Page 1: r-Our Tintes------------ · issue, and you will want to note the few changes that have been made in this research first published more than eight years ago. However, its electrifying

r-Our Tintes------------The Way Magazine is perhaps the most exclusive

publication of our times because it is dedicated tothe accuracy and integrity of the revealed Word andwill of God. In the planning.and follow-through ofits content and design, we are concerned not withintellectuality, tradition, trend or the glamorouselements to be found in newsstand periodicals-butthat the Word of God might be presented in all ofits greatness and simplicity in an attractive, easy-to-read format for the blessing of God's people.

This issue of our magazine is again so very timelywhen you consider the economic, political, spiritualcondition of the world and the people who aretrying to live in it.

Rev. Bob Moynihan's study-"No Other Gospel"-is notably relevant. When Paul wrote his epistle tothe Galatians, he did not care about popular theologyor what people might think of him, but that themessage he received "by the revelation of JesusChrist" (Galatians 1: 12) was delivered to God'speople accurately. "Today," Bob Moynihan writes,"The Way International is being challenged byestablished religious institutions in various ways.However, The Way is a fellowship of believers activelyseeking the rightly-divided Word of God. We are notendeavoring to please men."

Also very timely is Barbara Gray's work, "TheWall of Protection." In every nation and culture ofthe world, people desperately seek some type ofprotection from the variety of disasters so prevalentin our times. Yet for the people of God who knowand believe His Word, He is our wall of protection,

NEWSLETTERContinued from page 19

sota, North Dakota and South Dakota;January 27-29, 1978, in Fort Worth,Texas, for the states of Arkansas, Louisi-ana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas;February 3-5 in San Rafael, California,for the states of Arizona, California,Nevada and Utah; February 10-12 inSeattle, Washington, for the states ofIdaho, Montana, Oregon and Washing-ton; March 24-26 in Norfolk, Virginia,for the District of Columbia and thestates of Delaware, Maryland, NewJersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvaniaand Virginia.SECOND EUROPEANWOW FESTIVALOur Second European WOW Festivalcharter flight will depart Dayton, Ohio,on September 7 and fly non-stop toManchester, Great Britain, arriving themorning of September 8. I welcome youaboard for '''sky-high'' fellowship with


180 fellow believers. Beginning Septem-ber 9, we will participate in the SecondEuropean WOW Festival to be held atAlsager College of Higher Education inhistoric Stoke-on-Trent, England. At the

our rock and our fortress, our shield and buckler,our high tower, our strength and sufficiency.

You will also want to study Rev. John Lynn's"The Power of Words"-an exhortation to go, standand speak God's words of life.

Elena Whiteside continues her masterful "Word-centered Culture" series, and Rev. Bo Reahard hasprepared another enlightening study concerningoriental isms.

I am thankful also to the Hon. Hayes E. Gahaganfor his contribution: "We Hold These Truths .... " Itis a fitting "keynote" to America's third centuryof liberty.

As for my contribution, Karen W. Martin, myeditor and daughter, has revised "As He Is" for thisissue, and you will want to note the few changesthat have been made in this research first publishedmore than eight years ago. However, its electrifyingmessage remains the same: As He is, so are we inthis world.

Take time to read and study this issue thoroughly,give copies to your friends and enemies. It will blessyou-and them-real good.

I look forward with great expectation to seeingyou at the Rock of Ages '77. It will be a time to joyand rejoice in the light of God's healing deliveranceand manifested love.

festival we will welcome home the firstwave of European WOWs from theirthrilling year of holding forth the Word inGreat Britain and Europe, and we willenjoy three magnificent days of music,teaching from the Word and fellowshipwith the leaders and other wonderfulbelievers from throughout the EasternHemisphere. The festival concludes Sep-tember 11, and our charter jet returnsnon-stop to Dayton on September 15.After the festival you may explore onyour own or you may want to participatein our special "land package" at greatsavings. The land package includesBritRail express transportation from thefestival to London, three nights' lodgingin London and breakfast each morning.Roundtrip charter flight and WOWFestival costs are $393.16 per person.Costs for the flight, festival and theland package in London are $499.90.Registration deadline is July 8. Foradditional details and a registrationform, write to European WOW Charter,The Way International, New Knoxville,Ohio 45871.


30 The Way Magazine/J uly-August 1977

The dedication of The Way College of

Biblical Research, Indiana Campus, onPentecost Sunday was one of the high,high times of the year. About 2,500people from many states participated ....We are returning to the original guidelinesof the Word Over the World Ambassadorprogram beginning in August. Yourcommitment is to share the Word eighthours a day, six days a week-we needto get the Word to those who sit in theshadow of death; we need to run Powerfor Abundant Living classes. Do you havea year of your life you can commit tothe outreach of God's Word? ...Our newrecording studio at The Way CulturalCenter in New Bremen, Ohio, is avail-able to you if you are experienced inthe music field and you would like tomake a recording using top-quality pro-fessional equipment. We have the facili-ties to make the best quality mastertapes suitable for the cutting of records,and you may take this opportunity torecord your solo or group talents forprofessional outreach purposes. For de-tails on technical considerations andscheduling information, write to WayProductions, The Way International Cul-tural Center, 103 North Main Street,New Bremen, Ohio 45869 .•