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Page 1: Questions

‘a’  questions

1. What were the aims of the League of Nations?

2. Describe two successes of the League of Nations in the 1920s.

3. What were the successes of the League in the 1920s?

4. Describe the structure of the League.

5. What was the role of :    a) The Assembly     b) The Council

6. Describe the role and work of two of the League’s agencies.

7. Describe how the League of Nations tried to improve living and working conditions

around the world.

8. Describe how the League of Nations tried to prevent future wars between nations?

9. Describe the deficiencies of Britain and France as leaders of the League of Nations.

10. What were the main weaknesses in the structure and organisation of the League of


11. What was the Covenant?

12. What was ‘collective security’?

13. What was the Conference of Ambassadors?

14. Describe the Vilna crisis.

15. Describe the Corfu incident (1923).

16. What was the Geneva Protocol?

17. What were the Locarno Treaties(1925)? What was the Locarno Pact(1925)?

18. What was the Mukden incident?

19. Describe the Manchurian Crisis.

20. What was the Lytton Report?

21. Describe the Disarmament Conference(1932-1933).

22. What was the Hoare-Laval Pact?

‘b’ questions

1. Why did Woodrow Wilson want a ‘league of nations’?

2. Why did its structure and membership weaken the League?

3. Why was the League dominated by Britain and France?

4. Why did some countries regard the League with suspicion?/ Why did some countries

view the setting up the League of Nations with suspicion?

5. Why did the USA decide not to become a member of the League?

6. Why did the USA’s failure to become a member create problems for the League?

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7. Why was the League able to achieve some successes in dealing with international

disputes in the 1920s?

8. Why was the League unable to achieve its main aims?

9. Why did the Depression make the work of the League more difficult?

10. Why did Japan invade Manchuria in 1931?

11. Why did the League fail to deal with Japanese aggression against Manchuria?

12. Why did the League fail to solve the Manchurian crisis?

13. Why did the Disarmament Conference(1932-1933) fail?

14. Why did Italy/Mussolini  invade Abyssinia?

15. Why was the Hoare-Laval Pact important?

16. Why did the League fail to solve the Abyssinian crisis?

17. Why was the conquest of Abyssinia not prevented by the League of Nations?

‘c’ questions

1. How successful was the League of Nations in dealing with disputes during the 1920s?

Explain your answer.

2. How successful was the League of Nations in the 1920s?

3. How far was the League of Nations a failure? Explain your answer.

4. How far was the League of Nations a success? Explain your answer.

5. ‘It was the Abyssinian crisis that destroyed the League of Nations as an effective

peacekeeping body’. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

6.Which was the most important cause of the failure of the League of Nations – the World

Depression of the 1930s or the invasion of Abyssinia? Explain your answer.

7. ‘It was the Hoare-Laval Plan rather than the World Depression that destroyed the

League. How far do you agree?

8. How far was the Disarmament Conference (1932-1933) responsible for the collapse of

the League?

9. How far were the League’s structural weaknesses responsible for its failure?

10. How far was the absence of the USA responsible for the failure of the League?


The League of Nations was doomed from the start.

The USA was responsible for the collapse of the League.

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The Depression destroyed the League of Nations.

• Why was the League of Nations set up in 1919?• Because Wilson wanted it more than anything else.

•  What Treaty set up the League of Nations• Treaty of Versailles

•  What were the four aims of the League of Nations?• Stop Wars

• Improve people's lives and jobs

• Disarmament

• Enforce the Treaty of Versailles

•  What happened when Wilson went back home to America?• The Senate refused to join the League or ratify the Treaty of Versailles

•  Why did the Americans not want to join the League of Nations?• Many Americans were German immigrants and hated the Treaty of Versailles

• Americans did not want to get involved in European affairs because it might involve Americans dying in a war.

• Americans did not want to get involved in European affairs because it might cost money

• Many Americans were anti-British and hated the British Empire (the American revolution had been to get out of the British Empire)

•  How many countries joined the League of Nations in 1919?• 42

•  How many members did the League have in the 1930s?• 60

•  Name three powerful countries which were not members of the League.• USA


• Germany

•  Why was Russia not a member of the League?• A Communist country, hated Britain and France

•  Why was Germany not a member of the League?• Not allowed to join by the Treaty of Versailles

•  Who were the four main members of the League?• Britain,

• France,

• Italy,

• Japan

•  What four powers did the League have to enforce its decisions? Explain them.

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• Covenant

• Condemnation

• Arbitration

• Sanctions

•  What did the League NOT have which made it hard for it to enforce its decisions?• An army

•  What were the eight main parts of the League’s organisation?• Secretariat

• Council

• Assembly

• Court of International Justice

• Health Committee

• International Labour Organisation

• Refugees Commission

• Mandates Commission

• Slavery Commission

•  How many times a year did the League’s ‘Assembly’ meet?• once a year

•  How many times a year did the ‘Council’ meet?• 4-5 times a year, and when necessary

•  What did the ‘Court of International Justice’ do?• settled small disputes

•  What did the ‘Health Committee’ of the League do?• tried to improve the health of the people of the world

•  What did the ‘Slavery Committee’ of the League do?• Tried to free all slaves

•  What did the ‘Refugee Committee’ of the League do?• tried to get refugees home, or into camps

•  What was the job of the Secretariat’?• To organise the work of the committees, and liaise between them

•  Which two countries were involved in the Corfu dispute of 1923?• Italy and Greece

•  Who was the leader of Italy?• Mussolini

•  Which two countries were involved in the Bulgaria incident of 1925?• Bulgaria and Greece

•  How many prisoners of war did the League get home?• Half a million

•  In which country did the League set up a refugee camp?• Turkey

•  Which two diseases did the League try to destroy?

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• leprosy and malaria

•  How did the League try to say no to drugs?• Closed down 4 Swiss drugs companies

•  How many slaves did the League set free?• 200,000

•  Which two countries did the League send economics experts to?• Austria and Hungary

•  What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact promise in 1928?• To abolish war

•  How did Britain and France make Germany pay reparations in 1921?• Invaded the Ruhr

•  What did the League try to arrange at its disarmament conference?• All nations to reduce their weapons

•  Why did the Disarmament Conference of 1931 fail?• Hitler demanded equality with the other countries

•  Which country broke the Treaty of Versailles by attacking Russia in 1920?• Poland

•  What did the League’s ‘International Labour Organisation’ try to do?• 48-hour week

•  Which country invaded Manchuria in 1931?• Japan

•  What was the ‘economic depression’ of the 1930s?• Wall Street (the US Stock Market) crashed

• USA called in loans

• Factories closed down

• People out of work/ starved

•  Why didn’t France and Britain try to force Japan to leave Manchuria?• Did not want to go to war

•  Which country did Italy invade in 1935?• Abyssinia

•  What did Britain and France secretly agree with Italy?• to let Italy have Abyssinia

•  What effect did the League’s failures in Manchuria and Abyssinia have?• Destroyed confidence in it

• Many countries left

•  List seven reasons the League failed.
