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  • 7/31/2019 Quick Stat Laguna


    LAGUNA QUICKSTAT(Monthly Update of Most Requested Statistics)

    As of June 2012


    2011 May 2012 Apr 2012 May 2011

    127.80 130.30 130.40 127.00

    Inflation rate 5.30 2.60 2.40 4.80

    0.78 0.77 0.77 0.79


    Total number of buildings 8,283 1,132 1,108 1,238

    Total floor area 715,821 223,498 199,931 222,341

    Value 5,226,057 1,512,021 2,219,557 1,748,300

    5,791 847 789 921

    Total floor area 448,516 117,852 93,783 116,026

    Value 3,155,116 868,295 862,196 874,533

    1,883 114 104 142

    Total floor area 234,692 98,104 95,916 96,054

    Value 1,727,899 549,244 1,128,243 637,362

    2010 2009 2008

    Number of cities 3 3 3

    Number of municipalities 27 27 27

    674 674 674

    2007 2000 1995

    Total population 2,473,530 1,965,872 1,631,082

    Urban - 1,641,272 -

    Rural - 324,600 -

    Male - 975,470 813,532

    Female - 990,402 817,550

    3.22 4.08 3.32

    98.4 98.49 99.51

    Household population 2,470,090 1,963,259 1,628,853

    Male 1,224,889 974,110 812,181

    Female 1,245,201 989,149 816,672

    Number of households 542,906 417,886 337,018

    Average household size 4.55 4.69 4.83

    1,290 1,117 911.30

    Median age - 23 22

    Dependency ratio - 60.20 63.30

    Young dependents - 54.80 58.10

    Old dependents - 5.40 5.20

    Proportion by age group

    0 - 4 - 12.30 12.90

    0 - 14 - 34.20 35.60

    15 - 64 - 62.40 61.20

    18 and over - 60.00 57.80

    65 and over - 3.30 3.20

    - 83.50

    Proportion of persons with disabilities - 1.10 0.80

    PRICE INDICES (2006=100)

    Consumer Price Index

    Purchasing power of the peso (2006-2011)

    PRIVATE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION(Floor area in square meter; value in P1,000) 3rd Qtr 2011 2nd Qtr 2011 3rd Qtr 2010

    Residential (number)

    Nonresidential (number)

    GEOGRAPHY (Sources: Philippines in Figures and Philippine Yearbook)

    Number of barangays

    DEMOGRAPHY (Source: 2007 Census of Population)

    Annual growth rate (2000-2007)

    Sex ratio (number of males for every 100 females)

    Population density (square kilometer)

    Proportion of urban population n.a




  • 7/31/2019 Quick Stat Laguna


  • 7/31/2019 Quick Stat Laguna



    2000 1995 1990

    Both sexes 30,802 30,471 16,094

    No grade completed 136 265 34

    19 12 4

    Elementary 4,462 2,940 1,880

    1st-4th Grade 1,164 553 3795th-7th Grade 3,298 2,387 1,501

    High school 10,159 10,349 5,323

    Undergraduate 3,535 2,081 1,213

    Graduate 6,624 8,268 4,110

    Post-secondary 4,247 2,845 1,459

    Undergraduate 1,440 258 372

    Graduate 2,807 2,587 1,087

    College undergraduate 6,734 4,595 2,830

    Academic degree holder 4,124 9,211 4,498

    Post-baccalaureate 183 97 -

    Not stated 738 157 66

    2004 2003 2002

    53,516 51,449 51,955

    Male 28,190 26,924 27,173

    Female 25,326 24,525 24,782

    16,473 16,341 16,420

    11,422 10,967 11,205

    Male 6,742 6,368 6,469

    Female 4,680 4,599 4,736

    2010-2015 2005-2010 2000-2005

    19.74 21.71 23.70

    5.40 5.49 5.81

    14.34 16.22 17.89

    2.35 2.53 2.71

    Male 68.22 66.72 65.22

    Female 74.76 73.56 72.06

    2000 1994 1990

    1,439 966 1,000

    96.22 97.80 98.30

    2002 1991 1980

    38,445 45,241 32,556

    62,555 85,998 85,809

    Arable lands

    Land planted to temporary crops 22,213 30,600 32,177

    494 435 1,203

    Land planted to permanent crops 36,647 53,037 47,231

    Land under permanent meadows and pasture 402 143 1,132

    Lands covered with forest growth 302 343 1,265

    2,124 1,439 2,800

    LAGUNA QUICKSTAT (As of June 2012)

    DEMOGRAPHY (Source: 2000 Census of Population and Housing)

    Overseas workers (Highest educational attainment 10 years old and over)


    VITAL STATISTICS (Source: Vital Statistics Report)

    Births (based on civil registration; not adjusted for underregistration)

    Marriages (based on civil registration; not adjusted for underregistration)

    Deaths (based on civil registration; not adjusted for underregistration)

    Crude birtha (per thousand population)

    Crude deatha(per thousand population)

    Crude rate of natural increase(per thousand population)

    Total fertility ratea (number of children per woman)

    Life expectancy at birtha (in years; medium assumption)

    EDUCATION (Source: 2000,1990 CPH/1994 FLEMMS)

    Literate (simple literacy in thousands)

    Literacy rate (simple literacy)

    CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE (Source: 2002 CA Vol.I)

    Number of farms by land use 2/

    Area of farms by land use (in hectares)

    Lands lying idle 3/

    All other lands 4/

  • 7/31/2019 Quick Stat Laguna



    2009 2008 2007

    Top five agricultural crops

    Area (hectares) 25,313 30,049 28,080

    Production (metric tons) 111,063 137,758 124,649


    Area (hectares) 1,432 1,743 1,640

    Production (metric tons) 3,654 4,685 4,209


    Area (hectares) 62,248 62,248 62,250

    Production (metric tons) 107,322 98,491 102,153


    Area (hectares) 133 137 120

    Production (metric tons) 10,241 10,814 9,432


    Area (hectares) 7,057 7,022 7,025

    Production (metric tons) 17,321 15,697 14,006

    Top five livestock 2009 2008 2007

    38,153 37,019 33,568

    Cattle 36,606 33,201 28,817

    Chicken 2,817,618 2,561,152 2,715,856

    Duck - 595,271 566,427

    Goat 18,074 17,731 12,912

    2009 2008 2007

    1,326.40 1,123.60 912.40

    Rank 6 6 10

    Percentage of IRA to total financial resources 60.80 66.10 66.80

    Rank 68 65 69

    2000 1997

    0.709 0.676

    Rank 6 62009 2008 2007

    Total number of banks 379 366 340

    Total bank deposits (millions) 89,897 90,517 74,608

    2003 2002

    Total number of pawnshops 364 343

    2009 2008 2007

    Number of registered voters 1,440,660 1,323,246 1,249,395

    Rank 7 6 6

    LAGUNA QUICKSTAT (As of June 2012)

    AGRICULTURE (Source: Bureau of Agricultural Statistics)



    INTERNAL REVENUE ALLOTMENT (Source: Department of Budget and Management)

    IRA (million pesos)

    HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (Source: National Statistical Coordination Board)

    Human development index 5/

    BANKS(Source: Central Bank of the Philippines)

    PAWNSHOP(Source: Central Bank of the Philippines)

    REGISTERED VOTERS(Source: Commission on Elections)

    r-revised p-preliminarya/ 2000 Census-Based National, Regional and Provincial Projections.1/ 5th-6th Grade Level only.2/ A farm was counted once under "ALL CLASSES" but may be counted under each of the reported land utilization.3/ Included home lot.4/ Included lands temporarily fallowed and lands under temporary meadows/pastures.5/ This attempts to measure the complete concept of human development by tracking the progress of three selected aspects of human life.

    Note:The latest provincial figures on Business and Industry, Minimum Basic Needs Indicators, and Family Income and Expenditure

    can be found in the December 2008 Provincial Quickstat.


    Tel. Nos.: 715-6430/714-1715/713-7090 Telefax: 713-7081

    E-mail: [email protected]
