Page 1: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the
Page 2: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the


D. Ao Lilienberg

The Caribbean region is a apecific morphoatructural,

e;eotecton.ic and geo'dyn=ic unit of <Jur planet - a n i n

t e r e o n t i n e n t a 1 r e g i o n. The .A1m rican

!.:editerr.;¡nean region is the wegtern fra.g:nent of the o.ncient

1\leg" belt and is specified with great complexity of .'----._

dcvelop ment a:nd with high mobility, Tlms, the Caribbean

rogion a particular m o d· e .. l· a r e a • for dif­

ferent theoretical elO<borations again¡¡t the fundamental

background of the theory of the Earth'a tectono- and morpho­

genesis. At this place in fact, the "theoretical discuaaion

of the century" - the fight bet-.veen the idei!.s of fixism and

~~·r mobilism waa carriod out.

The conc~pt¡¡ cf fixis:n, governing the first half o:f our

century, were f cunded on the pri::::arity of the v e r t i -

e a 1 o .o v e m e n t .s du......J.r~ tr..e tectonogenetic develop­

;:.ent the formation o:f the oro-geoeynclinal syatems. The

ge;;eral t rend of C·C''.Ie lopment ia considered as oceanizat-

:!.en of tl:e fo=er cont~nental cruat, The representatives of

the ~xtre r:::e p oint of view had interpreted the Caribbean. re-

éion as • tJ?ical recent geosyncline (the Cuban archipelQSO

included ) , There are othor concepts, ~d namely on the oon-

ti:::.enté..l expanaion towiU'ds the through the í'ormation

of ial O<nd ares too.

Page 3: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon

et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the 1 neo-mobiliatic point of >iew end t he leading role of the

h o r 1 z o n t a 1 m o v e m e n t s of large crustal 1

blooks - the li thoepheric plate e , was advEmced. Thus far,

mul tiple vereions of neo-mobiliatic modela are ava ilable,

which qui t e often contradict e ach other rather based on

reasoning, but nevertheless ensbling to interpret the baaic

r~gularitiea of tectono- and mo rpho-geneaia of t he Caribbean

region from a new point of view ~1d in a more profound mode.

Subaequently, the plate-tectonica concept be c~ne the leQding

one in thia area.

The recent mo rphostructure of the Cari bbean region is or h e t e r o g e n i o ne. t ure, :tnheriting from and integrat-

ing the de ve lopment of different geotectonic and geodynarnic

sta.gee. The g e o m o r p h o 1 o g i e e. 1 s t a g e

atarted in the Middle Mesozoic epoch (Geraeimov, 1964; !9?0)

thnt initiated the fundarre ntal r e arr~~eruent of the eartb

atructursl con:figuratio.n, when the continental· expansion wa.e

replaced by the revera., procesa - ocean 'l'he open­

ing of . the Atlantic, the decor:p c sition of Pr.n,gea-P, the de­

tachruent of North Arnerica from Gondwana, and later of South

America fr om Africa, the forr:ation of the intercontinental

Tethis ccean, and the foJ.lcwing eepa:r::aticn of ita weetern

( Caribbean) part (Hein, I979) h!i.d started through this epoch.

During the Late Meeozoic !illd the Early Cenozoic the westwa:rd

drift of the North and South A~rican eontinenti occurred,


Page 4: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the


iltth~tr 1d th the interaction between these li thoepheric

L•\•• nnd their atep-wise displ e. .:ement that reaul ted in

~'IIIIIC'IIt tüion of the intercontinente.l region b.~tween them,

11e O(>lll~,l~:x Llrift of megablocka nnd rllicroplatoa one to the

lh•r• G<'<apression, extenuion, horizontal disple.Gement, up-

t tUl\g ond Gubsidence of tlle individual c:rUstal uni ts.

'l'lu·, ·u¡_;Lout the procesa of dynamic interacU.on between the

li!Hil')llHteo, a diein tegre.tion of their edge pro·te and inter­

,l~tl n r<'r;ion occu.rr~d, that reaul ted in the complication of

bflil' bluck snd therefore, provi <.h:d grounda

""' l~<>m<' s to outline addi tione.l microplate aystem.

J;uu, northward the deepwate¡· Ca;ymsn trench, the Cubc.n micro­

In te cr Legsblock was shsped (Uahakov et sl., 1979). Now,

tdl:f micropl ates a.nd l!le,gublocks are tl·aced addi ;_i onally 'ñi. Uún

ltr C"ribbel'.n plG.te a.nd the n orthern periproery o1 the Soutb

•·"' rtcnr, aupel'Jllate.

-J.• Gcner&l ,1:cr phosb:uctural Dl:ffe:n:mtie.tion

:U:l:. c,,¡·ib!Je0lLJntercontinental plute has cent:ml morpho­

lt"t\ctm·al and geodyruJ..T..ic oi t u e. ticn viit1Jin the region. Ita

"ep¡,: bC>undaries are cle e.rl y ehap e d on the land nnd eea f'loor

. .,.lief ty the geological structure, the geophyoical fielda are

•¡ · er:~ied l\ high seismic activity. The continental platea

¡f ¡;urth and Soutb .America, drifting westward rotation

:om¡>()nent, compresa and push away the Caribbee.n plate east­

rard. The computationa on the momentlli~ of the relative in_

,tantaneous kinematic.s of the lithospheric platea ehow that

Page 5: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

fjt dr1!ta eastwurd vl.ith a rate of I,4 - 2,I cm/ye ar with

rtterence to the South .American ple.te (Jordan, I975;Molna:r,

Uku, 1')69; Uehakov et al ., I979). In addí t ion , t.hia alid-

1nc of pl11tes is not of e. simp ly linear nature. It has e. comple.x charact(;r. Beiv..g eubject to. bilateral comprea­

•&on, the Ca.ribbean plat~ drifta simu1 taneoualy nórtlma.rd,

toward11 the North A~Wricen plato with a r at e o.f O,J ·- 0,4

om/1eQr and comes clos er t o the South American plate vdth a

&'ah o! 0,2 cm/year. It followa t he r efore, that the plato

ll!OVoll to the ocean crust of the Western .Atlantic eaatward

and 1 ts northorn and sc·uthern boundaries should have an

untlorttu:uating component ( Uahe.kov et al., 1979 ) • The main

¡eo<lyn~e.mic ·aystem of the sublatitudina.l boundariea ia com­

pufled by wren,ch-fa ul t deformatione. The northern contact to

the Nortb .American plate along the deepwater Ceymen trench

1G a 1oft-lateral wTench-fault with an amplitude of several

to11a up to 500 - I 000 km and more ( after '>~rious authors )

Qnd the correaponding bound ary to South America along the

t'~o~ult zone, Oca-el-:Pila.r is a right-l atoral fa·..üt with dia­

pluce ment of aleo aeveral tena to 400 - 500 km and more

(~o~fter many authore).

Being clearly outlined by botb relief and tectonics as

integral morphoatruotural fonnation , the Caribbean plate is

ot' complex differentiated morphoatructure. Substt<ntia.lly. the

Col omb1tm, Venezuelia.n and Grenadian deepwate:r depressions

( •uboceanic cruat include.d) e.nd the uplif'tB sep.arating them,

1. e. Nicarr.gua, Beata and .Avoa (aubcontineñtel cruat also


Page 6: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

d.Ucluded) repre sent outlj_ned lll'>rph ost:cuctu:ro.l blocks, li.Jni t­

ed by morpholinean:.en-ts und abrupt esc~arp;ne::rts of the sub­

¡¡¡¡,¡l·ine relief of the order of 2 km. ltl tl10ugh the oute.r boun­

dtl.riea of the platc be oxprensed with a/'flre belt" of er.rth­

lj\\Ulcc<:fl, ita inn("r pa.rt is of peor fJd. >J:ni.c ••ctivity, at cer­

toin locationa even inactive.

2'!lL.-9!¿Qj?_1:§!.qJo: .. J2.?o~!L.t!:tlllQh sep a.r v .. tii¡g tho Curibbe !'Jl plete

fn>m the North .American one ( 'l'h e Cube.n micropl ate iucluded)

htw oxteneion of I 500 -· I 600 km at width of IOO - I 500

\un Pnd depth of 5 .. 7 km. 'I'ht'? thich:tH:sa of tbe suboce s .. \'l.iO

c:nwt wii;lún its limito is smü.l . - of 5- IO km. (at (;}'e··

o1·n purt of the Burtlet troneh on1y i t attains I7 kn) a.nd at

Cel'tain loc a ti one it is juet 3 - 5 km (Eovin, I 968). 'rhls ia

u ;young (Pliocene-Qua terns.:;:y) d~v~lvping morphostructure.

CL'!,;pens atory m-.ecneoliü.¡¡;teó. deposits not to be found in

1 t~:~ 1:1iddle ps.rt. -They appenr westward a11d eo.stwa:rd v.-ith the

tnc.rouso of tl-e th:l.0kn.c us to the poriphory.

The e·v. t ure zon e of the pla.te jur1ction ia e-peoifJ~u \71th

t1efor:nati ons on t;he isostat:lc equilibrium of the earth'a

cruet, In t be e :;o.Bt ·~rn pru·t (B t'.l"tlet tr~nch) the negative

t<JH'n-alies of the gravi ty force :reach t<t certcin lo·cationa

\lp to -230 mGal whereas the bcur.ding uplifte of the trench

L"ve positivo enomnlieG with-tn the 11ica rszua uplift (J 8 -

m&ick) up to +IOO rnGal ro1d in Sierra.-I.:aeotra eystem

11\• the t-mbrr:e. rine Cayrmn :ridge - up to +100 mGal ( Ush~ov

lt tl• , I 979) •

of t:r...e recent geodynamic a e ti vi ty is the

Page 7: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the


llf.WCJ.:cd heat flow. Wl.thin the Cayr·,_sn tre!Jch, i t ia lil i milar to

the .~.<d jucellt parte of the Atlant.ic, end >.üteina up to 2,3-I0-6

? oal/ cm._/ &~e in the C(mtral p a.rto 1 ow~r:tng towRrds the peri-

ph· ~. y, while within the Cayroa:-1 subme¡rine r:tdg e it is of

l,.J - I,4.I0-6 caJ./cm2 / r¡c c (ErL~ks~ n et 21 ., 1972).

Ae e m o r p h o s t r u e t u r a 1 t y p e the

Cay¡;,t1n trench ia of complex crigin and cGm1ot be conaidered

q 11 classi c a l deep wo.t er trench simply. or &le n typical

l'ittogenic structure. Its r,pcc.Lfics in a generalized fo.rm

ltn be re Juced to two vers ~.o ns1

a) the trench repre s enta a g raben, llm:i. te d by

f¡ttp normal feul ts a.nd abn:pt eL<Carpments (up to ) -- 5 km)

Haded inwo.rd. The eeiamofocal plR:,e 3 fo r t h:Ls v<:>rsion must

d•o have dips towa rds the axirctl p :a:rt, :l.s not the real

•••o. The vertical movements are of l ·! ading i n:po rtance in

t~• ~raben f ormation.

b) the trench :-epresenta intl.'rplate srres.dir~ 81.\tu:r.e

.. Wlder the 1 ~- :!ding role o f the horizontal movem~ntP.

D&tterent geologics.l, geomorphologi ce} , e c;~ rnG.'S""'Plüc •c:nd

o•ht:r data :=ather unl f orr:tl y p"rovide e vi d ·~nce on · ·.!e ·::1.1&.­

-lltty of a 1 e f t ~ w a r d w = e n e h - f a u

~~- the northern trensform faul t. A sub-·.-."T~· J:•::h f aul t 0!!!-

pOQnt can be traced, baeed c•n t l; t :leforr1<:tion diatributicn

ot thc ioocJtatic equilibrium ¡md e:; ett5.s::lic ~vidence but

lftdtntly the f au.l t cor::p one nt va.l u e is a r:::all er

tllu tlle value of the left~lateral w::-ench-fault und rmkes

U aore complex. In additi on, the s,:reatest denaity o'! .etrong

-A he\11•"'• •" """l'h<>tl' c ton ics 209

Page 8: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the


earthquake source a with depth of 70 - 80 (possibly IOO - 1 20

km) is ¡·elated to the northern faul t and is pa:rtially traced

along the southern.

The. deepwuter Cayr:mn tr<!21ch and it.a eastern part - the

Bartlet tr·ench, are decor::po2e d into series of differentl;r

\lplifted o.n d orientated trerwverse abd dius onal blocks,

olenrly shaped into the relief in the form of a sequence of f

extended narrow grabens , monoclines and iaometri c horate,

aulmarine pluten.u..-.::, uplifts, step ··7.'ise formutiona, having

•• n rule, sharp contrast boundari es of llneainent type a."l.d

ab1·upt eecarpments. S orne' .of these fnulto u¡·e s eismically


'[h_q_f:d1J.~llJ1i..0:C..IJ_l;.l!·~ :la outline d v;i thin the marginal

pfu·t of the Northern Americo.n superplate and representa a

·~·1 Angular morphostructu:r:al megablock, limi ted southward by

t.he ueepwater Cayman trench Emd west~ and east-ward by tbe

lal"é:I'!St morphol ineament s. It .is c o;nposed in :norphoatructural

a¡rpect by th.rce macroblocks . Th e epreading Yucatan deepwater ·!>. jepreasion wae_ set up during th .~ I,ate Cretaceous epocb. The

G~ban megablock reprePents part of the isl and are of the

Greater Antilles, forQed du.ring the Cretaceous epoch and

110\led through the procese of spreadi:r..g of the Yucatan depres-

•l en north-e astward. The C&ymétn Sierra l>hJ.e stra morpho atruc­

•ural macroblock corresp onda te a youn.ger island are, which

••• fCl"Tlled ini tially as a compressi ve morphostructure and

t1 the end of the Palaeogene (Late Eocene) it was cut by the

9-.,man trench, ita northern part bei:r..g also moved north-east-


Page 9: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

'IV~d. 'l'he continued ap:c·eading of th<~ depresaion

t>ccurred wUh tO'tal arr:pl.itudo of up to -:.oo - 350 km (Sheir.,

fleetev. 1978), thus predetern.rl.n:í.ng the recent o·•:.>c:'k of

tbe Cuba isltmd G.nd itl3 shelf ar·ea (Lilie.nberg, 1980).

taoteru p a1·t ( the Ba.rtJ. ··~ t tren eh) and the 1.mderthn1ating of

"he northern msrgin \mJer the soutl1e•·>:> edge of the Cuban !;

,jji••oropls.te rer,ul ted in tranav('Jree cc.Lpress:J.on in th11 con-

; •••1·gence ::;one and in n1:!l:·vpt uplift of the e.sym.T,etric, thruat-

1 j..nocline !~O.!:_l2I~.i<..k't! ... ~te;~_o:f_j)_~e~:;:r~J&t!;?~~ v,·:tth helgh·t of

\11 to 2 Y.::rn (I,Uienberg, 1980; I98J). The contact zo:r:e or the

lat1 tudin,U rnor-ph,ostxuctv:re a botwe,~n Sierra Maestra and tbr .

. Jart1 et trenci:J :ia expreBS<~d wl tb she.rp .~.ontrast in the r~<;tnt

r•l1ef, with gensrnl height difference of the order cf 7- IO

lillt and ver1at1.::n of th-! 1-.eight grad:tent up to JOO ... 400 m

, .il•r km. In the proc•,;f.!s cf S.ierra !t;;,,stra upl~.fti~:;;(- bli{lue, i ,. '

'',truJOverse-diHgonsl faul t:ing cf the ·:otmta.il1 "Y' -·~ ,, .• c•c-

lUid t:ranaverse morphüfJtructure !.'. In c/1d'. t ton, the ee11i' .: tion

ar the trnnrnr,,rse-diagonal f!loryhootructtn· .. ,1 b:i.uclm is of

"tra.nsgreesional" nattn::11 and ie trr:ced l'oth in Si<'lrra Maestra

and within the limitn of the adja.cent parta of th('l Bartlet

trenoh and the Cuto-~Gm.c~<.nayobo depresaion. The geodyn&mi.Q

IWlotion or the main morphoBtruct-.ual zonea1 :in principle


Page 10: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

uccurs with i n o r e a a e d e 0 n t r a a t (Lilienberg,

I:l~lO); most uplifted is the Central Sierra Maestra (2 lan)

wllich is accompa.uied wi th the d"epest subaidence of' the

('riente trench (6,5 - 7 km). The G1·a.n Piédra lowmountain

mnl'lilif (I km) ia c.:.mjugsted v>? the lesa deep Baconao dep­

r(.'s::Jion (5 - 5,5 km) end the of Santyngo de Cuba with

lll~ CibQney subwarine plateau, separ&.ting these depressions.

'J.'he format±on of the Sierra Maestra mowltain systom oc­

nrered in several stagea, that is directly reflected in i te

utructural featuree. The general "m o r p h o e t r u e t u

r a 1 p a r u d o x 11 of S:l..erra Maestra ahould be related to

this (Lilienberg, I98J). Dm·ing the Palseogene it developed

in the el tu:'ltion of tr!Ulsverse compreaaion and formation of

nnppa sheets end thrusts of aouth-eastward orientation e.nd

the actual Ba:rtlet trench zone was the genc r otion area. The

c oncentration and the interlayering of the frontal parte o:f

the nappe sheets t ook place along the nortbern alope e.nd had

to be reflected in the corresponding asymmetry of the moun­ system. NeYer thele ss, the recent morphoatructure is of

r~Yerse asym:met¡·y - ub:rupt and short eouthern alope, gentle

Rnd long north-.,rn one. This r e a:crane;ement of the mo:rphostrue­

tl:!·es ia related to the neotectonic (Pliocene-Quaternar:r

r.1a inly) &~tsge and the apreadlng of the Bartlet trench, reeuJ.­

ting in reverse rnonoclinal mountain uplifting a.nd formation

of you::-,g ~newly s.haped fatl.l ts of northern dip. part of whiob

i' seiamically active.

J.notber morphoetrilctural e.nomaly :ia tbe 1 a o k o -r

Page 11: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

e o i n e i d e n e e between the orogrephie axis ( the main

w~tershed being attríbuted to i t) and the nxia· ot the mex-

1mtun neotectonic uplift. Simlar lack of coir.::idence ia

typieal for many yotu~ mountain systems - the .t.ndes, the

Himalayas, the Alps, the Caucasus (Lilienb~¡:og , 1978). Uo

nntisfactory interpretation ca.'1 b<:l found in the theory o!

nxism, while they became rather cor:rprel:er.sive from the

plate tectonics point of view. 'I·r.e maxiu:tllJ heights of Sierra

r.:uestra relief are to be' found at the Lateral rather than 10.t

the Uain {watershed) ridge, which is about 0 ,5 k;m lcwer. In

uddi tion, tho:: Lateral ridge is not such a co;~pact orogre.phic

f'ormation as the l.:ain, and is decol'!posed into sep r:;.rate m.,.s­

r;ifs1 but nevel'theless, the rr.s.jor heights z1·e to be traced

l1ere (Pico TUl·cino - I974 m, Pico Cuba - 1872 1'1, Pico !.:arti

- !722 e, etc.). The difl'ennces in the uplifting between

lhe t:ain and the Lat~rr.l ridger relcte with the fr.:ct that

they belon;;; to different ne.ppe :::crphostJXcturea, sepe.rated

~a lo:r:.gitudinal fe.ult zone, whict is a s:¡::ecific ¿1: odynemic

11Xis of tl:.e uplift. This faul t zone is separúting tl10 two

~&in 1 o n g i t u ~ i n a l ~ o r p h o s t r u e t u r e s

of Sierra ~aeatra.

Typicel is t}-_e fact that tf:e v:r;.terú.ed linc o i' the l

rid¿Se is no t of smooth ccntour , proper f or t !-:!e nature of the

1 ongterr.1 developed ri ver be. sine. It l:.s.s a typicf..J. orthogon;,.l

otructure, reflectin¡:: in alr:lCst original forro the initit.l

e.mall-bloch decor::position. Such preservaticn of the origin&l

tectonic fo1-ms in the axial parte: o:f the órogenee represente

Page 12: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

quite • r~.<:;;:c case in georJo:::r!lolc-gy and p'!•ovidea evidence~ on

tho con,¡¡ idorably young.:: ;;.· age of the relief. In s:1áition, the

¡¡y¡;;t om ¡¡nd orientSltion of thé trans <· o:-, a). linea.rnents

li <.: rtb-:- ...nd gouth-vt(ü'd í'rom the lQn.:;i tuciinal faul t zo.:::.e aig­

r:.:ific;:;.r.tly differa, which in<1icates a :'.eteral oc·xponont of

·· i :;;pl¡¡¡c.~roent.

O x~e c f tho n:ain specifi.::a of the neotectonic ;otaogc o:f

~ii<~:rn1. 1!aestra developroer,t is tl::'!! a'-lperpoeition of t r a n a

v e r & e - d 1 a g o n a 1 m o r p h o a t r u e t u r e s

on th<:~ tuó.inal morphoat ::"'.lchu·e of the ¡¡:,mntain system,

scpa::.·¡¡ted by l in e :;,.r;,enta of vt.rioua ol:dera. L¡u·ge difforeutly

t:plifted block¡¡ rep1·eoent cl~arl;y exp::.·eased t<l'bitrary morpho­

otrc:cturer;;, differing 0;¡ th~il· orogr¡¡phic atructure, the

,.y¡¡tem of Yari o;:, f: decompoeit.iun, ri v er valleye w:~d ridges

~, r:1 entll"' i ~ .. , \.o wlü.ch the ge;:~rúl -:;:::-eucl of t h e relief dis­

~-c~ ~ r~ent ia wubjected.

Withln the limit¡¡ of the ~ierra l.~!itestra r..ountün ay~tem,

five mlrln tr .-x.sveree morphostructurúl b).ocks cr<11 be identi­

fi edl

l<) l<Jwlll..nd v.ostern Sierr2 t: ~,, , stra (J(:O - 500 m) wi th pre­'lce of tho longitudir.ll..l t:ublatitude di ¡¡::. e~:berment;

b) Centrhl Sil!rra h:ae¡¡tra, :;wat uplifted during the recent

e.poch (I JOO - 2 {!00 m) w1 th prodo:ninar,c e of north-weatern

11 w:l ¡;ub::eridional di¡¡momborr;,ont; e) L'lid-ele'V'Q ted eaatern

chr.r¡¡ !iQe¡¡tr¡¡. (800 - I IOO m) nth predominance of the no:rth­

or.¡;¡tern and submeridiond dismemberment; d) tr~,sve r¡¡o typ:lcal­

l:y ¡¡uper:po¡¡ed zone of San.tio.go-Boniato, cocpo¡¡ed or the mo:ao•

Page 13: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

clinal plateau of Del Boni.ato (400 - 600 m) and the Santiago

de Cuba depreasion-graben~ frlillled by layered uplifts (IOO -

1;20 m) and ridge fore-mountains (.200 - )00 m} t e) the low-

1 and ¡¡¡¡ nsi:f o:f Gran Piedra ( 800 - I 200 m) wi th predonúnro1ce

of northwest-southea100tern disrnemberrnent. The adjacent la.rge

depression-graben of Cauto ia to be traced northward the

Sierra :!.~aeatra lllld the tra.naverae depreseion-g¡·abena of

Guantanomo and Central - eastward. ,

The individ~al morphostructural blocks ~e not only dif­

ferently uplifted but they are displaced in horizontsl dir­

ection one to the other. For example, the transverso block

of Mota along the linesment 15 step-1·."1se \lplifted v;eatward

v."i th rega¡·d to the Purgatorio block by 200 - 300 m and the

rJain wato¡·ehed is orthogonally displaced northward at almoat

5 k n •• Hong the lliasio lineament, the Centrcl Sierra Uaeotra

is uplifted at 0,3 leo and displaced at 2-3 k:t r.orthward.

Further, the block of Turcino-Azul is uplifted up to 0,5 km,

a.nd the n~in watershed ie dieplr.ced northwurd at J-5 kra.

Further eustwa.rd the Alto de Camito block ili displr,ced at

5 km a¿;ain northward, Thue v."i thin the Central Sierra t:uestra,

the tr¡;.;ueverse mo~hoetructurel blocks are with !:"fi.T..i1num up­

lift and the rcain wutershed ie meximu:n displaced by escurp--o

mente en echelon northward. Within the Eestern Sierra L:~.<.eotra

the t;eneral morphostructur:;¡_l-geodynlift!Íc sih:o.tion doeo not

vuy, but a step-v;ise depl'e¡¡u;;ion of n:orphostructural blocka

into pericline& t11kcs pla.ce, and their horizontal displace~

ment ( up to I, 5 - J km) occurs both north- and soutb-w11.rd •.


Page 14: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

l!.• Rcce n t G eody~:,;.cd.o ::; of !.!or¡; hoot ructill'es

The rece:nt ge ody:nRJ'.ics of the Ea¡;tern Cubt< w<d ita inter­

re~. «tion "''ith the morpho.:;tluctu.r-.1 dif:'e : ollt iatio:n was

¡¡tudicd b;¡ the ScYict-Ct~b ¡,;.: e:::pedi'!.icl'l D. Liliecberg (pri:n­

;;J.p:..l in ve otigator), E. F'i:;ko , V. !..'u_r.a tov, .J. Ernandes Sa.n­

twlll., M. Markes 'r'abl on, A. Yf; D':ll' ·~C :.::or&.le a t.i.nd o thera. Por

tho purpo¡¡e, two c a t egorie<> ,¡ f iustnur.ental datu were usedt

.,) repeated levelli:n,g of I r; t n:r:d 2nd order with a meaou:re­

ment inhrval of I5 - 20 years (1953/65 - 1970 /75) and b)

,;eh;:n.ic obser·.-a ti om• - the d,;.t :;, fo r I9 68 - 1978 a o well as

lli HG l'O<!c~ ia;rJ.c material& frD ;.J. tJ-.e r:.iddle of the I6 century.

Fu¡· t :r,e evalu~tion e::' ~ :1e geodetic d;.t a representativity

g il en.gineering-geor:wrphologicr.l study wae carried out on the

ut¡;bility e: ~ ;-~ [; e odetic poL<t s using a opecial methodic¡¡

:':.u :l~ ,.·, .·:g , Setu."l¡¡¡k¡¡,;.·~t., I9 69), a f ter whic.h na:ny levelling

;,,., .¡ , ,¡ were elL.·.inatéd f r0m the ge c· dyn a;¡ú. c¡¡is. 'l'he

x w.te vRl u e¡¡ of the 1·.::co:nt ve ~"tical mv'/ementa wer·e cb tained.

l. ' l1fclrtunately, they c¡¡.n be u aed in relr,tive valuea only,

~<ilJce they do nc t z:efcr to the J. ·.n1¿;··v~ri0d r~ a reogre.phic

n.euuurer~~nt¡¡¡, permittiJ16 to e Y&:::.u .. -:;e t i.leiJ.' ";...bliS ú lute zero".

~ ·Le ro¡;ul ta :frvm -::he me[.e.c·e ¡,1ent¡¡ were publ :'..;Jh~d for 1ndi-

7 idu6Ü p:;:oblo::li in varlous isO>C~es (Liliente:cg, 1980; I98I;

I 96J¡ 111-"' nberg, Pu&l.:l.l-.1, Dir.s, Vene reo , 1975 ; I97E:¡ Lilien­

te r g, Yin:;cv, 1lur w.tov et w.l., 1 97 7; IS20; Lilienterg, Blanko,

'>n u/..'1 <~ e¡¡ et al., I98I; Lilienterg, L:arkeli, Tii.blon, E.rnMdea

SfUltil.l<a et al., 1982, 196)).

Althou~L the repell.ted levelling line¡¡¡ be situated ¡¡¡uf-

Page 15: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

fi ciently uri.;i trary &.nd o.l:-~o~Jt of n o c:::ossing t1D.'C. l.l<:)h the

Sierra J,!aeatra mountain eyatern, they provide for the general

representativity on the nature and trenda in the recent

Gtlow verti cal move:r.ente in the rr:gion.

The analyais of the cumplex profiles of the :cecent ¡;eo­

.:lynrunica (Fig. I) showa that the i n t e n e i t y of the

slow ( cente11ary) vertical rr:.)Ve menta ia the rri aximUL'l f or Cuba

in thc l.nterpl ate interaction ::: one, the ruqll i t ude of their

r¡¡¡tea attaina up to I2 - I5 :run/year. Thls trend ÜL~erits the

epecific!J of the Pliocene·-Quo.ternury stage, featured also

wi th m;u..innun intensi ty of movement and r~obili ty.

FrorJ d i r e e t i o n a 1 point of view, the auboidence

ia predominant in the recent geodyn~~ce. It should be con­

eidered that the levelling linea are predominr..ntly traced

wi t1:ún the depressions, adjacent to Sierra ?.:aes tr& and the

ra t e v¡¡,luen a:re calculated wí th reference to the Iiil::ero poínt

wbich püo!Jibly is a subject to a slow UJ·li f t. In view of the

ge neral trend of the deprea Eion-g:raben decline , there c&n be

found sume trenda of increase in tbe mo·;e;aent rat e cf wee t­

~!n9tw;.rd dL·ecticn. Wi thin the transverse zo:r.e unly, li ¡~_ited

by the :regional¡¡_,nenta of Cont ra 1:uea t re aJld El

Chriato 13-.conao relative ( ¡¡,nd most probably abso ~ute) upli.fts

~re to be traced.

J.n important regulari ty waa obeerved and na:nely the

op atial diatribution of the alow ve·rtic•l movements be ir.¿;

cloaely re1~tted te the morphoetructural relief differentiat­

ion and reflecting mainly the b 1 o e k a t r u e t u r _


Page 16: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the



• t • · j

llrr~l ,._,.._.,,corluraf p(4 t¡- ~ u

/lo Bf <"'O~>r>C"t*tl"'<lf' lu¡~IA~d l.. .l ii-t>tlurfl.

·· ·----t.,_

Jl(• rsl·rrrt"'l:tel/1'7¡.¡ f • pl'•f!"J a l:J~nul (o

J t

G- t'IL [,,., . ,..,onc rt', -,.._ ~ ;,!co1 S ae.LnL~¿"~

~ig.I COffiplex profile of recent ceodinamics of some region5 o! ~astern Cuba

Page 17: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

t n g of the ea:rth crcw1t. 'Ihe junctior. zones of the indiv­

idual ¡¡¡orphost],"Uctuxal bl.ocks are sp ecified by a brupt drope

in th'~ movement ratea and by high gradiente of their value

variation, which ia typical for the active and activized

faul te a:nd linearreuta. Related to this, the veloci ty curve

t a of atep-wilile configl.'Xation. As ohown by the geodetic

meaeuxementa of Cuba, the, ¡·ecent defo:rmationa of folding

nat uxe are not typical fo,r the interplate interaction zone.

'Ihe uni que lino of the rep,ated levelling c:cosses the

\•estern Sierra l.lueetra in ita most per:tclinal part. It ex­

ilibitra slow aubsidence with reference to the Nikero point

with arate of -I r:=¡jyl!}rll' 0 1. e. it reflecta some imereion

of the recent movements fo-..· the laot decades as compared to

the contenary trend ( after geological and g eomorphologicol

e7idence) •

.An increase of subsid~llCe ia typicol for the Sabanilya

graben-wonoclinal plain ( compared to )J1k~ro) of weat-e¡,at-

7i ard direetion. Thie p lain is adjacent to the Weotern Sierra

1:e.ostra f r om north to we s t and the increaae is of atep-wi s e

o c curnmce, :t·efl ecting th<! large tranoverse bloc ka ofl the

layered !likero plain (O + I mm/year), the ho.rst-Jwnoclin&.l.

uplifta of Cumpechuella (-) + -4 rmn/yeur) und of l;ianzanilyo

(-6 + -7 mn/year). The aize of the roorphootructurel ateps

.. tt!Uns up to 25 - )0 km, "nd the b .:. unda.riea between thero

10ro of oharp contraat, accompr.nied with high-gradie::1t zonca

(0,3 - 0,5 mro/yea.r/bn) of transl,"t>é>ionlll. n:orpholinewnents.

Based on thi.a, the local blook upli:fts are outlined with


Page 18: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

a relative rate of 0,5 - I mtn/year.

'rhe Cauto depreJ:>sion-grab~n adjacent to the Central

~;ierra ;,:aestra from the northern side, continuos this trend

of utep-wise increaee of the tmbsidence e¡,¡¡¡tward (Fig. 2).

;l'he ¡·ecent vertical movementa ¡•eflect the complex block

<iifferentiation of tlria yolmg (Late - !.:iddle Pleistoceno)

ploin. ·nu·ee transverae morphostructural eteps are distin-

0ulohed therel Yura (-4 + -5 mm/year ), Baya'no (~ + -IO

r'!n/ yeB.r) nnd Central Cauto (-I2 + -I5 r::r:-./year), v:i th referen-

ce to Nikero, which corresponde to the t:i:&nsverse blocka

of the Central Sierra Muestra.--The movement bradient along

tJ:e aepnratlng ;Jorpholinea:nents ia of 0,5 - I mrr./year/krn.

Euoe d on this, series of local uplifts of reletive height

dlf!'e rence of O ,3 - I mm/ year are outli n ed. A typical feat-

,_,re is thet the ::J uin ri ver v&.lleys ¡¡.re bound to act ive rnorpho-

l ineamento.

The levelli!1g along the sm.:.t:r.ern foot of Sierra Maestra,

which \',fiS devel c·p ed uB orc¡:;enic !:c0:1Jhostructure, ccnjugated

v:i th tl:e spreadlng Bru:tlet trench. hus shov.n thut during

the last decude the recent vertical t::c;·erpents were slowly

intensivo there and lesa contrest as co:::pli'.red to the north-

ern foot of the mountain. 'I·he relativo rat e v-ariation

between -I + +0 , 5 h-:J.:/yeg,r but nevertheless reflecta the main

transverso blocks of the :not.:ntain s:,-ate:n.

1'he tra11sverae superposed subsidence zone of Santya,go­

Boniato is 0 bpecific interest. The unique 1 a r g e i n­

v e r a i o n of movement wi th lOO km of width corresponda

Page 19: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

N N ....

Page 20: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

to thiG ln thJ~ ..l~;:scent seodylJa:xtcs. Comp¿U"Cd to tht.~ general

1"a~..::1~;¿~l' of 2\Jbnidi!':nce, abrl..4ptly ccntra:Jt uplift ls flxed

th,~ re wi th rt• fere1:ce to the acent blocks. 1'he movement

... -;::t.t ... ~ \~(;.-I~iaticn. alor;,g tl1e: 'bt.:t:JJ.dil:t; linenr:.1~nt8 oí" Cont:c·a

',:aed.;:.~ ~:21d ;.:¡ Clu'íuto Bnco:nao Httnins up to 5 - 7 r:.m/year

et :; dL;tn;¡ce of 5 ·- 10 JG.1 only, whi<~:J. p:rovider_¡ thc highe3t

r;_r~-~~.1.:-.e:rt.s of the ve:ctical woVcrrhc:·nta - ~~.1p to I rmn/year/t..m

(:";, hox·sts -~~10ll0Clinal :eldges, horst lJlateaUXt bu.y­

.1~,1't10·~.•ns, etc .• ¡rhe yuu.:n.g feults s<~pe.ratitl.g th~':::;n often poas·ecs

Lhe ¡;eomorphological d.gnatu:ces of w:oi;J.v.~ moti.on, 'leform tho

d.V<"l' l:~ds, are 8.Cco::;p;.mied by m:.Jbile lanr1slidcs nnd collnp­

,.,.~~-?t e.~;G karst forms.

The Grn:-1 Piedra ~.:cr::oclinGl-ti:rust mountein rrmsrdf, siic- to }3\.e:c.r·p :.:c.estra, is of slo-,7 activity durin.g the

1: s: ,;.;:.;:acle. Co::·pArcd to the curroundil"'; plaina it .is cm1ject

1 .. ' slcw ·,:pliftin,¡_; up to I - 2 :·,":v'yeo:J.' vib.icil is clearly dif-

l ~l·entiat·~·d e.long the tre..nevccce'"diaf_;one.l morpholinemn~nts

ll't¿;. 3) o

'l!.e depression-grabens of G'.!L--'1t2n<or.-:c rmd Central located

~ ~:w~C.rd are fenh1red with Bt.ep-wise dep:ceJ,tdcn-blocka aleo

pf ·:p t·o -IO + ;..I~ rrmv'year prov.Ldine bacY..grounda for the

t·cc.;:.rrer.ce of loc:;;l horot. rmd greben m:o.:rphoetructurea and

)u¡·¡;e rwr¡:holineax:;ents of gradiente up to I- I,5 rnm/year/km.

J..s seen ir. t.hese data, the geodynwnica of the ¡•ec~nt

Page 21: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

C A R I B ;:., ,. "

i'1g.3 Map of intensity a.nd si¡;ns o~ rQc~nr. movenwntn in. th~ ree;ion Santiago C\e Cuha. I - iéOlir:es of velocities o! rtocent movements in mm/year,2• linea of repeated level measurements; .&reaa of upli!ta1 ;- r¡¡odere.te,4- weak . .Arcas of siilkine;:5

Page 22: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

vertical moveme nta of Eustern Gubt> ( after geodetic measure­

m::-;¡ t:s ) wns very B.Gtive, complexly differentin.ted e.nd sharply

· contraot. In additi on, it should be considered that tbe re­

ce nt r.;!Yements of non-linear 'out rHther of quasi-periodic

i:Gtur·e. Therefore, tn me..ny ceses th~ given n<té vo1u~s may

1·enect the auperposed Ghort-period fl u ctuation nnd not the

centena:ry trend.

Slow ( cent.:;nary) Hnd r Hp'id ( oeirm ic) ~ovemt:nt s closely

r::•lat e to eech other nnd represent the both sides of the

1~: ~:\.fi ed procesa o.f the rt;cent tectonogcnes:1.a .

;:;Gotcrn Cuba is the mc at ·.f3~1EI!!.~ct .l.,.Y~_J?..Ql~i of t he zone

of intertJlate lnt,~J.'Hction. Durine the b.ietorical epoch, se­

\'~nü hru:.,1re:J.s of cnrtllquakes have b~en recorded here, in­

c l~,; <i ing ur • .r1y etrcmg nnd d~structive ones (Boi tel , Y11mbu1

I::76 ; Cbu.i, I979; 1980; Li1ienberg, et al.,.I98I; 1983).

Spl'd :fic unft,ril'ourable i~> the morphostructural tmd geo­

d)•na;~.ic ai tunt lon of SantyE1go de Cuba ci ty, "the er.stern

Ct·pi te.l" of the eount.ry, with popu1ntion of severnl ht:.r.dred

thot:s E.nda, which is loca ted in certain "a.rtil~r'y fork" bet­

wee:l three dirt:ctly •:.djacent focal zonee .

?. eg ardle es to the insufficient accuracy in the epicentral

e.nd hypoce.ntral ee.rthc¡uuke determin¡¡,tion f:rom the central

seio:::ic station of "Rio Carpintero" the infltl'1.lmental data

for ti::e period of I968-I978 (Chui, I979; !980) enable the

separetion of sorne general a p a t i a l 1 n t e r a e t

1 o n s between seis:nodynamics and mcrphoatructure e. For

the I5 years the main se1smogenic zone of Eaetern Cuba


Page 23: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

o ....

Page 24: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

' waa ·the sublatitudillal zo:ne of conjugatlon between Sierra

Maestra ¡;¡ sySitem and the deepwater .Bartlet trench1

directly c01mected w;i th the tra,."lsform f;~.ul t of the thrust

t;nH! ··<"i·;:::. elements of left-late:;.·a.l Y..Tench-faul t. Th:t·oughout

th~ se y e ~U' B, severQJ. hu:ndred of e a:rthqu~<.kes ha ve be en re­

c o¡·ded hcre wi th K ~7-I4, the epicentrea of which are locat­

od u.t the aubmEU'ine slope of t h e Bartlet t r ench directly at

the foot of Sie¡·ra Maestra (Fig. 4). Foci of depth of 25 - 50 1

50 - 70 km are domins.n t .._nd ln oome ce.sea ttp to IOO - I20 km.

J:hus the ¡;eiGJÚC data a,f;r~e .,.;ell with the datQ on the recent .. vartic«l novementa. This cc":;:: relation ia confirme d by geo-

phyaical data. The otudy of th" ;¡¡ateriala from the electro-

magnetic f:L t; ld va:rintion has s1~o\'íll that t ov;urds the northern

trunsfo:rm outm·o at the b orde:r of internct.ion between the

Cuban &"l C the Cari bbo.w1 platee, a large linear field anormU.y

ie attriUuted, which uaua1ly provides evidence on t~ ac-

cu:mtlation of deform>~.tion energy m~.d of'ten p:receeds earth-

qtH<-}:es (Lilienbc rg, et al., I98)) •

. Rega:rdleaa that the entire Cuban part o.f the trm~.eform

suture has eeiaJr,ogenorating p ot .'!!nt.ial, the concontra.tion of

the eit·thqua~e epicentros ie clearly located Qt dotex~ned

poir:te, v.-here a ayatematic eeismic energy release occu:rs.

These locatione are situ¡¡.ted at the croas-zonea o:f the trllll¡;-

form suture IO'.lld the tr(<nsverse-diagonal morpho11neaments and

faul ts, contraatly aeparating the main rnorphostructura1

blocks of Sierra V.aeetra a.nd Gran Piedra masaif, 1. e. the

.so celled m o r p h o e t r u e t u r a l n o d e a,

Page 25: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

IUld rúproaenting w.-,s•.k< of the e ,u··th c:rus:ri; ¡Jlaying import¡¡.nt

ge odyn-.:nic rolG in the recent e,, ¡_· tb. t~chmogenl!leia.

Tr.~ moet wea"tw!ird morpho ctr;.; S<liamogen1.c node ilil

••·~ tuatod at the eubm;u·lno contirnwt:l.on of tha ILcorpllolinerune:ttt

atructura, sep a.lí> Wer; ~·~r:n Rnd c c,_ntr&-1 Sierra l>:ec stra.

The ~arthquak~ ept centr<!l.'l of K ~ ~>·IJ !ll' <'~ grou:p c d ~t tbe ab-

rupt eubni;1 :rire. elope of the t:t·(, ·,:eh wi thl.n d~ptha of 500

6 eco rn. The FUon e¡;,rthqwake of I97G 'll'i th M- 5, 75 h~ad oc-

cu.rr od t h ere.

The second 1,1o:re u<'isrnl u-::ti VI: node is si tuated at

~he underthruat conti·•n<ation of the t:canoverse morpholinea-

ment ¡:¡ystem aep"_rating Centyal ¡md E'-¡;¡;n:ern Sierra Mae¡¡tra.

The earthqu.ake <o.picentrea of K~9-II u~ E;rouped at the eub­

m¡;¡rine slope vdthin deptha of I - 5 :::r:. Poci of depths o.f

25 - 50, rarely of 70 km, ar~ predominant.

The th1rd aeiamo&cti ve tnorphoatruct ux Gl nodo wi thin the

oe._me :;:;one of the traneform auturl3 is to be tr;; .. ::ed at the

oubmarine continuation of thc a;:¡;.;tem the trrmsve:rse

rnorpho linet;,:nente a~p arliting E~stern S1 ~.::z:'r>a Ha e t~Íl':? ":•· · n

Snntyago de Cuba d'.lpress:! on-graben. ~·t.o e¡¡.rthc,ue\ 2 t.;• .. ' 'mt-

res of K~9··I) a.nd focal dépths o l' ::5 - 50 :km :; onc~n!.:-, : 11

along the subme.rin.e <ll ~·l'~ of dep th ranging betwe~:: I - .,. km.

Large morphostructural l'leiemoacti'Ve JS.Odlils are vclao loeated

at the diamembe rmer.t contin'lation &.loJJg tbe e aste m

part of Santyago de C>.lb:i de:preasion··grabcn 4Uld along the

subm~ne continuation of Gr~ Piedra mountain maasif. The7

aoem to join into a single fO'ri'erfUJ. aeiümor..ctin atrip oo:r-


Page 26: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

1·osp llnd.ix:,g to the cr oos·- oection of the tr!in nform suture Wtd

the triilcs ve r ae- s J.:.pc rp oaed morphoatructm·W: zono of S»ntysgo

Boniato and Jiroctly t hreat i'. lÚI:g Dt<.:lt yago de Cuba ci ty from

~; outh. In tl·J. s aL·ip, t h c l'".'ix.:t r;n ;-a lin ~ ar rawnaly of the

electre-;::.;;_g¡:e tic fi•!ld .is to be ret::. arded.

A c o:;;¡JJ. ex o ~ i smo ac-Live rwde is aitw. ted s outhward from

the Gu¡¡.::::t l.alOmo bay. It correGp onda to t ho region of youug

ulOrplw at n:ctur!Ü l' >'; &rran¿ement o o:f the eae t cnl e dge of the

de c:¡n\'ater E ~,rtl et tron cl1 whe ¡·e it r; croe n-sect i. c·n:lng wi th

t r¡;.n sve.:r ue·-diegonal morpholin.:; a;nents of north·· v;estward and

no:r t h- e ar:; twar d orientnt J. Gn occu rs toge ther wi th the complex

r01o of the cubmB ril;e 1·elief. 'I h c de ep eot e arthquake foci

~are c!: t n : ted here (up to 50 - 70, so:;letiraes up to roo

}.:m) wi th K ~9-I2.

The s ec c>nd 5, !1 s i ze s ei amoge!Je:cating zone of Eastern

Cub¡¡ en lR.nd is the tranB V·~rse sup e rpo sed morphoatructure

of Sl.illty~o-Boniato. ':!:he uhort-per.!. od inveroi cn of the re­

c ent Ye rUcol Loovenento of up to IOO k;n wid:th .ia typicRl

for it ncw, whl c:r p r ovides evi c (;nce on thc earth cruots.l

atrain ~o< cc t;:~~ü at ion of pü s 8i:;le eurthquake generation ( M

.. 6).

Two :::;c;,ry1::c 3tructural nod ;~ a are outlined thero (Fig. 4)

fe• tt~ed ~~t h surface f oci (from I - 5 to I5 - 25 km) of

s :-Hül en e rge t ic cl&s 8 K~ 7-IO. Both of them are attributed

to the cros s - aection of the morpbolineamenta neparating two

highly rncbile morphostructural olocka, outlining young lilld relief res.rro.ngement - del Boniato :plate¡,;u ¡;¡,nd the


Page 27: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

conjugation zone, betwe~n the pla t<::C"n! and t'he depression­

(.;l'aben of Sautyago de Cuba 1md the north··We;3tern,g of

Gran Piedra massif. They tl:rreoten dir,;ctly SO<ntyago de Cuba

el ty froo north and north-ear;t. 'l'he tr:.:.:..'lsverse fau.l tin.g of

'.;J:·an Piedra maasif occu:rs tn these sectora with the format­

lGn of the aeismogrRYitational morphoat:ructures ru1d the

r~:éismodeformation of the river beds. In many c¡¡ses the earth­

quske epice11t:rea are of linear concentra tion, fixing the

Gpreading fault zone hoth in longitude and depth.

At the northern foot of Sierra Maestra a corr:plex morpho­

structural node is to be fou:nd at the fore-deep of Contra

. :.:;aestra-Jigua·r'.i, where yotmg faul ting occu:rs wi th north­

.vestern and north-eastern directiou. 'fhere the foci wi th

?;~IO-I2 ¡¡¡,re pr·edominant at depth of I5 - 50 km. I·t; mHy be

uu_,;¿:;ested that the coristruction of the large Carlos !.~anuel

de Gesped!'ls reservoir we.a the source of series of (techno­

genic) earthquakes' excitation, the activation of which waa

noticed after the construction of th,~ reaervoir (Lilienberg,

1980) • The region of young small block rearrar1p,;ernent of the

Bayamo relief i.s alsc of se1s;noactive occtU'Tence together

wi th some crooc--sections of morphol t:neaments vd thln the C~.>.uto

depression-graben where high gradiente of vertieal move­

ments were recorded by the repeated levolling.

The rapid { aeismic) movementa are cléRrly differentiated

not only epatislly, their quaai-periodic v a r 1 a t 1 o n

1 n t 1 m e 1e also to b-e obaerved. CertRin increfi.Ge and

decrea•c of the aeia~ic activity can be extracted froa the


Page 28: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the

8o1•~ostQti~tic~l n aterialQ ~or the pc~ioda of I60-I40,

100-80, 50-40, J0-25, I2 - IO a:nd lees yoars (Lilienberg,

I980). Baoed on the dat:.~ .~·rom th~ Pi o t ~ ,c~:plntero aeiamic

w ·:;~<ti on, ao:::1o <lli•?:i. ucemer: t i!l t ime o-t ': l1e seis::-d.c e e ti vi ty

Clill be ob;erve d sü org tho trs r.oform suture. During the por­

iod of 1968-!974 the ll !~rthquG.kes l:ad c oncentrate d predomi­

nnntly to tho ealilt, aout:•v.•trd from Gua:ntanomo and S~mtye.go

Ull Cuba, dm·ing I975 the •¡di v). ty move a we s tward at the .

bo¡•dcr of ~ u~<t ern Sierra J.:~eetl·.a Wld in I976 they attain

the edge weatern pl!lrt at '~he uorder of Weatern and Eaatern

Sie rra L! t•e;¡tu., t hroughou\ !977-!978 they shift ~ain oaat­

wa.r·:l, to tho south fr om Santyago de C<:ba, wh.ich to a cortain

n:tont r e veala thc lL·:chani;¡m of the g eodynamica in the con­

jugation Z ' 'X'' l -:.etweeu the Cubll..ll &nd the Curibbe ll..ll pl10.tea.

P : .. ··'''l the d¡¡ta, pre10ented here, i t can b e seen that all

·i Y!J"'lil o'f thc re c<!l nt tecto:uic movements are e 1 o e e l y

r e l a t e d to a concrete morphoatructural differeut1at-

1on P.S well a .s to each c1ther. The ter:ci tory in at c~dy is

u.nique by it~o~ r~orphotectonic ~.rd ge od:¡ rle.JDÍC tiituation and

·can be uaed 11.11 e. model ¡•eg i on for obt .¡¡>..g v.U u able scien­

t1fic info:rmation. For thc roll.aon, the Ac~tdemy of Scier.ces

ir, Cuba together with the Geodetic Survey Office had eatab­

li&hed tht~re a complex geodyng.rnic test f :ield {Santya.go de

Cuba) of mul tipu.l1loae designa ti en and for earthquake prc­

d1ct1on mainly.

Page 29: r · In result of Hesg' worka (1938, I953) e.nd JJe Plshon et al., (1966) the C&ribbean r egi on waa conaidered froro the neo-mobiliatic point 1 of >iew end t he leading role of the


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