Page 1: Quote of the Day 16...Volume No. 4263 Monday September 16, 2019 Sunbla 25, 1398  Price: 20/-Afs Quote of the Day The secret of business is to know …

” ” Volume No. 4263 Monday September 16, 2019 Sunbla 25, 1398 Price: 20/-Afs

Quote of the Day

The secret of business is to know something that

nobody else knows.

Aristotle Onassis


“The militant group is aware that they have committed a «big mistake,” tweeted the US president, adding “it was not a «good idea» for Taliban to launch a deadly blast in Kabul,

The WHO has been carrying out a polio-vaccination campaign in Afghanistan, one of the last countries in the world where the disease is endemic.

KABUL - President Donald Trump has confirmed the kill-ing of Osama bin Laden’s son Hamza bin Laden in a US op-eration in the Afghanistan-Paki-stan border area.The confirmation came in a statement from the White House press office. However, it did not say when the operation was conducted.Trump said: “The loss of Hamza bin Laden not only deprives Al Qaeda of important leadership skills, but undermines opera-tional activities of the group.”He added Hamza bin Laden was responsible for planning and dealing with various terror-ist groups.In an interview last month, US Defence Secretary Mark Esper said it was his understand-ing that Hamza bin Laden was dead. (Pajhwok)

KABUL - Afghan security forc-es had no role in the killing of Hamza bin Laden, the son of for-mer al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, the Afghan Ministry of Defense announced on Sunday.“There are reports about killing of the son of Osama Bin Laden but Afghan security forces had no role in such an operation,” said Rohullah Ahmadzai, the De-fense Ministry Spokesman.In addition, the Interior Ministry said that the al-Qaeda network is still providing support to the Taliban insurgent group.Nasrat Rahimi, a spokesman for the interior ministry further said that al-Qaeda members are still taking part in Taliban military operations.On Saturday, the U.S. President Donald Trump announced that Hamza bin Laden had been killed during a counter-terrorism op-eration in the region around the Afghanistan–Pakistan border.These comes as a major part of the U.S.-Taliban agreement fo-cused on Taliban cutting their re-lation with al-Qaeda.Sayed Akbar Agha, a former Tali-ban official told Ariana News that Afghan Taliban has no interest to al-Qaeda network but possibly there is a cooperation between the network and the Pakistani Taliban. (ATN)

Trump Confirms Killing of Osama’s Son

Afghan Forces Had No Role in Killing of Hamza Bin Laden: MoD

Taliban Know Kabul Attack Was a Big Mistake: Trump

KABUL - The Afghan Taliban on Sun-day revoked their ban on the Inter-national Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and restored its guarantee for

Taliban Restores Security Guarantees to Red Cross in Afghanistan

Security Situation Inept to Hold Presidential Vote: Senators

the security of ICRC staff doing hu-manitarian work in Afghanistan.“The Islamic Emirate restores the former security guarantees to ICRC

in Afghanistan and instructs all mu-jahedin to pave the way for ICRC activities and to be mindful of secu-rity to this committee’s workers and equipment,” a Taliban statement read.An ICRC spokesman said the same day that the organization’s operations had resumed across the country.In April, the Taliban imposed a ban on the ICRC and the World Health Organization (WHO), alleging the two organizations were conducting “suspicious” activities connected with their vaccination campaigns.The September 15 statement did not mention the WHO.The Taliban control more than half of Afghanistan’s 410 districts. (VoA)

KABUL - A number of Meshrano Jirga or upper house members on Sunday said the current security situation in the country was inappropriate for holding the Sept. 28 presi-dential elections.Mualvi Abdullah Qarloq, Senate’s deputy chairman, told today’s session that insecuri-ty remained the main challenge in conduct-ing the ballot.He said the current security situation was not appropriate for holding the polls as the highways of Takhar-Kunduz, Balkh-Jawz-jan, Jawzjan-Faryab, Balkh-Sar-i-Pul and others were closed due to insecurity.He stressed the need for free and transpar-ent election because people would not par-ticipate in a fraudulent ballot.Senator Anar Kali Hunaryar said that sensi-tive election materials had not yet reached some provinces and measures should be

taken in this regard.But the Independent Election Commission (IEC) today said that sensitive election materials had reached 33 provinces of the country.

JALALABAD - The Independent Electoral Com-plaints Commission (IECC) on Sunday expressed confidence biometric devices would prove effec-tive as the supplying company had assured there would be no technical lapses in the devices.The IECC’s response comes after reports that faulty biometric devices might be used in this month’s presidential elections.The presidential elections are scheduled on Sep-tember 28 and the Independent Election Commis-sion (IEC) has already expressed its preparedness to hold the ballot.Qutbuddin Roidar, IEC deputy head, during a visit to eastern Nangarhar province, told Pajhwok Afghan News that all sensitive materials for elec-tions had been dispatched to provincial capitals.Referring to technical faults in biometric devices during last year’s elections, he said the supplier company had assured that the biometric devices were fully functional and there would be no issue during polls.He said around 70 complaints had been registered with the IEC from different candidates, which would be addressed in due time.Abdul Wakeel Hanifi, head of Nangarhar IECC, said officials had been tasked with collecting com-plaints at polling stations on Election Day. He called on people ...(More on P4)...(1)

KABUL - The Afghan Special Forces discovered and destroyed one of the biggest bomb factories of Taliban during an operation in Ghazni province.The 203rd Thunder Corps said in a statement that the Special Forces discovered the bomb making factory in Moqor district.The statement further added that the Special Forces confiscated and destroyed 165 improvised explosive devices.Furthermore, the Special Forces confiscated 26 motorcycles, a vehicle, 5 Ak-47 rifles, 2 PKM ma-chine guns, a rocket launcher, 15 rockets of the rocket launcher, 500 rounds of Dshk ammunition, 1000 rounds of PKM machine ammunition, 500 rounds of M4 rifle ammunition, 20 military uni-forms and 5 radio sets. (ATN)

IECC Confident Biometric Devices to Work Properly

Special Forces Destroy one of the Biggest Bomb-Making Factories of Taliban in Ghazni

KABUL - US President Donald Trump on Saturday said Talinan knew they made a big mistake by launching a deadly attack in Kabul, which claimed 12 lives including an American soldier.“The Taliban has never been hit harder than it is being hit right now. Killing 12 people, including one great American soldier, was not a good idea.”“There are much better ways to set up a negotiation. The Taliban knows they made a big mistake, and they have no

idea how to recover!,” Trump tweeted.Trump had called off the negotiations with the Taliban and cancelled a “se-cret meeting” with the group’s repre-sentatives at Camp David in the wake of the Kabul terror attack.Despite Trump’s decision, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that the administration is still working toward a deal but it will not proceed until the Taliban delivers on its com-mitments.

On September 5, two NATO troops including a US soldier and 10 Af-ghans were killed in a car suicide bombing claimed by the Taliban in Shash Darak area of Kabul.In reaction, the Taliban in a statement said they would continue fighting and the US would suffer more.A Taliban delegation then traveled to Russia and announced they were ready for resumption of talks with the US. (Pajhwok)

Other members of the upper house held similar views and demanded security in the country, particularly on highways and said security was vital for the conduct of ballot.Mohammad Alam Izedyar, first deputy chairman of the upper house who chaired today’s session, called on the government to ensure security across the country so people could cast their vote in a peaceful environ-ment.He said sensitive election materials should be dispatched to all provinces because the election day was not far.Abdul Aziz Ibrahimi, IEC spokesman, told Pajhwok Afghan News that sensitive materi-als had reached all provinces and centers via air and ground.He hoped security could better on the elec-tion day so people could freely cast their vote. (Pajhwok)

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