
The Great Flathead Reservation

The Land of Opportunity.

Sanders CountySignal.


A. R. RHONE, Editor ad

Entered at the PostoEice at Camas.Bandon County. blentann, as secondclass mall -matter fur trattaroIstinnh ratsgb tha mail.

u.k.rus (.01r SUBSCRIPTION.One year 112.00to,, moubs. • , 1.00--

Advertising rata card mailed on a)-ptication.

Local notices be per line that laser-lion. 5 cents per line for each subm•trent inset lions.

Legal notices, legal rate.

This is a funny world and it sure

has some funny people ire it. This

ti a funny government and it sure

has some funny ways of dealing out

justice and upholding the law. Now

tr instance. Reports have it

that you can get all the "booze"

you want in the immediate vicinity

of Camas, we do not know the facts.

However, we do know that there

are men ift this vicinity who have

so visible mesas of support, yet

none lose better fed than they. The

funny port of it is that all this al-

leged "booze" comes here at all

timea and never a wan vrho brings

it in to sell is arrested. The so-

called detectives, who get $50 per

head for arresting each one whe

enters this holy domain with

"booze" never gets the "bootleg-

ger." They wait until there is a 4th

efluly celebration or some other big

doinga at Plaine. Then the detee-

live in all his glory rides out in

automobiles and with guns hold up

every man and woman comet( from

the town that sells "booze" and

searches them for the stuff that

makes the human race see all kindsof lights and dream all kinds of

'fres ma. These unfortunate indi-

yeluaiset they have on their persons

the remnants of a good time on a

Fourth of Jelly e:elebration, are

hailed up before the Federal, grand

jury and made to explain why they

did not spill the balance of the joy

water before they reached Dog Lake.

Thus the innocent demi' beemnee

a target for thee$54 apiece "booze

eleteetivet " It is gfunny fact that

they have never been known to get

• a genuine "booao peddler." had

thue some men lire on the forgetful-

ness of others, and laws are made

fer some to avoid and the innocent

to break. Funny law that puts a

ilizen in jail because he can pay a

tine and lets a "bootlegger" ply his

leteinetse without interruption.

The Flathead irrigation project,

which it is estimated will take from

five to six million dollars to com-

plete, have received -- in sppropria-

tions one million five hundred

leousand dollars. Of this sum

t.320,000 is now ready to be ex-

pended. All of this mgpey has

been spent on the east aide of the

reservation, where there are no bar-

ren wastes and no sage brush fiats,

:me where it has always been pos-

eible to raise very good crops with-

•iie irrigation. The excuse diet was

even why they did not work on this

ele of the reservation was that it

was Indian money that was being

expended. We do not care whether

it is Iadian money or white man's

money, we have got to have irriga-

tem if this land is ever worth pay-

ing taxes on. This section of the

reservation wants some of that ap-

propriation and it wants it bed. In

fact this part of the reservation is

going back into the range class

pretty moon unless something is done

by the government to fulfill their

pledgee. If that is the came it will

all drift back into the hernia of the

money loaner. After the shylock

has got the land they will induce

the government to go ahead with the

project, and the result will be the

profits will go into the hands of LIM

Airlocks instead of the settlers.

1550,000 will build Find complete the

Canine portion of the project. Give

us that rtmeh of the appropriatiost

before the siettfe14 have all left the


Health Officer Peek, of Thomp-

son Falls, made a flying visit lit

Cams.. last Friday and pointed out

several bad smelling places. The

only one that was summarily re•

moved MIA the wash house. Hun-

dreds of people have been coming to

the Hot Springs to du their washing,

as the water is just right. Money

was raised by donation and this

house was built. It had perfect

drainage. .The only thing on which

it could have been condemned was

that it had not been scrubbed very

lately. No notice was posted con-

demning it and it was not nailed up

up until it mild be made sanitary.

This is one of the many outrageous

things that have been perpetrated on

our people. We do not believe the

tbe health officer has any right to

condemn a building and order it re-

roused. The building was not un-

sartitary• It was the trash allowed

to gather around it. There has

never been a case of any kind of

fever in this vicinity and nb occa-

sion for such a proceeding. The

only reeson we can see for its re-

moval iethat those in charge of the

springs wish to force the people to

put up something better where they

want it and by removing this wash

house create a demand. It is sim -

ply an outrage on the people who

have come here to spend the season.

Had those in charge of the springs

wanted to build a new wash house

they should have come before the

people with plans and specifications

and they might have got the motley

for a new one.

The Terrible Teddy hasn't been

much in evidence since he split the

Republican party and elected Presi-

dent Wilson. That was the best

Hi he has to hi a credit for the na-

tion. He says we must have a

greater navy, What for? To pa-

rade around the world and mix in

matters that do not concern us.

Who has inqons of money. to fight

the United States? No one. The

United States is the most self sus-

taining country on the face of the

earth. We can live and enjoy life

without going out of the country for

single thing. What other nation

can? England cannot. If we had

not a single battle ship there is not

a nation on the face of the earth

that would dare to fight us for con-

quest, for we have all the resources to

sustain ourselves and fight the

world. The war ship trust is about

the only people that want more yes'

eels. This nation should manufac-

ture its own war vessels instead of

turning the job over to untrust-

worthy corporations.

Garcon Ciulch News.Special Correspondence.

Mrs Schultz and daughturs re-

turned to their borne in Pineville

Monday, after having spent a week

at the Talmage home. e

H. H. Kirkpatrick and family re-

turned from Kalispell Saturday.

Amil Krantz spent a few days of

last week in Kalispell, returning

home Sunday.

W. T. Busei harvested his wheat

the first of the week. This is the

oeginning of harvesting in the


Mrs. 0. J. Gordon and Mrs. J.J.

C,aewell visited Mrs. Busey Friday.

Charles Kirkpatrick is treating his

farm buildings to a coat of paint.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Christianson

visited at the Hammer home Sun-


Owing to the disagreeable weather

Sunday only a few ate their dinners

in the Linton grove. Those who at-

tended partook of an excellent din-

ner. The coffee made by Joe God-

frey and the strawberries furnished

by William Be re deserve special


Erma Jellison and Mable and

Nelson Kirkpatrick returned from

their visit in Kalispell.

Mrs 0. J. Gorton suffered it se-

vere attack of tonsilitis the first of

the week.

There will be a benefit dance at

the schoolheekTriday night.

Xlarie force tot men Ten:minded to

the call for donation work at the

schoolhouse Saturday. The school •

house received a coat of oil stain, a

balcony was built over the cloak

rooms anti a wood shed erected and

the winter's wood stored away.

Ed Blush is visiting his parents.

Mr. and Mrs.ltoee, of Springfield,

Illinois, are the guests of S. Seholes

and are spending a few-days in Mime

soula. They contemplate purchas-

ing land in the Gulch and making

this their home.

The board of County Commis

sioners obeyed the dictates of the

attorney'Reneral and refused to al-

low Ed. Donlan's claim on the

Perma bridge. Personally we be-

lieve this a better claim than sonic

that the people have paid at the in-

stance of our board. The bills paid

Dr. Peek, for services he never ren-

dered and on a contract that was il-

legal from the outset, did not have

half the merit in it. BY the way.

Did the county commissioners ever

refund to the county this money il-

legally paid out on that contract?

It might be well for our county at-

torney to look this matter up.

No man ever made a million do'.

lam without taking the resource' of

the nation and approtriating them

to his special nee. The man who

tnines comes nearer to becoming

honest millionaires then any other

elms of people. The foandation of

Harriman's millions were obtained

by forgery. All millionaires can be

traced back to the land. They be-

come possessed of the land and com-

pel] those who must live by the

land to pay tribute to them-

The price of wool has not gone

glimmering. Why is this? Be-

cause there is no overproduction of

wool in the world and never will be.

There are no great store houses full

of wool to flood the market.

If we owned the Phillipine Is-

lands we would trade them off for a

yellow dog and then kill the dog.

N. P Traffic AgentPasses Through.

R. J. Dee, traveling freight and

passenger agent of the Northern Pa-

cific !leeway Company, Wee in

Cartme last Friday. He state that

the crop prospects for the state are

No. 1. Ile says the crops lookpoorer on this part of the Reserve-tiwi than any place he Idie been.IF also told about a mall cyclonethat crossed the country nearQuinn's @wings last week, upreot-ing trees and ruining everything inits mad. The famous' Willson or-'-heed was stripped of leave.

Lonepine News.Previa' Correspondence.

Doke McHenry returned from

Kalispell Monday.

J. G. and W. C. Patton made a

business trip to Elmo Saturday.

The Crabtree-Maxin well drilling

machine is now at the ranch of W.

W. VonSegen.

C. L. Andrews has returned to

Somers, where he will resume work

in the lumber mill.

Mrs. McGraw, of Garcon gulch, is

visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E.


Mrs. C. C. McHenry has been

confined to her bed the past week,

but is now conveleseent.

Harry Fredenburg has; gone to

Kalispell to remain during harvest.

J. E. Rice. 0..G• Alford, S. H.

Murray and R. J. Bras are among

those purchasing new binders for

summer harvesting.

The Mimes Jams and Pauline Kil-

lian, of Wahoo, Nebraska, are visit-

ing their grandmother Mrs. Anna


Mee Eudora Letson and brother

Reid, who have been enjoying a two

weeks outing at the Camas Hot

Springs, have returned home.

M. F. Wendt will move to Kalif-

pell, where he and his family will


G. G.O'Neil went to Plains Tues-

day, returning Wednesday with a

loed of freight for the Lonepine

Mere. Co's. ittere, ion lake Washington and attending

The barn dance given in the new various kinds of amusements with


Plains ItemsSpecial coneisonssar..

Plains, July 15e--The oily coun-

cil ordered the two large cottonwood

trees removed front in front of H.

J. Burleigh's °flee. A new cement

sidewalk is to be built. The trees

had grown to itemeese proportions

in twelve years.

H. J. Burleigh and Otis Avery

are laying concrete sidewalk in front

of their places.

The N. P. Railway has a crew at

!York this week renovating and rais-

ing the house occupied Ity Express

Agent Dougherty. They are also

putting in their part of the concrete

walk from the depot.

Mr. Reed, who livea in the Mc-

Leod house, was stricken with &con-

traction of the nerves of the heart,

so Dr. Coats says. He is in a very

precarious condition.

Many people from Paradise and

Thompaon Falls came to Plains to

see the base ball game Sunday. In

spite of wind, hail and rain at times

during the day, it was the best game

of ball that has ever been played in

Plains, it is said. The score stood

2 to 1 in favor of Paradise.

Edwin Cunningham, of Thomp-

son Falls, was a guest of friends in

Plains last Sunday and took in the

ball game-

Frank Cook and Walter Courser

went to Stevensville Friday, where

they expect to secure work.

Arthur Courser has been engaged

to drive the stage between Plains

and Camas, and commenced work

for Mr. Bailey Monday.

Rev. George barber, accompanied

by Charles Dildine, left Sunday af-

ternoon for an overland trip to

White Sulphur Springs, where Mrs.

Barber is residing. They went as

far as Paradise Sunday, where Mr.

Barber preached that night; the

next day to Arlee and then to Mis-

soula. From the latter place they

will go to their destination by team.

Father Kenyon, who has 'been

visiting at Banker Robison's, was

called to l'ark city this week on ac-

count of a sister arriving there to

visit him. Elvine Dildine went well

him to visit the Kenyon boys. Mrs.

Dildine accompanied them as far as


C. II. Rittenour made a busineei

trip to Butte the first of the week.

Mrs. Rittenour necompanied him

as far as Missoulareo visit. relatives.

Mrs. Delia McGowan is visiting

relatives and friends in Missoula.

Thursday night last burglars got

into the McGowan Ca. store, hut

were seered away by the night

watchman before they had time to

secure any thing. The entrance

was made in the grocery deptrt-

ment. In their hurry to get away

the glass was broken out of the back


The second story which. is 'being

added to the Simpson house is near-

ing completion.

Nelson Morgan is having a newaddition put on his house near the

river. Mr. Andrus lives in the

house and is doing the work.

Miss Emily Wimmer, of Paradise,

is spending part of her vacation with

Edith Stephens, out on the reserva-


John R. Stout is visiting Miattoula

on business.

The latest word from Mee, Luella

Stout at Seattle is that she is enjoy-

ing every moment of her vacation.

She is going to the ocean, canoeing

barn at the Wendt ranch was one of

the enjoyable events put season.

Delbert Henderson,of Rattlesnake

Gulch, went to Kalispell to attend

the Sells-Floto circus.

Mns. O. M. Garriott end the

Missies Ryan are spending a few days

at the Swinge, after which the

young ladies will return to their

home in Misikeila.

Fred Bostic made final proof on

his homestead in Rattlesnake gulch

Saturday and has now moved his

family to Rollins.

George Patton has gone to Spo-

kane to spend the summer with P.

C. Reed, formerly of this place.

John McCabe is visiting relatives

in Kalispell.

Mike Burke has gene to Spokane,

where his family will soon join him.

Mr.. Burke is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Thompson.

Visits Rollins.Mr. amid Mrs. Frank Ifarnions

took a trip to Rollins, on the Lake,

Sunday. They reported the road

fine. The fruit crop will be a little

better than a third of a crop. They

reported meeting a large number of

automobiles, one a fline-POIMOnletcar from Helena, on their way tothe good road convention and auto.

mobile meeting.

her Christian Endeavor friends.

Mimes Ruth and Mamie Robison,

who have been enjoying a visit of

two months in the east, returned

home last Friday.

Born-To B. L. Ganker and wife,

last week, a daughter.

Julian Huot, Delbert Whaley mid

Leon Richardson are on the sick

list and confined to their beds.

Mrs. Ella Koutz has rented the

Ostlie house and moved in.

Mrs. Van Vranken entertained

the W. C. T. U. on Tuesday after-

noon and on Friday, July 25th will

entertain the Ladies of the Macca-

bees in A social gathering. She will

be assisted by Mesdames Dean and

LeRoy, and will be at the Plait).


Mrs. Otte Wolf, of Eddy, is vis-

iting this week at the home of Mrs.


Ilarley Remick, wife and children

came in from the ranch led Satur-

day and took in the ball game Sue-

day, going home the same evening

by moonlight.

After spending the List month

visiting at the home of her brother,

Mr. Curtis, Mrs. Molar left Friday

last for her home in the state of


On account of the heavy rainfall

the past 2 or three weeks much of

the ha e which Was down is spoiled

It was so cold here last Saturday

that people had to wear overcoats

slid build fires to keep warm.

Mrs. Harry Davenport ie to enter-

tain the Methodist Ladies Aid this


Mimes Annie and Beetle Love are

visiting the Massey home on the

reservation.. When they return

they will go to California.

Al Sehrueller has gone ,to work

again, after spending a week at his

mining interests. Harry Kemp has

gone to the Camas Hot Springs to

rest for a few days.

President Wilson"Talks."

The Sunday Standard is printing

a series of highly interesting articles

by President Wilsen on the political

topics of the day. The- President

calls them "Plain Talks to flai

People,". and that is really what

they are. Whether or not one ac-

cepts his opinions, one cannot help

admiring Mr. Wilson's eleerness of

thought, lucidity of expression, and

strength of conviction. Whether

he's a denelerat, a republican or a

progressive, a man who reads these

papers rises with a clearer vision

and a broader view of the subject

treated. Some of President Wil-

son's forthcoming articles in the

S,undae editions of the Anaconda

Standard are entitled, "The Restor-

ation of Freedom:" "What is

Prom-awn "government a Living

Thing;" "Life Comes from the

Soil;'' "The Parliament of the Peo-

ple;'' "The Way to Resume is to

Resume; '', "The Emancipation of

a State;" "The Emancipation of

Business;" and "The Liberation of

a People's Vital Energies."


Netke for Panaceas& -Department of the interior. CS. Land Once at

Kalispell. Monism. July 11, 1913.-Notiee Ishereby given that Maud Larrivee. of Cloned. Non.Sum, who. 00Jimeary 27. 1911. made home-stead ent L4No. 02077. for HEM SEM h, Seete' I,MNE 5E. Election 2312, Township 72 5,. Range

W., and 1 of Minion 7, Townshle 72 north.range 72weite, Menton. Meridian. has tiled noticeof Intention to make tommiltation motto °stab.lish claim to the land above described, beforeAlex . R. Rhone. a United States Commissioner,at Gimes. Montana. on the 'bird day of August1913.Claimant names IS wIttielies: Samuel L. Lin-

gle. Louts If. Redfern. Roy V. Linton. and hone*5. Spurgeon, all of tames. Montane,

FRANK 0. WILLIAM. Register.Non-coal-land. July PI-Aug. 22.

FOR SALE-Two lots with build-

ings in finest location in towneite of

Camas. Apply at Signal office. Eis.

Advt. ._MOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Pr64egig 24471Wint=

Dettaritment of Me Interior. U. a Laud (ireat notice in latilith toliKrIlowipela )11.011MIM Juts* 30 lea-Nonce is Proof. under IOW lb tho•

that IV illte . oVomit. Ilualsaa, on

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Departtnent to the Interior. U.S. Land Once at

Moral,.. July Ilth, 1913.-Xotiee Ishereby given that Charles C. Reed of Lwoman«,Montana, who. on April 9th. le12. made home-stead entry No. 03727, for 8W5i NEM.8E5t NW .1115,.:1\15".. Moctlon Si. Township. 22 N.. rangeWest. Mom t. en ineridieu, lots Abel notice of in-tentein to make commutaton proof, to esiebtleh-lish Haim to tins land shove deecrIbed, beforeAlex. R.Rbotie, •.Vnitjed Mater ConuMsaloner atCamas. Montana, on tihe Itird day of Mame, 11113.Claimant Itanht. as witnesses: Oliver II. Ow-

riot!, Mrs. Lora Welters, William .1„ Hem, andDelliel E. Rodgers. iii boncelne. Montana.

FRANK. O. I% ILLIARA. &mister.Non coal land. July le-Ang 2e.

A. Ellison. of EIMMIS sbaiiidserb

i w before, 1... nt

WM.. at Matzo.


north. rasp west

te04:21 Bey. Pled B Argo Retest E.

cease" tames as wit:lows: .1

&led Willtem R. Wdyatt. all


to tetablish lei to tleambit of Illes den= Nou-eotel lan SH

wIJune 13-July le.

before Alta. Rhone. astoner, at Chime. Montana. on th. I tiMittAneueeClaimant names a* witnessed! Louis A. Jar-

algae. Joseph Godfrey. Z. Bauer. and Charles U.Bannon, all of Camas. Moutiola.

Non-coal land. noire me ,witemees. aer.

Flathead irdsation Project, Jt_iihr 4-Aug. 8

NOTJCK FOR PUBLICATION.Deportment of the Interior. U. S. land Mee

at Kalispell MORMARIA. Jana W. 1915. -Notice ishereby _given that Nina T. leackeygCamas. Montana.' Who son Nov.


homsifead entry No. .34653., for farm unit"or the 8 SW% Benton Th Ind the SE% ISWM.anus %$lP. Seethe' 29. Townshle I2 north,rang. 24 west. Montana meridian. has stied no-tice of intention 10 make ROMMUISOOli eetabWth claim to the landabove described. before Al... R. Rhone. • UnitedStates Commissioner. at Crums.Montma. on the9th day of August, 19.13.Claimant name.., witneitow Charles E.

Blush. Louis W. Goosett. Jesse Ellis, Slid Mary E.Godfrey, all of (amass Montana.

FRANK 0. WILLI•Mt. Register.Non coal Land. Flathead Irrigation Fettled.

July 4-Aug 8

Notice For Publication.Department of the interior. U. S. Land

Kalispell. Montana. July II. ishereby given that r. Oust R&M-eon, of (Xmas.Montana. who. nu May list. lino. Made Home-steed entry No. 52171. for Farm uult "A" or theNEM NW. NWM NEM. Section MI, Townehlp72 North, range SI west. Montana Meridian. hasflied notioe,d Intennon to nuke three-year proofto establish claim to the land abnve described, be-fore Alex. B. Rhone, • United Mates ,Commer-Monet. at Cames.Montana. on the 23rd day ofAugust. 19l2.Ctaintent name,.. witnesses: Jacob E. Cline.

Oolumbils 11. Warren. Alfred E. Crysler, andHenry Baldrldre, allot Camas. Montana.

FRANK 0. WILLues. Register.Non Coal Land. July iS-Aug.'72.

Flathead IrrIgatlyn Proieet.

Nom* non PUBLICATION.Interior. V.5, laid Office at

.1t,. tie,/ lee 1180. Welke IA

. CiT ofLamesvember 24k.,11110:. glide

4206.11 for Fano Unit C or26 tow22 N. R. 24Ian, has Mad notice of

tst5atto to Mks eonanthatton proof,to elate to the lend above de-sert ore Alex R. Rhone. a United StatesUs= r. at Camas. Montana, on the 11thday of Aug..191"

C151121511t lianteS RA witnesses: Trygve Olson.Henry Claybaugh. Edward T. Smith. and WU-Ram IV. Perkins. allot QuIlArt Montana.Non-coal land FRANK 0 WILLIAM..Flathead irrigation Project. Regime,.

July 4-Aug 8

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior. U. S. Lead OMee

at Kalispell, Montana, July 11. 19111.-Notiee Isbomb, OVUM that Jennie Williams. of Clinalhs.Montana, who on May 24 1910, made tm101Mleadentry No. fall& for Penn Unit "0" or theNEI. SIN. Penton .11, Town/1111y North, Ranee2( Wes,. Motitous Meridian. has tiled notice ofintention to ntake commetion proof. to estab-lish claim in the land above described MimeAlex. It. Itholie, a United Suttes omunissioner,It t'amas. Montana, on the lard day of Asir-ult. MULairnant fumes as twItnismor Newton M. Ar.

,,old. Joshua N. Ventling Thomas m !Nevin andDaniel 2. McIntyre. all of (moat/font/am.

FRANK 0. WILLIARN, Ratister.Non-coal land. Flathead Irrigation Project

July le-Aug. 'Al

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior, U. 8. Land Olike

at Kalispell, MoMana. June 34), 1913.-Notire Ishereby given that Mason. F. Taylor. of (Xmas.Montana, who est..1 July 10. 1911. madeHomestead etiWy 1110.05417 for farm tmit "A" orthe NEM NEM SeeMiet 23, Township 22X., Lange'21 W. Montilla Mendian. has filed notice of In-tentlim to nialteconeautation proof to establishclaim to am land oboe* described before Alex.R. thillar01 Matm Commissioner, itCamas Mets04. 05 day of August 1918.Claimant IMMils as gettneeses: Walloon L.

Masson, Rodney Hollemberg. Columbus H. War.rert, Alfred E. Crysler. all of Camas. Montana,

FRANK O. WILLIAM, Register.Fisteheed Irrigation Project, Non emit-land.

July 4-Aug.

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Downtown of the luterior. U. 8. Land rim,.

at Kalispell. Montana, July II. 1913-Nnties Ishereby 'Oven that Joseph Cr.,,,. of Niarada.Mon-tana. who or, Mareh 5. 1512 made homesteadentry No. 00671 for $% 81v1e Mc. 15 andthe li% NW3e. Section 72, township 21 north.range 24 west. Montana meridian, hes tiled no.tke of intention to make counnusatinetproof to establish claim to the land above de-scribed. before John Mnirann. • Milted MatesOimineoloner. at Big Arm. Montana, on the 2344

dajantrutt. 1913.4 names as wiener...4' Fred Halts,.MIL H. K. Potter. Vahan Riley and L. BoydThompson, all of Mande. Montane.

RANI 0. WILLolint. Register,Noe Coal land. July Ile-Aug 72.

' Notice for Publication.Department of the Interior. 13.5. Land OMee at

Kalispell Montane, June 30th, 1913-Notlee Ishereby given that William L. Magoon. ofCamas. Montana. who. on March 27th 11111,made homestead entry No. 03243, for farmunit -II" or the Southeast cloarter Southwestquarter Section 25, township n north, range 24west, Montana meridian. has Bled notice ofletention to make cominutatIon 'proof, toestoblish claim to the land above described, be.fors Alex. It. Rhone, a United States lkommls-stoner, at Comas. Montana, on the 9th dayof August, 1913.Claimant names as witnesses: Chester F. Tay-

lor. Itodney Bonet:Merge Richard P. Taylor,Ivory Ibsen' btree. a 11;of Camas. Montana.Non-CM1 IAA11.1. FRANK 0, WILLIAM Register.Flathead Irrlasttion Project. July 4-Aug I

fr2196.NOTICE FOR etrin.leAvtow.

Department of the Interior. V. 41, Land 011iee atMiemula. Montana, July 14 1913.-Nonos ishereto given that A. Manth. of Canton,Montana, who, on May AI. 1910, made homesteadentry No. cults tor Veto, NM MM, Banton 2.Townehlp 21 north .range 24 west. Montana Merldlan. has Ned notice of intention to make threeyear proof. nnder new law to ostablhin naive tothe land Move described. helot's Alex. R. Rhone.a United State.' Owamiseioner. at ORmaa. Mon-tana. on the Tah day of demob 1915.Cloltnant names, ad wItneses: George Knouts.

Al Cyr. Rupert Illames, Mae Marsh.all of Camas.Machina.

1081All SHULL, RegisterNon coal land. Flathead Project,

Judy 18-Aug. el.


Department of the Interior,U.S. Mae elMItimula. Montane. July 1 11/11:-hereby Mom that James 11,Montana, who on Septegabfaneed eigir; No MU, kWNM NW sweeten 33. To14 Wept, ontene mendintention In Raketier nil law to establish claim to alymedowribeek beam, J, Martetelv •Commissioner at Plates, Montons, on tit=day of Animist 19141.(3almant mums as witnemes. %ROMS.

Chants M. Willie. Ben toolom. John 1)01.00. allof Maltu. Manage.Poo Oral land.July 114-Atig 22.

JOSIAH RAUL!,Reerfseer.


Pone rtment of the 1 finprint, PI lend Oflire elMice l .1.1, II E II Intirshetet,' elect, that Clark nt Ilirna. reelMe, Montane who on leer 3,1.951 he','Mead eitry I owl N=0:oneIna3.5.tale.

wrisslairi .cSrlatr.rasa, sli of MUM

nos coal hast



NOTICP. FOR PCB1.ICATION. "Department of the Interior. U. S. Lend

at Kalispell, Montano. June 14. 1913-Nettititithereby glvsm that Oliver , of (halal.Montana., who on April 22 and opalS, lint. nes410

and addle 1 en MOM maWill, Inn WM, NWM, NWM fnetion el, andSEM N EM section n, township north. range 29west. Montana morldieo. had aloe nonce of in-teation to make three-year. ronf, to establIsth eblin to the WWI above

-. before

Alex. It. Rhone, • U.11 Couuniesioner at thmas.Montana. on the nth der of Juke. 1112.Claimant nainto as wItneeme: Oren 1, flortcm, (4):•9

Willi T H Ki trick and

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior, U Laud Crake at

Kalispell. Montana. June le, 1513 -Notice IAweft_ Iowa that Charles /I newton. of Lon(

Maellaita. who on Ns-member eth, 1910.madeentry_rfo. _02577. for eleM, SEt. E4

8ZX. and the 8.1914 IILM. tombs .9. township 'a.north. range 24 west. Montana meridian, i.eflied notice of intentRat to make Anal commu-tation proof, tOseilabliab claim to the land slimedescribed before Ales. R. Rhone. • UnitedMane Coututiegona at Camas. Montane, onthe 22nd day of hay., 1141:Claimant MIMS as ertnteage: Edward

grad. Martin H. Long. Claw 4.:4 2Leklenry andW. W. Votteegen. all of Loneolne. Montane.

Passa 0. Wittweel. RegisterNon ma.1 land. June 13-July 10..

MOTICE FOR PCBLICA'FIO.X.Department of the Interior. U. S. land Cent.

it Montana. June leth, 191.1.e-Ikeice hihereby given that Emil Olson, of Olutlis. Mote..tans, Who, on May 10th. 1911, matte homesteadentry No. 02,05, for NWM NWM. seetion22.Township 29 north, Range 21 west. Montanameridian, bad ftled hello) of etiteution to makeAnal commutation proof, to establish claim tutthe land above describeeLbefore Alex. It. Rhone,a United Bodes Commissioner at Canui... Mon-tana on the 23m1 My of July. ISM.Claimant names as witeemas: Charles E.

Bluish. Howard Stephens Fred Hannemen, atotCharles Krotte, all of (ateSs. Montana.

FRAN': 0. WIIAJAII/s. Register.Non-Coal land. June20-Jtily Is

01174.Nfnllilt FOR PUBLICATION.

Department of the Interior. U. if. Lend Oaheat MIsmulat. Montana, June 21. 0113-Xottn. ishereby given that Albert T. Houser. of Penna.Montana. who on April 17t11.1912. nit& home-IIV114;e1ILIF No. 04176 for SE M SE% Seetand NM14E14. 8E34 NEM (Ionian 12. Township 19 Nottlt.raise 9.4 West, Montana Meridian. has Alcdndi fltintAtitiell to snake Anal tonsautetionproof leder htw establish claire to the late,abOro-dialleelbed. before IL .1.. Burlelith, UnitedBtsteetheamiasioner at IPlains, Montane. on thetilt 1912.

s Say

oft August,

Itnesses: lolin Brooks,montsnatta:nist eireantan F. Barnett of • Permit.Montana. Austin K. Paths of Wm. Prairie.

ANIAR Register.Xon.conl Ian 1. June 27-Aug T.


Departtuent of the Interior. U. 8. Lund Office atMisioula. Montana, June HI, Isis-Nell.. he herebygiven that Edna B. Harria of Plains. Montana,,who on Sept, 5,1911, made hemesteed entry No.0M75 for EM SKM section Al township 21 north.range 21 west. Montana merlillan,has Bled math"of intention to make commutation proof underold law to etitabileb claim to tbe land above de-scribed. before it. J. linrieigh. a U. S. commis-sioner, at Plaine. Isfenlana. on the 29th day ofJuly, 1913. •Claimant names as wItneases• Bertel

Thomsen, Jeanne. Montana. Al. E. Todd, ORniaA.Montotne, Idus Mikkeisen, Mains, Montena,William Sebelin. Camas. montana.

JOSIAH SHILL Regleter,June 20-July 'AS. Non emit land

0512,Notice For Publication.

Department of the Interior.. U. S. Land Office PiMissoula. Mesterei. July 1913.-Sotleehereby given that lames W. O'llelen, of China..Montana. who. on May 2e. 1919, Issas homeeteadenter NO, .0eWS. for unit R. WM IL NE% NwM.NEM SW36 section 7. Townoldp. ti N.. range 24wee: Monienteemedlan.boaSed_nottco ol _ St-tendon to 0155.5.50.110K551155111150011, under oldlaw. eatiddiell Nebo So the land abovedescribed. before ARM. R. toto. at% corn-ettist . at CanisaMmetaan. on ttie nith seeof 1911L .

Mutt natant sie Winslow }terry Roy -. Dennis liourke.Ladwidititexted, Mrs. ILyinit

11, Billings all of (name. Mestarm.JOSIAH SHULL Register.

shithead Project.Non mil land. Jaly II- Aug. VI

am T. y,Henry egpoCharles E. Blush. all of Camas, Mtmtana.Non well hold. FRANK 0. WILi1.t11.. Register.

June 20-July 18

menet: FOR PUTILICATTON.De pe rtiumit of the Milano... U. 8. Land Office it

Rai heed!. Ninntnna Jum lUth. 1513,--Not ishereby given that Logan K Bogie. of LAMIIMmeMon taint. ,fin on December 14. WI I, inside Meram 1stead entry No, Midi for !NM SW34. amildW34ttEMS. Section 17. township la north. rooms Ill Iwest, Montana Meridian. has illed pones oftlosentign to make final commutation ploOktoestablish claim to the lend above enessese.before Alex. R. Rhone. a Uulted Stated Osmanli.stoner. at Canes. Montana, on the 2nd diti OfJuly. 11113.ilahnoint names 5, witnesses: AlbertEastliek.

John Wagner, Delbert Heuderson and .1. H. Hen-, enion, alt of-Lonep ne, Montana.

PTUNKO. WILLIANA, Register.Nun-coil laud. June 1 i-July IP. I

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Dope nment ,d the Interior. U. S. Land Mee,

at Kalispell. Montana. Jane nth, 1913.-NotkeI,. hereby given that Mare A. Godfrey. of CatnaaMontana who oil June 7th. tall, MR&homestead

entse No. 011390, for unit

nr the SWM, SW . ction 25 and Lot', sectionm. Township 72 North. Range 118 west. Moatan•Meridian. be. Med victim of kreention to makeMet commutation proof, to eatablieh claim intimlend above described before Alex. IL Rhone.a (*tilted Meets Oranningoser at Camas. Mon-tana. ott the 2.1th day of July, 1912.Claimant name, as witnesses; t•Nirlst

Blush. Prod Moen. Henry Mackey. and W., A.NIllson, all of ()mum, Montana.

?BARR 0. WILLIAM. Register.Noricesel Lend. Juno 20-July IS,Flathead Irrigation Prejen.


beparinient of the rnterion U. S.Lend Office at Kalispell, Montana,Jmlne 10, 1913.7-Notice lie herebygiven that Timothy C. Lavelle, ofNiarada, Montana, who on March9th, 1912, made homestead entry No.011315, for Farm Unit "H" or thesoutheast quarter emethwest quar-ter, south half southeast quartersection 1, Township 23 north,Range24 West, and Lot 7, section A, Town.ship 23 North, Range 23 West, Mon-tana Meridian, has filed notice ofintention to make final comuntationProof, to eatabliah claim to the landabove described, before Alex. RRhone, a U. S. Commissioner, atCamas. Montana, on the 21itt day of

j1.1"Inlignrrint names as witnetelee:Adolph Hormel, Peter liornhormt,John SearUi and Thomas Search,all of Niariada, Montana.

WFRANK 0. ILLIA PIA, Register.Non coal land. June 13-July IA.

Notice foe Publicans&nepertinelit 01 11,,. luterinr. U. It. land °Mrs

tit SI iikko”to Montenit. July 7. 1912 -Notice Ishereby given tlutt Jolla O. O'Brien, heir anddaughter set Manua OramIturbam. deceased. of(Souse, Stomata. whoitin Ikettenber 19, lift: ,made homestead enter No. itself. for Unit E.AMC XF.34 dection IS Township 21. lit. Kongo21. west Montana Meridian. hies vie oases orinseattee to make eonmaitsnost _most 11111-

Irserwri to establiab chum to the leataboveWien Alex. It. Rhone. it Uplitesi51Stte4.111 thugs, tfoutatur. On the Iftis

of Ansuet. Wis.1111151111113/1511 Iritiepres - Harry Eta) bore.

Doges lionrket, Ludwig Bette!. Mrs. ks' N.lintlem, all of Canute. Monmna.

JOSIAH kill I'LL, Rester.Non cost Land. Flathead Proje.

July 11-Aug 15.-_-_-_-_-_--

NerliCE FOR 1111LICATIOX„Department of she Interior. U. P. Land Ofilee •

KalLmell, Montana, June 20. 1912.-Notlashereby given that John Austin of Cameo.Montana, who on March let?,, 14112. made hnt -stead entry No, 03807. for 27i1, SEM. ow% SE .geetlon 211.and ibe NIglit SR hee. M. T. Z2N..B.24 W.. Montane meridian. has Sled Whet of In-tention ,.to make *ammunition proofto establish Oohs to the land above de-scribed before Ftesbaer and Receiver I', 5, Laid0Moe. at Kalispell. Montana. on-the 11th day ofAugust. 19f3.Clahnant mime as witneswer Henry smith.

Martin H. Long. Alfred E. ender. and W. W.Perkins, all of mew. Motu/tbs.

hunt 0. WItAtmts, Register.Non coat lend. iy 4-A ug 5

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the firterko. U. S. land Oder at

EallaPell. Monterts. Jam We. 1913-Notlee ishereby elven that Nerema C. Vt0-leyview. Moubing, who on /fey 131i. lei". neosehosnommad entry Th. Sor MEI SEX. Sk.SEX. Sec. 10 and theSection It,township 21 north. Mime 21 Wia Montanomeridian. hais rampapiser at et on to makefinal commutation 10 solased clelm Itthe land aboye desert . before Alex It Rhone-a U 8 Co,nmlaii*i. as Chinas. Montana. onthe gird day 01 Job, 11118.Claimant nauwe as witneeass: L. Najd Mlles.

Adloir R Berry. ISMS 11011*17 1111411 IdenardMarquardt all of Valley View. Montana.

Pe tea 0. WILLIAM.. Reg star.June 20-July if, Non-coal land.

Phstke for Publicstem.Department of the Interior. U. ft Land Melee at

given thatKolispelLM 104.12041..211.-10=.1e7ohnr.

Mak Who, on She. .1545, noses imM

T7y No. OW* for

5 , NW% nee. . end the toe pad see,N of air. 23. . XI

get Ar or the

. amp wee.Montana Meridian. Ins MOO» in bitennonle make saist •esewh as amitatear

, es tee- - titsen• • Mu-

ci . it lei dal IlisILIF12.w. Gas-

and John'I

sett. .tralealnentlifH. itembeen. all or camas.

Fawn' 0.Jury 4.--A 5Iton.roatleoed

Motheni irrigation Probe.

Radke-Morivetz Lumber Co.--DEALERS IN---

Lumber and Building Material.Lumber Cut From the Best Timber in the


Orders Felled on Short Notice. Prices Reasonable

Camas, Montana.

Camas Meat MarketAll kinds of Meats, fish, Groceries, Etc. delivered

to your door PREE or CHARGESirloin Stk. I9c; Round Stk Mc; Shoulder Stk. Ific.

Choice Roast and Boiling Meat atReasonable Prices.

