
March 2015 1

Short Generic Metrics for Outcome, Engagement and Experience

Tim Benson

Oxford AHSN CIO Forum

11 March 2015

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Outline of Presentation

• What is needed• Health-related quality of life (howRu)• Health Confidence Score (HCS)• Patient experience (howRwe)• Length and reading age• Results and Feedback

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Everyone wants

• Patients to feel better and do more • Patients to be fully engaged in their care• Patients to get excellent service

• We should measure progress against these criteria

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Design Criteria

• Quick and easy to use– Short– Low reading age– Smart phones and kiosks– Repeated use

• Applicable to almost all patients – All conditions – All settings including social

care– Benchmark along the pathway howRu Health Tracker app

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howRuA short generic PROM• Physical symptoms• Mental symptoms• Disability• Dependency

Benson T et al. Evaluation of a new short generic measure of health status: howRu. Inf Prim Care 18 (2) 89-101. PDF

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Health Confidence Score (HCS)Short measure of engagement (a.k.a. perceived self-efficacy, patient activation and health literacy)

• Knowledge• Capability• Signposting• Involvement

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howRweShort generic measure of patient experience:

Relationships• Kindness• CommunicationFunction• Promptness• Organisation

Benson T, Potts H. A short generic patient experience questionnaire: howRwe development and validation. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:499 PDF

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Length and Reading Age

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Uses and users

• Public health• GP • OP• IP• Community• Urgent care• Care homes• Staff • Self-management

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Benson T, Whatling J, Arikan S, Sizmur S, McDonald D, Ingram D: Evaluation of a new short generic measure of HRQoL: howRu. Informatics in Primary Care 2010, 18:89-101 PDF

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Feedback Requirements

• Quick• Easy to understand• For all stakeholders

– Patients and their families– Clinicians for clinical care and audit– Managers for quality assurance and improvement– Commissioners for value and accountability

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Benson T, Bowman C. Health-Related Quality of Life and Patient Experience in Care Homes. Medicine 2.0 London, Sept 2013

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Benson T, Bowman C. Health-Related Quality of Life and Patient Experience in Care Homes. Medicine 2.0 London, Sept 2013

March 2015 15

Benson T, Potts HWW. A short generic patient experience questionnaire: howRwe development and validation. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:499 PDF

March 2015 16

Benson T, Potts HWW. A short generic patient experience questionnaire: howRwe development and validation. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:499

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