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Questionnaire Results

My questionnaire that I made to gain more knowledge of who my target audience is, and what their interests and hobbies may include, was mainly answered my females aged between 14 and 19.

The genre of music that was the most popular was Pop and Indie.

The interests that seemed to be most common in the answers were listening to music, socialising and reading. However a small number said they enjoyed sports like football. This shows that whatever genre someone likes, it can reflect on the interests they have.

Page 2: Questionnaire results

When I asked how often they watched music videos, there were 3 top answers. They were ‘never’, ‘once a week’ and ‘every day’. This showed that it varies a lot, however this could also be to do with the range in ages, because although there were more people aged between 14 and 19, there were people that answered this questionnaire that were older than 26, so that could be a contributing factor.

I also found with this questionnaire that almost everyone said that what attracts them to a music video is the song in general. This helps me a lot when thinking of ideas on what to do for my music video because it shows that as long as it’s a song that the demographic enjoy, what is included in the video isn’t as important as I thought. However, other the second most popular answer was the storyline that comes with it; this I think is going to be an important factor in deciding what to do for my video because I think most people do like to be able to relate to the video because of the story it tells. Other specified answers did state that they would like to see different types of women, this would stereotypically be an answer given by a male because that is typically what they like to see, especially within the specific age range.

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In my questionnaire I asked what would be expected in an indie music video. One of the answers said that they would expect to see a good structured storyline, instruments being played. A couple of people said that they would expect the music video outside, which is something to keep in mind when coming up with ideas for the video. My similar product research did show that music videos in this genre are usually set outside or in a natural setting; I should consider that when choosing where to shoot my video.

Most of the people stated that they would like a music video to reflect the lyrics that are being sung. On the question I asked about whether they would rather just listen to the song, or watch the storyline. All of them apart from one said they would rather just listen to the song and they weren’t really that bothered about the storyline.