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Peruvian raft expedition TANGAROA 1965 Tangaroa raft

Carlos J. Ark Caravedo always mention that Honor would be in this newsletter.

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  Mr. Carlos Caravedo Arca - Tuma Tangaroa Mentor, Philanthropist Driver, Builder, Expeditionary, Captain Philanthropist.


Passport 121,961 Electoral Card 2598726 Peruvian raft Tangaroa Expedition of 1965

  To be proud and for the recognition of the Tangaroa Expedition and the Expeditionary Peru / Carlos Caravedo Ark, this 8 day of Grau (maximum naval hero) Peruvian turns 1 year and died on 31 October this month to 43 years their achievement against foreign expeditions 97 days from Lima to the French Polynesian island of NAPUKA KM 6700. Greetings PERUVIAN EXPEDITION raft TANGAROA Information on the 1965 expedition name (Tangaroa Tuma) clarity, understanding origin (Peruvian) Peruvian nationality issue: Captain: Carlos Caravedo Ark Pilot: Jaime Toledo sailor Mathous (features: 8 balsa log raft 2 masts 3 candles 1 cabin) (starting date: 26/07 1965) (place the tip - callus - Peru) (destination: French Polynesia-Tahiti) (route: Napuka island 10 / 31 / 1965)

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International (Photos)

Carlos Javier Caravedo Arca: born on November 1, 1920 Av Nicolas de Pierola 590, Febres Clinic, Lima, Peru. Ate Lima November 1, 1920 Peru a family of landowners of a united family where they were 4 men Luis Caravedo Ark Ark Caravedo Hernan Jaime Alfonso Caravedo Ark 2 women Caravedo Ana Maria Cecilia Arca, Maria Teresa Caravedo Ark Caravedo Nieto Juan Manuel Arias, who died in Mar del Plata, Argentina. He married Ana Maria Mercedes Soria Irribarren February 19, 1887 at the Oratory of Archbishop Bandini (Archbishop of Lima), daughter of Fernando Llano and Francisca Soria Irribarren Aguirre. She was born September 25, 1865 in Lima, Peru, and died January 1, 1919. Son of Charles Henry Caravedo Soria was born in March 1892 in Lima, Peru, and died September 29, 1960 at Hermann Hospital, Harris, Houston, Texas, USA. He married Rosa Mercedes Iriarte Ark., daughter of Manuel Arca and Assumption Iriarte. She was born October 16, 1897 in Jauja, Junín, Peru, and died September 27, 1988 at Avenida La Paz 1394, Miraflores, Lima, Lima, Peru

He grew up in his estate development and the Inquisitor and soak polished where medical tradition and quality of Peruvian natural products, acquiring a love for the native Studies at El Colegio Champañat national and foreign universities in Chile. graduated as an agronomist in architectural and mechanical drawing Great athlete free diving in swimming Olympic swimming pool, tennis club lime terraces, as well as box. Developed by his mother and father a great love for classical music He met Thor Heyerdahl of Kon-Tiki, was a close friend of William Willis of the Seven Sisters ferry, a day arrived with a bundle of carrots, potatoes and onions to give support, and together they explored the nautical theme of Willis and products Local food Caravedo

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would regret his departure to Samoa and then made his second trip to Sydney Australia this by the ripe age of Willis (showed that there are no limits to the age and the world

   William Willis raft Seven Sisters Callao –Samoa

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Eric Bisshop met him and saw his raft Tahiti Nui 2 will worry as bamboo and hardwoods he would say "I do not travel on this ferry as it involves great dangers" So this raft flounder and their flotsam would further the Tahiti Nui 3 and adrift 500 miles north of Tahiti reefs die Rakahanga in demonstrating that the expedition was not a safe trip. Carlos Caravedo say "Eric de Bisschop was off the charts a journey from Tahiti Lima Rakahanga" you or great merit. Eduard Ingris would be great friends by the affinity of the concert and Carlos Ingris Caravedo Chaclacayo gathered at the piano singing and plan a trip to the Polynesian Charles left his job at Goodrich and ready to embark on the raft expedition failed Cantuta not participate and, balsa Kantuta 2 but an excess of crew stopped traveling in it. This defines her decision to leave on their own in all Peruvian Expedition vs. Foreign Expeditions

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This is her story

So the expeditionary Carlos Caravedo; imitate the course to take the pre-Inca and Inca cultures and the Inca Tupac Yupanqui Inca with his bosses ordered to visit or see where was the sun god. Claim and recognition on the part of the founding fathers to the Expedition, Peruvian raft Tangaroa. Information on the 1965 expedition (name: Tangaroa) This issue is emphasized as in Inca times and better thinkers republican ideas that lead to, if Jack Caravedo Arca operates engenders an aspiration of a Peruvian one civilian brave launches his raft as ambassador to the peoples of the Pacific, as a great community, so that the raft Tangaroa wears a readable name of friendship, for those people that get to see the Inca sun god goodbye, till the near dawn.

So prove that Peruvians are capable of achieving as well as the theory that these expeditions were trying to glimpse the PRE INCAS Incas have traveled to Polynesia

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Learn the uses of navigation along its contacts with the expeditionary Ingrid and William Willis achieving realize what it takes to organize a trip of this kind.


The resources for these means would be good income family in planting cotton, is many pounds of cotton nesecitarian ie many crops in his beloved Hacienda Inquisitor and polished Ate Lima Peru Design a raft and calculation for building materials TRIP TO ECUADOR where the landowner Ugalde Guillermo Negrete July 7, 1964 provides you with its 15 logs that Charles paid with their hands cut off at a cost of 9500 sucres in the jungle of Quevedo's mouth horn toads Many Lima coordinations are made with the house of his mother as base operations department 2 Daniel Carrion 116 Miraflores Lima Peru thanks to his brother James Caravedo

In rivers and train arrives with its cargo port while waiting in the hotel's peaceful street in Sucre 533 Guayaquil on 17 July 1964 and a friendly Colombian captain returning with their holds empty decides to take him to Peru Lima Callao no cost. It has long stems Caravedo that the tip was cracked and had to be cut and it was like to lose buoyancy and cargo had to repeat this procedure till the arrival to Lima and were dry and 9 stems 80cm. In diameter and 6 60cms all 10 feet long. Female trees were chosen as best floated, but lasted less counterpart. In another serious history file in SIMA denied shelter, so

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the rough seas in a shipyard in the tip scale build his raft Carlos chose as Tiki Tangaroa was taken and the two deities Polynesian Tangaroa was the best and his ship had that amount of logs and letters TANGAROA  

The master builder first Saturnino Luque who lives in the colon cuadra 8 passage of the mooring master and nodes was who executed the difficult task of weaving the ties that unite troco trunk. Supervised by the details planned by Carlos Caravedo ark verify the correct use of each log so that its buoyancy would optimize performance. A trunk in the tip bucket was the spur that would break with other ocean sea. The parrot which involved travel on the raft was the first victim of the long wait and died of a surfeit in the workshop of the rough seas.  

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Tangaro Peruvian Expedition began its activities in April 1965. Launched in the raft Tangaroa port  

Until 26 July, it would furlough The expedition consisted of Tangaroa raft Carlos Caravedo

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as master builder and manager Original budget was about two friends and Antony Gushurst Clarence Zena, The Warrior Joaquin greyhound who never agree to go on this journey of Carlos Caravedo and Ms. Tassara serious then changed on 16 July 1965: Jaime Toledo as pilot, radio listening mathous crew pays distributed exagricultor Given the refusal of the gulf of harboring raft future is built on the beach in rough seas at the tip callao Peru: Their goal was to leave on April rigorous departure date on all shipments, all tube expedition to go navigation courses for exams despite the expert of your pilot, and equipment. Permits were granted on July 24 after a loud sirens Tulur of vessels in the harbor harbormaster gives out on 26 July 1965. He said many destinations Tahiti, French Polynesia, Finally on the manifest indicates American Samoa.

It is clear that a raft of logs soaked in port for more than 3 months the waterline has been damaged, injuring his performance which later became clear to start leaning on

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one side. On July 26, 1965 in a cool pose of the top club yachts Callao Peru They are towed by the Bap Duenas at 9:15 am sailing at 10am. Led by the young officer today Geanpietri Vice President of Peru. In the Port were to farewell Joaquin Jaime Caravedo gordom in the starting procedure was not at the proper speed and reads the blog on day 0 will lose 2 Guaras Tangaroa aft of that had to be repaired. They are escorted by several yachts including the last to withdraw from the escort the yacht Pilgrim American Ambassador John Wesley Jones and others from UPI and the procedure ended at 8:15 at night telling us that we were at the distance of 110km starting approx. west of Lima 78 º 10 'W 12 º 00' S Dueñas captain Bap nesecitabamos wonder if something that was told not to leave them in thanking him for the starting position of every expedition that started in April by tradition The national newspapers and trade press and the third are all s events of the trip. Avistarían in the morning the 77th rock Peeling 55 'W 11 º 33' S 63 km from the starting point They reach the area by turning the Galapagos, where they are buffeted by huge waves, so high as to showcase the Fish were. Saw extraordinary diversity found both sharks which sometimes surround many large mammals cetaceans whales and dolphins, countless color Fish of all sizes Carlos Caravedo Ark with a lead in a jar with formalin. Luminescent jellyfish that were at night so think of strange people who imagine the sailors of all ages. In the sky had always caught an ace of light like a comet that could see between the stars. The trajectory of the balsa and was informed by the press at the time told from the mouths of all radio listeners of the time the Trujillo Eduardo Monsalve and in Callao Orlando Falcone. Communication achieved through a 150w transmitter SR Hallicrasters bands 15 20, 40 and 80 meters Band 14,000 kHz 20 meters OR ZERO X raft TANGAROA Maritime Mobile Travel charger station of Bringgs & 2000w / 2kw transformer with its lights A receiver Zenith trans oceanic Carlos I keep till this day. Spare parts and antenna August was a month of big waves and disturbing large tumble 20 meters even combing the cabin. The radio bug and were held incommunicado for over a month coming to cause desperation in your family file.

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Carlos tube with the usual wit the Peruvian Creole fix the radio. But for an amateur radio Uruguayan were unable to calm his mother in Lima Peru. Carlos Caravedo grabbing tasks that neither would Mathous Toledo least at risk of falling into water, as also took advantage of calm for your favorite sport free diving The great help to have Guaras (adjustable keel) as a means of navigation for rafts. The food was local goods as 230 kls. Gift potato from Peru to South American World and 50 beers, 16 cans of biscuits among other provisions Filda 330 gallons of water treated by Leopoldo Lindley children have a total of 20 tons of supplies and equipment as reported on 23 July 1965. Flying Fish Seafood as small octopus, and fish caught with harpoon The orientation was conducted by sextant and to see the angle of the sun and stars against a record of geographical positions as Carlos Caravedo say this was because a lot of experience and skill. The famous dead calm as a pool were desperate to bring the issue to break the record of arrival in French Polynesia, but it was a good time to develop resources such as the support raft Tangaroa 2 that serve to take pictures in these famous calm without wind. The structure of the raft was damaged despite treatment with fat oil that could sink the finger at his side and began to dance trunks between risking her moorings lay down his foot between them and the logs crushed his foot on the rolling waves.

  October 31 ISLAND NAPUKA come to French Polynesia where

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they are greeted by a delegation of high sea islanders in turn tried to drag a large group of rafts into the island to its interior lagoon would be about 20 could not drag balsa raft Tangaroa was a great achievement to overcome the arrival of the Polynesian Kon-tiki its counterpart in the stricken island reefs Raroia time of 97 days 4 less than the Kon-Tiki and other expeditions.

Eduardo Monsalve Trujillo would achieve the communication with Charles the French amateur radio and give notice of the arrival of the Polynesian Tangaroa raft and the arrival of helicopters to verify the status of the expedition which was good.  

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  Carlos Caravedo is seen with the portrait of his mother to the island to the bottom Napuka  

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The island is sighted Aratika directed toward Fakarava The Tangaroa raft is showing an inclination to work hard to correct it by moving the point opposite charge. The routines of the raft were cooking in a box fitted on the side outside the cabin door winged raft.

  The shifts in the kitchen and the food fresh airing one per day in three shifts. It was always cause for disgust mathous gluttony, which is always sick stomach and his comment is that the food not to eat. They had an outboard motor for emergencies that never served, an engine to generate electricity to be seen at night and for the radio. In the central part of the kitchen was an interesting skylight safely cool to the sharks in October would be a plague that does not alienate them coming to see a huge over 3 meters.

The crew of the raft is a crew of paid and do not share the interests of the Expeditionary Carlos Caravedo Ark are

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often the places that Charles breadcrumbs on the ears to hear their bluster of these two sailors, being thrown overboard failure to go to Tahiti but Sydney Australia. I get to sleep with a bag of rice that kept a pistol near the security and canned a higher value, so it will not devoured. These threats and live together for so long would make Charles a prisoner would not let him finally conclude with a book that I tell them for fear of reprisals from these men who just visited him for the rest of his days.

(tangaroa 2) So Carlos Caravedo would make a decision, dangerous but the danger of being thrown overboard or left on a small raft Tangaroa 2 they built for photographing the Tangaroa raft left over planks and drums empty water.   Carlos Caravedo anger gradually gradually taking daily water cylinders to make ends meet these days to get to Tahiti horn. Then at night Kauehi where they hear the roar of the sea is so Carlos Caravedo gives the order to pull the Lairs CANDLES AND ADJUST. So gradually move away this terrible roar then you explain that to fall on these reefs were dead men.

Carlos Toledo Caravedo and his pilot did not calculate the flow of these seasons that are very powerful reason why divert its course to the vicinity of the island Kauehi.

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Also when they reach the vicinity of the same currents Fakarava Pass the divert 8 km from its position south of the said strait from the island Fakarava. They would try to address the current Fakarava Strait, but these currents would carry them along the coastline of the island Fakarava have to fight with this powerful current of these dates as they are far July date and must have crossed this narrow guaras stabilizing the direction of the raft Tangaroa during grueling 24km finally meet Carlos Caravedo Out ordain that ride the coast in huge waves shook the Tangaroa raft and each would try to save his life as he could, clutching what was sure at hand. This was November 18, 1965 last day voyage of 115 days since his departure in Callao, Peru

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Throw the waves again and again pulling the raft till moans that a depository in an aspect south beach themselves and kept the raft 26 km 16 ° 22 `south of Rotoava acoderan a beautiful lake side of the raft tired Tangaroa left intact only in

He would walk about 2 days till find people who were frightened when they see these bearded. Tokoragi know Samuel and his wife, daughter Faustino you fail to serve as interpreter to his daughters Moea one would be great friends they helped him in the back to the raft Tangaroa a long journey of 28 km with a raft of

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outboard motor she wore away the spark plug every time you stop. They gave them leftover candles supplies, equipment. Television was new to the islands and was a great commotion his arrival, they were delivered on many islands flower leis and shells. The islands of Anna Nukuhiva, Tahiti, Morea, some I dedicate a place in his honor. The paper le journal de Tahiti led by Jean Dominic would be his great friend with whom his horn Carteria death from tuberculosis in France. Tokoragi Samuel would be the custodian of the raft who was seen in the photos. Died in 1996 unfortunately for Charles sadness

  Carried as heroes TOKORAGI met his friend who as usual was given the name Polynesian TANGAROA TUMA renamed part of the Polynesian people gripped with Carlos Caravedo Ark TUMA-TANGAROA Polynesian name is the assertion of them for us from his South American roots (tuma: when i fail to see clearly understand the god Tangaroa) 

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  Photos courtesy of family Tokoragi from Fakarava French Polynesia in 2008

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Great gift for Charles Caravedo and Peru.

In lima stolen rolls of photos his former crew which regain follow through and find where they were rebels; also face land reform would keep a few acres that would be of fraud and theft against them. Nearly lost a leg in a motorcycle accident it is almost clear, but a surgical intervention and clarification of the doctor could no longer walk more. Carlos Caravedo be missed in the sun and smeared with honey to improve their simulation recovering the color of their skin after a sting stubborn leg mobility. After running the concerns Fakarava tries to return many times but it was impossible. This is his religious Irma Velazquez 1967 Cortez Church of Santa Anita, Lima, Peru, daughter of Nicholas Velasquez and Eleodora Cortez. She was born September 25, 1945 in Lima, Peru. She lost her son Charles and Irma Velasquez Caravedo Ark Cortez. Terangui Caravedo Carlos Velasquez, born May 15, 1967 at Avenida Javier Prado 499, Clinica Javier Prado, Lince, Lima, Peru, died May 17, 1967 at Avenida Javier Prado 499, Clinica Javier Prado, Lince, Lima, Peru.

It divorce adjusted lived a life of its few resources and projects and supported by friends and family, despite this not without damage to its fledgling economy The 2004 features a letter to the marina to find out the intention of a Norwegian expedition of the Kon-tiki named Tangaroa

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Even then the Expeditionary Heyerdahl had died in 2002. Try to cómbense Yabar Camoyano Arebalo and Norwegians themselves and they do not listen.

  In front of the line, bursting with rage because the supply of renaming is mocked by the Kon-tiki museum.

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  Have a great health despite his 86 years in December 2006 and was hospitalized 11 months after brain cancer (presumably by a fall) died on 8 October 2007 at the 86 to 87 years

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5 It is therefore a Foreign expeditions Peruvian Expedition Tangaroa achieves the shortest travel time and only 97 days left intact in undamaged mast today waiting on the island of Fakarava. You as 2 dates in the month of October 8 October, a year after the unfortunate loss of Carlos Caravedo Ark Just as the feat of 31st October 1965 to make the trip in French Polynesia 97 days of reaching the island Napuka This is a great example of perseverance Peruvian value indifference, persistence Asia an end to the temporary serenity and generosity to succeed achieving its goal.

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Example for young people because it symbolizes the spirit said before Peruano I leave a child to the mother country, nurturing: Peruvian raft expedition TANGAROA

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By: Mario Knudsen de Cardenas

this is the Tangaroa raft passport with stamps from Peru and French Polynesia