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Therefore Expound Openly what I have Commanded You, and turn away from those who join partners with Allah.


Brother Yunus Abdullah Muhammad -

ox News, that mouthpiece for the right wing conspiracy devoted first and foremost to electing republi-ans and defeating democrats, has been busy over the last few weeks with three separate media piecesbout, each of them slanderous and deceptive as they attempted to exploit thexistence of an organization devoted to protecting the shariah and calling to LA ILAHA IL ALLAH by

howing that the Islamofascist, homegrown terrorist threat is all too real. More often than not the endesult of journalism like this is that Muslims and non-Muslims alike respond to the interactions of groupsalling to the shariah via mainstream media outlets as reactionary, violent and as giving the right wingarty exactly what they need in order to advance their Islamic stereotypes. By suggesting this they as-ume that there is a division in polity amongst democrats and conservatives, and thereby pledge theirlegiance to the democratic party and away from the eternal solution for the catastrophic state we seeripping the people of the world. Therefore they plunge incessantly forward in advocacy for a solutionat does not challenge the root afflictions of a western secular society growing progressively more au-oritarian. They accept a passivism that has little to do with proving to the people that Islam is a peaceful religion, as they claim, and m

bout preserving the rewards they have garnished from their compromising assimilation, their engagement with middle class lifestyles andomplacency that must accompany their ongoing participation in it. These complaints document their vehement disregard for the Islamic mate to sacrifice wealth and person for the sake of establishing the justice and honor of the shariah throughout the land. It is to these critics is article responds; it is time to display an animosity toward the pagan society we live in and to oppose assimilation into a world based on

cquisition of worldly gain and worship of carnal desires. It is time to challenge the shirk of the corporate brand names and the hypocrisy of emporary “democracy” rather than preferring the legislation of the “Founding Fathers,” all Anglo-Saxon, anti-Semitic, racist, and rich, oveule of Allah (SWT). As Allah Azza wa Jaal has said,

O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love, even though they have rjected the Truth that has come to you, and have driven out the Prophet and yourselves because ye believe in Allah your Lord! If have come out to strive in My Way and to seek My Good Pleasure, (take them not as friends), holding secret converse of love (an

friendship) with them: for I know full well all that you conceal and all that you reveal. And any of you that does this has strayed frothe Straight Path

f they were to get the better of you, they would behave to you as enemies, and stretch forth their hands and their tongues againstfor evil: and they desire that ye should reject the Truth. 

Of no profit to you will be your relatives and your children on the Day of Judgment: He will judge be- tween you: for Allah sees well all that ye do. 

There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said toheir people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, andthere has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Himalone": But not when Abraham said to his father: "I will pray for forgiveness for thee, though I have nopower (to get) aught on thy behalf from Allah." (They prayed): "Our Lord! in Thee do we trust, and to

Thee do we turn in repentance: to Thee is (our) Final Goal. (Quran 60:1-4) 

he sole objective of our participation in the total sham that is the Fox News Network is to attain this rejection ine way of Ibrahim (AS) and the people with him and to show those that believe in Islam that it is time to wake

p and call for Allah's governance over the Earth. By analyzing a bit of the flagrant lies perpetrated by Fox,mbarking on a critical investigation into the role the corporate media and the effect it

Faux Spews – Right Wing Attack on Revolution Muslim Fails Miserably











Amir Youssef al Khaatab was recinterviewed on FOX’s Alan Comb

Continued on Page 2 ...

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has on life in America today alongside the Islamic principle of Wala and Bara (Loving and Hating for the Sake of Allah (SWT), it shall become clear thimperative Muslim and Non-Muslims alike living in America seek fundamental changes in western society by opposing the power structure in multifways. We call to Islam as the only solution as Allah (Azza wa Jaal) has stated,

We have sent down to you the scripture, truthfully, in order to judge [HUKM] among the people in accordance with what ALLAH has shownYou shall not side with the betrayers. [4:105]  

The common claim that freedom of the press is an American value unrivaled across the international community is only partly true. While this holds fnography, stupid television shows, and movies, it is not so true where one analyzes the news coverage of major media outlets. Abolishing the sysgovernment emphasized by the scripter’s of the US constitution necessitates that the major media outlets participate in the treasonous plans of theelite by controlling the flow if information. Six multinational conglomerates control the majority of information flow in America: Disney, Viacom (CBS Cotion), General Electric, Bertelsmann AG, Time Warner and News Corp. own 90% of total media not to mention the fact that many of their subsidiarengaged in other industries like defense and the majority of executives and management are largely in Zionist hands. Unfortunately, some of the mostsupporters of American lifestyles within the Muslim community are unaware of this reality and, in their ignorance, are commonly found regurgitatrhetoric they hear in the daily news just before they advocate for a free press, like America‘s, in the Muslim world as they disregard the Islamic systemspeech which authorizes criticism but prevents blatant lewdness. These individuals, like the majority of American citizens, long ago lost the desire to ththemselves.

The inevitable consequence of corporate monopoly over media is a form of authoritarianism much more dangerous than direct rule; the only worse thinnot being free and knowing it is to think you are free while being totally unaware of the fact you are enslaved. This is the sad reality of the world wewhere freedom is defined for us by the corporations that control what our senses take in, and where the definitions of truth and falsehood affronted

public by the power structure leads the human herd to behave in ways conducive to their retention of controlling the globe. The outcome is a form of mfeudalism where a merger between these corporate interests mixes with those of the state as powerful corporate lobbies control elections and the mapoliticians are carry-overs from the corporate superstructure. This is in actuality fascist rule as Mussolini explained, “Fascism should more proptermed Corporatism because it is essentially a merge between corporation and the State,” and the media plays a crucial role in hardwiring the indoctthat makes this possible. In his novel 1984, George Orwell termed it Newspeak, “the official language ... The purpose of Newspeak was not only to prmedium of expression for the world-view and mental habits ... but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspebeen adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought should be literally unthinkable.” Therefore corporations must diversify theirbase and enter into multifaceted areas of social control. In America this has been achieved through controlling the alleged free press and engaging infully calculative marketing mechanisms that transform human beings into self centered apes competing for limited resource. Take for example Generatric, NBC is owned by General Electric, the largest corporation in the world and one with a long history of anti-union activity. GE, a major contributorrepublican party also has very heavy investments in military supplies, finance, nuclear power and many other industries apart from media. Jack Welformer CEO of General Electric, was one of the leaders in shutting down American plants and moving them to low-wage countries like China and MSimilarly, Mussolini would have been an avid supporter of these relationships. In his Doctrine of Fascism (1935), he claimed,

“The Fascist State lays claim to rule in the economic field no less than in others; it makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the counmeans of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organized in their respassociations, circulate within the State. (p. 41).”

This system is exemplified by News Corp.’s Fox News. Fox News isn’t merely a mouthpiece for right wing politics and the major corporations, it also hdevoted objective of protecting Israel. The owner Rupert Murdoch, a purported Australian and avid fan and friend of Ariel Sharon, is nothing otherJewish Zionist disguising his self as an impartial media mogul. As many are insulted for calling him a Jew one only need to read a 1984 edition of thwing magazine Candour  to find that this claim is the truth, “Rupert's father Sir Keith Murdoch attained his prominent position in Australian society thrfortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, née Elisabeth Joy Greene. Through his wife's connections, Keith Murdoch was subsepromoted from reporter to chairman of the British-owned newspaper where he worked. There was enough money to buy himself a knighthood of therealm, two newspapers in Adelaide, South Australia, and a radio station in a faraway mining town. For some reason, Murdoch has always tried to hfact that his pious mother brought him up as a Jew...” That makes him a Jew according to Talmudic law, and the laws of Israel and that places his with those that despise Islam the most.

Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe (to be) the Jews…(5:82)

In a survey conducted in the 1980’s, 60% of a representative sample of Hollywood elite were Jewish (Powers et al.) By 2008 those numbers have deincreased as any glance through the names in Hollywood, television, and media reveals that a large number of execs and CEO’s are Jewish and acount of the coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli situation documents the hazardous effects of a Jewish controlled media. Jews represent only 1.4 pethe population in America yet at least 60% of the power positions in media. Certainly this is not a distribution that benefits the American population. 9-justified due to reflexive U.S. support for Israel and this media is able to suppress the fact that Israel, a nation totally developed, gets more assistancAmerica each year than any other country. These facts alongside others suggest that it is Israel that controls the U.S. and not the other way around. Muslim that believes in the ayat of the Quran aforementioned, this becomes a serious concern. It is time to challenge these structures.

In early April, Alan Colmes interviewed the Amir of Revolution Muslim, Yousef al-Khattab. Colmes, like Murdoch, is an imposter, yet of a different ilk. Cis an alleged liberal at FOX where liberals are friendly fascists masquerading as real liberals and similarly dedicated to re-electing the corporate warThe deceit of Colmes is ingenious as by playing the liberal card yet representing very fascist like views, he is able to narrow the differences between cvatives and democrats. Fox News achieves this by purposefully classifying anchors, guests and talk show hosts as leaning to the left in order to appe


Faux Spews—Continued... 

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anced. In fact, they are carefully positioned with rhetoric that helps to narrow the gap in discourse so republicans and democrats alike may share mucmore in common than where they differ. Examples of this include 1996 welfare reform from the Clinton Administration that had catastrophic implicatioin regard to the national safety net and that helped to set up work programs not unlike fascist states of the World War II era. Similarly, the elections o2006 brought Democratic control to Congress but have done nothing to bring home troops from Iraq nor resist any of Bush’s budgetary decisions increasing assault on individual liberties. Democrats and Republicans are essentially one in the same and this is in great thanks to “liberal” media mguls like Colmes. Social welfare policies and programs are reduced or done away with all together by both parties yet a perpetually increasing portion the budget is allocated for weapons contracts and other endeavors that protect the elite individuals at the top of society. These elites simultaneouscontrol the media and therefore have no incentive to report it, and so they don’t. The number one lie that the people are told is that they are at fault ftheir own misery. Americans are increasingly working more hours with less leisure and less real purchasing power, more debt and less free timequates to moral decadence and then when they turn on the television they are not informed of the statistics that point toward these realities but unfotunately are only accused of being lazy and sold a false impression that the purpose of their life is to work harder and make more money. The root societies like these are diseased and with the decreasing quality of life in America for the majority, defense mechanisms created by the media shoube wearing away. However, the masses today sit on their hind legs secretly running up credit card debt and saying nothing assuming things will iprove. Unfortunately, this time the party’s over.

Life in America is miserable for most and increasingly so and moderates and pacifists continue to show their gratitude for this oppression by not callinfor justice or shariah and by withholding the solution. As they wander blindly toward destruction, unaware of the $400 billion+ trade deficits, the goverment bailouts of banks while the definition of poverty and subsequent welfare supports for the citizenry have remained stagnant for decades and etceera, we will use whatever means we can to convey the true solution to the people and if Fox News wants to try to utilize us for their own agenda so bit. Let them hear the reality. The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said that Allah Ta'ala commanded Jibreel to destroy a city because of the evildoetherein. Jibreel said, "O Allah, there is a person in the city who has never disobeyed you." Allah said, "Destroy him as well, because he was not ofended by their evildoing.”

 Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is a fundamental aspect of iman. If understood correctly this in practice, clearly distinguishes the kaafir from the Muslim and ladown clear principles with regards to the alliance, support and friendship with the kuffar. Ibn Abbas is reported to have described its importance whehe said, "Whoever loves for the sake of Allah, and hates for the sake of Allah, and whoever seals a friendship for His sake, or declares an enmity foHis sake, will receive, because of this, the protection of Allah. No one may taste true faith except by this, even if his prayers and fasts are many. Peophave come to build their relationships around the concerns of the world, but it will not benefit them in any way." Our presentations on major media oulets are exemplative of our declaration that our loyalty is to our religion. If they want to focus on minute points and give us no opportunity to present tviews stated above, we will respond to them from the bottom of our hearts. For Revolution Muslim there is no compromise.

 Americans have very little knowledge of the fact that their “free press” has been hijacked and is in the hands of a few multinational conglomerates. Haing a constitution on paper serves little purpose where it is non-existent in practice. The same is true for our own Islamic Shariah. We see it left unimplemented and largely neglected or suppressed across the globe and therefore calling for it seems to make no sense when so much as inserting thidea of shariah into contemporary conversation draws immediate shock and awe bringing Muslims in droves prepared constantly to defend their pasionate respect for democracy The cumulative experience of the last 80-plus years without shariah and the 400 years of European dominance has ngone by without presenting some useful information in regard to the ways to run a fair and just society, but the majority of good that has stemmed from

western secularism is no longer in practice and the godless advancement of the scientific era is rapidly becoming the cause of humanity’s destructioIslam is the only Solution.

Television is the means by which most Americans get their "news." Our greatest concern is that the most important issues facing the people are hardcovered. No one discusses America’s increasing health care concerns and few address the issues of the youth who are degenerating to a degree ththey rarely participate in politics, live in a simulated fantastic reality inculcated by television, and where a radically drastic discrepancy in wealth btween the top 2% and the rest of the population is also never covered on the news. The dollar is in down spiral and the economy is failing, yet no onreports the actual severity of the present situation. One area there is accurate reporting however is when we see how these corporate media outleportray the Global War on Terror as a war between Muslim Fundamentalists and the West. While liberals persistently deny this is the case and say thit is only the fringe of the Muslim society, the post 9-11 era has certainly separated the world into two distinct camps and we are not embarrassed in anway, shape, or form to help them portray it as such. The fact that they isolate variables and segments of presentations associated with those involvedcalling for shariah, like the sound bites the majority of citizens are offered by the major media outlets from speeches from organizations like Al-Qaedwhich miraculously capture 10 seconds of an hour long clip and haphazardly rest on the still frames that portray the most violent and vulgar sections,no matter. We would like that they address the content of our message and allow us to engage in intellectual debate meant to show the people t

reality of the contemporary global situation but we are well aware of what they are interested in. Still, we hate McCain no more than we hate ObamNeither have any interest whatsoever in altering a western foreign policy that has continuously approached our brothers and sisters from a self-interethat cares little about the general population and only helps to keep the world from realizing the peace that is shariah.

Nationalist Fascism must, by necessity, control the realm of ideas, and in the case of contemporary America, it is so pervasive not only amongst thpro-conservatives that support this War on Islam, but it has also been effective by creating a neutral position from those that see through its lies amanipulations. By controlling the role of information so drastically, that individuals no longer trust their own innate subconscious drive to recognize jutice and peace and that blinds even well intended individuals, all opportunities to counter these oppressive institutions must be utilized. The only sotion is to challenge the systems at the root. is attempting to insert accurate ideas of justice into the society and the fact that thmainstream media is capable of manipulating and attempting to utilize it for their own agenda is indeed not a sufficient reason for us to stay clear these agencies of power and control. We prefer to approach these realities with contempt and severe disgust. The Prophet (peace be upon him) saLet him who hears of the Dajjal (Antichrist) go far from him for I swear by Allah that a man will come to him thinking he is a believer and follow him bcause of confused ideas roused in him by him (Sunan Dawood). These systems of the dajjal will forever be opposed. The darkness is bound to comto the light and the end result of complacent passivism is destruction of the deen, something we will never tolerate. Wouldn’t you agree?


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Phone: (718) 414-6659E-mail:

[email protected] SPOT (DAILY NEWS)




 Assalamulaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:

Thanks again for reading Radical Review. We want to invite you all to our website and forum available at

REVOLUTIONMUSLIM.COM. As we continue to progress we find the road is rocky and the obstacles in today’s

day and age confounding, but we are working to advance the objectives of our organization passionately. I

would like to invite your input into our engagements and I send an open invitation for anyone who wants to assist

us in spreading the aqeedah of ahlhus sunnah across the globe. Our beloved sheikh has been working hard in

Jamaica and we need help to insert his ideas into a western Muslim community that is witnessing most of our

imams kowtow to the leaders of disbelief. Therefore, feel free to request debates with local Muslim leaders who

oppose our views and feel free to hand out our articles at your local masjid. We will, inshallah, be concentrating

on two laborious activities over the next few months. Firstly, we are organizing a summer da3wa tour in New

York City that will cover 8 different locations and address relevant topics that deal with reestablishing shariah. We will, inshallah, be attending

the World Trade Center site to discuss American Foreign Policy, the Diamond District to

discuss the effects of globalization, the Federal Reserve to cover interest based financial

systems, 96th street Masjid to address Islam as the only solution, Times Square in regard

to morality and a few other locations all to be caught on tape and produced for viewing

over the internet. In addition, we will also be working to help the Sheikh build his school

for students seeking knowledge of Arabic and Fiqh in Jamaica. Sheikh Faisal envisions afree school where students can come and learn from him and help spread Islam in Ja-

maica. We are always in need of support for these endeavors and so a request goes out

for financial and professional contributions. Marketers, Web Designers, Writers and all

who want to help are free to participate. Again we open up avenues for anyone that wants

to contribute. The people at Fox News are nothing to worry about, we will spend the next

few months trying to advance our operations. Won't you join us and help us to take Islam

out of the madrassas and into the streets? Look forward to hearing from you.

Jazakallah Khairun!

Yousef Al-Khattab (Amir)


“Those who believe in democracy and say it I can beused to replace jihad, we don’t have to fight, they are

claiming when the rasul made this statement-"a groupof my Ummah will continue to fight for the truth until judgment day, until a group of them fight the Dajjal,they topple the Dajjal and fight jihad until judgement

day. If there was another manhaj that can replace jihadthe rasul would have said it. But the rasul said jihad

would continue until judgement Day this is telling youthat the only word these Kafirs respect is jihad. Don’t

sit on the negotiation table, they are going to breaktheir promises, don’t negotiate don’t believe in their

 promises, they broke their promises to Allah when Al-lah took them out of the loins of Adam.”

-Sheikh Faisal (Nationalism, Secularism, Democracy of Islam)