
Fifth Edition

Radiobiology for the Radiologist

Eric J. Hall,

D.PHIL., D.SC, F.A.C.R., F.R.C.R.

Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics Professor of Radiation Oncology and Radiology Director, Center for Radiological Research College of Physicians & Surgeons Columbia University New York, New York


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Preface to the First Edition Preface Acknowledgments Milestones in Physics and Biology Part 1: For students of diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 The Physics and Chemistry of Radiation Absorption DNA Strand Breaks and Chromosomal Aberrations Cell Survival Curves Radiosensitivity and Cell Age in the Mitotic Cycle Repair of Radiation Damage and the Dose-Rate Effect The Oxygen Effect and Reoxygenation Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biological Effectiveness Acute Effects of Total-Body Irradiation Radioprotectors Radiation Carcinogenesis Hereditary Effects of Radiation Effects of Radiation on the Embryo and Fetus Radiation Cataractogenesis Doses and Risks in Diagnostic Radiology, Interventional Radiology and Cardiology, and Nuclear Medicine 15 Radiation Protection Part II: For students of radiation oncology 16 Molecular Techniques in Radiobiology 17 Cancer Biology 18 Dose-Response Relationships for Model Normal Tissues 19 Clinical Response of Normal Tissues 20 Model Tumor Systems 21 Cell, Tissue, and Tumor Kinetics 22 Time, Dose, and Fractionation in Radiotherapy 23 Predictive Assays 24 Alternative Radiation Modalities 25 Radiosensitizers and Bioreductive Drugs

vii ix xi 1

5 17 32 51 67 91 112 124 136 144 166 178 198 199 234

249 288 314 339 361 377 397 419 432 446


CONTENTS 461 470 495 521 553

26 Gene Therapy 27 Chemotherapeutic Agents from the Perspective of the Radiation Biologist 28 Hyperthermia Glossary Subject Index

Preface to the First Edition

This book, like so many before it, grew out of a set of lecture notes. The lectures were given during the autumn months of 1969, 1970, and 1971 at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York City. The audience consisted primarily of radiology residents from Columbia, affiliated schools and hospitals, and various other institutions in and around the city. To plan a course in radiobiology involves a choice between, on the one hand, dealing at length and in depth with those few areas of the subject in which one has personal expertise as an experimenter or, on the other hand, surveying the whole field of interest to the radiologist, necessarily in less depth. The former course is very much simpler for the lecturer and in many ways more satisfying; it is, however, of very little use to the aspiring radiologist who, if this course is followed, learns too much about too little and fails to get an overall picture of radiobiology. Consequently, I opted in the original lectures, and now in this book, to cover the whole field of radiobiology as it pertains to radiology. I have endeavored to avoid becoming evangelical over those areas of the subject which interest me, those to which I have devoted a great deal of my life. At the same time I have attempted to cover, with as much enthusiasm as I could muster and from as much knowledge as I could glean, those areas in which I had no particular expertise or personal experience. This book, then, was conceived and written for the radiologistspecifically, the radiologist who, motivated ideally by an inquiring mind or more realistically by the need to pass an examination, elects to study the biological foundations of radiology. It may incidentally serve also as a text for graduate students in the life sciences or even as a review of radiobiology for active researchers whose viewpoint has been restricted to their own area of interest. If the book serves these functions, too, the author is doubly happy, but first and foremost it is intended as a didactic text for the student of radiology. Radiology is not a homogenous discipline. The diagnostician and therapist have divergent interests; indeed it sometimes seems that they come together only when history and convenience dictate that they share a common course in physics or radiobiology. The bulk of this book will be of concern, and hopefully of interest, to all radiologists. The diagnostic radiologist is commended particularly to Chapters 11, 12, and 13 concerning radiation accidents, late effects, and the irradiation of the embryo and fetus. A few chapters, particularly Chapters 8, 9, 15, and 16, are so specifically oriented towards radiotherapy that the diagnostician may omit them without loss of continuity. A word concerning reference material is in order. The ideas contained in this book represent, in the author's estimate, the consensus of opinion as expressed in the scientific literature. For ease of reading, the text has not been broken up with a large number of direct references. Instead a selection of general references has been included at the end of each chapter for the reader who wishes to pursue the subject further.




I wish to record the lasting debt that I owe my former colleagues at Oxford and my present colleagues at Columbia, for it is in the daily cut and thrust of debate and discussion that ideas are formulated and views tested. Finally, I would like to thank the young men and women who have regularly attended my classes. Their inquiring minds have forced me to study hard and reflect carefully before facing them in a lecture room. As each group of students has grown in maturity and understanding, I have experienced a teacher's satisfaction and joy in the belief that their growth was due in some small measure to my efforts. E.J.H. New York July 1972

PrefaceThis fifth edition has been completely revised and substantially rewritten. The format has been changed so that Part 1, the first 15 chapters, represents both a general introduction to radiation biology and a complete self-contained course in the subject, suitable for residents in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. It follows the format of the Syllabus in Radiation Biology prepared by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in 1999, and its content reflects the questions appearing in recent years in the written examination for diagnostic radiology residents of the American Board of Radiology. Part 2 consists of more in-depth material designed primarily for residents in radiation oncology. It begins with a chapter on molecular techniques, followed by a chapter on cancer biology, new to this edition. Times change, fashions are modified, and the relative emphasis of different topics must be revised. "New" radiation modalities become "alternative" radiation modalities, and this chapter is considerably abbreviated because neutrons and heavy ions have not lived up to their earlier promise, while pions have disappeared altogether. Hypoxic cell radiosensitizers give way to hypoxic cytotoxins, formerly termed bioreductive drugs. Predictive assays are still a tantalizing dream, but may never really come into their own until molecular and genetic assays replace measurements of cellular sensitivity. A new chapter in this edition describes the basis of gene therapy, an exciting topic that has enough promise to be worth a mention. A frequent criticism of the third and fourth editions of this book was the absence of a chapter on radiation effects in normal tissues in humans. This absence in the past reflected my own personal ignorance and lack of expertise in the area, as well as the conviction that this was clinical radiation oncology, with no place in a text on radiation biology. However, since no simple summary of this subject exists, 1 have yielded to the pressure to include a chapter on normal tissue effects, gleaning basic information from many sources, and seeking advice and counsel from my clinical colleagues. Most of the other chapters have simply been revised and updated to reflect current thoughts and ideas. For example, we now see hypoxia not simply as a modifier of radiation response, but as an element of the tumor mieroenvironment driving aggression and malignancy. The cell cycle, too, is no longer an empirical series of events, but is driven by cyclines and cyclin-dependent kinases. This fifth edition is certainly the last. This prediction can be made with some confidence because I feel that the days of the single-authored text are numbered, if not over! A book written entirely by one person has the advantage of continuity of style and depth of coverage. However, it is increasingly difficult for any one person to keep up with a rapidly expanding field, as well as with the introduction of molecular techniques. A series of chapters, each written by the expert in that area, may be somewhat daunting to the new student, but in the end it ensures accuracy and an up-to-date account.


PREFACE I feel a lasting debt to the young men and women who have attended my lectures at Columbia-Presbyterian, as well as my refresher courses at ASTRO and RSNA over a period of 30 years. Their sharp and enquiring minds have forced me to keep up to date, while their need to digest an ever-expanding field of molecular and cellular radiobiology, while concentrating on patient care, has taught me to be brief and to distill out the essential facts. EricJ. Hall, D.Phil.,D.SC, F.A.C.R.,F.R.C.R.



I would like to thank the many friends and colleagues who generously and willingly gave permission for diagrams and illustrations from their published work to be reproduced in this book. While the ultimate responsibility for the content of this book must be mine, I acknowledge with gratitude the help of a number of friends who read chapters relating to their own areas of special expertise and made invaluable suggestions and additions. With each successive edition, this list grows longer, and now includes Drs. Ged Adams, Philip Alderson, Sally Amundsen, Joel Bedford, Roger Berry, Max Boone, Victor Bond, J. Martin Brown, Ed Bump, Julie Choi, Bill Dewey, Frank Ellis, Peter Esser, Stan Field, Greg Fryer, Charles Geard, Eugene Gerner, Amato Giaccia, Julian Gibbs, George Hahn, Simon Hall, Tom Hei, Robert Kallman, Howard Lieberman, Philip Lorio, Edmund Malaise, Gillies McKenna, Mortimer Mendelsohn, George Merriam, Noelle Metting, Jim Mitchell, Anthony Nias, Ray Oliver, Julian Preston, Elaine Ron, Harald Rossi, Robert Rugh, Robert Sutherland, Roy Tishler, Len Tolmach, Liz Travis, Lou Wagner, John Ward, Barry Winston, Rod Withers, Basil Worgul, Stanley Order, Dennis Leeper, and James Cox. Without their help this volume would be much the poorer. Most of the original illustrations in this book were created by Brian Soda, and I am glad of this opportunity to applaud his skill. The principal credit for this book must go to the successive classes of residents in radiology, radiation oncology, and nuclear medicine that I have taught at Columbia and at ASTRO and RSNA refresher courses over a period of more than 30 years. Their perceptive minds and searching questions have kept me on my toes. Their impatience to learn what was needed of radiobiology, and to get on with being doctors, has continually prompted me to summarize and get to the point! I am deeply indebted to the United States Department of Energy, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration, who have generously supported my work, and indeed much of the research performed by numerous investigators, that is described in this book. I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Michaela Delegianis, who not only typed and formatted all of the chapters, but played a major role in proofreading and editing. Finally, I thank my wife, Bernice, who has been most patient and gave me every encouragement when I needed it most. She also spent many hours proofreading the manuscript.




Fifth Edition

Radiobiology for the Radiologist

Milestones in the Radiation Sciences

Now that the centennials of all of the major events involved with the genesis of both diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology have well and truly passed, it seems appropriate to compile a list of "milestones" of the principal events that have brought us to where we are today. The principal motive for doing so is that we need the constant reminder that each generation stands on the shoulders of the one that went before or, as Sylvanus Thompson, the first president of the Roentgen Society, put it more eloquently soon after the discovery of x-rays:In the history of Science, nothing is more true than that the discoverer, even the greatest discoverer, is but the descendant of his scientific fore-fathers; he is always essentially the product of the age in which he is born.

1859Darwin: Changes in populations of organisms. 1865Mendel: Traits inherited by individual organisms. 1895Roentgen discovered x-rays. 1896Becquerel presented to the Paris Academy of Sciences the results of his discovery of radiations emitted by uranium compounds. 1896First biologic effects of x-rays reported included skin "burns," epilation, and eye irritation. 1896Treatment of a hairy nevus by Freund. 1897Rutherford examined the radiations from uranium after Becquerel's discovery of radioactivity and found two types, which he

called a- and [3-rays. Later he found that aparticles consist of nuclei of helium and that P-particles consist of electrons discovered by Thomson. Grubbe, Despeignes, Williams, Voigt; Rival claims of first use of x-rays to treat cancer. 1898Marie and Pierre Curie announced the discovery of "polonium" in July and of "radium" in December. 1902Cancer in x-ray ulcer reported: Frieben. 1903"Law" of Bergonie and Tribondeau; radiosensitivity related to mitotic activity. First suggestion to treat cancer by implanting radium: Bell. 1905Chromosome theory of heredity. 1911Leukemia in five radiation workers reported: Jagic. 1913Bohr suggested a model of the atom with a central nucleus and electrons moving in orbits around it. Coolidge built the first successful roentgen-ray tube with hot filament and tungsten target. 1915British Roentgen Society introduced proposals for radiation protection. 1919Rutherford bombarded nitrogen atoms with a-particles and found that the nuclei of these atoms disintegrated, giving off hydrogen; oxygen atoms were left. The particles given off were found to be positively charged, and Rutherford named them protons. This was the first experiment in which one element was transformed artificially into another element, namely nitrogen into oxygen.

: RADIOBIOLOGY FOR THE RADIOLOGIST 1922Compton discovered the "Compton effect," namely the change in wavelength of scattered x-rays. 1923Eugene Petry discovered the oxygen effect with plant roots. 1927Rabbit testes experiments suggested the value of fractionation in radiotherapy: Regaud and Ferraux. , First observation of mutations by x-rays in Drosophila: Muller. 1928Wilderoe suggested the principle of the cyclotron. Coutard reported superiority of fractionated treatment for human cancer. Unit of x-ray intensity proposed by Second International Congress of Radiology. International Committee on X-ray and Radium Protection established. First international recommendations on radiation protection adopted by Second International Congress of Radiology. 1929Advisory Committee on X-ray and Radium Protection established (United States). 1930Lea: First survival curve for bacteria exposed to radiation. 1931The roentgen adopted as the unit of exposure for x-radiation. 1932Lawrence invented the cyclotron. In 1933, collaborating with M. S. Livingston, he built a cyclotron capable of producing 5,000,000-V deuterons. Chadwick announced the discovery of the neutron, a neutral nuclear particle of about the same mass as the positively charged proton. This experimental proof of the existence of the neutron confirmed speculations made by Rutherford in 1919. 1933Crabtree and Cramer: Oxygen affects radiosensitivity of tumor "slices"; postulated importance of oxygen in radiotherapy. 1934Joliot and Irene Joliot-Curie produced artificial radioactivity by bombarding aluminum with a-particles and observed that neutrons and positively charged particles were emitted from the aluminum during this process. Paterson and Parker introduced their dosage system for y-ray therapy. 1935Mottram noted the effect of oxygen on radiosensitivity of Vicia faba roots and postulated its importance to radiotherapy. 1937The Fifth International Congress of Radiology accepted the roentgen as an international dosage unit for x- and y-radiation. 1938-3937-inch cyclotron at Berkeley used to treat first patient with neutrons by Robert Stone. 1940Lea and Catcheside proposed the linear-quadratic formalism for biologic response to radiation. First quantitative oxygen enhancement ratio measured by Gray; published 1952. Zirke introduced the concept of linear energy transfer. 1941The principle of "one gene-one enzyme" established. 1942First self-maintaining nuclear chain reaction in a uranium graphite pile or reactor was initiated in Chicago: Fermi and colleagues. 1943First use of radioactive isotopes to label compounds in biology and medicine: Hevesy. 1944Strandquist: Relation between dose and overall time for skm reaction proposed dose a(time) 033 . 1945Atomic bombs exploded on July 16 in New Mexico, August 6 in Hiroshima, and August 11 in Nagasaki. 1946Advisory Committee on X-ray and Radium Protection reorganized to the National Committee on Radiation Protection (United States). 1949Discovery of cysteine as a radioprotector: Patt. 1950International Commission on Radiological Protection and International Commission on Radiological Units reorganized from prewar committees. Erwin Chargaff discovered a consistent one-to-one ratio of adenine to thymme and guanine to cytosine in DNA. 1951First clinical cobalt-60 unit, London, Ontario, Canada.





MILESTONES IN THE RADIATION SCIENCES Hereditary effects of radiation in mice reported: Russell. First patient treated with boron neutron capture therapy: Sweet. Linus Pauling obtained precise measurements of a helical polypeptide structure. 1952First quantitative measurement of the oxygen effect published: Gray. Sv DNA identified as the molecule of heredity. 1953International Commission on Radiological Units introduced concept of absorbed dose. 1953Development of autoradiography and elucidation of the phases of the cell cycle: Howard and Pelc. 1953First linear accelerator to treat patients, Hammersmith Hospital, United Kingdom. 1953Structure of DNA discovered: Crick and Watson. 1954Indium-192 introduced into brachytherapy. 1955Chronic hypoxia resulting from limitation of oxygen diffusion described: Thomlinson and Gray. 1956The first in vitro radiation survival curve for mammalian cells: Puck. 1957The K-curve for oxygen published: Howard-Flanders and Alper. 1959Repair demonstrated by split dose experiment with mammalian cells: Elkind. First in vivo survival curve for tumor cells: Hewitt and Wilson. 1960Survival curve shape change with linear energy transfer: Barendsen and colleagues. Concept of growth fraction in tumors: Mendelsohn. 1961Remote afterloading for brachytherapy: Henscke. 1962First demonstration of the dose-rate effect in cells in vitro: Hall and Bedford. 1963Relation between electron affinity and radiosensitizing potential: Adams and Dewey. First observation of variation of radiosensitivity through the cell cycle: Terasima and Tolmach. First demonstration that hypoxic cells limit curability of a mouse tumor by x-rays; Powers and Tolmach. 1966Potentially lethal damage repair described: Tolmach. First patient treated in hyperbaric oxygen: Churchill Davidson. Genetic code solved. Dependence of oxygen enhancement ratio on linear energy transfer: Barendsen and colleagues. 1967Concept of cell loss factor in tumors: Steel. First survival curve for cells in vivo skin colonies: Withers. 1968Classification of tissue radiosensitivity: Casarett. Description of the nominal standard dose system: Ellis. 1969Accelerated repopulation shown in animal tumors: Hermens and Barendsen. 1971First cell-survival curves for hyperthermia. Development of assay for crypt cells m mouse jejunum: Withers. Survival curve for bone marrow stem cells: Till and McCulloch. Sensitivity to heat through the cell cycle: Westra and Dewey. Two-hit model to explain the paradigm of retinoblastoma: Knudsen. 1972First computed tomographic scanner by EMI installed in a hospital in London. First recombinant DNA molecules produced. The term reoxygenation coined by Kail-

man.1973Time course of proliferation in normal tissues following irradiation: Denekamp. 1974First clinical trial with neutrons: Catterall. First cancer patients treated with negative 7i-mesons at Los Alamos: Kligerman. 1975First cancer patients treated with heavy ions at Berkeley. 1976Fowler and Douglas derive linearquadratic parameters from fractionation experiments.


First randomized clinical trial of neutrons, Hammersmith Hospital. Development of spheroids: Sutherland. First clinical trial of a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer (metronidazole): Urtason and colleagues. Suppressor genes described in cultured cells: Stanbridge. s 1979Acutely hypoxic cells described: Brown. 1980Difference in survival curve shape for early- and late-responding tissues: Withers. First repair gene in human cells: Rubin. First description of apoptosis: Kerr. First commercial magnetic resonance unit. 1981Estimation of hereditary effects of radiation in humans: Schull, Otaka, Neel. 1982Concept of biologically effective dose described: Barendsen. The first human oncogenes described: Bishop.

1985First computer-controlled afterloader: Nucletron. Estimation of Tpot (potential doubling time) in patients from a single biopsy: Begg. 1986Development of bioreductive drugs: Brown, Adams. 1989Measurement of oxygenation status in human tumors with labeled nitroimidazoles: Chapman, Urtason, and colleagues. Polymerase chain reaction developed. 1990Discovery of importance of mismatch repair genes in human colon cancer: Vogelstein. 1991Single-strand conformal polymorphism technique developed to detect mutations. First use of gene therapy in animals. First correlation of SF2 (surviving fractions at 2 Gy) and tumor control: West. 1992First clinical trial of WR2721 as a radioprotector: Kligerman. 1995ATM gene sequenced. 1996p53 named as the molecule of the yearthe guardian of the genome.


In 1895 the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered "a new kind of ray," emitted by a gas discharge tube, that could blacken photographic film contained in light-tight containers. He called these rays xrays, in his first announcement in December 1895the x representing the unknown. In demonstrating the properties of x-rays at a public lecture, Roentgen asked Rudolf Albert van Kolliker, a prominent Swiss professor of anatomy, to put his hand in the beam and so produced the first radiograph (Fig. 1.1). The first medical use of x-rays was reported in the Lancet of January 23, 1896. In this report, x-rays were used to locate a piece of a knife in the backbone of a drunken sailor, who was paralyzed until the fragment was removed following its localization. The new technology spread rapidly through Europe and the United States, and the field of diagnostic radiology was born. There is some debate about who first used x-rays therapeutically, but by 1897, Wilhelm Alexander Freud, a German surgeon, demonstrated before the Vienna Medical Society the disappearance of a hairy mole following treatment with x-rays. Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1898, and radium

was isolated by Pierre and Marie Curie in the same year. The first recorded experiment in radiobiology was performed by Becquerel when he inadvertently left a radium container in his vest pocket. He subsequently described the skin erythema that appeared 2 weeks later and the uleeration that developed and required several weeks to heal. It is said that Pierre Curie repeated the experiment in 1901 by deliberately producing a radium "burn" on his own forearm (Fig. 1.2). From these early beginnings, just before the turn of the century, the study of radiobiology began. Radiobiology is the study of the action of ionizing radiations on living things. As such, it inevitably involves a certain amount of radiation physics. The purpose of this chapter is to present, in summary form and with a minimum of mathematics, a listing of the various types of ionizing radiations and a description of the physics and chemistry of the processes by which radiation is absorbed. TYPES OF IONIZING RADIATIONS The absorption of energy from radiation in biologic material may lead to excitation or to



Figure 1.1. The first radiograph of a living object, taken in January 1896, just a few months after the discovery of x-rays. (Courtesy of Rontgen Museum, Wurzburg, Germany)

Figure 1.2. The first radiobiology experiment. Pierre Curie is said to have used a radium tube to produce a radiation ulcer on his arm. He charted its appearance and subsequent healing.


RADIATION ABSORPTION ionization. The raising of an electron in an atom or molecule to a higher energy level without actual ejection of the electron is called excitation. If the radiation has sufficient energy to eject one or more orbital electrons from the atom or molecule, the process is called ionization, and that radiation is said to be ionizing radiation. The important characteristic of ionizing radiation is the localized release of large amounts of energy. The energy dissipated per ionizing event is about 33 eV, which is more than enough to break a strong chemical bond; for example, the energy associated with a C=C bond is 4.9 eV For convenience it is usual to classify ionizing radiations as electromagnetic or particulate. Electromagnetic Radiations Most experiments with biologic systems have involved x- or y-rays, two forms of electromagnetic radiation. X- and y-rays do not differ in nature or in properties; the designations x- or y-rays reflects the way in which they are produced. X-rays are produced extranuclearly; y-rays are produced intranuclearly. In practical terms this means that x-rays are produced in an electrical device that accelerates electrons to high energy and then stops them abruptly in a target, usually made of tungsten or gold. Part of the kinetic energy (the energy of motion) of the electrons is converted into x-rays. On the other hand, y-rays are emitted by radioactive isotopes; they represent excess energy that is given off as the unstable nucleus breaks up and decays in its efforts to reach a stable form. Natural background radiation from rocks in the earth also includes yrays. Everything that is stated of x-rays in this chapter applies equally well to y-rays. X-rays may be considered from two different standpoints. First, they may be thought of as waves of electrical and magnetic energy. The magnetic and electrical fields, in planes at right angles to one another, vary with time so that the wave moves forward in much the same way as ripples move over the surface of a pond if a stone is dropped into the water. The wave moves with a velocity, c, which in a vacuum has a value of 3 x 1010 cm/s. The distance between successive peaks of the wave, X, is known as the wavelength. The number of waves passing a fixed point per second is the frequency, v. The product of frequency times wavelength gives the velocity of the wave; that is, Xv = c. A helpful, if trivial, analogy is to liken the wavelength to the length of a man's stride when walking; the number of strides per minute is the frequency. The product of the length of stride times the number of strides per minute then gives the speed, or velocity, of the walker. Like x-rays, radio waves, radar, radiant heat, and visible light are forms of electromagnetic radiation. They all have the same velocity, c, but they have different wavelengths and therefore different frequencies. To extend the previous analogy, different radiations may be likened to a group of men, some tall, some short, walking together at the same speed. The tall men take long measured strides but make few strides per minute; to keep up, the short men compensate for the shortness of their strides by increasing the frequencies of their strides. A radio wave may have a distance between successive peaks (i.e., wavelength) of 300 m; for a wave of visible light the corresponding distance is about five hundred thousandths of a centimeter (5 x 10"5 cm). The wavelength for x-rays may be one hundred millionth of a centimeter (10~8 cm). X- and y-rays, then, occupy the shortwavelength end of the electromagnetic spectrum (Fig. 1.3). Alternatively, x-rays may be thought of as streams of photons, or "packets" of energy. Each energy packet contains an amount of energy equal to hv, where h is known as Planck's constant and v is the frequency. If a radiation has a long wavelength, it has a small frequency, and so the energy per photon is small. Conversely, if a given radiation has a short wavelength, the frequency is large and the energy per photon is large. There is a simple numeric relationship between the photon


RADIOBIOLOGY FOR THE RADIOLOGIST about 4 Gy (400 rad)J of x-rays given to a human is lethal in many cases. This dose represents an absorption of energy of only about 67 cal, assuming the person to be a "standard man," weighing 70 kg. The smallness of the amount of energy involved can be illustrated in many ways. Converted to heat it would represent a temperature rise of 0.002C, which would do no harm at all; the same amount of energy in the form of heat is absorbed in drinking one sip of warm coffee. Alternatively, the energy inherent in a lethal dose of x-rays may be compared with mechanical energy or work: It would correspond to the work done in lifting a man about 16 inches from the ground (Fig. 1.4). Energy in the form of heat or mechanical energy is absorbed uniformly and evenly, and much greater quantities of energy in these forms are required to produce damage in living things. The potency of x-rays, then, is a function not so much of the total energy absorbed as of the size of the individual energy packets. In their biologic effects, electromagnetic radiations are usually considered to be ionizing if they have a photon energy in excess of 124 eV, which corresponds to a wavelength shorter than about 10"6 cm. Particulate Radiations Other types of radiation that occur in nature and also are used experimentally are electrons, protons, a-particles, neutrons, negative 71-mesons, and heavy charged ions. Some also are used in radiation therapy and have a potential in diagnostic radiology not yet exploited.

Figure 1.3. Illustration of the electromagnetic spectrum. X-rays and y-rays have the same nature as visible light, radiant heat, and radio waves; however, they have shorter wavelengths and consequently a larger photon energy. As a result, x- and y-rays can break chemical bonds and produce biologic effects.

energy (in kiloelectron volts*) and the wavelengths (in angstromsf): ^ A = 12.4/E(keV) For example, x-rays with wavelengths of 0.1 A correspond to a photon energy of 124 keV The concept of x-rays being composed of photons is very important in radiobiology. If x-rays are absorbed in living material, energy is deposited in the tissues and cells. This energy is deposited unevenly in discrete packets. The energy in a beam of x-rays is quantized into large individual packets, each of which is big enough to break a chemical bond and initiate the chain of events that culminates in a biologic change. The critical difference between nonionizing and ionizing radiations is the size of the individual packets of energy, not the total energy involved. A simple calculation illustrates this point. It is shown elsewhere (Chapter 8) that a total-body dose of*The kiloelectron volt (keV) is a unit of energy. It is the energy possessed by an electron that has been accelerated through 1,000 volts. It corresponds to 1.6 x 10~9 ergs. jThe angstrom (A) is a unit of length equal to 10~8 cm.

^Quantity of radiation is expressed in roentgens, rads, or gray. The roentgen (R) is the unit of exposure and is related to the ability of x-rays to ionize air. The rad is the unit of absorbed dose and corresponds to an energy absorption of 100 ergs/g. In the case of x- and y-rays an exposure of 1 R results in an absorbed dose in water or soft tissue roughly equal to 1 rad. Officially, the rad has been replaced as a unit by the gray (Gy), which corresponds to an energy absorption of 1 J/kg. Consequently, 1 Gy = 100 rads. Although the gray now commonly is used in Europe, its adoption in everyday practice in the United States has been slow. Often the centigray is used; thus, 1 cGy = 1 rad.

RADIATION ABSORPTION most 2,000 times greater than an electron. Because of their mass they require more complex and more expensive equipment to accelMass = 70 kg erate them to useful energies, such as a LD/50/60 = 4 Gy cyclotron, but they are used for cancer treatEnergy absorbed = ment in a few specialized facilities. In nature, the earth is showered with pro70 X 4 = 280 joules = 280 = 67 calories | tons from the sun, which represent part of the 4.18 natural background radiation. We are protected on earth to a large extent by the earth's X-ray atmosphere and the magnetic field around the earth, which deflects charged particles away. Protons are a major hazard to astronauts on Drinking Hot Coffee long-range space missions. Excess temperature (C) = 60 - 37 = 23 a-Partides are nuclei of helium atoms and Volume of coffee consumed to consist of two protons and two neutrons in equal the energy in the LD/50/60 = &7 close association. They have a net positive 23 charge and therefore can be accelerated in = 3 mL = 1 sip large electrical devices similar to those used B for protons. a-Particles also are emitted during the decay of heavy naturally occurring radionuMechanical Energy: Lifting a Person clides, such as uranium and radium (Fig. 1.5). a-Particles are the major source of natural Mass = 70 kg background radiation to the general public. Height lifted to equal Radon gas seeps out of the soil and builds up the energy in the inside houses, where together with its decay LD/50/60 = 280 products it is breathed in and irradiates the 70 X 0.0981 lining of the lung. It is estimated that 10,000 = 0.4 m (16 inches) to 20,000 cases of lung cancer are caused each year by this means in the United States, Figure 1.4. The biologic effect of radiation is de- mostly in smokers. termined not by the amount of the energy abNeutrons are particles with a mass similar sorbed but by the photon size, or packet size, of the energy. A: The total amount of energy ab- to that of a proton, but they carry no electrical sorbed in a 70-kg human exposed to a lethal charge. Because they are electrically neutral, dose of 4 Gy is only 67 cal. B: This is equal to they cannot be accelerated in an electrical dethe energy absorbed in drinking one sip of hot coffee. C: It also equals the potential energy im- vice. They are produced if a charged particle, such as a deuteron, is accelerated to high enparted by lifting a person about 16 inches. ergy and then made to impinge on a suitable target material. (A deuteron is a nucleus of deuterium and consists of a proton and a neuElectrons .are small, negatively charged tron in close association.) Neutrons are also particles that can be accelerated to high en- emitted as a by-product if heavy radioactive ergy to a speed close to that of light by means atoms undergo fission, that is, split to form of an electrical device, such as a betatron- or two smaller atoms. Consequently, neutrons linear accelerator. They are widely used for are present in large quantities in nuclear reactors and are emitted by some manmade heavy cancer therapy. Protons are positively charged particles radionuclides. They are also an important and are relatively massive, having a mass al- component of space radiation and contributeTotal-Body Irradiation X-ray



a-Particle1 1

2 Protons 2 Neutrons

Radium-226 88 Protons 138 Neutrons

Radon-222 86 Protons 136 Neutrons

Figure 1.5. Illustration of the decay of a heavy radionuclide by the emission of an a-particie. An ocparticle is a helium nucleus consisting of two protons and two neutrons. The emission of an a-particle decreases the atomic number by two and the mass number by four. Note that the radium has changed to another chemical element, radon, as a consequence of the decay.

significantly to the exposure of passengers and crew of high flying jet liners. Heavy charged particles are nuclei of elements such as carbon, neon, argon, or even iron that are positively charged because some or all of the planetary electrons have been stripped from them. To be useful for radiation therapy they must be accelerated to energies of thousands of millions of volts and therefore can be produced in only a few specialized facilities. There is no longer any such facility operational in the United States, but heavy ion therapy is used on a limited scale in Europe and in Japan. Charged particles of enormous energy are encountered in space and represent a major hazard to astronauts on long missions, such as the proposed trip to Mars. During the lunar missions of the 1970s astronauts "saw" light flashes while their eyes were closed in complete darkness, which turned out to be caused by high-energy iron ions crossing the retina. ABSORPTION OF X-RAYS Radiation may be classified as directly or indirectly ionizing. All of the charged particles previously discussed are directly ionizing; that is, provided the individual particles have sufficient kinetic energy, they can disrupt the atomic structure of the absorber through which they pass directly and produce chemical and biologic changes. Electromagnetic radiations (x- and y-rays) are indirectly

ionizing. They do not produce chemical and biologic damage themselves, but when they are absorbed in the material through which they pass they give up their energy to produce fast-moving charged particles. The process by which x-ray photons are absorbed depends on the energy of the photons concerned and the chemical composition of the absorbing material. At high energies, characteristic of a cobalt-60 unit or a linear accelerator used for radiotherapy, the Compton process dominates. In this process the photon interacts with what is usually referred to as a "free" electron, an electron whose binding energy is negligibly small compared with the photon energy. Part of the energy of the photon is given to the electron as kinetic energy; the photon, with whatever energy remains, continues on its way, deflected from its original path (Fig. 1.6). In place of the incident photon there is a fast electron and a photon of reduced energy, which may go on to take part in further interactions. In any given case the photon may lose a little energy or a lot; in fact, the fraction lost may vary from 0 to 80%. In practice, if an x-ray beam is absorbed by tissue, a vast number of photons interact with a vast number of atoms, and on a statistical basis all possible energy losses occur. The net result is the production of a large number of fast electrons, many of which can ionize other atoms of the absorber, break vital chemical bonds, and initiate the change of events that ultimately is expressed as biologic damage.






Figure 1.6. Absorption of an x-ray photon by the Compton process. The photon interacts with a loosely bound planetary electron of an atom of the absorbing material. Part of the photon energy is given to the electron as kinetic energy. The photon, deflected from its original direction, proceeds with reduced energy.

For photon energies characteristic of diagnostic radiology, both Compton and photoelectric absorption processes occur, the former dominating at the higher end of the energy range and the latter being most important at lower energies. In the photoelectric process (Fig. 1.7), the x-ray photon interacts with a bound electron in, for example, the K, L, or M shell of an atom of the absorbing material. The photon gives up all of its energy to the electron; some is used to overcome the binding energy of the electron and release it from its orbit; the remainder is given to the electron as kinetic energy of motion. The kinetic energy (KE) of the ejected electron, therefore, is given by the expression KE = hv - EB in which hv is the energy of the incident photon and EB is the binding energy of the electron in its orbit. The vacancy left in the atomic shell as a result of the ejection of an electron then must be filled by another electron falling




Figure 1.7. Absorption of a photon of xor y-rays by the photoelectric process. The interaction involves the photon and a tightly bound orbital electron of an atom of the absorber. The photon gives up its energy entirely; the electron is ejected with a kinetic energy equal to the energy of the incident photon less the binding energy that previously held the electron in orbit (top). The vacancy is filled either by an electron from an outer orbit or by a free electron from outside the atom (bottom). If an electron changes energy levels, the difference in energy is emitted as a photon of characteristic x-rays. For soft tissue these x-rays are of very low energy.


RADIOBIOLOGY FOR THE RADIOLOGIST radiobiology are minimal. Whether the absorption process is the photoelectric or the Compton process, much of the energy of the absorbed photon is converted into the kinetic energy of a fast electron. DIRECT AND INDIRECT ACTION OF RADIATION The biologic effects of radiation result principally from damage to DNA, which is the critical target. If any form of radiationx- or y-rays, charged or uncharged particlesis absorbed in biologic material, there is a possibility that it will interact directly with the critical targets in the cells. The atoms of the target itself may be ionized or excited, thus initiating the chain of events that leads to a biologic change. This is called direct action of radiation (Fig. 1.8); it is the dominant process if radiations with high linear energy transfer (LET), such as neutrons or a-particles, are considered. Alternatively, the radiation may interact with other atoms or molecules in the cell (particularly water) to produce free radicals that are able to diffuse far enough to reach and damage the critical targets. This is called indirect action of radiation.1 A free radical is a free (not combined) atom or molecule carrying an unpaired orbital electron in the outer shell. An orbital electron not only revolves around the nucleus of an atom but also spins around its own axis. The spin may be clockwise or counterclockwise. In an atom or molecule with an even number of electrons, spins are paired; that is, for every electron spinning clockwise there is another one spinning counterclockwise. This state is associated with a high degree of chemical stability. In an atom or molecule with an odd number of electrons there is one electron in the outer orbit for which there is no other electron with an opposing spin; this is an unpaired electron. This state is associated with a high degree of chemical reactivity.+ It is important to avoid confusion between directly and indirectly ionizing radiation, on the one hand, and the direct and indirect actions of radiation on the other.

in from an outer shell of the same atom or by a conduction electron from outside the atom. The movement of an electron from one shell to another represents a change of energy states. Because the electron is negatively charged, its movement from a loosely bound to a tightly bound shell represents a decrease of potential energy; this energy change is balanced by the emission of a photon of "characteristic" electromagnetic radiation. In soft tissue, this characteristic radiation has a low energy, typically 0.5 kV, and is of little biologic consequence. The Compton and photoelectric absorption processes differ in several respects that are vital in the application of x-rays to diagnosis and therapy. The mass absorption coefficient for the Compton process is independent of the atomic number of the absorbing material. By contrast, the mass absorption coefficient for photoelectric absorption varies rapidly with atomic number (Z) and is, in fact, about proportional to Z3. For diagnostic radiology, photons are used in the energy range in which photoelectric absorption is as important as the Compton process. Because the mass absorption coefficient varies critically with Z, the x-rays are absorbed to a greater extent by bone because bone contains elements with a high atomic number, such as calcium. This differential absorption in materials of high Z is one reason for the familiar appearance of the radiograph. On the other hand, for radiotherapy, high-energy photons in the megavoltage range are preferred, because the Compton process is overwhelmingly important. As a consequence, the absorbed dose is about the same in soft tissue, muscle, and bone, so that differential absorption in bone, which posed a problem in the early days in which lower-energy photons were used for therapy, is avoided. Although the differences among the various absorption processes are of practical importance in radiology, the consequences for*Z, the atomic number, is defined as the number of positive charges on the nucleus; it is therefore the number of protons in the nucleus.




sult of which it is highly reactive. H2O+ is charged and has an unpaired electron; consequently, it is both an ion and a free radical. The primary ion radicals have an extremely short lifetime, on the order of 10~10 second. They decay to form free radicals, which are not charged but still have an unpaired electron. In the case of water, the ion radical reacts with another water molecule to form the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (OH): H2O+ H2O - H3O+ + OH-

DIRECT ACTIONFigure 1.8. Direct and indirect actions of radiation. The structure of DNA is shown schematically. In direct action a secondary electron resulting from absorption of an x-ray photon interacts with the DNA to produce an effect. In indirect action the secondary electron interacts with, for example, a water molecule to produce a hydroxyl radical (OH), which in turn produces the damage to the DNA. The DNA helix has a diameter of about 20 A (2 nm). It is estimated that free radicals produced in a cylinder with a diameter double that of the DNA helix can affect the DNA. Indirect action is dominant for sparsely ionizing radiation, such as x-rays. S, sugar; P, phosphorus; A, adenine; T, thymine; G, guanine; C, cytosine.

The hydroxyl radical possesses nine electrons; therefore one of them is unpaired. It is a highly reactive free radical and can diffuse a short distance to reach a critical target in a cell. For example, it is thought that free radicals can diffuse to DNA from within a cylinder with a diameter about twice that of the DNA double helix. It is estimated that about two thirds of the x-ray damage to DNA in mammalian cells is caused by the hydroxyl radical. The best evidence for this estimate comes from experiments using free radical scavengers, which can reduce the biologic effect of sparsely ionizing radiations, such as xrays, by a factor of close to 3. This is discussed further in Chapter 11. Indirect action is illustrated in Figure 1.8. This component of radiation damage can be modified by chemical meansby either protectors or sensitizersas opposed to the direct action, which cannot be modified. For the indirect action of x-rays, the chain of events, from the absorption of the incident photon to the final observed biologic change, may be described as follows: Incident x-ray photon

For simplicity, we consider what happens if radiation interacts with a water molecule, because 80% of a cell is composed of water. As a result of the interaction with a photon of xor y-rays or a charged particle, such as an electron or proton, the water molecule may become ionized. This may be expressed as H2O -> H2O+ + e~ HaO is an ion radical. An ion is an atom or molecule that is electrically charged because it has lost an electron. A free radical contains an unpaired electron in the outer shell, as a re+

iFast electron (e~)

IIon radical

iFree radical

iChemical changes from the breakage of bonds


Biologic effects


RADIOBIOLOGY FOR THE RADIOLOGIST nant process of energy transfer. There are several reasons for this. First, a large proportion of energy is transferred if a neutron interacts with a proton, because the particles are of similar mass. Second, hydrogen is the most abundant atom in tissue. Third, the collision cross-section for hydrogen is large. This process is illustrated in Figure 1.9. The recoil protons that are set in motion lose energy by excitation and ionization as they pass through the biologic material. These recoil protons deposit much of their energy at an LET of less than 30 keV/iim, and the maximum LET associated with protons as they come to rest is about 100 keV/jim. (See Chapter 9 for a discussion of LET.) Elastic collisions of neutrons with heavier elements in tissue make a small contribution to the dose, although the energy is deposited at a high LET. At energies above about 6 MeV, inelastic scattering begins to take place, and it assumes increasing importance as the neutron energy rises. The neutron may interact with a carbon nucleus to produce three a-particles or with an oxygen nucleus to produce four a-particles (Fig. 1.10). These are known as spallation products, which become very important at higher energies. The a-particles produced in this way represent a relatively modest proportion of the total absorbed dose, but they are densely ionizing and have an important effect on the biologic characteristics of the radiation.

There are vast differences in the time scale involved in these various events. The physics of the process, the initial ionization, may take only 10~!5 second. The primary radicals produced by the ejection of an electron generally have a lifetime of 10~10 second. The OH- radical has a lifetime of about 10~9 second in cells, and the DNA radicals formed either by direct ionization or by reaction with OH- radicals have a lifetime of perhaps 10~5 second (in the presence of air). The period between the breakage of chemical bonds and the expression of the biologic effect may be hours, days, months, or years, depending on the consequences involved. If cell killing is the result, the biologic effect may be expressed hours to days later, when the damaged cell attempts to divide. If the radiation damage is oncogenic, its expression as an overt cancer may be delayed 40 years. If it is a mutation, in a germ cell leading to heritable changes, it may not be expressed for many generations. ABSORPTION OF NEUTRONS Neutrons are uncharged particles. For this reason they are highly penetrating compared with charged particles of the same mass and energy. They are indirectly ionizing and are absorbed by elastic or inelastic scattering. Fast neutrons differ basically from x-rays in the mode of their interaction with tissue. X-ray photons interact with the orbital electrons of atoms of the absorbing material by the Compton or photoelectric process and set in motion fast electrons. Neutrons, on the other hand, interact with the nuclei of atoms of the absorbing material and set in motion fast recoil protons, a-particles, and heavier nuclear fragments. In the case of intermediate fast neutrons, elastic scattering is the dominant process. The incident neutron collides with the nucleus of an atom of the absorber; part of its kinetic energy is transferred to the nucleus and part is retained by the deflected neutron, which may go on to make further collisions. In soft tissues, the interaction between incident neutrons and hydrogen nucleiwhich are, of course, single protonsis the domi-

nFast neutron



Figure 1.9. Interaction of a fast neutron with the nucleus of a hydrogen atom of the absorbing material. Part of the energy of the neutron is given to the proton as kinetic energy. The neutron, deflected from its original direction, proceeds with reduced energy.






Z= 8 A=|6

Figure 1.10. The production of spallation products. As the neutron energy rises, the probability increases of a neutron interacting with a carbon or oxygen nucleus to produce three or four aparticles, respectively. Z, atomic number; A, mass number.

give rise to recoil protons, a-particles, and heavier nuclear fragments. The electrons that are set in motion if x-rays are absorbed are very light, negatively charged particles. By contrast, the particles set in motion if neutrons are absorbed are heavy and densely ionizing. They also, for the most part, carry a positive charge, but this difference appears to be relatively trivial biologically. What is important is that they are heavy compared with the electron. A proton, for example, has a mass almost 2,000 times greater than an electron; an a-particle has a mass four times larger still; and nuclear fragments may occur that are an order of magnitude larger again in mass. The pattern of ionizations and excitations along the tracks of these various charged particles is very different; in particular, the density of ionization is greater for neutrons, pions, and heavy ions than is the case for x- or y-rays, and this accounts for the dramatic differences in the biologic effects observed. This is discussed further in Chapter 9. For heavy particles, as for x-rays, the mechanism of biologic effect may be direct or indirect action, but there is a shift in the balance between the two modes of action (Fig. 1.11). For x-rays, indirect action is dominant; for the heavy particles set in motion by neutrons, direct action assumes a greater importance, which increases with the density of ioniza-

CONTRAST BETWEEN NEUTRONS AND PHOTONSX- and y-rays are indirectly ionizing and give rise to fast-moving secondary electrons. Fast neutrons are also indirectly ionizing but


Indirect Action

Direct Action Dominant for High LET Radiation

fast neutron

Figure 1.11. Direct action dominates for more densely ionizing radiations, such as neutrons, because the secondary charged particles produced (protons, a-particies, and heavier nuclear fragments) result in a dense column of ionizations more likely to interact with the DNA. The local density of DNA radicals produced by direct ionization of DNA is so high that the additional contribution of DNA radicals produced by HO- radical attack does not add substantially to the severity of the lesion.


RADIOBIOLOGY FOR THE RADIOLOGIST modified by chemical means, but the direct action cannot. Radioprotective compounds have been developed that work by scavenging free radicals. Such compounds, therefore, are quite effective for x- and y-rays but of little use for neutrons or a-particles.

tion. As the density of ionization increases, the probability of a direct interaction between the particle track and the target molecule (possibly DNA) increases. It is important to note at this stage that the indirect effect involving free radicals can be

SUMMARY OF PERTINENT CONCLUSIONS X- and y-rays are indirectly ionizing; the first step in their absorption is the production of fast recoil electrons. Neutrons are also indirectly ionizing; the first step in their absorption is the production of fast recoil protons, a-particles, and heavier nuclear fragments. Biologic effects of x-rays may be caused by direct action (the recoil electron directly ionizes the target molecule) or indirect action (the recoil electron interacts with water to produce an hydroxyl radical, which diffuses to the target molecule). About two thirds of the biologic damage by x-rays is caused by indirect action. DNA radicals produced by both the direct and indirect action of radiation are modifiable with sensitizers or protectors. DNA lesions produced by high-LET radiations involve large numbers of DNA radicals. Chemical sensitizers and protectors are ineffective in modifying such lesions. The physics of the absorption process is over in 10 13 second; the chemistry takes longer, because the lifetime of the DNA radicals is about 10 3 to 10~5 second; the biology takes days to months for cell killing, years for carcinogenesis, and generations for heritable damage.

BIBLIOGRAPHYGoodwin PN, Quimby EH, Morgan RH: Physical Foundations of Radiology. New York, Harper & Row, 1970 Johns HE, Cunningham JR: The Physics of Radiology. Springfield, IL, Charles C Thomas, 1969

Rossi HH: Neutron and heavy particle dosimetry. In Reed GW (ed): Radiation Dosimetry: Proceedings of the International School of Physics, pp 98-107. New York, Academic Press, 1964 Smith VP (ed): Radiation Particle Therapy. Philadelphia, American College of Radiology, 1976


DNA STRAND BREAKS There is strong circumstantial evidence to indicate that DNA is the principal target for the biologic effects of radiation, including cell killing, mutation, and carcinogenesis. A consideration of the biologic effects of radiation therefore must begin logically with a description of the breaks in DNA caused by chargedparticle tracks and by the chemical species produced. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a large molecule with a well-known double helix structure. It consists of two strands, held together by hydrogen bonds between the bases. The "backbone" of each strand consists of alternating sugar and phosphate groups. The sugar involved is deoxyribose. Attached to this backbone are four bases, the sequence of which specifies the genetic code. Two of the bases are single-ring groups (pyrimidines); these are thymine and cytosine. Two of the bases are double-ring groups (purines); these are adenine and guanine. The structure of a strand of DNA is illustrated in Figure 2.1. The bases on opposite strands must be complementary; adenine pairs with thymine, guanine 17

pairs with cytosine. This is illustrated in the simplified model of DNA in Figure 2.2A. If cells are irradiated with x-rays, many breaks of a single strand occur. These can be observed and scored as a function of dose if the DNA is denatured and the supporting structure stripped away. In intact DNA, however, single-strand breaks are of little biologic consequence as far as a cell killing is concerned because they are repaired readily using the opposite strand as a template (Fig. 2.2B). If the repair is incorrect (misrepair), it may result in a mutation. If both strands of the DNA are broken, and the breaks are well separated (Fig. 2.2C), repair again occurs readily, because the two breaks are handled separately. By contrast, if the breaks in the two strands are opposite one another, or separated by only a few base pairs (Fig. 2.2D), this may lead to a double-strand break; that is, the piece of chromatin snaps into two pieces. A doublestrand break is believed to be the most important lesion produced in chromosomes by radiation; as described in the next section, the interaction oftwo double-strand breaks may result in cell killing, mutation, or carcinogenesis.



AdenineSugar x (deoxyribose)oPo'





i kTOH H

Figure 2.1. The structure of a single strand of DNA.

There are many kinds of double-strand breaks, varying in the distance between the breaks on the two DNA strands and the kinds of end groups formed. Their yield in irradiated cells is about 0.04 times that of singlestrand breaks, and they are induced linearly with dose, indicating that they are formed by

single tracks of ionizing radiation. Doublestrand breaks can be repaired by two basic processes: homologous recombination, requiring an undamaged DNA strand as a participant in the repair, and end-to-end rejoining via nonhomologous recombination (Fig. 2.3). Homologous recombination, an error-free

G i Cl


1 r Tl


G 1




A 1i


1 ri




T |

T |1


1 1 A1 C |



A 1

1 GC I






1 1


1 A] I


1 1 A AI 1










Figure 2.2. Diagrams of single- and double-strand DNA breaks caused by radiation. A: Two-dimensional representation of the normal DNA helix. The base pairs carrying the genetic code are complementary [i.e., adenine pairs with thymine, guanine pairs with cytosine). B: A break in one strand is of little significance because it is repaired readily, using the opposite strand as a.template. C: Breaks in both strands, if well separated, are repaired as independent breaks. D: If breaks occur in both strands and are directly opposite or separated by only a few base pairs, this may lead to a double-strand break in which the chromatin snaps into two pieces. (Courtesy of Dr. John Ward.)





Homologous Recombination

Illegitimate Recombination

Figure 2.3. Double-strand break repair via homologous and nonhomologous (illegitimate) recombination. The lefthand side of the figure shows a double-strand break that has occurred after replication, so that identical sister chromatids are available, in homologous recombination the exposed 3' end invades the homologous duplex, so that the complementary strand acts as a template for gap filling. The breakage of the other strand and subsequent exchanges are not shown. The righthand side of the figures also shows a double-strand break, but in this case no template exists to guide gap filling. Consequently, errors can occur and for this reason it is called illegitimate recombination. (Adapted from Petrini JHJ, Bressan DA, Yao MS: The rad52 epistasis group in mammalian double strand break repair. Semin Immunol 9:181-188, 1997, with permission.)

process, is relatively rare in mammalian cells, and is carried out by proteins similar to the rad51 gene product of the yeast 5*. cerevisiae. Nonhomologous (illegitimate) recombination is error-prone and probably accounts for many of the premutagenic lesions induced in the DNA of human cells by ionizing radiation. DNA-dependent protein kinase and the Ku proteins participate in this repair process. Recently it has been shown that a protein complex that includes hMrell and Hrad50 (homologues of proteins involved in the repair of double-strand breaks in S. cerevisiae) and p95 (the product of the NBS1 gene) is also involved in the repair of double-strand breaks in human cells. In practice, the situation is probably much more complicated than illustrated in Figure 2.2D, because both free radicals and direct ionizations may be involved. As described in Chapter 1, the energy from ionizing radiations is not deposited uniformly in the absorbing medium but is located along the tracks of the

charged particles set in motionelectrons in the case of x- or y-rays, protons and oc-particles in the case of neutrons. Radiation chemists speak in terms of "spurs," "blobs," and "short tracks." There is, of course, a full spectrum of energy-event sizes, and it is quite arbitrary to divide them into just three categories, but it turns out to be instructive. A spur contains up to 100 eV of energy and involves, on average, three ion pairs. In the case of x- or y-rays, 95% of the energy deposition events are spurs, which have a diameter of about 4 nm, which is about twice the diameter of the DNA double helix (Fig. 2.4). Blobs are much less frequent for x- or y-rays; they have a diameter of about 7 nm and contain on average about 12 ion pairs (Fig. 2.4). Because spurs and blobs have dimensions similar to the DNA double helix, multiple radical attack occurs if they overlap the DNA helix. There is likely to be a wide variety of complex lesions, including base damage as well as doublestrand breaks. The term locally multiply




TTSpur4nm diameter 3 ion pairs







Blob 7nm diameter 12 ion pairs

Figure 2.4. Illustration of a locally multiply damaged site. Energy from x-rays is not absorbed uniformly but tends to be localized along the tracks of charged particles. Radiation chemists speak in terms of spurs and blobs, which contain a number of ion pairs and which have dimensions comparable to the DNA double heiix. A double-strand break is likely to be accompanied by extensive base damage. John Ward coined the term locally multiply damaged site to describe this phenomenon.

damaged site has been coined by John Ward to describe this phenomenon. Given the size of a spur and the diffusion distance of hydroxyl free radicals, the multiple damage could be spread out up to 20 base pairs. This is illustrated in Figure 2.4, in which a doublestrand break is accompanied by base damage and the loss of genetic information. In the case of densely ionizing radiations, such as neutrons or a-particles, a greater proportion of blobs is produced. The damage produced, therefore, is qualitatively different to that produced by x- or y-rays and much more difficult for the cell to repair. MEASURING DNA STRAND BREAKS Both single-strand and double-strand DNA breaks can be measured readily by isolating the DNA from irradiated cells and causing the pieces to pass through a porous substrate, such as a gel or a filter. The DNA pieces move under the influence of either flow through the filter or electric field in the gel (using the fact that DNA is positively charged). Smaller pieces move faster and farther than larger pieces of DNA and thus can be separated and counted. The larger the dose of radiation, the more the DNA is broken up. DNA is denatured and lysed by a strong alkaline preparation so that single-strand breaks are measured. Double-strand breaks are measured in a neutral preparation. DNA in cells is much more resistant to damage by radiation than would be expected

from studies on free DNA. There are two reasons for this: the presence in cells of low molecular weight scavengers that mop up some of the free radicals produced, and the physical protection afforded the DNA by packaging. Certain regions of DNA, particularly actively translating genes, appear to be more sensitive to radiation, and there is some evidence also of sequence-specific sensitivity. Radiation induces a large number of lesions in DNA, most of which are repaired successfully by the cell. A dose of radiation that induces an average of one lethal event per cell leaves 37% still viable; this is called the Do dose and is discussed further in Chapter 3. For mammalian cells, Do usually lies between 1 and 2 Gy. The number of DNA lesions per cell detected immediately after such a dose is approximately: Base damage > 1000 Single-strand breaks about 1000 Double-strand breaks about 40 Cell killing does not correlate at all with single-strand breaks but relates better to double-strand breaks. Agents such as hydrogen peroxide, which produce single-strand breaks efficiently, but very few double-strand breaks, also kill very few cells. On the basis of evidence such as this, it is concluded that doublestrand breaks are the most relevant lesions leading to most biologic insults from radiation, including cell killing. The reason for this is that double-strand breaks can lead to chro-

DNA BREAKS AND ABERRATIONS mosomal aberrations, which are discussed in the next section. CHROMOSOMES AND CELL DIVISION The backbone of DNA is made of molecules of sugar and phosphates, which .serve as a framework to hold the bases that carry the genetic code. Attached to each sugar molecule is a base: thymine, adenine, guanine, or cytosine. This whole configuration is coiled tightly in a double helix. Figure 2.5 is a highly schematized illustration of the way in which an organized folding of the long DNA helix might be achieved as a closely packed series of looped domains wound in a tight helix. The degree of packing also is illustrated by the relative dimensions of the DNA helix and the condensed metaphase chromosome. The largest part of the life of any somatic cell is spent in interphase, during which the nucleus, in a stained preparation, appears as a lacework of fine, lightly stained material in a translucent, colorless material surrounded by a membrane. In the interphase nucleus in


most cells, one or more bodies of various sizes and shapes, called nucleoli, are seen. In most cells, little more than this can be identified with a conventional light microscope. In fact, a great deal is happening during this time: The quantity of DNA in the nucleus doubles as each chromosome lays down an exact replica of itself next to itself. When the chromosomes become visible at mitosis, they are each present in duplicate. Even during interphase, there is good evidence that the chromosomes are not free to move about within the nucleus but are restricted to "domains." The various events that occur during mitosis are reviewed first. The first phase of division is called prophase. The beginning of this phase is marked by a thickening of the chromatin and an increase in its stainability as the chromosomes condense into light coils. By the end of prophase each chromosome has a lightly staining constriction known as a centromere; extending from the centromere are the arms of the chromosome. Prophase ends when the chromosomes reach maximal condensation and the nuclear membrane disappears, as do any nucleoli. With the disappearance of the nuclear membrane, the nuclear plasm and the cyto-

short region of DNA double helix


"beads-on-a-string form of chromatin


section of chromosome in an extended form


entire metaphase chromosome


Figure 2.5. Illustration of the relative sizes of the DNA helix, the various stages of folding and packing of the DNA, and an entire chromosome condensed at metaphase.


RADIOBIOLOGY FOR THE RADIOLOGIST transcriptase that includes the complementary sequence to the TTAGGG repeats and so continually rebuilds the chromosome ends to offset the degradation that occurs with each division. In this way the cell becomes immortal. In tissue culture, immortalization of cells, that is, cells that pass through a "crisis" and continue to be able to divide beyond the normal limit, is associated with telomere stabilization and activity of telomerase. Virtually all human tumor-cell lines and approximately 90% of human cancer biopsy specimens exhibit telomerase activity. By contrast, normal human somatic tissues, other than stem cells, do not possess detectable levels of this enzyme. It is an attractive hypothesis that both immortalization and carcinogenesis are associated with telomerase expression. RADIATION-INDUCED CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS In the traditional study of chromosome aberrations, the effects of ionizing radiations are described in terms of their appearance when a preparation is made at the first metaphase after exposure to radiation. This is the time at which the structure of the chromosomes can be discerned. The study of radiation damage in mammalian cell chromosomes is hampered by the large number of mammalian chromosomes per cell and by their small size. Most mammalian cells currently available for experimental purposes have a diploid complement of 40 or more chromosomes. There are exceptions, such as the Chinese hamster, with 22 chromosomes, and various marsupials, such as the rat kangaroo and woolly opossum, which have chromosome complements of 12 and 14, respectively. Many plant cells, however, contain fewer and generally much larger chromosomes; consequently, until recently, information on chromosomal radiation damage accrued principally from studies with plant cells. If cells are irradiated with x-rays, breaks are produced in the chromosomes. The broken ends appear to be "sticky" and can rejoin

plasm mix. Metaphase then follows, in which two events occur simultaneously. The chromosomes move to the center of the cell {i.e., to the cell's equator), and the spindle forms. The spindle is composed of fibers that cross the cell, linking its poles. Once the chromosomes are stabilized at the equator of the cell, their centromeres divide, and metaphase is complete. The phase that follows, anaphase, is characterized by a movement of the chromosomes on the spindle to the poles. Chromosomes appear to be pulled toward the poles of the cell by fibers attached to the centromeres. The arms, particularly the long arms, tend to trail behind. Anaphase is followed by the last step of the process of mitosis, telophase. In this phase the chromosomes, congregated at the poles of the cell, begin to uncoil. The nuclear membrane reappears, as do the nucleoli; and as the phase progresses, the chromosome coils unwind until the nucleus regains the appearance characteristic of interphase. THE ROLE OF TELOMERES Telomeres cap and protect the terminal ends of chromosomes. The name telomere literally means "end part." Mammalian telomeres consist of long arrays of TTAGGG repeats that range in total length anywhere from 1.5 to 150 kilobases. Each time a normal somatic cell divides, telomeric DNA is lost from the lagging strand, because DNA polymerase cannot synthesize new DNA in the absence of an RNA primer. Successive divisions lead to progressive shortening, and after 40 to 60 divisions the telomeres in human cells are shortened dramatically so that vital DNA sequences begin to be lost. At this point the cell cannot divide further and undergoes senescence. Telomere length has been described as the "molecular clock" or generational clock, because it shortens with age in somatic tissue cells during adult life. Stem cells in self-renewing tissues, and cancer cells in particular, avoid this problem of aging by activating the enzyme telomerase. Telomerase is a reverse

DNA BREAKS AND ABERRATIONS with any other sticky end. It would appear, however, that a broken end cannot join with a normal, unbroken chromosome, although this is controversial. Once breaks are produced, different fragments may behave in a variety of ways: 1. The breaks may restitute, that is, rejoin in their original configuration. In this case, of course, nothing amiss is visible at the next mitosis. 2. The breaks may fail to rejoin and give rise to an aberration, which is scored as a deletion at the next mitosis. 3. Broken ends may reassort and rejoin other broken ends to give rise to chromosomes that appear to be grossly distorted if viewed at the following mitosis. This is an oversimplified account; whether actual breaks occur in the chromosomes at the time of irradiation is not known, nor is the biologic significance of "stickiness" understood. The aberrations seen at metaphase are of two classes: chromosome aberrations and chromatid aberrations. Chromosome aberrations result if a cell is irradiated early in interphase, before the chromosome material has been duplicated. In this case the radiation-induced break is in a single strand of chromatin; during the DNA synthetic phase that follows, this strand of chromatin lays down an identical strand next to itself and replicates the break that has been produced by the radiation. This leads to a chromosome aberration visible at the next mitosis, because there is an identical break in the corresponding points of a pair of chromatin strands. If, on the other hand, the dose of radiation is given later in interphase, after the DNA material has doubled and the chromosomes consist of two strands of chromatin, then the aberrations produced are called chromatid aberrations. In regions removed from the centromere, chromatid arms may be fairly well separated, and it is reasonable to suppose that the radiation might break one chromatid without breaking its sister chromatid, or at least not in the same place. A break that occurs in a single chromatid arm after chromosome replication and leaves the


opposite arm of the same chromosome undamaged leads to chromatid aberrations. EXAMPLES OF RADIATION-INDUCED ABERRATIONS Many types of chromosomal aberrations and rearrangements are possible, but an exhaustive analysis is beyond the scope of this book. Three types of aberrations that are lethal to the cell are described, followed by two common rearrangements that are consistent with cell viability but are involved in carcinogenesis, as described in Chapter 10. The three lethal aberrations are the ring and the dicentric, which are chromosome aberrations, and the anaphase bridge, which is a chromatid aberration. All three represent gross distortions and are clearly visible. Many other aberrations are possible but are not described here. The formation of a dicentric is illustrated in diagrammatic form in Figure 2.6A. This aberration involves an interchange between two separate chromosomes. If a break is produced in each one early in interphase and the sticky ends are close to one another, they may rejoin as shown. This bizarre interchange is replicated during the DNA synthetic phase, and the result is a grossly distorted chromosome with two centromeres (hence, dicentric). There also is a fragment that has no centromere (acentric fragment). The appearance at metaphase is shown in the bottom panel of Figure 2.6A. An example of a dicentric and fragment in a metaphase human cell is shown in Figure 2.7B; 2.7A shows a normal metaphase for comparison. The formation of a ring is illustrated in diagrammatic form in Figure 2.6B. A break is induced by radiation in each arm of a single chromatid early in the cell cycle. The sticky ends may rejoin to form a ring and a fragment. Later in the cycle, during the DNA synthetic phase, the chromosome replicates. The ultimate appearance at metaphase is shown in the lower panel of Figure 2.6B. The fragment has no centromere and probably will be lost at mitosis because it will not be pulled to either pole of the cell. An example of a ring chro-


RADIOBIOLOGY FOR THE RADIOLOGIST2 different pre-replication chromosomes Pre-replication (G1) chromosome

1 break in each chromosome

Breaks in both arms of the same chromosome

Illegitimate union

Incorrect union

Replication (S)

Dicentric chromosome plus acentric fragment

Replication (S)

Overlapping rings

Post-replication chromosome

Break in each chromatid (isochromatid deletion)

Sister union

Dicentric chromatid, N.B. symmetrical plus acentric chromatid fragment

Figure 2.6. A: The steps in the formation of a dicentric by irradiation of prereplication (i.e., Gi) chromosomes. A break is produced in each of two separate chromosomes. The "sticky" ends may join incorrectly to form an interchange between the two chromosomes. Replication then occurs in the DNA synthetic period. One chromosome has two centromeres: a dicentric. The other is an acentric fragment, which will be lost at a subsequent mitosis because, lacking a centromere, it will not go to either pole at anaphase. B: The steps in the formation of a ring by irradiation of a prereplication (i.e., Gi) chromosome. A break occurs in each arm of the same chromosome. The sticky ends rejoin incorrectly to form a ring and an acentric fragment. Replication then occurs. C: The steps in the formation of an anaphase bridge by irradiation of a postreplication (i.e., G2) chromosome. Breaks occur in each chromatid of the same chromosome. Incorrect rejoining of the sticky ends then occurs in a sister union. At the next anaphase the acentric fragment will be lost, one centromere of the dicentric will go to each pole, and the chromatid will be stretched between the poles. Separation of the daughter cells is not possible; this aberration is likely to be lethal. (Courtesy of Dr. Charles Geard)







B Figure 2.7. Radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in human leukocytes viewed at metaphase. A: Normal metaphase. B: Dicentric and fragment (arrows). (Continued).



Figure 2.7 (Continued). C: Ring (arrow). (Courtesy of Drs. Brewen, Luippold, and Preston.)

mosome in a human cell at metaphase is illustrated in Figure 2.7C. An anaphase bridge may be produced in a variety of ways. As illustrated in Figure 2.6C and Figure 2.8, it results from breaks that occur late in the cell cycle (in G2), after the chromosomes have replicated. Breaks may occur in both chromatids of the same chromosome, and the sticky ends may rejoin incorrectly to form a sister union. At anaphase, when the two sets of chromosomes move to opposite poles, the section of chromatin between the two centromeres is stretched across the cell between the poles, hindering the separation into two new daughter cells, as illustrated in the bottom panel of Figure 2.8. The two fragments may join as shown, but because there is no centromere the joined fragments will probably be lost at the first mitosis. This type of aberration occurs in human cells and is essentially always lethal. It is hard to demonstrate, because preparations of human chromosomes usually are made by accumulating cells at metaphase but the bridge is only evident at anaphase. Figure 2.8 is an anaphase preparation of Tmdescantia paludosa, a plant

used extensively for cytogenetic studies because of the small number of large chromosomes. The anaphase bridge is seen clearly as the replicate sets of chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell. Gross chromosome changes of the types discussed previously inevitably lead to the reproductive death of the cell. Two important types of chromosomal changes that are not lethal to the cell are symmetric translocafions and small deletions. The formation of a symmetric translocation is illustrated in Figure 2.9. It involves a break in two prerephcation (i.e., G\-phase) chromosomes, with the broken ends being exchanged between the two chromosomes as illustrated. An aberration of this type is difficult to see in a conventional preparation but is easy to observe with the technique of fluorescent in situ hybridization, or chromosome painting, as it commonly is called. Probes are available for every human chromosome that make them fluorescent in a bright color. Exchange of material between two different chromosomes then is readily observable. A translocation is




>;-7 1 .^

Figure 2.8. Anaphase chromosome preparation of Tradescantia paiudosa. A: Normal anaphase. B: Bridge and fragment resulting from radiation (arrow). (Courtesy of Drs. Brewen, Luippold, and Preston.)



RADIOBIOLOGY FOR THE RADIOLOGIST Figure 2.9. Left: illustration of the formation of a symmetrical translocation. Radiation produces breaks in two different prereplication chromosomes. The broken pieces are exchanged between the two chromosomes, and the "sticky" ends rejoin. This aberration is not necessarily lethal to the cell. There are examples in which an exchange aberration of this type leads to the activation of an oncogene. See Chapter 19 on radiation carcinogenesis. Right: Diagram of a deletion. Radiation produces two breaks in the same arm of the same chromosome. What actually happens is illustrated more clearly in Figure 2.10.



associated with several human malignancies caused by the activation of an oncogene; Burkitt's lymphoma is an example. The other type of nonlethal chromosomal change is a small interstitial deletion. This also

is illustrated in Figure 2.9 and may result from two breaks in the same arm of the same chromosome, leading to the loss of the genetic information between the two breaks. The actual sequence of events in the formation of a dele-

matrix attachment sites

Pre-replication interphase chromosome

Two radiation induced breaks occur in the same arm of a chromosome

A deletion occurs as an acentric ring ; lost as mitosis

Figure 2.10. Illustration of the formation of a deletion by ionizing radiation in an interphase chromosome. It is easy to imagine how two breaks may occur (by a single or two different charged particles) in such a way as to isolate a loop of DNA. The "sticky" ends rejoin, and the deletion is lost at a subsequent mitosis because it has no centromere. This loss of DNA may include the loss of a suppressor gene and lead to a malignant change. See Chapter 19 on radiation carcinogenesis.

DNA BREAKS AND ABERRATIONS tion is easier to understand from Figure 2.10, which shows an interphase chromosome. It is a simple matter to imagine how two breaks may isolate a loop of DNAan acentric ring which is lost at a subsequent mitosis. A deletion may be associated with carcinogenesis if the lost genetic material includes a suppressor gene. This is discussed further in Chapter 11 on radiation carcinogenesis. The interaction between breaks in different chromosomes is by no means random. There is great heterogeneity in the sites at which deletions and exchanges between different chromosomes occur: for example, chro
