation are equally part of the makeup of a multicultural individual”

Source: zamber on Flickr

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Changing Demographics

Typical age at which LGBT people come out is dropping

Increase in support groups and services geared toward LGBT teens

Younger generations more accepting of LGBT people and supportive of LGBT rights

Source: zooboing on Flickr

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Cultural Shifts

Wider acceptance of LGBT community in society

IHEs recognizing LGBT students in the admissions process

LGBT students coming to college expecting support/services

Recognition that LGBT narrative adds to well-rounded curriculum

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Harsh Realities

LGBT teens face higher rates of depression and suicide

LGBT teens less likely to go to college than straight peers

Although support exists, many LGBT students unaware of or hesitant to use it

Heteronormative narrative dominates, and heterosexist attitudes abound

Source: mykalburns on Flickr

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Source: truebritl on Flickr

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Cardinal Rules

1. Make no assumptions.2. Know your students.3. Develop relationships.4. Engage with “non-normative” groups.5. Develop programs/services widely.6. Improve terminology and discourse.7. Embrace change!

Source: stevensnodgrass on Flickr

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Best Practices

Creation of “safe spaces” in the classroom where LGBT students can have open discussion

Inclusion of LGBT themes in curriculum or classroom instruction

Training faculty/staff on sensitivity and awareness of LGBT issues

Partnering with campus LGBT groups and resource centers

Developing a minor in LGBT/Queer StudiesSource: fireflythegreat on Flickr

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Campus Climate

Campus Pride, Inc. advocates for more inclusive educational experiences that are “welcoming and respectful of LGBT and Ally people”

Campus Climate Index gives ratings for IHEs on “friendliness” toward LGBT/allies

Campus Pride provides resources and research for faculty and student affairs staff

Source: johhlegear on Flickr

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Penn State University

Commission on LGBT EquityLGBTA Student Resource CenterLGBT Support Network“Straight Talks”, Workshops, and Other

ProgrammingSexuality and Gender Studies Minor

Source: pennstatelive on Flickr

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University Libraries

LGBT Resource GuideLGBT Databases and CollectionsSelector for LGBT MaterialsUniversity Libraries Diversity CommitteeLGBT Collections/Services at Campuses

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Penn State Shenango

Rainbow Lions/Shenango GSADiversity-related CoursesENGL 245: Introduction to Gay and Lesbian

StudiesLGBT Support NetworkLGBT-related Programming/Services

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Source: jamison on Flickr

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Matthew P. CiszekHead LibrarianPenn State [email protected]