Page 1: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c








438 EAST 2 1 S T ST.




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Volume 29 - bhrmber 23 Our Dventy-Ninth Season March 10, 1962

RAVE FIiOhi DAW !!These past fetv weeks have been MURDER without DX NEhJS! Enclosed i s a money order f o r my new subscription. - David Baughman.

2-x- -c-A_L-E-WWDDAARR KC/S V!atts A.M. E.S.T.

Sat. Mar. 1'7 K F M B 540 Sar_ Diego, California 5,000 3:Ol - 4:OO N R C Sun. Mar. 18 I< F 14 B 540 San D i ego, California 5,000 3:Ol-4:OO N R C Mon. Nar. 19 K 0 PI B 1290 Laramie, Wyoming 1,000 2:30 - 3:OO NNRC

19 C J K L 560 Kirkland Lake, Ontario 5,000 3:30 - 4:30 NNRC Mon. Mar. 26 TI K R T 920 Cortland, New York 1,000 4:OO-5:OO N R C Nian. Apr. 9 C K L D 1230 Thetford Mines, Quebec 250 4:OO - 5:OO NblRC

SKLF-MMBB V i a telephone concerstat ion, ?!r. ~ h a r b ; Abel, of KFLiB has consented to run two specjail DX progr&is on t h e i r regular schedule, on Nldrch 17th and 18 th, 1962, from 3:01 t o 4:00 a.m., E.S.T., o r 12:Ol to 1:00a.m., t he i r (P.s.T.) Time. I D S " t i l l be g i v e n a f t e r each rocording and spec ia l dedicBtions w i l l be made. After t h i s regular schedule DX, KFI\IIB w i l l have t he i r regular sign off at 4:OO. Mr. Abel i s pu t t ing t h i s DX on f o r two mornings iil a row, so l e t ' s rea l ly give t h i s one a, t ry . Au~res s your reports to: M r . Charles F. Abel, Eagineering manager, KFI\lB Radio, San Diego, California. Xr. Abel says that a l l r e p o r b w i l l be ver i f ied. L e t t s a l l repor t to t h i s f i n e s ta t ion , vihich i s only a f a ( weeks away from moving to 760 kc/s. wi th 50,000 wat ts . Only ''DM i s ex- pected t o I e on t h i s channel then, so l e t us a l l give a f i n e t r y f o r KFl\,';B! P&\rDY LEE

ON THE STATION'S STATION3RY - CB-73 (Written t o Dave Roys i n Spanish, and t ransla ted f o r DX NEFS by him) "1 have received your l e t t e r dated Feb. 12, 1962. In i t you informed me tha t you were l i s t en ing t o t11e spec ia l transmission of our s t a t i o n CB73 which was presented t 3 a t day f o r the AW, ard a l so t h a t you were sending, f o r comparison, a recording of your re- ception. I have played the tape and w a s very g ra t i f i ed tha t your reception was so good, desp i te the strong interference from HJCU i n Bopota. I1PIith q r cordial greetings I am enclosing our ve r i f i ca t i on c a d . !!It is very sat isfying to n8te the good r e s u l t s obtained by our specia l transmission. For your i:lfonaation, I hill aescr ibe the e q u i p e n t used by CB73. Our XR i s an RCA, made i n NA. Our studio e q u i p e n t i s of the same manufacture. !*Also w e 3;;ish to i n f o m you tha t only today we received s i x reports from d is tan t points i n the USA, a l l from the NRC, and one from near Canterbuly, New Zealand. I hope t h a t next yea r we can again collaborate f o r a DX during be t t e r CX f o r your CZub. 111 think the same a s :! ou, that i t i s very beneficial f o r us to l i n k our c i t j r n i t h oth- er countries through the airwaves, especially the USA, which maintains the sa ie p i n - c ip les of l i be r ty and democracy. Personally, I an a member of the Rotary Club of Valparaiso, of whici? I have been Pres- i d ~ n t f o r three years. Because of t h i s I have the opportunity to be i n contact wi th f r iends wlm are a l so members of the Rotary, and to t rave l extensively to perfom dedds of understznding a& good w i l l f o business and professional men who a r e united i n i- r deals of service, Ti$ hope, dear r iend Wr. Roys, i s that you w i l l consider ne your

(continued on Page 2)

Page 2: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

2 -D-x- -T-E-! s , Piarch 10, 19S2 _E_R-I-E- -S-I-G-~T-E-R-S-

-c-R-E-D-I-T-s- 1250 K T F 0 Keith Beard, CE H PA - M. N i t t l e r 1270 K 1': P R Clarence Shearheart A

B - D . Burns H - F. Ni t t l e r 1330 K GuA K Sam Lombardi, CE F C - T. Vleiser I - D. Roys 1340 K B E T Irving Carlsen, CE L D - J. Reilley J - L. Kruse 1350 W N V A John Mcbrlullen F E - N. Pillsbury K - R. Johanns KqQ DuI Mrs. Lynn Gutensohn F F - E. Jolmson L - R. Pietsch 1370 C FmL V Gilbert Herard, M BDFJM G - R. Lee Id - EE, Cooper K F R 0 James R. Curtis E 540 K F li B Charles Abel, CE L VJ T K Y Hoyt Vest, CE F 560 K I\O 0 N Eugene B . Bunker, E J 1390 W I S A Wiliian C. Reeve F 580 FV K A Q V. Lamas Jr . , GM B W K R K Ja .es Foust, CE F 590 KIqD C a r r o l l R . Secrist L 1400 R' C Q, S H. E. Ray, CE C 680 W 14 P S J. G. Deaderick B 1410 PI D A X Joseph ilhills, CE B 730 R' XqIT T Russ Johnston, CE A 1420 K A B R Mark Peterson, E B

K S V if Hugh Earr, OpM C Bt P E H John M. Morgan B CqB 7n3 Boberto Reyes Barrueto,G H I 1430 K G F L Stanley Gallup, S:4 B

740 VI 14 B L PJalter Nierni, CE B K B R K Robert J . Reixers , CE B 800 K J E I 4 ~lilliamHumphreys, CE A 1440 V' R 0 K I\Baury Nelson, CE B 860 K AcR S T. F. Dugglass, CE J 1470 K H U T Richard Lange, A 920 W K R T Bruce L. igackey, CE B 1480 K A U S Antonius E. i\mmlder, CE A 950 V r V J 0. P. Lapham, CE E 1800 K P I R Floyd Viken, CE H 990 K N I Y Mike Hsey, PD H 1550 W SmM A en Cormany, E DEJM

1050 Vl A C R James Pr. Ea tbr ton , 0 A (A1 Jones, E DM 1060 K U P D Don E . Jackson, CE B ( ~ e n e Blythe, E DM 1150 W AnB H Joseph hlcFarland, CE Mi ( '&altar Burton, E DM

K X L B Wil l i a , Vandusen, CE F K KpJ 0 Claucra Thomas, CE L 1214 B BxC H.D.P.Bambridge, E M 1570 K N D Y Mrs. Willa I':I. Schnepp,CE . 1220 Vl G W Y D. John Helman, EiC K K R K C Robert T. LQcVay, P H 1230 FV G G G Gene Bardo, CE F PI DqE VIr Ann Baker, S J 1240 C I< B S Lucien Caron DK 1590 TI A L G John Mosses, PD H

LETTER FROM CE73. COhTTIElBD good friend, as I am at your orders. A t t h i s time, I wish you to contact a l l the mem- bers of the IfRC with my friendly greetings. "1 hope to hear from you soon. In the meamhile, greetings from your friend iii Chile.

(signed) Roberto Reyes Barrueto, Director, C373-730. Sam Barto - 3 Glemood Aveme - Naugatuck, Connecticut

Nothing much new to report, but here's what's been heard: 2/11 WONA-1570 ET 1:46 am. %/17- PIS~TA-1550 ET around 1:35 am. 2/23- nTXrLC-1510 new log taken. 2/28- ImS-1440 i n br ief ly at 1:40 am. 2/24- WYTI-130 ET 12:a ; WCDJ-1260 ET 1:14 am. Veries i n from KKHI WBAG VCHS !;:IVK !WTC WOK2 CSBB-782 WKAQ,-58 0 and XEJP-1150. Spain b s been cclning i n quite well l a t e ly w i t h outlets on 638 647 683 1304 and 1492kc/s. added tc~ log. Cai ro-818 was on an excellent level a t 6:35 p. on 2/25. Over 50 TAs, of wkiicli 39 were different , were heard on 2/25. 73s.

SOME ml DX iNEtVS ABBRFNIATIONS SSS - Sunset skip, o r twilight DX. SM - SundAy Morning. SR - Sumise DX. EE - English, or English-speaker. NiM - Moday Nlrning. FF - French, o r French-spe~ker.

EC - East Coast. WJC - West Coast. Om "AN" SI TUAT I0 N - ON

1140 K G E M 590 K U G N (inc. ~ o n d a ~ s ) 1460 K D 0 N (i\Oondays only) 940 CV F N C (inc. ?,4ondays) 1550 K I< H I (s/off 4 am.) 1400 K X I V ( inc. ~ o n d a , ~ s ) 610 K F R C off 3 am. exc. S&t#Sun 1500 K X R X (NSP)

wken i t i s 5 am.) 1600 K L A K (NSP) REARD SIVCE LAST ISSUE-

1290 K A C L Santa Barbara, Cal. LqC 1600 K U B A ITow 5,000/500 V-2 NRC NOW 1,OOO/25O U-1, SAiitE Ch%XiL'EL

1240 W F T ?.'I 'fl B I R 1400 W R A K CORFECTION: IWRK-1340 i s nobu 1,000/~'50 SH-1, not U-1 as we erroneously l i s t ed lbstvveek HOT FLASH: N.Y. JOURNAL-AMERICAN s ta t e s there i s a strong feeling that VERY SOON, 1fCONELlUDlt w i l l be discontinued i n favor of "something newn! No de ta i l s were stated.

Page 3: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

rch 10, -D-X- _N-E-W-S- v Johnson - 504 16 S t r ee t - Mendota, I l l i n o i s

DX some, wi th S O repor t s out fo r Feb, and received 19 veries, t o make t o t a l now 2,285 They a r e WNVA-13 50 KXLR-1150 Y.'PUY-1390 1?rTKY-13?0 VESC-dx WKRK-1390 WISA-1390 VSPT-101t KGAK-1330 KQDI-1350 CFLV-1370 W3hlA-1550 'il'GGE.1230. DX here since last report to Nius- ings amount to: IWZ-1360 f/c-TT 2/11. Check DXDD f o r most of these. WONA-1570 t e s t 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r /c . 2117- rr'l!IYrB-1570 Lest. 2/18- WIiOZ-1400 ex-VEOA on till 2:07 Sunday. 2/19- cFLV/CIKOD DXes OK. WGGG-1230 f /c. No WPTX-dx, VOKY on f o r f i r s t half hour, then 920 blank - wonder if on. 2121- KLOV-1570 t e s t 3:15. 2124- YlRa4-1590 s/on 5:OO. WCCF-1580 TT at 5:30. 2126- Wl4CR-1600 on f /c-TT 12:30-12:45. KVSO-1240 r / c , 2/27, Guess tha t ' s i t from here. I did not get my l i s t sent i n to Nittler for March Contest Standings so w i l l t e l l you I ha e 170 a s of 3/1. Reverifying is taboo here. Hard enough to get one ver i f ran s td t i on . Reverifying i s bad f o r the Club and i t s mmbers. This prdctica snould cease 6% once unless i t i s d DX, tnen rve should at

e a s t l e t them knoe we heard them. 3/2- WShlA ETs again from 12:00 on, Wants reports . 11 f o r t h i s time. Best DX and 73s.

Een Dangerfield 3rd - 202 Governorls Drive - Sproul Es ta tes - Chester P.O., Pa. February has been another in te res t ing month, '1 i t h reception a t a l l leve ls , ard f r m various pa r t s of the globe. Good re turns , too, but havenft sent out a new report i n ten daye. Rere, following, ars some of q successes and fa i lu res . 213: TAs i n a s early a s 4:20 p., which happened t o be an hour before SSS, The best signal was Ren- nes-674 but the only new catch w a s I t a l y on 1115 kc/s. IvlM 215 brought one new l o g g i q PRB9, Sao Paula, Brazi l , 1000, from whom a ver ie was received today f o r my 54th veri- *ied country. Pm9 is an AN s ta t ion . 2/6: No t race of CHAK here, but haven't y e t ead any reports from anyone who did hear them. 217: A good LA night, wi th a lo t of t m n g s i g n ~ ~ l s on the s p l i t frequencies. 2/9: After many early eveninq TA s i g a l s , I nqk a log on CBN-640 when I found them atop t h e i r frequency with a r a r e 3-9 readking

tween 9:20 and 10 pm. Their s t r i k i n g v/c received l a s t week. Tnen I discovered nisoara, Rumania-755 coming i n strong, so logged and reported them, 2/11: TAs were :el lent , but my best was Iceland-737 logged i n d e t a i l from 7:30-8 pm. s/off . 2/12:

The long distance skip was rea l ly working that iflonday AM except f o r CB73 who drew a blank here. HJCU invincible. Of course I wds rmdmperad throughout the &i by an in te r - mi t tan t buzz which probably came from nedrby power l ines . I did manage t o hear 1ZD- 1000 and 4YA-'780 again, and LW, Radio Belgrano, 950, a l l of whom were S 6-8. The KFRO-dx 1370 a l so was heard, but wi th only S 4-6 signals. 2/16: KCNO-810 atop f r e - quency at 6:45 p., and KFNG atop 740 at 6:55. Both unusual reception f o r ear ly even- ing. 2/19: Considerable s t a t i c . Heard WPEO-1020 tes t ing at 4 am. and XR3-950 again. 2120-2/23: EGav U s , few good TAs. Noted Radio Niranda-825 ( ~ e n e z u e l a ) very strong several evenings. 2/24: Vienna-1475 good at 11:30 pm. s/on. 2/25: Cairo-818 was S-7- 8 and very c lear up t o s/off at 8:03 Fm. E a r l i e r same day I had received from Cairo- 818 two v/cs, f r o m 9/22 and 1/25 reports, i n one envelope. Other recent vexies from Seville-638 Deutschlandsender-ril82 BBC-T;T. I.-1151 BBC-Scotoand-8C9 Prague-638 IIadrid-584

Fran N i t t l e r - 2634 South Josephine S t ree t - Denver 10, ~ o l o r a d o DX has rea l ly slowed down here t h i s week with only four reports out., Snli 2/25 added mE-1420 Irapuato , Guan. 3:33-4:17 m. running l a t e with some s o r t of s p c i a l show. I believe a fund drive. A l s o XERX-1560 Sdlmanca, Guan. running parra ldal x i t h XEWE with both c a l l s and locdtions given frequently. Uh" Dothered a t times by !/HI< Ail but i n qg i te ;iell . . X:$RX bothered by a t e s t e r , I believe KIQS. I reported XERX back i n December '60 fo r specia l AN show but didn ' t ver i fy so another repor t sent. 2/26 s t a t i c qui te bad but managed two new catches - KGU-760 Honolulu RS 3-3:45 17ith Q3M f r o m Cuban Lmd '7JR TT. Other new catch was NTYB-1260 Erie, Pa. i n Hal Plagnert s home town on RS 5:25-5:30 and WIBV s /on at 5 :30 f inished them. Nothing e l s e net-; heard the r e s t of the week with very l i t t l e l i s tening. Did note KEDC-1490 Hettinger, - .I). on f/c-TT 3-3:30 on 312, f i r s t Friday which isnl t on the f / c l i s t f o r those who need them. A t o t a l of nine ver ies i n t h i s week including a c ~ u p l e of good ones, A v/q from CB73 Valparaiso, Chile fo r t he i r DX 'for new country ver i f ied ard pre t t y QSL card and v/f from JOBB-830 Osaka f o r second Japanese verie. Other ver ies a re v / l s from VrSlU-1550 KRIZC-1570 KTFO-1250 WPEH-1420 WEMB-1420 TJBTS-14 80 and v/q from VOR-710. ' l so second v/q from CRA-1070 f o r portoar" ' "-3pped tben f o r second evening I h a r d

hem on 2/17. Noted KVIN-1470 Vini ta, Ok th early s/on a t 5:00 l a s t >@G f o r t hoe l o need them, John Boase of Trona, Cal. ing t o at tend the magnificent 1963 NRC onvention i n Denver. 73s.

Page 4: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c


Dallas John - 337 South Stewart - Lobbard, I l l i n o i s 12: KFRO-1370 DX i n wel l most of the time, KOGO-GOO s joff 3 am. CFUB-800 s/off 17 am. TlSn4.A ETing BN i n well so must be aimed t h i s way, not at M r . Reilley. WIi 50 at 5:30 nicely. C1'PTF-680 s/on 5 with D J show. 2/19: CFLV-1370 NNRC DX shovi

f a r l y wel l n i t h FF and Eng3bsh a l te rna t ing . VJMOD-1370 came on wi th tremendous sig- nals b i t I noted LDS didn ' t hear them. I wonder i f Randy Lee did? FITHB-1550 s/on a- bout 5:30. And WATE-620 h i t the a i r early a t 4:56, SSB ahead of other East Coasters. 2/26: KOTA-1380 s/off 2:00 with SSB. KTFI-1270 s /off 2:05 , even with KEOIlII signing o f f then a lso, ;.;.ith SSB. Then KBOM came back with r / c . KRKO-1380 generally. KSlW-1420 Stockton on t i l l 3 at l e a s t , new AN? KDON-1460 till about 3, then nothing. 1;;ELC-1150 had ET with cw mx around 2:30 QRMed by XEJP. Then I heard a weak s igna l on 650 with organ mx at 3:22-3:30 but s t a t i c only l e t me hear 'em 1/13th of the time. BetV~een the above M s I heard KE'IF-1550 Tucson s /off at 8:12 f o r February. KFDA-1440 came i n on SSS w i t h EQL-1360. On 2/17, OAX4A was i n wel l f o r f i ve minutes around 9 , during KOA fade. S t a t i c has been a r e a l problem these l a s t Mondays. By thz way I didn' t hear a peep on 920 during the sked FPTX-dx, though PrOKY t es ted a l i t t l e . V1ere they oil? PJA5 has been very good la te ly . A few weeks ago I received a v/q and info sheet frcm them. On 2/17 I received a l e t t e r frcm 'JJLCX-1490 a f t e r a f /up on 12/24 reception of VLCX on 1605 kc/s. The CE says i t i s a 100-watt XR on 1606 which thegr use to talk to t h e i r mobile un i t s , and when there i s no conversation, they relay normal programing. The c a l l of the s t a t i on is KD3367. Other veries a r e CFLV KOGQ KABL WPTF KFRO WRSJ ICDAB, a l l v / ls . VATE v/c. The v/s f o r KDAB i s Stanley Ransb, CE. ( ? ) 6VQVAp1530 has been heard here several times behin3 WCKY i n ea r ly evening, though not l a t e ly , Have heard VHN previeavs. M . I\ncDonald: Don't know 'em but Lombard i s next s t r e e t over, I 've been successful t h i s season i n logging some new images from loca l XRs. 73.

John A. Callarman - Box 2732 - Iv~onroa, Louis ianL Two vs r i e s in , KFEO-ax a d CHUIVI-1050. No DX s lnce lcist report . 2/19, up br ief ly , but s t a t i c very bad, so foo. Took o f f f o r Big A a d v ic in i ty evening of 2 / S , returned 21 25, and too pooped to pop out of bed AIvi of 2/26. Real good t o see Jack Hatlm~ay t h i s weekend, but somehow others were un-at-home a t times I was able t o c a l l . I nas espec- i a l l y unhappy at missing Amarillo' s newest DXer, Jack Howard, a K I X Z D J who bears a s t r i k ing rosmblance t o (judging from the photograft on the K I X Z Fabulous 45 survey) to Glen ICippel. Speaking of sewerveys (Most Top 40 Jocks a r e hypercr i t i ca l of the m x ) , the KNOE To? 40 has my name spelled "Kallenfi - ahh, the o m s of c e l e b r i t i e s - iizcogni- to-ness. And I w i l l d ive r t a few of our surveys to those who co l l ec t , i f same nis1.r. I n f a c t , i f one of our good survey-collecting members would appoint himself l1Survey Clearing '-ouseft he might do others w h col lec t ( I don' t ) a good turn. Jack Hathatyayl s queries i n the 2/24 i s sue r e re-verifying a s t a t i on j u s t t o get Contast Points r a i s e s an issue tha t has had many worried about the value of Contests i n gdneral. Please, folks , a l i t t l e care t o be taken from the s ta t ion-rela t ion department. A postcard i n l a s t week (from a non-member) requesting verif i cb t ion from HNOE, s t ~ t i n g t'mt the DXer hears KNOE quite o f ten , a d before ne~vscas t s , hears t h i s ID: "KNOE, 1440 kc/s., Idonroe La.11 Education is the keynote. More care . I w i l l admit a njurnp-to-conclusion" I D o r two t h i s season. For example, reporting H J C I as "Canal de Colorfl on 890 ins tead of HJCE. LU t 'dnk i t might be a good idea f o r Ted Vdsilopoulos t o give u s a 30-line dis- cussion on h i s views re IDing a foreign s ta t ion. I t would be very tought-provoking reading f o r us a l l . Many r e l i ab l e DXers stubbed t h e i r toes on the 1533 Col~il~bian, so of course, ansrone can make a mistake. Some of us though a r e consistant . V'ie ought to read Maguirels Handbook periodically. A parting thought - ':'hat happenes i f someone i n Bemidji, I ini-:. wishes t o host an NRC Convention? W h a t year do we give him? Bemidji i s ne i ther E nor Vr bfft rJ of the Mississippi! John Callarman of wherever he111 be from when the t i ne r o l l s around plans to a t tend the '62 Convention i n Indiangtpolis =and the I63 Convention i n Danver! Mercy.

Skip Dabelstein - 12524 "Cfl S t ree t - Omaha 44, Nebraska Being narr i i i the Club, I think I had be t t e r introduce myself ra ther than s t a r t o f f with a report . I got s t a r t ed i n BCB DXing two years ago from Ttfiurray Fcann and Ernie mresolowski but gave i t up about two months l a t e r . Last season I got s t a r t ed again but only could DX f o r about a month. However t h i s season I have been going siace 1211 I use a Hal l i c ra f te r s SX71 receiver ard have logged 411 s t a t i ons i n 39 statesand s - countries. Also I rave a general c lass col~dteur t i cne t . The c d l l i s KoSBV. !:Jell, guess t ha t ' s a l l f o r now. 73s. (Welcome to BRC, Skip, and we hope for more! -ed

Page 5: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

h 10, 1362 -D-x- -N-E>v-s- 5 Naurice m. N i t t l e r - 1755 South Vallejo S t ree t - Denver 23, Colorada

~r ree t ings frcm the land of February DX i n t k den of Denver1 s most sout3rwesterly DXer. 215- Saw s i x logqings with KTFO-1250 on ET followed by FACE-1050 on r /c . LR3-950 with two good IDS taped a t 4:12 and 4:15 f o r repor t , KYAI-1090 f o r new Hawaiian at 4:30 RS. KTAC-850 ETing at 4:58 f o r report , and than ZJKC-850 s/on 5: 10 f o r new Colombian. 219- VlXMT-730 logged on r / c . KWPR-1270 logkeu on ET with Brenda Lee records. BTIAY-1570 on s/off ?:a0 pa. 2/1& WBivX-1310 on DX v\l i t h topno tch s i 6 m l , t n i n l Gzorgia DX show t h i s season logged. 1YC-880 f l n a l l y IDed and taped at 4:30 vvlth c l mx and program on nen- t a l l y retarded people. 4YA-780 heard f o r f i r s t time with rnx followed by a program of spor ts NX at 5:20 and good taped ID. Also t races of LZD behind KOntO' s tone but hope f o r l o g sometime i n future . KCLU-1330 ETing at 5:30 and s/on at 6. KGPC-I3 40 heard on r /c . 2/13- KVLG-1570 ETing per t i p from Francis. Also heard KELI-690 on AN both on 2/13 and 2/14 f o r f loods i n Idaho. WHUT-1470 s/on 5:CO EST. 2/16- K;ABR-1420 on f/ c 2:15. 2/19- TlHIQirI-?3 40 on AN topping frequency f o r second report . KLIV-1590 on RS a t 2:50-3:00 s/off, 2120- KAR3-860 Belen, N.M. on f / c from 2:20 to 2:30. V ~ r i e s now t o t a l 1,886 rr i th the following i n t h i s month: XETM-690 ( a f t e r t h i rd report ) USTL-1600 KCJB-dx-700 (country #17 ve rif i ed) KJEM-8 00 CKRB-1460 VIACR-1050 V!Xil1T-730 KW0-1250 KAUS-1480 IC11PR-1270 ViHUT-1470 KWIAY-I5 70-pp and KCEU-1590. Glad to meet George DeGrazic a t Brother Francis' get-together last Thursday. Looks l i ke we a r e going to hear from him again DX-wise. George says t k a t he w i l l drive ir, a l l the way from Golden for the big NRC DX Convention i n Denver i n 1962. '73 .

Larm Schvar tz - 4819 Atlanta Drive - Sdn Diego 15, Cal i fornia Eack frcm a day i n the snow! Thanks Randy! DX i s rea l ly poor, no stabions ~-:it:i t exception of It&\! (RIonday AM): KGMI-790 s/off 3 ; h v e t b y changed c a l l s o r did I just hear FIvi s /o f f? KACL-1290 ET (newie i n Santa ~ a r b a r a ) - tmy a r e the I1C1 mx s t a t i on i n SBU heard a t 4:30, and '$[SPA-950 s /on 5. That's the t o t a l extent of DX l a s t vreek. I 1 m hoping for be t t e r r e s u l t s t h i s MU. KDON i s now s i l e n t Miil only, a f t e r being NSP f o r two weeks'. They r ea l l y ruin the frequency (1460);even KENO i s barely heard. Veries now t o t a l 336, with loggings a t 750, My report /ver ie $ i s 8@, which seems to be the average f o r mcs t members, r igh t? hiexican t o t a l i s 57$ while la6 t year1 s was 10%. The only Iiesican verie t h i s year, XECB-1450 was an extremely long l e t t e r i n SS. The guy wants XECB t o be "my favori te s ta t ion" and wanzs the nmes of my family znd f r iend? to broadcast. They'd make a juicy DX - 25Cw. and a PICE CLEAR frequency. Veries t h i s week include: 1'DAF-610 '?lCKR-610 TfiTblS-1560 WABC-770 QSLs and v / l s from KTBS-1030 (with QSL) , WQOIC-1440 returned my report , KBBB-1600 new report . I have noted i n several members' FIusings they a r e reverifying s ta t ions f o r the Contest. Although not speci- f i ed i r _ t he ru les , f f e e l the r e a l s p i r i t of the Contest i s to hear and ver i fy NDV s t a t ions o r s ta t ions not previously ver i f ied. Certainly no one i s t ha t despente to win a s to r e so r t to reverifying. kqyone can ver ie 35 or 40 s t a t e s < ~ i t h the 50W. aiid 5M. but once they're veriaa, a u s t you have d col lec t Lon from the sdnle stcttlon? Thanks to D a l f o r the c a l l , r ea l ly a l o t of fun. (Sprichst du Deutsch, ~ a l ? ) Noted SS on 1420 and apparently AN t h i s AM, 2/25. I guess 1560 was v?RSJ but who on 14201 Anyom have a recent v/s f o r T,!EVJ-770? On the t r i p to the snow, we were 1 5 miles from Tecate. BCK and BHA-55twas not heard, only KYUM, so I doubt i f they ex is t . So much fo r ~IOW. 73.

Pete Taylor - 2340 Pac i f ic Avenue - Wn Francisco 15, Cal i fornia No a c t i v i t y logging-wise the l a s t week or so but a few in te res t ing thin@ to pass on. 2126- Unk SS under CFAC 4: 15; KWIOhi/-1600 ETing 3: 15-4: 15, and f o r some rea l ly bsrl news to us Westerners, KXIV-1400 noted AN on t h i s Monday AIvl. This was our last graveyard Foldout. IUQII-1550 i s off AN; sked i s now 8:OO-4:OO. This j u s t ahout compensates KXIV, s ince 1550 has so many outs tanding CPs. KUBA-1600 now announcing a s 5 b . , no r ea l change i n s t rength noted, and KX=,-1500 now NSP h he^ have been off i\[ondays). YTGN- 59 0 $id IIDON-1450 have also been noted AN, the 60 rmer s t a r t i ng 1/26 a d the l a t - t e r during February. KRAK-1140 was AN 312 h i t h Sinatrathon, a l a IVINS, and RORL-650 noted conducting Presleython a% 9:30 m. 311. Backtracking, don! t know RDOi3 o r INGN s i l en t period a s both on Mondays, along with KCPX. A i r mailed v/f from YlSiA i n today ; who DID88 T hear leg17 KFRC-610 incidentally i s off at 3:00 Monday through Friday &Us, 5:00 Saturday and Sunday AMs and is not off a t 5:00 across the board a s per the l a s t i ssue, Veries re turning a t a sickeningly slow pace, ail have sent off 25 f /ups during the p s t couple of days, dating back t o Septm,ber. KRAK-1140 i n the c l e a r n w a t 2:OC a f t e r CKXt s/dff with no sign of KGEM so maybe another opening, I hope. 73s.


Page 6: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

Fey J

TT 3 char I 1 L r

Il X- -N-E-Vr-S- - - I~Sarch 10, 1962 John Oldfield - 11623 €4 Stree t - Ednonton, A l b e r t a

yout re i n orbit! I s Fidel next? 1/8- KIYIN-1400 f lc-TT-14 3:10 I D , KSN-1150 f /c - 1:17 ID. This i s a l l I 've had time fo r , b u t noticed KFI~C-610 now s/off f o r a c l ea r


17g1 fo1 f rt

lnel here. Also, who i s on 730 with English lessons? Veries KAIId v/f a a l ANI/XM PS { ~ r a from ~ a w a i i ) , KFDR-B60 v / l , nice l e t t e r from Ralph A. Nachtmann who s t a t e s he i s Ifowner, manager, D J , jani tor , time salesrr~an, bookkeeper, secretary and general fac to- tum ." What next? Alex Eowab: Your mystery i s CFCN-1060 !IAN Bridge Partyr1 - nice go- <*? on CJCA (who w i l l celebrate 40 years soon). Sorry again, correspondents, but t ha t

reat institution11 comes f i r s t . That f / c l i s t surely i s a masterpiece ancl i s a match : CX of Frequencies l i s t ! Frank Villiams, did you get my l a s t lfmasterpb&ce~f? Quote

- - Jm local lliietvspaperu : "CBC Radio w i l l move i t s downtown Edrronton studios from the MacDonald Hotel to the new CBXT-TV studios. A t i ts n w XR s i t e CBX would continue t o operate at 5&., 1010 kc/s. We a re requesting a power increase f o r CBXA-74-0 from 250 to 50,00O;l.~1 So another 'nice ' powerkause on 740. CEXA's XR w i l l remain near Edmon- ton and CEX XX w i l l move f ran Lacombe t o somewhere near Calgary. 73.

Ear l PdacKenzie - Box 635 - Sydney, Pova Scot ia Ciad Mile Failte! (100,000 welcomes i n Gaelic!) Confirmations since l a s t repor t , v/la from CKNE-950, XETRA-690. v/cs from KhTBC-680, PCKR-610. A nice QSL from CSB9-782, 0- porto, TA #l, ard a very a t r r ac t i ve card from Radio Monte Carlo, 1466, f o r TA #2. New s t a t i ons s i i ~ e l a s t repor t are: WICC-6CO 11:e pm 1/27, WHLI-1100 4:15 pm. f o r f i r s t U.S. lohver, KSL-1160 1:10-1:30 1/28 r r l t n sm dnrt;~zlng s ~ g l ~ d l , S-8 plus, a-5, stronger than most CST s ta t ions received here. XETRA-690 1:45-2 : 00. 1/28, a pleasant surpr ise broadcasting "over Los Angelesll, a l l EJX, advertisements and commentaries. ou t l e t of RTF-674, I D at 2:00. Location, per-haps Rennes, a de f in i t e French TA. CKRC-6.30 2: 10; most ciistant Canadian Jamaica Broagcasting Corp.-750 9 :30 pm. 1/29, be- hind WSB ; XEX-730 ( t en ta t ive) 10-10:15 pm. WHIL-1430 3 :28-3 :30, 113 1. WOKY-920 4: 00 211 f o r a ilw s t a t e ; CHML-900 4:lO; KNBC-680 3-3: 15 i n the c l ea r S 5-7; BBC-1088 3:10 and 3 :20, 110 de f in i t e I D , however many NX i tems concerning England, and gave tiiiies a s "ten minutes past 8" when i t was 3410 EST here. RFLI-1070 5:30 2/4 ; loud ard c lear WINX-1600, !j:50; WBAX-1240 6:15, WNJR-1430 9:30 pm. 217. DIKOX-1190 5:15 p/ s /off 21 8, and f o r xy t h i rd Californian, KNX, concluding a basketball game between the Univer- s i t y of Soutliern Cal i fornia and Washington, de f in i t e ID a t 1:00 1/11 and gave Holly- wood's teri,;ure a s 550. RDIY-1070 was i n the c lear , S 4-5, GI-640 i s a regular here a f t e r s/off of CBR, usually S-7 on good evenings, eas ies t Californian to l i s t e n f o r i n t h i s area. CJCB and CBI both w i l l go 1 0 ~ ~ . , t ne i r applications have j u s t been approved by the BBG. CJCB w i l l have t h e i r new signal increase by l a t e summer. Jus t got another verie from KFI-640, very nice l e t t e r and stamp. I wrote to t e l l them of t he i r very much improved reception since t b new antenna has been put up. iir. C.V. Mason, CE, said IEI has received many more reporgs from the East Coast/ than previous winters. I t o ld him CMHQ wasn't on a t the time of reception. On the evenink of re- ception I heard a "mystery s ta t ion" which I took t o be KFI, however when i t IDed i t was i n a foraign language. This was on 1/26 a t 10:30-mdt . wi th march mx and I D on the hour wi th time pips. I hear them many e v e n i n ~ s from 11-12 vehen i t fadas out. Time pips, one more than GIViT. Know who i t might be, Ernie? (no- ed. ) M r . \ ason also gave me info on mother mystary I 've heard around 690. He to ld me i t might be a Guatemala s t a t i o n which used to give KFI interference a f evii years back. . , . . . . 73.

Doug IvJurray - 277 Portland S t ree t - Dartmouth, Nova Sco t k DX here since l a s t report : 6 12- lI'!VIP-1310. l?/ARI1-13.20 tVEEE-1300 a t SSS. KFRO-dx and

CFI cox eve

- -

VREM s/on 6: 04 the sake AM. I a l so reported PIKFE-1550 1312, QVCH and v?GSI\'i-'i40 both fading imrd out at SSS . 1912- FNOD-1370. 2212- VYTI ~ ~ ' F L R ~ ~ A F s - ~ ~ ~ ~ , WRI-138 0 lJrCOU- 1240 at SSS. 2312- l?rCRV-lE80 on t h e i r r /c. 24/2- PISIiJA-1550 conducting an ET/M and asking f o r c a l l s and reports on t h e i r signal. Also KIDY-1570 on the i r r / c f o r lily best t h i s season and #2 i n Kansas. Also reported f ron 2312 and 24/2- CKPT-1420 s /off 1 :OO. KSO-1%6O, 11i,5~Y-7901 CJLB-lob0 and ViLEE-148 0. Vzries - CIIUI\ri WVCH WBIG WIWS VSOQ VI'IBRA \VWRL*CJOY CICRB WFAX WFBR*\!'COA XETRA WJAS ViRSC-dx KING WITH%rXW*CFOR*ICSTP i71FPGW3SM*

, V WIAC 17iillQT'JP'6~l*CJFX-dx. *means QSL. No new contest points f o r tcvo bveeks. L a s t ~ n t showed 129. . I agree mith Ernie about reverifying s t s t ione . Try and avoid I t - !n f o r contest points. Also regarding the v/s l i s t - I don't know holid many make a s

much use of it as I , but I ' d be sorry to see , i t go, so match f o r duplicates, WYTT 1570 had a TT 1/24, 73 f o r now.



Page 7: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

March 10, 1962 -D-x- -NNEEr,r;-s- 7 Randdll Lea - 4357 broadmay - S a n Diego lo, C d i f ornia

Greetings from the IISCAIJD.~~ ( ~ s n Diego, C a l . League of DXers). We are working f o r a Convention here. So much f o r that, Now t o DX: 2/19- KTNT-1400 TT at 4154; TlKAT-1360 NX at 5: 03; JOXR-950 4:55 with a play; KRSC-1400 f /c-M a% 4:28 ; 1"CKY-1530 a t 4:34; KITE -930 s/on; ICCRG1600 s/on 5:30; KBW-1010 at 5:43; KWiAC-1490; KS?N-1420 s/off 3:OO; KASH ~ / ~ f f 3 :a; KXOL-1360 RS 3:25i KRMG-740 4:25; WCOS-1400 4:23 ; li!'JET-1400; ICRIG- 1410; ViADCL1350; DRS-890 Adak. Alaska f ~ o m ~ B w i t h NX I D and song f o r best DX of my career (tape sent via AFIiS Adak, Alaska) ; ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 1 1 5 6 0 Myamon, P . R. IDmg and San Juan from 2:05-2:38 plcying Arr,erican i n s t m e n t a l mx ( tape sent t o ADDR gizeil as San ~ u a n ) ; UnlP SS 764 approximately IDing as !!Radio Exitosu at 3 :37 playing rr SS songs. I l o s t the T7EH so help; XERC-790 vii t h SS rr programs from 3 : 14-3:28, and VIi\iiOD-1370 DX wi th br ief I D at 4:18 and a RrR ( 1 7 -ed.) f o r local area. Have heard \"MOD s i x tirilee, have 'em QSLed already, R o t too bad f o r one morn1 s DX. 2/26- IDJDI-1270 s/off a t 4:02, KGMB-590 at 4:12; KH13C-970 st 4:19 with KGI\'IB programs ; KONE,lf5O-s&f 3: C8 ; :POI-1380 3:08 "Luclgr Lager D a c e Time11 ; KNEVj-790 ET/M from 3:05-3:45 with two I D ' S iil the whole t u e i 4QL-540 5-3 t g g i t h c l operas ( tape sen t ) dnd VTAR-'790 It01ii lvlil~~aukee Be~r l l commer- c i a l s . Reports VlRSJ AFRS KTAT WlCOS P'NOD KRSC KRKG KCRG WKAT 1 Z D KAHU KIQS 4G ICARI $& KABC WROF XCRT lllCKY ROPE KIRL. Veries, WRUF PIFUN* WALA ~~lTMJ* KABC KFJ~Z* KGm KT'IYO WICAL. KFJ a-940 just sa id they w i l l put on a DX f o r NRC (goodie). This may be your l a s t chance t o hear KFIvU3 on 540. They're moving to 760, Larry S. and I went out Sat- urday i n a jeep a l l over the loca l t e r ra in , and caning back, stopped in a sno;; storm, rented a tobag,.ran and had a b las t , T h a t snow i s cold! Thatt s the f i r s t tin:e I've seer the s tu f f i n a year. P'hile on our l i t t l e t r i p we put i n some DX, KIVA-Tv-11 Yurna. Most powerful BCB s t a t i on was XETPLA and th i s was a good 100 miles from the i r XR. They must be about 70m. Jones pos:ibly i s wrong. (??$'. Norm, WRGN? PJA2-7 ~lovr, gasp. Remember V C A L D . 11 I have 1,400 KlTTB surveys. Jus t wri te , 1 1 11 get you out 100 or7% ;

Brya;i ad Keith Brilson - 220 5 Avenue - New Pestminster, B r i t i s h Columbia, Time f o r a long ovddue Musing. Homework, j o b s tudies and the l i k e have held back DX i n the last tlu;ee weeks, but the ,follov~ing logged anyway : P? 3 / l 9 - Wh.J-1130 Pew York a f t e r WX at 5334 am. a s the r e su l t of CKYX' being completely off a t the time, to come on shor t ly before 6:00, Quite a few Japanese s t a t i ons i n on t ha t same AM, hut re- mained unIDed because of a lack of knowledge of t ha t language, h i . On I\@i 2/26, XGAY- 1430 i n Salem, Ore. s /on =it 9:00 shor t ly before KB30 c m e on dt approximately 9:03. Veries received fron: v / l I(RNY-1.260 $Paf lxxct AbC Drug BlQg., Kearney , Neb. ; 3.CkUP-1470, Box 471, Reedsport, Ore.; KOFY-1050 l i s t e d a s i n San Mateo, but gave address as 50 D r m m Streee, San Francisco 11; KSRV-1380, Box 540, Ontario, Ore. ; WHIE-1320, Box 971, Gr i f f in , Ga.; TJHAit4-1180, 350 East Avenus, Rocnester 4 ; PIIiEN-1250 Topeka, ICans. answer- irig ny report of 5/27/61; and 1il~NEIV-1137, 565 5 Avenue, New York 17. V / C from XZRB- 1090 Tijuana, mailing address is Box 1190, San Diego 12. TotAls s t i l l much the same: 564 logged, 252 ver i f ied. Correspondents be pa t i en t ; I ' l l t r y to catch up iL t l e t t e r s and tapes t h i s weekend. That's about i t from t h i s corner. 73s.

Frank Willia#s - 5237 Elnwood Avenue - Lyribvood, Cal i fornia Ever since tha-t memorial 411 of 2/12, DX ac t i v i t y has been on the downstving herz. Phy lone logying since l a s t week i s another much-wanted one, and now 1 f i n a l l y ; w e CHUB- 1570 (Hi, Dryan and Keith! ?. This one was caught i n the f i r s t eight minutes of Fiarch, yep, frcm 3-3:03 am. EST on 3/1. Things jus t don1 t seem r igh t ~ i t h o u t XERE'. Other 4 ac t iv i ty : 3/2- KUTA-790 Utah, ETing 530-5:35, with band nix. Also heard ICSAY-1010 Cal ETing the same Aiti in termit tant ly . Fran N i t t l e r , if you want KSAY now's your chance with the current ET s e r i e s . I t appears KLAK-1600 i s presently Ail (iv~ondays uncertain) ; a d so i s IDOH-1460 excluding brlondays, revis ing a previous report . lJlelcomo, &;1y Rugg to the r e s t of us insane survey collectors! Presently I claim the lead :,it;l 124 difp- fe ren t surveys, unless Alex added to his 123. T d ~ e notice, evaryone, here 's &a oppor- tunit$ to decrease your DXing cos t s - I ' m offering 25 46 stanps to anyone .rho . r i l l send me a CIUB VJJD T!JBZ KYVJ KFDA VrNAC WNHC or KLIF survey. How about i t , somebody? I'm basical ly against sending PPs, contending they terd t o make bad ve r i f i e r s '-lorse and tend t o Itspoil" our good ve r i f i e r s when probably a f/up ni thout a PP would ge t a verie any:~ay. Even more, l i ke Rugr, there's certainly nothing impressive about a s tac of PPs ex8cpt i n extreme cases f o r a new s t a t e , e t c . ; but would l i ke to se: fukure comments, pro and con, i n these Musings. Looks l i ke Denver l x i l l be the C o n v s a t u the Deca-le, but clonlt fo rge t that Ferdinand ~ o c h 1 ~ l i l 1 be at the Big Indianapolis Con- vention on Sept. 1-2-3! P r i l l you? 73s.

Page 8: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

8 -D-x- -N-E-!'-S- i\iarcn 10, 1962

... Ted Weiser - 19 Fairview Avenue - Schu,ylirill Haven, P e n n s y l v a n i ~ ? more ver ies i n a re KVSH-940 1i'iNCG-9 10 FJTS>~-1480 RJCQ;S-1400 CKBS-1240 IGVIT-730 VlW- 1 WJUD-1580 WHY-930 KKJO-1550 and KSSS-740. Nice l e t t e r from I(-SVN. K-7 Radio and ~ r i s e d to be heard t h i s f a r on home radio. I'm using GrunJig/11~ajestic seven tube

ser;. The CE at YCQS sent very long l e t t e r and said received three l e t t e r s up i n t h i s area. They have been received i n New Zealand and have many nice l e t t e r s on f i l e . KVSH i n Valentiile, TTeb. has Very nice let terhead and my l e t t e r was postmarked F2b. 14th to make i t a l i t t l e unusual. Sorce of the DX done here was 2/19: WSOC9930 on RS 12:15-12: 55 am. Then I logged V ' K Y I:#-1:30 am. on RS, then s e t t l e d on 1400 t o log WXGA on f / c off 1:80 ax, They covered FCOS easi ly . Then a nice log on J?!CQS who used Dixieland on f / c 2-2:31 am. Also heard cu t t ing i n at 2:10 am. was VLSB with many IDS . t i l l 2:25. They used tone. WOOS with RS w a s covering 1400 t h i s Ant. A quick s~vitchover t o 1450 found someone at 1:55 am. wi th a f / c and they went off at 2:lO. I have sm;~e da ta but

. didn ' t seem r igh t - \TITRE? They played Swanee River a f t e r 1:55 am. c a l l , 15 ziilute check, 1,000/250 e tc. H e c ~ r d &FUN-290 on RS ;2:50-5 : l o am,, th3n WAYIi-550 on RS at 4- 4:28 am. Someone on 1570 vvith mx 1:35 am. till past 2 when I qu i t . 'i!GSR w a s heard at 2 am. cu t t i ng i n on t h i s t e s t on 2/20. Heard VJGOO t e s t i ng a t 1:35 am. 2/26 0x1 1470. 2/27- WABH heard on ET and i n the c l e a r most of the time on 1150. 3/3- BSVV-1570 on f / c 3:30 am. Received 65 w r i e s so f a r t h i s season, vcith ten fro= Georgia, I seem to do f a i r l y ?re11 from down t'nat way. I was able to hear 'r'lBI\!K-1310-dx which I don! t th i& too many heard around here. Pas ab le to get three I D S and heard br ie f TT 4:33-4:30, so thatt s the tone you heard, Roy Barstow. Some of you boys have CMs from many s ta t ions . Hf d l i ke t o s e t t l e viith j u s t a verie from s t a t i ons l i k e WIORC-3310 WOTT-1410 etc. 73.

J. B. "Pat" Reiile:? - 628 Spring S t t ee t - Jdmestown, New York KFRO KFLV WS?!Ql a r e new ver ies and 25 reports s t i l l out ye t . 2 / 2 5 SS o r Radio Porto on 1577 a t 2:31-2:58 when i t got unreadable. PJBYS-1560 on t e s t at 3:02 ::-ith an SS behind t11m but no ID. Tho i s S S on 1090 a f t e r XERB s/off a b u t 3:00, a b u t S 4-5 here? 2/26- KORL-650 at 2:40 while VSM TT o f f , SS on 800 a t 2:47, sourds l i i e CiCD on 760 1 ~ i t h soxe chimes and second t icks . CBU-690 off a t 3:19, then Extra I\?mfS on top of WTIX. V!XYJ-1340 TT at 2:57,. KKHI-1550 pet a t 3:43. 2/27- Worked, too t i r ed to DX, turned s e t on but noise t o o much f o r m e . 2/28- 1~!SNlel-1550 ET a t 2:41. KSTR-620 on f / c f o r Kansas City at 3 :10 and off a t 3 : 15. 3/1- 1;,'SMA-1550 again on ET a t 2:30. Unk on 740 with 1CR.G with a m lady ta lkers , 2:50 to 3:02 and off dir. Cal l s o ~ d e d l ike KSm, 80 zbove and very ZNL. U r k TT on 1270 1440 1560 and o thers. 3/2- VJSi.iA aga in TT on 1560 oi? and off wi th unk ss behind them a t 2:40. TT, 1570 with CHU3 but s t i l l here a f t e r CHUE signed off but no ID. TT on and off on with CQ!,~/HJCU at 3:2O,'t;ut no ID heard. WQ,O:C-1440 ET at 3:41. -8O today at 2:30. 3/3- 20 above a t 2:20. OC oil 540 atop VDAX at 2:25, on ar;d off . TT witn Mexican on 1440 at 2:39 but 111, ID. HJCU-730

, atop at 2:50 a t S-5. SS on 765 at S-5 at 2:55. TT on 1570 a f t e r CHUB off W t no I D a s \a!SVIV cz:e on ET a t 3:26. VJUD r/c. OC on an3 off on 1560 a t 3:35 v,rithl;?ealc SS be- hind them.

k -nes t J. Tl'!esolowski - l a 6 Pasadena Avenue - Omaha 7. Nebraska DX the past veek has been very good and pleasing. With 850 s ta t ions logyed, I have added two i?e7>I s t a t e s i n a s many weeks. A s I s ta ted l a s t week, "TIC-1B0, Hartford, Bonn. was keard f o r t ha t new s t a t e . Now on 2/26, S ta t ion KOIN-97.0 was log:<ed f o r rry f i r s t Oregon. Their s /off was at 2:58 at S-5 R-4 i n tne clear. '::'TIC al reqly ver i f ied t h i s week, 9;~o other new ones a r e FALY-920 Spokane, Wash. on BS at 2:05 . . i t h ELI S-7 signal. Redort sent on ;?/da. Than on J /1 ViCAR-11.30 w d s h e m l f o r the f i r s t tiine at 6:25 pm. st S-5. To back up ju s t a b i t , to 2/25, WOL-1540 Los Ar~gelas 1og;ed at 2:14 a s KXEL was off . A f / c from Sta t ion P!JIL-15750 Jac~soz lv i l l e , I l l . heard a t 1:50-2:00 with TT at 10 over 3-9, Now have 141 points i n the Domestic Contest. W i l l t r y f o r KVI-570 T!ash. tonight a t t he i r s/off a t 1:59. Eastern Nebraska hiarch s /off i s 6:30 p Veries t h i s zeek a re YINS KALL Tjr!ABU XFRO-dx. Hoping to see each and evsry on? of you a t the '62 iCRC Indianapolis Convention. 73s f o r now.

Je f f Stewart - 3018 Washington Street-- Anarillo, Texas Absolutely nothing t o repor t i n the way of DX here. No nevi loggicgs since l a s t report and only one verie: KXLY, i n Spokane, Wash. Neil Eubanks of h , e r i l l o has asked ne t o dnfom you that he bas entered the Army f o r a three-year s t i n t . He has joined the kredical Corps, and w i l l be transfardsed to San Antonio, Tex. a f t e r h i s t ra iniqg camp 4utg i n Colorado Springs. I I i r 1 the b luck a s he servies his country. 3es t of DX to everyc :ho tha iment, too, Fail! -ed.)

bo1rr we me and

a l l w: 73s.

3 h hin :We ec

e s t of t sentj

Page 9: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

Well are DXer

ry who avid ,ady

h 10, 1952 -D-x- -N-E3-S- 9 C. Alan Tavlor - 2529 East 9 Street - Ind&napolio 1 , Indiana_

, two nerr guys i n the ITapt%n NRC Cl-in, namely Joseph Hudson &nit Donald llm: smeedges l i k e DER, myself and Lowe i f he promises t o be ~ o o i . Both a r e very 8, Don b3ing wel l experienced i n DX. Joe i s a greoahorn, though, but he alrc

sbws signs of a pro. Joe i s using my old 1957 Ford EX with i t s three-foot antenna. I have grcduated to Charley Westenhoefer's ( ~ e qui t the MRC) Ha l l i c ra f te r s S 4 O B with one RF stage and two IF stages, plus blessed s e l ec t i v i t y from a Q-Multiplier courtesy of DER. ii& DX has perked up somewhat, best being f i r s t Zedder i n the for~r, of 1YC-880 and AFRTS s t a t ion ARD-780 5Gv. i n San Juan, P.R. , Ramey AFB. Sfon l i ke said at 5: C4 on Mhts . Y!e11, s t i i m g u y s here, but three guys e leg lb le . Ernie, where can I ge t sample bu l le t ins f o r these gents? A l l f i ve members a re DX crazy clods and D2C eve-- time they ge t a chance - r igh t , clods? Well, CB73 wants another DX-cast next ye; and DER says vse should have it over the Chris tnas Holidays, a l l dgreed? A 1 1 LTapf nembers n i l 1 p i t ch i n a l i t t l e dough f o r postage, and sent a big long tape to CB4, with show e i ~ t i t i e d llSkywave Shotvll on i t . l jJell , the l a s t one to Indianapolis ovsr La- bor D a y weckend f o r ~onvent ion$is a s t a t i c machine.

Joe Fhdson - 1333 North Oxford S t ree t - Indianapolis 1 , Indiana This i s tKe f i r s t Musing I have sent i n because of the f a c t that I an i a ne$ lao,;.be DX has no been too hot f o r me b e c a s e of school and that Mnfl Droop tkz t Tim ;;elly speaks of on Page 7 of the 2/24 DX NEX1;S. Dave Roys an5 Alan Taylor a r e j u s t V:lo f r iends vdio a re i n the NRC. They a r e the ones who got me interes ted. My receiver is the one t ha t Alan Taylor had. I t i s a 1957 Ford car radio alith a three foot -iitenna %d an op t io~ ia l f i v e f e e t more. I have been DXing f o r about s i x months. I s ta r ted out slowly but then something happned and now U am stuck on i t . I thought I ~ilould wr i te i n and t e l l everyone about how wonderful I an; but I am too mo3est to do tha t ( h i ) and bedfdes, evsryone ~ ~ o u l d think that I an* a slob which I an. hrovLi I must roar off in to the f a i n t distance and say ftsnieedgelt. 73, al l . (~a1coa.e to h?C, Joe! \la ;lope you get l o t s of DX &xi "{ill l e t l\llusin~s b ~ t r about ~t often! -ea.) -

An& Ruga - 16 Lake Breeze - Pointa Ciai ra , Quebec Jus t i n case t h i s i s n ' t o ld news, I w i l l rr,ention tha t XERF l o s t i ts l icense. Pal raua.

could alvmys get a job at CKGM i f they ever cEecide to go hogh-brow. I elimi~iated t h i s business of i?. Pp sent v;ith the f lup a s I don't want a col lect ion of PPs. I f the de- lin-nt s t e t i on i s a well-known s t inker , o r hasnf t ansaered two o r three reports , I w i l l then ~ ~ i l d one. DX: 2117- TD!-775 through 1UJ3C slopover 11:30 pm. but too brief fo r a report . Unn BRUC-865 very strong 11:55 and repor t sent with hopes of r ~ ~ l a c i n g PP, 2118- YSC-1015 12 :C4-12:C8 a., too weak; unn WYNN-540 very strong with xarch mx on t e s t 12:15-12:45, 15 minute log on TIRICA-625 12:26-12:41 am. and hoping f o r a ver- i e ; XERH-1500 through WTOP 12:45 and WKBO-1230 on top 1:0?; unID TT on 1550 ;;!hich end- ed at 1:25, vfho? UnID SS d e r 1:26, viho? VrBVld-1550 5:29 . andTiQYA-1530 5:45 pm. 2/19- vho qfi;ss TT on ,1500 a t 3:20 am. ( too weak to be TYt"P ? ' ? DXes fro'ic unn CFLV/VTMOD were heard: unn BlBIR-1240 f/c 3:50; unn KKEI-1550 good with mx at 3:55; unn trlQXQ,-1380 askiag f o r repor ts a t 4:14, already ver i f ied but dropped tnem a card. VMCR- 1600 5:C6 a:]. f o r only new c a l l of the day; unnTi!'ATE-620 5:12- t r i e d t o take cz log but not enough data; unn \Ul?E-1550 5:20-5:30. No D X i q done 1120-23 and have t o got t h i s repor t out early. Veries: QSLs: KFAB-1110 KGBS-1.020 XERB-1030 1/!;!E;FE-1550 and XXOIi630. WAFS-pp. . Let te rs , Nice-1554 \i/A&E-1570 (form) WEOF-1550 (form( ViOYYB-1580 CJ05-930 WN1BI. 1110 \YhfIPS-SO BBC-1088 / 1214 WWi-1460 liiESX-1230 'JiHNC-89 0 VjPET-9 50 and 1)liiONS-13 SO. WBCK wrote verie!on my rspor t and says *on ~ h i r d Friday. 12:15-12:30, BSG made some minor decisions - b ig ones ,re new Montreal and Toronto AI\!I s t a t ions to be madd iil March. Totals - 783/343, 20 l i t t e r boxes and 18 surveys, h i . I have CKGMs, KnlBs a;i5 1r;RUs avai lable i f . anyone needs f , ish wrapping. 73.

Roy H. PJillar - Box 778 - ~ e l l e c e , Washington S t i l l trying! By date,: 2121- WED-820 Cal i , Colombia s/on 3r:ith NA at 5:03 m;. 2/22- KFAZ-1580 Albuquerque, N.M. f /c-TT 2:4'0-2: 55 am. 2/24- WrTNS-1560 Coshoc ton, 0 , s/on 5:30 am. f o r 1560 log +14, half of them t h i s season! 2/25- T1"JPG-1440 Grecn Lay,' Wis. s/on 6 am. 2/26- WCDL-1440 Carbondale, Pa. f /c-TT 4:.47-4 : 54 ' am. ; V!EZJ-1440 !!illiams- burg, Ky. s/on 5 am. 2128- KPIR-1500 Euaem. Ore.. s/on 10:15 am., &f 8:45 pm. 73. Tlsmety-two ne77 logsings i n Fsbruary, qui te a sp1urp;e f o r me! Veries, KTL7;!-320 JOQB-99! - . -

Tom Mann - 1801 East J..2rvis - A p t . 2 ~ 2 - -~ i lwaukee 11, li'iisaonsin Today 2/24 VBT-1110 was lased a t 5: 55 pm. EST wi th a weak s ignal ~ n c i l i t t l e QEiii!i. 73.


Page 10: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

3 -D-X, _N_E-S- Ifiarch 10, 1962 Mike Kina - North Easthm, 1\4assachusetts

Well, j u s t got through l i s ten ing t o the new V!E1N-lC50 ex-1J'n'iGId. Looks lib an altogeth- e r d i f f e r en t s ta t ion . To you survey col lectors , dont t forget I have VIORC !'!PW and CKRC surveys. F e l l , here1 s f o r DX. 17'SL1-930 i n a t 6:3? pm. on 2/15 fo r second Miss. 2/16- WFNC-1390 at 5327 p., ?/SOC-930 a t 5:30, WORD-910 a t 5:34, TBYS-1560 at 6:09, unn WrSC-1450 i n a t 6 : 19, PAAY-1550 i n a t 6 :a pn. 2/19 was a big DX den f o r Dave and me. F i r s t we put up another antenra and I brought zy receiver over and hitched it up. Stations heard were: CKPC-1380 a t 1 am., WDB-1490 i n a t 1:11, \vIV1GA-1400 n i t h a f / c a t 1:36, XTSi;-1380 at 1:55, UHSC-1450 a t ,2;07, witn f / c , WTHB-1550 t+t 2:17, WlDAX-1410 a t 2:32, CFLVts IQJRC DX i n a t 3:09 am. While tfiying f o r IiGBS-1020 found TGUX i n at 3 : s am- , WIb;ODt s DX i n at 4: 00, Irl:VLK-590 i n at 5:33, WGBA-1270 a t 4:42, LVBHC-1270 i i t h f /c a t 4:51, "IUQ-580 with EE, then SS s/on a t 5:00 a.m. WKRK-1390 a i so a t 5 am., f i n a l l y IvPLO-590 a t 5:13 m. 2123- KEVE-1440 at i :46 &I,, ~ I L - 1 2 9 0 at 2:19. 2/27- !7i<Cd a t 5 :37 p. Vsries are CJCA KE'JZ CBK VlGTO v/cs and nalK KEOA YiI\!'LAZ TJ:Vn4C KEYZ CIQH KCHA v / l .

David Burns - Box 53 - North Eastham, Mass. Since l a s t Piusings have added over 3 5 newies. 2112- VSCV!-910 li;. 6:15-6:20 pin. 2/13- VMAZ-940 oil top of mess a t 6: 00-6 :15. \TlESC-660 over \ V " C @ 6 :00, WTTN-1580 f o r a sur- p r i s e q 6 :31 pm. sa(f f . 2114- VIEU-920 over a l l w 6:45 p. WKBK-1220 on top (? 5 Fm. Well needed CWC-1500 under VTOP 1;;. 5:15 ~m., WSBS-860 1;' 5:30 which leaves only three un log~ed ;;ass. s ta t ions , the c losest being PIALE-1400 i n F a l l River which i s only 30 miles to the East of here. 2/15- TJFNC-940 @ 5:30 over PTFUZ, surpr ise i n VUY-1550 with no s i g of CBE @ 6:30 pm. 'rYUS-910 @ 5:30 r;m. holding off WMY and others, T?!TRB- 1570 wi th ilo sign of CFOR 9 6:30. Unn WBYS incredibly over WQXR 4 S : i 5 a d 17?;JE3A-1570

6:45 s/off f o r a surpr ise . 2/19-VJDXB-14306 1:16-1:30 am., CWC-1380' 1:CG s / o f f , CFLV-1370 7::ith DX q 3:33-3:10, W?SIZ-1380 t e e t 8 3:30, V!KJCi-1380 3:45 v i t h t e s t , WMOD 1370 with nice DX 4-4:30. WPTX-dx not heard, only WOKY tes t ing, PGBA-1270 7 4:45, WVLK-590 4:30-4:45, WBHC r / c @ 5:00, vJKA.QQ-580 s /on @ 5:00, NKRK-1390 9 5:10, forgot Wh'lCrll-1400 f / c v 1:45 with IDS every 15 seconds. 2/20- V!GSR-1570 t e s t @ 2-2:E under unk t e s t e r . 2/22- KRGI-1430 r / c @ 2:05 s /off and KRAZ-1580 ^ 2:45 a l so nit11 r / c . 2/23 KEVE-1440 test li;l 1:47, while XELZ Gave a night club ad i n EE. 2126- Hadnt t plailned to t ry anything but week up a t 2:30, so gave i t a t r y . On 650 KORL was way over T!SIi's OC so went t o 1380 where K P O I s i t s . (On 2/19 heard a couple of songs under ICECO, so sent a t en ta t ive to XPOI, t h i s was a t 3:45.) KRKO w a s there but so were two others. A t 3, a Cal. s t a t i on s/off 1,t~i-iich was KGMS Sacramento, so f a r my best Cal. s ta t ion . This l ed t KRKO w d an6ther. Then i t happened - KRKO sank l ika a rock and in cams P O I f o r a good report 3: C6-3:28. Then to top i t off pulled i n KMI-1090 f o r my second new Hawaiian of the n igh t , and th i rd I ' v e ever heard. XHAI w a s not off@ 3:00, Lxt were gone by 4:OD. Others were WGUS-138 0 with WOXQ behind them, and !t'TRP-620 s f o n 5- Veries: 'ILCL531 (tkeY didnr t change c a l l s ) KTHS KTRH Ti',!MPS lJ!VJS JK1OKC KEOA YiKIX : W Y CJh'IBL KVSH WJKAQ ICFRO CFLV WDAX l?h<GA CXCK and WAPA out one year and two d-ty s . One quest ion. How can I ge t Oregon? 1'11 worry about Alaska l a t e r . Thccnks, Bdrnie, f o r the 1390 s/of f s ta t ion. 73 s.

Norman H. Pil lsburg - R . D. 3 - Jatr,estotvn (& . t i ) i\Teiv York Veries s t i l l slow, KFRO-dx-12 days, WJ-950-10, \1JSi~~-1550-ll. I 90nt t kno~ii nl-at hap- pened to my CIiE1?!-1000 D X verie, a s none back ye t . 2/24- KITDY-1570 loud on fijc; rcany thanks to L.G. f o r helpins uie to get #2 from .Kansas thBs way. 1?!YTI-15?0 t e s t from 1:36-1:45, tLen unn CHUB a t 3-4. TJHOki-1480 s lo f f a t 2:00 i v i t h 5SB f o r a ne:! cczll. WFPG-1450 nid YDAS-1480 dominant on t h s i r kc/s. f o r new c a l l s . 2125- Q H O T ~ ~ I S H H on 1570 f ight i i lg i t out a t 6 p i . , thanks f o r info, Hal R. Dbrn l i t t l e time f o r i3;ling but I ' 11 be i n Irldianapolis - w i l l you? 73s.

Herb Cmpbell - R. D. 2 - Box 33 - Athens, Pennsylvanka Twenty years ago tolay, March 9, 1942, a t irriid young man named Carroll Seth, :;.'riting under the ;3an rame of hliostradmus, cl.ithout benefit of a Poetic Licm-se o r T i t l e to a b a l l pnint pen, submitted to DY 1\TEYS to fbalowing: Prediction - "Berliners ' ill see a Convention - Phen the Axis i s minus i t s hub - As com,uniques probably :.ill ;i;.oi~tion - The Natiozal Ra3io Club.ft A poet laureate was accepted wi th acclaim, a s the sii.iles of the Yuse shifted from poet Fred Borcherdt to our young Cdrroll. But, i t ' s Indian- apol is f i r s t ! Le ty, how f a r do you date back i n NRC? I am pre t ty sure youi:rere i n when I came ia around 6/1/40. ( I think i t was 1939., H;.rb, but not def in i te ly sure! ) P'EfVE WELCO24i SEVEIiAL NIJv'COIViRS TO THESE PAGES I N THIS, OUR 29tn SEASON, AIiD YEtD LIKE TO SEZ 150EIE REPORTS FROM SOI\liE OF THESE NEI?:' W S - AS FELL AS ALL THE REST OF YOU!

Page 11: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

h lo, 1962 ,D-x- -N E a s 11 Stan nflor6s - Route 3 - ~radffor';i, :~'assachusetts_

212.4, Rii- ~Ti7k-825 !?Radio T\riranda" Los Teques, Venezuela, 7:27-8:15 pm. i n c lear , no . . sign of Yl?OL, Have a program of loca l a t t i s t s ; vocal is ts and orchestra , but easy to copy. 2/233 Odd s ignal on 638 didn ' t seem to be SS - pop tunes though, 2 am. Verie, VJXMT. 2/24- JTCCP-1580 Yunta Gorda- Fla. $/c per t i p i n bu l le t in . WSAY-1370 s/on 5 :59 am. CKRB-1460 s /on 6:01, 2125- Ja a i c a on 770 f o r a report 4:59-5:42 am. when some- one put c l ;;:x t e s t on. On second s e t copied YDAL-1330 i n Meridian, I\l~iss. on -ES 5: 05- 5:25 am., cw glgood 1~x11. KATE-620 s /on 5:55. WDBO-580 OrlanUo ID 6 and sa id '124 hours" but not heard &\T here ye t . 21260 Colombian on 1200 AN, an RCN s ta t ion , a lso giving SB' frequencies - i s t h i s HJAV? PIINC-1400 Winchester, V a . I D a t 1:55. !!!COP off v i t h a breakdovm 2:06 and DrABH Deerfield, Va. on ET copied ti$$ ICOP got back on 2:13:15. VrFNC-940 Faye t tev i l l e N.C, AN and on n!ondags. WI\SEX"OC/TT 1510 2:35 am. Veries, WOKE p re t t y blue ard1;~rhite card to replace pp. KFRO with'propaganga booklets, EX:, copied Arabic or, 318 f o r a good log - seexed to s/off 8 pn., but I can ' t t e l l i f i t ' s Cairo o r Casablanca. 2127- RABH-1150 on top of FCOP a t times :,i;ith re l igious nx. 2128- VSMA 1550 ET again to 3 am. - "TID Newport News Va. TT 2:22 am. f o r a report to four th s e t of c a l l s f o r l? News on 1270. Lef tg - a question - what has happened. t o 9tAlong the Texas Tale" - a f t e ~ a short two installments the famous ( o r infamous) continued story of the Convention has B&t a snag - w i l l i t be continu&? (I daub& i t , Stan -ad. ) 2/ 28k PM- !''IDT-lC50 RS 5:50 pn. , ex-WGM, ex-YIKN. Finally concluded the job of sor t ing and yuttiiig w > a t turned out to be 3,230 ver ies (plus duplicates f ron o r ig ina l envel- o p s in to l c t t e r f i l e s by s t a t e s - a l l iviass. logged a m ver i f ied here. Her: a re the top ten stcltes, -LL~U #1 surprised nle - Texds, 167; then 163, N.Y. 159, Fla. 151, N.C. 142, Gcz. 133, Term. 102, Vd. 98, C a l . 95 and A l a . 94 - and country t o t a l i s 62 - l o s t two s:neplace - courited twice I guess. Nevada poorer;t s t a t e (41, t en 17yoa '7 and Del. 8. Alvays thought ACiss. a s a t3u:~h to verify s t a t e but 59 from them, h o ~ e s t a t e , Mass., 73. Puerto Rico, 33, e tc , 311- PIQVA-1530 Quantico V-m fo r another raport t o v/s i n D X E!S.

Bernie Duffy - 77 Livemo re Avenue - Staten Island 2 , New York Now ver ies are 7i:IbTUZ-1230 Talladega, A l a . ; WIN-970 Atlanta ; V!SIfA-1550 Atlahta; WABH- 1150 Deerf i e ld , Va., KFRO-1370 Longview, Tex. and WRSJ-1560 San Juan, P.R. The lat- t e r ' s l e t t e r is very s t t r a c t i v e and i t came just four days a f t e r I reported reception ( a i r rail both ways). Recent addit ions to my heard log are: WILO-1570 Frankfort, Ind. caught t e s t i ng 311 a t 1: 15 am. 313, the f i r s t Saturday, seemed to be "Michigan morn- ingt' f o r me by neans of rqy adding FSHN-1550 at 1 :20; VXPR-1420 and ?TbUlX-14'30 a t 3: 15 am. 3/5, I found V~SVDJ-1430, Valdese, N.C. "atop the 1490 messll as they DXed at 3:PO t i l l a f t e r 4:00 am. WIMPO-W9O Pomeroy, Ohio's D X boomed i n l ike a local a t 4 O i l .

Falph , . Johanns - 11 East Chippewa S t ree t - Buffalo 3, New York V / 1 i n FrenchlEnglish f o r 1/22 DX by "La Voix A4ackoutdinen, Radio S t . Hyaci,-it;ie Ltee., 1240 kc/s., 855 Rue Ste. Marie, St . H. , Qpe., Jean-Marie Loranga, P. and Bznoit Vanier Gerant (mailagar). V / 1 and two CMs by ViGNY-1220, prograrriii.ed i n the aodern rn~?i.i~iler, box 591, Ne.\~bu.rgli, N .Y . ( a f f i l i a t e d with WKIP/~/;SLB) sa id 2/17 t e s t w a s lhv. for climetion- a1 monitoriiig and new 5kw. shoulkt be i n operation l a t e March. sai; t 'only OC was used and so my SS songs was 7 1 . He used to be a t WLBE, Lessburg, Fla. 3ocsl 1~'~J?0MlC80 got Mrs. Dora Richardson a s TI. Ed. and ex-'??!OL Jirrmy Lyons a s PD, former YEBR en,.;ii:eer A 1 Hoch i s the i r CE. This Sunday All! 314, got up f o r 1570, but Paul K. l e t me 30!.:m and so heard W E A D ::itn OC and another with i n t e m i t tant TTing 5-6:15 em. VEAD a t 5:45 s t a r t - ed a progrzn t e s t till 5:55, then the f a in t e r TT who gave a c a l l a t 6: 13, flIChis is---- i n ----- oil lmrformance t e s t - I repeat , KTHT ( i t sounded l i ke - I wonder i f i t w a s KTAT Okla. o r D J T , Ark., you know, Ernhe? ) (L. Schwartz says KTAT, Ralph -ed.) A t 6 ~ 1 5 \I9? Asterdam, N.Y. s/on RS. 6:31. WCLJ3 Tenn., then F'CLT?i I\llansfield. 0 . signed a t 6:45 and lield the 1570 spot. KFI-640 signs off a t 12 PST - 3 EST - and then s i g n s - back on f o r a new day, the 14,552nd one. 3 / 3 - KSO-1370 through r/c-TT of ??GET a/off a t 3:10, t o r e tu rn RS a t 5:30 am. t he i r time. R/c-TT 1440 by VlEZJ and r/c-TT F'TUR- 1570 a l so strong. 3/2- WVLK Lexington Ky . was AM and sa id 24 hours on 590. 2/27, I heard r/c-TT by ltAGN lv~enon~inee lvilcn. %:18-%:dl dt. See you S t . P ~ t l s Ddy.

Bob P ie t sch - 317 San Fernando Way - San Frzncisco 27, Cal i fornia Not too much to report i n the way of ncw DX as of l a t d wi th onQy four new log--ings since l a s t raport, 3/4- KLAK-1600 5:54 pn. , KFOX-1280 7:07 p n . , KChOO-810 7:29, and VOA-1178 0ki;iawa ?:59 p. f o r my f i r s t TF leg. VOA was constantly i n about S-5 f~ easy r e p r t . Veries of l a t e : v/c from KID-590 KO139630 KV00-1170 EKJO-1550-pp, an f ~ o m KDAB-1550. That jus t about wraps i t up f o r now f ron t h i s DX den. 73s.

Page 12: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

No t good

, .


art P!G) l v

lave 200

, D L -NNE-.?-s- ?:arch LO, 1962 L e n Kruse - 1675 Glen Oak Stree t - Dubuque, IOWA

been experiencing quite o winter nere i n Iovfa, a fevi adys ago we had a n of f ic - BELOTi zero, and there i s generally two-foot of snow covering the g o u r d i n the

4. The only consolation i s ' tha t Spring is ju s t a short way of f . The l a t e s t DX in- uded the logging of the NNRC DX on 2/19 from Sta t ion CFLV-1370 Valleyfield, *I-

3rd i n the c l ea r f o r a nice logging. Then the following day. of 2/20 Stat ion IC 0 Belen, X.l!li. was heard on f/c-TT .from 2:15-2:30 am. with some QRM noted from :

r / c , possibly the four th Saturday of the month from I1!CCF-1580 Punta Gordc, FA-, was heard frorn 5:30-5:45 am. t es t ing f o r the CEiMC i n Lee Sm~lii t , Mo. This nas on 2/24. Then on 2/26 the five-mont$-old 5kw. daytimer RYGO-1330 Corbin, Ky. was heard r i t h RS s/on a d prokams from 5 mi. and a f t e r , wi th heavy QRl4 from AN KFH. The f i r s t logging i n March was on lrh3 /2 when I heard S t a t i on KBEK-1%0, Elk. City , Okla. w i th ~111at sound-

' ed l i ke a special AN progrm of cw mx. Oddly enough of a l l the ANs on 1240, the only one t o i n t e r f e r e wi th S ta t ion QrROV i n Roanoke, V a . The next logging was Sta t ion \ITPUP- 1380 G a i ~ e s v i l l e , Fla. with i t s RS s/on a t 5:03 am. and heard f a i r l y well '2111 5:30, -m t h only a t race of AN KCBC. The l a t e s t veries received were v / l s from EiOX CFLV-dx ~l/SIvii and v/c from OlDEV! and KARS.


Wayns V. Plunkett- 124 John S t ree t - Weston, Ontario too rmch to report since last t ine which covered up to 2/11 AM whic'h produced some

1 DX. After noting CKDA KING KKHI coming i n , t r i e d f o r CBU-690 a f t e r C H ? 1 : 05 am. ~ f f but 690 dead (no s ign of XETM here). 2/12- Only thing of note was I D a t 11:13 . from new f o r me VKDA-1240; a lso SS under lJIABC-770 at 11:17, no I D , 2/13--Added a-750 to s t a t i ons heard as underlover P'PDX between 5: 15-5:s p. tv i t h no USB. Three

sr;stions 011 810 out of which I managed to squeeze one ID from Another Marylander VAGPI; PrAVAIJICKB dominating 780 with no i8,!BBM; U.S. s t a t i o n under pesky CHNIL-900, no I D unfor- tunately but believe i t was Ohio, so maybe e i t he r V!&TJ o r VFRO, s t i l l keep trying here fn get someom b r k f l y through CEML. S t i l l another new one on 1550 i n PGOF ro l l ing i n

~ u n d 5:40; very good s igna l from PTRIC-540 noted; scmeone i n I l l . s/off 6 :45 under 1R (1,OOQ:;. ) but just not strong enough to determine whether WLPO or 1;:'KRS. 2/14- On- one strange thing on an otherwise very normal evening - YVIJF-1120 Naracaibo knock-

KPJIOX cold between 9-9 :15 pm. 2/15- Another good SS night wi th many pr2viously .d t h i s winter coming i n with good strength, l i ke YSS-655 MAN-780 Radio Caribbean- YW-1120 again, a l so l o t s of mysteries, e.g.- Vho i s Radio Carrera ( ? ) oil 570, ,ably Colombian o r Venezuelan; c l mx garbling 780 s t 9 :33 ; faded before ID, SS on which i s one of f r e frequencies vvnich i s C l e a Gunnel on lovrer end of band not ~ 1 l y beset by SS - anybody know who i t was t h i s night? HJAN-720 is ea s i l y IDsble they belong t o Circuito RadiaJ A.B.C. and between 7:ll-7:14 pi. on 2/15 they had NX

th about a, dozen Earranquil la d a t e l i m s i n a row! Final ly , SS aominating 820 almost rely was HJED C a l i . 2/16- \11AN11-1190 s /off 5:45 p. even with VrTOVJO ( s a id return 7 am:

long- time wanted IfSTT-1170 intermixed *i t h \!iT'! VA and some KVOO be tween 5: 45-5: 50; WBI- 770 about even ~ v i t h wehk WABC N s t before 6 ; ORIC-540 s/off ' 6, to re turn at 7:15 am. ; WOKJ-1590dornim t i ng when unk s/off 6:54 - R ' 0 K 3 c l ea r till ?;a1 s/of f . F ina l catch a t h m e i n ea r ly evening was 7:13 s /off from 2 5 h . S t a r Broadcasting Co. s t a t i o n on 1580 i n Blackyell, Okla. I guess c a l l s a r e KLTR as l i s ted but i t sowded to me l i ke KOPR?? Just t o eild t h i s , noted on ca r radio a . spot i n Metro where CKEY j u s t about drops t o nothing so f i na l l y heard CKY-580 b r i e f ly while waiting fo r l i gh t t o change.

Ray H. Kraul - 5423 33 S t ree t - Berwgn, I l l i n o i s I ' m i n the midst of a DX drought. Only one new one t h i s week; 1dM 2/26, 1;iAVO-1420 f /c - TT/OC$ 2:09-2:20 ard. announced as Decatur, Ga. Semis l i ke a l o t of noise la te ly even though s ta t ions such a s KPEO KGER KRKO a r e heard.. A t l e a s t more than one ver i e was received: ~ / l s from CLFV-dx K T i i i1/JiVIX KOGO WSHA KREX. PP from BE3B TRIG. I m e s s t h i s Musing i s brevity a t i t s b r i e f e s t , hi!

Joseph Fwyas - 332 Dearborn Streg t - Buffalo 7, New York ries i n t h i s week include CKBS-1240 of specia l DX program, CKRC-630 CJCA-930 CHIC- 30 CFTJ-1110 WlDIiP-1250 FRDW-1480 and WSMA-5550. The past week I l o g ~ e d tk follow-

i ng s ta t ions . 2127- RLCY-1380 4:55 am., VJFDR-1370 5:Or) am, with s/on, O?!JYi\Tp1260 5:OG am. 2128- IUCfZ-1320 2:40 am, C~SAN-1470 2:43, CHUB-1570 2&50 an. 3/1- 1?!NO?3-1060 2:40 am, WHCU-870 l2:lO pm. 312- KGMO-810 3:30 am. 3/3- WCMB-1450 4:05 am, 1I'R~fi<-l'I60 4:30 am. s/on. 1:iGY-810 has been off the a i r on FriAay mornings the past three o r four weeks tha t I know of .


Page 13: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

Box In Dow

par R


J ap an


e se


t e d by Fred anvoorkees, 132, Lemoyr nnsgj.vanf a, A Tur n t h e Dl.aL

3 . .., Vladivostok, USSR, 1181 t o 62F, - . - r 2CR w i t h 2/18 a t 0530. (AJ'lV)

AFN I,lunich, West Germany, i n f i n e v 1 i t l 1 872 Kc. non-stc voca ls and music 2/18 a t 1250. (~Jiili) . ,.. Moscow 111, USSR, a l s o ~ o o d wi th 872, c l a s s i c a l music on 2/19 a t 3.200. (AJYJ)

566 . . . . I s ~ a d i o ~ i r e a n n " , Athlone, Ei re , 2/15 1736; 2/14 1755; 2/13 1800-1830 wi th EnpI.$h news om comment aary program, ( SB)

584 RNE Spain, 2/15 1737; 2/14 1755 wi th musl.ca1 pr.op.ram; 2/12 1705. (S@) / ( cniIs )

593 .. .. Oujda, f\'iorocco, lopped 2/8 a t 2115, On l n t e f o r Ramadan. 615 I Mana\qua,, always one of s t r o n p e s t SSers he re

e ~ e n i i ~ p s . (Fhi) 2/16 2006; 2/15 2213; 2/17 2038; 2/14 1942; 2/18 1813; 2/12 2230-2245, Eu.t says c a l l i s ~ ~ ~ ! ~ . (SB)

625 T I R I C A San Jose, Costa Hica, 2/15 2213; 2/16 2006; 2/17 2037; 2/12 0012; 2/18 191-3; 2/13 1939-1956 a l l rock-n-rol l . ( 3

638 .... Ri'JE, Sgain, 2/15 1735; 2/14 1817; 2/13 1833; 2/12 1703; 2/11 l?'l7-1800, soap opera 1708-iV10, music a t 173-7. ( S B ) . Prague, Czechoslovakia, 2/15 0127-0130. (SB) Verfe l e t t e r and Q3L ca rd r ece ived f o r January r ecep t iono 3rd v e r i e f ror Czechoslovakia. (UD)

640 4YX Alexandria, New Zealmd, 2 Xw re3.a.y 4YA-780 f u l l t ime a now on. ( A J W )

HOS22 ~ a n i a ' ( . i k ~ , Panama, 2/15 1923; 52/14 2225; 2/13 2000-2010; I D 2065, 2033; c l a s s i c a l music 2023; rnusfc 2029; I D S as ''Radf o l!'Iiail ; 2/12 2245. ( ~ 3 ) A x e w 1ogyGng on 2/12 0527- 0555 wi th very pood s ipna l a t ti:c~es I D " ~ a d i o Xla", (FW)

CSB82 " ~ a d f o ~ t l a n t i c o " , Azores, i s probably t h e Portuguese s t a - t i o n heard c l o s i n p a t 1900. NO^ yeb v e r i f i e d . (LR)

YVQO Rlc r to l a Cru-z, Venezuela, v e r i e l e t t e r rece ived i n l e s s than a month a f t e r r e p o r t s e n t s-j_gned by Ranon Gonzalez Glez, Easy a t 0430 s/on ;\!Ionday "On&as b t e n a s " . (UR) On nfiphtly over 'jJSl\.ii. ( S5)

YSS San Salvador, s t r o n ~ c s t I ' v e ever hesrd t b e m on 2/15 eround S-9 most of t h o time, (FIB) 2/13 2012-2105 music 2012-2017.; I D 2001 and , ~ o n g ; chomes 2015; I D 2105 and 2015. (SE)

FJAlO Aruba, aga in heard, w i th ~ o o d s i p n a l 2/12 0530-0545 i n Eng- l ish. (FXN) Oranjestad, lopyed 2/15 0535-0600 very weak. ( HI3bi )

CSA2 Lisbon, Portugal , 2/12 1708; 2/11 1745. (SB) QSL card v e r 9 ~ rece ived 9 days a f t e r . repor t sen t . #l f rom Portugal . ( A R ) Re com~:ierits t h a t t h e TA I heard m.ay have been Lisbon, iJ~RH- 62 does no t l i s t and IS. I heard what I t a k e t o be about a 7 chhme s i p n a l repea ted two o r more t i l n l ~ s , Very roug?? as t o s c a l e , bu.t would be happy t o coinpare wfth ~ i s b o n ' , 2.f anyone 1vn;l.shes t o send seal e of same. (RSM)

HRW Tep-cfga lpa , Iionduras, very s t r o n ~ vw!;olc evcnfnp o r 2/15 w i t h b a s e b a l l game. i\loa seerns t o I D a s " ~ a d i o ~ e n t r o " .

YND Managua, Nicaragua, 2/13 2034 and heard rnany o t h e r n ight : u s u a l l y c l e a r signals, ( S 0 )

T I U San Jose, Costa. Frica, 2/13 2030-2040 below L.T.?D, ( S B ) WAPA Sali Jsnan, Puerto Pfco, aasg a t 0445 s/on 1don.days. (AR) BCJB Quito, Ecu::dor, very n i c e l o t t o r snd Q,Si card f o r t h e i r

progr,m from Clayton K,iard, EnpSn ; ~ 2 3 ; ) . . . . Jcfia.ica Sroadcast ing Corp topping ) s t of 01 2/15 ~ ~ 5 t h QF8J from u.n!cnown. SSer. (

eer. 1 700 FIX )

Page 14: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

INTE HC\TAT I[J?TAL PAPE 2 DX PEWS i'jarch 10, 1962 "31 . , . Sebaa-Aioun, Morocco, 2/12 1706-1505; 2/14 1816; 2/11 1735

i n Frellch on 611. Kcs, on 2/11 i n Arabic a t 1745. (SB) 15 HRTG? Where a r e t h e fe l lows pe t t lnp t h i s c n l l ? ? I h.ave i t v e r i -

f i e d as JiRTV ,and vYtj.1~ i t i s a preparcd card, I am reason- ab ly sure they vlo111d have cor rcc tcd t h e c t d l had I l i s t e d it i n c o r r e c t l y , ( C ~ T S )

720 E J A N Earranqui l la , Colo-~nbia, topping YVGN most of evsning of 2/15 with QWi frorn TXPE RJR, (PI-1T) I n over VlGN a ~ r o u n d 1900. ( S B )

YVQR Curnana, Venezuela, over WGN around 1900 end. sometimes as e a r l y as 1730. (SB)

725 TILX San Jose, Costa Rica, 2/13 2143; 2/16 2005; 2/15 1947; 2/17 2103; 2/18 1912, 2/14 2224. (SE) "Rad.5.0 Columbia" l o g taken on 2/15 2115-2130 $w$xkaammc& f o r good repor t but about 8-7 s i g n a l , bad QRN. (FHN)

730 C373 Sa,:ltlapo, Chile, one I D heard on DX of 2/12 a t about 0337 I D i n E n ~ l i s h as DX propran f o r xcmbers of NHC so must havc bccn p layinp Dsve Rogs' tape and then follov~,iod wPth band music. Bad QXL~ from FXCU and an S-9 0 C but a new c o l ~ n t r y l o ~ p e d f o r me. (FHN) H e z ~ d wi th plugs f o r NRC i n Sp:lnish t h r u H J C U r.t 0331 ar,d 0335 ,and i n Enplisli a t 0340, 2/12--this must have becn C873. Country #29. ( A R ) Logged with f a i r sf p a l s d.urinp DX program. (CT!~S)

Cl"l!'ICA Havann, Cuba, 2300-2307- on wi th news, f i r s t the man arlncr would g ive It i n Spantsh and then a wcxan ~jfould. ri-nterpsret i t . It was mostly news of Havana, Guess no use t o send them A r e p o r t , (FW)

737 . .. . Zave becn )qrorkinp t h i s spot c l o s e l y i n t h c c v e n i ~ p s , going f o r k!curcgri, Ice?.ond, and came up w i t h n very d c t a i l c d I.op on 2/11 1930-2002 s/off, S t a t i o n hoard pl-ayed American pop mu-sic and used unfami l ia r music, which I took i;o be Iceland: LC. A s repor ted p ~ o v i o u s week, t h e same program was heard behind Lison on ,665 K.cs, (ED)

750 HJDIi Medcllin, Colombia, on top at t imcs on eveninp of 2/15. Scori~ed t o I D as "Caracol" so presume thcy b c l o n ~ t o t h a t netvork. Too noisy f o r a r c ? o r t though. (FFJ\?) I D a t 2007 on 2/17. I D " ~ a Voz c3.e Antioquia'", :li?d. 2/17 frorn 2040- 2050. (SE)

YiVX hiana~uc, I'licnrapua, very s t r o n p a t 2400 o n 2/15 and one of SSers t o I D 1~~2Titll fl?cqu.cnt ::i.cntl.on of' ivIrnagu3 and

" ~ s t ~ c i o n x". I D S , Raven't v c r l f i e d an c a r l i e r r e p o r t , (FHN) Logged 2/17 from 2040-2050 came i n w B t h I D a t 2044 as "Estc!. cs - ~ s t a c i o n X en i\Iianapua, Nica.ragua, Cciltro r h e r i c a " , casy. ( SB)

. t e e Jamaica Broadcasting Corp., 2/17 2000-2019 " ~ m z i c a n Flit Par.2dei' , wIth t o p 10 tunes played a l l Englfsh p r o g r r m . ( ~ ~ )

755 CSA3 P o r t u g ~ ~ l , 2/12 1702-1900; 2/13 1743; 2/14 1700; 2115 1707; 2/16 1713; 2/17 1755; 2/13 1725. (S9) .. ,. Timl.soarz, Romania, a weak but readcble 3-7 on 2/9 from 2235 t o 2335 w i t h enough f o r a r epor t , Also notcd t h a t Lisbon II s igns of f a t 2000 Sat. evenfng. ( R D )

775 TIW S2n J m e , Costa Rica, 2/18 2003; 2/13 2106-2145; I D 2106, 2134, 2145. LA music I D S as "~nc3f.o City". (SB)

780 4YA Du.nedfn, bT\~ow Ze&l.and, hezrd zgain c t 0400 o n 2/12. (BD) ..,. SScr noted f a i r l y s t ronp o t t imes from 0530-0600 on 2/12 wfth I D S a.s " , ~ a d i o Centro", Suspect i t i s g probribly a Cuban. ( F H N )

782 CSE9 Lf sbon, Portugal, 2/12 1702-d2815; 2/13 1700; 2/14 1703 2/16 1713; 2/17 1754; 2/18 1718; 2/11 1 7 2 L (Sl3)

31 VOA Thessaloni!<f, weak :xnd j:?.rm-red 2/18 a t 1.245. (AJW) 39 B5C Voric l e t t e r confirrncd my 12/11 rcceptf on of :;cot Reg-

i ons1 f o r a n ~ , w co~:.ntry. (3D)

Page 15: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

INTERNATIOUAL PAGE 3 D:X FiElVS :tl:l~.rch LO, 1962 - - 3 . . . Cziro, Egypt, 2/13 1739; 2/12 1105 i n Br?-bic. ( S B ) oft ti-no most ocenin,gs notod a:: 200C. (XI )

, , . . Andorra-dio, dndorrz, 2/12 1741 i n Span?.sh. ( S E ) CMDT Bn~~amo, Cuba, 2/17 l?c,zrd on c:t 0527 w i t h I D ES " ~ a V O ~ , 81( d e l V i a t o r i a-?\Tortll fi;iiexaf cn , wi th 3ientLon of Cuba 3 O r 4

tiincs and scvc ra l frcauc.ncf o s p2vcn. o ~ l y Cuban l i s t - ed but mighty s t r o n g s t ~ n n l i.f , just 250 wat t s c s l i s t e d , (FHj?;!

824 YVLT Los Tcc,ues, Vcnezuol-a, 2/20 I D 2230 as " r?~d- io ?!1irandat', 3 c.himos. 2229 nus ic t o 2232 sbof f . ( S 3 )

mOL llanagun, i!Jicc~ragr~a, very s t r o n p evening of 2/15. (FHN) . . . . S t , L~ncla, 2/13 1803 and 2/18 ~t 1910, ( S B ) . . . . SSer to-,.i>?ni VICCO between i930-2000 but t oo n o i s y t o I D , ~ r o ' n a h l ~ ' m ~ r c h sought S t . Lucin, ( E ' l N )

TGQ I s p o s s i b l y t h o Spznish spcnlrcr no ted he re most q i g h t s . (SB) RTF Na1cy7 France, 2/18 0012 c~nd 2/15 0015. (SE) I - IJAI S t 2 . Colombi~ , 2/15 tit 1938. ( S R ) I~IKOTj'J Tegucigalpa., Iion.ctur::s, 2/16 et 2236 cnd 2/13 r:t 2110. (SB) I3AI ~ o m e , I t c l y , 2/14 1748 u s u a l l y good a t n l g h t s cround 1900-

2000. (SE) F a i r a t 1245 2/17. (AJW) CBX4A Lima, P c ~ u , 2/15 2200-2210 ncws, I D 2204, " ~ a d i o Nacional cb

d e l Pcru." 2/17 1859 2.n6 2 / ~ 2 n t 2008. ($2) E A J 2 . Ivi'iadrid, Sj?ain, 2/14 1815-1850 piano m s l c 2.t 1829, c l z s s i c a l

music ct 1847, music 1832, m::le vocal 1818-1821, t c . 1 2 ~ ~ z t 1824. (?;-I / ( i i ~ v f ) .... B u c ' : ~ ~ P c s ~ , Romania, f ,.;, 908 pood, 1151 f2,ir 2/18 at 1210.

RTF Pa r t s , France, 2/15 0040-0131, good s f m a 1 2/19 lionday nl2ound 0100. (SR)

HRUC Y!ctch here , as t hey u s u a l l y C O ~ C i n 1900 o r l a t e r when PJC2 f 'nd .es~ out , (SR)

PJC2 Curacno, N W I , 2/15 1830; 2/17 1846; 2/16 1845; 2/13 1838 2/18 1910, (SB) Heard 1930 2/15, t r i e d t o t ~ k c l o g but no t cn.ou,~h dn t a, (AR)

YVOL " ~ , c d i o J~:nin" , S a l Crist obal, Vene zucln, opcra.tcs 0555-2400 Sundays 0'700-23.00. ( DW)

E l i J I O l 2/14 1821-1850, t ulks by ~!rorc.~.11 1832-1840; music 1835-1838; c1as:;ical rn~slic 1840-1843; mnusic 1950 in. Spanish, Are they 011 t h i s timc? ( S 3 ) on' t hnvc 2 c u r r ~ n t skcd.+FV)

1YC i ' i~c l<3kd, iTe\.~ Zeclr,nd, vi . ry s t r o n g or1 .cornfng of 2/12. In fc.ct Zcddcrs s t r o n g e s t I 212ve c:v&r llonrd thczll v i t h 21YL (780) 3-6 2nd p e r f e c t 1 rcndzblo crld 1 Z i J (1000) cvon ovcr

K3XC TT n t t imes. ( Y 6 N Y ,. .. " ~ ~ d i o E l Sol" , f n L ima , Poru, vcr i fEcd i?>r Onc homr r e p o r t of 12/1.8/61. Even tho l c t t c , r i s dctcd. 12/23/61 c.t Limn, Pcru vi?. registered a i r - x c f l , I d i d n ' t reccfvc t h e ver5.o u n t i l 2/'17/62. S ipncr i s Scnor Ju.nn Scdo. QRii iiv.X Jose Glavez 1040, C a s i l l a 1711, Lima, Poru, C.appy' t o g c t t h i s onc a f t e r fou r o t h c r r epor t s . (hJlW)

EJEZ Calf ,Colombia, 2/12 19~l5-2002, notcd s l l p h t l y of f 900 I D a t 2000, 2001, 1950, " L a Voz dc ~ a l i ' ' . ( ; a )

KJCS E,opotcl Colombia, 2/13 2150-2208 I D a t 2200 "i? Contin- s; ' c n t a l ; 2/16 1952, (SB) YVQT Curapmo, Venezuela, 2/15 2044 I D "3z.dio ~1~r~. . ;pano", "This

i s a Runbos chain mcmbcr. (SF) . . . . Saltlialin, USSR, good 1c;vcl 2/18 p.t 0720. (~LJ'?!) R T F Toulousc, France, 2/18 1739; 2/14 1'702; 2/15 001:O-0140;

2/16 1.711; 2/17 0005; 2/17 1735;) 2/18 0006; 2/18 1717. (SB) ?Jcrlc I . c t t e r rccci.ved f o r 12/23/61 roccptfon. sl-pncd by N. P2qct, le Dlrec tcu r Rcgfonal, (LK) .... SS noted ko rc soxc n i p h t s , Unknown, (35)

LR3 " ~ o d i o ~ - ' , r : l ~ r ~ . n o " , E~~cl ios L t r c s , hrd f o r f i r s t tii-l-c;, tl;:is season 2/12 0400-0440 S-6/8 fa i r ] -y f rcyucnt 19s. (BD)

Page 16: RADIO · 2017. 3. 24. · Check DXDD for most of these. WONA-1570 test 2112- KFRO-dx very good. RSD/;A-1550 ET. 'JJQXQ-1380 s/on 5, WEMK-dx fake. 2114- WOWE- 1580 r/c. KTOC-920 r/c

INTERN,1TION;'LL P,,(I.R 4 DX R;kJ$S i::21?ch 10, 1962 053 EAJ29 I'~J.,",d.rld, Spa-in, 2/12 1821; 2/14 172i5; 2/11 lr/l;O. (SB)

5 YNLU M::na,pa, i'Jfcarzgu.a, 2/16 2230 ~ v i t h I D , (SB) 5 TI33 San, Josc, Costa i<, 2/?3 1958-2111 I D n ' c 2 i i t e

TIRS" LA music t::;e.rouf.hout t h e B/C, (SE) 180 . . . . Egypt f a i r wi th 1178 ( 2 iiw) f a i r 2nd 1277 (10) good. wh4

. 818 ( 300 Kvr) ~ 8 . s qc>ek. 1:L~;5 on 2/18. (LJriJ) 182 3JES Cal i , Colombf a, 2/14 2236-2300, s p o r t s propran with I D

"Ra.dio E l s o l i t every 3 minutes, Thanks lTJVJ, ( S B ) 988 . . , Arab but non-Lr~b announc o ~ n c : ~ ~ t Fr cauoncy mcnsur

- T - no t 989. n e w s 1315, Lebanon En a F/S? 2/18. (iiJ1V) ( I th lnk you r r e r f pht-F'V) /(%iW) (RBIU)

990 JOQB Niigo.ta, Japan logped 2/11 0425-0610 aoal r t o f a f r sigrlcl. 999 . . . . "Rndio Andorrafi, 2712 1743-1000, observed l a t o r than 1800

on onc nlirbt. (SE) / ( B r ' LOO0 1 Z D T~ur.?:r.~p,a, N'ew Zcnl-and, tlnothc:~ ~:ood s i ~ n n l 2/12 p L t 040:

YVblI.? Foron, - ~ c l ~ e z u c l a , 2/17 1845-1956 "l\?otic.ias In tcrnac iont heard 18513-1856; I D 1047 "RadPo I!Ioronii XEOY Qmii, (SB)

1005 T I C C N S5.n Rsr(lon, C,stn Rica, 2/13 2112 hcard good 1-cvol vhen Ccntr:ll iLmcrrica ccme through. (311)

1015 YSC San ~alvc.&or, EL Salvador, 2/7.2 1930-1945 L ~ L music I D S "Radio 1015'"ronda Lec; rocords otc , (SB)

1025 RITE Spain, Ei;J8? 2/12 1767-fd.730, male vocal 1719-1721; m31 ancr 1707-1710 and 1727-1730. (SB) ( L i s t e d 5 KX-PV)

1034 CSR2 Pcrcdc, Portugal, 2/12 1701-1835; 2/13 1658; 2/14 1700; 2/15 1704; 2/16 1706; 2/17 1724; 2/18 1730. (SC)

%I Ptllr nt 1245 on 2/17. ( i i ~ W ) 1035 4VE drp Hsi t ien , HaTti, heard l? ipht ly f o r p s t 2 nionths, some-

times comes i n a t 1715. (SB) 1040 ' TGXA Guctci.11al.a City, Gvatc;.i?l:11aY ,good s ipnnl on coinc n i g h t s wfth

I D 2"s "RzdJ-o Csntro ~ u s i c a l " , , ( S S ) 1061 .. . , ?Torto, Portugal, opens here most n i ~ h t s around 1715. (SE) 1085 BBC Droitv~ich, E,gl.,n,nd, 2/15 1704 m d 2/17 a t 0142, (SB). - 1100 HJiX Barranquil lz , Colombia, 2/16 2140-2200, I D ns " ~ c d i o ~ c l o j'"

ThPs i s a Ccracol n c t s t r . t i on r (SG) Noted on 110% KCS; 2/15 I D as "R:~dfo ~ e l o j " . (FIN)

. .. 1103 YNQ, Ilmagu.a, l\!ic::~r ag,ua, 2/17 back f porn 1083, 0132-011>5, Li;

vocals nnd I D 0137 as "l;n Voz d o l a v ic tor" . ( S E ) 11.15 R L I Bcrf o r Bolopna, Ita.17, 2/1.3 1759; 2/14 174'2; 2/15 1716

2nd 2/12 1700. (SB) F a i r a t 1245 011 2/17. ( l L J w ) 1120 YVMF E.'Iz.racaibo, Vent zucla., 2/18 1905 v$lith It nX.lm I D , ( SB); 1142 COPE Spaln, 2/18 1717;.2/12 1659-17L5, both times i n Sp?.nish.

(SB) (EiLJ88 Hllhao ( 2 I<vT) an.d EOF19 Snlannnca (2 Kn) nre the two Spr,lzish s t a t i o n s l i s t e d klere by EBTT-FV)

1144: 4VkB Port-au-Prince, I i a i t i , 2/14 2139-2150,. LA music and Frc announcements, ( S B )

1145 RCRRl Quito, Ecuador, I D 2148 i ' ~ a d f o Ngticfas ~ n c i o n a l " hcard ct 4VAB fade Lh music h c n r d on 2/14. (SB)

1151 EEG Recclvcd v e r i e l ~ t t e r confirming 11/27 roccpt ion of 140rt I r e l and Rcgicnal f o r m o t h e r new country (#52). From E

?&in ne )rd crf in t

1 .I. l .~b

x t w e ' u l 3u: n c n n c

FYJ-Frank Ciheclcr, E r i e , Penna. Dl!/-Dt:ut s chc Wcl. 1 e, Koln, IV. C. ermany. RIIP.4-Roy Mil l n r , i 3e l l~vue , \Wash, EIJTJ'V-hank \ipll<inson, i\S. I-lollywood, C 9

BD-Ben D,wgerffcld, Chester, P2. FIm-Frna N i t t l e r , Denver, Colorado LR-Lars Rgdcn, K a l l h a l l , Snedcn. kLR-Tony Rugg, Poilito Claire, Quebec. SB-Sm Earto, Nautatuck, Conn. CliIS-Stnn S t anbury, Cryst a1 Bcach, 0. hJlrJ-Tony Ward, Nangnklno, New Zeal, You fc l lows got w o g nhcad of mc 2pafn t h i s ~qrcek. Sorrg t o cu t it orf Ore, but t i m c , ru:ls out. ' ~ J c ' 1 ~ plug a long a t t h e r n 2 t c r i d ~ p : zk, and t h ~ r c i s p l c n t y t o nluppcd a t . T'rlrnlcs f o r t h e v\ic pport. And b c s t 7 5 ~ . EOTICE-EV Johns on says no th ing J r c c ~ k n p s o no DXDD no Column
