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Advertisem ents. Advertisement s.

T H Ol\1PSON'S Q U E E N M d • I H II 'Ins uranoe Company.

e 1 c a a · oo s li C..u'ITAL--£2,000,0 tcr ng, (Establish ed 1866.)

.Ja..t roceh·ed I t ho S1•rin:;'a Stock of NEW GOODS I

~Alwaya on b:1nd-a fu ll 11upply of .U~Dl<.:lNE:::!, DRUG~. TUli.B'f .un~IOLE::i, &c.






'fl•o RI'JIOrt nan A c<"onnls fo1· tho ,.e.u' 1 i , prosenl6•1 to tho ~bM"Chol\1(• •-s ~~ thu Annu:.l ::\IPClin;,on Tuesday, '.?ith

\Vholesnlo :~sent fo r J's Fluiol :\[n\", ! S7!J, aL wh ich Ucmt•t•l llnll, Esq .. Beef.'•l , tilouwccl , in the J) j,·itlcncl nnd

~P .. rlicull\t' attenlion rnid to 'Pr:.F: scn.rr riO~S.k,.ii

Tht\ followin:; n~ sorr.o of the pnRci('l\1 Bonus nt tho rnte t.ogPthcr of I.J pt-r it emll- cent . wns dc:darctl, .£14,03.) uving CIT·

E ua:t Foui' &.H., Q •nnine \Yino rieJ forward. Keating'~ l nat.ocL Powllcra F fR E BRANCU, Thomua'll J::cloot ric Oil Thnt the P1·ominms l o t· ! ~ i S, niter D11y Ru10, Bon~ino, R~:~i ng Sun Blacklcacl clcuucting R r · irumnuu."<'K, f.\mounto•l lo ~uoy'a B lackl.-ad, Chamois lkma .£4~G,2i4, boi ng nn inc rease uf .£5,39 1 llront.o. Quid Loaf, u.runalfiok Black O\'Or ~ho Prominm Income of 18 7i; 1uul JA:.r'a Jo: lutic India ltu t.hor t hq Lo$Ses to ..t:!.J l ,GG l , ooing .15.16 \'1\ruU. h. fo.11 l:la ruo>SII, Puliab p · { 1 y ot .. ~l·ua Uru•hoa, l hu Uruab('S J><' l' cent. on tho I'OIIIIlltnS 0 t 10 l'llr. ~ai: clu f ooth do lN T U E LIFEDEPAHT~BNT, Sb:~ving do. llre&.'t lt uli.ov..,rs That New P olh:ics luLd bl'~ll iss11ed C..Stoz: uil per gallon , llo. m Lt.mlca f.1r £ ::!2::!,485 ; nnl\ tbll t. tltll L 1fe Fund, ~ourt Plaalo r , \.:ulu Croaoa . I lly thr mhlitioM IUUUO W il :lll ~he l"CJ~Itl~ Ood f:Avor 0 1l1>e r llalluu •lu .... ' butllc~. nr the> year'" Ol"'rntionll now rc•prclltollt..ll OrOIIIDil Comba . .huu c ..... ~ •. Canury Seed Gi .9 jJI'I' ccnt.oflhecnti ro uot l'remi:uus c .. ncenluted. Lye, u .. lllu Curk • . I p I ' t' Cream of Tarrar, £nemas, Glycerine recci\'Cu on e\'cry o rcy 111 orcc. }furuituro l'ohah. , Oluo, f inm:u'l\Lic, II uno; - r. Iufant..o Fccdlllst l.lulllca, llrl!41l Glaasc•, T he surl'!.:11 IJtLlauco in tiC F iro A c· n .. nnct Oluo. K~>y'A (',·a~nhnc. Loutull cnolllt W(l,!l sholl'll t o be ,£ I Oi ,59!l, out of Luntl J uice, L'' \"o"oo. M.dunl' llll I whido .£:.!0,000 Wtl.l! rppropriuteJ til :'ll udl&go. :\ i(lp ~"fur Fe.odu•ll l:utll~• 'u'l"'"~'' .\ c,~u111 t., rnit<ius; thnt Account ~c1taf,.,l Oil, ll.:oland Yu\J,,,., &l ;lorc• to £110,000 a&lll making ,,;tl, tho 1:<'· !try hllut..- .. IJ•Iol\dus .

1' ' 1''{ Cl:>y ~~·n·u Funcl 11n,\ D • .Juncc e11rrieJ fo• Wt\ld

f' ,•tl Hoxea lltlll l'uff•. !'ink l~u·•t l 'umico l:ilono, Huain. ,'3). 1-'ru~ll:\ £~ 1,0110. Salad. Oil per ~:alton, Ju. in hutdc•~ I Fl"~DS' ~alta of Lelllon, :;,,ltpclru, Scull! a Ppwclcrs l':tpi t:~l Pniolnp ........ .... ............ .£1 ~0,0:1:1 Guw Sbulll\0, Snuff Bu:uu, Ca.t.Llh:,.t)unp l ' en,·rnl Ht:ili,ri'O fund ............... 1 iO,OOO '[b.,mpsun'a .\ll\ltt.lf f'ollJ.I ~·, .. ,. Fnntl W' l'u~:\rn~o t l'rcmiUDIK 1:10,000 Brown \\'uul.,•r d .. . (;)ycorino,_ r\•l , I llablll'~ cnrncd forww-c\. ...... ..... .. 14,0!1.',

• t:arb<>n•l.n of Sod.'\, Wa.oluug t:ry•ud I Life .\ r cumnlation f'nnol . . , .... . ..... !JOO,fl19 Sr•rit.~ of 'f•arpent.ino. Sp.'llclin;.:s c :!no i .\ nnuity Fund .. .... .................... _ 11 ,(1!:9 Spon~ul, Table :)..,It, ~lauwra l:' ln.ot" r.. Alcuo:k ·• l'ur<0111 l'l,..,.lur- T~rtaric Aclll fliiG,4 t l'\ !·:.,cnec .,f I .om"' · TuuLh J',,,..,r~ r & l' . .at<~ Sf ~TO~ DO~OV A ':\. (\J••&I \ 'nrnaah, \ ' uall;.(.<r. Cuppon• t i ~uorai .\gcut for :\OJ. E,'tr:\Ct nf J,.•..:\o\uod. t:roun· l t'··· . "uu. ,\(a:~TR : Ad•m'a~Ju.h ut S:\h' \!, \\~ 4,.., •n I ~.;ht~J ,., Jt .. n ,\ , T. UK y :-;0.\ LE, M ra A lieu'• ll<ur llc.aot•h'cr. l ·" \'~f • . lJ1H.'1 r\' J'cClt~ l '1.1 , \ ~·..: r'a .lr5f\J•r.nll:\ J!,_:uJ ,,,,y'A J: t. &lh\•II L', ~~1 1tl )tl, tft !

ll .u·l>or l; "' '"~'. H. 0 . S II ~. 1-; ll .\ :'\ .U.'u,

!:5t. Pi~· ro:. J., IW...rh· 1: ... 11..!. (;,,..h,lld Brown's Uroon~loi.ll Trud ouw, l'luroJ:t w .• ter f).-r 27, I '-7!1. }(r" wn'• Chlur•t4llne, .\ yt•r 'a IJa:r \" a~··r, - ----- ---Childron'aTc.:lhllll( t~~~~~·· ~.l'"l'l'ornuut 1 Northern Uenrya t;,,l:w~d ~l ,.:;:n.:aoc

lhllmuy '• ucutuocu• , !J,.uu ..... y·· l'llla I Assurance C6mpany. C.•eklu'a 1'1tla, ll unl 'S do l' •>r t.nn'• d<:> Panron'l do FOit Ayer'a .to ~l <trtllotll'a dn ~'T'~ ~ ~ 'T' 'T'-r:='W~ f{ ,d ,•ay'R tio Wo la·•ll'a do 10: ~~.,&::.AI ~ ~~~ ~ J uhn11011'a An<~<ly'le Luouon t i(.,atln l!• C<>ugh Lot~c·•~~" . .

do Wo~rau 't',.bh·ta, .1\luat.l\ng L111tmcnl Woodil'a ' l.n~on~n. :\lo~n'• Vur1r.1fn-<u, ~l ed icnm~ntum rtlorehu&O'a ~hgnutic Pla.otllr l'o'l<lr ll11n'1 f r1eud, 1t.•.h'a Rat l'oieon ltuasia Sill va, Spirit J.o'laalts Shor idan' a Condition l' owdcr R iw.nol'a Lime J nice and Glycerine A l&r!,Ce auorlmcnt u ( Runm.,t'a porfumo !)inglot.o~a Oolden Eyo Oint.ruont WllaoWI Cherry lla\aam, Violet l'owucr

do Snotbing Syru1•• Wi!lli\Qw~ do.

CAPITAL-.£3,000,000 Stg.

F IRE rttEmL:~I ::i ........ .. ....... .£ 40!\,001 LIFE olo. .. .......... .. .... 1 ~,;,0()( llS'TEllE$'1' ...................... ... ... 101 ,0()(

IIE.\0 OFI-'ICES: J.osoos-1 ll norgate trcet . Aui:HDEEN-:1 King ·Strt!CL.

( o•urnnceacfl"cccdon Properly io N ow. fo unt! land Al. C urront:RnLca nf l'N-r .. ium.



BOOKS Suitable .for Presents.



&eeeb of Hon. S. RE:~DEt.~oQtioued. Look a,qaio u t.bllt famous locality, FPx 'I'rap, of which we baM htild aueb froqueot meoLioo o£ !ale. l Tbt 'people about that noighllourbQOd art now'«>mparath·ely well to do, &na t!Jere i.e a -deg~e of comfort amoo~;1t them t!Jat did not u1ot 101110 teo or t wel•o years ago, becauao they ha'I"O tau,11ht thomseh·oa to rely more upon t ho producta of tho 10!1 for thoir aubeiatenco than fo rmerly. Then jlO to Torb:\y, 1\ild bowofcr much wo ml\y alfect to 1milo at tbe expenao of tho Torbay uage, they are doing good work, aod mull be reeogoiud M con· t ributint; their abuo to the general produc· in~; capacity of tho d ialricL l\umberw of people in T orbay, LollY U~y and between t hllt and Capo St. Francie ArC! l e~rj!ely in­tlcbtcd to their liUie loome&te3ds i n eon· ~tioo with t ho fi.ehcriet, for tho aupport c.( thcmseh·ca and their fnmiliea. So aleo in tbe dircctiou of Bay Uul 13 ~toad along the shore aout hwnrd. All thcao loc:alitiea are connoctecl wiU1 oooh other, and with the c:npill\1 by good roada; aud crou linea in· terecct t ho trncla adopted for ag rieulturo. Whoro fMmiog h1111 been lli"'llecu ted to any extent in thceo localities, 1L i.e a pl eA~turu to tho eyo in autDmcr tin1o to eeo, as arouad St. J ohn's, tho jlreen field~. enttl~. 1u~ol'· 1\nd other paatoml surroandiogs, t ho ovi­dcncca of comfort aod content ment. Thoro wM abuud:~nco or Y&cant uncleared and t<qually good la.od, enough to aupport huudrod1, if not thouuuw of people, iu tho neighhorhood or lha4 which ia alrea,ly mMie p roductiYo within euy acc:caa o r thcl St. J ohn's market., but tb~ro does not ap· rear to bo &ny atreng lfceirc upoo the p.vt Of t ho people tO deYOlO tbemae)ves to till· ago to tho cxteo' \hat might bo wi.bed. l'robably t borc are portioas o r t be ul~t.nd eoollliuing anil moro fertile, tban t hAt ad­j •cen t to thoeo row and m:\rket. li e had not b~cn in Codroy, but be bcliovc<l from nil he bc:~rd of tb:lt loe:Uity, that tbere ia a cooshl ernblc f\l'e& of rully excelleot land thcr~. nnd bo bnd no doubt it 1u.s the rqosl favomblo for ngriculturo of Rny p.vt of :\owfoundbnd. Sucb being the CMO, peo· plo 1honld be encouraged to 1ctdo thore, and aMP in ot-her fertile apoll " ·here t bore

colony into b:ankruptc7. Bu~ bo auppoaed 4M rail~ was a fore~~:one couclotioo, !ioowinjf tho atutimeotl of tbu Governmoat upon it. 'Inc hoo. Proroier, whom they 1111 knew to bo a msn of e~rong opinions aod will, thUI eooncial.nd b i1 orinioo~ in IUIO~her placo in a debftte oo Apri t(lth 1878.-

" I.Le reaolfld to launch bia propoaala be· fore tbi. committee, and further, aenr to eeuo agitation until b7 aomo means, tbo object ho desired \fM llttaiood, ~t.nd that was t ba cooatruotion of a mil lfay aero ~~a thi1 lsll\nd aud tho eonnoctinn of Newfound· Janel witb llritain on thu eatl."

Oor Britiah Portrait Painte rs from Sir Peter Lely to Jo.ines S.1nt. 16 illuatraUooa with doscripth·o and hiatonCill uq tieot by Bd· mund Ollior.

Picture• b,r Wtlliruu Mnlrend?'• RA., with deseriphooa aut! a biogmphtcal sketch of the l:'aiotcr by JatUca UniJerne

Pictui"Cl! by Cbarlea ltoben Loalio, llA., with deseriptionuod a biogrnphiCill sketch of the t)llintcr b7 James DaJTornc: .

fiirkct l''oatcr'a pictures or Enjllisb li\Dd· ec.~po (cn~:mved by t he broU1cr'a Olllticl). Pictures iu \'('l'fe by Tom T nylor.

llcnutic~ of f:Ogl~h IAnd~<CApo drnwn by llirk~l Foster cn1;1"31'cd by lhhicl IJrotbcra J . Cooper, E. !::van•. &c.

PicturcN}IIIl Scenery in Ireland rlmwu by 'IltomM CN-~,.ick. llA. Bngn\\'cd on

lcel. with tlc-.acripti\'P jo ttin::s. 11to C hrininn ye&r, ollu1tmtcd by Sir .John

Gilbert. Hobert Barnet, W. U. Scott, II. {;, ..:oJous, W . Small, <~C.

IAmb's Tnles from Shl\kCJ\{101\rc, ellitcd by Cht~rlu Knij::ht with :140 illua t.rntions by Sir John Gilberl,J ... A.

llomc Affcction11 rort.rnycd bf the Poet.~, aelcctcd nod crhted by ChnriC!! MAckny, illu~lmtcd wi~h 100 copvingtl.

The Prince of the llon!e of David, o r U1r1!0 ycnMI in tho llo l!' City by the nc.''· J . II. I ngmh:~m, L.L. 0 ., witb DUUlcrous •IIUJtm· ti9n11.

·n,o ':\cw Illustrated Natun\1 Jliatory, by tho Hev. ,f. II. W ood, :\I.A., F. L.::i., cogn\\'ed Q)' the firotheMI 01\l:ticJ.

Tlao P opular Nnturnl lliatory, by the ' "mo. :\nomi, or ·nul l..aat Oayli of .rcmll.~ lcrn, by

:O.J rs. ,T. ll. Webb, lfith illuatrntiooa on S teel from drn" io~os by W. H. I3."lrtlct c..

Tho Pictorial T our of the W orld ; compna· iug Pen nnd l 'cncil l ketchcs of 'l'rn,·cl, Incident., Ad•·cnt urc and Scenery .'ketch,•& from NRture in \\'alter <.:olou~ by Aarou l' .. uncl. ·

Cnnnou Fnrn rs L ife of Christ with oriboina.l illUlltmtiOIIf.

CAnon Fnl'n\TI) Lifo ruul W orks or .'t. 1'1\ul. Lifu nncl\\' ork~. of Christ l>y Cunuiughllm

Gcikic. I..L.)) FlectiTOO<l'~ Lifeof C bri•l. EnS~land's ltoyl\l llum~. by dao n o\', Chnrle1

Uullock , U. 0. Tho Home Lifo of tho Prince <.:ooaort by

t he IIIUDC. Ooul:lly ltoyl\1, mcmoriRI1 of tho l 'rinceA

Alicu hy t he ~'\me. Within the l'cbcc C:\tcs, n trihutc to the

meioory of Fnwcia Hial lcy lli\\'Crb"d\ by the MIIIC.

B\!., otie~ of . hl\l:~pc:1rc hy llc•·. W. Dodrl, D. I> .. with l:! illustrntious in pcruo~nuui ph.>togrnphy f.o:n lloyddl C:nltcry.

IJccwu's Dic~ion~t.ry of l,;ui\l!rtBi l nfo rm:\ tio u.

Uick'o £ocyclop:cdin of l'racl.ica.l Rcc:cipl• &c.

';\~"· \'olumcs fo r 1 i!l 9 [ Lc.i.euro llour in three diAtm~l bindin~:s.

Sunclny nl I lome iu t.bree diltinct bindins:& (.iood Word~; Sun{lay M~..uin~;Thc Quovcr;

The Uav or lllll!l; CMWll'l l\11\l,'IWIIC; Golden i roul"!!, Family Herald Vol. 43; lloy's Own Annual or l'a~r; Kind Wor.l•; Cht\tterbox; Litdo \\'•do-Awake; Sundny; Littlu Folkll; Tho Family Friend; •n.o F:~mily Vie\l.or : Tho P rixo: '.J;'ho l of&Wt'A :\11\g:ufnl); Tho Dritiah W ork· m:~n ; Tho Uritilh \\' ork wom1111; Tho

'~'ott:~gc r and ArliMn ; T he llMd of flope Ho1·iew ; ·n ao C hild's Own l\lawuio!' \ T ho Cbild'a Com(IIUlion ; The C;hlldren'a Plcaaoro 13ook ; 'Ilto Adviacr; The Pn.t-

cr for Bo,·a and Gi.rlL Tho Budget fo r Boya and Girll. Strahan'' Grand. .Aonoal for tho youog, with 60 drawings. A Merry Cbria~ and Happy Ne• Yesr ;

A n ousefol of Children.

i~ a Jlfapect o f obtaining a be ttor livcli· }loo<l ; aml it wonld be worthy of tho M · ~cntion or the Go~crum nt to llid in ro· moving people to anob !JIIIcee ahould they apply to tl:oom fo r t.bat ohjei:l. But be doubted tlol\t nny such arplicatioas would bo made, 1t1 tho people geoon\lly appear quite indifferent upon the mntter. W bilo ho did not l.elieYe that tho neecasiti.:s or tbe peuple wonld be rcmoYcd by tho build· iug Of a 1:\ilway, 1\lld lrnn~portinq tbeUI in· to t he Interior\ if auch ehould be tho result, the t.tnd~ucy in m1111y )>U\4 of too ialantl is to volunlnry rcmo'll;l.) from the expo.sed •el\· boud to more ~bt>ltcred apol4 in t ho bsya and coves. T bo common s.:uto of the peo· pic will srndually impel them to this ennl"'le without a ltogether ot.andoniog thei r 61ft· ing p remises, but it i1 idlo to t hink they will quit the1r little bolJio,.s, 1,-ive up t heir bo~ll, ne~ 1\nd fi6hiog gcnr and 1:0 off to clcu up the wildernca. It rni\y be quite true thAt tb~j M prrufut labur onder an enforced idleucu of eoroo aeven o r eight

"Tho oaly propo3itioa be lllid dowo per · omptorily,- ra1lro&d acro11 the country muat be b •1ilt."

This w111 etrong if not Rrbitrary lt~nguaJrC, ADd WOollf 10em to IOL UjJ II right lO CX· c\rulo 111 of no uluv U.e opinions of tlooae who mi •bt chooao t'J differ wiUt i t., and it wu potent C\·idenoe of a deeiro to ucutCI tho erection or 1\ r:Uiro:~d rLt all ba.mrd, \\'ell, when t he delirium ~t.ri1ing from thia mil way fcnr ehall 1\l\Vd puaod away, and people lure bocoruo 1\wnkcnetl to their pro· per sen~~ealhey will bezin to ask-whore ia the fuhcry n•ard? lle abould mHO DO further oUilcn·a tio01 on t ho ID31ter 11t pre· lCD I.

Uun. J Alii:S Fox h11d liatencd with much attention to the argumcnll of hon. ~:entl c· men upon thi. milway qncation which bad so important 11 bcoring upon the rul\tcrinl inlercat.s of tho country. llo thought oo moro aerioua eubject could cngt'O&' the Ill· tcntion o f chc lcgislatn•o in •·io\Y of t ho present eoodition of tho colony and ill fut uro prospects, if we contiooo to adhoro to our old ayatems and (nil to take a now departure. With declining 6slterica, do· cliuin~: 1\t lc:ut in nluc, a ncJ widespread p~t.uperialll cotnilinl! la~e 1\onual dralta on tho public exchequer, iL is the P.'mmouot duty of the legislatu~ to devote tbc beat on· • <glt!l of ita united wi.edom in promotinl! any mtuure calculated to 11\iac the condition of tho people and adnnco tloo country in cor· rcapondeoce with t he progrewve apirit lhl\l we eee actuati ovall oU.creititixed communi · tics. Takiag tho r.ireum•t.,uc:e• into his acrioua conaideratioo, be rquat Cl)rL.'tinly MY ho wu in f~~tor of the eonst roction of 1 rnilw(\71\1 prop011ed, but shoultl not like to eee tho work undcrCAkco hy t hOROYeromcnt, nor by any means thnt would iacret\110 the taus of tho people of t ho country. If 11 company can bo induced to u nderll\lto to build nnd operate it on modcrnte Ie rma that will not cndl\ogcr the linaucial atability of t ho colony, be though~ rcMon:.ble encour-1\I:OOlcpt should bo held ont to 11ccompli1h that end, and in fact it wu t heir duty to offer all ratioDI\l facilities to ~ccuro an inst itution that bl\ll ,eonfc rrcd benelit'on all other couotries where it exiltL l~c t hought it would bo wiao to offer t o such a company poll of land ou each aido of the route which t he line would trntel'llo in a\· teroato bl<lCka. aud 1\ auh<lidy aucb aa the colony might !Jc able to afforrl. aay £40,000 per annum, to promote an object t hat would c reate employmcut for our people, defelop new aoureu of indaatry, and tend to tloc g~neml y,·elf11re of t he colony. ll o1 fully concurred ~tith tho obeerntious of hon :\lr. 'l'borbam, and fel~ with hion tb:l.t, it i..a r1ther premature to. discua the q_ucetion until ~toll tho papcrw connected with 11 ehall bavo beiln Wd on the tabla of the boose.

Smokiu~: Tobacco, Pipes Penkoi••oa Paper .E .~Vclupo•, J>ena, l'o!ocila ' \'ritin:; ::u>u bbrking l nka T obacco PouchM, Camul U11ir P eucila

Prospc etusoa.-Vonns o f A pplicotioll fur Fire anrl Lifo J nsur:~:uo nn d till other I nfJr mnh on e .. n bn oul.l\incd al

Tho Gem of All Picture IlookL Friaky end his F lock. LitUe Tot' a T~ury of P ictures and St.ori• a Cnri•tmM Trcaauriell. Sunshine for dull dnys.

tunntloa of the )Cnr, bu~ how n ouJd lbnt be iru;>rovcd \Yc ro they lo~tcd in the interior of tho country ? They y,•ould st ill have to confront those 1eveo or eight mouth• wben tho g ro.und ia coycretlwi b anow, a.nd when lnbor u pon It wauld ~ q uit.o Q.ut of tho (l1te&tion, notwithallading t lie laud may ~a.a valuable llll TCported co u.a. U o did not d eliro to throw diacreclitupon Mr. Murray'a

.rcporll, b ut ho thou~:ht t hat any peraop re· eiding out of , Newfoundland, reading hia ftatt.ering description of the alleged fertile tracta woul:l form a very different idta from t~e reality. A CAn3dian, for ioatnnce, oo perueing th oao reports would naturally couple \ho duen etinu with what he wAS acquaioted with 10 reapcet to Canadian laode, lhioking there 'Ifill a aiwilmrity be· tween them. But La. would be much dia­appoioted in comparing tho two. In Canlld~t. tho fertile Ianda are ehiefi,r a t firet co•ered with timber, the tree• be1ng largt!,

R~ling W~. <Jiga"' Auili11e Oyo• in lld. paekalle•

G R 0 C E R~I E S : G reen P!'M (cttont'd,) Swt'rt o m, Olive-~ ( l.ottl?d). CtWtl'll• Co;u rcttea Corued Be,.f -~ ond 4lb. tins. Doat Ornuod Cofl'cot, Sa;o Arrowr011t1 l:'eul Barley Candied Crt.ron P eel , F lavouring E uon cea

d o. 'Le•nt~n d o. d o. Orango d o. B<:>ttlll'l Frnita

Ja~ J ollie,, Marmalade, c ,nnOd Oy•t.on Oon~llfO•l ~filk , Pruer•ed B041r rr sorfed Mo ton, Soup and Bouilli P olLed Tongul'1 P ot ted Ham•, Pot ted Beef Oor'q J1.9tH'• Pepper, Spiue, Cinnamon CUTOtL"I\J. SNid, Olnvet , Pickles. Sanooa Cof1io P owder, Thym11, Sagl'. Pa.ra!ey Marjur&.!'l~, Table Vinegar. Nutmoa­Ca7enl\e fiepl)er, Capen. Katchi!S Ne!aol'fe ~taline and TairutlAAI Wo4nl~e Baklni l'owdar, Ytepued H opa R obtn-nt\'a P~ut Rarley, Epp!l Coont.

~do. L '\fQ Groat. Ne~ie'• .,~ lor Iufao(a. Ball Blue Mo~ ln ~\a"ea and bott'ea i'eelt',.,JrrCJM - & c;·. c.lobrat.od Biacuill

lil 2tb t n•· Preae~to1~IJIOD, dl'l. Lobatu, A li.!J.O ol KEBOSENE O,lL and · qaulut YS,eto., alwayapo Ita

t he 0!6co o f . A. 0 . OAllVAnD

t;l. Jobn'a, Ageut lor :\Od

Guardian FIRE & LIFE

Assurance Com:p'ny OF LOND?N.

ESTABLlSiiED l S!ll.

SUISCRill!O CArlTAL ......... £ 2-,000,000 St;. TOTAL I:<Yrsrno Fusos ur·

WARDS OF ..................... 2,7~000 " ANSULD L'(CO»I! Ul'WAI\l).S OF 360,000 "

Tbo "GUARDIAN" being a Eogliah J oauranee Cnmp&ny, olfen all Ulnae adraotagea moat dealrablo to ioeu~ra, riz., u odoubr.d atability, fat'orable tenoa aod pt'OCIIP~ aeUlemeota of c!alma fo r loa •

'l'be uodereijl1led haflng been ::.ppo1oted Agent fo r,Ntwfouo4taud ra prtp&red to II· auo Poli~• apinat loaro by Fire.

· JAMES 8. WUITER, St. J obn'a.

JOSEPH OIJDDEN, S~tb-Aseo' Br. Grace.

lly Pet Book . My, Own Book. '1 be Faco in the Gla&, Tho Iodeatruc lible .Mother Gcoec. R. Calrleeott'• Pic:t.uro Hook, conlaioi ng

divcr\ing H~oriea for tho you11g. Remioiaconcca and Anecdote& of celebrated

preacbera hy Thom1111 Jacboo M.A. Foxo'a Book of llirtyTI, illuatnlted. Tho Choice llumeroua Worka of ·Mark · 'l 'walo illn1trated. Tho Comt>leto W ork& or Chllrlea F. Browne "A~mua 'Vard."

T110 Seleot WoTke of Brellltu't.c1 in rro10 aod P oetry ill uatrated.

GriiDlll'a Fairy Ubrary. AH the Standard~oeta in Cloth Morocco,

l mit.atioo lfo &nd other bindinga. nlaminattd T ox a,nd Bi.rtbday UookL IndestruetibloTo & oU.or Jutenilo lloolca, l'ra7er Boob in Morocco, h ory, Silk,

Veltet &Ld others Bindinga. Church SerYicoe. Biblee all mea and qoAliLie&

J . F. C(\ISBOLM. S t. .Jobn'a, Deo. 10t.h.

Bugaia1. Baraataa. --Al -- •

·Par$ons's_ Furniture Depot. .,....o-

aud widely aep.,rat~d, 110 u,at a pereoo cou ld without hjndraJoco wal.k for milee uudorne11tb tbetD. When cut down and chopped up br au ioteuding cultivator, bo hill only to d1g and plant hia corn between tho atumpa, repeating hie clearing yea" by year, nntil tho a tuwpa buiDge1ther beoomo deeayed or been remo•ed, ho hal ao OX· tenlifo clearing. Let a l t'Ulor go iuto oar cnuutry, &nd Le would find where conred with foroat, a doo~or growth , and in many places, lars:o bouldtr~underneath tbe t roea, tbAl would require immenao toil tp ~~OYe, clear the l~nd aou pl, iL in a eoodiUoo of

r.rodoc thcnCI4 Aoy agricolt.oraJ aet~ler n good health and atungtb 11•ing into

C&nada or the United S tate., would in a few yura make a comfortable home for himeolf witb tho aame ao;JOuo.L of labor that would in thia couotry cooaume an orlli oary lifetime. To eo:opa.rt the lfJriouhoral capabillliea of thoao eooot.ri~~a witlllh0f8 of Newfouodlaod u abeiU'Cl aad re~pant

eubjeet in ill lrLlc phMca, though outaido rumor liM been !Jaay deal In:;: with propoa.1ls uid to ha\'o beeu ClltWo to Got e rnmeot, and t here mrLy for nuJ:ht wo kuow, be gootl r&'\.aiJ in tho carrwol belief t hat. the tc rntll oll'or.:d Are beyond t he menus of t.lie colony; UDtil we lll"'l Ngularly informed in au official man on, it would n t ' be pradenL to giYe ext>rcaion to any aU<Itllf opinion• on tho po111t. lie blld no 1yanpath7 with thoao who would irra tionl\lly obstr ucL the ad· vance of p rogrcaeit'o ideu, aod wbo would op~ l bu conltructioo of a r:Ulro:ld u unrequlrcd bec:auao lbey to 11e beforo their eyes lalll(ible e•idonco of tho alleged rcaourcoa of the island. U h111 been tho innriablo hhi~ of auch .Peraona to acoff when the internal c11p:tbilihce of ~owfound· land ara meutioned; to rleprcci:.te ita \'alue when de•iroua to atrou~tlbeu their auti· railway ai'JIUIDenta. llut when it i1 reeJied, if tho lnad of ~he country be ao atenlo u you my, and tho cliw:\tc 10 iohoapit~~blc, eben hl\nd nil over to 11 comp:~ny to build tho road, aod t.'\kc t loo respooaibility, t hey turn round ancl nn,lfer no, we 1\ro not will· ing to do nnything of t he kind. D<>g-in· tbe·llll\nger-lil:.e tbey would ntither 1.1tililc tbem lhem~IYcs nor ~>llow uthc111 to do 10. llis opinion wu tl111~ i~ "ould bo advis.\ble



further allditioo to the retenae to adM from it ? •

Uon. A. II AR\'ytt : If the oooatroctioa of U•e roatl be ~:iten to " company oo eoeh terma u to etipulate tha~ the paymeo' of t he aublialy by the colony abaU be coa· tia~nt ol'oo , .,. railroAd b.iDI kepL up &nd worked, thep the outlay In conoeotlou with it woulJ hilt be cooOoed to Ule few yc:tl'll oeenpiod in Ita conl thlction. Nu rnilro~ could be rnn in thia counU,, ODe train a day each way, without an expe•· ~lure of at least' .£400 ourreocy per milo e.ery ye~t.r. If tlte wbola leogtli thea, w~th braoohee, be 400 miloa, theN l!OUid ~. a minimum anuual expenditure ciT £160;oQ9, enry farthing of which wonld be . eJ­changtd for goode imported into, aqd,_pay­iog duty in tl:ia faland. The a't'l;£dul1 upon theaos good• would beOI at., which would bo ~ Otucb direli1 rued

to aeeure t ho cooatrnotion of n rnilrond if within tl1o mcao• or t be colooy. Tho re~ aolntiona of 1878 embrACed · 110 otrer of £:10,000 a year subsidy to any comp:~ny of C3pitnlial.'l wbo y,·ould undortAL:c t ho work. At tho lime, that 11101 wu reg11rdcd, and vory j uatly rcprllcd a large nmounL for this colouy to undertake to pay. but had we beou e~~ llorl upon to do so, 1\Dd brought about the reeult wl) aimed at., y,·o might oot be nny 11orwo off tu·dl\y. Wbcn bo firet hl\d t ho hODOilr Of taking 1\ 10at iu the legislature, tho colonial expcodilnro under tbe he~>d or etca.m did no t o~;cotd aomo ten o r h'l'el Ye thousand dollars per annum. At the p~sent timo we huo & yesrly outlAy for steam acnico of aomo ooo hundred and fo rty thoue.\od dol1111"11, from which he had no doubt tah1e wu return ed in an incrc:~.~ed ~cvelopmenl of rcaoureca t horoby cre:~tcd, 1\IJd in the conaequcut increased ability of t he communit7 to bear lnxation, In like fll.'\nocr, it would l>e o nly reMon:\hlc t o txolieve th:u wero a railro:~d once bui:t anJ opemtcd in tho OOU ittry, 11 cooeiderablo rortioo of the oull~y ~ho colony would be called opon to contribute must c.lmo bclck i.nmedintolr, and withou~ any increase or tnution. l'bo 1\ctual work of !Juildiog tbc road aud OOI>aco<}uent es-pcudltDTO of thOUIIIOdl, Or huodreda Of tbOUMnda of dollRra in t he country eYerJ year during' ita conttruction, muat reault iu producin~: 11 lnrge add1tioo, to tho ordioary rc\'enuc of tho colony, ,,ncl tbua nid towarcls t he reim· buraeuwnt of an7coJoninleubaidy ll"'n~d to it. And he •ould aay that aboulJ ~l!'crl' bo submitted for t heir con~illemtion a proposal from a OG<t:f\1\ny or C011\p11Diea thiL& C\D give aruplc """ ani •f~ctorr 1:~teea t hat they will build, nod 1bow thoy brl,,·o t be llhiJity lO build . a milwa1 through 11\n colony, with auch Governmeollll aid as t hey m"y fnirly J emllnd up to 11 certain euan per aonu1n, with land conCC"aion•, malting tba~ aubsidy eonliugenl U(l')D c::uryiog out tho v;orlt and L:oepin,. t.he lioo in operation ; i~ al(ould 111\YO hi.~ 11101tearneat aod atrenuoUI&Uf\IIO.I'l, (lroVidec.J aly,•l\yl thAt &be t.tllOIIUL \ 0 be granted i! not ao large as to lead lO tho aop· posit.ioo that it would Ct'Ontol\lly cripple the li al\ncial ~sourcca of the colony T his WM

t ho only prae ticablo w:\y ho could porcoi,·c to olltnin A rnilrond eyalcm Ia Nowfound· l~>nd, for 1t1 ho before aaid, and abould oow repent, for tho Gofcn tUlent itseU to nndo.r, lllke tho \tOrk wollld bo di.!!Mtrous to every ln~ercst in tho colony. ~von if thc.7~were in pouoaaion of adoqualo m~ns to under\ take and carry out: tho work, which they an!) not, it would bo moet uo"i"' to YCSl in thf h11ndt of any local Executive a ~wer 096 pa~ruago t hat ru.ight bo o~cn:iaed 'n bOIItiJi. ty to t ho interoall .. nd "fell-beio~ or tho

to the $!eneral renue of tbe clol ooy, after t ho railwl\y ehoold be in operatioo,, aod witbdu~ adding anything to our prueac ac:~lo of tll:mtioo. The atrongm oppooet' of the projec~ eonld lu1rdly boaltall to ooo· cede that the laying down of 4UO !W.Iea o£ mil through chc lalaud mutt ~.,. )c:ld to IL Llrge incrcue of po'Pnlatloo, and con1equently l:ll'j;Cr co~m~mplinn of dutiable articles Md an augmeotation of colonial in· come. llo d id not t bink tho railroad. would, t o any weat extent, lltlre~c~ the pro· sent tithing populuion f~m t heir cultoQJ&ry occ:upl\tion to aotllo in tlao interior Janda, but 1t will probably iadac:e their deseeod,­~t.nla or atrangort to plant them1olna in U!• colony, and eacli indiYiduar thd gooe~ work on tha~ ro~t.d, or to eettlo on the land it ope as up, who eno make a IIYing io 1tbo colony, mus t cootributo from 'threo to f9,or dollars p•1r btl\d per Rnnum to tho gcoetal exchequer. AU of tbia wou ld be placed to the c redit oi t ho n.ilroad, becauee with­opt it tho colony would not be placed ia poueaion of it. P roperty in St. John'• of all kiada woul d becoruo enhanced by tbe nperntion of thia work, aa •ould in f~~et t hat of the wholo lal tLnd, a' reaolt which would at onco m~ko itaelf felt upon tbG gotoeral butiuaa as well u cbe colooial revenue. Wbe ro t horo iJ~ 110 io~ue in t he value of property, or in amouDt of inJ" come, there i.e naturally a larger. expen­d iture, 00 cenll on c•'0'7 d ollar of·wbich would bo epoo~ on dutinblo gooda, 16 per cent. on which would f111l into the treaaury. T here might alao euilf be imagined a variety of indirect WI\YI ID whicb a rai)I'OI\d mua~ bo.noflt colon7, bulcl011 ~~ari~ng f~o. oullt.)' in bulldiag &lld workillg, whic~ )IOno onder our pruent tarilf, eo· t imAting tbo length M 400 ~ would augment the rDI'ennc to lbe os:teo' ol10<n0. $ 80,000 per ~t.onuw. Heoce if we ~roo to anbeldiw tbe work by on ana ufll paymont of 11.1y £40,000, one bmlf that amount would come back to 111 at ooco, thua b1 110 much reducing tho ltr:Un upon our mCML 'l'be boo. geot.lcman Mr. R endefi fail3 to 'Me bow p:~uper relief would be reduced by a n ilroad. ISe1ond wbat ehould be necca­sarJ to eltpelld in t ho lllltcotat iou or red objects of charity, we know there i.e a largo outlay incurred in relicfing wbataro termed nb\o.boclicd poor. l\ow while bo ( llr. U.) ehoull\ be tbG laat to a rge a rc(UI&I to giYo sufficient to npport life in moderate com­fort, to the ol1l an-:1 destitute , thoae ott.erly unable to prot'idc f~.or then:11el•ca and huiag oo one to help them; ahould tho railroad once bo bulle., aotlland &nd o.tbe( iQdualriu aorailable to labor; h e would COm(>letoly aot his face oj:&iut fl"'Dling GovommeoL ai•l to any ~tobl~bodied men. Able-bodied pe.operl>!m a~oold &henceforth pdoally ecltlo aod be<lomo 1, thioi of the put. u d with it t be aDI\W\l ohugo 114 support oow entails upoq t.!'o ccilooy'e fu.o,d,l. ne au­ticipawd on~ u•ing of revenue. in tbl.a direction M lho frulL of a railny )1{0.•1 Tided future I Government:a dn noL ftod it

. , ' W"· '11, TlfQM:rBON: "F_e_b._ 7_. ______ -:--:-

~/ · . • - St. John's· Marble. Works. t' ran N ettl ng. T:. RES~Rlmr~pectr~llrtballb

The Subeeribers tbanllful for put fuours beg to lntim&le ~ the po\lllc ,..Orally Uld tlley oo• offer for l&lo-108 BEDSTEADS .aL ~2/ •oJl Ollnrda.

to common 10010. He _.... ¥' dta~roaa or oppoeloi pr'o~ ot anJ lu~d. "ben t bo e!orta to aobie~ ll wert weJ,l ~iM~Cted. lie wu not ooe of thoao who would eoa&eod tbu t-.dlwaya wero of no ~tiWtage, ... d lr a ra1JN>ad equid be proco~ for tbla colony aLa moderate ooa• be ahou_"' be ,.,. 110rry to offer D,DlUIOaablo,D~ ~ it.. A\ pro­eon' •e cao ool7 di.seua tho qu01tloo io the form In wh!ch ll,la ~fore the CO,IIDIQ', buU& would eeem from lna~reo& lofonutiOA ~ \be Go.-ernmeu'' han ~ool!4 th,e line or action "o"J41-l t.betn laat ,Malon and embodied lo dl• .t\OS DOW OR, lbe Statute Book. Tbe Grace project '"- to hue ~aoboidloat.ed to 110m o~e~ ~eb-e w ~ Ill late~ to brine fomtd, whiob wt; ina ~ of flit

• lion. A. IIARVI:Y--·n1o boo :\.lr. 'fALUOT \vith his usul\l ability and ingeauity b.ns m11do ont ~<napp:uontly goo.d Cl\l\0 in <tefenco of the legialaLito proceedings lllken in o:>tt· nect ioo with lbie qucatioo 11\St aesaion. llo h~d ca.llod our attention to tbo re•olutione adopted by the jniat committee oJ both houaes, adroitly pointing out how ionoououa and aimplo they were, and ba,w irrat iuMI it would be to di.elent (roll\ 110 ~rm.lea a documeol u their report. lle ( Mr. II.) fully agreed with tho hon. g1!Dtlc•oan, that those reaolutious were innocent of guile, and eucll. aa moct pcrwonat.moogw~ "' wouldconcar il\, but bo h111 cle• eriJ:, kep~ out of ais:ht., whether through forgctful oe&.'lor othcrwi.e, that which waa the fountain and aoureo of alllhe e ~:citcment tbsthas been rnisedag:linst the mil way project iu t he mittda o f the community. It wu ' not in t b11 mind and cautious report of the joint COIO&Dllt4l_e that the harm I urked, bot in t ho AcL th11t wu framed and pautd 1\ftcr tho committee's ro port ; eo Act !Jo brad no beait&li<>n in de· el11rin:;r to be one of the mat t h111tily cou­aidc~d, and ia:.prud.,nt piccn of lcgialacioo that ever P.'.t:d tho logi.\aturo of the colony; 1\fld one if carried out in it.t intejlri­ty mue~ iQ,uill\bly entail diaMtrout eon· aaqueJICC& upon Newfooodlend. 'fbe d readed co11foderalioo itself with a ll ill t errore would bo 1\1\ a,lte~~al-\vo. W. be cordi· a lly embraced in prefe n>o'lle ~ tbe teaulll tba~ 111on\J s:ro.w o,ut ot tile !lp.iltl'tlioo of the,t Ac t. Tho infereoco deducible from the bon. gcntlemao's obterntiooa, in which be baa ehowo a deairo lo I~ ~ho -\Ol, i.e, that he baa !oat faith in it., that hi. oponinoa upon t.l:e. mall'r bue ch•nJed fioco be, u wellae otllera, j!lofil hiudheeion to ill terma. n Ia to be ._.,rotd ill atlpportere and ad· vocatea ba.d deai;ned it for the weal of t ho oountr7, bPl i~ muaL fairly be admitted bl rational mioda il c:anied oat Co. tb• full. 11 would eot.all roin on tile COQ.ntry materially aod fioaoc:iillr and beyond hope or ro· demption. '!hilt dan~ moaaare atill re· maloao n the Statute ~k,utaodjagmeoace to tho flnao~ial inliMMndeoQO of the coloay ; &nd ho maintain~ .,ht the "'1'1 fii'IL •top thaL ehoulrh bo taken beforu auy othfJ' fu,rtber action iu th.) matter, wu to blot it out from, tile Statuto Book, tbua destroying for eYer ill power to injure, and begin pro· ~din• beoc•fort.Ja, ,.,llh tClhla t'GMI. lJia qploloo w-., I~* DO 10011 Qo,emmenl el10~d .. ame tile OOG.Itraotlon of a Tall· ro,d. b7 ~mtel•• Wb,-o the 'qu101LioD wu ditculled in the legialatun> oo a former

colony, 11 power tllld patron:lgo lh~t.t 1l would be moe~ ont\d•i.eable tha~ any Got cmmcnt ahoald pouea& lligh·miodcd, and pure· in tentioned u a ro oar preaeot rulel"!!l bo thould lwl '"rTJ to UpDIIO tO lOCh di\OsteroUI lem)llatibneven t heir political 'l'irtue, fearing it would be ecucely atroo' enough to with· ataud it. It could·bo made usc o r 1111al enr to aecure no unlimited l tiUIO of offl,Co,. to aubsidi~ polltie3l frienda and p:~rliZllos, to COn'UjJt tho f~odom Of eleetioo,aod UIICd in I'DJlDY other Wl\)'8 that might be d etrimental to tho t ruo intoro!at of t he commonwealth. Should a railro.'d be built by ao outaicle compatly, evoo l haL cOm(lftny could wield a go~ dell! of poli\ica.l ioOuenco in elect\oo tianea; owlnst to V.o l~t.rgo p:;tro~o al ita diapo11.'l. We lvl~u ~rca~1 had ao tnltanee of wb.a• might be dono In t hRL way, by aoot be r powerful corporation ,..hic:h in a general cloctloo hero tbrew l hoir iotluonco aaeoeufully into tbe acalt', t•rol'"-ing that the bslaoco or fiU'fi:Cr roeted.'intbeir hantls. Hci allude.! to. the actiOI\ oJ t ho A.~~o~: Lo An\e.ri, oao 'folegl'llph Coanpany • ' fow ycnrs ~o, whi.!h exercised a (>OIItical inOueoce th111 he ( Mr. II.) belic• cd rcat~lled for the col­Oil' agOOtl. 'l'haC iuf\ueoee, pot~ot Mis hu eho111o itatlr to. ~,'would be d :n,rfed by a eompari•oo. with tho power con,roll~ble b,y a eQ~I~p&f\1 that would build, equip, ancl operata a railr0:1d lbrou~h .Nul~tfouodlan4, l(eoco be ccmld. (\Ot lo4 etrong1.t dovreoato tbe idel\ of placing ·~oh e, JIO"'er in t bc baads of no1 l::seouti.,e lhe eoloay may bDto, Dqd'tbereforo hi. COtldomot~llon uf tho Ae' oJ Jut yeu. Tho report. o r t be / oint on'¥mittee WM nelthor oblig..tory nor o all.J fOl'Ce ptr « , and ceaae to bayo vitali ty, '!{hen ablorbod aqd euporsedf(l b,t lh.o UUJ that followed l~ that waa. ~ iuto an Act :

·that alJoul.l, he fo'ltt nded, be repealed at once aud W dafta~e action be taken upor1 propoeala ~w made. Le.& ua, let Uae coon.t:ry~ bo .. a d tbu Lbo rlli""Y Ia cot to be' b~ po\1 cal machine, wb,leb \litre ooold bono. oertai.otf. of,eo loa& u &lW A..e& banct. u a lbreat ~I o~tr tht ool~. H.e w• 4GU~ l~p~ 'fl'l• bell.t o1 C"M bentll~ to apring! from anolo an lnaiJ.tution, and tllat the mooe1 oontlibat.ed to promote Ill co~ol\oa ~oald aooa Qo• tlack tpio ln&o tho ~aaar,r,

nf!Cell:ll'J lo r ulterior political p~ to keep it t.lit'e. lie tboughl moe~ of tile genUeweo who cow have welfare of colony in their kte(li•g are honor1ble Dl!NI, worthy oi tbe pollt.iolll ll¥11 OjlCUpy, bo~ rome o! lhCill 1oay flod o\bar ooeopa&looa or potta more auitable and oooreDial tQ the•r taatca and d eli ret, and wbeo dle7 et.ep. out, it would be but a poor eoa~pliloeu to them to think or taJ that ~~ w'bo IDaJ' aueecOil the.a a Sew y~ ~ Ia tho ad· ministration of public dairw •ill bo ae well qulllified !lou as capable u the1 u o of 1!11-ing U1eir poaitiooa. Tbe pauper upeo­ditn,.e bu Ia the put t.oo frequently been aubse"ient to political pn~poaee, and may be agaia ; and allboqall he di~ ool ,.._. gartl, ll rail road u a p&nacaa lor ita ttOlal el'ldication I'll ~~ ooce,_ it abol\ld 11\)oiUga" tho d iscaae to a Yory ~¥;&krial txteot. W ithout aomo potonL agu' ot etaploymed aod addi!Alnallnduatrica, be fo~•" DO te'J' roay future for l\ewfouodlaod,, uul- tho fuberiea, anu l-be n l ue ol tho n,aheritl C&ll

be inc~ed ; and tho~ht •e •ho.uld no• ta.eeame terrified a~ tho pi"'llpW ol a~ than Ol'fi Dt,l')' expenditure If the proapeotlYe. beneftll are aleo. larro. flo Hmembered the rlay whoo tint tb• intiroa.Uon wu made to u~ U\IL we abould fl"YOne half tl\0 ~D\ anbaid7 to, l( fa~ and wo felt ooL a little e,ggrle,ed ~ t bit.charre oJ !lYe or .lx lila~ MDd pOilnda por aanuU> beiai foiMd upon nL Tbal wu the f!bo end o! wedae tl\1\t bu beeo ultlmat.ely driteci homtJ­to cho utc.t oJ 011,0 b,onrlred M,d fo,rt.x Lhonaand dollars a 1Uf> for Iteam. Rad tbal chu;o beetl aPJ"'<eot or probable, a• the time we were flmoall .. l Dpcta to PO' oor. han~ In our(l9Cke" ~ ~ ,,.,_ ~oouoda for t~L llirt lce. "'• ahould hate atoM a,qhut at ~e 1DWI&udt of a berdi!D •hlch. we abould •' 'b" ti mo DO' llnr.tall!lbl! , haYI n'Sfrded U fliiiOO~J ~Oa.t t4 UIL But UJ>clrit'Dce lauda¥~~ o,ur e,bllit7 tG auetaln Ute eon, aod i.a a fl•a•-l 'Jiaw we are no w:orae of now oe aocoo11t el _. upeodlm ... . t¥a •• ••re ·~ wt paid t!Yo tho~ pooa a ,..., lot ....._"' Halifax. W~lle a rrea& deal ol OQII~ a11d ltHijnolaoad -~ ._ tW ..t•y bl' tile ftriou lllaa ..,._ a, njnJs. lie

• •t'O ~ ~~ l ltil fritDdl..d .... ,....~,, .. ·3~:MA Jl& baad-J,ld ~ETI'INP f::: =,::;: ~w_ ~~i:.t:.':.

'linVV.V aaad.l_ •12!.-lylor ltard from Lba&. he bu JIOY oa laaa~ ~· ~"~~' ,_",..-, r~u.d lt7 T~ ~k qf ITALIAN MARBLE ner kopor·

For ~~wo.ut N&'t 11 TWINE Oo. ~J.d't!~~~~hd~ froiD wbJda h• Ia pre·

NoY. Om. Boetoe .__., Tom~toa•,

~ --~PIIIoee. &c.,

· : ~ Porms seeoted 1 · ~..nv. '

~n .;D ban~ ai. the. otftee' 9f 17 -:':=:urou 8111't'll. lr"• hu-4UP~~r , & J 'L • • WJ ~.r~ \

• 1

l, dQL LODJIGES u n/f aocl opwardL II doa. Totlet TABLJ:f..'; aL 7[ and upward• 4 doa W ASeS'fANDS u 7fand upwl)tdt

:U dOL QB..\IBS-C.ue _. aad C~ l Waloai 'P.,.tor »DlT.

Offi, Jl9aqclllld Kltdleo TABLES. Chamber S.lta, W~cita. \VIodo~ Pol• ID" CorDle ..

• ADd a ._ur CB.JlW4()S ucl '1'1\.YnJRES, RUSTIC Jl~ Pidar• lJouldlDf, 60.

.. YBAJ.i.M ID8dt *9 otd«. ' ' .A. c\' E. PAn80NS.

No,. SO •

natare, an~ oot ill a pcMI~oa to dlleaa. 'fbe lftd7 ahaocWDidD& Of projfet WU abundant }'roof, be oooteacled, oC llae c*arae that uDCiu. hi•ce wu 111101) in palhirur ~ IIMaaort wltbonL •pie conlideratloo tbrotlafl tbe l~atare, wbicb, U carried 011\, would "'" 110 other eled Ulan 10 ca111e aa e~111ditnre tbu would drlt• \be

OD, h• oxpre..ed bl1111elf 'fU1&troDg· ly ,t.bia pqjut, 110 much ., tliu tlte ~

rter iA lilt lilaeretioo t.bouJtll I& Ill to eoiWI dqwu hie reaw:ka " little. lie llad •' tb.6 ttco .. eDdo.uo~ to deacribe whlll abould be th~ face of a go•eromtnl thaL woold -11)1& ..-a. Jillbtlo •• cytdtrtaklnr, and. etal.ed, inte •emecnberod oniT'OCl)1, that the ""'~ people who ahoold bike ~ l:o euch a tnlia, l)ro.Jcl be &be GOnrofoenl themaeltea • bo would tho• moat certainly ruah Lo cltatroctlon. W e ba~e ootblog ta~!a'ble u ~el to ditcua reepecllot tble

O.oo. • m nw11u.-You _, U1ere "oold be a larp eontrihtloo ~ tbe general re· nnue wbile thtj nilr* wu beinJr COD· etructed ; tull wbieo tbe moaa7 ll all ~p&Jit

.and th• road completed, bow \hen i.e anJ

did .. o, tbla~ D-.riJ "-~· a reta"' flo"• &~o•relro~~a to • ~ be produced by • iiiOI& tile ftPD_.IUre .............. COJODJ, aod 4uiac a yaar oOeuio -- ...... beoe&t to -. Oa'" cMher

lat couecte4 ~lh a raiii'Ol\d wouiiJ. ~ t)l tnthlu \he. lel..,.d, whllc lw ope111llona ll'llgbt no' ll'f retarded for · porhape more than tbree or four da~ duri111 wieter t.lmo. Beooe ao fill' aa awclllog 'fP t.llo reynuo il i)Oaee~ed, be h~:lu J.hos CQll!~ritO'! t.o be natly 111 fa,or of tltos laUer iut.iJ;tJtiol). Tb- beil)g b11 opmio De 'ffl')Jl the ~Lrac:t pro~J,ion, be l~ly adll)itted that the out.ot-y !li.ed agNJllt lljo rai l "IIY l)y tho reJtUtilecommuDity wu wel l-founded and J_llltiAed b7 tho daruai!ng cll&t'&c:Ler of tho Aot of l111t Jeer, p~~~~ed ., it "'" elso, w11h rail~ fpeed fijrongh both bnljebea o f Lba loglf)llturo. No expreaa train oould furuiah • fh'Ooge r idea of hMt.~ tilan 1-ho prooNdiRgt ot'lc ndant. upqn that aqlci~el meuqe>~, &i)' t ,I)YidoDcod so )lulo tboug~t, ao l!~·tlO dttorotlou , J:lfHJg qo.-ernmcqt PR'!Or t.o appoJn~ th ree qr fo ur c:owutllltqn­ltf"· !JO doiJ~t the lje,t IIICU t hl\t cquJ!j l)o bad, Dud plactng In \betr han•la ~nil t.4e ~otis or lhc t:oyentlX!t!l ' a n lrreopnnllble po•er Lo borrow a114 efpeod flyo uuiJiouf gl dollel'l to buil•J ~ 11• rQ.d. It bu been that tho Gqyerolljttl~ woro no t bonnd pythat Act t.o pmccau beynnd Jnstitnttn~: a ~uryey, bu~,u~ a proyi11o aa th:~t nowh~rc pppo,rs In t lip M:rtp tu lrtua wl11cb g-& \'C

~~ ~tbonty tq ru•a thll .,ountry h.\d

~ef pot. had tbc ~:oo•l • e n10 to a~y thetr ~cl ' \}'hon Coofedcrauo n •as urged on

• !lae~~.ce of Ne wfo undlno•lft ,..._. ar-rued ~ll It WOU ld giYO tl10 COJODY 0 fAll· ~ j l!ut. harl ou r o wo Act l!eeo c:.un eJ p~t; !~ woulft f~l W l!tCCUrO Ill a raJI N:\lJ, ~nd wo ufd c voutul\IO 10 dnsrging us mto FOufetl<!ratioo wtthout eye'} tba~ aolac:o 111 our atlltclton. \\' ~eq thp pro l'1013la UJMiu 'to tho Government IQ respect to tho nul­!"'1 coma bcfqro llf, bo hop~d 1t ehall oo ro.und that tho tj:r1pf arQ IUeh &I Will C0"1C Wltbin t.bc mMnt of tht~ colony •P rogapl w p~bliduln8' tho ~111ldors of tbo roa;J, and fJia~ bo a!Jquld y~t haya the pleuuro of ridtol{ ~hiDd tho irqn horso f roQ:J :St. ,Joh o'a ~ B~u)l ob~,t:glug ea.-. at C ladtl!'l Ueach, ~ l&fll!l t1o expre11 lfOID t.o H!lrbor G~

· ~~t ~fanl)arh -.ult>­


'Jrc qruot r~pon.ribk.for,N;;.-J~I{v publish­Pig tJtdof!Jl• 1M OfllltJ,OII6 of o~r t:tjrrupon­dot4L

SATUIWA Y, APillL !) 1

Wa oltp tho fnjlo'Vm g l't'lpeclmg the route of tho pro~cl llilii ""Y from tho C:OITt!llpOndcnco \fhtcb the ATrQ!UiEY f)L'(EJUL h~ early to Af,.rah w1t.h Mr Bu.cltXA!! for the pur£10*0 of reoc•~ mg from tbu~ gon&loman 1\ mq ro cxphclt M&lelllCDt o f certAm pcunt¥ in h1s o ffe r, pn wpiclt points tho ATI'OIIX ll\' Gt=s r.: JLU.'timterflre~t.ion Lnrl bee n ~lied 10

Q\M!IItjo o Tho jino from Spread En:;le P~ak t o

~ll'a Bay htoll, aa our r'OnOPMI will r c­polleot, ne• or beGn $111 ' l"y ed , "1th tb~>

Jobo'a w11h lbe ~et11orial of ~o lobabitaoll of Cafbqnoar reapec:t.IQI' \he extewuon of tbo hoe of ~!way to Jbia t.own. At the appro;ch·of tho LOOy 01/N(r, the Dopntatioo was greeted w"it.b an outban' of ea­thllliutJo ol:eal'l from tho large coo­c<~nrso tbat wu aaembltd oo the Vn~ Wharf and ~o adia"Q~ )>lace. t.o t.eltlfy their boarty apprec;&.Lioo of the ycry effi­cient tu . wbtcb tho Uegutatlo~ bad performed t ile importaqt &~~d r~poa.ible dllPee eDlruJtod Lo tlje~~~...,... miQOOr wbtqh, we &nl nle&~~Cd Lo ~y, NOceLod ,q II'IUCb orcdi~ on LbQ flClltlomciq iliolX!aelyes.. ' ant! lt'111 eq l)!Uc~ qtiafGOhon t.o tho pubho et lafie. ~ grqt , of Boated from t.ho ahJIIPIIlg, the difl'oront mereanttl o ea­~qh•h"'ont~. end from DJI\IIY q! tho prt~llte d.,e\l.n~r housca. T ho h)•oly atn1os qf a well-HAIDOd !land, ~he Onng or guo'! t ho cotliualafuo cheer1qg o f tho la•'Ro aasemt?lago (w tlto c umber of 11bout :JOQO t>OrtQDI o f both uxca)~ll oont.nbu~d t.o roniler thp ~no an eahvo:o•ng IIDd hnprO!I'Iro one. l'ho ~nd, tojlctbc r • ith tl1o ll\rgo con· courao of p;!Oplc, IJJICOrtod tho Dc potaliOn tq tho l,ttur'l\r)' 1oatttute, f ro•'! Uto wtndowa o f wh•ch tbeac qentlemen ad.Jrepod tho MJemblago ant! 81'"0 t ba ruult o f the1r 0)1115100 U. '1' ll Goul•l, Eaq, first read lhe ~ply of Str \Y tlluuu \', W h11ow11y, Ch:urnmn of tho .}om' Corunntteo of th" L e:_.,sl!ltorc, 11 oopy o, " 'bteb ia bero aub­JOtoed : (con )

CO>IXITT&a Roq:w . I.aot!IW.TI\"8 Cou~on.,} b l J.,lu• •, April 6, I tiel I

Q• IITLaiC• s ,- f he J olul S•k'<'t ('ummllleo nf the llouo1'11 t.l~ 1ho T •J.:i•L.hv• Couuc•l h••• .nucb Rloooure lu r..,...,, .. ,.K ihlo Memorial, aod Ia hon­I DJ: tlto «>nul r"""""• wludt r <>u hu o 10 at.ty advanood lu fayor of l~o prayer ql lho l!t· ntMiolb to.

1'b• l)q'!J"l'lleo cqn~ur wllb ynu 11 In tho arol­neut &llvao .. g.. which would ruull 10 c .rt.onur trnm 1~o "''en~loa of iho ·~rupoood U..ilw•'v IU lh•l to" "• and are .. l"olly with youroelveo eohrllou• thAI UjO ObJ""l 'fbleh you AJly-IAJ "J'Y be olroot· od

11) life t~"'l " qf IIJft lk•olu1lono cnqolllullnF; tblo ComrnhtCM>, Iho aubJ«l reforro<I IO It not wilb ­lo lbt>lr po•••or 10 dloi""'O nf , but l~lo (;otqroil­'fill huo much JlltOiu ure In artopllng that couroo 1•bfch rqAJ I>o dtoDtl'<l ntu•l •dYluble la ordtr lhal lito pr-J or of tho :Wew<'rlallt lo may J ""elu that alleotlon which lbo oubJ<>Cl ra<rtltl, aq wbtt h lboy truol """ rf'lull Ill the \uxornphahmt lll of lbo ob­Ject wbk b yuu Ia co01moa "'hb lho l!• "\Orialb lt luyo Ia ~lew.

l•m. ~reallemon, you,.. f•hhfully {l>ls•odl' W. V WIIITHWAY,

ChiLi rmo.o. T o n ,. II OovLD. F! ... ' 1!1CU..UL OW Tall ~-"1 I

f:oo , a l.'a.-<,.T, l::oq, ..,.1 Wlt..LIA IC Uur r, Lotq

Arter wh•c:lj the Ro" R. ~~ J oho,on pro­po10d a yoto qf \ b3nka to the Urput..•t•on fo r tho aulo 11Dd efficient manner 10 wb•ch they had 11orlorup:d tbe trnportft•l~ duuea entrusted tq lbcm b.:t t bo tob~blliiUUf Clf Carllonear

'l h'!4 ended the mort~eut.qus proceed togs of I btl au•p!ClOUS dl\y-l\ day ,btch Wilt bo lo ng 1\Pd gntefully r emembered M tlto happy ip:wgurl\tloo q f a ne yt' a nu more pros perQUI1lr:L 1 he Qcpulano n WAI llfter­WIIrda bosp ttAbly on teruttned at. asurt~pluoua re~t by MoliSra Duff & l lalUie r.

Tbc announcerqeot. of tho favorable rc ceptlo n wluch tho Qepu14110 il IDCt w1tlt waa rec:e1vcd wtth much 11cc:lau'it1on

'10ipt.loo ollhe Ckntn~l li ll<l w .. ~t A•a \V~: nro so rry to ohscr~o that the lo n aeellnn~oo extcndm:; t.o Come-h) Capital ctl} 15 suffc nng so 11on~ly fo r 1WI Cbanoo at tho no rthe rn I'XI ICIUIL) of t he s m, o r o m 1881011 to un•h·rtcko :ull'qUftte lstbmu' ~nn?C!•n~ Ayll lon "'llh t be nle:\Surc.s of n !l.llJlllln· kmd Nature 11 maiq P.ocfy o1 tho hl~rJ Tbe>!il t\\ o tncxo ruu le, nml he r iaws c:nnno t he YIO 10Ct~O!l41 1~ -,.111 bo re•iletllbercd, "''t•re lu~-Ctl wtth uupuntty T bcro wil l never ourveyQd t(l l (l rO lll pMt o f tht P10il06C\l I uo a 1111 tt11fnctory st.. to o f pulohc health

'liao from St J ohn's to :St.. G ... )'"':e'11 B•) 111 th~ t:tl)' ulltho c lttznll!l sco so ~tron" on W est. <.A> ly tloo ~c1mty o f a thorort~Jh ~,U'Ul ~f

Mr. BLACKlU .s, n ft.c• Otleqlutmg tl.o samt...,tJii1 nM to ng• t.."t.O fo r It, •tl•l sbo \V p011t of t ho hne throush A' nlo,!.!4 prococ .. ls uonu~wknbly 1 h .. 11 d usu 0 to Kuhnut t.o to 8(>CI\k o f LhQ cllru'aCI.<!r Ot t he COllnll y lo<:al Ali.\O.!IIIIIICI,I l fq r thoL ontl \~bat tlutt would h rH O t.o- \)e. ~l'll• erst;J t5y a ... ro 8 fe " d ollru'S Rnd et'lt tR, mo re o r les~. road to H atl'11 Bay H e SAys m comp~nson ,n t h 1111d~lt\tod he •rLns

"From <.:orne by-ChMcc m ·er t n ll• ll • nntl locnl t t.y son~ nnu duns h te r.J 1 llay no lme hu been eurveyed fo r " lutl h seems to ns, Lon, thnt such e p1d om1c "'1\1; but 1 hMe J:ODD onr the map secuoo J1~eru~~s fill , fo r 1ost.:luce, utpbthc nl\ nnd by acc:tJoo wtth Mr llo wley. nn•l other ~en t.IOIDCIO woll Informed upon the topo:;rnphl ~hilt COillflllllllt COIDII:\Oilly culluJ " !JJack cal foatarea oltbe country, o • ef " h1cb the m~lcs/' IUlj.tht bo more eJrcumsc:rtbc<i h no puaca, and \I 6n,J that t he proposed Ill uea t b•u they ttro, tf propl'r precau hoe croe~JC" the country almos~ a: rt~o:h t l iMS we re oOller\"e,l The •h•y IS c:om anp:let Wllh thp c eneral tre11d Qf tire 111g , we bclte \ e

1 whl'n an" ll ln xlly In

b tlla anq rivQu, np t 1n the <h rl!cllon q unrnnllfung theso dl'e 11o~ u'l u n foJrlu· o r tbe stream•, and at thiA lime l k r.ow 11 rtl o f hut two atrcama, (llflerlo:&\log <:olllo-by - na tcly IIICYnlls ut pre:wl\t WI oo r i'J:•• (;banco n ver) t hat t he h nc e:1a r un down otl WJ no tL111g leu thotn culp11uln m ttn ~ba .-.l!eya of. TheiiC tw o are Dead \\'olf slat\gh V·r nod ch thl blllng hte r , nnd wbo n rncr an~ So~oi.b llrook l t ho llnQ 34 11 •• phya•c iJ'n anJ Clttzen .... 111 cctmh1no tn pro~ Wl\1 oro-" nd~;o 1\Cte r nJgo n a111g guard agatnsL c:ontn::;to n from suc h ~t•ecn t ho rivors. I o.l110 fi n.! II·~~ '"' sourel"s IUS now t ht>y d o 1n t.ho :~~so o f wtll bo compelled w bnrlgc the lo.rg.:.~n ver s nu•ll pn~ II' t he Jelllnd, the8Q brtclj:CI " til COOSliiUIC f a ll\rgo Item 111 the e>;p<w80 uf <'<l t:RtrucuoD 8ui.Jotnod IS RU cxLrac l r QOI ll !'riVI\lO

t. Jolut't, April 4, 188l. (10 Tltl1 IOITOil OF 11,11 STAXQ.UO.)

01A1l S1a,- • I (TO nJI IOITOil or TtD: 4T~41D.l ~u.Jt &ra,-

. ·ro-day in the flo~~~t tbo Order of ~e Day w&e root throug", 'lrithoul tD&Itlq ruooh progrea. o~ng t.o Billa ao' btlar ln 'Nladtaea to adyaoc• a •take. Tho p!Qe aJiplief tq I)Qtict4 or qaetUOOI. 'fbe ,ork af the aeaalon llfar .Unuoed, 10 J,hat tel) dayt 010re ahould •~Jiljoo t~p~ for R.ail'f'OJ lli11, ,blob c:annot bo perfeoto4 until meot.­mg •ftcr adjou~ineot or prorog~~11011-tho lat~r Qemr io fuor with a nam~r of merqbers, iu order tl11t t~ey equid iQ bOOJO and ettend tq uOCeMaJ'1 bualDe&a. The C ommtttco from tho IJouao qf JUiembly Lo aoL wit~ CQmOJitteo of t~o -~~ialatlfe <.;ouocjJ aa a .J~1ot Cot~~mlt~o on lroad aro ., foil owe : lJon. Atw~ey ooenLI, Hoo A Sh114. Q oq J. ltQrko, Mr. LiUio, Mr Ke nt, aQd Mr. Maoltay; lbo Couootl Will bo linn. CoiODIII secretary, Uon. A llar~oy anu ?tJr. P. G. Tcqter.

~ll)ttcrs aro prog roasing aat.iafaotqnly. ~Ir Dl:..ckm1m 11 a. p racu cal bu4iueaa m"n who tlllplrc:a c:onlidc oao 10 all ho does. l q ao laQfO an ent.orpnA4 1t m u&L no t bo •up· poled d•llicultl~ w•ll not crop up whtcb mutt bo rqe t and d"pqacd of j but. where there 11 a at.oady 11e t.ormtoa.t.lon to over­como ell obsLac:lca t.o aecur c • ISA•l •ay, "'!'O may reeL &ssiJred t.bat t he llrernier'• puah and p luck wtll ~ equ•l to tho emergency

Mr. Ulackmao 'l'lll nrmugo l:u-gu con­lraota fo r aloepers 11Dd bn<ls:e matortal be ­foro ho leM'CI, tf t he <f!Dtmct. bo pe rft:c\ed. l~ 11 cot true tlja.t ~lr L.1ght, c.; ~:, cornu down wtth now propoaals from ft C~t.nada Syndicate He e11mea DleNly to loo!r. ~bo.ut, a nd to take stock of tho wellt.hor

Carbonc:u dcpu!At.lqn uktDg oxlon&tOD of the l10e to thllt thnv10g Lawn, r ecc•v.:d a cordtal welcome. l'ljutr apphoatJoo wtll, probably, bo agreed tq

Ia all tho h••LQry o f tbo pa-st, moro "ltlo ­aprG!\d deatltot.IOD auoong the opcml•vo popu]&Uon ham oot. beeo kno wn l.lut for tho IL,thny proJ~'C~ t ho proape ct 1fOulu flc che~rleaa Indeed. Yo ur-., ole.,

AflG US.

( FOR Til& II \RBOil GRACI: STASD \ RD ) D r..r.n ~JR. ~;oiT(m.-

l n your tlliluC of Lho t !ltb ~larch I r el\d l\ lett.o r llj:!ned "Loyalty,'' • b1c:h mus t eau.sed pam w e J ery rt~bt-rqtodod and really loyl\1 Church o.f England mao 111 thle oolo11y

O ne cannot wo at rongly deprecate tbo dllla~oD o f reli810ill mMtors 10 tho IOCUI"r preaa. All muat~~eknowledr::o ILl po•cr and uaofulDeii!IID cqr rcc llDg pubhc abuses , but a q uestJoD of t.Qll kn1d, whtcb luu n.'Cetved moat earnest attiouoo from tbo btr::heet 11nd bohc't m a.uthor1ty 1n t i1o Oburch, and on wh1ch Judges o.f t.lte lr:eannst la~l a.cun1cn aro found '<~ flo d 1Y1ded 10 o ptn1oo, Mn &cM·cc ly bo hoped tq bo col>'ed by the ·p~ of )OUr correspondent "l.oynltr." or tba~ of 11.11y eq ually p roh x :~nd e;;o tlstJcal l<l••·p•t 111 o ur pcuv coten e

No w, for a w hnYO 1\ny re al tn ­Ou~neu on tho puhlu: for whom be c•tortl, 11. 11 mantfestly plMn thnt ho mus t he pt'Y· Cectly eo nat! IOD LID In~ reuonml( an•l stnctly 1\CCIIrl\le tn b tl all\t.elll~OIII. " !Ayo.Jty' hM clc..rl> aho wo lunu elf to be nc1tbcr the one nor the other

W o 1\f'C coolly 1nfqrmeu by lum ,..,. tl,ou~th there were no room for a sh:.•low nf d uohl , t iJRt Uta so c.'\llc:d rtdormcd Eptscnp •l Ho.J) 11 t.Qo o uteo rDc o f opmto na nrl• l\ncc•l 1\y 11 (no t nun1cro u•) aeal ton ua the Church of Eu~:ll\nd ib Eogl11.ut!, d uhburl l tl ln~hns " he reM, M a ml\lter o f f:\Ct.. t.lto ~olu•m llUither 4Rtl 1~ r1ae 111 l::ng]Mu.l. oa r wM 11. C.'llcd 10'0 el\LAIOIICC QWIIIIt tq any 1\CtiOII or tho !::ngh4h (.;burch Uruon It actul\lly nn,::ml\led w1tl! Bt~hop Cummtna of tho l'rotCit..'n~ EpL'ICOp.'\l C hurch m the Un1tod SL'\tU , who \flU d opoaool 1111d a l COlU · muntc:Ated by tho Gcqoml (.;ouvcntlo n o f th~t Church llu !lnd the few who •ym­\rzc•l \TILb hun subiCquontly rooelvecl t ho :v.lheston or • few ml\lcontenl.'l In the Mq thcr Count ry Tho ela1m to be :.ny put of the Church o f I::Dg iMu ~ ~ anttre ly u nfo undccl, nn<l tho IItie " ReCnrmed Church of ~.ngland • IS only 11. b111t w lura un•nry (.;h urc!ullen, and lu.'d them tnt.o soh1am, I rom \\ btch tboy are taught. to ilio L ll."ny to pray for duh vei'IUice

1t would 111ko 100 much space to tmc:o the btswry of tho ec:h11m , b ut ~ho followmg p~mgt'llph from 11 !Me now1p:oper wtll eh ow Lho ae'lf6S~ phuo of thll 111-ad.-tecd mo • c ­munL -

• D~tbop" 'l'<>kt>, " !Wfon~~&l EpiMQp.•l llttl\np. oo ..,.uo.J 1o ~nt;l&ad, h•• o..,..J,.J aud forn1od tho fnurlh oect of 11--formol F.pltco(l'll•ns There Ia DOW lb~ Am• rto.on bl'lloch then the aooouloo u11d• r QrltJ:l( 10 Eoglr.nd , dtoa auolh• r oore~lon undor SugJen, &Dd now llnl'llhoo aoe uodv T oke. oll 'exrvmmuolcollag" each qll\or 1' blo II lbo bc>ly IL, s.- •<~• ~~g 1o do a ' ' gre •l worlt." It •• IOod IQ """ 1111:h o• idllliCM oJ a ~torldly and uochn alO.n oporll &l!lODg tho111.

1 t.blolt ttio qllOIIJO~ iofolftd ill &ll,l Qripa C4q.rob troablt il t.hia-Uad l~ peoplo- t.o leaYt the Gbu.rch? Your oqi'I'OipqpdeQt 'f Law aod O~r" they 1: ftz~e~ocJ" they ba4. Ba~ I u~. •oald tbtao pooplo leno ~oir Oburch for a roero fancy? I think vo&.. Apia, " rJw and Ordor" ayt they croalied a" ICb.iam." N o w, if cAtrc 10en c~ for £lioro to Ia,.• lbe Oburcb, ~en thoy wero nth rc1poa.lblo for ' ho ICblero, Tben wbo il? I aball nohtop to ~o tho point, but wU ~on Lo ano tltor p&rt of your oorrospoodeot'a j.ot~r, io wblob be aaya ":;s'o'f', wo oowboro rea4 10 ijoly 11 !lonpturo tljAt ropre~eotatloa. of Cbriat 11 orue~ftocl aro nila LD Cburcbea"-but that, lot me ~ay, il OYad1ng tbe que.uon. Wtll 11 f~w &IJ4 Qrder'1 po1at U$ to any p&IIL'\gO

or Scnpturo 10 which "4 arc OODlmaoded to act up any ropro~enliet.ioo, wbothor o f tho 0ru~lliii001 tho Jl411jrreotioo, the ~n1100, qr of any ot~or accoo tq tljc li!o o f o11r Lord? If your correspondent can polo' mo t.o th&• pusa£a and proyo that auc;. llvogt nece&~&ry to aalvatioo, the n l wtll Mellt blm in cnry way pouiljlo, and w1ll u ~trongly edweato tho apeedy tn­t roduet.loq mto all our Cburc~ea 1 o f ro­pruentattons 111m1br t.o that wh1ch h:l.S eauaed tho tro ublo at Bn&ua H ear wbftt tbo Btahop qf T o rontO ~1' on ili1.1 potnt

With rogi rd lo ebarch d...:orallono, which " I'Y be lunocuuoo In lhtnl•~l•e<~, I mutl oarno•lly worn •D) 1"""«6r brelbron ollhoclergy oe~><>tlally, "';IUU•l pu•lllog lht nt IO dangtrquo Ulre1110. 'l'o ~ako ouo fantlhar •lUUIJPI<!, tile emb'ocn of tho """"' '!'bleb I~ uaquottlo~bly tho 11)1\tl 4uclont aod appropnalo or Obrt.tlan dovlc .. ,-.oppooe chal tl)o u•• of h 14 tho C.UJO qf o'fonco 1o a w~ momber of roar 4«~ What lo your duly .. a Cbrb liAu nu n aod • pulor o! lbe fl<'ek l IQfq· • lot upon tbo oroameolal hKtaen.loo aod ro'-lo ll 10 gral lly yo of lallo ud "'' al!oll.\lo yoor brulber or wound ht. wo.ok coooc•enoo or lA> ylolrl your prodltocllou 1o hlu crapiM l You odrull lb•t uu P;JDCiplo It lnYQlor<.J , O<l l.a'T of tho Obercb or P"""'ltt Of lbo Qoop8 ODJ<IIDI that~ tboald be •• t ap oYflr ll)o boly- t.Wlo or oa lb.! ••II•. llD<I ~urely tbo oplrll oC lc!nder char111 llul w .. lbo rulo of tbo l.arge-hoarwd Apqolle will p ro111p1 r oo to doddo, ~ I will set ap nocrou while I livo, lul 1 cnako wr brotbor Lo o!feod. ..

P oiOt tng t.0 myself. " I''" and Ordor'' rcnmrka. " Your correspondent mtU~ bo 1\ " queer apeout~en of~ Cburchrqaq " Mar. bo 10! but porha(lll not ao queer, aft<:r Al , M our fnon~ " },,w 11ud Qrdor"-:-tll.'\t ta, •f ono c:\D JUdge Croll) tho ll\ norllon of h ., lett.or, w~crcm be &'lya •· l\~t It LA limo " tl~ftt wo 1\od 01't ~b:1t tq11 !Hti.Gr, and " tq'!SO whom qa r epresent.a, 'l'~nt a.t t11o "pnoo of thotr cqnt.lnollllf to '!'Orshtp m tbe " <.;l}urch of Eogh•nd Qut 11 1• tm10 nqw " th:lt we fi nd q ut w~"t ~LA wnter, a nd ·• those \\'ho~q be n:preson~. ""nt NJ t.ho " prtc~ o f tbe•r conhquu•~ t.o wo,..hlp m the " <.;hu rnb of F.nglaad. \\ hy, tho auma11ng '' ll]l of what. t bcy want II JUA~ thiS , 1110 " e]e 'l:YIIIftll 1110 be a c retltnrc of lheti'S. • • llo '' to gl\ o them medtctnes of tluur o101t • ch'><•••"!J• 110t wllal be M a p h>• •c•mn o f

" I'Onls l>t:hc:vea or knows to oo !>eat. " lie 15 to bo taught, tlr~y are to Lc brs " l l' •ch en<. or-t~ey wtlliM \0 tho Church ''

If ·• L.'\w nn•l Onlcr' ' oo " laym'u l tlo nn t tluok he 1s :..ny c:rad1t t.q h11 Ch'lrch J( loo llu " c lel);.)'m'o then the oue 1s all the wor~e. fur 1 fc.-u: must oo d ta­tCIIAIOII8 HI b111 p.-ullliJ, t!J' t ht~ - Cf\ IC.:& Q\11•

110.t oo IICCcptabla to qtA pco pla-m al\ort., IbM biB dily o,f UllllfUl f\CSil fT\IUL ~ QfOr, and t he very bUt. thin~ ho ~n tlo both for hu u ­aotr llf\d f:~nHiy (•f l1o l) qno) 111 '<~ tender lpa ruats;oatlou lo hiS (\ishop, an<\ let aontc Quo u~oro wo rti\J ~~~~~~ l~J~~~Cj!,-fo,rtlto l'\n· g uago quoted 11\iq.-o to 10 tea to tho c~mctor of o lhctt, t.oo tr11l).' roaern lea h11 own. Tho "me J•c •no'' preac:nbe<\for!l\IC hnst ran people 111 wve u by o rtr ~:1t Md l\ll-wl80 l'eaclt~r , and tbo comm~nd t.o 11 •~ mtntatera rs plllln " Go yc toto~ll tho worl<l, and pl'\!.\cb tho Goa[lel t.o every c:ro.'ture " Dot, l l r Etll· to r, tt IS not tb l\ mrdu:mc ~t •· A C h urch ­IU'\n'' and t hoso wbo tbmk· w1tb btm, obJeCt. to II .. that tehidl u m•~d u-.t\ tl I r e:u, tlten, that. tho tJtl.: your c'lrrespon•lent arro­~;~ t~ to h1mseH d oes oot corre8pond w11b h1• IICttolla-tbl\1., o n the cout m ry. t he Utlo "Autho r ,r Co.nfu11on," wou ld the t\et tor ant! mo re truly represoDt •uch a one 1\o '1\'Labea Lo know 1\'IJat l want M the prtce Of I1U' CQnUnUIIIJ.t Lo WQrahlp II\ tho Ohureb I 1 reply : oothtng-tl is t.b11 C~urch of my fathers I To oae tho won.b o( tlw B1ahop o..f Toront.Q,



(~a TUit 1J4UO& OJU.CI ~ttD.a».) -som, 'l!7'ont. t.o ,, ~V-''

Du• \IL ~rroa,- • • I beani.lyeodorM tho yonJaof "Loy&lty"

IQ reforooea duty or thote Church­ruon wbo believe that t.boro aro trait.on wttblu Lbo Oburcb ratber to think of defeDd­iQg than d eacriJDg ber. fberc Ia a manly ring abotJt &hle ad 'flat. J, ooopt.qta.&. hllll upoQ \be ooblo eLand bo l41tt1, and 1 gq bean and aoql '!fttb hi"!. I am trulyaqrry that 1 o.aonot Ai"lO "hb bl01 iD ~!}lor por­tio n• of hil letter, moro Ol~ly ui beboYc hi'!) t.o bo ooo wbo p~ she int&h.. Fa'Ota, liowo,or, aro agalnat him. .For bia own ~e, for 11kc of [oar roadan, for t.l)o aake o f tho (;baret}, YODlure ~ pu~ tbeae facta beforo you.

"Loyalty" ulte. wblt Ia the cauao of Lbo diiAifect.ion and dill.ruat eo wJdoly •prtad in thia colo ny? And ha ao&wera that 1t Is " the la&ven uf tbo Ejoglltb Cburcb UDton workJDi &Dloogat ua." la t.bero .not trUrely a m1.1talto here? Dooa " Loyalty" really kno w a oytbtog about tb~a Society 7 \Vbat aro tho purposes for wbtc~ l l WU etll\bliabod ; what IIIli! COIUtitutioo ; what 1~ atrongth m No'floundlaod ? ~L !!!_0 ~e bllll t h11 much-needed i nformation ? T~ E;Qgliab (;burch UntoD 11 aot a olencal Soe1oty , u your correapoodoot evtdenUy behoves 1t w be. Wtnl.4t 11. Dum hera OIIjODgt~ Ill me1ubeu cloven llisbopa and nparly S,QOO c:lti'Jf", 1~ h:l.S over 16,000 l••ty It baa one !.<!It fur mcmbahlhtp upon winch 1~ 101ia1a atro ngJy-tl1:1l o f bc mg 1\ comiOUQIC&Dt Qf tho C hurch of l::nglanu, o r of tho <.;hurobu 111 com•IJunJQII Wllh he r " lt. waa fc>uodell" ( I quota from autbonl4t.IVO d ocumoau) " tn the year 18-:J!) Cor t bc pu rpo110 of ljDltiDg clergy and lar~y in LOY Ay defonce of tl te Dx trrnc nod Duc•plwt o f thu <.:hurcb of J:;ngjand, a nd o r Ute l11~hll aud Ltbort.le• of her f:u~bfql chtldron' J• t here aoytbmr:: •· porn •ctous ancl poattltntJal ' ~cro? Could •• Loy11lty'' h•maelf rafuao t.o oo ntlmberod amoog11t thoee who aro o•ut.ed to loyl!.! do­fence of b11 Church? It not thta a tn<»t l&udl\blo Qhjeot Lo ~"•c 111 vtew? C o uld ao nlllltont aut! laot.Qful Churchmen Lake any other poltllou th11o tl}ftt whtch th1.1 very Soc1aty takell ? Hut wbl\l ia ill streagth ID N ewlqundlaad? O f tbo flhy o.r moro clurgy 10 \ho colQI!)', acarcely half a d q1un ba•e any connection WlLh 11 111 auy allape or fo rr4 Wo'!ld " ~ya.lty'' huo Ill behoyo tl\at t.b•• bl\ndful hua IJroufiht 11boot tqe wt~oly-a{lread d~.~atfec­ttoo ., 1 foar that he 1.1 p~ytog thr ~cotle­men concerned 11 comph111ent wb1ch rt~od eaty M well u boneaty would lead io'lom to dUICli0"1 We IM)' ~msh lqo 1dea 111 ab­surd Nay, m ore I Tl}c meqtJon o.f the l::ngli.&q O l\.1rcb U 111011 1\l all 11 wholly Ir­relevant, •mco tp 1111 oortAtn !r.oo\Tlol\go the CICI')O'!Ilan ID WbQIO [\l\rl4h tl\o p reaont troublo hiS an~u netlher bcl.longa tq 1t oor to ftiiY • mu lar S octcty Ia tt ho uoat, 1 would uk " Loyalty,~ lhna to pe nwtt 10M·

ergnmg that :SOciety aa tho O.'\t\Se of tho trouble whe n no amount o r ID!rJDUrly C.'\n t raoo tile f111o~t counecuou bc:~eeo tho t wo ?

The qno l.'\l to n from tho Pall \fall Buclgtt IS IDtCrtlllttng 118 tndrcat1ng lbllt happy I IAW of l\ff1trrs whtch hM :LClWllly o bL'\tnorl fo r 11 coMill~rable u umber or ycl\rl In t hrs coun ­try. II '-!!" Loy ... lly,"llke lttp VAn W mkk been 11•leop fo r the pa.•t ten yea~? A•llke. 1ny fr10111l ' Look On tho [lrt\11<1JCI 'lfbtcb aurronnrl yon ! Yo ur dre~m h:u been re­al l!.oJ 1 HOJRICO tn the ch:\os:e ' Awnke tllf frt end, awako ' " .\ C hurchfT\Sn" ' scu llle lt ~ lri!C1 wa]ktng" lin t (feu tll'\l you h11ve no t. yot fttta mct! to th!lt. bopofu l con ­druo n !lui ."Qil nc,•er he11r nf t!t~ D•o:c,. "n Sy nod o r ~owfnondl:utd-n borly whtch regn ll\t¢'1 the afTl\trtl o ( tho (.;tutre.~ o f I::n;:­lftntl •u tins Colo ny? Aro yo!\ awMil that tlu~ boJy c:ons•~ll of U•~hop, C lei"JY 11nd I.IUty ? Are yott 11waro ll\llt tho l~y ele ­ment I! d ouble tho etrons:tb o f tilo <.;lone.'\] ? \ ro you ~ware th'lt thuc lftymon aro nonhc r

nppomtod by t bo lhAho p nor oommnted by the cle11ty, but are opeDiy elected by the people of e Yery p.'lrLAh ? A ad, S1r, 111'1.' you further 1\WI\Ml th11t 11. WM t he ]lite revert." ! lllahop F.::thl who vo luntanly ga•·c up h11 o " n prerog:1li• o 11nd callocl Jhc lMty m to h1a connc•la ? B~Ahop f etid was kno wn 111

ft llH:h ChurchmAn Are then tho " e"" o f lltgh (.;hur~hmen and o nlnury lay men a o hopole." ly op~ed u ) OU wo uld hue us buliu• o?

A pmct.~cl\1 knowlcd(!e, :\lr E<hwr, of tho eonsututton of t ho (;burch m thrs I.&lsod, and a bett.,r cu:qtl&llllllnco with tho teo· tlcncy o f Ohurch lej!leiatto n alaewh~re, wouiJ per hftpa a.uc " Loyalt;t'' fro m mak ­ing such egro:~oos ll\lllllkea.


[TOm:& mrJOia or.,._ trUD.a».) Du&Sia,-

lu 7011r latle o(tbe J,Jtl Marcia I ,otietfl aaaooJII* 9~ i.oa.jrt~ ~ .. a tl&U. meo\ from a co~a& .-peo&ior Mr. Jflorllbr. OoU of Cllltocal et Hay Roborta-wbleh , eat I. aa •ell 11 many otbon, t.bill\ a nry lw4 one.

¥r. H lerliby il welt kaowu in thia Dil· triel aa an inda.t(ioa. ancS_, •orthy D:l&ll­

Md, I -y add, a~ ..rtal - la -1 wayt amoogtt ua. I t.berefore, Mr • .Edi'<~r, would ~ glad &o ue bit frieocJ. in tbil J,>iruio~ takiag ap hi• oaae io bja beball, a nd lay!Dg it by peloitlon before Ulo BoQ80 ol +aembly, Ulroarb tho Honourable }Jr. Sb..,, praying that ble 2rionnoo ~ imme­dlatelylooltecS lq~, anCl lbaL thai jluti" be doDo bl01 wbiob bUt ~teA by aomo OYer­alabt ao long dol.Jed.

I remain, dear 8J.r1 TOIJ~ re'l' t.rul7f Apri\ 6. . · JUSTIT A.


~h• Btata of the Qoll.lltzy.

ARTICLE H, tia&Drally, 'tfhea people road an article in

the papers, aotno ay, " Who 'll'rolie tblt ?" or, "I It Do.., wbo wrot.e t bia I'' My first aruole came out Oil S.tuma1 OYeniog, l be :!Gili o iL It waa road. 'l'be old folk a id that 1L waa trqe, aed I daroaay OJany a yarn w41 apon on tho followiD( Su nday aDen~ tho d lffleuh•e.• long ago forgotten ttll "Solf, J(ehnnco" tn roed b~ok U1c loaf wbtcb le t anch 11 Oood of oiJ memorlu IIlLo our ao-dtQ'ereDt pr0111at.. ' O•e p~tale .,tLb &bo yQuDJl folk was, bo.w tbo folka manlllJCd w hvo under •uoh pnutJoaa. Tboo t he ques­tion 11fM 41ked-Who Is l)e ? be cnust be !Joth old •nd ero tehety. I bo( w ~""~ tha~ l 1\m a nry humble lodtyidllll ~ l hue DO fncqda at Ooart-,no, a oteYOD IQ ILl DIIIQb­borbood. I a m no~ allabormao, nor m t.bat liao of lilt. ?tJylot ID my yo'UJb •u to bo thrown am11og t be fWJermeo o f tho oulport& ~ly lqLCrc:Qurao with Lhltll WU IIDd 1.5 DlOIIt tnumato and frtrndly No mao. 10 tb11 llay, pOS!Itblytn t h11 bland , bu had a bettor op· po rtuolty of ltoo'l'tng thor:: than 1 bue had. I ha•e " looked oYer" hnndre<la o.f Lba1r ac:c:ounw-nd 10 tile old ttmcs bow pal'­t•eolar thay wcro to !J'Ile tht nurchaAI tlln'!J

fi<k. and ho'tl' auro tbo fiahen f\&O ~on wM ~ qbl111D a barl"fll of dour of tho lllcrel\llqt! Dutrwl had not theq La~ en up ILl abodo tn lhe bmdtDg o.f tho lodger, u froru t.oo good rouons 11 the oaaa Lo-day. 1 bavo wntten bread-bl\gs fqll o.f lottera. t.o tho morobl\nta, tl.o rnernbor fo. r t h e l.)latrtct, and t.o tbo fneod' a'lfl\Y I huo wntt.on " number of road a nd otbor pehtlooa whtch I feM w nama, Lhcy~~re 110 apqy. -\monst the peo ­ple Ill t hll and ~he adJoining d11tricw l bavo lliAoy fnon~wen tn whom 1 talco 11. dotp mtereat 1 nll du1ro t.o eod prot per If any wo ul<l 11\Y to thorn, wh11L booefi~ wtll "S~lf­ltohl\qcu'' (<ltd thay know "h' ' Self- R4-haoco" WI) !Jll•n ~ 7our dntug well? Why d oes ho IDtor&o~ hunself 10 your affAirl ? ' I he answer would bo- m ALWA\ ~ DI D so t:raoafathar and bo a nd father ancl ho were real fnonlla Yea, many a grnndfllther a ud f&tber a•qo ng the fUh c rmoD now paned !\way wero my fn ood8, • ntl fo r tbeir cbild­reos' 1:1ke I wntc to tn· :~nd a•ukc n them w a I ODIO of their o•M 'honorable p<Uttlon ou the aoua o f I.Abor-:o ehow thern t hat lhoy 10!\lte A bOstD lllll t.'\ke If t hey fancy Ut~~ tL 11 " brolld-clo th" wh1ch makn the .rccn· tl l'tn'ln, or that 11 so n of T ot! canuo~ be n ~~~ntlemlloO. Some Of QUr grnle.ili:CII1S Ill tot.ell ec:t ( llqgh ~l1llor fo.r tnalllnOII) were tbc eons oi L\bor. Uut, fnond~. they la­bored fur the food a nd cloth•og t hat 1• cmvcd Cor by the mwd ,M woll All for that rc ­'!' urcd by t ho horl.r ~') u arlltcl to lhtt!k } 11r 1/wn.<tl~• 'll(hllt 1 " auld wtsh to ace •oy fnend a do for thcmseh ea not to tAke every thLDS: on heara.'\y or trust, but to lllle

comll\On aeQ40. ~ try 1111d obllltn •nfo rma­tion of the aotton o f t be outer wnrld II ar­bor !Y raoo or ?\ewfollndll\1\tl ~ not. the worltl, but 11n at.orn of 1\ whole. It. 1:1 ont 1uto tbta world ou r produc:o ~;oes, 11nd from t.boneo come our aupphea. Ia It not a neceiiSll)', t hllt we ltoo;y 110mctb10g of tbt~ o u t.stdc world?

woaY 1M &o bow i8 • .Gf Iter .... WNW....... . ...... " -w ... do no fM..... - iiUia lot ae1u or IIIII~. I p ... ., Maar .... llloaW ....... &o ~- wlto ban reotlftd eQppli• oa 6e ~ of the ooaa1ar ~ ellller &o foUow ou• Lba& TO,...._ ar aeout dae ONdilor ol 1881 oat of bit.....,. on otber work lor oc:tlull food aappU .. iaaDod alnoe ~ fall ; M for IMPyeU'eW..rr. Ye\whltallciue"-t will ~ a reboUAd wblola wlll be feh tO tho OCI)tre of oar trade, 'Which wiU electrify, atreo&tbtn, and aoalaiD it., u peat pru­Tider, N.tare't baed-lll&ld, for oer aoo<J, in ooojeoodou wUh ber orau wol'k&.

Tbett ~ IDLtadecl Lo abow Ute oiwl of &he wrher ID U.... aniol-. He will io &lara rnlew oar 1M aocl prM«D~, and by ald of &he lip& &L• obtl*led· ea­denour &o fathom OGr 'al11111 nl .1a 1ha• worlt there will be Lbe aid ~· paMD& ma-

· cbinerr., io whleh ataam will do 'be~ Apnl 6. . SEU' ~&' u. :&

• I

fBriloui4 c-. SlllilA'I &ud, Tnaitt B<ly, A,n.t1,l8110.

(To Tltll &OITOB Or 1UI SJ'J.I(DUD.) Dua Snh- r •. •

'n!o put 1Jinler i.o th~' • on Lbt whole beon an e .. ~ oee-nothiag lilto, in lao~ (10 aay old~K io-babtlieoll) hu been tEptfit~ lltro fl)r ~o put 20 yurw. UofortQa.liely, lao'fev~r. tbero baa boon a groat 4•al bf go"PJY en~ amongat oor poorer people-&be .,_. co10o of ahcn 6aboriu and p&Qoitr ofJ•­ploJ rueDt. Year u Lar JIU ..iWIL~e old .tory : tlleao 11 crer rte:llrretl' -.nttJ.of pnvatiao." .: ..r ...

Mr. Editor : I ,u ntre~Qely pl.uod ~o r eoe•ve. a awl or two ~o. a&.. Jo~·· ,H­flr contloirnDga S peooob on~· J\ peo­JOOl frollliiJY old frieocl aoc! .U~ aaeooiatt QeD Morria, •bom, alu I 'I bave 110& 1t4J1 for well nrgb half a ce4&iu'J. Do•'* JDilllu. d entaod me, S•r,-.I meao that I..,. pleu­ed-oot wttll tlte Spoaeh Uaelt, n~~~em~r. -far from 1t I W h11t l 'l!'&lll &o ay 11, that I wa.s plened to bo ... ure<! that Lbe docu­ment afoi'UIIld wu tho prodoot ol '' l)ifted pon" of an old and dear mead of former da }'li-()De 't•lx~ wbom and ~If bu aut.iated a oloeo and eadearinr hood o( frioQcbhtp . utcndlnr:: ovor a ~ad of maoy toara- frieoda~ip ~ &oak Ita rile 10 " tho morn and hqa ld de'f olJouth , ... that rect1vo:tl addit.ioaal intauily fro.• &he fact that BeD and l ha.d been Mboohaa&M togothor..,.bad IU at ~· acqe fQI'ID....bad wgetbtr coDnod O.Yer tho ~ I......_ had p~od nur brain ovor l&tQCI ab­etruao problcrt~a iQ •laebl'll, '-t.bemaUo.. mol.,pltyllca, etc., etc. Wba~ •onder, Ibn, rf t.ltc friendal1•P whtcb •I""DII Gp bet...­\11 wa.s a deep, 11 laaloioa l lm~no no•. S1r, tf you esn, t.bepl~

I would uamrally Lake in ~~~ pe~ of any 11rt1elo ( •bet.ber 1 agreocl oritb ILl 1p1rlt o r ool) wbleh auwtated from the fertilo bnun or my old friend, aroUAd whoeo Yeo· emble bead cl111ter 10 tuaoy pl-Jog uao­Qatlo na of dlo happy r,aat.. Y oe l I rlid road tha t peecb of dear o d Hen'• wiUI feollnsrw of more thau o rd1oary emet.loo. Bllt fur~ t.!tor 1 no t content "'~b perullt\11 it OIICe, I re.'ld 1t o 'l'er three or four t.imca, tua. til I hlld tbc whole \l'un~ ol by bel\rL I mu!l con£045, though, Mr. Ediwr, t bl\l 1 cnn t aay 1 cu.ctly gr~~~ped ILl meaninz l'he first ~DID l rroaod It I IIHIIIod (at lCMt I tlwugh\ u1d) t.o uadentaod i~ ~reuy well B ut , hang tt l •hto I read tho ::;peeob ilie aocond t.imo, tt appMI'Od to be mtbor mtxod hke ; and, dub my bo.a&o1111! tf aubaequent. porlltals d\dn'L make thethl~ huicr and hzwer, unulat loogtb 1t aoemocl w be " oonftLIIOn wllrso confou nded,' ' and

lljd tho document dqwo ~· d.r. with t11o o.on• tatJon farcai nR it.aelf borno upon mo thl\t ~ttbcr Uan'a bra~u or m,J O"'D m111t bo gn•tnJt way. A,nd, yot, l o.ould not briDJt myse lf tQ behcYe t.bat l' wu &u'a; for I renu~mbered UraL b11 lut praao &l\d pclllllica.l ell'oaton tn tbe Adooeou waa (lilto all hill prov1o ua onea) " aa clear as a. ptkotta&.'' Indeed, Sir, (l may hero rc~r'- ttcally) that all l~n'• ""lillC'I hue uer bee n din mgutahed for tho porspicuily ol lh~ir atyl e,tbo olearnea of their con~n. and fo r tho olegancc 110<1 fnroe of' abei' dl(:tlon-language wb1ch. u 1t "!Ore, btoqbt tho thing bcforo tho nvod of &he ruder, and 11!0l:lld n~ lu 1t go. 1D point of fact. 10 CODiplCIIOna i.a Ulll obarac.t.eNUC of \be whole or Beo'a tb,at wo CAll .,. or b tm what ~ ... u aid ni Ik. John­liOn, "~• that.. f rom 1M F«uliar fUll.,_ of b11 htcrary offapriog, ba CAll hid deflaDot to any attempt to appropriate tbe~Lo ~: ..... " 11~L Sbalto~re o magic onuld oot oopled ba; \Vhhio lll&leitole •- .ten& wallr. but Ml'

or the hno. !'hc~e lorul!!n ore of ftll 81z.e1 l~tt cr re-::ol\ed f t-ow S t.. J o hn'11 .tunng from the Jlml\ll brook ~p11n w epa11• fro m tbe ]lMl ten Ull) 8 460, 600. i!:IO w 1,?1)(1 feeL I ho br~dge .. W onclerfu l l\mount nf ~tultne'!ll hero ~t aCl'Op tho P.xplo1ta IS cattmiiiQd h) :II r prMent. L':L1t.'ll are to be reclr:o ncd bJ t ho

Bes1des. then, tho upuifohl !\iviAto na ~moo,::st. 11:8 mtnlliLeMI lind CODgTOj,'llllOOI uotl1 m tho Umtod States and m Cana!la, and tho return of m~ny of both ~ the boaom of tho Cf\orch, Wgether with no.t a few had JOined them from o.the r eco~. wo h ave II. 11pect.:\clo or 1\ four -fold dinatoo oJ tue:r 11cknowlcdKcd o4•ofa, afw tho 1.-pao of onl1 a fc" years. Tho Lb.ree ap,in~al peers 1n hrgb~ authonty 10 Eng\"od aro h011Ulaly arrayed a.gain11t 8110b o tber, and .,n.wgetl\er ho tly anatb.em•tued by t be1r benis:naoL rn,othcr on th11 aido t~o •1\tor So much fo r tho aoet!racy of " ~y,Yty'a" e~temo.nt

I claim thAt I 4old r~n~~r and Yl•...,. of a nrr d•• · tinct characl<lr - • lowo ,.bleb I pr!Ao mootltlsblr, which oralo mo u Ill• applo or 1bo •ro oo I whlr h I would reluu lo r,•r~ltb ll lito p r!C<> of onJ 1\)a<O of <llgnlly in t 1<1 Ob h. I !v>ld mo•l•tron~ • lr lho Prol~tL,nt EvAatr lml vi••• of our 11&­forraod Chu"'b ~ op 1o lllo !!oerplo141 aad S ar ra"\f'ULariau •le"fW.

W1th r~ to tb.o quolllllon fro m the T ublrt u o ur fn ond Rtp Van W tnklc nw-•n "'"aro thl\t tho &1\id allltenJeDt " P[l&lll'll pe riodiCAlly ? I t 11 a Btft!Almen t wh1ch m:..y bo ~ken fo r whl\t 1~ 11 • orth SllltistiCI! h11v' boen aclduced agntn and ag l\ln provtng 1t to ba Cftb o. A.~ our fnond ~cllll loud of ttuo-1.\tiODa wo w1ll t reat h•m to tho follow1ng eonvtnctDg one, Lak\lo from a recent Eng­h•h papor -

No ml\tter wbcro 1n r\ewCou nd l11ud these words a rc re"d· ruder, look round o a ouuy -~lu • ho w ma ny (-()1 your ne•ghooor• \Vhltt do you ace ? fa It oot only d unog t he t uno that t ba YOJI'~O IMLI 10 aome places that aupphoa aro la ued tu o rtlltrn u 1110tk , or, as bere. a mall wagu M aerraots o r ahare­mom. 10 ml\ny ouoa wit hout 11 rCMOoable prospect of a. p3yiog return '> Thus 10 bot..h CA.•ea t bero u 110 balance Lo tbttr cred1t. 'l'hua t hey enter on t ho wiDtH without 11 hope - cold anJ nakedneu t hetr doom- t•ll the At:LAo n comes rouud AflLID for the aarne mockery of ear11mg t.o belrtD. Yet all t heso people are ltopt al••t T hey do noli\CtUil\ly [ICrllh - no, they t1eJi: To the1r crodit. be 11. said, vory fe w steal F rom whom (\o thny bt-g t From tho•' a hUlo bet ter oti than thelnSOives-thoso who have pald "II tho t.uos req111rcd br ' t he law of tho land, a.nd h.ato \ utro •W oollec\4d from t bom under tho law of hurua1111y-:lbo ~ddle mao'• 11\ird tAx, yea, bia th1nl tu. Ilia MCOnd WU oolleoted under tba law of "Ne ..,rooDdland Com­metce," •aaomucb as tho 'upphcr 1a 01ak-10g bta cbarge. or pncta on tho goQda t.lte aupphod f'!C~IY8, cbo\rgo aucll au cztro pnoo u aqlllllod a eerlaln poy•ng pc'fCODt&lrll for BAD DEBT, ID order tb.l\~ t be who le buaioea ahoold P"Y tho aupplier if a fair ,-oyago. Under thia aya\4m, how ca" a middle ~au n.M, OJ' OYCn ltco.p b ra own ? Yet Lbe Up· phel-a 01Mt. aoaure tbolDAOIYe&. If Qot,

And, &arcly. (aaid 1 to ~U) wbeq d c3ltng wuh auoh au importan' au~ M tho l{•u lw.y, Ben i1n't go10g Lo budle '' llhp-ahoclly, (Lbat'1 a good word I) Nay, wo uld ho not, on tho CODlrary, briog to dla diacUIISIOO Of thi.a Ylja,J ll'le&l'qfO, all &1M! powers of hia in~lleet., all tbe aubdeq of hil re&aoD~, all the ac:amen of wbkb Iaiii braLO il capable? lmeotioo &Ilia, Sir, fear­JOg that your nWlleroaa readen d o aot know BeD or bia c:apabtlltiea 10 well 1r1 I, b1.1 old friend, do; nor t.bat t.boogla

Howley t<l ~ IIOOut 1,.!00 reol loug the thouuntl ' I ho dt!C:LAO 18 goUtnjl lllOre ~tal of c:roaemg bemg at B tahop ' talls. mahgnont month by month. Tho Ooetori fh e know11 amount of largo brld"" would fe11r 1t. may torn to am"ll-pox u the "flfDI oa tb• lmll be 6,S:l0 feet, and t he we»bcr ••\ltq " Jlarube~., &!Jlall brid~ DO\ Cl\]cu\-ted 1D

the ahoyft would ani\ Lh~> Dt111lbp{ of pnea.l fee~ ol bndgina to aboqt 8,000 feet. (~ \hla wtth liqe t.o t. George'• BaJ. "'ta] DUDiber C.f 1\Def.( (te~ of ba~ ~ &,uq fet~) There Me al10 80- YUJ 6XpU'1!1'11 treatl'eJt-for IQ,Itance, in the a.p~C!\ to, U,.e N W braocl\ of

• the Qa..p~ n'M1'1 Lhero '"11 bo requued about liOQ feet pl thtaa treallt• bel"'"'~ &fty fed ' 1 the W b ranch of &be ~- wou.\d requlro 11bou~ the -._~,of ucn~e. Jn t.he h.f\<\go ap­prpaob.ed,. a aambel'of oLbertr~tlea, l'bie.k ~u f9.r lilt. \lni c:on ­lkllctiaa.. ~~n~a 1na w U all'el3ay with~~ ~ S\. G~o·a Bay, fac:lll that F~ lhcwteln• ~ a, a re u f l)llow ··~ OOOIIUJ V&Tentd by the llno Lo f(all'e Jl&f ia II\~ "P.IIJl.fUP• brok•o• irTei(ular Al\4 ~_2'.1141~· &II~ u.. s~· (.\eorgo'e 13ay In~ "11*~ ,..,U7 IIOOODD~ fo,r \)eoaaao LhO liq,• to, f4 (lfldrgt.", 8&7 ~DI m,ort WILb thtpn~ "'odof~e~~~,otry,~ad ad~n­~ bat -.. taken ol t'e C\iriiCtlcn of Lhe :::t:: ~~~ \bt tlu OR mo.r' fatorable

:n:a to4

W• ~ &'1\tili...t ~ find tJ.t.~ there IU't eot;o ~~Nk o( b• the.~ tbo ~~ltru 11Ui b, q~ to C.Ubonear. Oq &.ha ~..Uon wbict\ e.~qed eo. ~·""~iAA o( the pe*ion ~ Bay d tt­YIIrdo iD ~to.r oi ~he b ranc.l\ I>Jifli b•1il~ eYaryatt ttl\•~ ~k p.r~11.10ko ~fOpg ly In 11• f. \Va ha.Yo n'l\l"'n also t.o ~hi •• ¥r, l!~C!JI-\• 'Ifill ioqmc f.(\~ b. b,\\ilctin.t of ,,~ lit,\8 •htoh

wiP ep ~" J .. Hau~ onr f.Oj~~~laLio \Q ~~ hia ~-vlt.o a

ll~~r e.a&fDt - \bet \fOI\l~ ol~tr­~do. ~e ·~"- .,_ 'tf& ~ ot ttle aJ , '*bili'' ote· o..~~ u.. tc ...

1 miv• if 1ers · s .Mil " WOJJic\ be v-r ........ .. "....-~.,. ~o-oowpliaMd, i -

W r.: no l tco f rom " copy ni ~ho :\{e l bou~o Al'giU hlll\1\ed us lay a (nel\d, thl\t Lite acl toll\e out\ineLI L..,.o yoars 1\gO

fo r connoctu'A( tho ra1lw"y of Quceflslnod and Sol\ili t\uatraha a ap'Cl\tlY oq ~e eve ai bell\g ~rncJ III La 1\lJ e-Gt.

S tartmg from R oma (in lat. ~· 42' IIOUlb, lon:t 149' 6' CA.IIt), t.o 'Vh1ab the Wl'tlcm nulway is DO'\' opoQ fro~ B.r11 bnne, t ho lino wtll tu'QCCed d uo west t.o CharJo,•Jilo, a nd thc.nee north to .Black all, Al'l\0'\e, nl\1\ ?!{uttaburt'll J lbenoo lt Wlll p raccod La the Oloncarry Rtver, nnu on t o the hoad ai t"o Leiohhardt R1v"r, whoso valley i~ 'fill follo w t1l\ \~ ~ Point. P"rker ~r t.ho outfall of ~he 'Lco~t:hbf\\dt \nto the Qui£ o f 011rpootariL The to \al l ep;;L~ ot the tlaa from !Wna t.o P o\at Par~er •1ll Qe lQTO mtles.

The Qltee~nd QoverntnOJ\t huguar­ant.eed any oomp&ny co~tructing .tl\e lino " per cent. tqtorl'tt II("I<Ul tho capital reqmred, and tho C:Otllp!lny 11!\ll alao ro· t:ei1'0 grnnh Of fotQd in al teftiAto bloc:Jra of 8000 acres tncl1 all along t.l'\o hno. lt is est imated tb .. t t he CCII~ of the road •nil no~ exceed .£4,000 a. ratle, ao.d ~~~­gnino lmr- are enter "'ined tl1at Ll\e loan f'l'<llll~ will be reAd111 outa.iJ\e4·

By Telegraph . . B~V~ OJ' ~IIBLY PJLOOBJID.


-\nd now fo.r hll OOMis~oy : It woultl be aat.ural to .uppo.M that an

md1'1'1dual u11ng " Loyalty" u hia ftO"'·de­pl~ would be coqeomed J,.o abow hia t.itlo '<~ •ppel\att~ A O hai'Ol!man 1• O.I\O who behcYCil in tho DIVIne lnali tutloo or Ep1aco~y &hef' \n t1:t11 do.gma Q¥rie. w11b 1t tl•a obJtgatton Lo •a bunt ta. au.d be gwdod by, tho direcl.lon'oJ O b.1ef p.,_Lnn,IIO O.ODI\ltot.ed. Dot fo r a mao, p,rofetaing w be a " \~" Churcqman, ~ I'CJ\1'01\Ch. t.he RttUAha~ fo~ lawle•neea, ""htlo ~o in ~o Afi\O breatb \' epea.kl ovt\ ni d•gQtllea, " an<\ thrdn br0&4oul Lo tba wnrl~ ~o op!Lbet "a o.onnmog E piiCQpate," wit.b regard Lo and. aU oJ b1a rigbL revoroud Fathcl1l"'o Ood of e~ry agho.ol oJ ~OUI{bt, it, to uae Lbe mild.,t p<Maible ~rm. acd Lo put upon 1t tho fl\alt c:h.a!'Jtab\e coDtlruclion, 1\ pal­PfobiO iaCQDaittenoy.

There il IIUICb ~qaro that rn,lght well bo aid we~ the pmo worth tho candle. "Loyalty'•" evldeo' a~on oJ Boyc:ott.­ing for tho N ll\o•al ol 'li fl\culliea !It oJ a(\ch aoltno'tflodced ~tality u Lo need no OOif\· ~neot.. I ""11 o.nly re~lt that D11Ul, o f !¥a atamp ~ c:onfOIIOdlr o gro.Letl ~::

' that &he Ohnrch of trglllod 1'boy aro aki~ers, ~1\11 e OrJ o.J I' wcill !" •t reourreat fl"* lpUIJ\odloa.l-\y d~ \1\.o D11Ddra W ~~ whoee meant_ of ptiiq at ~ of tbo qaea­IJoa. th~ iabted mut n~Jy bollmlted; and who, even gi'AI\tlQIJ t.bM wb~ ~ey u ­,en be ~~~~r vue. GD\J ~ a• .... ~ lo bri~ lnt.o pl'lllll,httoot whU 111111 &o atyled a Jllb\aMarical fi\Ole or wan on &heir 'tz\Othtr'l COU,D~D,&QOO. 11 Pqrtl(ril{llt "'Q1tCU1 Jl(\l«~r r1d~ - .u ()uwmltQN~Cb,~t

All .nil~~~ pet ~ we at .UJI rat. ~1'1 nCl,V OOIUI~" BbbOII\ ¥cl ~ .-aoll a Pilot, we aeed ba" 8f (~ ba• t¥• oar lblp, 11(hicb 11M lllnedy brated tiQ q~Uy aLoma~, will 111rriYe a &r-.t wb.loh tnr7 .. loyal" ~ l'fOOI ' ... wlz a ... ~."

Wiib, .. J ... ,.. alrtedy aho'tl'1l, a traer olam to &he cllldaedoo, I bet &o 111bnerlbe Jll18lll

A Loul. Cllvacmwr TO 1ft .\fri1 4. ~AOQON'&

'1'1\e cxtre~qe Ti rgb Oburc:bmaa and R ttuaht t '1\'tab to ~rry on t ho wo rk o.f tho Church by a 110rL of •t~U.e pohoy, which t bey preM w1tq detor10ioed '}le~tency, T0$:1ord· lcaa oJ cooaequeac:e.. t.q ~o C hurch l'bey tblll d n •o on\ aomo of tlll best fl\e~bora­ltlen wilo havo t.o oppoao They ~el\ W!O t~L rDII\OID, 'l'bO bac:o1ne pi ~aut t.o<tla in the•r banda, Lo !Jclp t.bell\ 111 u~stdlnl\ll ~o.rk­IIDd ao tn lhLA way ~ay 11\cceed tn, alaa ! to ~any oJ ~riahes.. Then\med alua aro c....J led,- " 1/tL fo•t'*f•l cJij}drrn of 1M Clturdf' 0 lttrtporo! O.Morv 1 W ell ~lllh t the o.oi'TCIIponde nt oJ tbe PaU .Jiall Budgtt aay that " n a t majonty ni lay~eD aro " duli~tly ~~~ irrcc>octJb/y at iuua witb tbo " wbole boey of theiC -~o,&.al preacb,ort "and pollliCtll.ll,l>"

And l\O.., a wo.rd to your coiTOip?Jidcllt "Cn•ta." Ho cnmoa up t.o the •ub ­ject, and ~ntere upon 11. w1th a 11\AUlY dub, a nd doc:.laro!l • '!hl~ I tl\10~ IIQ O hrlet.ian UlAn wlltboi to, d o.ny...,IWI\IIly, tba' u,e Qmclft:don la' \\d••"'lrr *tro- of tho Obrletian ay.ta~" 1...-tnt.b b.lll\ in lbia i but., mark I in tho. ~- no.t 1n tho ~~: in uariflce OJl O&l'V)'-.oot II\ rep~a.t.t•oo on the B,rlgua .rllldO'I' I W aa it n11t Lo aboUah &ha.t t.bloga ~t ~o 61111 o.J Smithfield raged 'l'tLb aach raleotle.a fnry~ Were the noble Oranmer, l..a.UII\cr, a.od l\ulley pe~tt.ed ~ riliL tl\la COW\ ~~g&~J\ for a ahon time, and. 11!U'O tberc bold up \4 them the 4lndon Qropo\ic oflbo 6~ ~\arch, and were 1l l&ld t.o the01 : \ ' Look I hare ~ a p io.tnre w~icll repretentu aerrice. (" •~•111\ Oelabratiou If) JlCirfonDed ln your beloved OhD~ o.J Enat011d ~-w4Jf0 t.b11 dono, hct~ would they act ?-wOilld tbay J:\Ot dub it from them, aad. ia~UJ uclal~ : \ ' W o will no~ bolieYe yol\ I W e ~uu aoc f01 QQI'AO)y .. f'\ &q,pceo then thay 11!ete led to a Bitualiltic Cliaroh ; and 1 IDI,I(iae JOil wn.nld bear &hetn crying oa~ in horror: \' Q IMd n.a bJaok, .Aa.& we rna 1 olQII! 0.1¥ w .. • thMaabo~·~-.r

I may ttr.Jlo oleUM, ~ Editor, that 1 road ibo Jan Iotter c4 yo~r co~odeoL v Lo,a\ty." tfith rfelbtp ol ..-~euure aacl PI' •• .. ~tT'' la ll I ~e~ hill\ .,._ ~'1!'. ~ lhaolt ~ beuta~~~ ~··cs.tuoe ol ~ llde oldae q.... All ~DOl to h1111,l (, aed I ~ ot'rial.1r ..,. Cla~eQ will llktwt., II"" 'lfkli ~ blcYtiJpart!calar, aa well altO 1ritb U.. ~tr'IIIIIU u . quoted. lA& sa, friead, 1Mb traadl odr thii _. ter-we- aow row • &he- boU, aed ~tender$)1e- ... IM•cloao &o tiMudl •

A.fril7. y"'""%~~

" 1'lle Tabid hu bMn rof."&llngiiDOD I!\OrO lbo lAtoruon lhol lbe utr~mo Cbun:btrulo aro " dolna our "'ork"-llullt to oay\14<> wtorlr; or 1he Ao~tlo­Romaalo~<~-" 111d dolog tlo "' m&noer \• wb'ch we ..,a not do It ouf11elvtoL" U br l'ltla llie Tabid ..... ,.. ~· ox~o Obn!'clt10eo aro bolplng to 1<1ke Eo~laod o•or tn tbe aldo of I be P<>p.t, anll It II re&I\T lto)l.ay ... wb.u II oq-. lilere It •lrolll( ovldeDCO thAt our <Onlemporary 11\U.I bo odlt.o<\ from Earlawood (• laoallc urlum) •I! It doeo nol l»liovo it., aod ooly .,.r• o~oh tLID~ 'becau1<1 It tblolro II•" C&.urch Aat0e11tkm aad 114 frleoda will belien tbom, ud lballb&lr a.otmoalty iJralaol the ll<>vlnl to t~• Ckurcll ol iloclaod will be reod~od m<>t• 'fl llDI"'IPllt aod loniAJniAI, It muot hne an oplaloo of l!Wr moulal col3t'a wblch 18 far fi'QJII coiii.Piiment.ary. .lDybow, lbo otatell\Ml oeetM tow.,.. oomplet.olr t&bA In tho R«J:. • •· ' lbou~;:la It II notorfo01 that T ilE Rl::V1VAI, :fTOJ>PEO TOE PROq~ES!! W' RO)JAJ' ISll I~ ENqLAl'D. Huoo the~a•qaalot ll~··

I conclude with another quowUo.11 11po.o. U10 ge.t~eral 11\b)ect whtcb baa CAuaod, tb,a preMot C!Orre.lp011dODCCI-~e (\1\0ihOll of l ll\PrQ\'ell\eD,t4 ia <.;burch. An id01 baa been atrod in tbo oolo~a. oJ, the STAlWARD ~at there 1:au.t bo perfect ttn..nlfl\ltY belQrt tll\PrClverqanLI of any ~1od aro'm,pted. Tbo C lorp ~Ye bocn cb,t.rpd with a waQt ni dilorctlG.Il, and. o.o~mo.n aoeoaa li\ n~ wat\.­ing fOJ' auch • oo.odi\io.n -or t!Unp. Lat me com,m,eud to all wba entertain th1111tra..n10 id,ea. and YClUr Ollielll\~ conupoodu~ " Loyalty" in particular, the following welgbty and. ad.W~Qle wonil from, Hle G,_ ~ Arcbbilbop ol Cl\nterbury, Pri­~~ of all Eoglaud, and Metropn,bt.n. whtcb, ~r ¥. part ni 11 eb.&rgo delit ored lut year :-

.. latattllrplhe J.a\ty,u GD f~~-. oot 1o be 11.~bla ln uch ~ ·~ Ollan;h lmproy.,..\Ja.. ll w!U oner 4o to. I loP, all tui­pN,vtmni Ia lb• oat•...S (Ohl\ of ~>ollbllo wot"biD lUI yell~ a1 l~ l.t a nl,...... CQII40Dl £0 Ill adoll&1oa aa,d t.111.,..-,. Cll,I\Uocc ~-.~ been alltoC*fa, Tiy)M ol 111 'lfhOM • CO. ~ to ftft7 ,..,. mutt l"'laaOCilber o• dtft•T aad- llo-IJWWI U,.. arftll~ltlllt -..y of oet .l,'wl\ Ollii(C...._ W• ..,u.a ,......, that h blllll boe11, lbe .. l ollba OI.Mu1 .U.aJalfod 111 ..,_ tt'QOd 1uta ol what -.. u,aaif17 a allMdty ot ~· l'uftllloan., I.Ut dla.Dsw W1llell AU 11.,.., Aoi·

'II'IANID 8l 4LL TO 1,.1 UIPIOt~ ware

•*". . .\prU 7, To"" ~-'FID~.' P.. B.-Title..._ .. of the Newfoudlaad

111tmberl oJ \be ~Ofllah CbOTOil Uelon baYt beaa'ilnad.J p~~btilbed in Ute eolniBU ol the 8TJ.I(D.UO ~ pel\ape the Editor w{ll .llow "LoJSllJ'' &o -a'llae at .. ol ol4 aa~Dben wiMt a .-w &o.lltelr repablieadolt, if be II uable \0 procut '\IIi .. ......., ,_

they and all dep.udaol n.n t.hem- and that muo' al~011t tho wb,ale p,oopla-:JDillt como t.o rb1o.

If theee atalemenlie are oo.rreot, doos 1~ l\Ot alf\ke c'ery Uunk•og mlod tha~ there II ao~etbi~ WfOCUt-:tla,t 'lfC llrD crowdiqg tb,~ pin\A Jo,t.o Ollt '\~n 11lOMitr~th11t tb• lal¥!ur o1 ~a country ia \11 boa.d.go to the aye\Om of ~o ~blch baa g~wo qp to our midl.t? Btcry n o.w 110d agall\ tt U• tum« a moro bldooua up act., till uow 1t bu como \4~ that a at.ato of detl\orah:u.tiol\ ~ abi"Q1od, 11(hleb bu. aoL aapplicr and, aop­plied io oppoaitio11 \4 cac:b other, eacb ~t.i~ 1\ia oppDJ'tnait)' to T.\IIIB,ACI: IW •­fro~ tha otbcr, wblcb Ia aup~d t.o ~no been ~ola11(lally o,bWD.c.d Olther ~rough Clnrehl\rpa on nne ba!ld. OJ' pl ol\det­i,Qg aWJ tbo. YOyap o.n oilier.

Tbllt aplriL o.J dllttru.s~ and Ul-will will grow ~d grow u 1n tha put, '1\DIOII we n,bt.ala no• delda o.J laboar which will oaao off the bu~cJ:IIIO.Olha frolll, • alatilb d.e­p.eodRCO oa. a. wO.rn-ou\ II'IODopoly. 'I'hao t- n,ew ft.oldaof labcour....,wberoaro they ! 'J;'boaocJ. M~ Uto~cJ. of dollara ba,.. bun tpeDt f~ *-'• kl\owlodge U\lt. thoro ill iltlicle tho ahtll ol oar cotl!ltry, that 11!bio.h O¥ siu __,..:EIQ,ploJIDOD' to her. ohil­dreo, U th,U ·~• - 01117 be cruk'ecl. I btl.le•e ~a biiiR t.o aoooiDPlilb &hie, il ~ let &he lroo.-botlo pe It a low klcb to le' on the 11~~ apd dri" oul&he prejadio.-11!~icb, w\~ Cl,il.lppe¥ before ~~~r ftlte~l\ pi"Qffptetl,.

It ~ ~ bat eato.ral, 11owe"Mr, ~~ a mao or • o1.Ua or 111M will be enrlo. to IIISiataiD llll bia br llltlr anoint pri~ ..... ud that ~ a ocadlaeod ~ ill ~e di· nctioD dlfoll beoo111• 11 ft.rptd," Md U.. •hadew ~ 'bJ ..Jf.~te1113t, if-, -1 ~ tb• Hat ol al«b'- ~ appli .. to~ tlllplonl' .......... .&:a, clla­ln&t,.... on-IM,ktr I lliittlf -.ftu to. noid --... ~'"%~to prcl "'r old DIU'IlllfiD•er, 8ae lM•If· . ~

W&llor wu omoolb, yet l\eo baa '-ac!K lo ~ .Tbo Ylry!D~ nrH, lbo htll riiOIIIIIlloaUM. T 4e lo~qt tM}$1tic te&reh, and tCII'lQ' diYi­-(ri<k Atl.-k, J_, 1 ...1 Mof'dt M.)

1'bue, tbeo, ' ir, arc tho leediageh.nder­lltios or ~·· ht.trary prodoetiou; ud. ltno•IDi thia. bow 10 the 11&100 of commoa a.enso could I bring myaelr t.o belie,.. lllal lbll W ~tdt ed 1 bad)y-ool\cei •eel, badli•{"lt,.. to.goth11r Ra.il1f'll1 Speech 1fU the prodfld ni his o{ear, comprehenaiv~ int.U~? Tc tell yoa 1¥Jnoa' trul.b, Sir, 1 woalc:\ DOt.­[ ""II nQI....,.~ho1'o it : oa.y, It were a libel eY<~D t.o lneiauate a~oh a t.hlog. So bttwee11 i t. aU, ~- ~Lot, I go) oo~~eW.T -.d, ~ and all tho reat ni it. 'l"t¥1 oul)- way, tDdeod, ~t I can - ~ ~ far Ulc U\18~f1 ia ~ .,.u~e t.bat &!~.ere II\Uil be eo~qo tniata.b about wbole ~r > \bat., .in o ther words, ~e ~~ 1fM Do­oonr '-d,all-rered by &en. Aud I thiolt ~1r, that wbeo y o.u and the public n&d &he utracta ~froll\ whiab. I ba,.. llfl: ~ you will al once .,ree wtth 111.• ia uu YOW tJral tt n01'tr CID&Dit.ed f~ ... ltltlh ol 1111 o\d. friend, ~t. ill, 011, dl!ll ~ the wo.rk oJ IOID,II cru,el ~ w._, Ia ~ ~ raiaa a. boo• oa dear Q}d l$t~ ..,..,... .. off thia boeua IW.l~ ~ .- ..... Dot. thea , epio~ ~n't. ~~ &oe.i-., 1a i Ben'' an<\ 111'111, 't ~· h(Ou.oc\ to, lwllt~ wba we - .. OQ Lop of, the p~ r. - Jt4r Ediwr, 1 ~~af'tra,U U. ~ Lo ~0 OODttl.f1, Wo,l II.IYe to lfYe. Bet crodi~ for~ s~ ~--~or to .., oo.uo~ for i4e bui~~~ 011. &he -mpeiot ~~ lt ~ ~ ba .. ben wriltna (M Ill hia other pi'Oie aad. ~ ~OiiaDI .,-e, o'\ "~IIDrper ~.P ·" otlatn'ia. I• WOillc b~. 'h,teq. 11\0,N. l~d-ln ~ 'lOrcl.. Dlpl\ Ben,-llb.

Mr. Hdltc,\ I baYe.l\,o) tim,e ~ "10 OYe ~e Speeob, ill deWJ,. \ will, ..,_,ore. in pad,. pick o"' a few IUT! liMn &114 \he...,· morelr &o Ibn.• r_o~'Of -:-. ._ aa pa&rioU~. enoaeeu, - OCI1 ~ wbicb, aad to ""1· ban ~bow or oeiM creptlolo Uae eruu ol fA1 dea.r old. fn-1

Aecl, 6...a.. Bee ...,.. :

Be ....... ltae Wlal:nll to IWall tl ~ I'OIIIroeda Ia ............. ,..._ ......... diM We.« tt ..n. .. ,.._ t• tal ra t eaftlall' ...- •

mr, Bee. •" JOG ~ a..L.., .... an nll~la Nonf~~f,~-


Local and other Itelll.8.... LelfblaU•o ProcMcllDrs N the Carbon· w.r ~way. .


TutaDAT, Apn1 6.

..ark ·Afid Irelnd ,_d no pei'IOD hu By Tele&-raph. ·~" ~ to theM couotnee for tbe -1Ml·180Q ,_,., Yon, my friend, appear llAUF.t...'t, N. S., April 2-The 'Tnn~'faal -We iauo week our euatoalary NOTICE.


PH<ENIX to be HJw·tbe Rotoan oenturioo who alepta newala uDAliafactory. Many o( t be Uoera "s~ Lin" u a oupplowout.. l.b~d ~· ud liMeD to know nothio,cr refute to follow/ their leadcra, aad dia­of dlo "piaiaon" lnthegn~~ttrorldaround o~iution preftlt ... - TO CoRRESPO~O&.'I:TS-\Ve ba'fOOOYOraJ

commuoicatiooa whi.cb are unfortunately crowded out o( tb-11 iuue..

-The J oint Commlliee of tbe LeQialatnre appointed to confer with Mr. Blackman witb a new to c:uotract for a rail w., con­ailtt of tbe follo•inlf reoUemen. : tbe Hoo. A«oroey Geperal, Uoo. A. Sboa, B oo. J . Rorke, Mr. Little, Mr. Ke11tand Mr. McKay of wdlouaeof AaemblJ,aud Hoaa. ll..,._ Baney, 'l'eaeier, and A.yre, of ~e Lqj~~Win Counoil. Looking at the cocatl tu tlon of lobe Commit tee. wo have much reaeon to &lui~

' that a .-pccdy and Mll~faaory arrangement will bo concluded ; 10 u to eft'ord the LeaU· lature tho opportunity or conaid elring ,and retifying tho contract at an eerly dato.

Mr. PD'lCT preeeotod a petition from tbe lnbabitantt o f Uay-do· Verde, p...,-inr Lbat a braacb line of tire propoeod rallway bo cx­'-'!ded to tbe dietrict of Carbon ear.

To alltolwm it tnpy amqm•:-

I . EDWARD WAI.SH,o£ BarborGrac.. ~ Newfoundland, l'i!JI1Dith, he~by give

no'}DO ~a~ I will ma. c applicatloo (nnder Chapter 64, Titlo XV of t;oneolidated Sta­tutes) fur Lctte111 Pl\l.ent f11r a POftl\ble Cootrl~ance for tho ltcuckriua out of Cod· flah Oil.

Fire Ass~ c•J*Ily. JOL No eowoa-y worlby or tho name Ia l'be Gorman Parliaman~ approna of the witholl\ a Rallway. More, Ben ! a great propoaalaubjoding pci'IOoa ~" penalties fu mall b.u oatfmatod that ono-tbird of tbe melting to UIUI!oatioo. Any forcillll er pro6ta of l::uropo doriosr the puL SO y~ra guilLy of aUcmptiog to aasuaioato will bo u. to be attributed to Hailwaya. ginu hie Go'I'WUolllent.

11 wu lcllo for a momoot to eompuo oou· Ucacont8eld Ia impro•iog.

Boa. Mr. Rout eblyaupported the pray­or of the pJtitionore, a ud mond that tbo petition be referred to t bo Joint Committee.


ESTABLISHED IN 1782. dJdoa u4 tho .....,ta ol Oaaada or tho Unltod Tbo Powera will probllbly inaisl upon seas.. wlt.b tboeo ol Nowfooudlud. 't'o talk of Greece accepting tho Jut olrer of tho Porto. N•wtcloaodl&nd Ia OO<Ilp&rltou with ouch oountriM 0 _... ..1 1 1 wu aa abeurdl11 110 great that bo lolled tu uodar- APRlt. -!--Severe Ouu. au~ G"' el on t le etaod bow cy iiiAI\ could S{te uU4t&Doo to lt. Spanish Mediterranean co:ut.. Much do­

atructioo in Au dill usia. You are a dirty bird, lle. n, to foul your Thot;ourtt h&Yiogdeeided that 13radlaugh

own neat eo. 11

'l'bo Caul~ dear Bon. ia not. aat illegally in tho Ho uao of Commons, be In ollr etarl, but in ounclvea tba~ wo aro roti rod. Ano ther election for Northamptlln underliap."· Wbi, lHo, oobotlyner com- will be held nc:rtSatorday. Tho llr~~dlaugb

- ~· Summer. Saillop of \Ito Allan Li'Den commence ou tho 12th. One of lho atcamera will lena Liverpool on that day for S t. Johu'.., The firat. boa~ for t ho Old CouuLry wllllceve Ut~lifax for St. J oha 'a on tbo :.!6tb.

Dy letters from Plecentill Bay WQ ( u dgcr) learn that. a man named Murrp.y, o f Barren Jalanrl, died suddenly wliilst sitting before tbo lire nnd fell on it. Wheo bia wi.l'e r e­turned 'abe found bia remain& on firo.

-The Sona of 'l'emperanco and their ~u-. merous frienda who favoured tbe mtetmg with their preaonce ~ol, we llrt' informed, a moat on joy able CfenlDg together on 1\loo­day laaL W o ha•c D<!L apace tbia wcok for a abort. account of proceedinge promiaed ua. Tho 'following are the offioen inatalltd

Mr. ScOTT bAd much pleuurc In aup· portlnr tho peth.ioo. If it wore ool for the people lAking tbia method of informing 111 what t heir aentlmcnll were upon thia aub­joct, wo would not be 111 tho adnnccd alate in which we find ouraelvee to-rlay tie wu glad to learn tha~ the d iatrict of UariJooear wu auumiog a po.itioo to ,., t.ich it ia ent.ILhd, 1111d if aoyuaiellloc• of b!. can procure t he l'otJtioneMI thtir requeet,

March 16tb, 1881. m.2G.1m. E. M. \VALSII.


TRUSTEE$ & DIRECTORS. J ohn BoTfii,EIQ~otR>CI 'Hubory, JAq Oocimuo Uurtoo. Eoq. l l-b.llodpen,P""'·~-1'. 1' be Hon. JA.D,.. DYilll· lllr J . l,ubbooll, ,.Dart., J oh11 Olnlton. F~ M.P .. F.1UI. 0. 1:1.. Ooope, &tl., ll. P Claa. Tboa. r.uc111, Eloq Job.D C<w>pe llo..ti, Eetl DO. D. lto ... oa, r~. O<'Orge A. oVull¥1 JAq l obA8tewan.o&l.,,£tq. Chao. E. Goodhart.'£-. Cbarl .. 8fna, ;&q. Dudlll')' B. Saol14, f'Aq. W•.J. Tlwulpaoa,E.q.

pared our W&Dta with tboao of the Unitod 'd ' II b d b B b ~•1 have miWooe of people with candl ate wo o oppoac Y urna Y pleat;r to 0&11 ud we-wo wauL to hop (Conatnatin.) • our 180,000 fromatarvatlon. And by God'e 'fbe SL l'e~raburg autboritita will order belpwo'lldo•• t.oo,withtheaidofaRaiJ,ray. all paA!Dgera arriYing by rail 14 give tbo

-Amoogat the paaseogora by the S .S. ,Ytu:fowulland for Halifax wero \V. 1'. Muon ~-· end Mra. Muon wbo aro c11 ro11ft t~ the United State• to apend thor& a fe w week• or 10. Wo, on behalf or tboir numervus Tern.nono frienda, han much plcuuro in wlahiog lhew a very oojoyable trip.

for the curroat quanor :-Jon~ liTR.t.TUI& elected W. P.

W. A.

t.ha petition bad boa mosL hearty 1upport. c OTT AGE Hoo. Mr. Roousos ably aupJ:orted t he prayer of tJoe pctit.lon, coming aa it did from hie old friend&. d preiCDt occupied by the Subecriber.

AUD~TORS: Well.,. Blr.l, ll«l· 1 Lord Wro.DrooltPhlpps

J ... plt Yraodt Letclwr, Eeq.

.., pohco tickete announcing their addrcu and C....S. bat old uul ..U.IUiiftdUel, tooru. and eo~ementa.

lo'lniA!pe dolled onr lbolud, IIWlnlactu~"CAJ rich T ho oocialilt organ Frtidkit, Londou,

J oliN L. On 11


.. R. &nbc. A.R .S.

Mr. w .t.TSOII ~upported the petition, and 'ferma mod orate. }lgr plU'LI:ulara apply to aaid'Lhat IJI"ICb benefit would accrue, not W. 0 . WOOD. only to dfe people of Carboncar, bu t to tbe IJarrWcr...,l-Lo.u-.

J uliN J. HLOOIIFIIU.D, &ar.trrJ. }'IIA!(CII n. McDO!CAt.D, AM. Sccrtta, •

pro48d<l &Dd thoeo other ooodltlour I hal jnotily · d d b d ' t G rm Ute uteuloo of lol<lr<'OmmunlraLion betwoen bH has been acue an t o e I or, a e an, ftrlou commua!Lieoo bf mMoo oloueb great "orb impriaoatd. The extreme Libera Ia acc:uu u t.U ral Ia ~owfoondlud all tbo~o ole· t.ltl) Governmeo~ of interfering with tho

W. A. OK& SIDS&T W OOM 1). 0. Wuou · liL'IItT BREAU& GIOitOE TAI'P W. U'DOlo-m:LL

re-elected elected

.. Y. Scribe.

1Tf01. Cllllplnin.

Conduclorl ...tuL eo ...

peoplo o f his diatrict, u it b the neareat Harbo1' Grace, March 1?5, lMl. atulemcoc.. flo regretted to heer that it wu tho iu~otion of th• <loyornmeo~ to TO BE LET . Jnsun.ncee apiott Loa br Flro are ef­

fected by tht .. withdraw tJ1o 1ublidy from tbe Harbor PHffiNlX COMPANY -"'are 1111tln>cllr abNol, aad he omphatic:allr rigbt.a of aaylum.- Auatri~ propoiOS an in- _We Jearn f rom tbc NtVJfou.ndlandu ......m.d that we ban oo popolatlon In thlo couo1r1 tcrnatiooal coofcreoce of j uriat.a 14 co.uider that by the a teamer Curlew tbo new• from tho to ..... m at o.hoiiD'Icc!Air.U.S oiiiO Yt.alud OSJ>Vl• the rig hUI o r asylum in rcprd to politic:al Woatward uud~r d.~oto Slat ult., ia that al.,. • worlt. ofJendera. - . atroog cutorly wioda buo pro, ailed dolt-

.. "

I. S . 0. s.

Gra::o mail a~amor, u they would be in a "WOODVILLE LODGE.'' leu fuoret.lo po.itioo t.heo t han they were belora. -.·~lling-houae conaiating: or two tcoe-

Uoo. Mr. W1l>"TER -Looking al the bene- menta. And connected with both houae1, 6tt that will accrue from tho introduction abou~ 16 acrca or

upoa enrydeecripuon of Propenylo every part of tM wcwtd·, on tba moet fl'l'orabfo tci'UIII.

You're aaleer. man I Canada ia build· Roum1ola bu been declared a Kingdom lng tbe three previous wcekL Cod&b was ~ 1000 omleo of railway whc:ro &hero are under Prinoo Charlet t. even moro acareo in 't'ortuoo B11y tbaa dur ­»ea&Mr "oitlel, towno, nor townahi[»." Tho Allan Com(ll\ny jl'I\YO the leadin& iog tho month before. H erring were llid

'!'ben are lorlr-two obnuuud I<}U..r. mllro or citizens of llalifu: a lunob on board t ho to bo abuodl\oL in mmny localitie1 in that &Mrit.ory lo s, .. rnuodlonrl, and All oho ,. .. t •~· S.S. f 'ari.•ian, Sir Hugh preaidinu. 1 ho JIAy Jlllrticulluly at Eo~:liah llarbor.Bolloraru pa.aM ol oouulrJ lnol~o that fring-e or l'fllpl<t, 1• Pari4<'a11 is tho fin1t piUISCIIj:;Or lllcl\mer Het\~h. 1\nd [ llarbor. Ono S t . Jobo'a ouelam.,..., wlldcc....,. coaLualag uot oou llvint; f · · . L.. b 111,...., ..... turo t.o roll••• h• ~ .. olaolon. An<l buihl e nti rely o f ateol or ocemn nnogatoon. b.'\n ker wMio the lll\y getting uatt ; anot e r ,.,. t. oouutr1 tlu,l h h propo~ w open ul' l).,miuioo c~naua-takinu begins to·dl\y, veasel Jo3 ding herring~ fo r c1port&tion.

-Many of onr ~rubscrlbera, eapecially nf late while tho rail-.ay proj~ hU been eo­gegio~ublic atte ntion, hue been incoo­vunieoced (tbeyll\y peatorcd) by peMIDna, o ften u we ll a ble \0 aubtcribe' u they, d~­airing to borrow from them tho STANDARD. ••reqnently, befure the rightful ownera­noL to "'Y their families-he•e hAd timo onougb to glance OYer it, it. commem:ea it.a pereirinatioo'- W'e aympatbizo with our aub.!cribera in the annoying circomstaocu t hey are thu• placed io. Wbile we feel gratified et the weekly and year ly increaae of .oDT circle of rc.'\dera, we confosa we would feel more gratified, more encollraccd, moro enabled to act jnaUy 14wardt our­~elna and the public. 1f we got more pt· cu~tinry aseostancc. ·'l'bc newapaptr buai­nc-unroamntic M i~ may aouod-caonot any ruore than o ther bosinesse1 do with anr· thing abort of " bard e&~~b" or iUI equin· lent. 1f all wbo take the STANDAD.II a nd other oewapapcn1 wo uld p:1y promptly, a nd if all who can effo rd to do ao would aabacrioo, insta~d of borrowi'og, tho rcllding pub I ic would rel\p M much, if not mor~. benefit tluuo tbe proprietora them~eh-ca. II. na w• remarked como ti rue ago, Gnt family cannot nlford to 1ubacribe for tho P"l'"r, c.wo or three e~~n club toget her, and bavc it. be­tween them. T here ia a certAin degree of meannesa in perruittiag a ooighbour. n.o better off thlln ••e, 10 pay for our pnn· l~g.:s. 'fhe STA:>W~Ro's clubbing offera to nc"· subscribers are atin open.

of t he railway, we may reuoo~tbly e1pect. c It' t d ~ d that. •imil•r application• will bo ruado to... u 1 va e ·an , [( it bo only to c1tend t.l1e work, b~ ~eemcd it ncccaaary to eopport the poti toon. It ploughed tho past. ~uon-12 or w~ich will. 1eemod to him t.hllt.IJarboucar waa the moro u required be l~t. &:!'Aralely. 1 hero 11rc

fropcr place fo r tho railway ton:uin111 than aleo 00 the icround GOO IO&da of MAX UJU: !a rbor Grace. At present it wu a mattor which will go with tho 1:! eerea of LAND

which waa beyond tJoeir acopo for ~olibera- at 11 ,·ery reMOnable "''"·

'fbe promptilodo and llberalit1 with which ita eapgemutt are al1f&11 met. on lhia Comp&•7 an well IIDOW1J, and the 1u ... portanca of \to rellltlv• with the Pobllo way be es'i-ud lropa lbo fact t hat aloco itt eatabliebrant, t · 11• ~d more TWELn~ MILUC1NS S'l'£RLUIO In diacbt~fl:e of clahnot few by fire.

Jtat~a of premium udall other inform&· tion may be obtained ou applic:.tiQD to

~a nlll'Oad aLa co.t or million•. T he Can:tdi:UJ r O'I'CilUC ia etelldily inci'\::U· S.:• eral bauk~rtl e xpected. Yea. Ben, you're n,~l-there arc .2G, .. iog. . ~

1. b ---

80() 000 aeru of territory in ~e"foundland, Lordc Caorna, Cmnbrooke nn(l II ury -.STr..urr.n DISABI.£0 AT St:A.- .Vcw }'or.l:, ~d· cert.aiolr aoooo~t them thrc:o o r four ao\·ercly denounced the s urrender of CaudA- .\lardt 16.-Tho eteamsloip J t•oro reporUI, ~Uooe.cru ofgood laud. W obavc nearly liar. on 6tb iost .. t:,o miles wt of tbo llanks 180. ,000 ,People, at.Amog, just becauSII tb~y Term, of peace hM·e been .urenged with of !'iewfouodlaod, J>M5Cd a ateamer diaabled c:u~'t ~ at. tbe good laodL l u Irell\nd, ti¥1 'l'tansvul Uoera. with another steamer near her. Captain tiler. are 11 miUiontrea of land. antl li~<l l\.r11.11. 6-Tbo <L:ad-locl.: in tho Unitc.1 Cur dOD ol the Jtrano, e!Atca tl11t both Yea· millions or more of ople li~in~ ont of tbo Stat~a Seuate eou tiouea: p&rties e,·cnly aela wo;c three muted, with blAck paintorl [lrodllCO oxtractod i ere! rum. l'bo Green balanced: neither cau oi~>~~L officera. funnel&. Tho disabled steamer he though t ~e Ia pttiD(; cra,.·deJ, and ... e w1111t to Greece nppeara d .,terminfd oo war. •.u eno of the l.:lke Line, belonging to the ~e TOom for 110m., or itA (nbabitaniA, IS" A n earthquake hu occurred in Lloe hl11od l Canada Shipping <.:omp:wy. and trading ,.ell u for aportiuo of our O't'D peoplo, oo of Cbios; towoa and •illa11e. injured ; wany during the -wiuter months between LiY?r-ouc interior JandA. line lost. I pool and Portland, aD!)_ the slel\mer whoc b

tf t.bu tllo ..,uu•l l"l"'l'"' o! tnnoe $ ~.000 Gladatono aubmittc:d bml~ct ~·utcrday: w;u trying to got her iu tow appc:tred to bo UJIIIO a debt oiurin~ ball • .,..nturr reve uuo ei~;bty-lcur millions etcrling. Ill one o{ the Aocbor Liuc bo:>.ts. bMro 10 lo~viiT upou uo, bow ,·aa wo attcm~t l<l rniJiioD, threll hundred anti forly-onu ---

luallff ad4.1n' tllor•to by a ala~~: to Art of lbolo,;io- tbou~ud 0\'llr e&lioul\le. E~J•cndi turo. . al.ano~O~ dollar• lor & raltr.,..tth•t will ruot eil(bty-thrco tnollions. boin,.: aevtn lounJred I "-Dl!os ~lonJordT. R. DednoLett ,\Vour .. rmese~Dctn·

"houl&i·l W. wn for ••.a ol tr•tll• "' <lllJl loy it, 1 1 1 I · 1 11 0 e.. &ttroct u go, 1\D • • •· • • • 1 tbouMD• uu t 1:111 too esum~ c. o pr · I' Ch' r Cl k d R · 1 or th e

"1 I*'JI .. "' work ot poilU to P"Y .U:rLy millioua of the oationml '.IKJ. . 10 . .or an <'lr:" "'~ • 4&! Benjlwio, Ueujamin! '1110 ln~erest •lebt in,•o ycttrs. l·:~timl\tCS of :Sorthe rn Uoatroct, ba•·c been 1n :St. J ohns

o' o-r debt.. now, tlotb uot bear bcllnly ou ex coditurQ for current ycM, ei~loty- lour fo r a wuek o r •o ps~t. Dame llurnoo.or, WL ""e liball Nol ha~o to Jl"Y t~:!:>ti,IHtll omflioua IIC\'I!n hundred thon'll\nd : revenue through tl~o columns o~ bcr favounto f.or a lwlwoy-not much more t~l\n tbe • ei• bt · th·c moll ion• nouu huntlrcrlthou~ttnd. m~dium. soor.ed tbe occuoon to so~ 1\IIOI\t ball o f it. H~n. yuu o.,vcr ... .,.. a nolway- : T~u fucome tu •roll be r educed ODd p.:ooy tbo report. th1t the ~ormer of .these gentle­you were no•er o ut.tidc or ~t. J ohn'• ~~~~pt ' 111 the pound. on~n "'~.' to ~ appoonted ~l~g•Atratc .on t~c to Conception Uay, ""' r,.r ,.. r can rt'mem· j Ue~cousrield'a cooditioo c.'u~e, continued \\cot <.:oas,t 10 place o f the late <.:11ptam J.wr. The raila "oil ;u4t . lien. whether we "ux i~t .-. • IJowMih an~ th:>.t the latter. would tak_c thtw o r not. 'two ~·enro s~;o. a •hurt N o,:;u, io :'ooth ~l"in l!.lu•e•l immense Mr. Bennett s ('lace hare .. l\ ot muc h , of rail•uy wu oo111ple~d U..twcen A'"'"l"'l" ' ,J.--stnwuou ol prop.:rt,.. ~~~Y· creJonc~ was placed on t h.e rumour. and Y armo•tla oo :S o•-a . HtoA, " j . 1 d tl t 1 d 11 \\ " aro bearuly J.:lad that tbore •• uo pro•· •· ..Udcrneu" ~ucb M you b"'" to rcmpbi- .\r.o:oo. 11

- l 11 ~~ l'~··tu 1~ ~r ~m - Jlc<'t "'hate ver of t ho Di.•tric t lo•io~ the C.'\lly deecribed. l'crh~p• ynu 'j"ou't b~- I ~onah eld •nil re.,:;u tbu lc:~,J~nohop ol the truly invalu~blc Aerticcs o f ~Jr. Uennou. loe•c it ' Uen thM "othio the ·I·""~ 1" mont I.• ' oMer"" " ''u. . h h (' od \\'.: onh· echo the acntimont. of the vubltc w) r .. ~iloca 'ba,·c Atml~d lf\At hue ,,( A ll\r,:c st~awer 18 '" oro 011 l 0 ' 0 • in thi!i 'coonmunity and bcynn•l whe n we rnii"''Y onJ ;u-1) rn)'i<l tr cultodUA:f tl..\1 1 won ~:\uds.

1 1 bl b 1 <'¥pre&J tho hope th:\t hiA •l•chnin;t day• 11 olt.l~r~ and onl\kw~: it ... bloom l\11•1 .\ ltu" or ~\~"'"0"' 1 1~ "'~II

1 call\ 11

C< ma\' be ap~nt in the mid~t o( thOIII! amon;;st t.IUMOIII like the ro'IC.'' J'hoa iA tnh', n..... whv,·eultth·· rn~ ~n·l . ontrcl\ . l It whow bi~ lo~ baa o f b t.c yean~ been C.'UL. "uri br (;ocJ 'e a id \h" IOtcall l tu J o tht• $."\m•· I h ~..· llmrut l tt.t o lf" !'t·uuu:.~v a •·

b • lta' l 1 11 1 u 11 ,. nHuoko t. • t.. .. <l,·.trureJ J,,. hru. J .o~, ----,.. tn our 1 "'Y 1

'" .""'< r,.,., ,., '" , , fi l ii• tloou.-u.Jtr{olll\ro. · · -Qt:.\ I!TEI! S~iiO'>~-The Court of AplenJid lauJa to tile :-i urtla-\luJ. Pact· 1·.h 1 1 1- 1

• 0

" itAim" for 1 1 ' ' Jlco c ro• • n~to<ma oo • .. r b " Qul\rh:r ~salons 10:1.1 holt !I~ t oo vOUrt

· . tloe ro:lcl\•l' of ~l orlutd l lnvotL ll onoc locre on ~lon<lay IMt. I n tho ab-,\ro we"' t.o i '<i ll•l ob• ........ I·"',~· .... ~, .. ; . 'h •• I'"'I"JI···I hy ..... Frendo to cat.., hlioh ~~nee A! St. J obo'a of IIi• Honor the J)ie-

7J.:,h~~:.:~':.'r"~t.::~ ·~::7.'~.~~;(1 ,1~':-l ~,~:~ni- n protc~·ltlrn'c o \·Cr ·runu. . trict .I udg~. tho U~ncb WM occupied by ll Nu.ntr-unn "W1f" n:b.·r •a~ttotu •·l•l• t .. ·t u(O~·u '"''I !'cnllc h .l~ hc~n t~rnbly ltnod.-.t. JOYOI Y· ...;, )lu nn, E.R~, ,J.P., nnd ,) oaeph t :orldou, • • dH u l•>r 4o .,.1 I••I•P" " "·llvi <> F •• Tr•l• tnl! thclo'4:<o! uncuu lloun dull :> r• ~ntlml\ny 1·:•'1 J .l'. l'hi) .J nry were con~:utull\ted • II r·• m lth t> t~r ~~· hr -4 ho ·uu11 •··~ l ll' l!l'l. o n lh-., f:..ct tha~ the re was no th ing ,of r\

'fha abun• •~ inu:udcJ W b~ '"tl)'- 30<1 1 .\1'.,11. ;-:-i1r ('lo•rl~8 Tupper'~ hc:\lth i• crouoiu3( clu.rncter to ho broul!ht bi\forc ol course wu II laugh I ' "'l•ro,·c·l. tt.,·m. Tlou .l ury-of -.loom Andre w Huth-

t'an • •· ,. ,._.f"rt ''" r'\.iic u fr ,,n thr tro.Oi··J Uc:\cnu"'rl.·1·1 li -clvwh· r~""''~ri n;.: t• rfonl, 1-:.S.l·• w:u Forcm11n-m~Ju t ho fol · betwM"n lw......, •t.l F tl l: 'l'r,J•Or tftt··· t• U rt•a oliu l liltell t.'riO~ IU \ ' hiiH\ Ill ("O Q • lv " inb brin)o;'fu~ thetr tu~ ao 1 •roc ' • I tHrr ' .. "'" "•' k,.:, e t.•q n•·ll•'t' u f ~u c.\rtJ,, t'"'kt' t. 11. ' " conu• ou\ of t ht' J"U".'~rl ll ,( th ·•

1! w 'H .. n I ....y ( l~ lO•'"C llh' r Chft.UtJi. h:t. ,.,~ h\!t'n lll!\11111~· G J ,. lt .>U)f }

bl"' • tnll!.ftD "'tL a drl l ru :.o • ~h ... wn I h •r& t;r acr~~ l IU LHU:\ , I eru, aud i l.1l'I'J ,t.~ M) wn rth u .. rl,.)r t,;I&C6 A~-'"'· ·hh. I L a taJ dHhlrf'u o( tl,.,lutrnrttn,n.,tlu ... hll ..... ,.,h ' "'"~ , I •tU:f'P tza '

lhw mrttopoll.a •o·l parlllke ,,, u .. alll .. nllh·• i 11" i or prOI) .. • rty tJu.,troy~d. Tlltl Gri'\OII Jury C"''rutiJ ('r It r~•·h• a nd • ...,1tJJ-r .... ~rted that dot.'re · ··ul.t II,, ·- tSt"r i .. ,.. l I .• ,.\! (;rec-k \iovcrumeot f{'jc cl8 the Port.e'a I Qf"'Cf"a.JJ-,rr th.tt1. * r .. ur~ l)ot) ").;up frnmc ._ ... 0 q n Y"e r n· ' n"'m.•oobeo\&rcoea.aauu1 U.rrven••o ""' "' •••tt P"'' ls m~nt \\·,.,( . to l 'a\rir k • • · r .uz. ,.,-1• j, r lul.o'bdas Ill• tna··~o~rrr of tLo '"&"" •u! pro, pos~ .. I . I 1.; I f I I"'"''· f" r ohe ufeoy nf tbe public l>ualag • ""I

· Ill b 1 tuuu• w1l r.-oos,rnllft t ou "'~'om 0 t.y oloo """" collu-o in tlutlocali•r· li' ... "''l •• ~... . ' . . Rouw!\1111\ 011 oon41oiJOU that •tep• be ta'-en Tbe urn•l Jury h••• violto<l tho r..,l ""~

lien, yo u are n1,-ht In lboa . I 'be~ bcwg a~;aooosc. the :\oholo•t<~ iu ;\lol<ll\VII\. fiod it In • ct ..... •tale, but ~H-.:. tn "'-'Y lbal 1ho the only re.aoarcea .Qf the country •hooh you AI'HIL 1>-tiermttny. Austntt, 111111 RnMia ~•ll·•iudo .. • rt•lulra lo be ro..,.,r.J or reuo"oJ. a re capadblcllof el!bLID18tlug, the J"'Jt some~ y~•terd:>\' lormllll)' reoo.:uOU<I the kio~:dom A';,!'~;t~!\~."~b·~!~iEtt'~!"~'iio f'~-you, &II • IUC n:>.rrow-mon c IDCD as or I~OUII;I\1111\. . • • . yo~. can render the coleny 18 to "!'Po"" the The C.iranJ D uko :'\ichoiM, oot" in o f the -- ~ ltaihn.y. God ltclp the country when euch I Ctar . hM Iicon Mruted And int.crnod in a _ The L<rdgl7/otYr arrivod hero on Tbura-rnco aa you Lte 1141 tneu or p rojffc.L cMtle ncar St. l 'dtt:raburg; hu ill 1U$peotod Jtty laal from :St.. J oho'a, whoro abo had

Uo ...,.kl t.oll tho bouta whhoot r .. r nf oon•r•· or political intri!(ne&. been for about a fortoig bL undergoing the dkllou. l! obi• noll,....d •• tu be ondpruokon, th" The !..:lad lloll wu rclld a liMit tim~ : rCJ\llirtl necessary before undertaking her J,.bor n_..,,.,. for loo ooaotrncolon """'" aod Glad tooo co cl ded A thrco huura' 'beech summer trips ou the Ilt\y. It waa e rather will aot be proca,od In tl•wfuuatllaud. .Wan oo

8 0 u . . j · 1 1 unfortunate occurrcocc--ouo regretwd, oo labour Ob oocb a worlc DIUIL com• frono oth<r by aayiDIC tbllt thO Jlfi OCIJ)IO Of UltiCOO 011 r

..,uutriA!• ""d roald d•p&rt wbou theor aordco• I! Dido England TYith regard to Ireland. doubt., by her proprietor-tba~ thole re-ll'trouo lousu required. Tho I nab mcmbera fnour the Bill. paira ahouiJ have proved ao e1leoelvo All to

Den bere taketh up tho r6u of profhet, ll1o l t.ali:~n Ca biool hu boeo defeated, consume n111Ch more time t han t be few do.ya aad p~od.lth to 1peak In the llaDJe o tb" and h&a re•igued. 111. II rat conside red sufficient. Some iocoo ­people 'of Npwfoundland. Uut., Uenjamin, APiltl. !J-Lord P.lcho moves llmondmont ,·eoionco wl\.11 tbcr by, wo are iuformed, t.!Jon never bear that there • ere 1000 declaring lAw Uill unjuat, Impolitic. Tho occasioned to certAin o f tbe puulic. How­of our men employed in the Betta Co•e !luke of Ar ..... Je bu reai"ned hi• nat in e ve r con1idering tho unforeael'n nature of

'#>' .. the ~ourrence, and t he fact tbat had tho lllinea, and tbat 0000 more wight u e.~ly Cabinet o"ing to Law llill. Lord Ar· Gtorrr tAken adunla"l! Jut aumruer of her bue been e111ployed bad they beoo rc:qwr- lingafom aceopt.a Priry Seal 1\.11 Argyle'a " . d ed? aproesJtor. Common• adjourned 10 :.!(Jth right. to .be oil tho routo for rcps•ra, an

·\ pn"l, Lords to '·tb ~lay. not plied ao uniotorruptcdly. t bia delay to It Ia Idle t.o toUr t.bobl opplfiD!f o<H:b a •r•t•m • v • b biJ d dd' ti 1 upenae 14 her

t.o the llobltllt IHIIJUiatlon who will never roal<e Oxford won Unh·eraity boatrace. t 0 pu c ao a 1 obna be . ..1 lbolr b0a1 .. 14 tho lotcrlor ol Ne,..fvuoJtaad, r _ • 1 · Co 'I :-; "'-- f def at d proprietor would not no en oncurr...,,

....,g~• ato~e uoal • on .,..... Ill e e t ogetbe r \Yitb tho otber feet that the S.S. '' 81- tbee. Boo ! bien thee ! thou 11rt College Hill. l hrnJiti was engaged to tako tho Glcrtr't

t rao•uted." Now, old friend ! I . wiU bot f.'"ce for como portion of tbo few dAya the nine-pence farth ing to a tallow-nandle that attcr waa dolayod, we have no doubt b~t. you ne<>er•poke to a ftaberman in~our life fine r:< a otT D.t.:<oaa TIII &ATli!U ... v .... tha' the fe•ling induced by her delay w11l

th• ~· '" h f lrouLI..d with a t"ckiog oougb. l oiLom .... uou, • ~ 00 11N

111 ..-...,.ey !lever ea 0 you, whoa It a !Iacko 1uo ~docatolluuo of obe tuugo an41 1-e reduced 14 •ery a mall proportions.

man 1 oi r do they want to. Therel\l'e broochlol toobeo, lravolo with JH!rllouo roi'IJily, bundreda or our bard1 toilora who would It Is .,.0 ,.,. lhao l't)atlnu• to ne,tleet a eough or gladly nail of a.oy chance to better tbei r oold. To do •o lo olmplf lo ln•Uo oonoumptlou preaeot •~nina condition. au.S preruolure dutlo. IJ&ule wltb and overooruo

, tloe oLw.'olft In I~ lnlan~) , ond uert tb~ porll. Do Por oil !)~are&~~~.,. bolu<l nr~o-"'4protDpledbf ooLallow oho lung -011ln~; tuberclu t.o dovolope

th• otroli&e• t fNiln~t Cit dut7 t.o lloo «lDnl.ty tbemHIYc.t before rHOrUog to m..lldoe. P.~­whotlo Dl'}'t iaere4 D~O!a Wt re CIOIIliDltled IO ' porl1000 h.u lhoWll l hlt lho p'eparotlOn lJeol atJ. Utolr co.r'-''be aboot d ~ol<!r hr1 10lomn prot<-ot apted to outxlua alonnldoble cuu~h-1• Northrop ·~DII ~Iring Ill tb!o gf ... ollc unslet1<lklng a: Lymau't f:mulalou or Cod Liver on lnd Ur­wblch lb.,- - ~•If 14 ooppOrl, Jot Wag to popb001pbltoo of J.imo aad l:!oda- twill oad •uro J••tlfJ, ~I lfUyt.Wal' t.o coudemn. ·~tic fM bron<bt.l ahd luuf t.lroc:tlon•, Kryu-

" Let tha$eoflice, "'01t' forcible Feeble f" · l(ltl.t, &od o.lo<t •llrlou• form• o ternfula. It lo nol What pr-•"'plion (or O.n Morria ! pretl'udod obat IIlio fnorlt<o r~mtotiJ will eureluiiJ

---. dovfloped eontamptlou, but !bAth will avert lli.J " The int.rC!IU of tho cqnnt ry committed 1 fact teo well pToYod to admit of anr rtuonable to your care, 'I iodeedl P1baw ! Ben, atiok doobl. Tho fwlooquoiiJ' well ltuowu and ap· to your ,r- and rbsm-lean preciloted, both br tho pabllo aud tba prole&Jiou, the ·• moat lac:red iAtei"'Ott to th0110 who &bat tho ortlc:lo I.J ou odrulrablo lerllll&er of tb• knoy tba .,..S..-6 t conn.._, and 'are oa- biQOd)mparting to ll tbou cor.othu•nta whleh are

- ,.. "~ -Lial to the oomplet. aotrillon ol tho •r•tem pable of'p10ridillg them. Adieu I aod Ita proeer•aUoa Ia a llato of baahb. In au

~ :Yo~~ etc., oouny ... , .. bled oyottlb, pboepboruo-thol o-..rr

I , • ...., , olomtot of bod II)' del!oenL This • col>l'lltuDI,u well u thnoaud oodo (impOmoL Ia

1 boao lonnt.IIIWI) ..,.. auppllel In the Emulolou of llau.cnun ~ .t.lf1l Pnu..- lhltl- Cod L!Yer OIL Prop&rll<l bf Nortbrop.t Lymao,

ta4u tu~..UI' o a aocapllc:aUon ot dloonlen Torout.o. So~ld bJ all droacfou. mlgbl r ~l'b U... bealla1 aod parll!1ug _I!~ wli$cll aboald..M ""Pio • ltbOut a<la7'• 1· W¥~ U.. weaill1iii Ia B ia Excellency the (ioyernor In Cooncil nrt.b~cloa.clll aod ld~ aro. pl't••*'- baa been pleuod to appoint. the Rev. thlo Olo rt*~i\1 ~ 14o'~1 ud Samuel Snowden, (Flat lalanda,) to be a ~bdt, 1lil to* .:.-I dMcP all ,.... Board f Ed daoe1 ''""'* fh' t"-ln~, oa4 other M ember of the i\lctbodiaL o aca-~ Tbo 1'11Ja ualtt ~~ cor&*r•o AOIJon or tioo, Burio, in place of Mr. JonaUoao Per­the OIDroao~~uda .,. lhoJ pul/f I!Jood eo~~t, deeeaaod i tbo Ru. Henry flatcbor, ~d .110 qolc 1111 s:lrc, !.baa eooc-Uoo I• (Norlbern Dlfh&,) to be a member of the readerecl · -·~bit. Bolio.,.,., treat- Mttbodla~ Board of Educ!aUooL..~dom, Dl"''l: ~f"lt ...- f~llr, too, wlt.b tha .,,. lo of tile .le'f. Tb- .r;l d, ,..

~~~~~=4~~ .. = eoofod.-Oa#flf.

-Juat efter going to pre11 on Saturday Jut ne wa from s reliable aource arrind ln tow'n Lb«L one of tho Uarbor Urace Ooe~ of ateamera, t.hcS.S. .Ha61ijf. had eccure(laloed; and n day or two later on, wo beard that enothe,.....:.tbe S. S. Grunland-bad been equally fortuna~. 'l' .we hno t ho pleaauro o f reportoog !be1r arnvallaat night: the Grttnlllnd, Capt:' Kaoe, wllh 2 l ,OOO young harp~, 2,000 belngou deck ; and Lhe Ma1tiff, Capt. G0110, with 16,000 young harpa ~nd 2 000 old ooea, 800 being on deck. ,Juat ~fter tbt GruniJJJtd 11rriYed tbo f".«<rl , Capt. J. Kennedy, with 1700 you or aud 800 old booda. The E«:ort whilet. on ber way homeward met with Wedneeday'e pie, and loainr doe ml)at nf ber caoYaa, abe pot into St..Jobn'• on TbnredrylaaL Weare aorry to have to 11ylbat there il a rather darlc back· ltfOUDd to an otherwiaa br!gbL picture. 'J be ::; S. Conemodorul10 erri~ed bore lut oigb•; b~t uofortnnately tbe gallut captain wllo comoJAndalterfailod to "airiko oil," and bu aecured only 300 pella. It i.e feared alao that one it not both of our Harbor Oraoe steamera aod certain of the aalllog 'fOIItla have miuod Lho tompt.IDJ pri&e wbloh drew them to tho ico-6olda. .\Vo hope, bowner, to boar better uew• o f them.

The Ailing 'fMOOla rErtod are : the SuUr1, 8,000, At~ J.. Qofoie, 8,800, ~. 6,000. !.hay o \be etoamen yot poorly llabed.

tion, a ud tbe propoul to refer 11 to tbo [or further particulal"'l apply to J oint Comruittte was tbe beat. coune cal- AL~XA:\U£1t SQt;IR ES. culated to meet we wiahea of Lbe pcti- Harbor Grace, Jan. ~. tionera. Uo t hought it a •peeullllioo well --------------worthy tho conai\leratioo of ~e Syadl~to. HOUSEHOLD WORDS '·

lion. ATrOL'>ll' (it!II!IIA L--l'he petltiOD is very nomerou~ly and ioOu.:ntially aigned by wealth and intelligence. of tbn ~ia­trict , and be waa aure the aubject to whoch it n:lcrrod would be fnorably re~rdeJ by all bon. mowbera. lie thouah~ 1t wu a matter for tbc considerntioo of the llouRo ntber than for t.lu1 .J oint Committee, 111<

they havo uo power to alter or extend the liuo of railway, &~~d be would auggcat that an addr-.:11 to t be <:ovcrnmcnt on t he peti­tion 1>41 prcaooted, tha~ wo. may_ deal with i~ and eond it to tl10 Joont. Corum1t\<.-e. Tbe powon of Cowmitteo 11ro restricted by c.hc rc110lutiont, but. 1! auch " ooul'$0 u bo propoecd wcro adopted, there would be no e fl'orc. wanting on hie part to for y;ard the requeat ol t be petitioner&. 'H 0 LLO.\V ~Y]J

-Xr.w li ARBOn Xcm:s_-Two (an,iliea lh·ing in a semi-de tached boW<e at llopeall were burnt out t\1'0 weeks ago, well-nigh loainc o'·erythiug they ~d. Tbeo~re wu occuioocu by aome cb1ldre n applyoog a li&bt tu somo oakum tho women bad been pic k in~;. O ne of ~be aucceeded !n ~;etting from chsrotably.doapaaed peraooam ConctJ>Iion llay abouL fifty ahillioga' worth of ~:ooda to repii\Co lou loJ.t, nearly all of. wbich , I am grieved to Py, "" atole~ fr? m him ooo nigh~ Jut. week by aotno 'fllhuaa whom he traced to Grreo'allariJor.

llou. llr. ltoRII: t did not concur in tho propoMI of the loon. Attorney tieoeml. ,\ a 1t wouhl neccaitllle delay, aud as tbe re ­quest of tbu pctitioocra was a mat ter o f YitaJ importance, bo WOuld preaa f_or \hC petition boiog laid before tbe comm1«ee et.

Pills & Ointment. -o---

Pilrity or Blood Euontial to llealth, S lr'Cngth, IUld Long Lifo.

A felll' old acala hll\'C been't do1io,:t the Ju t f~tn4!ht in tb16 loCI\li~y. chi ell)' !fl Me w Harbor, Uildo, and Cbanco CoYe-pcrb3ps in all W huo been go~. a nry IICccptablo Addition to onr acnnty reeource• at t his time of tho yen . Jl erriug too havu boeo IJOI , though, so fnr, only a acanty ~upply. l u tlo eao poo r time•, holl'OYtr, every little help bccomea ncccptl\blo.

Tbe Church ::ic:hoofs bcios b uilt at Old Shop, h11ppel, nurl lfopv.JI. All \fell u tJoe Churcht:a at Noron~n·s Cove and Chance CoYe, Me 11ho afl'or.liug omploymeut, i.e., rood, to rnaoy dl!llt ituto family men, nnd will do 10, it itt boped, for some weeki to 0 ) 1110.

The li111l 1upply of provisions sine. .the filii arrived on ::iaturday .week, t bua reh~'· inu many from much auiety. Sc:arcelr a wloole barrel o r Oour 1'\lmaioed in the f'ntire n •ighborbood : the hauling " aoroaa coun ­t ry" ,. .., gone, and many of ua feared the occ in the llay would prevc:nc. the coming in of t ho t~nxioualy looked-for craft. llappily our feara ha~o ooL been realized.

Road work, ao far on a liotited -1e, baa begun, as e relief t.o the oechaitica.-Com.

-flo:« AWAY PROll JIOliF~-Yul~rday, the Cltl Marabal receiYed a deapatcb from

<.:hlcf o Police Carty, of St. John's, NOd., ~bat 11 young women from lhat city had left. in tho NctDfuu•ulland for Jlalifu: in com· p.\nywltb a11 oldery gentleman, ond rcquut­IDg hor detention and returo by the oc1t boat. On the arrinl of tho NtJCfon>~d· /anll tbia morning, Delectlve Uutt went on board, fouud t he young women, and brought her to tho police atat.ion. Sbo ia aiJout 17 yoara o f age, fairly educa~. and i.a I"'Opect· able connected. !lor father hac been dtAd aome time, aod her mothe r hiUisiooe married. 'fbo girl doc:a not wilb to return home, end atatea lhat. her intention waa to go to Roe ton. She will bo 'lad aent by tbe atcamer ou Tueadar.-J/o/ifaz Paper.

- Tua: l'Ortl[ llhRKET.-A large quantity' of American pork ia litlding ita way into thia market.. In CODiqqoODCO of tho pro• hibitlon placed on itt t!Q\f] into ~o-ra nee and other Continental coaatrlu1'there !sa limit­ed market, henoe the Oood comea tbia ""'1· lt will probaby hnran~refect 011 ~ur pork market--what other l"llllllt'"li<&Y follow, it Ia not our buaioeu lo decide.-"llolifaz paper.

-A t.elepm waa rece!Ted here Jut evening from Mr. John Foru-wbo Ia now on a viait. to 11 the land o( the tlttra and Stripoa"-alo.ting tha~ bo bad eold hi a gold­onlnrog olahn aL Brigua to an Atnerican Company fo r 1 60,000. Il Ia more than probable t hat the qoite li'tle to'lf'D the bay will aaumo an appear~~nce o r uouaual ac.LiYity before tbe oloao of tbe prt~totyear - Ttkgront, April1. --A Shoal Rerbor, Trinity Bay, oorreo-pondeat wriiCII to tbo Ltdgn- to uy that 11 ~lob Palmor, mail oooritr between Shoal Harbor and Froab Wat~, narrowly e•· capod eeriont, perbapa fatal injnriea. on tho 2Srd ulto. WhU.t 011. Ilia jonrney, a boo~ 16 milee from home, bo -Ired at a partridge, aod wu a.bont . to load blo rno" to ban aootber abot., when bo foaad to bia eurprlae that ton inebaa ,tl.b_. barrel ucl II!Yei'JII piOCH of the bao~ oL lola f'lD were ~-· the rua haYing bun& clurlog •h• lri~. . •

WOIDID narrow ~ w.W.. They!

once. lion. :O.Ir. SnE.\-Thc aimplo mode pro·

posed by the boo. Attorney Generel will not have a ~ndcocy to delay the matter, buc. enable ua to coofor UP"D the coOJmi«ee that power wbicb will ~~able thc.m to ~rry surJ~S8 1\ll other Aledicinoe fo1· Purify· out tbO' \'iowa of pehl.oooera, 1f fe~~a1blo. ..

1 r

,. b be in~; tho Blocvl ; t hey aro uailau 9 10r Tho population of -J:tr ooe:\J' num ra nil AM tl d oruca'l'c and loou•cloold rcmod•· aomewhero about 6,000 iobabitaota, and ·~ • • ~ the large amount ol traffic wbich ~~ for 1111 diror<lcra of lho STOi\IACH, through tho pi~ from tho neighbouring L l VER, KIDNEYS a01l DO WELS. aetUemaniA would bo an inducement to au1. In Oonption and Obatruclions of ovory company to ertond a line there. even 1f kind thoy quickly rcmo,·e tbo cause ,, ~nd thil appliCAtion b&d no~ been made. Once in con!llit>ation .uod tl!BOrderod condotton comrucncod, wo will uot be able .to atop f tho Dowels, tbev act as 1\ clcanaiog tbe extcnaion of thi• ltfC&t. coterpnae. A• o ' relfard1 tho pro\xlbility o{ the ·~cam~r npcrjont.. being t.'lken oft' tho b:ty, no conclu11on to F or D ebilitated ConstitoJtions ~tnd"all do 110 lou been come to ea yot. F cmalo Corupluinl~ thOle Pilla Rro liD·

:\Jr. LITTU: thons;ht the suggestion ol tho 811 rpuacu -t.h<'V correct. Jtll T rrcgularit if'll hoo. Attorney General a f11vomblc one. '!be nod \V 011kncs8'cs rrom wba~ver csuat r caolution• or 18i7 directly point to CAr· boncar, 1\nd throughout tho! disou&Jion it arising. was rel:l'rJed u a terminus for th! !tail-;;;;;;;;;;;;:ww;:;Pi;i;t:;;~p;;;;;;fi=~~ way. Places euch u those o l ~:ro\\'ong im· Jjlstli~IIU!::!~U portanc:o ,. 0 1bould do our bca_t to. en- d c:oura;:e. lie hlld much plc~Uure on govioe .11tnnds nnri\'llllcd for tho facility it iJ. the petition hia support. pla\'ll in rclicvmg, h e11.ling, &nd thor ·

ou;ihly curing the moat inve~mw Sores and Ulcers, and inoa.aeaofDAD LEOS, DEATHS.

On tbe &th i.ut., after ahricfjiJnea.s,boroe DAD DHEASTS, OLD W OUNDS, with Chrilti11o resignation to. the will of Gout,, and all Skin dia· God, and fortified by tho consolations of oaiiCS, it act.s u a chann. holy relijfion, Alice, daughter of ;\lr. '!'boa. l'o"er 1r., of Uello lalo. and beloved wife Manufaeturod only at Profouor HoLLO· of ~t r.'Vt.Jcntioo Andreoli, aged 31! yeara. WAY's E':ltllbl isbrocnt, Oeceued lea,oa a diacon•olatc hueband aud fi33, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, aix emaU childre n w mourn their irrepara- and eold a t 111. lid., 2s. !hi., 4a. Gd., 11!1 • .., blo loa.-R./.P. wart 22a., nod 33s. oaoh Box anr{ Pot, amlin

Lately at. Sontb .Africa, of, Sten~·n Uanada A~ 3G conl.l, !lO cent.e, and $1.150 l\luon, elde~~L eon of tho late Capt. Uu - . . M uon of !I arbor Grace. cent.ll, And tht' l11rgcr BiltlS in proportion •

At SL John's. on tho 28~b ult., Lillian, &'OAUTION.-I bavo no Agent in young eat. daughter of Jl\rucs C. 11ud Eliu- the United Statu, nor a .ro my Jllediclnea betb llle wa, aged :> ye""· aold there. P urobuon llhould.theroforo

On the ume day, WilliAm Tboml\.11, aon look to tho Label' on thePot.a and B oxea. of Abraham and Aooio Bartlett., aged 4 Il tho a.ddN .. l.a not 033, Oxford S~t, yeera. London, they are •l!urloue. •

On tho 30th alt., William Jl\ml!3, young· Tho Trade Marks of my uid Modi· eat.10n, ~j~Cd 1 year and 9 month• ; on the C'ines 'l\ro regiaLorcd in O~tawa, and &bo Srd iaat., ~mm11 Elim. &Jled S yeara, young· at \ V aahington. eat daughter, children of George and Dor· Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY

On the 1at insL, Michael J oseph, young- 533, xfol'\ I root, n ua. caa Uutler. 0 J S Lo d }

eat eon of Thomu and Ann P otrer, aged 2 D ec. IS,le~O. yeaN aDd 8 mootl1a.

Fisheries for 1881. On the 2nd inat., neorieiiA Bennett. younueat. dauttb~r oT Jamea and Sussnoab Uickford, ~d I year and 6 mont~s. Stnndnrtl Qunlity American Cot·

On tbe :lrd inat.. Edovud \ alentine, younllf'at aoa o l tho Jato Mr. Miabael Cal- ton Herring Nets.

' lah&D, "'ed 6 reiiML . EACH NJ::T il made u (olloW11 to gl\'e day. I' rederick Banke, &jtad ~ ye.'\fa It etrength and longer let'Yice, name·

aod l l month•; on 4 th inat., ltobert llay. ly, 4 to 6 rowe o r 1neahea on t he bead, ~nd Wllrd aged 1 year and I month, children o f s of larger t•ino on the foot, tho out.a1de Geor~e and Ann W illiamJ. meah, foot and bead being medo or strong

On the 4Lh iost., at Forut Pond, T horell&. cord. youngest dan~:ht,r of John and Catborioo FINE (,A~CE BUNT, CA~LlN, IIER-H owlett, aged 20 yeara. RING and COD SF.IN~.:S 11nol COD

Sa:no day, Ida Uell~. only child of liar- 'fit A p fiLled in a thorough m\ nner. rieL aud Aloundtr J.1odaay, &jJOd 2 years. IOO,oOO I be. high .:rade CO'l"J'U~ NET·

At FreabW11ter Bay, ne~~r St. J ohn'a. on T ING. for all ual!3, in the Newfoundlao4_ tho 26tb ult. , Fruleriok, aged 9 yean; on riaberiet. All this Nollong Ia mado from the 28th, Mary, 11god S yeKra: and on the patent. twine, conaiderad the boat twilL for I at intt., Amelia, aged 111 ycara, ohUdren or IOrtioe. 70 Ills. Colton giYOI .. large e ne t Mr. W illiam Dov. u 100 lba. hemJ>. Fiahonncn will pl~ue

At 13oatoo, Mua., on tho 18th oil, after a i pply to tho importing merchan~ at home, lingering illneea, in the 8Srd year o ( her and tbey can loam thro' t hem proeea, c to. &1ft!, £1iza. relic~ of the late !Janaibal A~ll'.:lllUA~ N1:.'1.' & 'I'WI~Jo: Co. Murch, Eaq., for m11ny 7ean Stipendiary NoY. 6.6m 134atou Maszittrate aL S t.. Mary'a, 111 thillaland.

On tho 2Gth lit., a ' Shodiao, N..s., wo REDUCTION I REDUCTION I Rev GeorgeS. JaniA. D.O., U.C.l., Reotor or Sbocllllo, In the 76th year or his a.~re -POJLT OP OARBON&AB.

&Jn"lll&tl. April 6-Anrora, 'nr.ard, Figueira, uiL­

Poony Droa. "'\ CUARtD.

6-UzrJ', Leg~t, ban~ 6abery,aupplia-Jll-1111'1fbrol, Heart'• <.:onteoL

For One Month Only! THE OENUIKE


fut lf\'hlg ,. tile (It~ "''· ~ - The .,_,aeah11r 8 eel w51oh ailed & S&A.Lllf:-;;;&T.-N'Iw . Yorlr,

from St. J'9ba'1, Ne.fouod.lud, oo Thara- M 11.- A S&. obu N. F.) fPOClal •111 d" noltee n uder fn tho A.mericaa llllad tnaty..U enperb ipf aalrtd yelte1'· -ottee apoa-1 time tt woattl not &a,. do•• clar for,.... ena oU hld.a. B&.aere' ---.- .. ~e" Yqrk paper Ia ...rem.. to ~ ty of 11,00 tone, --'

I ...,.._..,~ldoohtadbaU bf7,076 BtforeafortDiab• ol-• aa ~ • .,..tit•' ''wbere JOicl could rreater aa r will'-" retanatd wltll fat be ~. lip' 1ij" ""•lfal." 'IV add.-, pad aeali., ft1&P oa ...

The fo llowlag are the anini• a& St. J ohn'•: S. 8. R-ow-. ~ Jackman, 8&,000 ; S. 8. Amwo. Oapl. F&lnrathor, 16,000 (report. Ntpl~UM, BocC4!t &or, !Mot, tvo(f. JtoUtu, Arctic aod J".,.,..,-cf with lfab~l0eds)1 the ti.S. Wabw, Capt. Bar­bollr,1,800; S:S. /Vareltol, Capto. H. Dawe, 80,1100 ; s.s. ~ •• ... ~ Blaadford, 110 000; SA~ Qapa. P . Dalaaey, SQ.. ooO. a 8. Ptui.W, cap.. &nleU, 1&.000.

sG.. writi8t ................. ollltla

" On the •:t' ~~til two r,oaar

io oompe.oy t- !til, • ;Doy aH &lrl, bad ten Sb.t flubo,., CI'OIIbar oa the foe, to go to their' lloce lo Utile Shoal Harbor. Wlaile .o erotllag, --"'ou of daapf, oae of lhea f~ro111b U.e lee, ancl &.M otber fa .u. .. pcloc to ,..,.. ..... , fell U.roap •• ba' ,.~oat willt the aid of tile ollter '•o, abe -....ed to 1ft lite iiW -'ft Olll of llt1 wa&er, ud talu and laerl•• • ...., P"- 'l)e "de ,...,...... "10 ................ '"

_, Pt.leenJWII. Per NWJI/w.•dla"d from Halifax - Mra.

Uabt. MJa Stntbie, Mia l\laopllei'IOo, Mr. u<l Mra. S,...e,-M'.-. and )Ira. Harny ana cllll\1 ; H..,.. Mltcbell1 Bec:lr, Darid.oa, PaMr~Co, Forooaax, Slmpaoo, Daohtmlo, BleckiD&D. Portq, Pippy. Fo,.U., SillaN, Jniog, PaUfek, IAnrie, Murp'by, Mellie, Pfall, L!pt.. Morpby, and Captain Bailey ; 8 lo .-np. For Ualifu..-Mr. and Mra. up, Mr. aacl Mre. MoDn, M~ R. ltlo­LM. C..pbell. aacl Browaiq i I I Ul at"r­...

Lookman Rand Kachlnu Bickford ltnitUnr llllachinN

Eureka Ototae• Wrtneen .Aalno Wuhlnr Kaohln•

Oentcudal Plalti.Dc JlachiD .. Beet Maelllne 011, N"dlea and Attach­meata for a ll S!!;W ING MAC IIINES, .all reduced to bottom pricea for one ·moott only.

ne .~ingcr Jf~"t;~""•!l cay~.,, K. 7. 8 1 Acen~

• l?i •Water &., Sl Johll't. A--....,_,_....._._._. .. ,.,_ -. ol Jfufo1 ....... ud .SO. t-.r ... .., •• ; f , ... r..n-.11- dte ~ ~-- a ..UU0. dol· fWIII ,.,.. .. ,f.. . . .... .. ~,.. ........

.......................... .,. ...... .., llin bela alliarfllao. OM."

~ vnM 1a a. , ... , ••• ecaaal .. lj600... • •

SEwrno ~iACmNES Ru AIRED. SL Joba'-, Nof. G.

Aut 2.

W. i: O. RBND~LL, ST. JonN's,

A9Qtfor Ncll'fourullaud.


M.- CHISHOLM, M.D., C.M. (McGill UoiYtnity, Montreal.)

Phyaician, Snrgocm and A.ocouohenr.

UA \ 1lUBERTSand POR'f.DE-GRA VE Sept. II.


E. N. MARTIN, L.K.Q.P. I., L.R.O.S.l., l.M.,, 1\l.A Lato Medical Ofllccr AnJ:lo-Amariean

Telegraph Company. JM. S0.6m.

Harbor Grace Stove Depot -ASD-- •

Olaaa, Tin. & Rard'waro :s.tabllahment.

(To t bc east. of llle•rs. :f. M UNN &: Co'a bleroan tile Premieea.)

C. L. KENNEDY th11okful for paat (a~ours, wiahea to inform tbe inhabitanUI o f thi• town and t be out­poriA general If t.hat he bu reeeoU7 ~vod 11ot\ hunow ready for inspection. a larao

S~~! Stoves! Stoves! with all tho late1t impro•ement.a-eompria­ing Cooking. Fancy, Pranklin and Hall S toYCS. ~s:etbor with GRA'f.£5 and Fl'l\.' • TINGS of all aixca.

Alao 1\ fino Nl5ortment of tl1o newett styles i~ GOTBIC GRATES (Uritilb and American.)

The Sut..cribcr ' baa llkewiao la~ly :>.tided to his former lloclt of Engltah IIAHDWARE, GLASSWARE, e~c.1 etc. American Cut, \frougbt •nd Fuuahlnc N A.1 LS of all am., al "'111 kept on band i together with llinlle& and Screw&, Door an<l C l011et Locka •

In addition to the above, be baa jlll!t re­ceind a auppiJ of I' AINTS or all colora, LINSEED OiL and TURPENTINE; u well u Wiudow GLASS (all ma) and PUTr'l.

The following articles, t.nd otbera too numerona to apecify are aJao alwa711 kept in atock: American Adus end Hatchett, Sbeatb Kolvea and Beltt, Carriage Vana~ llarneaa Rln~ and B11eklea, Truok · Furniture Varnish, Wubboardl, Brooml .IJroahes-Paint, ~abblng, l)toye, Clotbu Wool Carda, Coal SonUitt~, Sbonla, Colroe Milia, Clothl'tl ,U oea, Water P~ill,

"Keroaenso Oil, Lampe, Bonaora aod Chim· DOYL

GROCEIUES.-Co!eo, Soapa, Katcb•, etc. , eto.

17"fo all of wbieb inapeotion !.Invited. C. r. KEN~E.DY.

Nov. 6.

CARRIAGES W .AB.REN & WliiTitAB would beg to alate to tbelr pab'OU .,4 otbera that. they h11n on band (ll.niHed) a qnaotity of NEW CARRIAGES of dWer­ent atyles. Partie• wanting a~-~~ do well to gin tbem :\ call, aal.beu-~­~ aro of auperior malto, being IIIUIU ac­tured ou~ of 1bo beat obtainable atoclt and fiowbed in the late..L atylea.

. - AU!O-Thoy have A DLACKS~UTll on their pre· mi'ee wbn ia an uoelleo~ horao-ahoer­will g'uarantee to help all on8rmidee i11ci• dent to bad ahoeing.

REPA1RLNG anti PAINTING aeeond· hand Carriaj!e& will IJo done in a man_nc1' thllt will tnaore atiafactioo both lD pnce, quality, and quick deoplllch. 15if5lrict. atten tion paid to ontport orders.

Pricee moderate.. • W ill ba., alel,ba and cariolea in tbw

proper-n. P l.o\CJ: or BcstKUS-Water Street, DeU

Martin's Urook. WARREN & WHITMAN.

llay 29.




House of Assembly.

--Wto~tt~P~T Nareb llit.h

pie ao that quarter will bapplly tUUlt lo co opanllifo lodepcodeocu Agrscultun~ cannot be ~pnied u a YIIIOIW'J loduatry wbeo W"O aeo lho actual result 10 thoanpporl of a wull to do af bmatod eJ&. among ua. A clamor hu ~o ralte~at allowm~r tho: compa.oy aucia tarp co oat or laolt' l'ho laQd to bu Ri¥00 awa'J WU DOW' OOCU p1cd onl,y bt the wild ao11nala bcloogaog to \ho CO\\Dtry It was at preaeot nlueJeu to WO peopU, Of tbta OOUOlry and 1t W't.S to be ~l.nn a•"l\Y for lbe purpoao or bemg !DAdo sen1CCAblo U It wu Dot •alu.ablo tl.loy p~e 1\WI\y nolbmg 1t could only beco no \'Alu11blo to tbo graok-ea by beco n•~ v11lo

.ablo: to the conotry aenel"'llly h w111 part 1\od JlBi'cel or tho eoclAI econoroy o r tho col ony :md could only be nllhzed by ~ettlement_ "btcb they wen~ walh g to adopt o•ery l.:wu nnte moana 111 thetr power to promote 11 ~re was ouo mAtter co11ntc.led 'lfitb tho fiab10g n~hta o r our reoplo thmt oURhL not to be nt'l;l•ctcd 111 de.'\11 g watb ,tbiS Jt»por u n t auhJ"Ct.. llo eooaal~reol ceruun at pull\ttons ahould be rnMto watb tho co a P.' ) reaorv ug tl o rj,&bt to tl.lo pcoplo or tins ccu1 try to cyt wuber fo r ab1p IIU1Id1ng &c I\ I d to ht".C free nccra.s to aucb lat d M n:.y be l\C(,csary fo r h •h• 1; p trpoacs In

FaJUAT March 18. Tbo Uonso opooed to-day purtiWit to

adjouromoot a1 Si o cloc:lt. llo11- Mr Sau pretented A petition from

tho Harbor Graeo \Vater Cumt-DY pray 1ng that tho Act mlgbt be mod18od 10 u to permit an IDCIWoM Of their capttaJ lio<:Jt It waa Dece&IIU'J' to locrea110 lbo aupply of wmtcr ID Harbor Gfi\Ce a nd for that parpo10 now ptpea-\foald baYe to be latd at coiLSidor able o~xpoote to tho Cotupaoy

potttlon Tho ho11. member ror Rar&or I mea&. lt li'U tho loteat.ioo of tbo company Malo Mr LltUo pn1deotl1 warood n1 to pop11late tbe1r laoda. For ,that ptupoeo apia•' being too aoauloe and ~at they woalll fint olror lndocemeote to our buthlior tOO muell upon immedia&e rewllll, people to ~ett.lo lhon~ aort If they refuaed and reminded ua tba& we were dealing wttlt &boo 1m rugra&;&ou wottld bo iDYtted from 1peeulaton. tto ( boo Mr S.) only laopeO other couD~ Tho Go,oromoot might that tbo ooD8deoco thmL theto apoculatora uUJIJD Lbo alternate bloc:u at thctr daapoal eotertaJoed Of tJie faille or OOr m £oenl de JD Uao ,Pro«aOtioo Of ag n cnltUnl aUIODgtt. PnnnanL to a IJOUrutouuL tbc bouau 1\)Ct

,t.o-day at St o clock

NOflCE OF MOl'H):S \\ heo ~tltAirt:ll ha\l.t;tko>n tbe chpr '111e FtsA~CI\1, :S~Cilt.:;l'\l l ( :\lr \\ 11 ton)

1!3Ye nouce th•t be "oul I on to 1\IOITOW Mk lol\vo to Introduce " U li for the u tab ) ish nllu\ of ~·~~01 1 s,,, 11~ JHI'ks in tins C oh)ljy


l\lr ~:ZO ,f're&eDiod ~ 1\d\IIOU lro.t11 \Itt> Lord 1$illtop oJ ~"' fo11ndl~t1~ rwd about thn:e buud1;0d otl1cr {M!II IIOI ers, re~1denta u r - J'obu . pr&Jtug (Qr the Co~ lltrucl.lon o r " ltlll lro3d throngb lite <ouutry lie (~r ~cnt) bl\d mcch plea11 re 111 pn:~eut.-11 {l ~od au 1 ~nlog 1\tc petit ton \\I ~n MlC -bot It ~IOIVcd ttaelf I L0 C. IIIOIIIfllll of t~o Whole to co11• der the ltAtlwa,y lleeolu (IUD~ he YQtt,IQ_ deal {UflJ "lib tbl~ lllp<lr taot l"~~uon

:V,r 0 ~1\1 \ ~lr P ~n_o;os5 And :\lr Scon a uppoa;wd t l1ll Pllllcr o f tbra p.:Utaon watb £ rcat piCI\IUr'O

l( \U \\ Al: {t ~:;SQLtJTIO~S

Hon \ T!'Oil."l:l (i £...,.EI ,~., before RO 1\g 1110 conmtt U:e ~ou tl u r. :10l11aous, d,~11r ed IO CO UUIU le&te L0 Lbc I OllaC a \'Cry 1 orkc I A d 1Wportanl no I h<:.\IIUO 1 til\! 1~ 1 ler of 01 e ol the ey t d C.'\ICI for tbe cot lllrUcl 0 or thu ltLQ o1 U.i) '"1 It no\ bt><'a 1 u Its ~u ty tutd pn tlq;c to 1uform tl e h 1 $1! thllt tc c ~ nlltc:ue repre~e• t.! I by :\1 r 1\111ck a \\ Ould cou. truct t ho ro.v l (:I I 1 smh:s) "11h llr:. r cltc.a to Chu-te A B.IICh 1\ucl IIArbu (.ii'II,'C for :an annuAl ~111lt-1 lv of $1b0 WO ~el\d o f $ !07 UOO n I tl e) "~<ou iJ 1\CCI!pt altem.,to llloch "lo 1: tl c In e of .> 000 acres of IJ,nd natenll of 11 40o wbtolj "'AI dt.t (u rwcr offer

fb.e bouao ,.,. then re10hed tnlo <..:on mtttcc of the W ~ole upon tl c ltailwnJ Ito .aolut~ot 11.

Mr \\ A-r.>OS 10 the cla1r J'hc bo 1 AlTOilSt:T Gt:SEI AL bl\\ mg mo•

,td tho h rt1L ret9l 1Uon Mr L1n;u: 41Ud tt lwl ~en frequently al

finned. And tJie couclu1110 1 (baatd upou re llah~e Jt.,tt&t,161 rct uro.• "ud also upo n the unaM• e rllblo evadcoce or ~:ro"w" p3 per uuu) WAI aoev•t.a.blo th!\t the li~bery could DOl 1Upport 0 tr people. fiut wh lo t bt8 .,~~.., ~ ~ we must oot fuf'!:el tbat t.bc 6ohcry was our j1TC&~ • L,pl• aud1111try 1\Dd woultl1u all probability lo ng coati uo to be 10 l'hc rn lroad wo uld 1 o ply be a alu a bll.' aux )trt.ry 'b ch " e bupo v. ould g ,.e profita ble emplo)tllenL to o r Nt rJ l11 pol u II\IIOD and 10 the natol"'ll o rde r Qf tb gs 111d a nJ aua.t nil c~IL ~r !\.£.,,. J ~~~ to koo .,. wbethrr the

quettion of tbo e xpcd ency of J:l n., th ngbt to aJ en~ to ho ld b d to fee au pie had been COOSidj:r ed

llon AlTOI-"t.l G t:s£tUL-1'be nght ccr lllinly exute JD :Son Seoua Al J OoLmo

l\lr K E,.,,.-hwas mOAtL'U.~fi\C IOf) to fi nd th.., ttbe or j:.'lnaJ offer h~d bello 10 m11lertl\l1y rcduc~'<L J IJ.e most ""'IJU• u of U$ r•c 1: s C.ltbe fiiCL lllllt ,. ecoulduot ~:oo o r pre Pen t c:uune aod bope to ~"l' I 10 s!ortu c At prrll(ut t he sona of ~"" (c lbnu cuuiJ not fi •4 /rnployn ent " 1~ n I cr sbor.,a ~lrOOI; 1\0 h lu•tno IS U en Ytlhog 3 d aLic to worl: were almost JIArvmu ;)Od that to tl1e J<ry ne•~:hborhoo 1 of ... ~ Joh ,... llu (M.r L lb. I c ed 1hl\1tl e proJrQte I rntl rOIId would cure th s 1, rnl lc II !\ t e I tb11t bid becu 61e:W ly ~ro" og for m31 Y~At1 ....

1\lr ~111:1 lfll.! r;b.! to ~e tJ c pet 1 o~ wh ch In I b.e1 pr ~utetl tu tl u llou«c g l11d to 6 I tl 3t t! c pcu1lo I ""' Toeco o Aln c l l the r ow llercHL8, a I b ... I al .'ln lone I tb• old rnlt un l.r 10 h1ch tl , I A s

lature ".'\ll left to co1 suiL tl" d ml orn~le ( ornpll\ u hnd frt'<[Ucntl.f bee nnde of tl e l>atreo re•ultA or our l~'I.!M••c del be MlllOos, but f thu p o plo ku <~ng th~1r own wa nt.< mnd tbQ nee w t ea or the co n try would more frcqu<' tly nform the Bo11111 of thcAC b) pcu1.1oo n would be found t hnt ou r LegtSinturo would n ore !rc que ntiJ bar non " ' ,. tl 1 Ll c 01 o o If "'e foul rn th111 pnrtlc lar o..- r s: to wn• t of k nowledge o r nformauon tbe blru e rCJ<IJI no t 10 much upou us u upon the f"'O(IIe tbetOJICh H. l t wu u fiUr then to f!IDg at lhe Lcgtslaturc clufl:.t:S of un I 1e haate to t.biJ m1.tter aud tl,: moat powerful arpa ment by w~y of denial of auch a chnrt-."' '!I'M tb6 faq tb3t "' e had oot a tlo of rat I road 10 tbe couolry lle•ol\ 111 t.b11 rcapcct a oomplcw t o l<'et>m I n tl e CMe o f rec:ent dfteuaioM o ttsule 11 " 1\JSI\Jiej:\ld that 111 the OO~tderllt.ion of tq111 bjcct I~JI! OCSSIO 1

IL WU detCrqjLned lbftt tho llur lena o r the poopJc dtou(d DOl Lc: I UCr~naed uy J:n:At er LI\XnllOn llow tbc o •lUI II 1 1\ OUI l to be met., Wttlloul 11o ml! tncrcll&.! of t.:llti\UO ?

All a matu.r of b 1 " prol..'\blc 1 cren~<~ n taxauou had been fatrly looked u u e f3Ct­by both Go•ernme nt Md 0 1 po• uoo aud the potUaop hnd been a.u trat d by I oo me 11~ra tfpoo both ll tea o f the ll o 11c thaC ttl~rc loru no lAx 10 be"' ' Ill! 1 o • ert) thp:afore it you 1>11~" m~n n , po~hoo to uractolJar when~ bo hl\d only CJirn<d bal atlu bcfure 11 th~:bt mcrruo o f tnx auo .rof no conacqucnce tu I 11 I he po•eny of"lbe people 11 ~ot prei!Co l the ~ltawback 'from which tho ll'llde tu!en. Tho aupplytDg ate" ant IUld tJte 6Jbonnan are both aulfcnng fro}ll an accu me~tlbn of del!ta ye.~riy aucrcaaang lbo n: ault of almoet ccmpl~te dependence q o ooe pomut. Tbe tmproved eond•tlon re,uluo~: !rom other n eanJI Rf pmplqympnt would oporato 10 Jiltlmr frofP Jbo 81joulden or tbo mercb:mta tl.e lluideo wb1ch al preaent IS

beanog 10 beav•lr oo Lhe heat I ouaea tn the trade! and weuld makp the IUppJyiog biUI n4!10e far Jtf* pr~ouayd tpO? [1rplitable. It. La lhe objdc~ pf Jbo overnment to take o ff if JIQJflbl~ the torp u1 populahon tnto otl er lleltla or labor and to rei e~e the fuppln~ Jllerchaqts qf tbttr burden a 'boiMe'o •!I'Pb can no lonj:llr bo auatatoed W1thoo' diii!!Ile r Jn Cl\rrymsr out t bte new none an~ IIJ'II)l h kcly to lJo benofittod than tJr" anpp\sp1g Dljlrcb&J•It Jl t'IJifi:IUL \\ o are 10rry ~f!r~fon: tLat., rqw:b aa Wfl ro apocL the op11 1oos Qf tbt:te "t•ntJ.emon, wo Cl\nnot ~(I~ tl!ll)f ~YICll H> d.e4J tbaa maiur beyqnd tlio Jimlt-etl reuonablo ttmo Dll<:o:-rf to~· perfecllnj: Rf t~p dotatll or any yrof~Q&'~Jl,o ma7 accept.. tio (I on llr :;) hd n s ..ontphd for undue ¥til io OOIII•ulenr.IAf te1 for Wlf are bound to • • certAtn an~IM ~r abe ruul' or tbla meaao ' ill,._.,.,._. tit' •11 c lueu1 ~te....u w art 10 lfp&jtrathd llll4 ~a up one w ber &.hat UaJII'l' ~DJ("CIWI wtll wor; lojli11 to IUIOILer lSDIJ)O ~ople •rln i"'to~~ .. .,.. m ,:,ert.tJn jhttall tJ • ben t1 ro,a ~~~~~are t'l'"lto ftow f~ID t il ,n~F.J'IakiDI ? Qar ~··r to ~m Ia No. JV• an~ 110& eertalo ~t any la,.e _, 01 prollJibte resul~ w111 be forthellnu.. \i e O&rl bofte~D til nodtuff Ulwkf t!te lllfl IJ( Jh!4)1QWOYI!I' WI can be certaJit that we ·~,.. alarp IJD-j)IOYej! populatiOn wbo .,. W'&Ailul bread. \V o ant -~~abl,l~p&dn& ql u,~ ~oe or our ... , ........ w. how i)aw. J'iJ' eo.,.

1:0 IC~U~IACI.I Of UIO llepn:n&;,j COnlhtiOD Of trnd c at ' r..a generaiiJ u ndarau>od tltat IUPI>hea wo uld no t bo> wued to tl.l~ar uauAJ p:u.cnL. i\lA IJ pl!l'llllla who an~ d cpe ll•ot upon tho fiahcnu wtll bo co• pelluu to seck emploJ ucut tu ao c ot.l cr way I lc hopei! that tbu :UI'l\ngemcots would be O( A cb 1\ I alUtO M 10 <I 1\lllu tbu CO 1 J>I'DY to com >c eo> o>\ll~os dun g thu co utu~; au n cr

J lc ~ IS\Sll \1 S C IT \1\ ('Jr \\ ttLoo) ref err, I lit • > c len tl t tbe 1..: 1e61J1 " I tel I nd Lee I, 1 e I fro ,. the pro~~eou lion of tho ae l I ~I cry bJ tho DunJ<c :S.:nl n d \\ bl\h tg C..: n pnny n I fron tho open 1;: UJ> of •I < r IOOUrcc.i or u du!try a rl

f:~ c tt "' hiS 011 I 10 II 3t t l 0 ItA I ~1\)' wuu I rca•lt m \'n&tly tDOl'\::\Kl 1.: the pros per ty of the cou t try

I I o co u 11 ttcu t1 ereupon rose nnd the Clrurtun l rcport,tl II At 10 nu 1 ro:;reM b:uJ been ml\de a ud u kcd 1.-uc Lo s t. al;llln o > :Ito dn) ne xt.

llo• \ TJ'Ot :SJ') (, I:..,.£11At..-11te re10lu tton that h:. I JUSt pMsed Rlllr rue l tho 1 rtu c plo II o pnoc 1le bavmg been affirmed be dt'l oot tntend u kmg tbe bo 110 oo tbts occ:uaon to ~ mto the eona deration of II o d eUtls, a ud 10 order that &n OPI'ortumt) m1ght be ~rvcu for Lbe fulll!llt coa•• leraltoo nod JtSCUUIOil Of thete d eWla be tntcodcd noym~; that th.,commlllccn&e. lkwrc do 111:

so bo,.ever he conlfi""IUiated tl o houlk! '" d t.hd country upon tJto au.p Utot I ad be<; n Lllk~11. lio bchuved thllt tL ,. ..... 110

j!OWblo to ethmaLc o r 111 prectaLo tho :ad 'nnt.'lgee tbl\t wou ld fl ow to tho pco1lo fron the t!lllllbl141lment of ll 11 rnti""Y ltc trust eo.l tint ho wna not too 1111 gu111c l,ut wbero othe r co tnt r es were 10 g• utly benefited "b) •hould • c bo tlte 10ht.~ry es ccpt•oo'

~lr PAnsoss preaet ted a pet tton fro m a num~r of tJte ub• bttA ta o f Monka 1 own lf'OO tl C 81 bjCCI or IIOW«!I"llgc llo l riiJI<Jd tl "' tbc Go• crnn eat would IJIL:c s teps to I :. c a pro1Klr drlltn constru~d llc moved I 111 tl e ycuuon be rel\d

i\lr K ENT 81 pportcd the prll\Cr or the pet 1 oncr&. 11t~rc " NI 1\notl " r u l\t t.Jr "t ch bo wuhed to call t1 1\ttc ot on o r tho ( luumn\U of tho Bo.'rd o f \\ o rka to \ ~~e" cr latclr constru te I em1 lied 11.11 co

k >Is ut o ltt>nnt" 1 IC!'cr to thu net~:hbour bo~~<l of • tb ckl) po J t~ted d 1.1tnc If fe • r r rt'~ultod t he co scqucnC<la m gl L be

<'rf • f"IO~ lie wo tid hktt to ace a cor I r I CDP '"a. .systum of IIC" C1'380 adupt.:d "b1cl "~ c• I all conJin ta.

:llr I • tr.l pre e 1c n pe tl 01 from ~lr \leundc r ~ n tJ "I cl ., .... ru uerou­IJ ••1: c I ll"'l) g fo r a ~:rn 1 of a s nil ' I n ur 0 cytu u al.le I 0 lo erect 3 (J r st ~ I II l 1 • 1 pu rl n~; t l c 1 1':\\Cr of tl c pet• l on he M \.1 tbat fur ) C::L!"S 1\ OU niJ.r Of f~r ner"'s 111 the \\ cat ~ ll ha I l>o.:e I upr ,. for tl C UtA hi ~bmont O( Allcl. ll null n C

lion ML Su~ a1ao preaeouel pot.itioDJ fro m J .. trroy llJ&D 1\Ud oUaers. or Spa.oiarda ~y, Re uben Mtron aod o tbora or Bay U obert.s, Jol n Noel aud others, of Harbor Grace So 1th Stdo praJang for a grant to OJleu<J •o<J rep~ll roWI and llndget.

Mr MACKAT presented a peutlon from lho JDbabtlaota of LtU'otiO and adJACCDt aettlcmoota, prtyang that a hgbt.botue 11>1\Y ~ erected at lhe colnlnco o r that Bay llo preaontcd a l llllllar peUUon oo lut IICUIOD Ill d bad tho UIUrtiOCD or dae Execnu vo that tbo [ napector or U sht.bOUICI would V'll tt tbo place and report u pon tJto mattcr 'fhe butldu g o r a hght-houso tn comphanco wttlt wo prtl) er of pollttonort Ito con11dered '~oulJ be of adnnLI\Ji( not only to the r es {!cot. or that l ocahty llut to tbo eouo.U"y g>lDOrally

Mr Kclfr pNI&Ootcd " pehlloo from tho mltl\btl:.ots of lloyle~town fo r t1 e erection o f a pu np thot'f' and J'"'Ytng for IIC'A'Cmgc accom•no .latron On IMt J Mr be prel!Cntcd a Iii uiM petition tho only obJeClto n to witch &ppcl\rt!d to be tho telo~uou of " l utr...blo a Ul. Tbaa d fficulty he thou~bL 11 oul<l bo cAI!IIy overcome :111d d o pn\\~r of (l(:ltUOI or~ acccd.:d to :u early :u 1 0111 )IC

\Jr 0 ~ \1!.\ supported tl O.jr:\:fcr of tl c p~:ll l)

lite llouro then resoh eel tt.•~lr nto Corumtltco of tl ~ \\ hoi a o n \\ 11ys a d ~ I eana wbe~upon :.lo •;: hiiC IJI,tOn c >'<UC{I ~leans. l'nrsool'l. 1\cr t :u1d :scot t ft~"k o~: at great lcngtb after ,. b ch tho Co no tltee rofc a d rcport<J the Re•?luuoua as Cl\r ried Wttbout a ncodmcr t..

llo > I ECI:I' El GLSI:I \L 10 1\Ccor lance wnl the Hct!Oiut 1011 pre@CI ted 1\ 11 11 fo r ll'"" ttl ~ to llcr ~lliJUiy c .. r t:. 11 Jut <8 on \\ Mte aod ~lurcbn JUL841 til porwd auto th ~ colony

Purttunt to tl o Orde r or tho o~y the Btll rciMt g to Prullntolllod \ dmtmstral o was thou read " first t mo

I 'be llouso theo adJourned until ~lo u.luy out AL Si o clock

r.n c pal peUttooor h msdf who hnd ~>ten ~lr I 1 rrt • l Ct::$!e I to prl'•cn t n pchtron o r JCI\MI e npjfed 1 <Xl4•na ,.o fu to~ from ti c I~OJ>Ie of 11:\rwr ~~" 11 upo t I ft

opcrat oo~, h"u been obh~;c I to 110n I gl'l\ sul.J ct of tbu co temlbtcll ro lwM I 1 to l l:l! !u to be s:round ~ ar 11 g opuru tnO\'IIII; II 31 th1s pemao 1 bo referred to tl c lio ns o f cons lel"'lblc mill" 1tudc "' d 8 lfCCM I com natwc J>O , t"ho r:1 lw"' 1\!:!0lultons I e "Cr Cl> d ctcd ID tl " H \ Cr I lead 1\ll \ wo lid 1\U I th!\t It ' el\l'll the AIJ:O:.I:JrC1 or auJ uut " far as I op•:ul I I c o~t 1 tl 0 tcllgc ce of tll\t Cli<DMIVe l'>cnht) port:.ul of tl o nmntc r I' d prof ca. OUJ\I 1 1 c whole of tl o reapcctnlllo: people of tl nt fnrn eno po thl\l rol\ I h•ul • g ed tl c (l(:tl dtetnct I " ' o 8 ~:ned at pmytnt:: thllt ~tel s t on li e ( ~lr 1 ) bel c co tl at 1\ • 11ll m3ylle t...~keu to CArry auto effec t ccrl.l 1 j:I'NII cxp~nd~.J 10 th • wa1 ~oulu be pro p ro1 os lions that I tue been made IJ th e lucuvc u f nucl goO<! (~ovornmculto pmct cally 111 Uate & d com

Jlqo Hr.CEI\1:1 {iEsUAL suppQrLed the pl~to the propot.ed ra lrosd. It Will brmg pctuo > to o r d oors abuodmoco of wetlth from tJ e

~l r f E..'iSJr.n ai!IO pi'Cf!Coted a pclttton nord aoJ tho wen. The 1Leps 10 thiS h from Jol h U Ate r and a J,rge number of reel o n however mu1t occe•rtly be 1lo" (1\rmcu 10 tl 0 \\ CAU!r 1 dt&lr ct pMiyto~; lnoy wtll r o t be aoquicltly reah,Je I M peo that m wh!\rf n ;;ht be erected 1 tl 0 nc I! I plc "onomll) ~ot Clp:UC 1\l d the) m u t not borhood of H vor IJcl\ J wl ch , 0 1 1 e tborc!ore t:sp<'Ct tiM 11umedilltc efTecl.ll "'" 1\bl~ the 1 IO !;Ct IU:\OUrQ Wttl 1 ttl~ lr l lo to flow from t ho early IDCcnttOn Of tl C

~lr S<:on exprus.w 1 1 ,.. plc:uturo S v • q rk It ts only 111 ttn o tl ~tour peoplo 1ng It 1 a ' I ll< r L to llot11 t1 0 pettllono pre ••II re:11' t1 c ~ucfot llut tla ofl'ect.a wtll bo sco tcd lly baa boo collc:\gUO :Ur T ess cr pol U\lt and cor~tn llta ( ~lr I L) grut

r Enrio:\S ,:-;o :\OfiCES m MO l lO~

Dr t;t LTOS p retentoo .. peUhon !rom Holltrt Grcc uc aod otbert of PtUcbor..t s l "l"ud -flr&\ tng for a gnwt o f woncy to de~pco the I ut tberu

\ I r. C \ :T£R preaentcd a potruon from C co~o l\1. lJ and otbora, Met I o hsli< of I wtllu f:"le South stdo pmymg for n gfl\ut or l&nd for~ bqnll) Pl•co thaTO

t:nAIRkAll llo.ann OF \VORa ( ~lr F n\8Cr ) pteiieDLert a peuuon from the tnhllbtlllnll! o f r ortune Bay upon the I UbJCCt of tho He m ng fiabe ry l} c bon member cWmed a t con I derablo length tbo ten OUI CODSido ... Uon Of 11\e bonae fo r thia pott tron

llo 1 ATT'ORSET (,zsERAL had rnucl1 plea sure 10 p~nllng fou r pe!tttooa 111 [1\Yo r of U e rulway emanatl ng froro Harbor C'rTaCo 11tey wero u ntTC1'1411y ••11ned by Ujo m4allt t.l\o" of thAI hatrtct Of a ll CfM&eS IIUd pro fe&a~onL He reque1ted tlti\L tltcao J>CIIUODI be re~UI

Mr Nonlj \ll p~aented a pcbUon from tho 't>aatne t of HngtU upon tbe &1\lflO SIJh JCCI. In uktn~ t hat th11 pet•tion ~e u pon lbo tablll l!o qbteryed that be wu 1tron~:ly an f"YOr of Utll project.

lloo Mr Wurtlm P~'llecJ tt Jll)IJUoo from Cluu loa llalleL aorl oLhen of 'Tiurln wi tch wu read and ordered to Ito on thu table

Dr S~tWfOll ll~'ltecJ pet.iUon• frqm T~omu !5o 1:1) a 4 p thore Ar l1 loto CoY!! front Lo'~.Jlur'l' 'tll 1 o thera o( Dtper a Cove, Rlqlt?dJ II"Y 4nd rro19 Geo~ IIQd DOlt ana otbon of (, reen !ala ld Cqvo end l::1plo1)*. oo the subJ<:CL or tbe repall'l and Ol(f:OIIQn Qf f'Q4de a tkJ ljr~ ID Ufqeo 10¥ cral locaJ•UeL

Mr l 'u!IY P"*DI¢ ~tilioDJ from Ell 1\tlfon&y 1\Dd otbcra or SpooL CoYo from \\ 19- OoJIO 1\nd othen o f Gull J1laod from R•oh11nJ <..:olford a~d o11)ero1 qt Rerl .JAnda Jlrq"' Elii-.11 QIJi~er and qlbon or Spout Co' e and from W tllwu G'arland and other, Rf Ca11o ldaod Cq..-o all or wbleh were QO U!CitlQo lalq qn t!Jo l'eble or lire Uonae \

Mr It tot J!AYO nqtice thAt~· "yqll)d qn to tpqrrow mo.,., ao Addrqe to 1\11 Excel len_or .thP Qoveroor Qf! the aub.i-c~ c.f • ferry 'IJM/1 Jjekl, .. embodred rn • p.ittltioo roat Uft }lf~buaatt IJf r.tlliupto and ~· ~bbonnJ~ 1'1. Ordered ~ U. pelitlqlf do lao qa tho

table }fofod a ~adod I~ the IToUN OD

NIII\Occ rcsJ.S upon tho ract or our po­•ng 1 nmcoso mme l'l\1 wemltb \a to our :1,., acultorlll te40urceA, Ito dad not CIIIDlALe them 10 h gbly a.t otl e r hon membera. H o thc r.Corc lookeol f.o tho grel\t ru neral re sources or thu nor th au wb cb be baa tbe utmost coofideoco for" return for the pro pqll<! I o 1tlay Jlo WM borno out in t h s bol ef from t ho fmct t lat tho rn o wlucb ~u solon fe w hya llgO m tl c New York rn!\r.OL fo r S70 000 15 oow bemg Ool\tod Were for s;l 000 000 lie bad mach pJcuurc 10 be1111ily I 1pporu011 tlje itDCmi pl'l\yer or the pe~lion

:\Jr ScolT bad much plouun~ 10 present­In~: a atm1lar petition to that last pre~eoted It ~u beeo properly wd by tho boo and learned mell)ber from llarbor ~fam tbtt at w tll be ycare befo re the benefit.a ruulung lrO U We CODilruOt 00 of tbe flAil wAy Will be fo)l. h II Yery 1mprol)ebJa tbat any Of our mea would bo cog&ged upo n th111 work before Tunc when tho grct\1 bulk of Lhem would be OlllploJe4 Ill U!eu· uaual a,oca ttona.

Mr 0 :\I AIL\ aupported w th pleu 1111 a pelltton emaoattot fro m 110 11\"'N an I tntel licreot a aec:uon of Lho people or:;&. J oh n A.

When tho whole &ubJod cama before tho llolt.IIO bo 'II'Ould i}10 e:sp~li&IOD tQ b11 VIC WI ~r \V IIT.50S rreaent.ed a pehtloo from

tho tohabtLI\nLI o llauL I Harbor upon lhe .-mo aobjcot. Tho pctluonora wen~ DQL oepoeed Jo lb- raalw"y butthoytbQlljbttl 0 .UbAidy too large fo r our tnel\01 and tbo IIDOIID' Of land too gre&C.. fl WU }'OUJblo ~at w~eo J.l!er becllaae a wan~ of tho modi flo1 Lemja t>f tho offer Lhat tl•ey would hold a d•I•IJII!l QptDiqiJ 'He mo•ed that tho po utaon be referT'OCI tq tf!ll Oo~miU.o Qf tl!a whole liooae opoo tM Rallny matter

n on Mr 89u pneent.ed a potfijoo opoo tho 1111}0 lllbjoOt from IJ!o tnbabltaota of B"y Jloberto. lie had remarke4 opqo a former ~oo an4 tho Q~ryttlQD -.u still 1110111 aproJ* to day &bM It w"' moet alllf~tqry to flod Jbat ~ people we111 becoming ali Yo to the neceMity or OlJpnl~ their Yien to lbe lion to upqo all 111b affectlef the1r lntereatt, cooatltouooally y petlt.iOJJ. •rljo pet.iljQJM io la•or of tM pro Jed doelared lho op10looa ql the people tuuf pYe DO OIIOOrtaiD fOQO<$. l"be •mQl taoeoaa esp,.Sqo qt qploioo from eo muy dlffereoUoc:all"e.o•oltod wl 11.rtnd YlJ~outmlllloouy eodeaY on wu iA l.taelt a rtmar cbociiDNII~

poaltt •o.Id bo realized. lf tbe1 an~ aac on owo people oven if ne-ry bJ u coaa£w WD wiJI be tuoc:dlful Tbetr tbter 118Uilg tht-m lO 10ttJo DpoD lh010 Ianda and oatt wel'i 1dontlcal wath OUI'I a od 1f they hYO thoro. Uo behoved t hat tho people bacl a 1'1Ae6nablo meuure of euccea In a of lb .. COUil&rf W'Oilld bo enabled to cultt­YU'f abort tilne oar extra taxation would vato IUld donf'o largu adun~ from tho couo to oXIU, a lafl!e a111ouot or moooy laud wtlbonl m any wa1 lnterfonor wulr mtut como 1nto tllo reYenno 1~ occurred Utoar llaWog oporauonL l"'hero wu, 10 far to bun lbaL, after thll Tory marltod u be could aeo oo reuon why A llahcrman oJp~ll&loo or pubUo O{'loioo, perh~pa th010 could uot u .. tn tJto m tcnor of tbe country gentleiDCil wao tnaptrod and mgoed tho OD any or lhe .11\nda Dtar tho IWIW'A)' t ract pot.luou p,..aootcd tbo otbcr dAy aptDit. thta wllere bo wo uld bo wilbto a few boore of nul way proJCcL would I ko to Wlthdraw lt. bt• fiab1og btWneu on tho eOMt, or or bta Tbo ~Ut.ioo ho wu now preaeollng aot place of dop:111uro fo r and arraYAl from fortb 10 very atroo~ t.!rml lho opaotona of Labrador as tbc c.&SO mt6bL be It augbt tbo p eople or Bay Robe111 oo thia matter be ua:gcd that our fiahtog popoll\ttoo would of Railroad CODitruction ncnr b~como farmel"'. Suppo11ng each to

l\lr fES.SJER obllerYCd t.Mt bo abo old ltkc ~ tho c:;ac at need not bu 10 u regard& tbcar to aco lbc bo n member uluog lho pebtaoo rauuh u Ia tho d11tnct of llarbor Mam ere to wtthdraw t bear pcuuon f ho poa1 at t he prc1eut umo wo found that whtlo the l o o 1\0d atandn g of tl1010 wbo bad ll~tncd n u were co gaged iu the flabenus tho wo tb&L pellllon could no~ lJo t~tt~ored. rucn lllld bOJI wcro employed abo11t tho

lion ~r S HEA r ephed llut at wM 1\ ml\t culttvAtJoo or tho 10 1 It was 3 1 oublt1 tor entirely fo r th.o peuuoo~rs and bo left fact Aut tho people o f thtlt dldlncL were tu the matter watb them n 1LaLc of 11 lcpeudeul!<l 1\nd co np:~r3ltYC

:\{r G nttst.-fbo boo genUoman hAd pro•penty Jt waa a ycry m;,dcl':ltc cal not left tt watb tho peul.loncrt to w tbdra ~ 0 1\le to caleuiMe t lut 1.0 ord ouy famtly b tt had rcqueated t hem LO do 10 upop tbe acttled on 1!00 I land would be ablo to d e dl\y afte r tho 1\U,Orno) Gc te ml a Spe~eb. me !rom 11 at least a aulficteot auppl) of ~r SilK' replied th&t bo d d not unJcr e~t butter ve;:et..,ble l>rou uce &c fo>r

! ll\ lU to wh~t w e boo menobor alluuod tb~tr ow usc t YcD VII\ liO o ther r eturn llo n \ m nst:l Gt:s[n \L Aid ho Ia I from t1 e hod llul ~rhl\t I o wo thl requlro

\ ~rtOUI J;>ChiiOIIS •lrtch I 0 com nen le 1 to r r h s 0 • I Dll s I nsllo n ll fi~ l r ll\11 I ex the co •tdcrl\ltOn of tho lln1 ae 11 e fl l'l! t p 08 1 • o tl 1 bo cereMorl " , l tl o cr "", fro n tl ll 1 l ~j) t:.n t.'l of ltc I 11~1\d cl 11nt -.o tid feel >oro co h Je ce n 1\ I Co".' pr:lytng fo r a grl\llt to co ~true~ a uncm~ I t n • I I lt~s for tl c I ol' r lie br dgc o • cr------\\I lu we wcrtl bel .:ve 1 tb~ n'ny o f o r ptPII" 1\Ct. r a eo ~tder t: su~h g re"L m!\lk nl R~ the I> all wl le wo tid bo pnnc pall) f not solei• "") tt wl\3 well to remember tl " s nl\llc r depe.,d e t upon tt e r agr cultuml opcm "nota of t he po:oplc an I btl tr11>ted wlteu u ons. f hey bad tho ve ry b••t ... ~umnco tho ltond n II wu ~foro tbo lloutiC pell of our Ia 1 bemg uuh~od !or ti ts 11 ar poso ttvne re Wl\111.8 wonld be eonstderoll 1n tho fmct or <'Apttah8t.a c 1b:ukm~ the r

lin \ TT'OR."£1 G £str. \1 I\ ISO p ruootcd money 11 nn ent.Nprtao •b ch could ouly " fk!l liOn from ae• cral 1 I ~t, tsnLI or lbo prove re nuncmt ' :ll !rum tr:lffic nrta n:; out cio n ~und p ro.y10sr for the CAIAblnh te t of thcso 111cl l&lr t B fl1~1r Cl\lc ull\ltona o! a l cl.gmpb S t.'l on 111 thu loc:lhty could not bo ve rt ned watho tl cot fc rrtog I he people WOI'C sohc toU& or geatlng now• :;reat benefit upon t1 c peop le of tblll cou n

of whnL Wl\3 tmnsptnng to tl c outll du trr lie ( \lr \\ ) hl\d utd nothmg of the world wluch bo cooce • e-ll to be " \'cry expe tdttun: or two or t l rce nulhons of dol br altl\y e ~:n lie cotomendL-d lbc pet l1oo lrMI amoo:;st t l e wo rktu;; people of tl e to tl c coua lcmt o n of h! bon fne• I the co 10try tho coostrucuon of tho hoc a nd member fo r B trg~o 11od I 'porle wlto wu the l:~~e Aoru' tl a t wo tiJ be •ubscqu.ntly COOOCCtcd W th td .. J:"~phtO UAIUII'L e xpeodcd 10 tll matalcnncce l1IOJC hOD

lion \ Tl'Uttst:T Gt..'IER 'L alao prcll<!nlcu gentl .. ncu Tl o bad apoken on tl c a •bJeC pcltltOD' fro n ~·e ra! p:'U'ta or l nut) Hay lad tn 1 s o p1 on OlD twd "fer)' I 'I orunt ou tho 1 11 JcCl uf t OAd• anJ llr d~:ea f !\lure 10 1t.a coos lornuo 1 lt Wl\ll tl o fll

II o Ft s \ '" \I r.crtt:T \ r p l r \\ o to ) cI t ca a rllllrolld would afford to tho t mde 1 rcsc• 1 fl A pet lito from tbo IDhl\b t:o. Ill of of u 0 couutrJ u nt pruc 1t cntrlc I on ( rCCI ~I o I prA)IDj; tbt\t tho tel p~ph 1 ursou~ ltv n,. 11 a y ul our sc vernl 1 r nc

•ght t..c ctW dcd to thnl I vortAnt loc.'\ P"l llnya wouiJ be ounuled to obta u !r OIQ I ty liM 1 g rc!,•;uJ to tl o nport&ncc of tLe merd :10t u St. J ol s " fe • ho II'!! the IOCJ\J IJ 1 ot only u a trl\d t g ce 1tre "") auppl cs or nrt cle~ tll\t w11:ht I c ~e I llu t frt the f&ct tbllt much vru aile D e I fo r the prosecuUOI or tb~ lish r\ .l'hu form~un .,. to tho too>c c I of tl o 1.,~ mportanc.o" d value or •ucl fi\Ciht.- ' " mtlor tl "' could be lnl &n lied to St. the nu Id le o f 1\ fhltog ecuon could 1<:arcdy Job 1M"" I IIMbor Gr:.ce be t1 ouc;l t t l c be esllm!ltod Under pre.acnt c1rcu u q tu llnn r c at onl!ht not to AI:. I I • • t l " sLI\ C.:!!, oft~:~ tl cJ there be n~: no mc.aua o r ""> llc t u~tcd the llouiQ wo ld bear co 11 nun CillO 1 lll't wccu the h~bms: lot::\hty h o t ' tl c • e w llo too k o f the m'\ttcr :\ td :;1. J oin" tl o wnnt o f sal t nruv eo 1 n 1d tl crdoru MkcJ le:> c to r.:~J t l c pc or nect"M•ry fi1b u~; ,.;car gl t o cca•tn ti l:

loJS of a vi olo 11 1 nmcr s voya" o or tl e ost \ Ill ~blo pnrt or tt. Uy tl u Ol)cra

I on• of t ho! ltMIWA)' 1\U I liS CO tSCq IC I c.-.. 1 ""d 1\~t cultunal It\ elup 1 en~ I e

felL s.,t~J~fi d th'\t 11 ~oul l bM o tho effect of lrn •• rrom lhu IHI 0111!3 "hr,.o llU n ucr

u r lle wl 0 1\ru no w U l\blc tO o;.ol,. 1\

I ,. ~ rr tll\t I I lllr) I I c t. N CJ n~

the 1 rc~ut u u a 1\ru o•cr lone It 11 " I~ ucnt~lllc (1\ I t l M they 1\rc d .. t cl\1 !;

e\ cry yc:~r &I I f tha effect of tl a great cntcr1 na a o tl I be tl o drl\w 1 ofT f a I r;:e •uq I ., pop tbL o 1 " 1 o c. o t 1 ..,"'

nll111 r. n 1 tml vu c I( lOr tent n the r 1 o n t r II lnve .oc o npl ~he I 11

j!r~l\t 1.111 li e (ho.>n ~l r \\ )hoi " ' " ltl Itt tl c tollll C.'\tch or hd vo ti l r 0 tn p rett.•

1ucb t l c 81\ ne 110 1 t h P"' 11nd wh hll co• fi oJ to " • • llller n ber of peoplu the

nr:l,!;i! c~rn in:!" wo I I be ::r Mur lo re I 1 o 1 to a 1:\r~:e q 1esttoo d t u I;; n I tl1crt' TM o p.lU blo rc"-'On for host I ty t.e

t ve~ 1 o te cll\.Y 11nd 1\00tl er \ II were 111 ke t'ttlllly •otcrcote I I t 11St o f no c rut) t,nd to benoht tJ o ncrc~uttle lUI \CII u tl o I bor 11: c l n~ of t l e co allrJ ~, ervth n~ ~lrt.t tend• tu !II' c tl c fi~hcr ne 1 a bcucr cl anco of ur tng 1\n 1 tlt p"'n lent 1\0 I I on est I d I ood n Jt b~ of .. h'llnt..r~ to tl e mt rcl 111t cu w~ll M t he pe(lple t1 < > adv~S. Jr A ID IS 1\ble tO II OIT 10 II e o1crcl nnt th~t It ' to •o Dd e xtent n lcpe d H t l c m rchl\nt w II lie ooro ncl ~J to a I once h m auppl es tl "" t! l c •ere a P.' 'l'•r Tl ere w reno luubtao mc a n o ::;~t us who wero oppo'o> I to tho meMuro be c.'uso t hey s.' y 1 ho countr) ts not fi ro r " ItA• I" ~1 1\0d Ill so thl\l tho cott or I 18 rl\r b yond our mel\ a \\ I 1\t do tl C3ol Jle t lo men then p ro1 ose 1 st.!ad n order to gr:ll>ple w1th t l u dttr.culuea o f our pr.scnt 1\no "'lou~ pojtL o • ? Uo II ey proposo tbnt Lbo country sh>ll rc 11 M 11 •~ thl\t wu shall conuuuc to ~o on o the 81\ ne oi l JO~ trot cnurae fur tl e 1 <Xt fiflf ) en~>~ 1\.1

wo I " 1 douo tn the put? H tl C) deny tl 111 p•r n•oc<: 1\<lfaot:.gCI to tbc colo tJ wtll fo llow aucb 11 tche nc 111 •s o ow vropoa ca 1118 for t hOSO WbO oppose It to put lor wud 1\ oue :SO f~r tl eJ 1 .. I Ml vAocecl ooll tl s of tl c k nd llta asked wbcro 11 tl c >ooey LO como fro u (,0 p>y

Jlo n ~lr WtNTr.r.- fboae who were op tho expcn•e o f tl o IU I way? Sorue 113ft po&cJ to thta tni!I\&Ure hlld eodo:avored buL abo ,. ua how 1t 11 gotng to pn) and " e w II wttl\Qnt aucceu to fragbu.n a nd preJudi~ hue oo obJection to gtve tho utoncy It tho peonlo ul tl jJt ooqnt.ry anatDit the en lfM not fatr to put 1uch a poa111on u

, . T"' fedc that. H a morchanL amporta n cod Lorpnso br •uob bugbeon as Con rahon eetne for a dealer to be ustd at the opprOUIVO taUtiOO aod WU 11\oala Of tbe f counlry bem~ tAken awa,. from l hem by 6ahery be ~r•es it upon t bo fa th o etraogen. JL wu ~~~ ( boo Mr w •) t ho yoyage lUlU bo bas to Ll\ltc bts chance opm•on tbat Uao mouuro now oontemplat.- tn otuo ema111 out or ten or t he nnture cd would 1 no tho effect o r lteeplog ua out In tho matter of tho Rill I way we had aolid or Coofoderatlou aod tba~ at. wu tho one rt.od truet worthy mformauon quate •uffic•eot

tu warrant tho utmoaL coofidonco m tho rc t.b ng that woold eoablo qe to coqtrnue our aulta of the eutcrpnee \\ o were asked to mclopondonco •ll4 "''0 ua from req ulrlnJ pay 8180 000 and look tog at t be re1110oablc CAnMla o r IIIJY other country to aapport U& re.auft.a tbaL are ltk&IJ to Row rrom tbe Cnea bad aJao b.oeu nu.10d M to o.rprea ve 11\.UUoo bet of coruequeot upon t bll.{>roject. Dle._.qre1 bo (ho? Mr W ) did oot eoa~tder Tho fallacy 0 1ueh enea, bo conatdered bad Lhe amount at a I beyood oa,r meaDL Wo I eon already full1. demooetri\Led a nd they P"Y at tho prosen~ 'amo IOmetbtog hke hl\<.1 miJDrt~lJiy fAded 10 t4e•r deAtrod olfecl. $ UO 000 " year for ttertm ee"aoo tn tl o 'l'he Iron member ror Hubor Maln In tbe cobny W tth regard to tbo q ueattoo or 10

courae or htl oll8trntioDI bad tlllt e reaacd tAuhoo to moot the UJM!ndtture tJ o"beoo6t• froQJ the nul way would como tbero are many .,..,, or coostdcnng tho

I 11 h M W) ed th que~uqo 1 he t.axauon which prewace moat lllow Y 8 ( OIL r cooeurr wt bea,fly upon our ""qplo 11 ooL what they l~o bon member to th11t ~•poet ho be ~ •·~ l tofed 11\o d evelopment would bo ifadual p!IJIDLO tho rnol)ue qf ~I o colony it 14 tho bu~ at tho t.t.tno time I Unl and of aacb a loor pneoa tbey arc ebrupollod tq ~y (Qr ktnd u necou&ril" to bo permanent and eupphea u pon crodtt. llo (boll. Mr W)

' 1 ra1 did oot blame 10y ooo o r any claaa fo r tbla IM\Ing Oar agriooltural. nnd m oe 111 ooodaUoo or a!falrL Qor pooplo hu" to IODI'OOI, th• doer to wbteh wu no w lqeted could onlJ beopeaed and madeanilablo to PfY fQ"J or\ lihJ percent.. onr a fair or th I f ·•- b 1 --' rea.eooablo proB• H a llabermao pur

e peop • o ..... country Y a raa ro-. chuoa a bane! or Sour t!Jo con of wb1eh 111 n .... well ltuo•n Lbat the ooceealty of ea.y lhirty eblll ogw lnd with tho duty added e&rt.illf-crieul&cual prodace o•er noo ten thl11•-oae 1bllho.,.. be I• compelled to t-Y miJoe OD a OOUltiiOD road WU IOC~ AD fd ' ,.~ 6 b U f 1 dttlon to tho coli qf produoJog ~d bnt l'"l eomothlar lllte fMty fo e • •or or ' to 111arke .. aa wonld qu oqt enyarrlcultur fbi- Ia tho ltlnd or tantioo fro~~J wbac h h ~ o~r&Jionelo !hie qr aoy od!er coonlry was our dutf to endenor b~ every Not~~loa bo• a railroad ,.oqld enable thoee ~eaqa to relloro our people e u wbo oappla~b1'11 ~w• to t:CrJ Jato e or a Railway •oold tt was to Olf l!looe.ful OOIIIpebGqo Ulo 1181,t~.. ~ be at lou' a moan• towardllhla lJonog pro= dlcJ 00, aauclpate Aoother beayY tax to wb1cb oar U..t Netrlo likely 10 beeoaM ... people art aubjtct«l wu eo forced Idle nportflr or lfriotal~ prod...,_ bat be :o- Almor a groat poriiott of e Yery year

'J6Iy ---cal. lfe ... jottl -aac .,_. w• .,.. •rely qb 1Jie

ot oar lflloler ._,_.ul'Oieolo. Md ....... p;oblbly laaadreda or ......

tlle~1111 We bell..,. tlaaa the ............ : ... ~•· of. trill prallJ ...u. .. t6lo......,. - ~-.. ol ocr peo-

rilina- de joam tlll Fridq aeaL 1'be ou... tbn ad~naecl 1.111 Fnda7

"" at ,..a tlar .11 o•c~got.

T&e people bad ay.a troilbl:.::f oxpeoae of a I'Dri ilicUcio end I of yor IOlDif to U... &hey h;Joome .. at, a.od b7 eo dolllf bed Jfta&lrllmpliatd the

Uored that ,. woalcl be ~, to .. pplflct l"be operalfou or the ~II way 'fOqld qwo IIJUk• llllllYe prqd.,...._d tiJU bare ~e ••oot.or mttlptlql thl• grut ~.,11 ~ DIJmbon of OlD' people weold IDd !.8 to aetOal amoont nOCMary to be Nrfoalwre au important aa~11ar1 to &btlr ta~eod to meet tlae aubtldt for tbll propoeod i"allioc rwuitL 11r B!aotm"'l aoaotdllll RaUn1 he (boo Kr W } wqild ~opt tbo ~ &he J",. or lila modi&ed p~~~ ,. caloalaUoJIO made by !.Ike bQo !fr Sbu • q.U. ~~~-&he u......,..... blo.b ot 0111 app~d!DA&ely corree'- Tbo rt~~ul• ~r hill •lie lee..-:" e.-. 01,... ..., 111e ed'"'lller earcalalioo It, &bU t&klq ltrlq aeoount tbe .-..... ......- ll.m1 -"'M •t Ooftnl ~ ba..,. of popal.a&loa aad .a. •


cruao of reYeone uoeeaanly ariolar lro111 t.lul e:rpe41ditllfo lD the coDJttvoUoa ao.i malnteoaooc or Lbo line wo lhould require to ralae b.r ao addilologal tuallioo oa Jy abou~ .,0 000 a rear for tho firs~ {oar .rearo and ar ter"f..'dd aboot t 60 000 a year Snppoelog that to be a fa&r eabmato •bt •ou1d It II:Off1 to our people t lf we take tho hiah•t llgure of 160.!190 a Joar it woald llm('ly meau a daarp of abon& ooe •hilling por bead apoo the popalaUon at lbo ttat. wbeo it woald oomo toto effect. Jf tbo 8abermeo or tbo cotu1t:ry wore called upoo to pay ao utn •bllllnr per bead ao ouall1 would tbey reel It or object to It? J be ncber claus woald bear m ucb more than tbolr uorage per capita ab&ro of aoy iocrcaud tauuoo wbaeh mlgbt be hopoted. and u a reault lho actuaiiDcre:.aed cbarge opon tbo poorer clUIOI of our pooplo would no t be ruoro lhao eupeea por head H e wOttld go farther IUld coDtood tbat 1f ntCOII&f)' Lbe .JUhermeo Of lbO CODDtry m•r ht be eottreiJ rohoYod or aoy lncr-u t&x upon them Ho (Mr W ) bowenr beltned t bat tho fitbermea of tho colooy would DOL ObJOCt to CODlnbuto their fa1r ehnro of tho chl\rge ~eeang t uat tf tbe raal waJ wore au rt.ccoUlpllal cd fact eYory filth crruau obllto og empiOJ ucnt darectly o r 10 d redly from ~Ire onterpnao W'Onld aMe more than h11 •hare or t he mcreaaod tAn t.ioo u poo the pnc:o o r a aou weatcr M com p!lred w•th whAt be hu to P"" at \'reaeot. Wtth reference to tho modo of rtltamg tho rnoaey to rneet tho extr:1 cht~f)IO upon tho rue 1 ae I c (I on Mr W ) could uo t llgTc• w1tl t lla po .. u oo Ulr.en by tho bon Auor­uey (, oteral wl ~~ bo ell\te d thl\t " port ou o f tbc 1\D>O tot uu0 bt be mt~Je up by rc luc 1 IC c~rta n of the edtlmRle& for t l e pubho scrvac VIZ loc:\1 lt\'1\ n Ll c poat...' l aervrcc tLe road graot &e J he oniJ out.a d t fun I ao to apeak wh~t::h we coull relJ upon to contnbute to t be extra cl tl"lle u po'l t ho colony wo tid ba the antllreat u pon tl•o ~ tlh e9: Awl\rd aruouollo,. to some $=l0 000 W tt h re~;ard to tho propo,.,~l~ mMic t o con atr ucL tbe mtl ..-ay loe fenhng o f tho llo uae and tbe pubhc optoton wou ld ace n to dt rcct t hemselves to tl c ncccpt:.o~ or one propo.~tuou vtz. tlut o f :\l r Ul~~ekmAn W o were bound to havo the utlw11y becnase It It 3d the al uOIIL UDIVOI'I.,IIIMCIII of tho poo 1 lu It m stbt be coneadered that tl o rt11la wer.o already la1d d own rcAht g upon tbe aol u fou.ndl\tton of an mWIIIt~ont pnbhc op 0100 1\nd a ny one oppGJIDS: or 811\ndaog o 1 the t rack 10 to •pe:.k would atand 10

very ~:rc~t dmo,;er of b~tog run down lie woull no w co nfea tltat looktnlt a~ llr Ubckm!\u • fi rst propo1111l be co.aiJ not hnc A •pportcd tl Ho felt that tltc) were not n a J>OIIIIOD to co r.maL thtrnaoiYes to tho

1\ccopl.llnco or the o!ror 1 bo quellt on w t h us no w to coos! lc r 11 wbd l er wa el l\tl >c::c pt t hL!I o ffer o r ru t he r11k or th~ off~ r ~~~ o:; w thdrawn on IV'CO 1 11 of unre:uon 1\ble dd~v upo 1 our p.ul. Q tesllo IS o f de t.'\ I t.IIecu ;; otber utost t oporiAOt mter est.a or tbt> colo 1y b.avd ~l•o to bu corutJcred I b~rc wu oue queatlOD wlllcll r•esr led tucll forctlJiy ao connection wttl ~ r Ulnck wao • proJJO.i-'1 an I tb.'t was M to al en~ I old og I :ul 111 th & colony UIIOII tl e L' ne toruas :u o tr own 1>co11c. I nt.,lt 1\L fi rat Ill peAr l li"I\D:tC :\ 1d 1\UO Dl\IO 15 to IS UtaL atrnogcra ahoull co to 1 1\Ull I old our lunda J hu objecl.lo I o ve.-er " PI cnrud 10 ht 1 (I ou \lr \\ ) to llo o f " e nt ucnt.:ll clta r•cter 11 t b re v:u a1 v c..~n er tll\l b,. ucll,. 10 pn~tlrgc I t 1e"c alte~t, aboul I c>'~ntul\lly ollt:.Ju n .:u ttrol o r ml!ue nco 1 1 our 1 ubi C afJ~Irl liOd II IS brt $: 1\IIO II A ICb n unuu r3llle coud1110n of tl D\111 M fre q u.r1tly I "PPCDS 10 tl e lldJOinmg gre11t Re 1 ulll c I e ( hon ~Jr \\ ) woultl co>rt:. tly re 1: ud tl •• ,n.n ciA tsc wath g~at l 1fuor II 11 I ~ ( I o Mr \\ ) d u ot "' prl.' IC I •eo nnJ r eaw to n 11 "ll""u " ytl 1: or that kt 1 1 If ouutdcril co 10 1\ r on:;:at u• fltb cat t I for t he purpo"" o f d e velop nll o11r r e•ourcc.-t, t lil} abould by -Lll nc:>ni rocet vu u ery .:ucoul'3ji<' nc 11 If 11 ey re"P~" ben" hL they I Ull DC<Ot:IS:lrtly OOOCftt thO pe01l0 and tbe co to try If tbuJahoul l bo 1.:• r OU'l o f l\C'IU rang landed property 10 t.'us coloUJII would be tmiiOMtblc for Ul to p re •~nt tlteu1 hca1.1so they would rc:\ hi) r I the me3nl of CYl\d ug onr lmwa or ~ ) II\ .. s t l at we uu~l t c tnct wtt l t at o f Ject... It w:u apprehen led thn' tbrro Dl ~~~~ IJo a danilcr of tl Otr !;ell nu 1 o.ucu on of p.vta of o tr U l\ bo:1rd nn I th 11 tnterfottng wtth 0 tr fi•l cr t 1 \\ tth regar J to that howe ve r the{ hue hml AID le OJ poriUDibOS 1\JrOI\d)' 0 dOtnjt II II

llut I • • u 1 o•er taken ndvn >I:. go of then ,., 10 tho f~l r r y npou tl o Banks tho mo5t tl e.- coul l d o would be to tit o II fro n ~ ewfouudlau I t l u effect of wluch wouiU lie to cre3te employment fo r a ou nber of o tr uwn people lu oon luaaou be (boo ~lr \\ ) wouhl IUSI( :u thts cootrnot

01 o II o h ng upon tho colo"y for all 11 ue to como 1\ 1d aa the t uealloo or d ., wM one o f pam mount mtcrcst to t ho ~olon) t t wu II<) w " w so counse to aubw t t he malttr to tho Le,.t<l"ture for contirml\lton r a t 1\llOtbcr trlltuJ; dunn;; the sum nor

(To be ru I ucl )

Tho Now!o=dlaod Oonaolidat&d Oopper llllining OompiUly "


1 hero b111 been no ' ""II amouot o f ag ooraoL and 101110 aotcreated and tDLenhooal mtaropruenLI\Uon regard nr t be t:omplliiJ beanog tbe above d ea 20attoo

Let •• look at tbo facta of t he case lo 1878 tlao Bet ta CoYe a nd Littlo BaJ ~tntog p rvpertu>l p:used from tlto haod.e of lhreo propn eL01'11 tDLO Lbe poUil&IJOn O( tho Uotta CoYO M mios Company ( LtmtLod) COUIIBlllli Of l e Y CO tndiYidUAI StoCk holdctl.. Wbeo the trausfer wu effected t he pro pertlu. on repor~ o r mtotng upe.U •aere yaJucd tat .t:!W 000 aterltog and 1old fo r tbat amount Tho death o f Lbe prtoet pal atockboldor or t bo hmitod company rendoroJ a reor.llllntmllon iodtapooaahlo aod tba p ropertau were purebuod by Amencao capataliat.a for a rnlllloo dollara wbtch amount bad or courae to be patd o ver pnQr to traoafor fo Lbo n loable mimog properuu Lhua anq II red no Ina than aoYOD othera wore added .tome or the10 undo 1bt cdly or great nlue aod all fl•h r promuo or prodt.~ctlnoe& Tbpa addttlooal pro porllos. 10mo owoed by 11\o Company aod aome le-.od wore u follo w•

\Vhalo a 'Baok-t aquara mtlo Jja ll• f.l.aJ-4 aquaro malte Roberta Arm-I L 5q11a re males. Soutb woat Arm~ IIJlltJ'e mlloa. Seal Day-1 "lnaro mtle


~ 1rith 11111M01e .tvt ... •illlller IIUIIOnl laGde U'OMd, r •j;\ ~~ Jouo or ?arot.oo. Ia aU' (-th e11terprille wW pron • •• I' We h.iahly r:tm-.n&i"•' ucl-.: Jlr•p•dee theJ DOW Otlll art ft&o4 .)t« 'U ebNo mUUoo dollart. 'l'IM p....._ wire .... only ,.,_ &be moo' ClaNfal _..Cillf ~T miDJIIr espen. .... , IHn •yt#lo ~ IDhllQI ~ no llan WI• ..... terpneo ln llt.Dd. 'Dutir npona wwe fayorable a a tb !Uibee& dorroe. M41 all concur Ul pr,dictiaJ tha1 Nowfooodlalld 1r11l become ~. ~ oopper prodoC!hlc CODDLry l.o the world1 U the depoolbr afD practicallr lotxhaoelfDie. 1

\Vhero tboll Ia Ulo roaact for ~.,. lo llnoatioat r ef•rT'OCI lOP Of die ~~ 8' lhroe aillllooa of dollan, qf ~~· o IDillion 10M Co poy for, ,ro f liO\, 000 II 4 cr.otuy atoelt1' Ud &be IIWIIder wDI be workiog e&.Pic&l. ' 'n Dot a ale er .Oo pro~• lot -din. miUJOU bu' lUll ply the rafiUlJ of~ \apiUI or tJrat amount_ by ~ comp~'% Ia order to purchuo aod work tho mines. ud, of courao Lbo etockbolflc'ra control Ule ex peodtt tro of tho upatal To No...ro11nd land It meaoe tho deYelopmeot ol her mtoortll resource~ on atcalo uenrattempted btfOnl t t' D e mployiDOOL at good W'~ of la rgo DUIJibtrl uf ber people, and \110 ctrculattoo or a lute arooaot o f mouo1 to t...,e beoellt of 1\11 cluaes. And ) IlL we baYe mea who are decryaog each coterpruea a nd t ry•ng til create anapletoo and d aatrMt a bout them tn order to bnor tl em toto ditcredtt. Snob aodtYidaala should be placed uolle:r ao e:shalllt .. T'C CCIYt r

\\ tth a 11 n lnr aln11ter ObJect otbcrt are I t1rd nt work to malto tt appur th11t tho A mer Cl\0 ltl\tl VIII)' SyndiCile and MiUUIIC Comp& >y are oao concoro or antlma&ol1 I\SSOC a tetl and certAin 1tartiLo; renlat oo• nrc mlldl' ou Lhla eur101a0 It 10 hapi)Cns boweYer tb l\L tbe t wo compaoaca hM·e no conoeettoo wbateYer not oYc:D oon mdiYIUMI battng etoelt Ill buth They on~nmted among two totAlly dtllaDct ordert of c.'lp!Jta-tho ooe ~tog coacorood Ill m Dtog tho Other tn COOtlrllCIIOi railwaya and tJtoro Ill DO ltolt of COD!ICCltOII- 0( tb 1 I 1\111 tn 1\ poltUo o to "'1 tbero 11 tho most absolute proof wblcb wall be forth ~:omtog If oecos&lry

~ oora t rul1 A~AL~ST

Vegetine. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. ~ o bet.tcr Jfmcdy an tl c whole malenl\

med C.'\ bi\.IJ J l't tH-e compounded for the rei ef and cure of F .:1111\le CompiNn'-, o f tbo orJ 1 ary Itt d tlwt \ t::GE LI Nt::. h aeenL' to 1\Ct 10 U e~ CMea wat.b unwonted cer w nt) 1\Dd 110~o: r frula to gn o & new and hc31tl ful tono to tl10 fcDII\ld Ol),'all5 to re mo c reLucd debthty 1\od unbcAlthJ aecre uoru 1\Drl restore 1\ I caltiJ '•s:or and ol1111 t ctty () 10 of thO I OSt COUIOIOI) Of thew co nr b old lS I acorrhn '\ o r Wit Lee wh ch 1\rO br< U!:hl 0 0 C tl Cr b) tJ 0 pr<.'8C OCO Of Scro!ulll tn the BJoW n or by 10we alf-.ocUon o f ~~ C W Q:I b Or OYell by J:COOral debahty I or all t l <~ oo •11111nta a nd wbeu dAn,:er

bt.1;1 " to thn~ntc 1 wo aMn at the turu of ltfe \ c"ctinc C.'\n be con mended w &bout quAl a lu::\llon I I e grc"t proulcnce of thCMJ d tordcn< a d tltc r cure II) \ egettnt b~• St npl) al o wuth\t t l "a rc s ll.svaallng a~nt rem3 ns ot) c t to bo dt&CO c roJ b ut Ill al tel\ h koow 1 nnd u1 n !avonw wub Amen&n l'l.!ic!. l oo I on~ hM t been Lhc c111tom to pr~llo 011 IJWJ\llt g nod unllert& o 111m c h.s 1 place of I 1t •• 1lo:va nt cfflCI\Ctou• n >J cll.'llp fry \ ,~t nc 1111 1 do no' d uubt 1111 flO • cr to Cl\rry ) o a llllfcly Lbrough Ututgcr II ttl WSC.UO

.A Splo:tdtd Modtclno - Heart IUld Kid ney DLieBA~O Fomnlo Woaluleaa.

O• 110 ,LUI ILL. J lJ" !.\ t lr.R. n R. Sn, llotl ott-O.,.usfr I •u allllt

.-1 tr1LI lleart ao I Kl<lnrr Dt • oe •od n h r f em. I \\ ... t _...... on I d<>ei- ,...1 w Ill f U U at 1 l• ., • .,. a"'t no<> <o I nn ""nefti untJI I In"' I ' " r \ II&IIM and of ;r lalcln~; t '"' to 11~ 1 wu en t l•l~fy cur...t and h!tYe been a h .. ltJ ,. ,.....,.n •• ., •I ~ oltl nu~h I am In my elxJy .. la b ,...,. ( dn b" r1 lv rocomra n I It •• • oplea"ltl ,. '<11 "'"" to •II .m _,.,., u I hue I>MD aod I bleu tbo d:oy tlul h fell luto my band.&.

llu Jd \nJ A. DODSON

For all Ladi~ Who Are BoJterora.. Cuu:r'<,.ATt 0 )la.n:h !I! 1817

llr Snn.'<s-Oo.: r ::llr I hat'o taU. .. nra.~ bollle• " ' your \ r~;ttlne lor F~mal• -n­an I ID Juol .... In II u """tiel no a...S le all laflt.e •bo are lll>ll'•rn• from o cl• c<>tDptalat. l ell! ,... C'lmmfn It be \ ~;.tliDI f mad MJ it Ia beiP8'1 me vrr, n acl In leo l it ts lavall>&blo for each oo~rtpiAints

ll \ ll \ E. ll f REOITtr l SO Eaatuu aYa.

lt.aa WhD.tia Noo:lod-'FomaleW~ Oa• li'>IU S. IJ.. Sopt. 8 )878.

II r. STI'f'li!U IWtM-O...r 81r Por a too~ I e 1 hn• boen troublol wlllt FOI'D&Io IV•Inlou o I a w ... t •ln1dnl{ IHII j:'" the 8..,_ch tad 11 rou,.h tl c o l•lcool a friood ltriod r our V"P tin~ on 1 ea I 11 , •• t wluti II .......tod.. I """ •• c:w>mmtD<l U to aU 1 frerlng ll"'m b .. e CCIIIPiailll4.

\ ure "'"~lnlly !.J u A~N \ llEt. L \ UARWOOb 812 PooTtbtt

Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Dyapepca RheumaLiem We&l!DM8

IT R. 6n n ... a, &.lllln 1 bave ben pTaclldlllt roodldne loT U ,.,.. •• ouod .. • """ed7 fM Scrnfal• Liver Coml't.lut Oyapo~ W•k neu and ell dl_, ,.. of the blt>od I hne n.,.tr to od Ita O<)llAL 1 ha•• ..,ld \ ~lne for .... n r~»rs and have aevor ha<l .- "botlle rotan>ed I w""ld b•rtlly rec:ommend llle u-. Ia oood ol a bf-' p~~rlllor

Da. W ROSS DI'IIUiat.. Sept. 18 1878. WlitoD h

VI' GF.TINE acLI diroeUy upon tlo C.' IIIII Of IJ!e10 COmplaJol&. It tnYll(>l'llel &nd atrenJlhcn• Lbo wbole a,-.m 11('&41 upon tho IICCJ'Ct.i\'0 orgaoa, a.llaye inllam mat.loo cle ~naee and Cllrtll olceratioa cure couJbp, tioo ~gulatoe Lbe bowela, beadacbo and {'&ins Ill tho J.elt ceatO tn fact, there Ill nod- oo r COtDplaiot wbero tbe Ve~ une """ 10 qutck rel1el aod 1110 etreeti•o an tbl care u io wbai Ia tenned F...Wo \Voaltoca. lt bu DC\'Or failed in ODe ID• etaoco


R. B. B'l'BVZBB, Bootcna, ..... , &lld To~to, OD~

Vtgotio~ 11 Sold by all Dngiiiii.-K. 19

Ouor I alaod-1 aq11are 1111lo Makiog 'lnth t~~ prodously aoqu1ro4 pro perlita, • total of 27 equan~ mllca, or 17 ~80 aoru or plnbaptl tbp moat Yaluabfo mtOOI'I\I Ianda to bo found anywhere. ro work: tbeso dalferoot l~tiqQJ a largto c.pitelle requtre\.1 anU tho capital of tho now Compaoy11 tbroe m1111ooa of dollars, ttoelt to tba& amount being DOW' lo tllo marbt 11J Atr.tdca, Eogland aod 011 llio ooot.lJ!oq• qf 'Eqrqpo. I~ Ia oo' aurprl':!e1 to &oa tba& Uietr atoct. nnu blfb ta r.o& II roekooed amo~ lbo l bet& 111 \bo !Jl&rlte' for muy years; •lion wo coDJidor tlf• tplndid tlltDeftl nahta tbe,r han ac­q uired aoct the oenala. pro6te judgtQg by Ule nol4 ot lhe .U.. Ia ro~r ~ , ~oil III"T be loolttd for Beeid• from •• nnoaa otMnl U.. Compao7 oaa
