Page 1: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17






Series J, No.11973

(Revised 1974)



Page 2: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17


This paper is not intended to catalog in detail the various historical records of Japan, but to supply,as accurately as possible, a general overview of the major genealogical records of Japan which mayserve as a guide to intensive research. This approach was taken to conserve the time and moneythat would have been involved in a detailed survey and to meet the needs of all educational levels.

With sincere appreciation, we acknowledge the assistance of Akira Hayami, KeiO University;Noburu Hiraga, University of Washington; and Ray A. Moore, Amherst College, in the compila-tion of this paper. Their freely-given suggestions and knowledge of source materials in Japan haveproven invaluable. These scholars are in no way responsible for errors that may be found in thispaper. Such errors should be brought to the attention of the Research Department of the Gen-ealogical Society.

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In identifying ancestors, genealogical researchers need the answers to four key questions regardingsources:

1. What records exist that will aid in the identification process?

2. What periods of time do the existing records cover?

3. What genealogical information appears in those records?

4. What is the availability of the records for research?

The two tables which follow contain answers to the above questions for the major genealogicalsources of Japan. The major sources are listed, together with the period covered, the type ofinformation given, and source availability.

Table A shows at a glance the sources available for a research problem for a particular periodof time.

Table B provides more detailed information about the major records available. For example, ifa pedigree problem is in the 17th century, a quick indication can be obtained from Table A of thesources available for that period. Reference to Table B will then provide more complete informa-tion.


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TYPE OF RECORD 700- 1100- 1300- 1500- 1600- 1700- 1750- 1800- 1850 1875- 1900- 1925- 1950-1100 1300 1500 1600 1700 1750 1800 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 present

1. List of RepatriatesFukuin josensha meibo

1l U~f.I\i\:f~ ~

14. Record of Entrance and ExitDebito iribito aratame~cho


2. Army RecordsRikugun rusubutai meibo

~ f fl '1"1ff~~'3. Census

Kokusei chosa (chiikan hokoku)

ffi ~~raJ-t (iflmtv-t§-)

7. NewspapersShinbun

!{iT ltJ

4. Pension RecordsOnkyii juryosha kiroku


6. Navy RecordsKaigun shohei rirekisho


8. Civil RegistrationKoseki

F ft

5. Christian Church RecordsKirisuto kyokai kiroku

:\- I) ;Z ~ 1JAt~G~

9. List of Enshrined PatriotsJunkokusha meibo

fi; r1l;f -U tI:10. Examination of Religion Register

Shuman aratame-cho

'ff: 1'4 c<Z tk11. Individual Examination Register

N inbetsucho

13. Certificate of TransferNinbet!i:u mum okuri-jo

J--- $1111~K

12. Register of Five Family UnitsGoningumicho

AJ--~ t-k


Page 5: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

1875- 1900- 1925- 1950-1900 1925 1950 present

700- 1100- 1300- 1500-1100 1300 1500 1600TYPE OF RECORD

25. WillsYuigon-j5

it 13 :/;1\'

24. Family HistoryKashi~'''''"""f-i\J

26. Genealogies of Court N abilityKuge (kugyo) kafu


'2. Buddhist RecordsKakocho to Ihai


21. Records Relating to LandTochi kankei shorui

-:L :tf:j ~1t-:t-~

27. Printed Genealogies & HistoriesKeizu kankei sho

f J1I 00 1#.:-"

23. Samurai GenealogiesSamurai kafu


28. Shinto RecordsJinja kiroku


20. Tombstone InscriptionsBohimei


17. Samurai Status ReportSamurai-eh5 (Bugen...cho)*1& (&'~l t*)

19. Feudal Lord GenealogiesDaimyo kafu


18. Samurai Service RecordsHokt>-gaki (Yuisho_gaki)


15. Report of Widows & WidowersKakan kodaku kakiage-chO'

J-~f JfJ.\~tL 1-R--'---~~+-~+-~-+-~+-~+

16. Feudal Lord HeraldryBukan



Page 6: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17



L LIST OF 1945-1955 N arne of ship, date of departure, date of Relief Bureau, MinistryREPATRIATES arrival, head of family, spouse, children, of Health and Welfare;

Fukuin josensha meibo other persons in household, age of each available to relatives of

1l~~-.,g-~ ~ person, occupation, domicile before repatri- repatriates onlyation, destination, residence at destination

2. ARMY RECORDS 1925-1945 Name of unit, document date, name of Relief Bureau, MinistryRikugun rusubutai meibo person, date of enrollment, previous units of Health and Welfare;

~ f f11f"1ff~~'and date of enrollment, pennanent domicile, available to relatives ofdate of birth, name of officer soldiers only

3. CENSUS 1920 to Status of family, pennanent and present tatistics Bureau, PriniKokusei chosa (chiikan present, domicile, head of family, spouse, children, Minister's Office; avail-hokoku) taken at five date and place of birth, sex, occupation, able to informant j

§J~!IU:(If~#%) year inter- and other personal items descendants onlyvals; special -census in1947

4. PENSION RECORDS 1879 Application: personal history of applicant Pensions Bureau, PrimeOnkyu juryosha kiroku to including date of birth, permanent domicile. Minister's Office; avail-

~~t~~cMzpresent Certificate: name of applicant, permanent able to pensioner and

domicile, previous head of family, attached descendants onlycopy of Koseki

5. CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1873 Christenings or Births: date and place of Local churchesRECORDS to birth or christening, name of child, parents'

Kirisuto kyokai kiroku present names, residences, occupation

=f1);:Z~~'*~ Marriages: names, date and place of mar-riage, sometimes names of parents, occupa-I tioniDeaths and Burials: name, date and place ofdeath or burial, age at death, sometimesname of spouse, occupation, names of parentsMemberships: name, date, sometimes par-ents' names


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6. NAVY RECORDSKaigun shohei rirekisho




Junkokusha meibo


1872 topresent,dailyedi-tions beganin 1872;some irreg-ular editionsextant from1615




Officers: permanent domicile, status of fam-ily, name, date and place of birth, previousname; name and date of birth of father,mother, brother(s), sister(s), wife, children;personal history, date of deathSailors: permanent domicile, name and dateof birth, name and date of birth of fatherand brother(s); unit and name of base, oc-cupation at enrollment, length of militaryservice, personal history, date of death

Obituaries, birth, marriage, and deathnotices of members of influential families:other facts of genealogical importance

Koseki: former head of family, status offamily, permanent domicile: head of family:spouse; children; date and place of birth,marriage, and death; date of divorce; nameof natural parents or adopted parents:changes of name; date of adoption or disso-lution of adoption; disappearance; date andreason for entry and/or removal from theregister; relationship; sex; creation of abranch familyJaseki: same as above, date and reason forremoval of each person from the register

Name; date of birth; permanent domicile;court rank and honors; date, place, andcause of death; war career

Relief Bureau, Ministryof Health and Welfare;available to officers orsailors and descendantsonly

Respective newspaper of-fice, public libraries, TheNational Diet Library,The Special Library forMeiji Newspapers andMagazines at Tokyo Uni-versity

Ku, shi or gun yakushoof the permanent domi-cile of the family

Yasukuni Shrine; avail-able to relatives of pa-triot only

1. Some scholars believe that the Koseki is simply an extension of the Shumon aratame-ch1f (No. 10). The earliest mention of Kosekiis 85 A.D. with fragments of Ko;<eki dating from ,02 to the 9th century preserved in the ShlMUn Collection.


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Shuman arateme-cho







Names of family members and servants;age, sex, relationship, name, and locationof family temple; number of residents;amount of tax; rank; number of cows andhorses

Locality and date of document; name, age,sex, relationship, and status of all personsin the household; name, date, age, sex and

relationship of members of the familyadopted, married, or apprenticed in anotherprovince; locality and name of employer,adopting parent, or husband


Various public and pri-vate depositories;' someat Genealogical Society

Various public and pri·vate depositories;' someat Genealogical Society

- - -- _._----------


Goningumichofl..f.~* _

1640-1872 Locality,sex, seal,group

date, chief of group, name, age,and amount of tax of members of

Various public and pri-vate depositories;' someat Genealogical Society


Ninbetsu mura okuri-jo



Locality and date of document; name ofcertifier; name, sex, and age of person trans-ferred; name and sect of Buddhist temple;name, status, and relationship of head offamily; name and locality of residence ofperson adopted or married

Various public and pri-vate depositories;~ someat Genealogical Society

._-----+-14. RECORD OF


Debito iribito aratame-tho


Locality and date of document; name andsex of apprentice; name of head of familyand relationship; duration of apprenticeship;locality and name of employer; name anddate of death, marriage, or adoption

Various public and pri~

vate depositories;· someat Genealogical Society

,--=-=- ,==.===c=·==..= ,==-.·=====~=='c=============

2. The !)l'ototy\le of Shumon aratllmE'_cho, Terauke seido. flates from 1613, hut ,,-as limited to the Kyushil and the Osaka-Kyoto an"'"s.Shuman aratamecho was in use throughout Japan by 1661.

3. The three basic population reg-isters of the TokUg'awa period (l61,,-lS6S1 Wl"l'e Ninhetsucho, Goning-umicho, Stiumon Rratame-cho,but any variation or combination of these register forms may hE' found according to the oriliinal purpose of the register.

4. Records of the Tokug-awa Bakufu were classified as private records, and there were no official depositories for these documents atthe Restoration. However, the records of most Han (a political jurisdiction of the Tokugawa period) were deposited in local librariesand it is suggested that as YOU search for these records local depositories he utilized in the following- order of priority:

a. Prefectural Libraries

b. University Libraries

c. City or Prefectural Historical CompilatiOn Offices

d. weal Buddhist Temples

e. Descendants of the former village administrator


Page 9: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

- - -


15. REPORT OF WIDOWSAND WIDOWERS Approx. Locality and date of document, name, age, Various public and pri-

K akan kodoku kakiage-cho 1630-1872 relationship vate depositories5

~~"" J1; ~jt: tk...,If \ " J::. -16. FEUDAL LORD

1624-1868 Name, domain, castle location, fief, rank, Various public and pri-HERALDRY

lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 someBukan

of the lord; brief biography of chief retainers at Genealogical SocietyKAii17. SAMURAI STATUS

Date of the document, domain and Various public and pri-1603-1868 nameREPORT

of lord. name and annual stipend of each vate depositories~Samurai-cho (Bugen-cho)

it 'M< (1J~*) Samurai

18. SAMURAI SERVICE 1603-1868 Name of Samurai; date of birth, first ap- Various public and pri-RECORDS pointment to office, subsequent major ap- vate depositories~

Hoko-gaki (Yuisho-gaki) pointments; retirement and death; offices

~A=f-(mM") held, annual family stipend, meritoriousservice awards

19. FEUDAL LORD Approx. Name (surname, given names, posthumous Various public and pri-GENEALOGIES" 1600-1868 name), domain, fief, title and rank, date vate depositories;~ someDaimyo kafu and place of birth and death, names of at Genealogical Society

;1(;;' *"Pf parents and spouse(s), names and sex ofchildren, individual biography, and familypedigree. If adopted, date of adoption,locality of residence, and name of naturalfather

20. TOMBSTONEINSCRIPTIONS Approx. Name, posthumoui'. name, date of birth and Local cemeteries

Bohimei 1600 to death, age at death, sex

k$M; present

21. RECORDS RELATING 1873 Land Register: name of owner, residence, Branch Offices of theTO LAND' to location and size of property, history of Bureau of Legal Affairs,

Tochi kankei shorui present property, names and addresses of all per- Ministry of Justice;

.L~M1f-£~, sons involved in the transaction available to transactorsHouse Register: name of owner, residence, and descendants onlylocation, kind and size of house, history ofproperty, names and addresses of all per-sons involved in the transaction

~ .-

5. See footnote 4.

6. May be considered accurate (with exceptions) from 8th century, but may contain genealogical information from mythology.

7. There arc various types of property documents dating' from the NarR period {710.794) with extant documents becoming more numerousfrom the Kamakura period (1192-1333) to the Restoration (1868). Amon.\!: these are Yuzuribumi (Yuzuri-jo), Haibun-jo, Sakaku-jo,Wayo·jo, Baiken, Shakken, etc. These may be found in special collection depositories such as Historiographical Institute of TokyoUniversity, Imperial Household Agency Archives, etc.


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2I. RECORDS RELATING Approx. Deposition of Gradation of Land: locality Various public and pri-TO LAND 1600-1873 and date of document, grade and area of vate depositories"

(Continued) field, name of cultivator and owner of field,yield

1582-1873 Cadastral Survey: locality and date of docu-ment, name of guide and officials executingsurvey. name of cultivator, grade and areaof field, yield, total area of estate

22. BUDDHlST RECORDS Approx. Name, posthumous name, sex, date of death Local Buddhist TempleKakoch'Q to Ihai 1300 to sometimes age at death, and relationships

2l!-Z:rl: 'c1:it»f present

23. SAMURAI 12thC Name (surname, given names, posthumous Various public and pri-GENEALOGIES" to name); place and date of birth and death; vate depositories;s some

Samurai kafu 1868 age at death; name of spouse (s) and her at Genealogical Society

~.:~.~ father; names and sex of children; namesof husbands for married daughters; amountof fief; brief biography and pedigree; ifadopted, name of natural parents

24. FAMILY HISTORY Approx. Locality of residence of the family; dates Patriarch of familyKoshi 9thC of birth, marriage, and death; sex; relation-

~~ to ships, title, rank, name (surname, givenpresent names, posthumous names), and place of

burials of all family members; biographyof prominent individuals; if adopted, localityof residence and name of natural parent

25. WILLS Approx. Name of testator, residence,legatees or heirs, 9th C to 1898: Various¥uigon-jii 9thC relationships, description of land and prop- public and private de-

i!.t ~Kto erty, date of will and probate, signature, positories8

present witnesses 1898-1948: Local courtunder the Minister ofJustice1948 - present: Familycourt under the SupremeCourt

8. See footnote 4.

9. See footnote 6.


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26. GENEALOGIES OF Approx. Name (surname, given names, posthumous Various public and pri-COURT NOBILITY'" 8th C name); domain, title, and rank; date and vate depositories;lI someKuge (kugyo) kafu to place of birth and death; names of parents at Genealogical Society

~~(~~f)~~ 1868 and spouse (s) ; names and sex of children;individual biography and family pedigree.If adopted, date of adoption; locality ofresidence and name of natural father

27. OTHER GENE- Approx. Residence of the family; dates of birth, mar- Various public and pri-ALOGIES AND 8th C riage, and death, sex, relationship, title, vate depositories;l1 someLOCAL HISTORIES'" to rank, names, surname, given names, post- at Genealogical SocietyKeizu kankei sho present humous name). and place of burial of fam-

~)1JM1~-:t' ily members. Biography of prominent in-dividuals; if adopted, locality of residenceand name of the natural father

28. SHINTO RECORDS" Approx. Locality of Shrine, name, date of death and Local Shinto shrine;Jinja kiroku 8th C age of death, pedigree, and declaration of family of former Shinto-t' }:L tt.J$Jz to relationship or adoption of previous priest priests; pertains to

present Shinto priests only

NOTE: Records prior to the Restoration (1868) may vary slightly in title and in content.

10. May contain information from mythology.

11. See footnote 4.


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AndD, Hiroshi, ed. If'l- 1t 11ir- Tokugawa bakufu kenchi yDryaku 1nll!~\jl,?jj~IIW(Outline ofTokugawa Shogunate Administration). Tokyo: Kashiwa shobo, 1971.'

Goedertier, Joseph M. A Dictionary of Japanese History. New York: Walker Publishing Co.,1968.


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Sata, Masaji. -1ft:-/JkR. ;j( Nippon no rekigaku shi 1I;t.. t'))ff itt: (History of JapaneseCalendars). Tokyo: Surugadai shuppan sha, 1971.

Tsuchihashi, Paul Yachita, ed. Japanese Chronological Tables from 601 to 1872 A.D. ~!f,bJlf1!!i!,;ktl {ftt'rJf f-pR>fi s-Jf- Tokyo: Sophia University Press, 1952.


Arai, Hakuseki. !ffT~Up Shinpen hankanfu #~ ;tf;R~ (Genealogies of Prominent Daimyoin the Tokugawa Period). Tokyo: Jinbutsu orai sha, 1967.

Hioki, Shoichi, ed.g f: r. - ~Nippon keifu saran atJ:,~~ 't (Comprehensive Japanese Gen-ealogy Tables). Tokyo: Kaizo sha, 1936.

Hogetsu, Keigo, et a!. ed. %~wt4'r~ Keizu sanyo~ lID;{-'t (Genealogy of Royalty and Nobility).Tokyo: Meicho shuppan, 1973-

Honda, Yasuharu. f-\ll J'ffJ}Gendai kakei ron "~A'l¥1::~ (Genealogies of Prominent Figures inShiiwa). Tokyo: Bungei shunjii sha, 1973.

Jinji koshinjo, compo /A~'~1fi rr~ Zaikai kakclzu M;f ~f:)'lJ (Genealogies of Families in theFinancial World). Tokyo: Jinji koshinjo, 1963.

Kanai, Madoka, ed. •~1 )lJ.fiil Dokai koshli ki L 1)" ;i! tti:ft ~6 (Intelligence Report of TokugawaDaimyo). Tokyo: Jinbutsu orai sha, 1967.

Kokusho kankokai, cd ij'-'flI1'fh::~Keizu soran ~)0~"t (Comprehensive Genealogy Tables).Tokyo: Kokusho kankokai, 1925.

Kuroita, Katsumi, et al., ed. ~A)(~~~ Sonpi bunmyaku ~~$)flt. (Genealogies of Main andBranch Court Nobles). Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan, 1958-1964.

Masamune, Atsuo, compo iE-¥ ttl. .$i Jige kaden ~"('$(f,!;, (Family Histories of Low RankingCourt Nobles). Tokyo: Nippon koten zenshu kanko kai, 1937-1938.

Nagoya-shi kyoiku iinkai, ed. )b f;'~ if4{X:ff~J..i:. t$- Shirin sokai :r;tt ~fr~'iJ (Genealogy ofSamurai in Owari-han). Nagoya: Nagoya-shi kyoiku iinkai.

Ota, Ryo. ;K fB itJ Dojoke keifu taisei 't J:: J!(~~ ;(~; (Genealogical Compilation of CourtNobles). Tokyo: Sogensha, 1941.

Saiki, Kazuma, et aI, ed. .f;f~ - .l!J~~ Danka fu ~1iK ~ (Genealogy of Erlinct Samurai Fam-ilies). Tokyo: Gunsho ruijii kansei kai, 1968.

Takayanagi, Mitsutoshi, et a!., ed. 1~*"fLJt~ Shintei Kansei choshu shokafu :ftrP-t;lit-t1IWfl(Genealogies of Nobilities Compiled in Kansei Era). Tokyo: Zoku gunsho rujiju kansei kai,

Yamada, Ibun, et aI., ed. d.I III ~k;t .:ff~ Zoho shoke chifusetsuki ~~;11r j;;f~1;UW'.ft.flO(Enlarged Genealogies of Court Nobles). Tokyo: Zoku gunsho ruijii kansei kai, 1968.1964-1967


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Hinode shinbun sha, ed. fljA~~.1-!1Jil. Nippon shaji taikan fJ~:t1.-t;l\:it (ComprehensiveSurvey of Japanese Shrines and Temples). Kyoto; Hinode shinbun sha, 1933.

Hori, YoshizQ, comp.,,!j; Jl1~ Dai Nippon jiinsoran A)3kf-~~'t (Comprehensive Tableof Buddhist Temples in Japan). Tokyo: Meicho kanko kai, 1966.

ItO, Yoshisaburo, ::.d. 1ri! JJl;;.-. ~f~ Zenkoku jiin meikan $iJ1llt.h,i$. (Nationwide TempleDirectory). Osaka, Zenkoku jiin meikan hakkli jo, 1930.

Nippon kiko bungakkai, ed. 2k1vlj' Lt./:>:.~ Nippon koji hyaku sen a;4'-~:t /pp 11t(Directoryof 100 Japanese Old Temples). Tokyo: Akita shoten.

Nippon Kirisuto kyodan, comp.a-ttl)JJ%.tJll ~NipponKirisuto kyodan nenkan fJ;f'fII.A~~X11!.!f~(Yearbook of United Church in Japan). Tokyo: Nippon Kirisuto kylidan, 1943, 1948-

Suzuki, Teiichi, ed. ~;f.~ - ~ Nippon jinja hyaku sen 8;f-:fljQ·;t. /NllL (Directory of 100 MostProminent Shinto Shrines in Japan). Tokyo: Akita shoten.

Tokyo daigaku shiryo hensanjo, compo ~ff,;Kf:)t-*t~ Dai Nippon kinsei shiryo, shoshiimatsuji cho J::flk-'J!L:Jt'I-M ~;l;f-t~ (Temple Register of Various Buddhist Sects). Tokyo:Tokyo daigaku kai, 1969. '


Conroy, Hilary and Miyakawa, T. Scott. East Across the Pacific - Historical and GeographicalStudies of Japanese Immigration and Assimilation. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1972.

Hawaii Nippon jin imin shi kanko iinkai, ed. 1'71[l~~'f1111~Hawaii Nippon jin imin shi/, '71 akA VJ~ (A History of Japanese Immigrants in Hawaii). Honolulu, 1964.

Ichihashi, Yamato. Japanese Immigration: Its Status in California. San Francisco, 1970.

Ikeda, Shigeji. ;;eJ<J t[ * Burajiru Nippon imin jin kokki7"j ;,",vaA'#AJa~(Biographyof Japa-nese Immigrants in Brazil). Tokyo: Nippon shuppan boeki.

Ikeda, Shigeji. ;;te'~ ~;.ff Burajiru d/JhO katsuyaku no sugata 7"7'7'1V Ii! ~e ;;fitfll-'t- (Achieve-ments of Japanese Immigrants in Brazil). Tokyo: Nippon shuppan blleki, 1961.

Irie, Toraji, AY! ~ >f... Hojin kaigai hatten shi ffA~~.1;,A..t (A History of the Overseas Ex-pansion of the Japanese People). Tokyo, 1938.

McClatchy, V. S. Japanese Immigration and Colonization. San Francisco, 1970.

Mitsugu, Matsuda, ed. The Japanese in Hawaii, 1868-1967: A Bibliography of the First HundredYears. Honolulu, University of Hawaii, 1968.

Stewart, Norman R. Japanese Colonization in Eastern Paraguay. Washington, D.C., 1967.


HBLL Bookshelves JV 6888 .C2 I3 1970
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Ihara, Yoriaki. '1;lf-~ ll}l Kashitsu iiten l.~ ,:Ji": (Encyclopedia of the Imperial House).Tokyo: FuzanbO, 1941.

Kodama, Kota, compo !t!. ;f:?J~,Saga chiha shi dai nenpyo ~1i~;q{(Comprehensive Chron-ological Table of Local History). Tokyo: Jinbutsu iirai sha, 1967.

Kohada, Atsushi, et aI., ed,J'fYJ if-'Jf.Dokushi saran ~Jt~'f; (Compendium of Japanese His-tory). Tokyo, Jinbutsu orai sha, 1966.

Kyoto daigaku bungaku bu kokushi kenkyii shitsu, ed. 1J'..:Il~;CfJ:t-j:p)!Jffl'jtt!$t- Kaitei zahoNihon shi iiten ~~i'~' lJ.flt~~(Revisedand Enlarged Encyclopedia of Japanese History).Tokyo: SOgen sha, 1972.

Papinot E. Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. New York: Frederick Ungar Pub-lishing Co., 1964.

Tokinoya, Masaru, ed, lli}~~ IV}~Nippon kindai shi iiten rJ~' (Encyclopedia ofJapanese History since Meiji Era). Tokyo: Tiiyo Keizai shinbun sha, 1970.

Tokyo daigaku shiryo hensanjo, ed. :tffJ:1~tt Dokushi biya ~Jt 1~'" (Handbook ofJapanese History). Tokyo: Kodan sha, 1966.


Fukushima, Masao, ed. ~~ ~ £*~ Koseki seido to ie seido j"ffifll:1fz% ~'I~ (Family Systemand Civil Registration). Tokyo: Toyo daigaku shuppankai, 1959.

Hino, Akira. flJlf JiIr5 Nippon kodai shizoku densha no kenkyii f1,ft'1tjl(,~1M"P11j((Study ofAncient Oral Clan Genealogies). Tokyo: Nagata bunsei d15, 1971.

Nakazawa, Tsuneo. r~t t"- Kakei no rekishi ~~:'" If-Jt (Study of Family Genealogy). Tokyo:YUzankaku, 1972.

Naruke, Tetsuji. tx,:{; ~;:.. Kaitei koseki no iitsumu to sono riron f1[ff t;tfiI)~l:~~Ji*

(Theory and Practice of Japanese Civil Registration). Tokyo: Nippon kajo shuppan, 1967.

Niwa, Motoji. .;rq·tf", Kakei ':¥ffi. (Lineage). Tokyo: Akita shoten.

Nomura, Kanetaro. JiIf::Ff )'J::q Gonin gumi cha no kenkyii ~;f:fu~~l9L(Study of Five ManUnit Register). Tokyo: Yiibikaku, 1943.

Nomura, Kentaro. 1fft'tf-fr Mura meisaicho no kenkyii #)l~tt-":J'lfJ9t, (Study of VillageReports of Edo Era). Tokyo: Yubikaku, 1943. .

Ota, Ryo. ;;K18 ~ Kakei keizu no nyiimon $:.f,f,J21 PlAP~ (Guide to the Study of Family Line-age). Tokyo: Jinbutau orai sha, 1967.

Ota, Ryo. ;!K-W it Seishi kakei dai iiten ~~f~~~ (Comprehensive Dictionary of Surnamesand Genealogies). Tokyo: Kadokawa shoten, 1963.


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(Study of

Ota, Ryo.,;K1ll 1h Seishi to kakei ~k~!~ (Family Name and Lineage). Tokyo: Sogen sha,1941.

Palmer, Spencer J., compo Studies in Asian Genealogy. Provo: Brigham Young University Press,1972.

Saeki, Ylisei. "Mi3 Ai~ Shinsen shojiroku no kenkyu ~ff..~IJJi1fU

the New Compilation of Family Registers). Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan, 1971.

Taniguchi, Tomohei. ~ P 9:v-f' Koseki ho !tt::t (Civil Registration Law). Tokyo: Yllbikaku,1973.

Yanagida, Kunio. About Our Ancestors - The Japanese Family System. Tokyo: Japan Societyfor the Promoting of Science, 1970.


Arai, Eiji, ed. 7itffi #f1.K.~ Kinsei no komonjo :tr:1t "J=ti'L-t (Handbook of Paleography,Early Modern Materials). Tokyo: Komiyama shoten, 1969.

Fujiwara, Sosui, ed. If;;~, Jt~ Shodo rikutai dai jiten~~}::1~ (Comprehensive Dic-tionary of Cursive Chinese Characters). Tokyo: Sanseido, 1971.

Hayashi, Hideo, and Wakao, Shunpei, compo .#-~, ;6~-t~ Zotei kinsei komonjo kaidokujiten '~tr!b:.1!: tJ:-t"f ~i~#!c (Dictionary for Paleography of Early Handwriting - En-larged Edition). Tokyo: Kashiwa shobo, 1973.

Kase, Toho, ed. jJ):l~ 1t-1til~ Kohitsu kana jiten 11*;l1\'~1~ (Dictionary of Japanese Cur-sive Vernacular Writing). Tokyo: Sanseidli, 1969.

Kodama, Kota, compo ~ 1<.. if;fr ti- Kuzushi ji kaidoku jiten <r"l.-t~~!. (Dictionaryfor Deciphering Cursive Handwriting). Tokyo: Kondoshuppan sha, 1973.

Nippon komonjo gakkai, ed. j3;f--t>y::-t~h; 11rKomonjo kenkyu ti~"ft1!Jl; (The JapaneseJournal of Diplomatics). Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan, 1968-

Nippon rekishi gakkai, ed. 'Elk-;f,.Jt- 'tAl; • Enshu komonjo sen, kisei hen~"f tX" n*(Selected Historical Materials of Early Modern Japan for the Students of Paleography). Tokyo:Yoshikawa kobunkan, 1971.

Nippon rekishi gakkai, ed. a;f.~'t~ ~ Komonjo sen, kodai chusei hen ~~ pX1'1- /iiIi'.!f't!.(Selected Historical Materials of Ancient and Medieval Japan for the Students of Paleography).Tokyo: Yoshikawa kohunkan, 1971.

Rikkyo daigaku Nihonshi kenkyii shitsu, ed.i.~'tWfJU'lf~indaimonjo enshu \tKJtt"'iot'ff (Exercise Material for Reading Manuscripts of the Meiji Era). Tokyo: Kashiwa

shobo, 1970.

Rikkyo daigaku Nihonshi kenkyii shitsu, ed.t';f:tJ)j:~.Kinseikomonjo enshii )j[,1!:<¢;J.t:;;lf (Exercise Material for Reading Manuscripts of the Edo Era). Tokyo: Kashi-wa shobo, 1972.


HBLL Bookshelves CS 1080 .W67 1969 Religion/Family History Reference CS 1080 .W67 1969
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Sata, Shinichi. 11t~it- Komonjo gaku nylimon ilst'-tA~ (Introduction to Japanese Paleog-raphy). Tokyo: Hllsei daigaku shuppan kai, 1972.

Takahashi, Shinichi. if!.fi ilil- Komonjo nyiimon ti;t"/-...-fl~ (Introduction to Japanese Pale-ography). Tokyo: Kawade shobo shin sha, 1966.

Takahashi, Shinichi. ~ 4ifi ~ - Shinpen Komonjo nyumon j1rJ$\- t':;(-f:»~ Introduction toJapanese Paleography - Revised Edition). Tokyo: Kawade shobo shin sha, 1973.

Wakao, Shinpei, et a!., ed. t; Kinsei jikata monjo"~1:~(Dictionary ofHandwriting Found in Village Administration Documents of the Edo Era). Tokyo: Kashiwashobo, 1972.

Yoshimura, Shigeki. 4i-;t"f it~r Komonjo gaku 15J:..... " (Paleography). Tokyo: Tokyo daiga-ku shuppan kai, 1971.


Araki, Ryozo, ed. {,+tt~Nanori jiten;f6~Tokyo: Tokyodo shuppan, 1967.

iHLjI;!. (Dictionary of Japanese Personal Names).PT/,

Gillis, 1. V. and Pai, Ping-ch'i, compo Japanese Surnames. Peking: 1939.

Gillis,1. V. and Pai, Ping-ch'i, compo Japanese Personal Names. Peking: 1940.

Inoue, Kumeo. .:If)::..;Z#t Honpo kodai seishi no kenkyiiM1 rp1~M;fJ'ff:jL (Study of An-cient Japanese Family Names). Okayama: Nagayama Tokushiro, 1929.

]\T;"'a. Motoji. ff~~ t.:::. Seishi -ttL tv (Surnames). Tokyo: Akita shoten, 1973.-\'"

Osuka, Tsuruhiko, compo :K~1i{ ~. Jitsuyo seishi jiten'§t!ff-tl:t\;~~Practical JapaneseSurname Dictionary). Tokyo: Mailing Ltd., 1964.

Sakuma, Ei. .fJi;ZJll1' ~ Chinsei kimei ~~ (Japanese Rare Names). Tokyo: Hayakawashobo, 1973.

Sakuma, Ei.11i:Y-fjJ ~ Nipponjin no sei j;lg""~ (Japanese Surnames). Tokyo: Rikugei shobo,1972.

Toyoda, Takeshi. :flil jIv' Myoji no rekishi ft-rrI)Jf.~ (History of Japanese Surnames). Tokyo:Chiiokoron sha, 1972.

Watanabe, Mitsuo. ~~5~ Nippon no jinmei ~tiI/{g (Japanese Surnames). Tokyo: Maini-chi shinbun sha, 1971.

Watanabe, Mitsuo. lflZ--:s: jj Nippon no myoji. Anata no sosen 0 shiraberu,El~ 'i'¢- j\!;If-cc1)/fjlJjf~ffil"'~(Japanese Surnames in Ancestor Research). Tokyo: Mainichi shinbun sha, 1966.


Inamura, Tetsumoto, at a!., compo #ii#~m Taisho kako cho ;(.iE.lll!.t~ (Obituaries ofTaisho). Tokyo: Tokyo bijutsu, 1973.


Asian Collection - Japanese CS 3000 .G5
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1,%P-~ z ~.;K.1i~~~ Shintei'A9I]'jffl1i. (Appointments of Court Nobles).

Kuroita, Katsumi, and Kokushi taikei henshIT kai, ed.zoho kokushi taikei, Kugyo bunin Jirfrtf1~' I1iJ Jt:KJ\Tokyo: Yoshikawa kllbunkan, 1971.

Que, Shiro, camp. 1::;1:1 \1tZ ~~ Meiii kako chO, Bukko iinmei iiten g~ ~fJJiti: rl. '1'fJ~1!r~

(Obituaries of Meiji). Tokyo: Tokyo bijutsu, 1971

Sakamoto, Heiichiro, and Miyamoto, Mataji, ed.l'JiU--f- - &1', 1t:%5Z 'Xjf,.Osaka Kikuya-cho shushi nin-betsu cho }J.f~f;fll!J1.:'Ii)"~)r-t (Examination of Religious Register of Kikuya-cho, Osaka).Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan, 1971-

Saku, Takashi, ed.11i:-/Z. ~:t:~Echizen no kuni shuman ninbetsu on aratame cho ~'ftiP,11B:r:r~)J'11

~ (Examination of Religious and Individual Registers of Echizen Area). Tokyo: Yoshi-kawa kObunkan, 1967.

Tokyo daigaku shiryo hensanjo, camp. ~tJ\.I£Jt~.Dai nippon kinsei shiryo, Ryiiei bunin;::.a;$l!Ci!':'\t~. ;l4.ri :t~:.J{ (Register of Appointment and Resignation of Samurai). Tokyo:Tokyo daigaku shuppan kai, 1964,

Yuki, Motoaki, camp. J;t. "Ai 1: ~)j ~ Geibun ka boshoshi ,f-t*-~tT#i (Tombstone inscrip-tions of people in arts). Tokyo: Gakufu shoin, 1953.


Chihii shi kenkyu kyogi kai, ed.~/J'f..;9fr#tA.'t#J;;~Chihoshi kenkyu hikkei it!:i)j~);lf%'P~(Man­ual for Local History Studies). Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 1970.

Chiho shi kenkyii kyogikai, camp. 'fj~t,*~ Kinsei chiho shi kenkyu nyum?17.Ifd:r-ll?'::%,p~1 (Introduction to Japanese Local History Studies). Tokyo: Iwanami sho·c.J, 1969.

Fujiki, Kunihiko, and Inoue, Mitsusada, ed.~~Jf~-'£~Nihon shi, shiryo enshu 'ilk.'tJ Ji:.#;oj]" (History of Japan, Annotations and Explanations of Basic Historical Documents).Tokyo: Tokyo daigaku shuppan kai, 1973.

Iwasaki Koyata hakase shoju kinen kai, compo %~,J ,~j;;~jo "'tiJHem;4;i';!iI- Nippon shiseki ronshufl.;f.kW~ (Compilation of Articles of Japanese History). Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan, 1969.

Nihon rekishi gakkai, ed. Ftf9Jt1~ Chiho shi kenkyu no genio :I'e%J/'JifllL/JJt>/:t::· (Reporton Japanese Local History Studies). Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan, 1969.

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\fvJ. r~{;

jjj ,"" ,

Beginning Research in Japanese Genealogy


The place to start in Japanese genealogical research is with the householdregistry record called koseki. For the last century or so, the Japanese governmenthas required all citizens to be registered at one address under one head ofhousehold.Details ofbirth, marriage, adoption, death, divorce, and other matters affecting thefamily structure are. all recorded/or .as f~r back ~s the mid-1800:s. !,lso, whe~ aregistered son marrIes and remams m his father s kosekl, the brlde s parents namesand address are recorded in her father-in-law's koseki. is housed in thelocal city or village office.

.Recently passed privacy laws havemade the kosekiunavailable to all but,family members. For this reason, the Genealogical Society i!{unable to film theserecords~ To obtain a copy ofyour family's koseki, fill out the attache!! form.and sendit to the office where the koseki is housed. Give the name ofthe householder togetherwith proofof family relationship. Include the JapanesecharactersfQr the name, ifpossible. The Family History Library's Japanese catalogihg staffcan help you if 'need be. All Japanese names can be pronounced several ditTerentways, so a requestwritten onl~ in romanization--containing what you think is the correctpronunciatiOn of the name--rnay be impossible to fill accurately, if atall.

The average fee for one copy ofone koseki is about ¥ 2,500 (about $20). Youshould send an international money order with the request. Ifnot, you will receive abilliater--ifthe clerk was willing to help you without pre-payment. You can makeseveral requests at once, ifyou have the names ofseveral householders, but once youobtain one ancestor's koseki you will likely learn from it the names ofothers whoserecords you will want to obtain. Pay all bills as quickly as possible to ensurecontinued cooperation from the offices. -

If the person you are researching was not a household head, you must learnthe householder's identity because the koseki is filed under his name; Itmay not bepossible to locate the koseki under the name ofa household member. Many youngersons, who were never heads ofhouseholds, emigrated to America seeking greater'opportunities. You must find the householder under whom this immigrant wasregistered in Japan. You should be able to learn this from immigration records. Thehouseholder could be the immigrant's father, older brother, uncle, grandfather, or in-law. Help in researching American immigration records can be obtained from theUS/Canada reference section of the Family History Library.

A complete copy of a koseki is called a koseki tohon. When a person leaves ahousehold, for whatever reason, his or her name is crossed out but is still legible.When an abridged copy or abstract (koseki shohon) is made, these deleted people arenot copied into the new version of the record. Such omissions are usually easy todiscern, however, because each child ofeither sex in a family is numbered in order ofbirth: first son, first daughter, second son, etc. Ifsomeone is missing from a koseki,you can request an older version of the record and the deleted person will probablyappear in it. When all persons in a koseki are deleted, the record goes into thejoseki(closed) file. Thejoseki is available for 80 years or more after expiration.

Addresses ofall city and village offices in Japan can be obtained from theAsian Cataloging section of the Family History Library. Please give the name of thecity or village as well as the name of the prefecture to avoid confusion. For

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example, "Hiroshima"is the name both ofa prefecture and of its capital city. Manywidely scattered villages in Japan have the same name. Always include theJapanese characters whenever possible.

II. Other records

There are many other types of records besides the kaseki, ofcourse, but theyare harder to obtain and use. The Family History Library's Japanese collection isstill quite small and very spotty. Here is a briefdescription ofsome other recordtypes.

The Family History Library does have a few records such as kakacho(Buddhist death register) and shuman aratamecho (examination of religion register).Kakocho are still being created, but the shuman aratamecho was discontinued andsuperseded by the kaseki when Christianity was legalized in 1873. Kakocho arehoused at the local temple of the sect to which the deceased belonged. You can bestobtain the nameand address of that temple from your Japanese relatives. Shumanaratamecho and similar records might be in the local library,or in the possession of adescendant of the village headman, if they still exist. Ifmicrofilm copies of therecords you seek are not already in the Genealogical Library, a trip to Japan is theonly way to continue research in kakacho and shuman aratamecho records unless youare in contact with some cooperative relatives.

Once you have traced your pedigree as fully as possible using koseki records, itmay be possible to find your family in the Family History Library's collection ofJapanese genealogies--ifyou are a descendant ofcourt nobility, a great samurai(warrior) family, or a very wealthy family ofcommoners. Only sucll people wereallowed to have surnames before the Meiji Restoration (began 1868), though somewealthy commoners bent the law and used a surname before the law was changed. Ifyou have no such connections, the only way to extend your line beyond what is in thekaseki is through the kakacho and shuman aratamecho.

Some families have genealogies giving their pedigrees back to mythologicaltimes, always claiming descent from some hero, statesman, emperor, or deity. Suchclaims may be true up to a point, butthey remain open to serious doubt. The point ofsuspicion is usually the place where one's remote ancestor is claimed to have marrieda remote descendant of the great man. In any case, some Japanese still believe theclaims made in the old histories about the establishment of the Japanese empire bythe Emperor Jinmu in 660 B.C., and many families claim to be descended from hiscompanions. There is no proof that Jinmu ever existed, and the claim for the year660 B.C. is pure myth. The Japanese imperial family is today the oldest continuallyreigning family in history but, even so, their pedigree is certain only as far back asabout A.D. 500. Other great Japanese families might have legitimate linesextending this far back, but most of them do not.

Japanese Americans whose families have been in America for more than twogenerations should first ask for assistance from the reference or correspondencespecialists in the US/Canada section of the Family History Library. Questions aboutJapan itself and the Japanese language can be addressed to the Asian Catalogingsection. Please do not hesi tate to ask for help. We are here to serve you.

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Oate, _

F SHU':: [Registrar]



t:.<. J:7,L.<~.f_£T~J.,J:i~.~'IIJL.J:lf'~.

[Please send me copies ofall registers for the following persons:)

*ft lII! [Domicile]1. _

2. _

3. _

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Page 24: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

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Page 25: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

11 t: II) l: " " , " 3

llWiJt·· ..··········· .. , ··········5I . Flfteng~················································· 6II. ilUtenFlften § tf.J I::{dIi!Jft:·······················································································6m••A.I::Flft···················································· 6IV. ilUtenJ5 ii1:: ~en~m:....•....•.....•.....•.•........•.•.•..•....•...•....••.........•........................•7

JtA 8~A-F·················································· ····10

v. l"iienf1tlf················································· "19VI. 'PiienSl:fq-I:IlC"t g r.'m·······················································································19VII. It*enlli1t················································· "20

A. *ftJtenfil~""""""""""""""'" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••20B. laR<eng~·······:···························································································20

C. EJlenm;!···································································································21D. 1R;Jt$iB'S:lIJl f,iI'l:"t g ····························21E. ":I:~ I:: 1~;Jt"1l ~ ...•................ ,....•............................······························22

VDl. IcUen~M-1:: ~.tIT...............•....................................···········································:22A. ,ic.M····:·································································································22B. II!\ ~ 'S: "AI; g 23C. oir. ileni~M-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 24

fq-Jl··················································· , ···············27A. Jl:f*:b'f,t················································· : 28B. A*II&*Jt·· 30C. IB'*f*:Jt················································· 31D.•:if;t~ ····················;·······························32

Page 26: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

82/"1: l;t. ~Gl~;J< tiT::: ?1:.-:~F'W;I: 1i1ll :::iH:;'"'(·;';" ;S ti;/},;,Q. ;Sill;".f.~::r.!I-t Q~$.~ :::$-tri:lJ'~f!.i C1t3tI:lt~j\ft.Hl\: scSi~ tLt.:. 8 2/"~~Q) ~ Q) "'(';, Q. lIE.., -C. .:: tU:!e. t' It t; ~:~ 'C t.: 1:' .., \: ~<C. jlf;tIl.'CIlJl~;/}·I:-tQ':: l:iJ'",('~Q. tI~I:J:..,-CI;. 19i!!:t:2.Mm1"'('~iJ,Q):;:;":' ':. (, a;/iE-C';'Q.F i!Q)'i'tll[:;tif.tJff;/}'1T::: .., -C ••Qt.:". -ffiif/.t.: ~ 11 -t tL I: r.!I.!j. L ::: ". :I I: "- ':.. 7) J,.;, t.: 11: .JZ.~ 0:.-

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Page 27: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

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Page 28: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

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Page 29: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

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Page 30: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17


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Page 31: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17



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F f5q)'b': c.:e- q)~~Uip P.f:ntY.t\ ~ tt ~ n l]! !E H~ Pi. !

A. ~11l (tk~ /.... 1 F' 1872-86 '.!i,....:~: n:Y~::-- B:'T';£- i.J --;-: 1i;\:J::·,t -; ~ -: ~ .~. ~ \0 ~I~A. t±~~r;~~.

m; 1.: :; "11;fj 5 .if.:it !!:Ji"u!:,:,rrf;:':: ,; ~'i;"iit: iLf.:, ~ t!i7"Jnrfti; -: iL !:;1t!!.M:t: ;. "? -::n ':;." ;., .. ipm , 1871 ) ::.t A..t"J:.t!7):h;.1 i;tt;{th tloor ~ •.Q . ,I ~,w.:1');'.Q L d) t ~.p ~ 0lt;{11 ~ ~,IIB. 1886.11'::itF'P. 1886-98 x.I!' 'f>1lIi c 'll-;';f-l* ~ ~ l!tt& Ieft"'IC.f>'t~ ='~ io ::!'I:-{t:l'llt:.

!'o'imBJl iii 19.11': :itpB I:TQ~cl:J:.,--::. ~,/}""l'S ~.ft"'Jl!II:';'1:il\l!; 1: L. --::iij" io tlt:.- c L. "t~.,tLo. 1m L. ~ tJ·;,.Iii :H1.l t 1, lr' i: \" 1=~ 5 -:>"'." ••';'1> I) • 4 ""'Ac,,:'"

., -;:" oJJl.~HTI/iT 0 1:". :fOif,;'ftiiil: lCil~ tl. 5 A,;,-<-",aiiiI'lIi-triJ'li l. "lli'~ iH Jl; IT l. I:. -<- tU:J..I:'" AI1 "''''''''-;; I: leil ~~Ill.1:. ,ht:;.

C. 1898.11'::itF' • 1898- 1i1i;$"'-Ec l."t. i!!il!l; c 8 11h'C,;'!:iI'lft~ It. 1:::;;':'" Jl!1I:,;'Eillll ~-It-iID HI! iti31.11'::it PI!! 1914 :fO"'$l1!~ a':'{;-h-1t"tiBIllE ~ tl1:. Jllb l. ""Eilll~ ~ tl• • tili-lr.J~

c L. "tllJ.,tLo. tl1:••1Ii~II$~TQ. l'lJl!ll ~. <. ·~"'J!H.-l;:1 a: ( f!! io tl -C" Q• 11:'" I>Q{;-$8'3 -.: 1U1l c l. -C is if 51<2 ~';'f<iliI:. 3 A';'.iiil:. kttJ:J"'!II!irLI17.Ii;, I, tl1:. ..1:'"A~ 11;);"'''''-;; I: leilT Q ~ <:,;'


D. 1914.11'::itF'if 19l5~47 I£!1t <: AllHiltQ1:". F' ;E"'lCil,;'lIlll!;"'ft ~iiil: lea ~ tl.11:11IB$p'V* isIn.DPIf c .*~fta';'IJlJl; k "'lIIiiil: 1I:i!< 2 A. ,,:JL!11i 2 A1"-:>j£ 3 (4 )~PP.!:1If"- ~ llt.:. leil~~"l.• ••1: 1.""-;; I: !eat' tt1:. 1 A'/(, 1: I) "'lIll,ttl..g • lr.lit~~jiil$T Q1;;,. ~ 1,1: ,;'It ( <: I,tl-C"Q. tll:11 >:7< >:.. L "',;'

~ <1~1l~ §.t.. f>'t~ ~IUB m.. ,t,lt1:.tJ', ;t'l!:$II1...::::;mu7>I: lltj£T Q$~'·~".c·l>., 1;. 1-JiI:J: I) ~1,tll:='Jl!"ioiL1:.

E. JAlTF'P. 1948- 111Ii 7>fii!!!:$iBI1 lEI: f!I!' '. iliA 1ll~7>.;;':';'~1't ~ Ill" I, tl-C' '1:.fii ($) pe~ 1.::1 '-'!l£ "'ltfll,;'!tDl~ tlQ J: oj 1:-': I). d l. 1:1.7<11::11 (~;;" ~ I!1Illif-1: )Bl1;022 (23) .II'::itiS k t l';'. A"'leftl:!i:1l1I< ~ tl -C 8l1"'Fiif';'f!!1it.~ tl. ~~,;'lE::tl Q <:.ii~~" ::IIt::tLo. "..0 • l. ';' l. • ":fO8'3 -.: f*.1t:1 k '"Fi JlI: ftle ~ tl1;. fii is ifl1 :fOe",

~h I, 0:.- ". ::k1ti!<iBIlltl:'J'1I: lil: I!tH}l1J'Ir.&t:l' tl1:. f< ilil: 1 A. ,,:'"i!< (!l1ti!<) iBIllt:: J: I) IflJl;~ .iiil: 2 A. ": tlJ:J..I:11 2 A1"-:>;);"'''''fi1;. -;;I:It..~tl1:.

F. ei1:!F'ii I. 1947 ..I:iel: IiJ 1;. E'"thO: <: III I; Jl! II: £: ifJl! •j: t:11~t:lJJ.pec -51 1947-51~11. ..I:1t.E'"le.lIl. ""if7 7' 1 I""''''''' D"'lll:it'" t. "'11.1It::tlo. n. 1957 II';' .;E]J:TQI: c c' -=.., 1;. k"'-=' -=''''lf~"t'77' 11"I:Jl~tl1:.

-68 Dlll;;':-C'J!-., -C ,'1:T "'"t: '" is811. 1957~J:JIIl~Jil~ tl1;.

G. ~!JllF'. ..1:2"'. lCiaf3;1<. IiiIA. ilUtlfl: J: ., ~",..ft~~I;~Jl!II:~IC"~ItQ•i'C"'~t:l -Cml'£!II!"'ill:m,;' I, leiljlj:Jil'"

.lll';'I>QtAil-I: f!!1it. ~ tl Q.

Page 33: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

· ita'] >;.: .Q:I:;1H: J: 0 ' .. i!§ 8 4:<1) ;, .:, jl!!.tJi"t.:i. iE:fJl.:1UHi·l: isft "J~ itHI ~ t> >;'-"': tel.. -= ~ ,.:,. .: "Jl!.. i!fl'i1'i"JQ:JH1. i!M-~I:li;'ofl1)!"Jf-f:&EI!ll~ {,? It"'(~\o (,"J"J. "1'=j1 ,~:/-rdl:I.!li:I;~F-m-

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c'1) ~:HC') 3Zit ~ '!tIt.:, tlo Ii' ~ • j:!!n t3 16 j:¢;."J~Jl. ;';' I:"J J: oj ;: 'fiJ It'iT 0 Ii"C' ;, ':'. :=:i lit:>::it ~ i'- ;;.-!J', ~ "JmRI;. i!t;;;';~'fiJWiJ. i:l:1Hi;';' i, J1!ln "J{~ml: I±I ~ tl 0 tiif,I:~!Ii ~ 11.O.-t;-19I"J P l1!i:l:c.iJE 7)iJI .~. ~tL:.~ j; < t. ~1&"J~1i:1:&:iT.'?"'(.;, 7:> ? •(l) F ii"JGllU:i ~,{.J!: ~ tl o.(2) is fIJI!:$: t t: I;ty* ~ ~1l*TQ tifH1. r$e ~ B)j i, tJ'l: I.. >;'-It tll;!J>;.- .:, >;.- ~\.PF l!i >;.- EI ~I: J: 0.: t tJ'B)j I, tJ· >:c l~::t J iii1fli r.: 11. ~mtr.: t tJ'"'(' ~ 0 J

(3) rUfDt:$: t t= 1;~1>:$::;. is iii: 3ea~ tl-c~\ .0 A.t t.: 1;~f1r,~. i8:~'f~I: "J';'"5Cit~ tl .0,(4) ""l<~tJ'UlI). k "Jfll1."J;r-.JE >;'-~U:I: J: I) iSif"JlC"l"J"5C#~~It t.:tiii-li. 5 nfIl J;)r "Ji!I*'I-tJ'1l'lt >, tl .o. EIl1ll."JBea ~iII0 .: t -'(>. i&A"JEPm~ iflllT 0 .: t 11. .: "J >'f<l'lli:~ t tl o.

(5) !!:$: t t.: 11fJ>*"J"5C{tl1. rm~ll!l!*- HiEBJlT 0 ·.iZ4tJ'1> .0 tlii-k "Jfll1.i!I§1!i~"t'%;n0 tiii-~~ I) J.k mi'l'1< H1'>;.- ? .: t tJ'"'(' ~ .o.

~;l.J:."Ji!~m:J: I), lf~, =II£"J1lI:i:. 1 t.:1> oa"JEjl"JA~I1 ~ 1,1:. I.. <'=' 0 "'('1>...,? I..tJ·1... i[;;r,"J~'1<I: Ii lit ..<.. 1:~!lFtJ'>;'- ~\. *~ >:c "JI1, -ti:~ ~n I, tl "'(~,0 i!:>::M-~ ~ JE I.. 01!M-T 0.: t "'(,;, o. J:.le"J~.JE"J~U:I:l! EI 1.., ~F'-I: Fft"JIiEB)j."J~fi' ~ EIl1ll I.. "'( .;.tll;!, III t .., t= lUll:J: 0 oj t> ~ -'(>,l..~~ M-ilil"'(' ~ 0 '('1>..., ? :: t.;JJl.:t£*-~mI",(,I1, .: tl I, "Jra~m~ M-~T 0 ni! ~ lilf3l: I.. "'(~'o. >;.- j;. 1f~>;'-ni!;';' 1> tll;!DI11!~~' t.; t~ ~ t= ~'.

A.*iii'!O)iil!!~*Hft'1<T':' tl~I1. 1> >,tJ· tn. IIII-"'t:pA~ "J*ftJ1!lHi~ VC j;tJ·>;.-lt tll;!>;'- I, >;.- ~\. J <

"JJI ii-. :$:ftJ1!l c~PJTI; iI. .., "'( ~, O. 1lE.., '(. :$:QJ1!l"J t> tJ· i, >;.- ~'.: t ;';' J ~'.

*lfJ1!lHi£\T 0 -UB'J>;'-ni:!:I1. 13;t 13 ~"JBt*"Jle'U~JJi H'l)-"''(. fll1."Jaei!b. t ~ ;';'''J'I';:' .:

t '(';, Q. ~!i;JIp; ~!Ii I) tf'lt "'(*PuJ1!lHliI-'" 0 .: t tJ'·.iZ,~>;.-tlfH 1>O. "1 t=. *lOll: ii1l:t:IHI5jf'('rdl~' ii-t>'lt"'(. lIlOl-'(>;'tti"J*mJ1!lHliI-'" 0 ni:!: {, 1> O.:$:QJ1!ltJ'btJ·.,t.;t,. ~li, ~"J!eiHfj;fl:I.."'(~'o&mHlIo.:t"'('1>;:'.fiml1, l't. IIIJ. 12!:.

ililll:pJi-Of. Iil~ '('1>;:,. &m"JpJT:(£J1!lI1. 1i.iMI'C-I.It-",;:, c ltflJ '("1> O. I.. tJ· 1.., A [J ~1JDlf"Jt:nl:.TfI~iJ'1i~~ tl"'(Po': c (, 1> .0 "J"'(', J1!l16j$jll.~~!!I\T .o ..iZ.~"J1> ;:,ti~{, 1> o.({t~D r~~:>::

_J p.32~!!\l.)

B. ICstO)!lil!Ii I) tf-Itt.: is fI ~ btJ' I) -'(>i" <P.II~!i1J1[T .0 t, ~I:: C""JiSfi ~1II;Jt I.. >;.-It tll;!>;'- I, >;.- ~'tJ·tJq;:~l:

btJ·.o • .: tlHlI.llB'J~fi'~d>;.- .,I;!, j;'1<IH.., cit$J: <fi'>;'- i.. 0 '('1>...,? I..tJ· 1.., .:.: '(1\¥~"J1;i:!: HlmllT 0 '? t I) li~' ~'. j;'1<~li 13 I, "J~';'I::~~'. EI B'J~il~T 0 .: t "J'(" ~ 0 ni! ~r.tlllT-'" ~ "'('1> o. :: t.:. i&"JA~ tJ<Jl"'( btJ· .0 ni:!:"'('>;'-It tll;!>;'- I, >;'-~'.!i1J1[ni:!:I1•.A~,("~ t:!t*mul: t, j;;J<T 0 ~;;r,"Jti:I:: J: .., "'( A>:c o. :: t:, ;'ttitJ'~{$. t L. '(

btJ· .0 J: ? I::. *~ >;'-*-~~~i'1=~T 0 t J: ~\. iSifBt*I::.-l}~{tIt, 771 Jv-'(>t!!llll: Atl '(!ll1!T.o "J {, J: ~'ni:!:"'('1> o. 7 7 1 Jv ~ illllT otlii-l:i, ~*-ti: c A~ I.. t.:Bt*"Jtltti:l: It t "'(77 1 Iv~illflT.o. (2ilt1>.oH14ilt, 8ilt...... )

jflJ i..l;!, 4 ilt"J 7 7 1 Jv ~ ;X"J J: ., ~ ;tlt"'(1f:IllT 0 :: t tJ<"'(' ~ o.20

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'd ~ I:: {, "t:. ~ 0 l... ;tt.:* ~lh!H: L!(,'"t: {, t, ? ~ I:: {, \:. ~ o. >Jl.:(£1"1:"1:. iIUUltDU:J.~~if;: :1 It'l:~~ft>'J~t t, tl "t:~,0 ~1:". fi~~if~ t, (},1:j4lj~I:'?P"t: I:' ~ ~nitH: 1Il~' 0 <iZ.~t.I'.n Q, :. ~.;.; ::, 1'tJj~""'tl!"'~:;" .n~f.:~;¥,~~;I<I:.iTt~'":lit1JH~..,"t:"Q.

E. ~;t~H:!.*~lH

1976.lf. 7 }j 1 B l:J.~~, pGi; J: (}'~m~~~~'f-ti~t.I'a'l:5E ~ tlf.:. ~ ~'f-:i¥t~a'l:~;;:1948·HH~.

5 ill: 13 I: i10 f.: I). il1J lID ~a'l:5E:1l973.lf. 7 Pl\:·;'.., t.:..-:. f.:. 'f-:if1~a'l:~1:: ioJ~I:. :l:JEn~ t 1i~ ~ tlf.:. ~ '" J: oj I: JI~>'J'a'l:;,t, tlt.:. ~ I:: I: J: I), m

;I<:i~1i'l1JD l.. t.:.liPJTI: I:: ..,"t: {,. t t.:.lti;l<ifl: I:: .., -C {,. 'f-~fl.~.JE::'~ J),l: ~ '? t.:.. tt.:, !!I~~

"'::J t"-"'I~tI·I:. !t:$~ illlftW"'IfHlh' {, "'tIl l.. t.:.J:.1:". ~ "''f-;'.:¥tcr)a'l:ii>'J'rr~ ntl01:$ '?!!:$"'ttti>'J'ltI.t, Ilktll~,I: (,-II "'i1:t>'J'·JZ41:~ '? "t: ~ t.:. t.:n, ~ft>'J'>'J'~ A.."t:' ~ t.:.. k tlt.l'~m1:";,o. l.. >'J. l.. *~1ili1"'!i~li. 'f-ti*'t>'J'!t:$"'tt~ 1:"li~ <!I\~-::-~;, t, tt"t:~, 0 f.: ;'1:. tr l..?:ff"Jl: ~ o. a'l:J:1/J.pJI,:.Pt.ill:: ioJ t 'f-ti*'t1:"JUl ~ tt o. t 1.:. JIIIJtI:'1"1:"1:¥.d: tt tl "t:~,o.fJ>:$ I:: It:$"''f-ti1EH:.JR.:r£iolifi1:";' Q. -to l.. "t:. ~llll",~;I<I= Ii ltif>'J'·JZ·~1:";'0 "'"t:', ~ "'a'l:~l:'

tLt.:. 'l:,1: I:: '? "t::ffflJ1:";, 0;

'f-ti*'l--~11i'1iJ!~ tl U'. JR.:r£ I:' J;.("f~i! I) "t:';, O.Pt.iI 1 i!3001Ila'l: J:1JJ.P II 1 i!3001Ilpit 1 i!2001Il

tII~"t:'II*1" otl~l:'. ~'f-~JJl.~1:"~ <. tII~/J'~ilt~ 1Il~' O. it;}>'J' t, ",~{tIl*I:1:'~IiI.ilt~1Il~'0. -t''''~. ~ifi::~~~ltf.:-lt, ~ifi"'1-JaI: J: oi&U~iillto J:? 1:1""0. liPJT"t:·,:.~'f-~

of: It Ilk t, ~P.l: ? I: ~ '? "t: ~ -C ~'o ~"t:'. tII**'l- {, ~;'-C*.; ~lttU:!~ t, ~ ~'. • III ::., It'l:"'ti I::j; j; J: -to ~":i. ~ "'ttl. l... ~~~ t ~"t: ~J 1lIi1" o. It:$tI''f-;cI: Iii <t "t:'~llJlr.,,:.. liPJr~.f1i!Jl!,~~

tI>* B til: .I: '? "t:~:g tt tl 0 >'J'. B 2$:lEl"'J"'JI~I:'.!j!. <"t: (, 1 ilIr.,>'J·'; 2 iAr.ll. ii;}>'J''; ~11J~':' 1 -n~ ::'>'J'>'J' Q"t:';,? ? •:$."';' 0 liPJr"'Zc "t:'II;I<1"" tll:!. JR.~\:''f-ti*'l-HI'I;'. .iil:' k "'!i"t:'~ltllk 0 ~ I:: t.I'"t:'~ O.

A. 1C1l~

Ic••lll:I:'lll:: A..1::'~~it~ tl"t:j; 1'). lIIAI:!lG1"" o.lJll:: ~~.lll:>'J'B}jIC~tt"t:~'o. Vb -C. pit~"~1.: I::' '?"t: I/ll <1::. ~altl: ,?~, -C~' 7:>~' 7:> n>'J' t, ~ ~'.~ ~ B}j t, >'J'I: 1"" 0 ~ I:: :b'"t:' ~ O. ~I:. 11:~1::~(=fl:'?wCJ: <n:b·o. ~1'.ilIJ:.lI.",;,oW."f"'.lll:I:'~~it~tl-Cj;I').~ilA=I::I:n>'J'o

.I: oj I:~'?"t:~'o.1. :$R2. e;~-.:!l1:"~~'7o~I:'. ~~ ~of:lt0 t "t:'iia",tt~ ~.I'). i!;a",pRI: Atlt, tlo. til:U,~~~lt. 5(a",pRI:~~~tlo1::. 1ilIi:!l701:: l.."t:u,;,t,tlo.

3. J(5(i!;~e;~

4. wa",e;~ <W7o"t:';, otl~ l.W7oI: it:.1"" O. W7o.ill.~ttt.:AI:'~J"'.I:Ie.~ tlo ~ I:: {,;,O.

S. tltpj. ii1;I:'. p j; t 1.:::' ilUiif I:: (1) tltpj22

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~ -)J:'='"?"t ~ t;t;". i1i~I1j.·'='".

4 _ ~~en B~ I) (, iI ('~"t;e.a1: i" Q. ~ en t.:nl:. -;ardl. ~I:11-Jl i1i <:li~~ FJ B",1' tl. -r.'Q;~b... t):})Qo tS'~"pa,:",~·I)J\.".

5. J;.; ~;: 1" t; /J')~:, mi~enlil:li~ L ~. '. 1'-~en','=' ,,*jil:~~ I: .: tt,,'lH: ~ .0 •6. lliJili s HstV~FJ B 1: i" Q• .:tl.l1oJ: <~1l1: ~ tl."t" Q.7. ;!:~I:~ "?"t, J,"'T-~~tt -) 1,Qflen~~.ljlH:iiiltQ. 1JIjHf, pijlf"'.lf.i:~;'ti..t;"P:t1::~

t ::1i:/lCi" .0 1:~ .t (, tl."t., t;. ~ en oJ: ? '='it'111;Hi!i~:6'ftL.' t.:n, !!!~:i "t':li~]i;It t L '=' D'"? t;.

JEim \t:1 pRI: .JZ.1' L U~jH' tl. ~., 1: "? ;: 1: t. H:!3lEll';e~Int.t"t1; <.JZ~:6'1, Q. :i t.:, j:.{~~dl (, ~ <JEt: L t.:%IJ~ !l\j1:JIil :lilVlrdl~I:JEt: L t.:ifJ \t::tfi!g~jJ ~ tl."t .''='". L,,' L~PJT<7l~Jl.

I:. ~I: Blli"en/J'~~~PJTenaJi.11••Atf:J~.JJ{I:Ill1 L"t JIill!JHI:lii" .0 oJ: -) .;]<i" Q.: b'J'"t- ~ Q.:. en oJ: ? '='t~"('enT-:iER~ 11,,'~ I) jo.,.

JIil :lien:ll I) 11tttXtf:Jl: P'=' ""'. ~ tl. "(' (,:11 I) enj:. t. t4Q ;: 1: t. l;;J<"11,G· L"t1;'" ~ It tl.1~~ (,'=' ". It"?"t. 1~1It$JJ{en1:' en$7fI:!l\jI: ~J': t 1J...tlt~ .':b'~"? "(" .0 1: 1i~"(' 1, Q. iII1.enx*'l-"'~

<. 1tH:enil5.~1, .0 "11~!~' 1: '=' .0 .1llHn~i" .0 :. 1: 11ftL". ~Hr. aenlMI:'!'BJl1, .0 "11'!'i$1: I~ ~ tl."(., .0 :. 1: ,,'1, .0 "', :. tl.11~ t, <~ en7o"'.:li"t"~., 1: .' ? ;: 1: "t"1, ~ ? :.entAit. ~ (,':~,,'Ra ~ it~lt ~ tl.l=.J.J::~ "'enll"? "(;teu H.,-,,:Q :. 1: 11"t"~ '=' ".~JlJ:Jli I) t1i? ·JZ·.enl, U~lll"'."?"·l, Q. ~ tl.11. ~7f!1Jfien~7f. l!f.7o, ~enill1.en.J1i t II.

i" t.:nl:. :. tl. t jf-i"x~~I~~,,'~PJTen!F"('I!!U~ tt tl."t" .0 t.:n"t"l, Q. ~ enII,,', ;.kenA~ en.mI:"?'"t11, 1it~I:i)!j L t.: I). pjf.......enE.t Jli I) .!t:nt.: I) L"t., .0 ; EIG:,.. lfIJfRPJT"(-:lij:.:i t.: '1JEt:Lt.:,.. ~JE". offi!JEt:A••~ •• ~FJ BD'~~"('~QtlJitl1. -ten~~~FJ B"'Ic.tI!I.~tl.Q.

ttil:. .fR!I!!:!U:.enllI I) ,,'1, Q. Iii.", t,pii.......llh"t. ~:ij:Lt.: I). 1, .0 "111ii:li t Ill"? t;tiitI::' tl.,,'j:. t. Q. :i t;l1l!.l:iI: oJ: "? "( 11, f3::~~fiPJTen ..Jl. :b'. (,"? 1: 1IIlIt t.:l1l!.Jil.l: tt.-..:"tX~ t ~ (, ~.' 1: .' -) :. 1: (,1, Q. p fi$lJ1l:,,'iai~j tt tl.t; i!i tJJ. m,;.. ~ en~1J"'Ic.~I: *~ ,=,J;. t J1ll L t; .: 1:11BJl (, "."(.1, Q. ~~*~",~~t~"?;: 1: Hf ~ tl.t;~, :iE L":fHu (, 1'~. ~"? t;~~i~~'" jo<.Ill.' (, tl.t;. -i1!1.;J(: jo <enil:lj8!"? t;~ I!tr",1,"? t.: I), :i t.: ~b"? t;~ fij",1,"? t.: I) i" Q"', -t en111it,: I:~:fenp'~",:.1: 'He <'" ~ :.1: "(-1, Q. :. enr.'1lI11••7ofi~~~••~HI;tI: L"(., Q.It"? -c p ft t fjJ!lli" Q~I: U~1J t ~ <1IlJ"'~~lt tl.,t~ (, ,=,.,:. 1: 11BJl (, :b' "(-1, Q. ';&H: (,. £:!},,'l,:r'~I:~ I) off'='btl.. L,,' (, ~lfl: fijIIJ"'~n I, it"t., Q:. 1:,,' t,. ~ I) lHI:,j,I'l.I: 1: 1:'1 "? "t.,Q.

C. lCiJOl11f.Mpii!l*en~UH:ft L <!': t. Qen11=<i!i~"('1, Q. B:$:1li11:' :.t'L+~rdll~" L <~b"?"t ~ I) •

~enJ::i1!1.nen~~:b'l, .0:'1: I:"-it <A (, "Q"(-l,~? i!i"pii"(-I1. tlh~~~,,''='(itBA p. 28~!!\l.)

"'tlbtl."t1; I). 1 t;A~(imBp.3~!!\l.) (, jo< tlbtl."t"Q. pii:b'fFlittt itt.: l!rI~enlll!nentA'ill~~:'lt.$l-I:miiL. ~fij~E••lll~:iEL<anQ~ ?~i"'-":~"(-l,Q. -tent.:n~11. g!lbI1;JJ,=,l'JI:;]<.$l-t A!Fi" Q;: 1: :b'~~'I"I:*"-l~ ~ Q••:'ltx. (itjilD p.32) :b'~3t"?"t"1,~ ? L l'J. L'lt1: ~ Q.$l-en=<-$"('1, Q. ~ enl3.iJ·~ (,. llI!nentlll.ti"('1i~'='(, en,,'A!F"(' ~ Q"(-1, ~"J.

1t~en.*'l-HIlI'".0 en,: Ii. L ,tLIt jo <enrdlll,,'W- -). T~J;.lJ::I~tt~"t"~rdlen:b·:b·.0 en,,'1fii"('1, Q. !l\jl:. it'~~.7oenl1nH A!FL~? 1: i" .0 ~1:JlUf"t"l, Q. a,;.JliQ en:b'ft L .'tlJitI1. trt*it ttl"? t.: I). lIth-tAtl."t \>Q;!(AI:~Ul t;J<n t.: I) i"Q;: 1: (,·9"(-1,.0. !F.~ en t.:nl:x~,,'T-lit-"t"1,"? t.:. I), fl.:!}'" oJ: <'=''''"? t; I). IJ.I~jl"'lii1lL"t., "(lItn ,=,., 1: ".? ;: 1: (, 1, Q. ;: en oJ: -) '='

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Page 40: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

IN'lRODlIC'l'lON •


• • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • -I • • • • • • • • • 0 1

I1F.NEIiAL HAIIT)B 'OKS AND nlJTIw.Brj0KS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 2


GEliEA l.OGTCAL RECOJlllS-<1ENERAI, SPECUL • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• 6

('zENEA.LOOTl1'AL ACnVT TIES OF THE r.HllRCH OF JESUS CHIIST01" LAT'lER OAT S4.rNTS ••••• .. . . . .. . . . ~ ••• • • • • • • • 6


sooRCES CONsur, 'lEO • • • • • • • •• • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • •• • • 8

Page 41: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17


,.hi ~ biblio~aphy is dest llTlecl to bp useful to people with Japanese

an~e~trv in compiling their family ~nealo~i~~. Tt is designed to

include handbnoks and guides to research in Japanese genealogy', as well

a ...laoanese ~enealoi!ical records, family historie5 and 'In'iaary and

secondar,or record sources. A biblio~aph~ of the actiVities of 'I'he

("hurch nf .Jesus r.hri st. of '.atter-da~ 'ls ints in this field has also

h"erl in,,1uded.

The nniy limitations imensed on this biblio~aphv are that

a dellCript.i'n of tMllaterial had tn be Idven in En~lish or in Roaanjt.

Items H :;t...d on'Iy in r"nji Ilrl' not included. "'hi s hnwever doell not

llIElan t.hat the recnrdll t.bem1l81 veil ar- !'ot in ll'snji. as in .ost ease.. they


Annol'.ati ons haY" b....n added to sOI!Ie of the entries in thi ..

bibliogrllPny. A short descriptive annotation has been given for an

items that "I''' writ.ten in ROIIIanji. Also in the ease of Jllicrofi1Jlls,

the ~all number from The r,eneslo~ $ociety of The Church of Jesus

Christ nC '.atter-rtay C;"ints ha" been included. Tt is !!iven at the

ent! (If the annotation and the abbreviation ~ is given to denote the

eall nuaber. r t is fel t thllT. in as l1Iu"h as these f11ml'! ean be easily

ootained throum anv Ilr"n"" T,ibrary of the Genealogy Society that these

nuabers "neuld be ine1udea.


Page 42: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

Mi. .. , ..". "OOll!"''- '!'he e xt.e nt, and o"'~ervation of orilti.,,"l records inJapan. S.1tt-Lake Ci tv, The GenealoIN socritY'-c;f'ib'eCiiUrch of~;;;;U;-Cnri.;<;'L nf La t.t~r-.jaV' ~a Int.s , 196Q.

Palme.. , Sccn"e" .1. Studl"" in Asian ne"""logy. Provo, Utah, BrighamYoung lIn: versi t.v P1"3~'';:-'iQ~ =--

Pin... T,eslil! G. The G"' II Mc·rcJ.ooe<!ia. lIew York: We~rill:ht

and '1"~'1V t 10OQ"

fJENF.A t Of}TCA I. RE'~()RD ;)nURCF,~ AND I'APlT tY HTSTORTES...:..;;;;.....;~-..;...._._,_.__._-_..

"'okvo: 'l'akahashi Photo Service Co., 1970.~n~j; "a, T~n" 11'1» k.1~,!.:.

(Microfilm. )(Anekoji and Yabu family histories. GS 1125, 705.)

Arisult&wa no miy" t ",ushi.. i ,!O lIIi,.a gok~ Tokyo: Takahashi Photo SerTiceCo•• 1070. 1"'1."rof11,.;1('l'le geneal·,~ of Prince ari SUR......" and Prince Fushi,.i. Gs 825, 109.)

Il'ane, Ponaonby; The TlIlperl.aJ ~ouse of ,lao,..,. Kvoto. JaNn: The PonsonbyUe,.o,.;"l Society, loS9.

Index to KUge_~~ TokvOI Takahashi Photo Se..vice Co., 1970. (Microfilm.)(TndAx to the genealoRv of Court lIobles. GS 825, 709.)

TshU ke r GO,io Ire leeH'I. "'oi!"'o, 'l'akaha ~hi Phot,o Service Co., 1970.(I,hcroi'11i:)(Tshii lind fall1.t1 .." hi..tories. os 825. 1lY5.)

JaC8D lIission of '!'he r.ll11rch of ,Jesus of latter-day ~aints, RecordSof VelllbPrs-;--'1901-1QTi87--N.o-:, N.d. (Miernfiljjj~)(65 j35~o cort fi:r---- '

-JacanAS" r,enealog"l'.- ~~ll News, ,fanuarr 29, 1966, P. u ,Kazoku shoke d~". "'okvo" Takahashi Photo Sel"V1.ce Co., 1970. (¥icrofilla.i-''hie hio;;.aony and f'Cnealogy of various noble faMilies. GS 825, 706;

825. 107 . ) .

KU~,.!.aden: Gojo. TOKvo: Takahashi !'hoto 5ervi"e Co., 1970. (llicrofilla.)(G"neall')~ of the '~ojo and Karahashi famiU..". 115 825, 713.)

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HBLL Bookshelves CS 2 .W669x 1969 vol. 8 Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL CS 2 .W669x vol.8
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I(U,;(8 kad...". Hamur". T""yo: Takahashi Photo Service Co., 1970. (Illicrofi.lm.)(Geneal"gy·Of the f1amuro family. G5 825,711.)

KU~aden: Hi hshibojo, !d.,vooke, Kuwaba~ Tnkyo: Takahashi Photo ServiceCo., 1970. 1.llierofHllI.i(Genealogv "f tile Ifiv,ashibojo, Ki.voke and 1(uwabara families.GS 825,113.)


](112 k"den: llil"ohata. T"ic;v-o' Takahashi Photo 5ervioe (;0., 1970. (Microfilm.)(Genealogy of the Hirohata family. r,~ 825.713.)

KIIS" leaden r Ronami, 1"11 t ~1\111i •(Vinro!11J11.) -(Genealogy of the Ronami

Toleyn: Takahashi Phnto Service Co., 1970.

and T311 tllumi fami liell. GS 825,712.)

KUI!8 kaden: 1 shilalla, Higashizono, Rokkaku. Tokyo: Takahashi Photo service1'.0.. ] 4'70. 111/1croft hll. j .--(GenealoltV nf the Tsh1"alla. HiJra,shizono am Rokleaku ram.i1i.s.11~ 8:'<) •71T• ;

"1Iv,9 leaden. .Ji1llV~::~~!.n.!!.t...lMiM. 'f'ok;9N Takahashi Photo Service Co.,'910. ( Vi "rtlfi1Jll. I(Genealogy of the Ji~vo-inr Takano and tshino families. GS 825,711.)

KU~ leaden: Karasha!lhi. Tokyo: Takahashi Photn Service Co., 1970.\Micron I",. J(Genealogy of the Karashashi family. 115 825. 711.)

KuSIQ leaden: Kazah,.ya, l,hlshakoji, Oshikoji, Takamatsu, Tabu, Ilakazono, Takaoka.Tokyo: Takahashi Photo Service Co., 1910. (Microfilm.)(O"nealoflY of the KR"aha.ya. lfushalroji, 09hikoji. Takamatsu, Tabu,Nakazono, and Takaoka families. GS 825,710.)

Kll<te hden: 1(01\00. Tokyo: Takahashi Photo Ser'lice Co., 1970. (Microfil•• )( Gene310gy of the K<)noe famUy. as 825.709.)

Kuge kaden: Ku~. Tokyo: TaKaha~hi Photo Service ro., 1970. (MicrofilM.)(Genealogy of the Nanba and Asukai f'iMilies. as 825,709.)

j("den: ~alca·\I'ama. Iznak.i , '1omi.'!',., '1'okyo: Takahashi Photo Service Co.,lQ7O;--'¥icroi"ilm. J.(aenealo~ of the Nakayama, Imaki ~nd ~omiya families. as 825,710.)

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Takahashi ?hnto Service Co., 1970.

Takahashi Photo Service


~ Ie,cp'!: 'Ii .ie , '!'olr'lo: 'l'akaha,,; ?hntn Service Co., lnO. (Vicrot'illll.)(liomealogy-;r thp 'Ii,il'> f<lllil.v. as 82<;,709.)

J(uge Ni""';\cuo Ii. 'l'okynl--'ifi <"rnf' 110. I .. _",-,

(lienealolt!' o r the NishiKlkoji rami Iy ,

kaden: Oll;aw., ~oJo~ ._2h;~":flIIIIa..! 'l'okyn:i!n., 1970. '. /,(·Lcroilllll.'Genealogy of tne O~wa, Bolo and Shibayama families.

karlen: OiJllikadn. 'role"o, Takahashi Photo Service Co., 1970.-(lIicrof1111:)-(Genealogy of the Cli.mikado familv. liS B25,7.10.)

~,leaden: Rehei. '!'oi<Vn, Taka"",,'" Pho"o Service Co., 1970. (Jaierofilla.)lr.enea.lOgy 'or the Rei'll>::i f;wily. os R"<;,711.)

l(ur: 'l'okvn: ~akaha"hi Photo Service Co., 1970.

and Areknji rami.lies. 05 825.710.)

Ica';enr. Shunrisoo!;ni. "ot~~~h.Nishyot:;utsujh Tokvo. Takahashi PhotoServic8 r.o •• 1970. tlli..rorilm.)(Oenealnrry- of the Shumi~l1danl, YOr.S11t511ji and Nish';orotsutsuji fmUes.OS 8;><;,710.)

'l'a.lcana"hi Photo Service Co., 1970.l(up kaden. Takat.sukasa , Tnkyn:"Vicron111. J(Genea logy of the 'l'aka t.sukasa family. GS 825,709.)

~ kaden: 'l'ennorin.\111C!'ocilli.)(Genealogy of the

!.!!!!. leaden: 'l'okuraWa.tVi or,,?Hm.(Genealogy of th>::

'l'OKvO: 'l'akahashi Photo Service Co•• 1970.

Tenporin rami 1y. os 825,709. )

Tokyo: Takahashi Photo Ser-rice Co., 1970.

Tokugawa family. 05 8?<;,711.)

l(;;....;lc;;;a;-;dent _!'.~~atsu t TOY2oka. It i.~a.koji t '[<,:rama! VilllUrnto.'l'akah""hi Photo ~rvice Co., 1970. lIicrofi lla.)(Genealo~ of the Uramatsu, Toyooka, 1(1 takoji, Toyalllllfamilies. as 825,711.)



and lIimuroto

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J{Ul'(" _~~~'!..~~2.!._.l(aj",ji. lIachi, Hino. J{oii and•. TolcyOt1ak"ha ~hi Photn Ser'Ji"" ce,; .1910. III icrofilm. )(nenea]orzy of the Ka.1u.~1, Machi. Hin", I(olei, 10sa and Tchijofa",i lies. 'l~ 825, 70·i. \

tfus"'Ige Ir", lCul"ah",hi ke "e'-", T,,1(Iror Takahashi Photo Service.Co.,197c':'. ~Yj~r~rilm.1

(Gl'nea1n.'Y or to!:.. v"",".",,, and Kuraha~hi t'amilies. GS 825,70'5.)

ll"uze lee, A"'!-I!n Ire. ':1>' 1>11"a ke leeit'u. '!'oKyOt Takahashi Photo 5ervi,.,•.~n., 19 7 ('\.. fMit"'rof~lmc)

(nene~lo~ nf the Kuze, ~taF.r and Chi~sa families. GS 825,70'5.

Takahashi Photo Service ~o., 1970.NalcavamA Tada"'a"" rya\<'l,fu. T"levo:->- tlli crnfj'"j";;\.l'-- - -

(Genealogy of tohe Nakayua rami1;"• os 825.706.)

Seisld Kenkyulca:l. 3ei~hi lIlf!ilran. 2ml ed, TolryOf Seishi Xend1ukai, 1911.(Gomealogy of-tji,-Se"ishi (amil.V.)

Shil'enoi Ire, Sh\llllizuriani lee keifu. ToleVot Takahashi Photo Sernce Co, ,---1"970. rlli,.rofilll.l

(Cenea1opY of t.he Shl genoi and Shumizudani ramUies, GS 825,706.)

Takeuchi, Rho, Nippon kodai ~inmei jiten. Tokvo: Yoshikawa lcubun-kan.1<16<; •(A biograllhical <1ic~iGna.r:r of t.he anctent,s of Japan.)

Branch. and 1119Sion Records of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints Ur to lQllil. Salt. take Ct tyr 'riiii Genea101tl" Society of '!beChul""h 0 Jesus r:hrj st, of l.atter-day Saints, 196u, (Microfilm.)(GS 19012.)


Tamashima. Kenji, C~P. Jallanel~ Genealo5i~nl ~nd YamiJr Records. SaltY.aleP. "it , ""A r.enealoflY Society of 'I'lie-Church""Of JIlSUS Christ ofr.aU;.er-d" Saint!'. 1967. (Microfilm.)(os u77,Sn.)(Tnclurie~ the Yamashima, lIishima, Xugahara, Nakao, Nagase, Koguchi,Nal!'ahara and nno famiLies,)

Tama"mma, KeDi!, comv. "'l~ese GeO"!"loM"',,' "",d l"llIIlily 'teco~ Sal t,! ak" Ci ty: '!'he Genea10~SOCfety of '!'he Church of JASUS Christ.,tel'-da:v 5aint~. 1067. (Microfilm.)ros 1,16,962.)(Includes the Takaki, I(asatomo, Nagakiyo, TaemoD, lIasanobu, Ifasatsuno,Yamashima, Hi!'omitsu, Yasut&be, ono dnd Furusho families.)

Yaosh.i , Kan,;an. Shusii zodeH'u kn. 'l'okyOl' Takahashi Photo Service Co..1Q70. (llicrofilm. ) .{'Ihe ~enea.lo'iY or the 1:awerial household. GS 81.17 ,S67.)

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Asian Collection - Japanese CS 3000 .S65
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GE'lI'.•Ar.C1HI'Al. RFr;OR1lS--GF.N~:RAl S?ECTAL

Gi1l19, T.V. 'Ul(i Pai Pinl'-eh'l, COMPS. ,Iacane"e ';urnames. Peikingr 1939.

"JalNUlese Jl'aJlIi}y "':!'f'st~." .lac"n !llus!:l"~"ed. Winter, lIH" :-p. 59-611.


"A n~am ReaJi'A.rl." ~ch N~w.. , Octoher 10, 1970, pp. 8-9.

"8,000 ",i1" 'l'emnle l':xcur~icn."!SE~. November 2'2. 1969. e, 11.

"1"llIlI111' oroup Rec,,!'<! Av~ilable in -Iaoane se ;" r.hurch News, OCtnber 7, 1'172,p. u•

..JaDanell.... Dan1.n Grc'upll nlan ~T Fll jlht1'." Church News, 'Ieptil1IIber '0. 1()7(~,

. 1'0. 4-'5.

"MlerofiJ.. " of I.h.. n..neal ""1",, 1 ~ocil"t., as of 11 Deeemb.... 19'71." r~!'..!l!!l.~!!"AlObsflrver, Apri J ['In. P. 16.

orton. John. "IlMea1o,i""l Research in Asia." '!he ImproTement Era,March 1970, MI. 60-61.

"Orton and Sate vi sit archives in Japan and Korea." !!!!Bea1ogical Obser""r,June 1968, n, 10.

"Rfll'l8arch Specialist Returnll fI'l'>lll the Orient.." Genealogical Observer,April 1970, p , 1.

·Second Japanese '!'empie RXcurll;on." ~"!lnl'!alo[!cal Observer, )(ay 1967,". 1.

"Tatsui gat.o vIa)," iMtlor!·'mt r"le as tl"'lnslat",.." ~'llolrlca1 Observer,~ay 1970, eno 1-4.

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Asian Collection - Japanese CS 3000 .G5
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TA"'SllT sno----_.......__...-"'I'atsu'i Saw ala)'« illlllort.ant. role ~s t.r"n"1at,,,ro" Q!!!!'.do@!~.!!..Qbllf!rY8r,

May, 1970. po , I-i!.

"l cu. of tell.· The tmlll""Yelllent Er~, lIIarl"h, 196:>, 'Dll. 160-61. 181.-86.


•"Palmer. Spencer .1." Directory or American Scholars. lq09. Vol. r.

Page 48: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

'!'h.. GenllaiOi!Y ;;oc; .. t.~ of "'hE> ~hllrcn "r .r""ua ':'hri~t of t~t".'lI'-da.,. Saint"-. M l"at.a IOil

'1ati-mal 'liet I ib"~rv. l,Iat...... a1s nn 1s1a a"" Afriea. accession lista~ H"vi..... ~"lcvo:' 'I.1.10na1 "·pt ',i1>ra,:",. Oct+er;lii611Jebruary1 ':1'>-;-- ----..

School "r Or\e"t~; anti, • ....a:.L~.:.!a"',g.

A(1" 'an <;Tudj,,~ I'll' ',lip I}n;ver"it.y of London.q,y"J ton or ·1. i('". Ha1~ ;'nd CoO., 196'.

The ~i!neall...,:!'~al::lblSElrver. Salt !"kl CH.y: Th.. rhmealngical Society---"of ~'lrcn 01 Jesu" ~T'i!'lt of 1 a +,t,er-d"". S"ints. 1966-1971.

PaJmer. ,'{"","eel" J., ed.. 5!-~1<t.i"S in A9j"" 'lenllal~~. Provo. Utah:8ri l¢I!lJIl Young Un1 ver~i. ty , 197~.

Pine, t.s!"'); A '1.lQ60.

~I~an .o!:ill;inl!.!. Garden r.Uy, II••T.: Doubleday and Co.,

171"... re~Ue G. 'I'he r.en ..alo~l .•t'" l>ncyclooed\a. lie" Yort: Wftybright and'I'aI L,w. 1ru';;r:--- .-._..----

~tevenson. ~o"l ,;. ~..!!:':!J am Rp~"arcb. Salt takA Cit,vl Deseret Bookcs.. i9<;9.

HBLL Bookshelves CS 1080 .W67 1969 HBLL - Religion/Family History Reference CS 1080 .W67 1969 Jerusalem Center - In Israel CS 1080 .W67 1969
HBLL Bookshelves CS 16 .P55 Religion/Family History Reference CS 16 .P55
Religion/Family History Reference CS 9 .P48 1969b
Religion/Family History Reference CS 47 .X1 S8 1977
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PATHFuml'llRefer-ence j·!ater.ials on Japanin ~glish and Japanese

Art, Life and ~~ature

:r7J50.A527Life of the Jaoanese


James A. Jatlanese Print~, frOID~·'a.sters to the :·lodern. 1959 ..


-Check neva magazine indexes: :Ie'Jsveek,Time, etc., for current events.

--eheck f=r titles in Periodicals mdSerials Catalog, in book form and on:Ji.c:ofi~'1e a.t all ref desks.

---Benedict, nuth.. The ~,santhemum ~d

the Svor-d, 1946. 915.2/8430-Drummond, Richard Henry. A :fistoD' of

Christienit-, in JaoM' 1971. Zl5.2/D844h-nearn, tercedac , JaPan: An Attempt at

Inter~retation. 1904. 915.2/H35j---~eene, Donal~. Anthology of Jananese

Literature. 895.b08/K25a____- nod-ern Jaoanese Literature.


(4) \-1211 r::C\W rzxrs.-Anesaki, Hasaharu.

in Jacan, 1933.

-;;:-:,:,;,:""_. ;;'!*e=l:!.:Jg"i"O"'u"'s.......,'-""-i!!f~m~~Peooj.e , 1970.

-Martin, Samuel E. Essential .reeeaese,3rd ed, 495.68242/HJ6es/1963

-i-lichener,the 2arly

-~lakane, oue, Jaoanese Society. 1972.309.152/U145j

.-Reischauer, 2d'Jin 0.. Japan: The Star..., ofa :fation. 952/RZ7/1'170

-3a.nSOlll, Geor-ge B. Jaran: A Sh,Jrt CulturalHistorr. rev. ed; 952/Sa58j

-Tsunoda, deBarI and Keene, eds , Sources ofJs'Canese Tr-adition. 1958. 952/T78

(5) :;CST ::ATZRIALS Olf JAPAN ARE orr TH!tat , 4th and 5th FLOORS. 3ROlISE !JJrrJER

. THE ?OLLO'JI:iG CALL ::m-:BEllS:

---Asian SOllection, 495.6, 895.6, 915,950, 952, DSSOO, PL.

. -arowse ?ef4 '..:nder 950 and 952 carefully •-Sor:e ::l!!:terials my be tn the Reser-ve

Lir=ar; (';r':i !'loor), on the ;ellot.! r-eeurnshelves, or ~~ the sort~~g she179s. ~hey

may also have been reclassi!ied; cbeck thecar-d ca'talo~ for nev call nuaber-c,

915.2/Am35a/1969All ref areas

Echli..'1 o. The Jananeae , 1977.JS806.aJ5

Gultur" A Short115.2/'lo429j

Area Handbook for Jaoa~.

'!ef4/DSao6.~47/1974 ~

ln~/clooedia Americana.

This guide to Ule ::lost useful r.l8.ter...als on Japan in the See Librar"1 is not .oeant to bea cceajece list. I)f holdi."'lgs. 9rouse in the areA of' arry book. or ::a~z.inEi you look f~r-

r'eLat.ed :nate:"::"al~ are 'Jr"ten close ~. Call numbers beginning :.lith one or We capitallet.ters -U'~ in the LibrarJ at Conr;r9SS sections on each noor. f1::'.ef" ;neans the r'3ferencesect-fen of the floor vhose number rcrjcvs, "AsianII' ceana the Asian Collectionand lIAsRef" is the r-efer-ence section of the collection. "9YUIl , "~;or" and "Americanall arein Special Collections, Ask a reference librarian ~henever you need help.(1) I}EiEAL DrrrtcCTJc::cns AR£ TIl: ·chilO koren. Asian/O 59.956/C47-:apanese "a'tdona.l CVl!Ir.Ussion for mlESCO, •S'l1i;-a."::u aas sru , As1an/S"O 5/Sh61 s

como. Jaoan: ~ts Land. ?eonle ar.d Culture.3rd' 00. :tefk/DSacc.J199/1973

~ 915.2/JZ7j/1958, '64-neischauer,

-'larley, H. Paul., "J"a"can!!!!"e"5,,e"';"""""":7'":;'m:"!':~Hi.atorv , 1973.

-Halloran, Richard. "-Ja"o",,,,,,nil.i..:~:"·",,,,,.,,.,,5'-'!"':,:"~d'!eaUtie5. 1969. 315/H158j

-..3eward, Jack. The Jaoanese (condensed},1972. 808.8J/R2Z7/v.9J

(2) CHEC:: CARD CATALOO (Jra noor) Ul!DEll:

-Japan;---Japan-Civilization; J-Commerce;

J--uescription and travel;J--gconomic conditions;J-Foreign relations; J--History;J-Industries; J__ iJaps; J-?hilosophy;J--i'olltics and government;J-?opulation; J--Religion;J--Soeial conditions; J--3tatistics;

--.japanese;---Japanese Americans; J •••drama;

J ••• fiction; J •••in the U.S.;J language; J ....literature;J nevspapera t J •••ceriodicals;J••• poetI-J; etc.. ; .

-National ~~acteristics, Japanese.-Also check the 1o1C Catalog (2nd noor)

Special Collections Catalog (room 4D40~,Asian and :-ap Catalogs (both 1st noor).

___ Jack issues of ~te above, olus thefollo\lir.&;, are on the 4th noor:•~. ?52.~a5/JZ7j

• ';.:lr.a.'1 P ~ ~.:::tr-'! t.ed , 952.8051J271·Zeit" ~o ::::'chi. ::or/;,:2:J5.5/Se4;

---?~riodic~~ ~'1 the Asian ~ollecti=n:

(J) CUIlRE:rr ?EllICDIGALS (3m noor):---Jaoan Ech~. D5801.J256-Jacan Reoor-t , ?52.005/JZ7r~·aoan ?~c~or~l. Jsa01.JJ7---Jaoan T~=es (newsnaoe~). J271

end -m::/JZ71 (4th C.oor)


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HBLL Bookshelves DS 806 .J199 1973
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 806 .R35 1981
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 821 .V36
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 881.9 .H3 1969
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 806 .W47 1974
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Science Reference AE 5 .E333 2005 vol.1
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Asian Collection - Japanese AP 95 .J2 C562 1997
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Asian Collection - Japanese DS 501 .S53x
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HBLL Bookshelves N 7350 .A527 1971
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HBLL Bookshelves BL 2201 .A53 1970
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 821 .B46 1989 Sample Collection - Nonfiction B434ch
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HBLL Bookshelves BV 3445.2 .D75
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 810 .H43 1955
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves PL 882 .K4x 1960
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves PL 882 .K43
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HBLL Bookshelves PL 539 .M37x 1962
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HBLL Bookshelves NE 1310 .M48
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HBLL Bookshelves HN 723 .N31513 1970b
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 835 .R38 1981
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 821 .S3 1936
Comment on Text
DS 821 .T76
Comment on Text
Periodical DS 801 .J256
Page 50: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17


Ueda'~ ~a:'l:!.ten. 1942. AsRef/495.63/tie2~ 495.63/Ue2d

---Jige~ (Crigins ~f character$). 1936.Asian/495.13956/c133j

unokai ;':a.'"l.-"a 'iai iitan (Deta.:.l-;d Sino-JaplL"!eze di=tionaz-/J. Asrtef/495.63/AoJ7~

-KOjien ('..i:!.:ie gar-den of verda}, 1975.~3~ef ~ Asia.'1/495.63iS~c~

-G~ndai ifihon b'..4" iaiii" (EncycLo-peciia of modern Japanese literature). rev.ed , 1972. AsRef/895.603/F.62;;

-;':1.;on kindsi bunga.ku dal i iten (Encyclo-pedia of ccntetapor-ary Japanese literature).5 vo.Is , Asiar./PL726.55/ •if4S5~lihon bungaku jaiiiten (E."1C"/clopediaofJaoanese literature). 8 701s. rev. 1967.. AsRef/495.63/F956~

:li.h:::n c....Li~i dai ~ itan (Ccmcrehensdve dic-tionarj of Ja~anesp- place ~a~es). 7 'loIs.1963. Asian/915 •.2/ir578l·ri~:o:·:'..l~aku -1::';en (Fo -:'ictionar'/).19::; • ';s~g :~/91 5.2./!!663:::

___i:en'i:j ~!o;i '::en (Jic~iona..J· 'Jf annualevent.a) , 1953. As~e!/'?15 • .2/;;63L:_

---Ja~~":ese-~"1g1~sh Jud~.i~t :~~~i~n~~l. 196:.As~ef ~ ~e!~/294.303/J271

---Hisacatsu, Sen/icbi. 3102ra'Cnical Diction-arl :~ Jaoanese Literature. 1976.


loiirin (Yide forest of Yords). 1973.Asilef/495.63/K131k

---Jikai (Sea of ~ords). 1974, 19~2.

Asilef ~ Asian/495.63/K574jriihcn kokugo ~ai1iten (Great dictionary ofJepeneae}, .20 'm13. 1972. .;s:tef/PL675.;:54;)a.i ::ihon :':okugo iiten (Dic-;ionarj O:lJapanese). 1978. AsRef/PL675.:'28

---Daiger~ei (Great sea of ~or~s). 4 valseAscof/495.63/Ct7d

---.Kogo iiten (u1ctio~j of ~lassicalJapanese). AsRef/495.63/Sa161k

-Gendai 'lOgO :'..0 1:.1so ~hishiL.i (2llsiccurrent Japanese). 1975.AsRef/495.682/J569g ~ Asian/?L6s4.G38

---3hinbungo liten (Dictionarj of nevspaper"ords). 1965. Asian/079.5203/Asl1r

-Kenkyusha's ::ev Ja'Canese-~2"l:!.sh 0ictior.-~. ~th ed. 1974. AsRef/49;.632/KJ56

~"d Ref3 and cef5/PL679.':'~d Ref5/495.632/K356/1954

-Kenk;yusha 's tlev English-Jat:enese Diction-~. 4th ed. 1973. Asaef/495.632/~J5

---Chamberlain, Basil Hall. Th~:lgs Jananeee ,915.2/C35t/1939

---Goedertier, Joseph M. Dictionary of Japa-nese Historr. 1968. aef4/952.COJ/GS;1d

.---Papinot, Edmond. Historical ~"n Geograph-ical Oictionarl of Jacan. 1910.

Rer4!952.003/P198h~ AsRef/915.2/P198h and 952.003/P198h

-Hihon shi iiten (Dictionar/ of JapanesehistOr'/). 1950. Asian/952.003/11627Nihon shi 'shoj!ten (Uttle dictionary ofJananese history). 1969.. Asian/952.003/1f879

~rihon rekishi daiiiten (Great dictionarJof ja~anese his~orj). 12 vols. 1975.


915.2/Se07Oriental !\rt::;-ilef5/709.5/P;89

-l.3. .3. Series on Jananese11 vo.Ls,

Pictorial 3nC"lclouedia ofJapan , 4 vols.

-Helson, Andr-ev I!. The :·rodern :l:eader'sJa'Canese-2nglish f.:ic"tionarl.2nd ed , 'lef5/495.632/!f331.

!lli!. AsRef/PL679.114 ~ ?L679.:74-e-e-Sakade , Fl.or-ence , A Guide to ?ead.i."!g and

~Jrit:i..":; .Iacanese , 495.o1jSa29g


-Jacan Almanac 1976. Ref4/915.2/J271\l-Jan8.n Year-book- 315.2/J27-.iaea.'1 ~.J"..nua.L, i1.ef4/915.2./Y.27a---Jacar. 3ta~is~ic31 ?~arbook. ]15.2/J271j

~ Asian/!tA1832.JJ2-~a.h.on ~hi."'J.bun n"!n.ka.'1 (Jaoanese nevaceuer-

yeer-book j , - Asian/P::47C9.::52.-r-1ai.'1i~h::!.. ~en.kan (IAai."'I.ichi yearbook).

AsRef/952.00;8/'285~ all nevs yrbks at Asian/952.8053

Statiz~ical Handbook of Jaoa.'1.952.005/St29 ~ 315.2/J2713

-Area ·~a.'1dbook for .reeen, 915.2/Am35a/1969~ ~ef4/DS806._47/1974

--.raoan 3iograohic31 ~cycJ.ocedia and~hO'S ~ho. Ref3/920.052/J27

-lahon shinshiroku (List of Jaaeneeegentlemen). As1&,/CT1836.:f54Tjnj~ SgshinrQku (Who's vho).,

Asian/DS885.5/.A1J5Osi :1111on j in.ei Jisho (Japan biographicaldictionllr"I). Supp.L, Asisn/920.052/Dl44s

-Kokut!Q,n hyakkaiiten (people I s encyclo-pedia). 7 vo.Is , Asisn/AE35.2/.n

-8unka iinceiroku (1fames in the arts andsciences). #10. As1an/920.952/C456n

-Enc..,slooedia Jeecndca; 2) vola. Includesatlases. Asiler/039.956/En39/1967iUhon btmken c:hizu ch:1mei soran (Pre.f9e-tural. atlas and gazetteer of Japan). 1976.


-iiihon kei:::ai chizu (Janan economfc atlas).Asi~/Q~o/G23;6."'25

---To~ro (Photographic atlas).Asian/Quarto/h7147.J3/sa

-1·;ore atlases are in Asian Quarto (over-size), ~"E corner, and in Map Collection.

Comment on Text
See Circulation Desk HA 1832 .D32 2006 CD-ROM Asian Collection - Japanese HA 1832 .D32 1949
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese PN 4709 .N52 (Library has 1948/1949, 1950, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1968, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977)
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Chinese AY 1154 .M34
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves HA 1832 .S75
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves DS 806 .W47 1974
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves DS 834 .J7
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves vol.1 - DS 815 .K65 vol.2 - DS 811 .I7 vol.3 - DS 835 .I57 1962 vol.4 - BL 2201 .A53 1961 vol.5 - Q 127 .J3 T8 vol.9 - SD 225 .U795 1964 vol 10 - NA 1558 .J3 K313 vol 11 - LA 1311 .K24
Comment on Text
Humanities Reference N 7262 .P5 vol.1 pt.1,2 vol.2 pt.1-4 vol.3
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese CT 1836 .N54
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese CT 1832 .D34 1926 vol.1
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection AE 35.2 .D3 1972 vol.1-23
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection PL 679 .N4 1979 Asian Collection - Japanese PL 679 .N4 1974
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves PL 528 .S33
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HBLL Bookshelves PL 681 .C5 U4 1942 Asian Reference Collection PL 681.C5 U4 1942
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese PL 677.5 .K36 1936
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese PL 675 .S5 1969
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection PL 675 .K595 1973
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection PL 675 .K48 1974
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection PL 675 .N54 vol.1-20
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection PL 675 .M28
Comment on Text
Asian Collection PL 675 .079 1932 - vol.1-4 Asian Collection PL 675 .O79 (index) (1937)
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese PL 684 .G43x 1999
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese AY 1155 .T6 S48 1960 Asian Collection - Japanese PN 4728 .S44x 1965
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves PL 679 .K4 1974 Asian Collection - Japanese PL 679 .K46x 1974 Asian Reference Collection PL 679 .K4 1974 Humanities Reference PL 679 .K4 1974
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection PL 679 .K4 2003
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves DS 821 .C43 1971 HBLL Bookshelves DS 832 .C445
Comment on Text
Social Sciences/Education Reference DS 833 .G63
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection DS 833 .P3 1972
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese DS 833 .N53 1950
Comment on Text
Asian Collection DS 850 .N57
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection DS 833 .N515 1975 vol.1-12
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese PL 726.55 .N485 vol.1-5
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection PL 707 .N48 1950b v.1-8
Comment on Text
Humanities Reference PL 723 .B5 Asian Reference Collection PL 723 .B5
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection BL 1503 .J3 1984 Religion/Family History Reference BL 1403 .J3 1965
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection DS 805 .N512 1967 vol.1-7
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection GT 4884.A2 N46 1974
HBLL Bookshelves AY 1157 .E5 J36
Asian Collection - Japanese DS 885.5 .A1 J5
Asian Collection - Japanese G 2355 .J55 1976
Asian Collection Quarto G 2356 .G125
Asian Reference Collection PL 707 .N53x 1994 vol.1 Asian Reference Collection PL 707 .X1 G36 1972
Asian Collection - Japanese PL 677.5 .S44x 1967
Asian Reference Collection GR 340 .M47 1974
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---Jabo, nerJchel. ~esear=h in jacaneseSOUI"-::es: A}u.ide. 196;.

Asrie£ end Re£4/952.016/W382r--catalogue of the !<.B.S. Lfbrar-v , 1937.

Re£4/952.016/K829c---~.J.S. Classified List of Books L~ ~estern

Lar.guages 1elat.:l-""l.g to Jaaan , 196;.'ef4/952.016/K8290a

---~.3.S. aibliggr~phical ~egiste~ ~f :~or~

ant. '.larks ..Jritten 1..'1 Jacar.ese ~n JaPan andthe :ar Eea-c, ASian/O 15. 52/K829K.3.S. 9ibliog;a~hv af Stand~ ~eference

Books f"gr Japanese Studies. '.lith ::esc::"io-ti're "oces , ? , Asrtef/952.01o/:(829k

---:iational cte e Library. Director'r of Jaca.-nese Lear!:ed Per-aoddcaLs , 1958.

As1an/059.52016/D628t---~ational Diet LibrBrJ. List of Governl:l9nt

Publications in ~urooean Languages.1945-55. 015.52/K829£

---Guide to Jacanese ~eference 90oks. 1966.Asrtef/G15.52/lfS79g

---;.rillg" :;'0 :;ar..ko tosho (Guide to Japanesereference oooka j , rev. ed , 1969. Sa:::e asabove. Asian!952.J016/U578n

-Guide to .Jaca.~ese "tefe::"ence 3ccks,Sutml.e eenc , 10/79. Asnef/JSa06.X1/1f57

---Guide "';0 .;aoanese Reference "''''ld ?:esearc.'lMater:'als. 10 vo.La, 952.008/M58b

-Catalgg gf ~aterials on J80an in !1esternLanguages in the iIational Diet Librarr,1948-1975. A.Ref/DS806.X87

-:lational Diet Library Uevsletter.Periodicals noom ~ stacks: 020.5/K829n

---Kurocia, Yasumasa, ccep, A Guide to Socialand 3ehavioral Science Journals in Jaoan.1969. AsRef/300.16/K966g

-Fronko, Leonard C. Guide to Ja~anese Drama.Ref5/895.60162/P944g

---ilimer, J. ThOlll8.S, and Robert E:. Morrell.Guide to Jaoanese Pcetrrv , 895.61016/R463g

-1'Mks, Alfred H., and Barrj D. 3ort.Guide to Jaoanese Prose. 89S.63016/M342g

-Silberman, 3ernard S. Japan and !\orea:A Cr~tical 3icliography. 1962.

Re£4/950.016/Si32j--5hul:D8ll, Frank J. Japan and :\o1'e&.: ..\11

Annotated 3ibliograohy of Dac~oral Jisser-tatigDs in riestern Languages. ~877_1069.

Ref4/952.0016/Sh92j-Hanayama, Shdnaho , Bibliograchy on

Buddhism. 1961. Stacks and n.ef4:--- =q4034.Xl/H3

Christianity bn 3aoan: A 3ibl~=graohv ofJaoa.~ese and Chinese Sources. 2 7015.

AsRef/:S80S .;(1!C462

~---Nihon 11nbut.l3u bwtken mokuraku (8ibllo-

grapay 01 .orxs acoue Japanese persons).1974. AsRef .!!l!!. As1an/Z5305.J3/H67

-.3huppan nenkan (Publishers I yearoook).Asian/015.52058/Sh92s

IUhon sogo tosha :DOkuroku (General. catalogof Japanese beoks). Aeian/015.52058/N578

---rlational Diet Librarj. Zen rI:!,hon shuppan-butsu somokuroku {Jacanese national bibli-ogrspily).1960 . As1an/015.52/K829zifihon keizaishi ...bunken (Bibliography ofJapanese economic nistor;). 6 vols. 1970.

Asian/330.952/H759n---CheCk under "Japan ll in:·Annual ~eviev of English 300ks an Asia.10/74 (List of aYU Asian holdings.)

'ef4/950.016/An78·~!unn, G. Raytaond, Asia: A Selected endAnnotated Guide to Reference Aorks. 1971.

Ref4l950.016/N923a·Ubrary of Congress. national Union IAta-J.2g. Ref3/018.1/:121·School of ,Jriental and African Studies,Uni·.eraity of London. Librar., Catalogue,vol. 2$: Japanese Catalogue.

nef4!q950.016/L841·Cumulatiye 3ibliogra~hyofAsian Studies

.!!l!!.·:~UbliogrMhy of Asian Studies. Both at:

nef4l950.016/8471a!1946--."Becka f'or College Libre.ries. 2nd 00.6 veae, Ref5/028.016/E644!1975

(9) WORKS OF nrmlEST TO MORMON RES'"<.AllCllERS:---).!ost of the following are in both Special .

Collecticns !!!Ii the stacks.---seishc (Holy Bible). Asian/220.472

and Asian/225.472---Mor".lllIcn!<ei (Book o£ Hermon). 1957.

BX8622.2/.JZ7 and Mor/=.2/JZ7-!(yogi to sei'faku (Doctrine and covenants).

BX862).2/.JZ7/1957---Koka 1Afu shi-~ju (Pearl of gr9at price).

(8ouna with C&C.) BX8623.2/.JZ7/1957---Nichols, Murray L. lfHistor; of the Japan

Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of1atter-:lay S<Unts, 1901-1924.' 1957.

9OO.2/N51 Jo!!!1 BYU/n8.2/N51---arady, Frederick R. "The Japanese Reaction

to Mortlonislll and the Translation of MormonScripture iz:lto Japanese." 1979.

Americana/BX8675.2/.B729j"'!'ranslation of the Four Stand-

ard '<larks Jepaneae ;" 1976.Americana/BX8620.1/.B729.

---continued on next page---

Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves DS 806 .A12 W43x 1994 Asian Reference Collection DS 806 .X1 W4 Social Sciences/Education Reference DS 806 .X1 W4
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves DS 806 .X1 K38
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 806 .X1 K38 1965
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese DS 501 .K69x vol.1-4
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection DS 806 .X1 K22 vol.1-24
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese Z 6944.S3 K64 1958
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection DS 806 .X1 N57
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection Z 1035.8 .J3 N55 1966 Suppl
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection DS 806 .K87
Comment on Text
Periodical Z 846 .T6 N4x
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese Z 7163 .K87
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HBLL Bookshelves PL 782 .E5 X84 1984 Asian Reference Collection DS 806 .X1 N64
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves PL 782 .E3 X84 1984
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves PL 782 .E8 X73 1984
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves DS 806 .X1 S55 1962
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Social Sciences/Education Reference DS 806 .X1 S58
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HBLL Bookshelves BQ 4034 .X1 H3 1961
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection DS 805 .X1 C462
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection DS 885.5 .A1 X55 1974
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese DS 806 .S44x
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese Z 695 .J34 N66x 1959 Asian Collection - Japanese Z 7166.Z9 N67 1962
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Asian Collection - Japanese DS 806 .X1 K65
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 5 .X1 A7
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 5 .X1 N79 1971
Comment on Text
U.S. Government Documents Collection LC 1.2: N 21/7
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves Z 1039 .C65 B67 1988 v.1-6
Comment on Text
Asian Collection - Japanese BS 315 .J3 1992
Comment on Text
Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8620.5 .B64j 1995
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves BX 8620.5 .B64j 1981 Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8620.5 .B64j 1981
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HBLL Bookshelves BX 8620.5 .B64j 1981 Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8620.5 .B64j 1981
Comment on Text
Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8675.2 .B729j
HBLL Bookshelves J 674 .X1 K6 1955
Asian Reference Collection DS 806 .X1 N64
Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8620.1 .B729s
Page 52: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17


-Monumenta rapponica. 952.005/M769---Jacan Quarter'y. 952.oo5/J27---Journal of Jaoaoese Studie.. 915.205/J825---Journal of Asian Studies. 950.05/J82---nar~ Journal of Asiatic Studies.

950.05/H26---Modern Asian Studies. 950.05/102

Asian P!"ofile. 950.05/AsL.2p-Back issues of the above, plus the

following, are on the 4th noor:·Transactions of the Asiatic Society ofJapan (TASJ). vola, 1-50. 952/AsJ.21;


-Grant, Heber J. If A. Japanese JcurnaL;"A..ricana/M270.1/C76j

---Jananese for Missionaries.aX8656.1/.C475/J271

~ Americana/8X8656.1/.CL75/H271-Cultur~ for ~'!issionaries ':at:811.

3X8656.1/.C476cj-Takahashi, Coree r-!orumonkJO to Morumon

kyoto (I~or~n1sm and ~-l'or::::lons). 1902.A.ericana/~200/T139m

Saito no :lichi. Mor/H205.5/SeL5-:·IUllen, Robert. Kofuku no ta.nkyu: :'1orullIon-

kYo no oshieru ~ono (The La~ter-daySaints: The l·lorlllons Yesterday and Today).


-Stoker J John ',.j'., trans. K'/okai rfakushi(Brief Hi.tory of the Church). by EdvardAnderson. 1907. SX8672.An23bj

-Talmage, James Z.; sf1insho :-:ori(Articles of Faith). BX86JO.I1LaJ/1917

'~-;::=,... Shinko kajo no kenkyu (Articlesof faith). BX8630.T1Laj/1959

-Matsuiitsu seito sanbika (LDS Hymns).BX8685.2/J27e/1915

-Check indexes to Ensign, Ir.=orovement ~a,Instructor, !lelief Sccdetiv ::agazi..'ls, ~,k!, Church lleys, BIll Studies, Dialogue:A Journal of :,~orlllon Thought, etc.

_Numano, Jir.,. "The Japanesethe cook »t :~or:::lon.ll 1976.


:':-l1l1s1at1on of~CO.2/~''J17


-Check under "Japan" in:

·Historical Abstrac't3. ;tefL/908•.:2/H62"Reader" g; Guide to ?<;!riodical Literature.

ReV and Ref5/050!1l22·Cumulative Index to Periodical Literature.

ileV/050/ll22c'C!!!!Ulative Soak Index. ReV/015.7J/Un3

(12) MISCELUlIEOUS:---Teleonone Directories (outdated) of major

cities are behind the RefJ desk ar~a.

Pamohlets on Japan and Asia. ere in thePamphlet Colleciion, near the telephones

- 00 0 ~ormonism, besides those noted insection 9) above~ are scattered throughthe aX2QO (Mormon) section on thenoor, and in Special Collections,

-Books not in the Lee Librar; collectioncan be obtained through inter-Ubrary loan.Ask at the RefJ desk for advice.

-If 'Iou suspect that the book you vant ischecked out, ask at the Circulation ~esk.

They My be able to help you locate theborrower, or at least hold it for you vhenit is r-eturned ,

-Computerized index searching service isavailable in room 2429. It is ratherexpensive, but can save time.

-LI~ 111 is a basic library course dea1gn9dto help you come to know Ubrsr1es ingeneral and the Lee Library in particular.TaUght ever; block, one credit hour.

-Feel £ree to photocopy this guide.---Never hesitate to ask any reference

Ubrarian for belp, on a:ny floor I

Compiled April 1981by frederick Brady

Since this paoer was prepared in1981, realize that ~ome of the callnumbers have been changed to LC numbers.Check Byline for these changes andadditional sources.

-carter, Stephen D., camp. Author Index toSelected .reeeeese ?~riodicals and t'eno-graphs in the 3r::'gham iOlUlg Jni'lersit'"Harold 3. Lee Librar., Asian ccu.eceaea,197L. AsRef/059.956016/CU6i

-Current Contents of' Academic Journals 1..'1Janan! -: 'YJ'I 7:,e ~u::anities and Soci.a.lSciences. AeRef!059.956058/0936

_:lational Diet Librar";. zasshl kiii sa.kui,n(Index to ~gazine articles). 1949--.


Comment on Text
Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8670.1 .G76j
Comment on Text
Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8656.1 .C475 J271 1984
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves BX 8656.1 .C476cj Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8656.1 .C476cj
Comment on Text
Special Collections - 1130 HBLL BX 8600 .T139m 1902
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves BX 8600 .M911Lj Americana Collection - 1130 HBLL BX 8600 .M911Lj
Comment on Text
HBLL Bookshelves BX 8672 .An23bJ Special Collections - 1130 HBLL BX 8672 .An23bJ
Comment on Text
Periodical DS 821 .A1 M6
Comment on Text
Periodical DS 801 .J274
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Periodical DS 801 .J7
Comment on Text
Periodical DS 1 .A4746
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 801 .T73x
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection AI 19 .J3 C85
Comment on Text
Asian Reference Collection AI 19 .J3 Z38
Comment on Text
Periodicals - Reference AI 3 .R48 HBLL General Reference AI 3 .R48 vol.14
Comment on Text
Periodicals - Reference AI 3 .C84 vol.1-7
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Z 1219 .M78 1918-1921, 1933-1937, 1967-1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1981
Special Collections - 1130 HBLL BX 8685.2 .J27 1905
Page 53: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

The following bibliographies of books and films in the Family History Library's Asian collection list materials of value to American researchers of East Asian descent. (The books can be used only at the main library. Citizens of other countries who are of East Asian origin can find microfilmed materials relevant to their needs by searching the FHLC fiche for the countries where they now reside.

BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR JAPANESE AMERICANS The following books, which may be of interest to Japanese Americans, are in the collection of the Family History Library. Some do not print out in the FHLC fiche catalog, but can be located through a search on the computer. Some words and names are abbreviated here. Ask a reference person for help. Amerasia journal Americans in process: a study of our citizens of Oriental ancestry I William Carlson Smith. Americans of Japanese ancestry: a study of assimilation in the American community I Forrest Emmanuel LaViolette. Asians in America: a selected, annotated bibliography. Bakumatsu Nihon no fukei to hitobito [Photos of Japan ca. 1860]. A Brief history of early Okinawa based on the Omoro soshi I Mitsugu Sakihara. California and the oriental, Japanese, Chinese, and Hindus: report of State Board of Control of California to Gov. Wm. Stephens, June 19, 1920. Dictionary of Asian American history I Hyung-chan Kim. Encyclopedia of Asian history. Ethnic America: a history I Thomas Sowell.

From you to your ancestors: Japanese I LDS Church Genealogical Dept. Gila River, Arizona Japanese relocation camp I Floyd Enos Hebdon. Handbook for genealogical research in Japan I Joyce C. Worthen. Hawai-to Nihonjin imin shi - The history of Japanese Immigrants in island of Hawaii I Kiyoshi Okubo. A History of Japanese in Hawaii. How and where to research your ethnic-American cultural heritage: Japanese Americans I Robert D. Reed. Hyaku nen mae no Nihon [Photos of Japan 100 years ago]. Issei : stories of Japanese Canadian pioneers I Gordon G. Nakayama. Japanese American evacuation and resettlement I Edward N. Barnhart. Japanese immigration and colonization I Valentine Stuart McClatchy.

Comment on Text
Periodical E 184 .O6 A44
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .O6 S57 1970
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 L3 1978
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DS 503 .C35 no. 14
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 895 .O4 S3x 1987
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HBLL Bookshelves JV 6888 .C2 A2 1920 Religion/Family History Microfiche Z 1236 .L5 1971 no. 15729
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Social Sciences/Education Reference E 184 .O6 D53 1986
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Social Sciences/Education Reference DS 31 .E53 1988 vol.1-4
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .A1 S688
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HBLL Bookshelves D 1.02 .H42 1988 Special Collections - 1130 HBLL 378.2 H353 1988
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HBLL Bookshelves DU 624.7 .H57x
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Religion/Family History Reference CS 47 .X1 R44 vol.1-11
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D 753.8 .T4 vol.1-3
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The Japanese in America, 1843-1973 : a chronology & fact book I Masako Herman. The Japanese in Hawaii: an annotated bibliography of Japanese Americans I Mitsugu Matsuda. The Japanese in Hawaii, 1868-1967: a bibliography of the first hundred years I Mitsugu Matsuda. Japanese in the United States: a critical study of the problems of the Japanese immigrants and their children I Yamato Ichihashi. Japanese names I P.G. O'Nei I I. Japanese personal names I I .V. Gillis &Pai Ping-Ch'i, compo Japanese surnames I I.V. Gi Ilis &Pai Ping-Ch' i, compo Kanyaku imin: a hundred years of Japanese life in Hawaii. Kodansha encyclopedia of Japan. Kodomo no tame ni - For the sake of the children: the Japanese American experience in Hawaii I Dennis M. Ogawa. Major genealogical record sources in Japan I LOS Church Genealogical Dept. Memories of silk and straw: a self-portrait of small-town Japan I J. Saga. The Politics of prejudice: the anti-Japanese movement in California and the struggle for Japanese exclusion / Roger Daniels. Prejudice, war and the constitution / Jacobus Ten Broek. Records submission manual: Japanese supplement / LOS Church Genealogical Dept. Ryukyuan names / Shunzo Sakamaki, ed. Studies in Asian genealogy [Based on 1969 World Conference on Records] / Spencer J. Palmer, ed. Tokaido gojusan tsugi : Hiroshige kara gendai made [Woodcuts, maps &photos of Japan over 100 years]. World Conference on Records, 1980 ; v.11: Asian &African fam. & local history. Most of the following films can be borrowed through the Family History Center system: Distribution of Japanese immigrants, 1892-1894. Fi1m 1017122 item 7-8. Endowment index (Oriental, Romanized), 1846-1969. Fi1m 1262397. No circulation to FHC. Family group records collection; archives section, Oriental collection. Fi1m 795724-795748. Final accountability roster of the Gila River Relocation Center, November, 1945 / U.S. War Relocation Authority. Fi1m 573958. Handbook for genealogical research in Japan / Joyce C. Worthen. Film 874021 item 4.

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HBLL Bookshelves DS 821 .S2313x 1987
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 H46
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HBLL Bookshelves DU 624.7 .J3 X3
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DU 624.7 .J3 X29
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 I4 1969
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Asian Reference Collection PL 683 .O5
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HBLL Bookshelves CS 3000 .G482x
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Asian Collection - Japanese CS 3000 .G5
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HBLL Bookshelves DU 624.7 .K36x 1985
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DU 624.7 .J3 O37
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HBLL Bookshelves F 870 .J3 D36x 1973
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Howard W. Hunter Law Library 3rd Floor Main Collection D 753.8 .T4 1954
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HBLL Bookshelves CS 14 .G485x 1973
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 895 .R9 S3 1964
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HBLL Bookshelves CS 1080 .W67 1969 Religion/Family History Reference/ CS 1080 .W67 1969
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Vault Collection Folio - 1130 HBLL 895.6 An24 1925a
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A History of Japanese in Hawaii. Fi1m 1321347 item 4. Japanese emigration records, 1885-1948/ Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Film 1507881-1507959. Japanese personal names / I.V. Gillis & Pai Ping-Ch'i, compo Fi1m 795624 item 2; or fi1m 795961 item 7. Japanese surnames / I.V. Gillis & Pai Ping-Ch'i, compo Fi1m 795624 item 1. Kakocho / Sotoshu betsuin, Honolulu, Hawaii. Fi1m 1031193. Kakocho, 1899-1965/ Lihue Honganji, Kauai, Hawaii. Fi1m 1031198. Kakocho, 1900-1979/ Kauai Zenshuji, Kauai, Hawaii. Fi1m 1031197. Kakocho, 1907-1979/ Mantokuji, Maui, Hawaii. Fi1m 1031277-1031278. Kakocho, 1916-1979/ Taishoji, Hilo, Hawaii. Fi1m 1033043. Record of members: Japan, Japanese Mission, 1901-1951. Fi1m 128832-128834, 255170. No photocopies except by attendant. Ryukyuan-names / Shunzo Sakamaki, ed. Film.795749 item 1. Ships' passenger manifests, 1843-1900 / Hawai i Collector of Customs. Fi1m 1002637, 1002657-1002672, 1002785-1002788 (Japanese index); 1009964-1009972, 1009624-1009633, 1009888-1009895 (Ships' manifests). World Conference on Records and Genealogical Seminar, 1969; history and records as they relate to research in East Asia. Fi1m 897216 item 6-24; or fiche 6039378-6039389.

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HBLL - Religion/Family History FHL Film
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HBLL Religion/Family History FHL Film
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koseki F' ft household register, begun 1872; available from 1886. Includes allpeople in a household under one head.

tohon Jlt* certified copy.shohon fP* summary; abstract.jinshin koseki :f $ F' ft registry begun in the year Jinshin (Meiji 5: 1872). Not

available for private genealogical work.joseki ~ft expired register in which all persons originally entered have been

removed because ofdeath, change of residence, etc. Ajoseki file isordinarily available for 80 years after its expiration.

genseki mt ft another term for honseki.honseki *ft registered locality (address ofhousehold being registered).

kakochO j§~tIi Buddhist death register.kaimyo IIlG~ posthumous Buddhist name, recorded in kakocho.homyo it;~ Buddhist name given to living converts; similar to kaimyo.shumon aratamecho *r,atli examination ofreligion register (pre-1873).ninbetsuchO Ag'JtIi individual examination register (pre-1873).

The shuman aratamecho and ninbetsuchowere special surveillancecensuses whose object was to detect and apprehend hidden Christians. Theywere superseded by the koseki.

ken m(or U) prefecture, divided into shi til metropolitan prefecture (Tokyo-to _*til). Similar to ken.fu If-I urban prefecture (Kyoto-fu, Osaka-fu *Wilt. *Wilit ). Similar to ken.ku lR (or L\I) ward in some large cities (Sapporo, Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki,

Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, Kita Kyushii, Fukuoka); dividedinto cho.

shi rP city, divided into cho and aza.gun llIl county, divided into cho and mum.cho IIIJ (also read machi) district within a shi or ku; town within agun.chome T § smaller division ofa cho in some neighborhoods.mura ft (also read son) village within agun.aza * (sometimes oaza **) unorganized district in a shi or mum.banchi i1iJ$ house number.kuni 00 (or ~) province (no longer in official use). Now used to mean "nation."

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GLOSSARY, continued

koshu P 1'. head ofa household.zenkoshu IiUP 1'. previous head ofhousehold.otto 1c husband.tsuma 1t wife.fu llQl wife.chichi x: father.haha ill: mother.sofu mx: grandfather.sobo til. ill: grandmother.dan ~ (also read nan) male; man; fJ:. female; woman; daughter.ototo 513· younger brother.ane tJ1i older sister.imoto ~ younger sister.mago ~ (also read son) grandchild.himago 1f~ (also read soson) great-grandchild.yo • adopted. In Japan, a man without sonsmay adopt his eldest daughter's

husband as his own son, and the youngman will take his wife's surname.shimei ~~ family name; name ofhousehold head.

- shussei lli~ birth.bO L deceased; the late....-nen 4: (also read toshi) year.gatsu iI (also read getsu or tsuki) month.hi 8 (also read nichi) day; date.

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Like scores of other young Japanese, Sadao Watanabe came to the United States at a young ageto seek his fortune. His knowledge of English was minimal and he was unfamiliar with theAmerican culture but arrived in San Francisco in 1906 with the idea that hard work and youthwould overcome all handicaps.

Although Sadao planned to make the United States his permanent home, he knew of others whowanted to get rich quickly and return to Japan in triumph. A few succeeded and went back instyle, others returned with much more modest achievements. For the majority who remained,marriage and the raising of a family were important so that Sadao was joined by his "picturebride," Haruko from Japan in 1912. The birth of his first child Robert Nagao, followed by threemore children made it clear that ideas of returning to Japan were no longer realistic.

Life was never easy in California. The Japanese were called "aliens ineligible for citiZenship" andas such they were deprived of the "privileges" of voting and owning land. Although Sadao couldnot be a citizen, he drilled the idea of good citizenship into all of his children. Nevertheless,prejudice and discrimination (which was reinforced by the constant strain between the UnitedStates and Japan) remained strong against all Japanese.

The attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was immediately felt by the Watanabe family. All of them,including their American born citizen children, were placed in wartime relocation centers. Bobvolunteered to serve in the United States army and received numerous citations for hisparticipation in the Italian campaign.

The Watanabe family was released from the camps in 1945 and returned to California. Althoughthere was considerable anxiety about their future, they started their lives anew. Fortunately jobswere plentiful and even though they were now much older they were able to fulfill some of theirexpectations. All of their children received college educations, were married and had their ownfamilies.

The dream of returning to Japan was fulfilled in 1965 when they joined a tour and were able tomeet with surviving friends and relatives in Hiroshima. They found things considerably changedsince their departure decades ago and upon their return reflected on their own lives. They werenow American citizens through a change in the laws; they were surrounded by grandchildrenand although they realized that old age would bring forth some new problems they felt thatthey had lived full lives a"d had contributed in their Ownway to the making of America.


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Beattie, Jessie Louise. Strength For the Bridge. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1966.

A novel about Japanese Canadians in British Columbia.

Conrat, Maisie and Richard Comat. Executive Order 9066: Internment of 110,.000 Japanese-Americans. SanFrancisco: California Historical Society, 1972.

Photographic essay wh ich describes the general feeling of uncertainty of the Japanese-Americans who were uprootedand incarcerated in various camps during World War If.

Dowdell, Dorothy and Joseph Dowdell. The Japanese Helped Build America. New York: Messner, 1970.

The notable events and contributions of Japanese-Americans in the United States.

Eaton, Allen Hendershott. Beauty Behind Barbed Wire; The Arts of the Japanese in Our War Relocation Camps.New York: Harper, 1952.

The expression that emerged in art, accompanied with captions and legends by the Japanese-American internees in allten of the War Relocation Centers of World War II.

Edmiston, James. Home Again. New York: Doubleday, 1955.

A novel about a Japanese-American family in California. their exile during World War II, and the incidents that causeda bitter struggle.

Houston, Jeannie Wakatsuki, and James D. Houston. Farewell to Manzanar. Boston: Houghton,. Mifflin, 1973.

Recollections of the struggle at Manzanar written from the perspective of a young woman who lived part of her Hfe ina relocation center. This book has been made into a TV film.

Inouye, Daniel K. Journey to Washington. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1967.

A biography of the first Japanese-American to serve in the U.S. Senate. His war experiences in Italy and his entranceinto Hawaiian politics are featured.

Ishigo, Estelle. Lone Heart Mountain. Los Angeies: Ward Ritchie Press, 1972.

A personal account of a Japanese-American family's move to the camps and the problems of adjustment during theyears of the wartime relocation.

Kikuchi, Charles. The Kikuchi Diary, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1973.

A personal diary highlighting the life of a Nisei who lived in Berkeley and, was sent to the Tanforan Assembly Centerin 1942.

Kitagawa, Daisuke. Issei and Nisei: The Interment Years. New York: Seabury Press, 1974.

A sensitive portrayal of the experiences of an Issei clergyman covering the period prior to the wartime evacuation andthrough postwar adjustment.

Leathers, Noel L. The Japanese in America. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 1967.

Brief chapters on the reasons for Japanese emigration, the tragedy of evacuation, and a recognition of their ':~rious

contributions to American society.

Miyamoto, Kazuo. Hawaii: The End of the Rainbow. Rutland, Vermont: Bridgeway Press, 1964.

An autobiographical novel of several immigrants and their children in Hawaii. The novel provides an interesting accountof early life in Hawaii and the treatment of Hawaiian-Japanese during World War II.

Mori, Toshio. Yokohama, California. Caldwell, 'Idaho: Caxton Press, 1949.

These are various stories concerning the life of the Japanese in America before World War II.

Ogawa. Dennis. Jan Ken Po. Honolulu, Hawaii: Japanese Chamber of Commerce, 1973.

This book presents various portraits of the Japanese lifestyle in Hawaii.


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HBLL Bookshelves F 856 .C237 no.51
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HBLL Bookshelves N 7355 .E2
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Juvenile Collection 940.54 H818f
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 K54
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Okimoto, Daniel J. American in Disguise. New York: Walker Weatherhill, 1971.

An account of a Nisei's search for identity as he experiences life in America and in Japan.

Okubo, Mine. Citizen 13660. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946.

The black and white drawings are a personal account of a Nisei artist who was incarcerated during World War II, Herbrief comments convey the feelings of the evacuees.

Ossinger, J. E, Lamp in the Wilderness. New York: Vantage Press, 1955.

A novel of Japanese in British Columbia.

Sone, Monica. Nisei Daughter. Boston: Little and Brown, 1953.

An autobiographical novel centering around a growing adolescent girl in Seanle prior to World War II. The story alsocovers the evacuation and incarceration at Minidoka and the confusion and readjustment that characterized that period.

Takashima, Shizuye. A Child in Prison Camp, Plattsburg, New York: Tundra Books, 1971,

The story deals with the frustrations facing a child who has to learn to maintain dignity in a world that degrades him.The book retells the universal story of the obstacles facing a child who is "different".

Uchida, Yoshiko. Journey to Topaz. New York: Scribner's Sons, 1971.

A young girl living in California in 1941 finds her life transformed overnight as she faces evacuation and the newexperiences that await her.

Uchida, Yoshiko, Samurai of Gold Hill, New York: Scribner's Sons, 1972,

The story of a young boy in 1869 as he moves from Japan to California's gold rush. He learns to adapt to his newenvironment and becomes a samurai at heart.

Warinner, Emily U. Voyager to Destiny. Indianapolis: Babbs-Merrill Co., 1956.

A dramatic biography of the first Japanese, John Manjiro Nakahama, to acquire a knowledge of English in hisstay in the United States from 1841·49.

Yoshida, Jim and Bill Hosokawa. Two Worlds of Jim Yoshida, New York: William Morrow, 1972,

The book is a biography of a Nisei raised in Seattle who is caught in Japan during World War II. His experiences ofserving in the Japanese army are particularly interesting.

UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATEBailey, Paul Dayton. City in the Sun. Los Angeles: Westernlore Press, 1971.

The book describes life in the biggest war relocation camp at Poston, Arizona.

Bell, Reginald, Public School Education of Second Generation Japanese in California. Stanford: StanfordUniversitY Press, 1935.

Encompasses a wide range of topics and some specialized educational problems faced by early Nisei. It outlines andexpands on the history and development of Japanese language schools in California and Hawaii, describes legal banles,curriculum, purpose and social unity. Surveys are also used.

Boddy, Elias Manchester. Japanese in America. Los Angeles: Author, 1921.

This book covers diplomatic, industrial and social relations between Japan and the United States with an emphasis onpropaganda, anti-Japanese allegations, and myths.

Bosworth, Allan R. American's Concentration Camps. New York: Norton, 1967.

A history of the Japanese by a former newspaperman and NavY Intelligence Officer, describing the period from the1860's to the present day. The wartime evacuation is the foundation of the book.

Broom, Leonard and Ruth Reimer. Removal and Return: The Socia-Economic Effects of the War on JapaneseAmericans. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1949.

The socia-economic effects of the wartime relocation are covered from a sociological perspective.

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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 O37 Asian Collection - Japanese E 184 .J3 O42
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 O38 1983 Special Collection - 1130 HBLL D 769.8 .A6 O38 1966
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 S6
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Juvenile Collection 940.54 T139c Oversize Quarto D768.15 .T34 1974
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Special Collections - 1130 HBLL PS 3571 .C247 J6x 1971
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Juvenile Collection 808.837 Uc4so
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HBLL Bookshelves DS 881.5 .N3 W3
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HBLL Bookshelves CT 275 .Y47 A3
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HBLL Bookshelves LC 3173 .C3 B4 1978
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 B66 1970
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HBLL Bookshelves D 805 .U5 B6 1967
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HBLL Bookshelves H 31 .C17 vol.4
HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 B3 1971 Special Collections - 1130 HBLL D 769.8 .A6 B3 1971
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Conroy, Francis Hilary. The Japanese Frontier in Hawaii, 1868-1898. Berkeley: University of California Press,1953.

Utilizes Japanese as well as English language sources on the Japanese immigration to Hawaii.'

Conroy, Francis Hilary and T. Scott Miyakawa (editors). East Across the Pacific. Santa Barbara, California:American Bibliographical Center, Clio Press, 1972.

A number of essays covering many aspects of Japanese life including immigration, problems of adjustment, theevacuation and current issues.

Daniels, Roger. Concentration Camps, U.S.A. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

A recent account of the Japanese incarcerated at Heart Mountain, Wyoming during World War II. The events leading tothe evacuation and the adjustment of the Nisei (there was some rebellious behavior) are presented using documents thatare now currently available.

Daniels, Roger. The Decision to Relocate the Japanese Americans. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1975.

The book uses documents heretofore unavailable covering the evacuation from the point of view of the decisionmakers. The procedures leading up to the evacuation indicate the insignificance of the Constitution and othersafeguards when the people in power choose to ignore them.

Daniels, Roger. The Politics of Prejudice. New York: Atheneum, 1968.

An excellent account of the early experiences of the Japanese from the last nineteenth century to the passage of theExclusion Act of 1882. The role of nativist groups and west coast racism in pushing for Japanese exclusion are welldocumented.

Daniels, Roger and Harry H. L. Kitano. American Racism: Exploration of the Nature of Prejudice. EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall 1970.

American racism, California variety, is analyzed and the Japanese as one of the state's many ethnic groups is presentedin this framework. The Chinese, F il ipino, Blacks, Chicanos-and the Indians are also covered.

Fisher, Anne, M.R. Exile of Race_ Seattle: F_&T. Publishers, 1965.

This interesting story focusses on World War II. Brief histories of the Japanese who filed suit in the Supreme Courtagainst their forced incarceration are presented.

Girdner, Audrie and Anne Lofts_ The Great Betrayal. New York: Macmillan, 1969_

A historical look at the mass deportation of the Japanese with interviews of former evacuees. It covers this wartimeperiod from a recent perspective.

Grodzins, Morton. Americans Betrayed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974. Reprint of 1949 edition.

The legal and constitutional views on evacuation are discussed as well as the politics that shaped the event.

Guile, Sidney Lewis. The American Japanese Problem. New York: Jerome Sozer, 1971. Reprint of 1914 edition.

An early historical account of the Japanese immigration attempting to "correct" some of the anti-Japanese mythsprevalent during this era.

Hosokawa, Bill. Nisei: The Quiet Americans. New York: William Morrow, 1969.

The book provides an overall picture of the Nisei, their problems and their "successes".

Herman, Masako (compiler and editor). The Japanese in America, 1843-1973. Dobbs Ferry, New York: OceanaPublications. 1974.

Chronology, documents, appendices. This is no. 15 of the Ethnic Chronology Series.

lchihaski, Yamato. Japanese in the United States. New York: Arno Press, 1969. Reprint of 1932 edition.

A comprehensive history of the Japanese from the time of their immigration up to the 1930's.

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HBLL Bookshelves DU 624.7 .C65
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 C66 1972
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 D35
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 D36
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HBLL Bookshelves F 870 .J3 D36x 1973
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .A1 D25
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HBLL Bookshelves D 805 .U5 F5 1965
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 G5 Special Collection - 1130 HBLL D 769.8 .A6 G5 1970
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 G7
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 G9 HBLL - Religion/Family History Microfiche Z 1236 .L5 1971 no. 15510
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Ichioka, Yuji, et al. A Buried Past: An Annotated Bibliography of the Japanese American Research ProjectCollection. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.

This bibliography covers much of the early immigration period featuring leners and documents heretofore unavailable.

Kitano, Harry hi. L. Japanese Americans: The Evolution of a Sub~Culture. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: PrenticeHall, 1969.

This book is a social-psychological analysis of the Japanese. It includes chapters on the Japanese family. communityand the Japanese American culture.

Kitano, Harry H. L. Race Relations. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1974.

The Japanese American is discussed in the context of prejudice, discrimination, segregation and power. Other majorethnic groups are also analyzed in a similar framework.

Lanman, Charles. The Japanese in America. New York: University Publishing Company, 1872. Reprinted, Tokyo,Japan Advertiser Press, 1926.

One of the earliest wrinen accounts of the Japanese which emphasized the "quaint and exotic" rather than the negativestereotypes that later arose.

La Violette, Forrest Emmanuel. The Canadian Japanese and World War II: A Sociological and PsychologicalAccount. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1948.

A major study of the Japanese Canadians with emphasis on their evacuation from the West coast and theirconcentration camp experience during the war.

Leighton, Alexander Hamilton. The Governing of Men: General Principles and Recommendations Based onExperiences at a Japanese Relocation Camp. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1945.

The material is covered in two formats; the first, the planning, self-governing and the social organization in Poston.The second part covers the stresses and reactions to the incarceration.

Lyman, Stanford M. The Asian in the West. Reno: University of Nevada, 1970.

A sociological history dealing with the immigration of the Japanese and Chinese.

McWilliams, Carey. Prejudice, Japanese Americans: Symbol of Racial Intolerance. Hamden, Connecticut: ArchonBooks, 1971. Reprint of 1944 edition.

Myer, Dillon Seymour. Uprooted Americans. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1971.

This book gives key "insights" from an administrative, inside point of view about the wartime relocation. It was writtenby a former director of the War Relocation Authority.

Ogawa, Dennis. From Japs to Japanese: The Evolution of Japanese American Stereotypes. Berkeley, McClutchanCo., 1971.

The stereotYpes of the Japanese are viewed historically. The changes in this stereotype provide an interestingcommentary on attitudinal change.

Petersen, William. Japanese Americans: Oppression and Success. New York: Random House, 1971.

A sociological analysis of the Japanese Americans which views them as one of America's most successful minorities. Itattempts to account for their success through the concept of a sub-nation.

Reischauer, Edwin Oldfather. United States and Japan. Third Edition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965

The former Ambassador to Japan gives his version of Japanese·American relations from Commodore Perry to thepresent.

Roots: An Asian American Reader, edited by Amy Tachiki, et al. Los Angeles: Continental Graphics, 1971.

Various poems, short stories, interviews, and surveys written by a number of Asians. The reader focussses uponcontemporary problems of media stereotypes, the Vietnam War and the relationships among Asian males and females.


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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 X52
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 K5 1976
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .A1 K47
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 L2 HBLL - Religion/Family History Microfiche Z 1236 .L5 1971 no. 15523.
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HBLL Bookshelves D 805 .U5 L4 1946
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .C5 L96x
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 M36
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 M9
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Rostow, Eugene V. '''The Jaoanese Ameri C;a~~_A nic:aupr" Y~lp Law Review, L1V, 3 (June 1945), pp. 489-533.

Roucek, Joseph Siaoey. liltS Japanese in Canada. Reprinted from The Study of Current English Studies in Englis'L.iterature, Tokyo, Kenkyusha Shuppan. Vol. 20 no. 10, October 1965 through vol. 21 no. 2, February1966. Pages 50·58, 23·26, 11-21, 19·26, 23-30. Bilingual text: English and Japanese.

Smith, Bradford. Americans from Japan. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co .. 1948.

This book emphasizes a novelistic approach to the personalities of the Japanese in Hawaii. It covers the plantation,education, religion, urban life, racial tension, and the effect of Pearl Harbor.

Spicer, Edward H. et ai, (editors). Impounded People, Tucson, Arizona: 1969.

All anthropologists, the authors relate life at various relocation centers. It provides a broad outline of majordevelopments which affected the lives of the evacuees.

Strong, Edward Kellogg. The Second Generation Japanese Problem. New York: Arno. 1970. Reprint of 1934edition.

An early "scientific study" of the early Nisei college generation. It uses standardized tests to analyze the problems ofa generation that "deserves" to become American.

Thomas, Dorothy Swaine (with Charles Kikuchi and James Sakoda). The Salvage. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press, 1952.

Thomas, Dorothy Swaine and Richard S. Nishmoto. The Spoilage. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1946.

Thurlow, Setsuko. Cultural Influences Upon Decision 8Making in Two Japanese·Canadian Groups. Toronto:University of Toronto, September 1960.

A comparison of Nisei and Issei Japanese Canadians.

U.S. Congress. House. Select Committee Investigating National Defense Migration. Washington, U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, 1942.

United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Dr. James H. Okahata, chm. A History of the Japanese in Hawaii.Honolulu:United Japanese Society of Hawaii, 1971.

Compiled to commemorate the first 100 years of Japanese in Hawaii; contains 91 pages of photographs plus 431 pagesof text and appendices.

U.S. Army Western Defense Command and Fourth Army. Final Report: Japanese Evacuation from the WestCoast, 1942. Washington, D.C.: Government printing office, 1943.

General DeWitt submits this detailed report in which he justifies, in the interests of military security, the evacuation ofJapanese Americans. Maps, letters and statistics are also used. The mechanics of running procedures to provideadequate service to evacuation centers are discussed, as well as a summary of the entire operation.

Wangenheim, Elizabeth Dean. The Social Organization of the Japanese Community in Toronto: A Product ofCrisis. Toronto, 1956. M.A. Thesis, University of Toronto.

Utah Vallev RegionalGcmf:?'kf}~u~l Library,:~)3C tE~LL, 8YUProvG, UL:,;i 84602801 J371H\200

The Balch Institute's subject specialties - American immigration and ethnic group history - are interpreted by various library,museum, community affairs. research and educational programs. For further information on reading list schedules and bulk rates,can'tact The Balch Institute. Philadeiphia, Pa. '9'06•


"'THE 3.ALCh 't'-:ST!""L:TE Seof~~=er '975

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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 S58
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 A5 1969
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HBLL Bookshelves E 184 .J3 S88
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HBLL Bookshelves D 769.8 .A6 T45 1975
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HBLL U.S. Government Documents Collection Y 4.N 21/5: M 58/ PT.11-13, 14-17, 18-21, 22-24, 25-28, 29-31, 32-34
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Until 1979, most catalog card headings for Japaneserecords were written in English!romanizedtranscriptions of Japanese, using the modifiedHepburn system of romanization (see the appendix).Most of the descriptions in the body of the cardswere recorded with Chinese characters, because thewritten Japanese language uses thousands of Chinesecharacters. See the following example.

For several years, the Family History Library hasbeen collecting and cataloging Japanese records ofgenealogical value. In 1987, the locality and surnamesections of the Japanese card catalog weremicrofilmed and became part of the Asian MicrofilmCard Catalog. The catalog cards for Japan arecontained on eight microfilms (16mm). Please notethat the Japanese records listed in the AsianMicrofilm Card Catalog are NOT listed in theFamily History Library Catalog™ on microfiche oron compact disc.Because the Asian Microfilm Card Catalog wascreated in 1987, records acquired by the FamilyHistory Library since that time are not on the films.If you are at a family history center, you can learnabout new acquisitions by sending a ReferenceQuestionnaire to the Family History Library.This guide provides background information aboutthe Asian Microfilm Card Catalog of Japaneserecords. It also offers suggestions for using thecatalog.

1::10' 11

>\1lIfj;jj:lell • - ~ ,jH" N f '" -" iii : *1i!I_~t!j .1 9 8 1 .-."1:? I>' • 7 -1 Nb.l I) -/[,-; 3 5-.

/!i{1ilI. :~" .l!'IU!rz:lilIlI!I1il . 2/Hl (it 1/Hl)(l£ll:ll-ll:lli.'lfl'f; 6 ~ 5 - 6 ~ 6)~~:a.~*~milo-$~l!'••o~IlI*.~~*


1 .l!'1l!f<-1I!1ll:-'lfl'f 2. Jitlll* (l!'1I:1\\) 3.~.* I .••.JPNC C 86-00/26 7 Aug 1983 D

ASIAF!!,M AREA1.265,217Item ,1

Both subdivisions of the card catalog have a localitysection and a surname section. The headings on thelocality cards are often further subdivided accordingto record type. The record type tells you what kindof information you will find in the entry.The following example illustrates an English!romanized card with a heading that includes both thelocality and record type. The locality is Kagoshima-ken, Japan, and record type is a census record.

None of the catalog cards that were created before1979 have been recataloged. This has created twosubdivisions within the Japanese section of the AsianMicrofilm Card Catalog----.;ards with English!romanized headings and cards with kana headings.Because the pre-1979 records were not recataloged,the English!romanized cards and the native languagecards do not list the same records. The cardsbelonging to each subdivision are maintained onseparate microfilms. As you search through theJapanese section of the Asian Microfilm CardCatalog, you will need to check both theEnglish/romanized and the native languagemicrofilms to be sure that you have found allpossible records that might pertain to the family orlocality you are looking for.


In 1979, the method used to prepare catalog cardschanged. Since that time, all catalog headings havebeen written in kana (mostly hiragana andsometimes katakana). Most descriptions in the bodyof the cards have been recorded with Japanese andChinese characters. The following example illustratesa catalog card with a heading in kana.

CAZ11 Oct 1978card 1 of 2


XLIB 6-002/200

Microfilm. Salt lake City :GeneaJ.ogical Society ot utah, 1918. __I reel ; 35 mm.

(Tsutani kakei)$j>'A£j(,

~: "'~;<;.!!~1Ill£.*.... (-121~)3!: 2 5f1:IHil.l(189~-1972)

JAPANFilm795,816Item 1

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1. OfuJ i family of Yamaguchi.JPH JA/28anal 191 of 440 6 July 1977 c*

Locality Section for Native Language CardsThe locality section for native language cards isorganized in the same way as the locality section forEnglish/romanized cards. The cards are first filedunder JAPAN, then further subdivided from large tosmall geographic areas. Within the geographicsubdivisions, native language locality cards are filedby record type according to the traditional order ofthe kana charts (gojiion system).Surname Section for English/romanizedCardsThe surname section for the English/romanized cardslists records by family name, such as the Ofujifamily of Yamaguchi. The heading on each cardgives the surname and usually the locality or ken(modern prefecture). For example:

pt. 28 of 61)

OFUJI FAMILY OF YAMAGUCHIJAPANFilm1,132,013Item 8 (Hagi han, OfuJi ke keizu)

i< ill X IIUt ,,;1lII(In,;;..Jlllil... 1I<Pllltnil':JiliJl(l!:xlllltJlllt;iWI"lC'FfI:'I'iIf)iii , xll! ..1ll C I )

As mentioned previously, locality c~s also oftendesignate a record type. For English/romanizedcards, if the same locality has catalog cards for morethan one record type, the cards are filedalphabetically by the type of record. For example:

LocaIity Section for English/romanized Cards1be locality section for English/romanized cardsorganizes entties from large to small geographicareas. Geographic areas for Japan include the entirecountry, prefectures (ken), counties or cities, and. towns. Cards are filed in the following manner:

• Entries that pertain to the entire country are listedfirst, under JAPAN.

• Entries applying to the prefectures are listed next.Each prefecture is listed alphabetically.

• Under each prefecture, entries for each county orcity within the prefecture are filed alphabetically.

o Finally, the records for towns are listedalphabetically under the county to which theybelong.

In a few cases, the prefecture is not listed in theheading and the entry is filed directly under thecounty or city. You must look for records under theprefecture, county, and city to be certain that youhave considered all possibilities.The following chart illustrates these geographicsubdivisions.







Cards are filed according to the following rules:o The English/romanized surnames are filedalphabetically.

o Cards of different families or clans with the samename are filed alphabetically by ken.

o Surnames with no ken are filed alphabeticallybefore those with II ken.


Page 68: :r MICROFORMS-LEVEL.....HERALDRY lineage, successors, spouse, and house crest vate depositories;5 some Bukan KAii ofthelord;briefbiographyofchiefretainers at Genealogical Society 17

o If there is more than one record for the samesurname and ken, the cards are filed alphabeticallyby the name of the author, editor, or title.

Surname Section for Native Language CardsSurname cards in Japanese with headings written inkana are filed according to the following rules:o Surnames are filed according to the gojiion system.o Cards of different families or clans with the samename are filed by ken according to the gojiionsystem.

o Surnames with no ken are filed according to thegojiion system before those with a ken.

o If there is more than one record for the samesurname and ken, the cards are filed according tothe gojiion system by the name of the author,editor, or title.


Before you begin to search the Asian MicrofilmCard Catalog for Japanese records, you will need todecide whether you want to look in a geographicarea or for a particular surname. If you know thearea that your Japanese ancestors came from, youmay want to check the locality section for thatparticular area. If you know one or more familynames, you may want to look for them in thesurname section. As you progress in your research,you will probably use both sections.To begin your search, do the following:1. Select the microfilms that contain the locality or

surname you are interested in. Be sure to getboth the English/romanized and native languagemicrofilms for the locality or surname you wantto search. See the following charts to find thefilm numbers. Note that all kana locality cardsare contained on one film, as are all kanasurname cards.

Locality Section







Surname Section


Athrough MASUGI 1,208,860

MASUHARE through TAKAMURA 1,208,861

TAKANARITA through ZENPOJI 1,208,862


2. On the microfilms, find catalog cards with thelocality or surname heading that you are lookingfor, Read the description on the card to see ifthe record contains information that might helpyou in your research.

3. If the record described by the catalog card is ofinterest to you, write down the key informationfrom the card. Note the author, title, completecall number, and a brief description of theinformation you want to look up. If the filmnumber also lists an item number, be sure torecord it. When the microfilm includes morethan one record, the item number will help youfind the specific record you want.

Copyright © 1991 by Corporatioo. of the President of The OlUrch ofJesus Quist of Latter-day Saints. All rights reserved. Printed in theUnited States of America. Family History Library Catalog is a trademarkof the Corporatioo of the President of The Omrcb of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints.

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form wirhOUl theprior written permission of the publisher. Send all requests for suchpermission to:

Copyrights and Pennissions CoordinatorFamily History Department50 East North Temple StreetSalt Lake CitY. UT 84150.

First Edition, Oct. 1991. Series FHLC, No. 5j34789

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G'RAPPENDIX M dOfi d H b· o I Ie epJ urn omamzahon mde

~ana Roman Kana Roman Kana Roman Kana Romanif; AL' I-) U~ Et; 0fJ' KA fJ< GA ~'t' KYA ~'t' GYA~ KI ~ GI< KU <- GU ~19> KYU ~19> GYUtt KE If GE

KO -" GO ~ J: KYO ~ J: GYO- -~ SA ~ ZA L't' SHA L't' JAL SHI L ]I

T SU T ZU L 19> SHU LI9> JUit SE if ZEof SO of' ZO L J: SHO L J: 10t: TA t": DA iJ't' CHAiJ CHI -t:; ]I-:l TSU -:f ZU iJl9> CHUT TE -r' DEC TO ~ DO iJ J: CHO1d: NA t: 't' NYA,: NI.Y.l NU I: 19> NYUh. NECl) NO ,: J: NYO

---.!1 HA If BA It PA0 HI LJ' BI LJ' PI.J- FU ~ BU ~ PU"- HE " BE ---:: PEl;t HO II' BO II' PO


£ MA h't' MYAJi- MIt: MU hl9> MYUIf!) MEt MO hJ: MYO'? YA~ YUJ: YO<? RA I)'t' RYAI) RI~ RU I) 19> RYU;/1. RE0 RO I) J: RYOh WA~ 0A- N


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Other Resources Japan

Cyndi’s List Asia and Pacific Links Stuart Terashita’s Japanese American Genealogy Home Page Tracing the Roots: Using a Regional Office of the National Archives: Article By Rodger Rosenberg

Japan Genweb The Japanese in Hawaii, 1868-1967: a bibliography of the first hundred years Matsuda, Mitsugu Japan Map National Archives of Japan National Japanese American Historical Society

HBLL Bookshelves DU 624.7 .J3 X29
