  • 8/14/2019 Quiz #9 Survey Research Report


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    Quiz #9 Survey research report

    Quiz #9

    Survey research report

    Clinton Ferguson

    Sowk 300-01 SP

    Tuskegee University

    March 10th

    , 2010

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    Abstract: In alcoholics anonymous it is taught that chemical dependency is a disease. I would

    like to explore the feelings that respondents have towards this claim. This topic is interestingto me because when I consider diseases I never take into account the possibility of a self inflicted

    disease so in further exploring this topic of chemical dependency. Looking at all this data I can

    concluded that women are more likely than men to agree with the statement chemical

    dependency is in fact a disease this is in line with the earlier stated hypothesis.

    Introduction: The topic I will be investigating is chemical dependency and the question

    specifically that I will seek to answer is do you think that chemical dependency is a disease.

    Chemical dependency is a widespread problem and is viewed differently across the globe. I am

    interested in the respondents feedback towards chemical dependency and if they believe it is a

    disease. In alcoholics anonymous it is taught that chemical dependency is a disease. I would like

    to explore the feelings that respondents have towards this claim. This topic is interesting to me

    because when I consider diseases I never take into account the possibility of a self inflicted

    disease so I chose to further explore this topic of chemical dependency. In addition to our

    research question we will also be measuring different attributes as well. Attributes such as age,

    gender, income, education, country, team, map and overview will be measured and analyzed. I

    will be comparing all this data and looking for evidence that will support or reject my

    hypothesis, as well as any significant statistics that were unexpected. The variables age,

    gender, and education will be my background variables. Vote, overview, map, income, team and

    country will be our questionnaire items. These variables are very important to my research as it

    will help to determine the outcomes. By assessing these attributes I expect to find out that people

    from America will view chemical dependency as a disease. I also believe that we will find

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    evidence suggesting that lower income and lower educational attainment level respondents will

    view chemical dependency as a disease as well. Taking into account age I think we will see that

    younger respondents will hold a view that chemical dependency is a disease as well. With

    gender involved I expect to see evidence that will prove that women will be more inclined to

    hold the belief that chemical dependency is indeed a disease. Taking a deeper look into the

    rationale behind my expectations are as follows. The reason I believe that those respondents

    from America will view chemical dependency as a disease more than those respondents from

    outside the country is that alcoholics anonymous a very popular group for those with chemical

    dependency issues and they tell their members that chemical dependency is a disease. Having

    never been to alcoholics anonymous I was familiar with this term which Im sure is the case for

    other Americans as well. For lower income and lower educational attainment respondents I

    believe that they will also view chemical dependency as a disease. My reasoning behind this is

    that possibly lower income and lower educational attaining respondents are more likely to get

    involved in the criminal justice system than higher income higher educational attaining

    respondents. This is significant because in criminal justice systems across America alcoholics

    anonymous is considered a self help tool that is often required as part of probation, parole,

    rehabilitation or even for first time offenders and youthful offenders. Correlated with this I

    mentioned the variable gender as playing a role in women believing that chemical dependency is

    a disease. My rationale behind this expectation is the fact that women are more likely to seek

    medical attention sooner than men and with this they will be enlightened to the alcoholics

    anonymous teachings as well as the medical professionals who believe the same. Another reason

    I hold this expectation is that in the medical world a disease is considered an abnormal condition

    that impairs normal bodily function. With that being said there is a very strong case that women

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    can make that pregnancy also falls under the same category and this I believe gives women a

    tighter bond to the fact as well as a reason to wonder.

    List of graphs:

    Table 1

    Gender of Respondents


    Sex Frequency Percent


    Male 30 76

    Female 14 24

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    Table 2

    Age of Respondents

    ____ ____________________________________

    Gender 18-25 26-55 56-65


    Male 9 13 4

    Female 3 10 1


    Total 12 23 5

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    Table 3



    High School Bachelors Doctorate


    17% 23% 4%

    Table 4 Table 5


    ___________________________________ ___________________________________

    High School Bachelors Doctorate High School Bachelors Doctorate

    Women 15% 75% 10% Men 70% 30% 0%

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    Men Women


    Chart 1




    Age Cat
















    Chart 2



    Doctorate Bachelors High School

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    Table 1: In this table we see that 76% of our respondents are male and 24% female with a total

    of 30 male Respondents and 14 female respondents. This is important and affects all of our

    outcomes because we have more than double males giving us data.

    Table 2: Here we further investigate our background variables looking at the age of our

    respondents along with their gender. Here I collapsed age categories 65 into AGECAT 56-65+. What

    we notice here is that majority of respondents are in AGECAT 26-55 with 18-25 coming in

    second with 12 respondents and last the 56-65+ AGECAT with the least representatives at 5.

    Table 3: we collapsed grade school & high school into high school, associates & bachelors into

    bachelors, masters & doctorate into doctorate. What we see here is 23% of respondents fall into

    the bachelors category while the doctorate category is only at 4% and the high school category

    is 17%. What is significant in this data is that most of our respondents are in the high

    school/bachelor category.

    Chart 1: Here we illustrate the frequency with the age category by gender. This gives us a look

    in another light at very important data findings. What is apparent in this chart is that men in the

    26-55 age categories have the highest representation of respondents.

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    Chart 2: gives us a new perspective on some similar data viewing the data we see that the data

    from chart 1 with males in age category 26-55 as the highest representatives changes in a big

    way. When were talking about percentage what we see here is that women mate 75% percentage

    wise this is a big difference.

    Summary: Looking at all this data I can conclude that women are more likely than men to agree

    with the statement chemical dependency is in fact a disease this is in line with the earlier stated

    hypothesis. This topic is interesting to me because when I consider diseases I never take into

    account the possibility of a self inflicted disease so in further exploring this topic of chemical

    dependency. In addition to our research question we measured different attributes that help in

    bringing our research question to light. Attributes such as age, gender, income, education,

    country, team, and map are measured and analyzed. It is determined through data analysis that

    chemical dependency is viewed as a disease in America more than outside of America.

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